So, how autistic do you think this will get? I expect a ton of gag characters made.
Sonic Forces Custom Character
Other urls found in this thread:
A shit ton of Coldsteeles and Sonichu's.
i don't because no one who laughs about sonic OCs still buys sonic games
Type your "(your name) the hedgehog" into google and answer your own question.
At least Super Bandicoot 2. Possibly Super Bandicoot 3, depending on how much customization is available (asymmetric design, etc).
Sonic Man please.
Soon we will make-
And, much, much more.
We're on the verge of a new age Holla Forums.
I expect the character creator to be the most bare bones character creator imaginable on release.
You will have to make two characters one will be a boy and the other will be a gril
The two will have different play styles a la Unleashed.
Height will be locked to species.
MC will be fully voiced and it will be more cringe inducing then SA2 but less then 06
Forced romance between the two created MCs
Bitching and moaning about why you can't be a faggot or a dyke from the SJW media will be drowned out by the psychotic temper tantrums of actual gay autistic sonic fans.
I expect there to be on disc DLC for the
Additional colors are DLC
my name gets nazi sonic fucking tales in the ass on page 1
i think SJW media avoids sonic because its too autistic for them
I can't wait for the lolcows to sperg and explode on twatter
all I want
will the autism generated by that dwarf even CWC?
The real question is who gets the dibs on Sonichu?
Can you imagine if someone else but chris chan gets their hands on that first?
>that rouge mom OC i think her name is Noir
yes. my dick approves.
i bet CWC will first start a gofund me to acquire the game, then make blogposts about how he can't accurately create sonichu in it
So we are playing this game now? Fun
You are gaunreteed to get at least one odd pornographic image.
Here is mine…
Any avenue that can be attempted will be attempted.
Remeber these are the people who attempted to convince the world that Samus was transgendered and manged to convince some people until they forgot because its not relevant to them
maybe penders will file a lawsuit when someone makes his knuckles OCs
Can't The Flash run literally at the speed of light and beyond?
Yeah but he also has a moral code, something than an ubermensch like Sonic lacks.
Cant blame Sega. They re just apealing to their audience
its alot faster than the blue guy running halfway around mobius in 5 seconds
Shameless fanserivce is still shameless.
Nice dub btw
This is it, this will be the fucking Fukishima plant of Autismal meldowns whilst generating a plague that will effect generations to come as it flood the globe.
meant to quote
im going to pirate the game just to use this name, thanks user.
I need to grab that username fast
There'd better be an option for Rouge's body type.
Obese Rouge
i dont think you necessarily have to grab the name, isn't it a single player game?
we can all be CunnyBunnies
Despite it being an unfinished mess, AvalonX's content is still so intriguing because it actually feels like he's making legitimate Paedophillia scenarios you'd come across if you just popped in on the Onion.
I mean, he REAAALLLLY seems to get his terminology down, it's almost Unteralterbach level if he wasn't so lazy.
Also, there is NO actual tag for "Original Character offspring" on any site that I know of, nor one for younger versions of existing characters when this gets mixed up with it being OSCI "Original Scenario Character Incest". A theme I've yet noted in his work.
can Holla Forums somehow stop this from being a thing?
SHOULD Holla Forums try to stop this from being a thing?
It's the autism singularity.
No and no. This is a breed of autism that must be unleashed upon the world.
No, Pandora's box has been opened, and nothing short of a universal backlash, a hasty, last minute change and maximum damage control will stop this from being a thing.
>implying Holla Forums is one persom
No. I say let it happen. This might be the amount of autism this world needs.
Yes good
Probably not, ancient Holla Forums history is rooted in sheer degneracy, faggotry, autism, fun, and sophisticated Gentlemen's club activities, we shall thrive under the new generation and smoke cigars as we reap the rewards of the Autism Harvest.
That, and a whole lot of porn, seeing as like- a lot of us in our youth may have come across those fucking ancient Amy Rose Nudes on image results on Google or whatever was it's predeccesor once upon a time, or playing newgrounds games or visiting aerisdies, before that change, or hentai Paysites for our young boobage and descent into pure unadulterated filth.
Sonic the Pervert, and that weird Epoch series. Good times.
We've come a long way.
What has time done to us?
nah. we just want to see the world burn.
what if theres multiplayer?
i remember that place, it was the only place i knew to find Polly Esther and amy rose porn.
Why contain it? Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up on the streets
yeah his art might be not very good but those situations he puts up are great
Anybody got the flashes?
It's still running.
Local multiplayer, maybe. 3D Sonic games nowadays don't have online multiplayer, so unless SEGA is willing to go beyond opening Pandora's box and just smash the damn thing I don't think it'll happen.
i figured, but who would even bother uploading shit there at this point when e621, paheal, and sadpanda exist?
well its already pretty much guaranteed to get every single hardcore deviant-art-tier sonic fan out there to buy a copy of sonic forces
maybe they can save multiplayer for the next game with a custom character creator
Those things are called "women"
It is but a husk of what it once was.
and don't forget gelbooru…
Why does the rabbit have glue spilled on her face?
i dont use it but yeah, it counts too.
I'm actually really looking forward to this game now, I can already see the threads of all us anons showing each other our shitty OC's.
Custom character always make games better. It's not like this could make Sonic autists worse since they've already been making OC's for years.
We're old now, or at least, past the generational mark. New players to the scene are being introduced to total shit and are being brought up on awful standards in an age of stagnation and excess, left with a bad impression or already lowered standards due to other factors influencing their tastes, beliefs and way of thinking. The Technology has grinded to a halt, furthered innovation, learning and benefit of enjoyment of Information Technologies have slowed down if not stopped due to favour of profit, game design standards, optimization, compression, Sound direction, use of progressive standards of technology have been altogether ruined by the AAA industry, it's not longer rag-tag groups getting together to make things fun and accessibility of Development kits for platforms large and wide, things are privatized and left to limit, and then there's any kind of MMO and the entire platform that entire form of entertainment itself runs on.
I've even noticed some of our core memes/culture are being forgotten, and with the admixture of newfags, board wars, happenings, and involvement in the wider world through everything Holla Forums gets mixed up with nowadays, we too, stray from our more innocent, roots. With the advent of more malevolent board wars, botting, and the all present threat of shilling, topics, entire mode of discussion, things get bad enough to rail road good periodic threads to death over new things, when by now, most of what goes on isn't worth the time of day or effort because of lackluster quality in general, and it becomes another tick on a backlog.
Generals are also a problem, I feel the Reddit On topic behavior has often caused too many a passive relief/distraction to die that may have kept cohesive community structure happier is long since gone, and /vg/, for whatever reason, whilst it has traction in it's early days, died down because it never fucking showed up on the board suggestions bare here. I've noticed an unwillingness to populate other boards frequently not because of the site's slowness in general, but because some things aren't accessible, as if casulization were to blame for such low attention span or something.
God, I would love to see more homage to the older days of youth and culture. Sex-kitten Sim date for example, a highly sampled flash game hyperactive autism fest of anime/eroge .gifs strung togther in an episodic narrative actually has reason to revist. A girl like SluttyMCFuckslut is now someone whom I would love to play a cocaine fueled venture alongside in some kind of Sandbox GTA/SR2 clone.
Jake from Booty call, Pico, Our old DBZ inspired flash games and series, the game's we'd play on school computers with others, through sites like FunnyJunk or Gamesgarage or the like, Adventure Quest, Dragonfable, and so on.
but it could
it could get more children into it and keep the cancer alive
because she's a silly cunnybunny.
Any new Sonic game will get more children into Sonic.
Cancer will spread no matter what, we might as well have our fun too.
Actually now that I think about it, the new generation of Donut Steels are most likely gonna be based on Forces CACs, Sega-sanctioned presets and all. This might actually lead to the majority of OCs becoming less autistic.
that ganguro girl one must be the most infuriating fap of my entire life, get all the way to the sex scene and it was over in seconds
at least it's realistic.
Gelbooru these days is little better than Danbooru. Worryingly.
Superior taste, does he still post here?
J.C. the Denthog when?
Hoshime was better when he stuck to milf/curvy girls.
There is no "think" here. This will be the single biggest autismstorm any of us will see in our lives. Deviantart, reddit and tumblr will be forever changed.
i wanna see that character creation system…
f…for critique purposes of course
no idea, but he keeps a sadpanda gallery to bypass pixiv censorship
nah. dude. just nah. hoshimes cunnies are the best.
If it has a cunt, it's a girl. Simple as that
when the characters are that flat with the planky body, it just doesn't do anything for me.
Is that the furry Inn one?
Does anyone have the swf?
Thanks for the late night depression
Homosexuals please go, next you'll say Shadman is good
Forgot pic
We really really really need a massive long post on this sort of thing so that people can follow in our footsteps.
i can't look at these pics. i can literally feel the autism.
So dickgirls are male?
Quit 'rilin up trouble lad, were not here for that brand of shit today, go to Holla Forums if you want to b8 gays like the bugcather you are.
they still have a cunt under there
No, that's futa/herm. A dickgirl replaces the vagoo with a cock
Hems are still gay
Who told you this?
Yes. Of course.
I feel you. I know much of what you've said, and I feel the same. I think we all have similar experiences, it's what's lead us hear. We aren't people of the physical body anymore. We're people of memes. We're grafitti on the wall, and when it all goes nuclear, we're going to be all that's left. That and the petrified bread with DRM.
Can't wait.
shadman isn't that bad.
Hey man, he does have shit taste, but we all do when we're underage. Like you did with TramPararam.
He is by no means good but he certainly isn't the worst either.
I use to like Palcomix
thread theme
'Dickgirl' is a co-opted term spread by 4/d/ and e621 as a needless of pc friendly term for any chick with a dick. It might have meant rule34 of females as shemale/ newhalf at one point, but all that it achieved was fuck up and kill off countless correctly tagged images futa images a in general.
Case in my point, you can no longer find shemales that are actually shemales as characters, dickgirl is under the fuckin female: section on ex which actually fucking stopped you finding trap to shemale Euro manga entirely next to the 'pc' approved term tomgirl for traps.
basically any thoughts Herm, drugged up degenerate or canonical calmly mentally ill is now just dickgirl as to not offend, they actually killed an entire pornographic subtext for this, and it worked because everyone used the term number more net wide since the change.
4/d/ itself actually managed to fucking kill futa by literally casualizing it as the basic bitch fetish in the last few years.
But I knew it was bad you faggot
I was using Luscious and fapping to Zone, Jyubey and Kasumis Rebirth aka Rebirth nowadays, at the time as well.
True enough
I used to jack off to it as well knowing full well how bad the art was.
They're one small step away from "Bart get out I'm piss"
futa was always shit though
Nigga, I heard feet belong on /d/ now
Good 4/d/ is shit and footfaggotry is shit
I have fond memories of Luscious. The commenters on that site were way more active than on any other site, it really added to the experience. My favorite was a pic of Rouge getting gangbanged and some kid in the comments said "are those weewees??". I had to my dsi web browser back then.
What about "i'm going to cccccuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm!" and "yes, I can feel your cum inside me" and the ludicrous amount of dialogue during sex scenes?
But can you make this?
Holy shit, I think I remember that
Wasn't that shit on one of the Furry Bomb doujins?
I remember one faggot saying something along the lines of "fucking Japanese ruining my American videogames" and all the salt below it thinking he was serious he probably was though
Can you make this?
remember when bedfellows was fun?
don't you mean fatigue?
Everyone's first time with bible black wants a world with you. That and post exodus saw futa as a staple of what went wrong when /soc/ and /LGBT/ posters were to blame because they turn everything into social ERP emotion forum speak cancer. Anyone could tel you when things got degenerate in the older days things go like a gentlemens club because there was neutral ground and no one posted in the manner of conversion posting.
There was a prominent irc group who was directly responsible for the degradation of any /a/ trap thread when they picked up traction after that ONE greentext thread with avatar posting went down occurred that was capped.
There's no difference between a faggot and a gay but I know dank well that there's one between a gar bar and a gentlemens club of questioner fapability. Because neutral ground was held.
I'm glad someone else remembered that, it was fucking hilarious. Yes, it was on a fury bomb comic. I never saw the original comment, it was probably deleted. People were also having a massive argument over whether Sonic or Shadow would win a race, people were autistically analyzing Shadow's rocket shoes like it was Game Theory.
Yeah whatever
It went to shit years ago, I ain't gonna pay attention to it
Oh fuck Dougin comments were a fucking blast back in the day.
Does anyone remember the Sonic parody where he pisses into a princess's mouth while her father cheers him on?
Well I mean you can make dogs.
I can't believe someone somewhere actually reminded me of this even if vaguely.
Goddamn user , thanks for the memory trip.
Say what you want but Sonic's twitter is fucking gold.
holy shit take about blast from the past.
Chaotic Evil would obviously be Chaos. It's his frickin' name.
But Void is perhaps a more autistic and accurate answer.
Take your faggot normalfag speech back to
kill it, kill it now!!! delete this!!!
If there is no boob-slider for the bat characters then this game is going to be fucking worthless.
Fuck you idiots who still spout the "Sonic is bad" meme. Go back to posting on Game Grumps comment sections instead of here you retarded kids.
Game will be great, I can't wait to make my first Sonic OC. A new age of tism draws near and I'm so excited. I'm gonna make a cat or a bear.
In all honesty, Modern Sonic is still meh, and this is just more of that. I was still holding out hope that the third character was at least going to play similar to Adventure Sonic. Even if it was a Custom Character, I'd just make him look like that. Now my hopes are dashed.
Nobody is saying it's going to be shit you fag, stop hallucinating
also I'm gonna make a 'coon if I ever decide to get it
Also the better not pull that "gender slider" bullshit that's been cropping up in games lately.
Biology does not work that way you dipshits.
Didn't someone create some OC for that guy back in the day?
>tfw this gives Chris-Chan the opportunity to create Sonichu
The flash outran death by running so fast he went forward in time until he reached a point at which death could no longer exist as a concept.
That rabbit is Antifa scum.
Also just wait until someone at Kotaku attempts to turn the story about Eggman conquering the world into a metaphor for the Trump administration
Is that thing still around?
Sonic only has maybe five legitimately bad games out of like a hundred. Out of the main series games, the ones actually made by Sonic Team, only one is actually bad. A bunch are mediocre (still fun if you're a fan of the series or genre), but some are really good. You're just being a fag who either hasn't played them or doesn't like platformers.
GUN is a militaristic world government that has been known to kill heroic scientists and their families (explicitly including children) due to anti-intellectual witchhunts. Eggman is a hero, and Sonic is an explicitly self-described amoral reactionary ("It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right") defending an evil status quo.
Flash is the single shittiest mary sue character. Even fucking superman has weaknesses, but not flash, no. Outrun death my ass.
I for see a lot of Princess Sallys being made.
It would be legitimately awesome if you got to make your own Robot character but I doubt it. Sonic's Robots are too rad.
It's all gay shit anyways. into the oven with it
Flash was pretty much the first major superhero to die when, in order to destroy one of the Anti-Monitor's machines, he ran so fast he turned into a skeleton. I mean he did come back eventually, but it was 25 years later. He stayed dead longer than any other superhero. Robin II is probably second place and he was only dead for like 15 years.
The fourth Flash also got killed after only a year on the job. He got better eventually, but still.
You can create as many E-100s as you want, but Gamma will never come back. Why is it that robot deaths are the most impactful deaths?
Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic Lost World were all made by Sonic Team, right? I've played played nearly every 3D Sonic game and they're nearly all fucking bottom tier garbage. Not even Generations was that great.
I say this as someone who absolutely loves Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.
It's interesting. Sonic is Eggman's rival even before the first Genesis game, according to the Japanese manual. Enough so that Eggman decided "What's a good plan to fuck over Sonic? I know, turn all his friends into robots!" It also sounds surprisingly a lot like some modern Sonic writing, with things like Sonic saying "Eggman, you still haven't had enough?" and Eggman breaking into a coughing fit during his evil laughter.
You should probably kill yourself. SA1 and 2 are decent but Generations and day-time Unleashed rape them.
I thought it was just an appearance thing. No need to get so worked up. Unless there's no male/female option then it's pure faggotry
Also back off you fucking niggers, he's mine.
Generations takes no skill to S rank and they ruin the homing attack so something like this from adventure 2 is impossible
Besides we all know heroes was the best 3D Sonic Game.
No. Daytime Unleashed was alright and the only thing that kept me playing. You can't possibly defend a game that has the most utter shit beat em up stages that devolve to pressing like 2 buttons to kill everything, can you? And again, 3D Generations stages were alright but the 2D stages were miles better.
No, actually. Secret Rings and Black Knight were not.
I wouldn't call Lost World bad at all. Pretty mediocre but it's all serviceable. Shadow is a fun game with its share of problems, but still fun overall, if you're into the Adventure style gameplay. Not close to as good as the ones before it but still playable. Unleashed is awesome and the best "Modern Sonic" game. There I said it. It beats Generations by virtue of having tons of content instead of being short as fuck. The werehog isn't that bad. I'd even say it's pretty fun.
But I do agree that Adventure 1 and 2 are leagues beyond any of the other 3D games.
It sounds a lot like Dreamcast Sonic writing, because it was written by the same people. Adventure is the culmination of a plot that had existed in all the main games up to that point. Sonic 1 is not the first time Sonic and Robotnik fought, but it is the first time the Chaos Emeralds were involved. Sonic 2 mentions the Echidnas and Chaos destroying them for misusing the emeralds, and Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles expand upon this.
When the Adventure-06 games were current, fucking SatAM and Archiefags complained that it wasn't like the old games, but it was, it just wasn't like the shitty "localized" adaptations that had nothing to do with the games, so we got Modern Sonic, written by people who openly never played the games and certainly didn't know the stories.
I think it was a mistake to put Sonic in the same world as humans. The way I would've done the story is that Sonic lives in a world of fruity colored animals, and then here comes this evil human invader to enslave them all for an undisclosed purpose.
Instead we're stuck with this story of McCarthyite human government as the canon now, and I'm not entirely sure if it's good or bad. I don't like that Sonic lives in a world of humans. It's never explained in the games how he and his friends live in the same world as regular people, or why no one reacts with alarm to seeing these giant fruity colored hedgehogs running around.
The guy doing the demonstration is a friggen pleb.
How would you write the plot of a Sonic game, anyway?
This. I can appreciate some of the loli stuff, but I miss his OG GOAT THICC stuff.
Plot / story in platformers are a mistake
Who gives a shit, you run from left to right and jump on assholes, that shit doesn't need a story. The more story they add the worse the game becomes, until you end up with some pretentious 3deep5u hipster indie garbage
Because it's a fucking cartoon. Do you think Elmer Fudd is out to kill Bugs Bunny because he's some sort of freak of nature? No, it's because he's a rabbit. He's anthropomorphic and can also be an award winning actor and stuff because it's a cartoon.
Sonic always lived in the same world as humans, that's the story that the devs were working with since day one, and it was only retarded "localizers" that changed it.
Well look at what came before, for one.
There were essentially two major arcs up to Sonic '06. There was the Chaos arc, which lasted from Sonic 1 all the way to Sonic Adventure, and there was the Shadow arc, which lasted from Sonic Adventure 2 until Sonic 2006. (ironically, Adventure and Adventure 2 are the most unrelated consecutive games, story-wise.) You've got a good amount of material to work with there. A rich world with tons of characters, a complex mythology and cosmology, and even political elements to work with. You don't need to use all of this, but there's certainly stuff to work with there. The writers since Colors deliberately ignore all of this.
Unleashed hit a decent middle ground, I thought. A little lighter on plot but tried to make up for it with some deeper characterization. Still at least tried to work with the lore, too. Gaia fits well enough with characters like Chaos and Void. But no, we couldn't even have that. Had to have nothing but shitty jokes and excuse plots. Even Generations couldn't be bothered.
There are lots of ideas that could be done, the comic, especially in its last couple of years, did some good ones, and there are obviously more ideas than that that could be viable, but I don't think this is the type of thread for that kind of autism. That can be saved for another day.
Yeah, Sonic Lost World was probably the least shit Sonic game of those I mentioned but still not a good game by any margins.
But I don't understand how you can defend the Sonic Unleashed werehog shit. It's the most mind numbing 3D beat em up game I've ever played. It's so fucking boring and bad it gets me pissed just thinking about it. Not to mention it slows the game to a crawl and gets to below 15 fps frequently.
What fucking planet are you niggers from? Sonic controlled like he was wading through sludge in that shit game. It was fucking unplayable.
Oh wow what an original observation there.
Never noticed this when I played the PS3 version. Granted I hear the PS2 and Wii version is a completely different game, and I never played it.
Frankly, I think both Modern Sonic and the Werehog are both relatively mindless, and wouldn't say I love either of them, but they provide a decent amount of mindless fun. The werehog stages at least have pretty neon graphics, and while it's shallow, it's at least functional. I've certainly played worse beat em ups. It's not as good as the Hedgehog stages but it doesn't kill the game for me.
To this day I'm convinced that Sonic Unleashed, or at least the Werehog portions of it, started as a 3D Ristar game. Not only would the stretchy arms mechanic, and how it's heavily used for climbing, be an obvious gameplay holdover, but Chip's story is extremely similar to Ristar's, only he's the god of a planet instead of a star. It's like they merged it with the new Sonic game early in development after seeing they had workable concepts, but no confidence in the Ristar brand. I'm also convinced that this backfired immensely, and people would have liked the game a whole lot more if it was a revival of a cult classic even if mixed with Sonic, instead of Sonic turning into a fucking werewolf.
Use the run button, dummy. Now of course I don't like that there is a run button at all, but your complaint is just wrong.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
The difference between Sonic and Bugs Bunny is that Sonic at least tries to be serious and self-aware some of the time, which makes his appearance in a human-infested world more of an oversight than anything else. Bugs Bunny lives in a world of humans because he is supposed to be an ordinary garden variety rabbit that happens to walk and talk like people, and the only reason this happens is to set up jokes. Sonic is different in that it has a more serious storyline that takes all manner of things into consideration and builds lore for itself.
He's still ultimately a cartoon, even if it gets semi-serious sometimes. It's not a big fucking deal. This is advanced fucking autism, even by Sonic autist standards, to not be able to understand that anthropomorphic animals can exist in cartoon worlds. It's a world where other species evolved into humanoid forms as well. Deal with it. Humans being one of the animals featured is no more weird than a fox and a hedgehog both existing in humanoid forms and getting along anyway.
If you really want, Ken Penders wrote a whole lot of bullshit justifying this for Archie Comics. It's among the worst comic writing ever produced, but go have fun if you want.
Having two people post and a dead forum doesn't really feel like "still running" to me
It still controls like fucking shit, and if the default walking speed is that uncontrollable then it's a blantant design flaw. If Sonic is going to walk that shitty then make him run constantly. Lost World sucks ass like your mom, admit it. You're just a contrarian faggot.
It's not nearly as bad as you're implying. Lost World's biggest flaw is merely that it's bland and boring, but it controls fine.
Motha Fucka, I'm not going to just let some user question my skill over a damn demonstration.
Get a load of THIS
How bout THIS
How is this?
That reminds me of this criminal who is still at large near my city who sneaks into people's houses and take's pictures of women's feet while they are asleep.
Footfaggotry at it's finest.
Cut the bounce bracelet play and just jump onto the platform at the start and light dash, the enemy there is completely pointless unless you want that Chao garden key.
You're bothering too much with the chaos shards, just ignore them and jump dash through 'cus you can do better farming for them on Mission Street.
The Jumpdash chain I am talking about is when you jump dash directly towards the ring line from the final enemy in the string will net you a perfect rather than the extreme.
When you land, spindash cancel to get some much better speed, you're going pretty slow
I don't know why you jump over the dash pad at 1:26 when you can easily take the speed boost then jump at the edge of the ramp and make that rail grind.
Wait, you keep skipping the dash pads, why? You can cut off a second.
You did the rocket segment BEAUTIFULLY, good job, don't know why it didn't give you Perfect on that.
It's good but you've got a lot of room to improve!
hey shadow remember me? remember when i made you get stuck in my dimension with no possible way of going back to yours?
I remember you got replaced by a badger
I just like chaining those enemies at the start cus I can, and I skipped some of the dash pads so I have a little more control.
I mean I got the fucking A rank that's good enough for me.
Remorted for avatarfagging
thats not avatarfagging retard.
Good thing I didn't actually report him
you remorted him
I'm honestly not surprised
Fucking slav
So pretty much unironically (pic related)
has anyone tried googling Hedgehog the hedgehog? lets get recursive up in this shit also please use Startpage because google are jews
Footfaggotry is also one of the few "solved" fetishes from a scientific point of view. The genitals and the feet are next to each other on the sensory motor strip, and thus can become easily associated.
Try it user, and bring back results
Blaze it niggers
Hawaiian shirt Shadow is an actual thing?
Don't you gain some extra speed while bouncing? In fact isn't this tactic used in TAS to the extremes?
The madman.
Reminder that Sonic Forces is not the first game with "create a character" mechanic.
yeah, that's Dark Souls II's character creator. I haven't played many games often, but I don't think there's anything aside from that Skyrim meme with an actual sex slider
I'm going to be honest, having a custom Sonic character was my dream when I was a kid, but I never did it because I've always been shit at drawing
If it's not total shit, I might buy the game and hide it from everyone I know though
Good taste
The slider just changes the features from, guess what, masculine to feminine. That's it. It will go from soft jaw and pronounced cheek bones to the opposite, on a sliding scale. The middle-ware used in the character creation from DaS2 is actually the same as the one from Oblivion.
Embed related is how I found out this game is getting donut steels, and it summed it up pretty well. The sheer level of insanity this game will produce, the motherfucking volume of new furfags that will be born out of this satanic shitpile, has me dreading the future.
So confirmed:
I think it'll be something like "Eggman does a science meme and breaks reality, then all these mash-ups and alternate universe characters come to save the day with Sonic."
Sounds neat. I'll wait for more gameplay before I make a decision though.
Oh, and:
Wait, wait, wait. He said 12 attoseconds is the smallest measurable length of time, which means a single Planck Time, which is the time it takes light to travel a single Planck Length. However, then he says 1 attosecond is the time it takes for light to traverse one molecule. A Planck Length is an absurd number of levels of magnitude smaller than a molecule, or even a quark. This doesn't add up.
Also, if he's moving faster than light, he can't "see" anything…
Is that from Demon's Souls? Because it's relatively old now and I can't think of any other games that use a gender slider off the top of my head, let alone recently.
It can, but it's just really really disgusting.
He gets powered up and down constantly depending on the writer.
In that specific panel, he was just bragging and making shit up. Also, the writer just googled the word "shortest period of time", then added it in.
He can, however, think and move at the speed of light and beyond. The magic explaination for not turning into pure energy, depending on the author, is either:
He rarely ever goes more than double the speed of sound, though. It's a strain on him and due to the way the speed force works, it actually damages other speedsters and causes them pain if he goes too fast.
Sage for Holla Forums.
Just because you give it a name doesn't mean it's not bullshit handwaving.
red and black, red and black everywhere
also, ambiguous genders.
None of them have genitals because they're cartoon characters. Does it even fucking matter what gender they are?
it absolutely doesn't matter.
but people will treat it as if it is the most important thing in the universe.
It does. I want cute girls with dicks.
It's a comic book, user. If that's the biggest problem you have, then you're not thinking about it very hard.
Wait, is this shit online?
It's kinda obvious those are edits, user
All so Archie can make more Riverdale, goys.
That's a cute girl
Where is the bulge in Vivans pants?
Oh man, I used to jerk off to some weird shit on there.
I just realized that this is the first time we'll ever see a dog character in Sonic games, and the second time we'll see a wolf and bear.
As a kid I was always disappointed that the OC creators don't have robot options. They have one of the best robot designs in vidya.
It used to be that I got nothing. Now I get this one thing.
I always read those as 'How masculine/feminine the character looks'.
If I ever make a game I'd put it in and have it flip straight from male to female.
>all those comic waifus now forever lost due to copyright horseshit
Why hasn't there been a game for the E-100 series. Those niggas are the only cool things in the sonic franchise.
And this is why i stick to manga and doujin
all the fun, none of the bullshit
American comic book industry was a mistake.
Half the sliders in that game felt like joke options, though.
your parents are big fan of legend of zelda I see.
It's an inversion of assumptions. You naturally assume a robot is something that can be mass-produced and has no individuality, but you come to accept that it is one of a kind, and then you lose it with the knowledge that it can never be fully replaced.
I just want OC summoning and sharing like Dragon's Dogma pawns.
If they were, they would have spelled it right.
They just wanted to make sure he was a Ganon represebtation of the character
This name is hell.
all these waifus will be lost in time
I'm going to make Sonichu with blue arms.
Not terrible I guess
Ganon was originally spelt with two Ns.
You know the rules.
Post tits
Did you just assume my gender? :^)
what in the fug
I heard the news some days ago and all I can think of is the slutty Mary Sues from Deviantart trying to make it into an official game. (shudders)
Benjamin you're a real slut you know that, clean up your act.
(teleports behind you and puts my dick in your bum)
now it's your turn, post them
*it was a hologram*
I can't tell whether I win or lose.
You kidding me right?
Do weebs really read the same repetitive plot and think "Oh man so fresh and original"
Manga and Anime are degrading at such a rate its phenomenal.
I wish that some of us were. I was on Twitter some days ago when they announced the character creation thingy.
Well you certainly aren't number one
Thank fuck for this meme
Post tits.
Too bad he went insane after the election.
Man, the Phoenix has been revived how many times now? And how long has Joker been pulling the same edgy crap on Batman over and over? And for some reason, why does the Marvel universe always have a super civil war every five years, you'd think that at some point that would affect how their alliances and organizations would interact with each oth-oh wait never mind status quo until next civil war. And it's weird how 99% of these parallel Earths have the same superheroes with the same attitudes that at best have one minor change in their life. Well, I'm sure the plots must have more variety than those evil oriental comics, like maybe there'll be one where a group of heroes have to learn how to live off the supplies and monsters they find in a villain's dungeon they're raiding to save the leader's sister, or maybe there's one where the heroes aren't crimefighters, but athletes who use their superhuman abilities in sports-related contexts oh, nevermind it's just dudes and girls in spandex punching another dude or girl in spandex while spouting a snarky one liner and nobody ever develops any new techniques because that would interrupt the author's political message.
Let's rock dudes!
I guess he had the cancer for a reason.
Am I doing this right?
I like to tell myself he's partially doing it as an experiment to see how people react. The timing of it seems right.
You're talking about cape shit.
I didn't bring up Shonen did I? That's the same exact shit as Superhero comics.
The problem you weebs refuse to acknowledge is that all manga is becoming like Shonen.
Repeated plots, useless filler, retarded justification.
Every weeb when has his weeb taste criticized runs to attack western anything while hailing something eastern as the holy grail.
Western comics have nothing to do with what is being discussed.
Dungeon Meshi is good, but its so good because its one the few manga's of any quality in a sea of shit.
If I was to guess your age I would place it around 16-20, your just getting into anime and manga so you have no idea what the quality of the past was like and you haven't read enough to get tired of the endless repeated cliches and tropes.
About 80% of western stuff is capeshit nowadays, the edgy original comics from the 90s are dead.
Shonen is always new characters and stories, not the same character recycled over and over for HALF A CENTURY
could have been worse.
Try an entire century, DC shit has been going non stop since 1920's and has no intention of stopping. At least japs make comedy, horror, sport and all sorts of comics.
That's the exact opposite of the situation.
At least it makes sense why a established Cape hero would have a certain line of enemies to fight, why is it you have 1000s of Shonen's out there and if you back up far enough they would all be seen as the same manga.
It's pretty edgy, but not the edgiest OC I've seen
Please. You can find elements in common in all western comics as much as you can in shonen, with the difference being that at least shonen doesn't recycle the same characters and they try to come up with original ideas.
Sega pls. Bats did nothing wrong.
No way you actually believe that, shonen's are fucking carbon copies of the same shit, over and over and over again.
The reason its okay is because Shonen is for young boys which is why they are all chock full of friend ship and love and peace.
Which is why I originally said I didn't bring up Shonen, so why bring up cape shit? They are both mainly aimed at children.
Or are you unaware of this? Do you actually read shonen enthralled with the non-sensical plot and predictable plot advancements?
Do you understand that's why OPM is loved so much? Because its satire of the current industry?
Have all of the playable races been confirmed yet?
Illiterate retard, he is saying that western capeshit recycles the same characters over and over again for decades while the japs make new ones from time to time. Can't you not read or are you being purposefully obtuse?
Wait, are you complaining that people are still making comics about Batman?
Can you not possibly fathom why? Like how they are still making manga and anime about Goku?
They are media figures, like Mickey Mouse.
Its not a lack of creativity its going with what works and what has recognition.
The jap's make new characters that are carbon copies of each other that only change based on hairstyles and possibly the powers the MC uses, but even lately those have been recycled.
Again you are defending a genre of manga that is targeted at young boys 12-18, just as cape shit is.
I think you're not getting this, do you really read shonen enthralled wondering what comes next?
If shonen are carbon copies, comic books are exact clones. Shonen might be repetitive, but, again, they don't recycle the same characters over and over and they do try to come up with original ideas in the sense that they're not crimefighting spandex wearing losers all the time. They're not the most original thing, but they're more original than western comics, which btw, is NOT its counterpart.
No they're fucking not.
Shonen is aimed at children.
Western comics are super fucking pretentious and are aimed at adults. That's the worst thing about them. They have comics about politics and social justice and pretend that they're more than what they are.
Aimed at children? You know you're lying.
Guess bats would have unfortunate implications, or just be -too- edgy for coldsteel when male.
And you don't think capeshit is doing the same in the West? DC and Marvel control not just the lion's share, but the entire damn pride's of the market, and more and more indie comics are following in their footsteps of "Guy/girl in spandex fights crime! But this time with social justice!", creativity is draining out of the market in general. You think you're any better, curled up in your corner muttering angrily about "Them damn ayyshans, fucking shouldn't let dem pick up pens soulless, talentless hacks!" even as you steadfastly defend the west pulling the same shit? Hell, at least even if most shonen repeats the same tropes and patterns, at least the characters are new each time, instead of "Batman/Superman/Spiderman/Ironman, written by this guy!", and "Batman/Superman/Spiderman/Ironman, written by that guy!", with virtually no variation in attitude or change to their methods of fighting.
And the funny thing is, the market agrees. Comics sales are falling, while manga is slowly but steadily picking up a greater amount of readers every year. So no matter how many insults you hurl around, or march around proclaiming how only the West can write stories, the people en masse who read these things disagree based on their own experiences. If I had to formulate an age guess like you did to me, I'd place you as a 40 year old embittered asshole, still wearing your Captain America footies to bed, angry that people don't find leotards and steroid-tier muscles cool anymore, and this in spite of the fact that you have no musculature yourself from a childhood spent cramming bags of candy down your throat while grubbily thumbing your way through the comics stand at the local pharmacy because you didn't want to spend your $1.00/week allowance on something other than food, but still wanted to see who the Fantastic 4 were punching in the face that day.
That's one character.
Marvel and DC recycle their entire cast of characters.
Dragon Ball Z.
You're being willfully obtuse, Batman and Superman are media icons, they've existed since the 1920's, wrap your head around that.
If Astroboy still had clout they would be making reboots of that as well.
Currently yes, but once again you're being willfully obtuse ignoring the obvious, that for the last 70 years until recently hero comics were depicted in every form of media as hobby for children.
The best part
My original comic was never the defense of Wester comics but the criticism that Eastern comics are just as bad and full of shit.
But can't have your holy nipland insulted could you?
That's because western comics existed since the dawn of the printing press and were mainstream as early as 1910-20s.
Astroboy was created in late 1950s, nearly 50 years later.
If Japan had characters that achieved world wide recognition you bet your ass they would reboot him.
Its like you're a fucking child who can't wrap your head around this.
Correct, Flash is stupid fast, but Sonic CAN go fast enough that he can slip dimensions or travel time.
Not really, it's alway just a semi-insecure, happy go lucky faggot that is always smiling but suddenly turns edgy when in a fight and then says something about how he'll beat his enemies with "muh friendship".
Shit, I thought everyone forgot about that shit.
I really hope its highly customizable.
Not just like choose a color for the eyes, the hair,and then slap on a pair of glasses.
I hope almost everything can be tailored.
I would be interested as fuck as playing through the game as Coldsteel the Hedgeheg and making all the edgiest of decision that even Shadow himself would think I was a bad ass.
Your argument is fucking pathetic.
Yeah, and then you have Wonder Woman, and Cat Woman, and Harley Quinn, and Spiderman, and etc etc etc etc recycled all over again for decades, who are not as big of a media icon as Superman and Batman but they're still recycling them. This is what you're being willfully obtuse about: you can only provide one example of shonen character being recycled, and I can provide the entire cast of Marvel and DC characters.
That's a lie. Comic books took a turn for the dark in the 80's with stuff like The Dark Knight.
No, that's because weebs are not as lazy as western artists. Manga goes back to over half a century ago as well, and they still don't recycle the same characters over and over again.
Are you bad at math or are you baiting?
Japan cares mostly about their own audience rather than the rest of the world.
You can bet your ass some characters have widespread recognition, but that doesn't mean they also don't come up with new ones mostly.
Okay, what about Shonen Jump series? They're usually full of long-running series with rehashed characters. Like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto. Do they not count because they're Nihonese?
At least Bird is an option.
Exactly, plus a love interest he falls on top and ends up straddling.
He will have a few girls who like him because he's "reliable", or the local school president who likes him because he stood up for another.
No its an argument you have trouble refuting, and have to say constantly re-using the same characters is because lack of originality and not because they are world recognized characters and kids in Bangledesh will save up their weekly wages at the local sweat shop to buy a bat man comic.
Which is why I believe you're a child or teen because you seem to not understand world realities.
Maybe you're an adult who has just been reading way to many shonen's you've regressed mentally.
Wonder woman used to be honorary ambassador for the U.N. again you don't know shit about what you're speaking about.
Cat women is an frenemy and love interest of Batman since the very first comic, she has more of a right to be recycled then Joker.
Harley Quinn didn't exist until 1992, 50 years after the original comic so are you complaining that they are not making any new characters, re-using to often or not killing them off right after being introduced?
No its not you retard, Superman came out in 1934, Batman in 1940s, the legends of Tin Tin and other comics early 1900s, while others early in 1880s.
Again talking about shit you know nothing about.
Are you fucking serious, first off your confusing the term weeb, a weeb is you, not the native nip who draws the comic.
Again using terms and things you know nothing about.
Weebs buy anything and everything, its why Nintendo sold Amiibos to faggots here, its why anyone cares about Nep games, its why anyone thinks Kill La Kill was quality.
No but you bad at research.
Astroboy came out in 1951, legend and tin tin and others 50 years before.
To summarize our argument, typical know nothing retard trying to argue against someone more informed and doubling down like a teen instead of admitting they were wrong and fucking off.
When it comes to weebs just view them as someone in a cult of Nippon.
This is when it becomes normal for people to unironically post and discuss their sonic OCs, and they'll cry "muh videogames" when you tell them to fuck off.
Long running series is the key phrase, yes. It's different from rebooting the same characters every 5 or 10 years to make a new series of comics that might appeal to a different audience. Both Marvel and DC comics reboot their characters every so often, with the new series of comics being different in tones than the previous ones, expecting to garner a wider audience but retaining the same premise, characters, and basic storylines that people identify with. A long running series is different because it's a self contained story that just happens to be really long. Stories in shonen have a beginning and an end. Stories in western comics don't. The character never dies, and they make his purpose change with every iteration because they ran out of plot material.
And yes, you have really long ones, and for every really long one you have a thousand shorter ones. You mention some Shonen Jump series amongst the hundreds of different magazines out there with mangas that have characters that are just as iconic but had their story already end without being raped and recycled over and over just to appeal to what the new audience likes.
What a newfag
This is a Sonic Thread user. Sonic fans have been shit on for over 10 years. We don't give a shit anymore.
we only have ourselves to blame.
Just to list some of the fuck ups you've printed.
Can't wait for the bunniecunnies, the 420 blazeits and the Coldsteel Clan of Sonic Academy
All with additional Backpack cucking
I look forward to upsetting you in the future with threads like that
there's also a protein in the brain called Sonic hedgehog which is linked to autism.
man dog got the worst passive.
I don't know how I feel. I wonder if this means all the amusing OC artwork you see on Deviantart will be replaced by screenshots of their ingame characters.
Maybe he's that dude in the Metroidvania thread who had a fit of rage over a guy saying a game with a generic anime art style had a generic anime art style.
I vaguely remember that.
After the exodus, some of /a/ came here and apparently they think worshiping everything that comes out of Nippon is worthy of praise and money.
Oh you're right my mistake.
Lack of originality and fear of risk of making a new character and not having it sell well.
While we're on a board about videogames, it seems appropriate to bring up the constant reboots and rehashes of videogames that are made for that exact same reason.
Goes with my point of rehashing the same characters over and over…
15 years is a long time to be rehashing the same character, even if it's not as blatant as rehashing 70 year old characters.
I'm talking about The Dark Knight comic by Miller and the whole line of comics just like it that had a dark tone in the 80's you doofus. At least try to be informed before calling someone else uninformed.
Not an argument
I did. Typo.
No, don't change the goalpost.
1950 - 1920 = 30
1950 - 1910 = 40
I was specifically talking about the trend of making superhero comics with a dark a la Frank Miller you fucktard.
Dragon Ball never had a reboot, it's a long running series with one non canon animation being GT.
Not at all. I said in one of my first post that shonen is pretty repetitive as well but they don't recycle the same characters over and over again.
Yes, my mistake.
Much like western comics, you feel like you need to repeat the same point over and over to make your argument. 3 times repeating this, really? Are you fucking trying to samefag on a board with IDs?
As opposed to western manga?
Also are you going to fucking ignore the point I made here and just focus on the weeb thing? Are you seriously this much of a loser?
Posted wrong image, this was the cover in the 80's
I never said anime wasn't repetitive, just that it doesn't reuse the same characters over and over like western comics.
No its called having copyrights and a world recognized character, its as if you want a corporation to stop being profitable, so some weeb can feel they are more original?
Meanwhile the same weeb ignores when Goku gets the same treatment, but that's okay because its only one.
Are you baiting DMC was capcom's baby, which is an eastern company.
You are functionally retarded, making a character dissapear or not exist when they have existed since the beginning is called plot consistency.
Again world wide recognition and profits, its really like you are a child who expects people to go broke for your ideals or a commie.
Its a good character of a woman in a abusive relationship with a pycho path, my bad they didn't kill her off and replace her with a carbon copy only differing in hair color?
Would that suit your need for originality
Which has to do with what?
They're has been none-stop comics of both Batman and Superman since the 30-40s.
What are you complaining about them rehashing things or rehashing things grim-dark?
You're not even consistent with your complaint.
No you didn't you were unaware of the actual meaning of the word.
When? Your complain was the rehashing it wasn't until I corrected on the date of its creation that you switched goalposts, something you incorrectly accused me of earlier.
Never had a reboot?
Dragon Ball Z was a reboot of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT was a reboot of Z, Dragon Ball Kai is a reboot of Z anf GT.
But those don't count because they're non-canon? Do you even know what a reboot is?
I'm being consistent with my argument you chucklefuck, something you fail to be.
Its just you constantly tripping over yourself and then changing your argument to fit the new facts I'm presenting to you.
Reported for being an autistic goon debating in bad fate.
Wew lad, go back to your high school anime club.
And the comics guy still isn't addressing one of the biggest marks against western comics in general; the lack of genre variety. I can look at manga and easily pick out a large number of series about cooking, construction, gambling, romance, non-stereotypical comic topics. Shonen makes up a large portion of the market, but manga about things other than fighting still have a solid presence. You can barely get to single digits in the West for non-combat comics. Maybe Hanna Barbera and Archie, that's it. I have yet to see the West explore topics like thise in comic format.
No they weren't? Z directly follows up Dragon Ball. GT was a (noncanon) follow-up to Z. Kai isn't a reboot, it's a shortened re-release, and it doesn't include anything GT at all. Here you are accusing others of using words wrong, yet you're using "reboot" wrong.
Of course he want respond to that, he's being purposefully obtuse this whole time.
meant for
Reminder that Sonic Battle was so close to being good that it was painful.
Reminder that they padded the story by forcing you to replay approximately 66% more than necessary.
Reminder that is the only game in which Shadow and Gerald Robotnik actually have coherent and interesting backstories which comfortably fit within the rest of the canon without the need for fucking aliens.
user I implore you to go back to my original argument.
I won't deny that Comics have bad variety, I also don't like Cape shit, but the claims this guy is making are so off base its insane.
I've read way more manga in my life then comics, I would go to book stores and read manga "graphic novels" for hours.
Even read the psuedo-gay demon diaries because the magic system was interesting.
I got into this argument because that weeb I'm arguing with has shit taste, that is bringing down the entire industry.
In the 90s I had a backlog of anime and manga I could read, now a days there's 5-6 that are any good and many are dying off
What blows me away is you have One Punch Man which takes the piss out of the industry constantly, shitting on overused tropes and cliches.
Weebs fucking love, it but you go and repeat the same criticism's that the fucking anime/manga they watch does.
And its.
I doesn't matter if its non-canon or not, that has nothing to with reboots considering many have nothing to do with the previous comics plot.
You're right I'm thinking of Super.
DC killed American comics with the Comics Code Authority so Superkike wouldn't have any competition.
Daily reminder that "based" Stan Lee is defending CCA to this very day.
No, it's lack of taking risks. Reusing the same characters is most of their business. Your argument would only work if they put a lot of focus on new characters as well, which they don't.
As profitable, and yes. This is something we all want here on Holla Forums actually. We want developers to stop developing shit that sells well for normalfags and wished they focused on better and more original games with a niche audience.
Well, I'll repeat the same point again then:
You have Goku.
Then you have hundreds of rehashed western characters.
You're quite dense.
It was an example of videogame companies rebooting old characters for new audiences. It's not a comic book, it's an analogy to videogames.
Plot consistency with what, the other characters they're rehashing?
Again, that's most of their focus. All they do is rehashing old characters. Your argument would only work if that was only part of what they did, but it's most of their business.
How is this even relevant?
Nips make good characters as well, my point is they don't rehash them as often. Not an argument.
Calm down, nerd. I only remember being corrected with the weeb word, which is fine. And the fact that the characters are old only furthers my point that they've been doing the same shit for a long time, which isn't cool specially when it's most of their business. This is exactly my point. Their business is in rehashing and not in making new series.
With this, my Alzheimer ridden friend:
I was refuting your point that western comics are aimed at children. They're not, they haven't been for over 30 years.
Read above.
And try calming down and paying more attention. I don't like needlessly typing.
Never had a reboot.
No? It's the continuation of the series.
No? It's also the continuation of Z.
Do you seriously not fucking know what a reboot is?
I'm done. This is too retarded. Reading you gives me headache. Forget this, don't bother replying, I'm out
Y'know, since Goku's supposed to be some big counter to your arguments I'm curious, how long were the gaps between each series of Dragon Ball compared to some western comics?
It was good, fuck you. The only thing that was absolute dogshit about it was the story mode like you said. Also it needed metal sonic and the chaotix.
Don't bother.
He doesn't know what a reboot is.
Don't feed his autism.
Are you Implying that making Shadow the son of
the alien Devil was a bad idea?
No its about money, I already won this argument, time to stop posting.
Also they do create new characters frequently, however everytime I prove you wrong you just backpedal so listing them seems like a waste of my time.
Which your bringing up in a debate of east vs west, seemingly forgetting Capcom is an eastern company.
I won this buddy, stop posting anytime
Yet here you are again.
You remind me of a liberal on facebook.
There were no gaps at all. The manga kept coming out continuously, I believe a chapter per week.
Then came GT when the animation for Z ended.
There were no reboots of Dragon Ball, ever, unless you consider Kai a reboot, but it's actually just a higher quality re release.
Dragon Ball Super came out in 2015, nearly 20 years after GT.
Right. It's not a reboot though, it's the continuation of Z, picks right after Z ended.
Sorry for leaving my commitment I had with you, user-kun.
Are you this tard too?
The canonicity thing was just a clarification on its nature, not something to do with whether it was a reboot or not. And you still don't know what a reboot is. A reboot re-imagines the setting, characters, and story while retaining enough elements of the original to be recognizable. A reboot is not chronologically tied to the original. That's why it's a "reboot" in the first place. It's a restart from the beginning. Even if it was what you say it is, you're still wrong about Z, as the "Z" part of the title was added in the anime only. The original manga, from when Goku gets hit by Bulma's car to when he leaves to train Uub, is just titled "Dragon Ball".
Now you're being paranoid.
Try going outside and breathing some fresh air. No need to be so upset about a conversation on the internet.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run is a reboot.
Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super are not.
That's actually some nice taste you've got there, you should check out Kui Ryoko's other works too if you're fine with more abstract short comic collections that aren't focused on conflict. And on my part, there are still Western comics I love. Warren Ellis' Crecy was enjoyable, and Northlanders is great. If we count newspaper comics, Bill Watterson's writing and style are still top tier for the topics of childhood his comic dealt with.
And yeah, OPM is just as much aimed at its home market as the overseas comic market, probably even more so. I think ultimately we come from a similar baseline of wanting more variety in these works and not letting them fall into the rut of repetitive cash grabs, albeit diverging in terms of how we see the problem.
Look at this faggot, planning on getting hit.
Yeah its you.
You're right about the reboots, wrong about Z not being in Dragon Ball after Goku grows up.
It was Dragon Ball with Z behind it, I would know I own the who fucking set.
But this is my point I didn't bring up the gap between the series HE DID, while he's under the impression there was no gap in between.
Then I point out Super had a 15 year old gap in between, but that doesn't matter becuase its not a reboot.
>Well Y was actually made/created/released/rebooted/cancelled in ____
Yall niggas know I'm right, and its sad you will not only bullshit yourself but try to bullshit others in the vain attempt to make someone not thinking poorly of nip land.
Again its like a cult, or dealing with furys
The localized copies have the Z. The original Japanese release has no Z.
I'm not getting into the argument of manga vs. comics, I don't know enough about either to make an informed argument.
Nigga Hikidashi ni Terrarium is my shit.
Also as far as Western comics go, I think we are going to slowly see new publishers arise as Marvel continues to shoot itself in the foot with SJW pandering.
Most of my frustration comes from a wealth of promising seinen manga's that devolve into fan pandering or shonen tier plot and themes because they are trying to reach out to more audiences.
In some of them you can actually see where the writer/artist lose interest in his own project, which ends up with the end being rushed and unsatisfying.
I'm still upset of the ending of I am Hero and Shamo, both should of have had better endings however Shamo was so awful it seems disengious to put it together with I am hero.
Alright fair enough.
Too much grinding and padding can ruin any game. This game had shittons of both.
Definitely Metal Sonic, but Sonic Heroes hadn't even been released yet. Very few people knew who the Chaotix were. A Sonic Battle 2 wouldn't go amiss.
Reminder that Shadow actually experienced competent character development and was objectively one of the best characters at the time.
Reminder that it managed to give Emerl more character development over the course of one game than any character has ever had over the course of the rest of the entire series.
Reminder that it was actually sad when a character died in a fucking Sonic game.
Well, it doesn't. My whole point was that western comics do constant reboots while eastern comics don't.
It doesn't but you seriously need to calm down.
You've been wrong from the very start but more importantly your mad is seriously showing and you need to settle down.
You know, you're alright user. If you have a recommendation from the west for me to read, it'd be cool.
Again, you're talking about the story mode which I agreed was shit. But the actual battling was fun. I definitely agree about the grinding, especially for the moves you want. I still haven't got rouge's power kick even though I battled her straight for 30 minutes. And I won't even go into detail about when you first go into casino zone with knuckles and a shit tier Emerl.
Oh, really? I swore heroes was released a year earlier. That's my bad then.
I'd love a second one, especially with all the characters we have now. But I don't think Sonic team knows what they're doing with theirselves at the moment.
I thought you left?
I don't really read western comics but if you're bored there is a comic called uber which involves the Germans coming back during the end of WW2 by creating super soldiers which creates a weapon's race for the best super soldiers.
Its okay, frustrating in some parts because you watch a lot of Germany wiping the floor with everyone, which is fun at first but gets frustrating and somewhat unbelievable at the end.
However the art is top notch and action is too.
Bats will be dlc. It's free money.
and you will buy it
Cool, I'll check it out.
Its free to read to if you look up on Jewgle "Read Uber comic online" should take you to a website comparable to manga scanlation sites.
Just look up Uber from there if it doesn't take you to the page from Goygle.
I got out of the main conversation because it started turning into an unnecessary shit flinging and you weren't even paying attention to the main argument so there was no point. I replied here because you talked about me.
I'm not too big of a comic guy but I know a few.
Batman the dark knight returns (don't read the sequels)
Iron man Demon in a demon
Super man Red Son
and Joe Kelly's Deadpool run was really good.
Forgot to write Kingdom Come but the pic is there
Only partially. One of the main selling points of the game is the fact that you can customize Emerl. But like you said, Emerl is utterly and completely useless until you've played a substantial portion of the story. You have to play through a ton of unenjoyable shit before you can get to the good bits. This is mostly mitigated in the story by the fact that you're playing as a different character than Emerl, but it rears its head from time to time.
Seems I'm a fag too, pics related. It depends on what region you're in, I guess. If they wanted to push Chaotix, that would have been the perfect time to do it.
I would argue that Sonic Team knows exactly what they're doing with themselves at the moment.
When they were making Unleashed and Lost world specifically I would say they had no idea what the they were doing, but now it looks like Sonic is leaning more toward quality.
not him, not much of a comic guy either but I enjoyed the Mirage TMNT comics, as in the original series before the kid's cartoon which i enjoy inmensely as well. I read them at The first couple of the 1984 run's arcs are great and the final arc is holy fuck this can't be this good great. Beware that the middle is quite a bumpy ride. They went through a LOT of artists and artstyles. They made a few too many tie-in arcs with other aspiring series nobody remembers today (with exceptions, mainly Cerebus). The plotlines range from bretty gud to what the fuck where you smoking.
Overall it's an enjoyable read. 8/10. sage for offtopic.
You like OPM but did you like the work that artist (for the manga not the webcomic) did before that? I think Eyeshield 21 is the shit.
He's the nigga who made Eyeshield 21?
Wew, the one sport's manga that I actually liked.
As an amerifat its great to read about our most popular sport being not so popular over in Nipland.
Yeah, that's mostly it for his works, other than Eyeshield and OPM he only has oneshots. He's only just started.
I'll take a look at these too, then. Thanks for the recs.
Aside from OPM, Murata and ONE have done several oneshot collabs with Murata's art and ONE's writing. Gokiburi Busters and Doti no Yushatachi are pretty entertaining. If you're fine with ONE's native artwork, I like the character development in Mob Psycho 100 and the growth of the main character as a youth coming into his own, although it does classify as a shonen.
You goons have such bad comprehension its phenomenal.
What an odd coincidence, I requested pic related years ago
Wow really?
The appeal of capeshit is that it has the deepest and most autistic lore ever written. The history of the DCU is more complex than the history of the real world. After all, the real world is only a small part of the multiverse.
Actually, the first DC Comic, New Fun Comics #1, is from 1935. But nobody remembers anything before Action Comics #1 in 1938. Of course they also appropriate a bunch of public domain characters that are older than that, like Dracula and Sherlock Holmes or whatever.
Comics are from the turn of the century (centuries after the printing press), but comic books are from the '30s. Nobody in this thread is talking about Little Nemo or the Katzenjammer Kids, though, so those early comics don't really count.
Superman used to simply fly through time like it was no big deal. He's still technically the same guy today, he's just lost some of his power. But when shit gets really real, his full power is stronger than ever before.
Harley Quinn is less than 25 years old. Probably the most recent comic character who was actually a mainstream success.
That's just the first instance of Siegel and Shuster using the name Superman, but on a different, unpublished character.
Most say that Famous Funnies, from 1933, is the first "comic book." If we go back further, there were newspaper inserts of nothing but comics, but the first is still only from 1929, "The Funnies," by Dell Publishing.
Strips are a bit older, but still from the turn of the century. And once again, nobody here is talking shit about The Yellow Kid.
Dude, I like American comics (barring the recent SJW trend), but your research is awful.
Actually not really. DC does fake reboots sometimes, but they only give the appearance of reboots to newbies who aren't reading them. If you read them, you quickly see that everything is canon, at least going back to 1938. It's all one big story. Marvel doesn't even pretend to do reboots.
You can say the same about the Marvel and DC Universes. They're one long story that hasn't ended yet.
Also, there are lots of characters who do actually stay dead. You can read their whole stories. The original Superman died for real in 2006 (he briefly came back as a zombie a couple years later, but only briefly). You can actually go and read all the appearances of the original Superman right now if you wanted. It would take a pretty long time still (he starred in three series for over 15 years, then made sporadic appearances for the next 50), but it's possible.
GT explicitly references like 15 non-canon movies, and then there are four more that are so non-canon they aren't even referenced in GT. And there's all that filler that is also referenced by the movies and GT that isn't canon.
But I digress, DC and Marvel have not been rebooted either. They say they have, but when you read them, you quickly see they haven't.
So you don't know what a reboot is? Z is just the anime changing its name halfway through adapting the manga (which is all called Dragon Ball), and GT is just changing its name again when it continues past the end of the manga. Kai is just a re-edit of Z that removes most of the stuff that was added to the anime but not in the manga.
This is actually a huge problem. The Comics Code has been gone for years now, but its effects did successfully kill western comics and make them nothing but a breeding ground for autism.
Super isn't a reboot either. It arguably makes GT non-canon (which wouldn't necessarily make it what most would call a reboot), but so far, it hasn't even quite done that. It can still slot in between where Z ends and GT begins. It's a midquel, not a reboot.
It's baffling that the western comic market is still trying to work under the control of this thing when it already died as an official organization back in 2011. The sooner more companies actually stop adhering to it instead of in theory only, the better for western comics in general.
Is IDW that bad? All I know is that Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters were awesome (but I still stopped following over a year ago because comics are too fucking expensive). From what I've read of their licensed material, they do a great job at mixing elements from various adaptations and keeping everyone happy. This is decidedly unlike what happened with Sonic, where it had almost nothing to do with the games until a fucking lawsuit forced them to change their act a little, and even then, it was still more about the cast of a cartoon that was cancelled over 20 years previous rather than being about characters who actually appear in the core material the franchise is based on (the games). I can't imagine IDW, or anyone, really, doing a worse job than Archie. If only Flynn could somehow keep his job.
Archie is notoriously fucked up even by comics standards. This is a company literally run by an insane feminist who inherited from her husband and admits to randomly grabbing the penises of men she walks by in the office, claiming (correctly) that they can't sue for sexual harassment because "men aren't a protected class." The American comics industry is fucked, but Archie Comics is simply one of the most fucked up companies to ever exist.
If you go back and beat each chapter again after you beat the game, each chapter will let you read a bit of Gerald Robotnik's Journal (better not click A too many times because if you miss it you need to beat the chapter again), and this is where the real plot is, that explains a lot of key stuff about not just Emerl, but about Shadow. This is the only place in the whole series where they explain why Gerald was trying to build the Ultimate Life Form in the first place, or why Maria was even aboard the ARK. Not to mention tying it in more strongly to the Echidnas and Chaos. Implying Emerl was what the Echidnas were trying to steal the emeralds for, causing Chaos to flip out. I hear Chronicles says some other guys did it but fuck Chronicles.
The only way to make Battle playable is to farm this one mission at the beginning of the game where you fight a Phi and get a good amount of EXP, then you can max out your EXP in Mission 2 or 3 and pretend the rest of the game isn't an RPG. You still need to earn cards but at least you don't have to bullshit around with not having enough points to equip them.
Also, Shadow and Gerald's stories are coherent and interesting. Battle does a good job at fitting in with the other games, but it's not like the other ones don't fit in just as well.
Gamma did it all way, way better.
Western Comics are edgy as fuck and do things that the Comics Code would never, ever allow. Until 1970 you couldn't even show vampires or zombies. Now comics are all about rape and explicit gore. They aren't adhering to the Comics Code, they're just adhering to the SJW Code.
Chronicles is arguably worse written then Sonic 06, but is luckily self contained.
IDW's My Little Pony comic did an issue that was obviously about black lives matter
It's gonna be funny to see the rage when a decent amount of OC creators realize the creator won't be able to create a lot of OCs that aren't recolors.
For example, this creator likely won't have hair options, because game Sonic characters don't have hair.
I'm already seeing disappointment from the people who made foxes or echidnas that can't make on in Forces.
I'm honestly starting to suspect that Holla Forums will remain more autistic than any OCs this game manages to produce.
I can live with all of that. Hell, I'm not afraid to say that I might actually think about saying that I might enjoy it because of all of that alone.
Also I hope we get more species options, or a return of echidnas from Dark Brotherhood and customizable echidnas just to piss of Archie and Penders.
That actually looks a bit cool…
No one mentioned Venus. Not that I blame any of you, but it's an odd misstep.
Bastards the lot of ya
Sonic can be equal parts Cool and fucking stupid as shit.
I just roll with it.
Sonic's VA is a huge faggot. He went full on white knight to defend Anita's honor. Really weird considering the PR account shit poster.
I'm just going to hope he's a normalfag idiot who jumped on the ill-informed casual bandwagon. Anyway, I doubt he has anything to do with the charming fellow in charge of the Twitter account.
That motorcycle replacement is amazing. I wish he had officially gotten a fun motorcycle in the games, instead of those awful things in Shadow and '06. I think he looks very natural on a bike. The rest of the vehicles he's used, not so much.
You think now that the Comics aren't a thing anymore we can convince Sega to hire the comic book writers to write the games. Beacuse Warren Graff and Ken Pontac will never be able to do this series justice like the comics do.
I can not believe just how active the generations pc modding community is.
Ah the good old days when an actual person existed behind the mask, before he turned into a fucking meme.
fuckin checked
holy fuck thats stupid
In DC Death is literally a Black Skeleton Flash.
This means that Death, as a concept, is literally a high speed Force that runs around the multiverse, making people meet their doom by touching them.
But to summarize, in DC Death is literally a Skeleton running at the speed of Spook going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Where are these Evola JRPG pics coming from? There's another here:
and this is why comics suck
Yes, as Scourge was originally just evil universe Sonic from way back when penders was a part of it. It's a shame too, I loved how Flynn basically turned him into a mockery of every shitty OC donut steal evil sonic recolor.
You forgot his Super form TURNS HIM INTO COLDSTEEL, and he's literally Ashura the Glitch, and has literally CUCKED tails.
I miss Evil Amy.
It would only be cucking Tails if Tails was ever with Fiona to begin with. He cucked Sonic.
This is gradually changing. Indies/sef-published books are gaining gaining more and more spotlight. Things like Saga and TWD (although both not very good) outsell Spider-Man. More and more Eurocomics get translated too.
Since most people recommended capes, I will give you some non-big two books to read
And if you don't mind very good comics on infinite hiatus, there are also Witch Doctor and Orc Stain
It's only limited to big two, who do it not to offend comic book bloggers and people who allegedly read comics with their kids. DC's Vertigo and other publishers don't care about these regulations at all.
>tfw no hickok45 the hedgehog
i would stick my dick in that crazy
Lucifer is one of the best comics I ever read.
They had to fucking make a tv adaptation where Lucifer resembles nothing of the comic book character, he's more like a fucking hapless alien on earth than an angelic being from legend.
Seconding Scud tbh.
sonic died in 1994
everything else is fanfiction and is extremely depressing and has literally nothing to offer anyone. How does reading comics and playing games targeted at 9 year olds not make people want to kill themselves