I need your help, Holla Forums. How do you guys beat this race without getting carpal tunnel? I have subpar button mashing abilities, and I can't even finish the first canary mary race.
Canary Mary Race
Buy a turbo controller.
You don't mash until the end. Just try and keep up with her for a very long fucking time. I did it recently and it took about 15 tries. You can do it.
Every time I think about replaying Tooie I always reconsider when the thought of playing Cloud Cookoo land comes up.
If I recall there's no point in mashing really fast since you just rubberband so you could save your energy and just tap consistently.
I always tapped 16 times a second anyways.
Correct she rubber bands, You just have to keep pace with her until the last hill (like 5 sec before the end). Then mash hard.
Yeah she cheats. Just take it slow retard
Yooka Laylee
Don't even bother with the second one until you beat the first. Mashing slowly until you get to the end and then actually mashing definitely helps, though.
i recently replayed it too, got it second try.
try mashing just enough to stay ahead of her
What everyone has said. If I remember correctly then if you start slow enough to just keep up with her and then steadily increase the pace (over like 20 seconds) to full spread you'll bear her by miles. Otherwise it was to trail her all the way until she starts to spurt and then mashing.
I still don't know if this was a cheap way to break a simplistic rubberbanding code or if they intentionally did it this way just to fuck with you.
would you fancy a go, Holla Forums?
This is the definitive reason BT is inferior to BK.
How do you beat the snail race in DK64 Crystal Cavern? I swear it did the same thing and it fucked me for HOURS the last time I tried to do a 100% run quite a few years back
OP here. I fucking did it. I got the jiggy and the cheato page. All that's left is Cauldron Keep and I will have finished the game 100% for the first time in my life.
Mary Rubberbands like crazy. I suck at mashing so I tried it with turbo once and if you turbo for the entire race, she'll speed up to the point that she still beats you.
Stay behind her until the end then go all out in the final stretch.
The faster you go the faster she goes.
Use rock band drums
that sounds extremely lewd
Man. There has been a big influx of people 100% banjo games lately.
Good job. How long'd it take? Which did you like better? 1-ie or 2-ie?
I think 1 is a lot more compact and less ambitious than 2. I admire the ambition and can see what they were going for, but it just didn't click for me.
You can tell how different the games are just by looking at how many Jiggies are out in the open and you just have to get to them to collect them. There is at least 1 in every level of Kazooie, and I can only think of 2 in Tooie.
They're good games and were probably reminded or recommended to play them after Yooka.
Yooka Laylee sucked so people have to scratch that itch somehow.
It was all me.
Not him, but at the time of their release, I liked Tooie more. It was confused and over-ambitious, but when you're a kid, having to spend more time finding connections between the worlds and searching for things that aren't so intuitively placed is pretty fun.
I tried replaying them both pretty recently and liked Kazooie a lot more overall. Everything being focused and collectible in a readily-apparent order was nice and there was no Cloud Cuckooland. Tooie did boss fights and minigames better, though.
The only backtracking in Kazooie is if you go to Freezeezy Peak before Gobi's Desert.
I can't remember the mini games for Kazooie, but the ones in Tooie boiled down to either killing something, running through something, or collecting something.
The first person aiming was that great either, but I do think the game would be worse without it. It would've been great probably after tweaking some numbers and if the N64 had a second analogue stick.
The levels in Tooie are way harder to get around too. I still don't know my way around Terrydactyland Land.
I do like the connection between worlds though, which does help it feel more like a real place, as opposed to having it all be in a lair.
Really, Kazooie and Tooie are in two totally different genres of games. One's more of a platformer, and the other I don't really know how to describe. I was gonna call Tooie a puzzle game, but I think that'd sell it short. Tooie does a lot, but doesn't do anything amazing.
If you go to Gobi's first you still have to backtrack. It's forced no matter what.
a bit of backtracking is to be expected in a game where you unlock abilities, no?
If you go to Freezeezy first, you can collect all 100 notes on the first visit and only have to backtrack to do one race with Boggy for a Jiggy.
If you do Gobi's first, you cannot collect all 100 notes as a couple of them are in Rubee's room and you need Beak Bomb to get in. You have to backtrack for his jiggy and collect all of the notes on the second visit.
Freezeezy first is the only way that makes sense. Also, this is the only instance of required backtracking in the entire game unlike Banjo Tooie where you have to backtrack to every single level.
I loved the backtracking in tooie
Now THAT'S a monstergirl!
Do you also not feed or dress yourself, user?