Michael Kirkbride
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Vivec has a functioning vagina capable of giving birth so it's clearly not fucking gay.
you know why user
You can't put a vagina on a man and call it a woman. I don't care if the damn thing can pop out kids. It's still fucking gay.
Shrooms actually.
man with a vagina is the second least insane thing in TES lore
Faggots want everything to be a metaphor for faggotry and sex. To them everything is a sexual metaphor.
Excuse me, but what the fuck am I reading?
This reads like it's the retarded headcanon of some autist no one should care about, but can someone please confirm.
This sounds like he's fucking with people.
Everything, really.
… I can't tell if this is a Morrowing or Warhammer 40K Chaos fanfic.
Can you blame us? Poe's Law is basically part of reality nowdays, not an occurrence.
it's pretty much canon
Go into histrionics about it just to be on the safe side.
Vivec isn't Vehk dude. He/she/whatever is like Ardhavati, it's bisexual in the actual classical sense (as in both, not a herm but can shift and be both becasue it's a fucking god and not a physical being you fucking pleb).
wtf i hate morrowind now
What, you didn't know about that? What kind of pleb didn't read the 36 sermons of Vivec from cover to cover?
Please don't act outraged by what is clearly a joke.
Sounds like something straight out of an H-game.
It's either an unfunny joke, some retarded faggots wet dream or yet more proof that Bethesda is the worst thing that has ever happened to the gaming industry.
None of these would surprise me.
lel relax kid, it's just a video game
What? Its ingame lore about why the tribubal deems everyone should be prudish, much like a real religion would do
Yes, I can't take it seriously. It feels like is deliberately twisting the whole thing to seem gay for kicks.
What the fuck is this thread about?
What the fuck am I reading
No, a hermaphrodite has both. A bisexual being can be either sex at will/conditionally. Remember we're not talking about physical beings but spiritual ones.
Mircea Eliade's "The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion" + a shitload of acid
His dick is a spear.
This specific line is actually a reference to Grail lore, where the lance of Longinus is called "The Spear of Love and Vengeance."
Kirkbride essentially creates drug induced amalgemations of historical religions and Tolkien-esque fantasy.
Gods using their dicks for all kinds of metaphorical and gay shit is pretty common in mythology of various religions, lots of animal fucking in particular.
I'd much rather would have TES still having gay and historically plausible mythology then making everything about muh dragons and having gay marriages as a gameplay feature.
Poe's Law has become a substitute for "I'm too retarded to take a joke".
I understand since you americans' idea of sarcasm is someone takling like a retarded asshole.
Brits had a better sense of humor when they still existed.
elder shits fanfags are worse than bronies
Modern depictions of Priapus are a bit more appealing.
What part of the political left is supposed to be a joke to them? You're expecting the political left to just come out at some point after all the rioting and say "ITS JUST A PRANK BRO?!"
Stop denying reality.
Joke's on you, I'm a slav!
you have to go back
slavs are naturally retarded
t. slav
Vivec and blowjobs go hand in hand. Like the time Vivec forced Azura to suck hisliteral metaphorical dick and made her explode.
And then there was that time in the future where he fought along side Dagoth Ur to stop TV headed zombies sent by Yagrum Bagarn from the TV dimension. That had nothing to do with blowjobs but I just wanted to bring it up.
undesirables not welcome
Is there any proof that MK is a druggie or is it just DUDE, YOU HAVE TO GET HIGH TO CREATE WEIRD CONTENT LMAO ?
Except it's not, it seems "lolsorandom" because you're poorly fucking read.
There were rumors that he wasn't brought back for the subsequent games because nobody wanted to deal with his drug problem. Other than that, no.
but he's still their "loremaster", isn't he?
He was brought back to work on Dragonborn, but he isn't part of the company. Skyrim was done without him and he isn't involved in ESO.
To be fair, most people in creative jobs tend to be druggies of one type or another.
Of all the life ruining and shit that drugs do, giving the user some extra creativity in exchange for their physical and mental wellbeing does seem to be a fairly well established thing.
fuck off poltard. no one likes you outside of your hugbox.
he actually volunteered to work on ESO multiple times apparently. He even offered to not take a paycheck if they let him have creative freedom.
that should tell you the kind of game ESO is.
you're on the videogames board in a thread about TES lore, buddy
You sure about that? Didn't they just reuse some of his lore and associated characters like Veloth and the Skaal rituals?
"michael kirkbride dragonborn" doesn't result in anything confirming him having worked on anything Elder Scrolls after Knights of the Nine.
Fuck knows. I may be remembering things incorrectly.
some reading comprehension issues palomino ?
Lore says Vivec is a faglord.
"Androgyny is sometimes depicted in Vivec as well, but not as overtly. He (notice the pronoun) is almost always represented as a male, though often with homosexual or bisexual tendencies"
I'm afraid so, beyond using the material he made for them that they already own Bethesda seems to want nothing to do with him.
We can only hope some day they will try to hire him again, perhaps after one of their game flops (not likely with how the worlds console kiddies ate up Skyrim).
I don't understand how they can reject him so much.
Someone hasn't read the 36 lessons.
I can't tell if that means he thinks he's a mastermind of lore and better than others or that he thinks ESO is a complete trainwreck. Maybe it's both.
What did you think Muatra is user?
I believe it. It's not the craziest thing in TES lore.
The shitty milquetoast lore of Skyrim, ESO, and to a lesser extent, Oblivion, should convince you that, indeed, he is better than others.
that's not actually accurate. For skyrim they used a bunch of his OOG texts. For instance the preacher guy is directly quoting the many headed talos. Kirkbride came up with that de-birthing the world angle for the high elves and that made its way into the college of winterhold quests. Hell in the song of the dragonborn they make direct reference to the towers, which is 100 percent kirkbride.
You can also thank kirkbride for making the seemingly asinine dragonshouts actually make a ton of sense from a lore perspective.
seems I need to repost this here
You are supposed to kill him. Great lore and characterization back in 2002.
Yeah, these are texts he already made when he was working on Oblivion, especially the Nu-Mantia missive, even if those texts are out of game, I'm pretty sure they are still owned by Todd.
He has actually written some material after he got fired that are on the Imperial Library, but I don't think they've actually used any of them.
kirkbride is like that one DM at the card shop that takes everything way too seriously and goes into far more detail about useless shit and starts screeching like a ferret when you speak out of character.
I got about 300 hours into ESO, I can guarantee you it's a trainwreck from the lore perspective. We're talking out of date books, out of character daedra, and major events that never happened. Hell they even got the beast races wrong since at that time the suthay-raht would have been the most common cat people
Actually just to let you know OP if SJWs knew how much gay lore was in TES, by that I mean actually played the games they would go nuts over the argonians.
Posted for reference.
Forgot one. Might as well post them all.
Well, I'd rather have an autistic screeching DM making sure his entire lore is consistent and interesting then Todd and his "Whatever the kids think is cool right now" mentality.
Wow senche is fucking jacked
Implying Todd ever thinks. He'd be just as much an empty suit as anyone else if he actually wore a suit. As it stands he is in great danger of zero summing.
I feel like I need a short write-up about this. I'm just too new to Kirkbride lore to really get it. Vivec seems like a massive asshole though.
Also, I really dig Kirkbrides writing style. That dude has a way with words.
You're just now figuring this out?
Vivec will always and forever be a dick.
Kikes are at it again!
Supposedly killed you. There's no definitive proof that you actually are Nerevar reincarnated and not just some convenient shmuck that Azura used to fulfill her prophecy.
And here I thought Bethesda shit couldn't get any worse. Turns out the holy grail of their flagship franchise is a gay turd.
>>>Holla Forums
Well it happened like this. You are Nerevar reborn, you could not wear Moon and Star if you weren't. Eventually Nerevar was going to be reborn regardless of the prophecy. You die, your soul goes to the dreamsleeve, is bleached of all it's memories, and reincarnated. I guarantee you Nerevar Had been reincarnated many times before he actually succeeded in fulfilling the prophecy. Azura was just pretending that there was some big prophecy, all she had to do was nudge Nerevar in the right direction, which over thousands of years must have been pretty frustrating. "No idiot go this way! Damnit he died in a bandit cave again."
Gay shit is outlawed in Morrowind. One of the rulers (that you can kill anytime) is a degenerate who consorts with daedra and above the law. It's good world and character building in the context of the game.
Its like you've never heard of "mantling" before.
Just like half the gods in every ancient religion?
Unlike transexuals and furries, gays have been around since the dawn of civilization, in fact having a religion that does not directly reference to fags in either a positive or negative light is far more unrealistic.
And when you're working through a shitload of lore for a videogame, would you rather it be put together in a somewhat plausible fashion, based on the history we know or go for the usual burger style of censoring anything coming even close to sexual content?
And like this guy said, it's not like they're pushing the gay agenda here.
Yeah, according to Azura.
Mantling makes you him, but it doesn't make you him. Mantling Nerevar doesn't retroactively mean Vivec killed you, just like it doesn't mean you've already fucked Almalexia many times.
There's a reason sane societies throw you off a cliff first chance they get.
like romans?
Pretty much. Societies that killed the mentally ill survived, societies that embraced them did not.
Thats not quite what happened. The impire sent tons of other Nerevars to try and force the prophecy. Eventually the player comes along and fulfilled the prophecy thus retroactively making you the actual reincarnation through mantling.
Also in the image of tribunal betraying Nevervar you see them cutting off his face, freet, and stabbing him. There is a reason for all of that. They cut off his face so he could come back in any shape, they cut off his feet so he could walk any path in his next life, and Vivec stabbed him with Muatra so he would come back as any sex. They hoped he wouldn't come back to get revenge on their asses.
I was going to ask about that, makes sense. Still Amalexia is a whore.
They don't though, unless you want to say the first sane societies where the Christian ones.
Also keep in mind that eunuchs where pretty common a couple hundred years ago, which significantly increased peoples exposure to what we know recognize as the gay stereotype.
So Islam is such a big religion right now because of how mentally sound it and it's followers are then?
I get where you're coming from, but projecting gender politics onto history is a very poor idea.
"…walk like them until they must walk like you."
It does. Thats the reason Pelinal Whitestrake was crazy, you mantled him in knites of the nine then you go on to become the daedric princeof madness Sheogorath.
You don't argue in good faith. I said they survived, I didn't say they were mentally sound at all.
Romans punished faggotry with death. It was Christians that reduced the punishment to a fine.
The "gay stereotype" was actually "effeminate cuckold stereotype" that was attributed to weak men of the East that wore makeup and dressed flamboyantly.
They're the ones invading us, not the other way around.
So stop defending faggots.
Wikipedia says you're full of shit though.
Or are you saying the Roman Empire became "Sane" when they Constantine converted to Christianity and the empire was already in decline?
Okay, we're done here.
You can check the sources yourself, you ignorant bastard.
Or are you going to pretend now that the romans did not inherit the liking for homosexuality from the greeks?
It's like all you niggas complaing have never read your ancient mythology. Let me tell you it gets FREAKY DEAKY once you go back before the abrahamic religions.
Even abrahamic religions get freaky deaky
We have a live one.
Dude they made paintings and vases of men fucking eachother, look at the shear amount of sources in that wiki article.
Sure, be delusional because you don't believe wikipedia, but you want to argue how this historical artifact is just a lie to destroy masculinity made by the jews?
Ok Mr. Enlightened, give us a source suggesting the opposite.
Are you referring to Lex Scantinia? If so
The law may also have been used to prosecute adult male citizens who willingly took a passive role in having sex with other men. It was thus aimed at protecting the citizen's body from sexual abuse (stuprum), but did not prohibit homosexual behavior as such, as long as the passive partner was not a citizen in good standing. The primary use of the Lex Scantinia seems to have been harassing political opponents whose lifestyles opened them to criticism as passive homosexuals or pederasts in the Hellenistic manner.
The law may have made stuprum against a minor a capital crime, but this is unclear: a large fine may have been imposed instead, as executions of Roman citizens were rarely imposed by a court of law during the Republic. The conflation of the Lex Scantinia with later or other restrictions on sexual behaviors has sometimes led to erroneous assertions that the Romans had strict laws and penalites against homosexuality in general.
Are you b8ing, or are you actually retarded?
And for my next trick I will turn Romans into niggers.
Oh, Holla Forums.
You havent posted any proof at all either.
Its thread like this that convince me no one was alive when Morrowind actually came out that post here.
Vivec mantled godhood, meaning he took on aspects of a large aspect of the Dreaming god, when you take on so many aspects of something you become it.
Vivec in essence is not only the god he is mantling, but every lesser god as well making him both female and male in essence.
Which wasn't cancerous gender politics until recent times.
Also it wasn't Molag Bal it was the Ruddy man who was an aspect of Molag Bal.
But wikipedia is not a valid source, cool.
Stop giving him (you)s, he is almost certainly a fag desperately trying to project his failings on something else.
But doesn't the 36 lessons mention Molag bol, and not ruddy man. Does this mean that the next Kalpa will be vivec dreaming?
Greeks had gay soldiers that were also considered elites.
Spartans had homosexual penetrative sex because like Romans the mouth was considered holy and therefore couldn't be used for sexual intercourse.
Was an insult back then, not a boast.
Its amazing how much energy you put into this when you and I both know you're not actually interested in either, you are already making steps to defend nat-soc Nazi Germany and the culture it tried to imitate.
You cant even read IDs, can you?
Believe it or not, Wikipedia articles which cite multiple credible sources hold more weight than a screencap from Holla Forums which has absolutely no sources to back it up. That is, unless you're indoctrinated to the point where you believe everything you read on Holla Forums.
Wikipedia has been thoroughly discredited by their behavior in the past decade. It is nothing more than an agenda pushing tool of the left. Or are you going to say that "Cultural Marxism" redirecting to "Conspiracy Theory" is nothing but a (((coincidence)))?
Then again, you leftists were never the brightest bunch.
As always, are you the same faggot that spent a whole thread sperging about the out of africa theory withouth posting ANY source at all and calling everyone else that provided actual sources a jew?
If nothing else this thread finally gave me proof that everyone that likes Morrowind is a mentally ill homosexual.
Take your crazy pills and take the narcissism down a notch. Sucking cock doesn't make you anything special.
Man do I like where this is going.
Sometimes men just want to buttfuck eachother and a society is cool with it because they're already highly decadent or have bigger shit to deal with.
Sure thing buddy, everythings a conspiracy (even if there probably where a couple nogs in britain in roman era, considering they shipped a shitload of people around).
Your image is quoting Plutarch, who lived until 120ad, what you need to understand is that the Roman Empire lived for so long they changed opinions during their reign, most notably after the 3rd century and the introduction of Christianity, which was quite explicit about bumfuckery.
Old romans where cool with it, basing a large part of their culture on the Greeks and Etruscans, who where totally cool with it, it's not until later on, when they start forming more of their own culture and accepting Christianity that they actually start having problems with consentual faggotry.
No because Vivec is dead.
If a new Kalpa occurred it would mean the end of TeS.
A kalpa doesn't exist within another
As far as Molag bal goes you're right, I forgot about that.
The same though could be said about that.
Its more like an orgy in idea because they are a culmination of greater ideals and therefore smaller gods.
Yeah I'm positive its (86)
No, a lot of people where there to see the 180+ posts of a fellow sperg like you.
You still fail to provide any evidence while dismissing the evidence other people post.
Man, you faggots are really touchy about your AIDS catching lifestyle.
Provide evidence, you autist, you cannot dismiss evidence if you fail to provide anythign at all.
You're right user, everything you read is just an agenda being pushed on you, even articles regarding historical fact as proven by numerous sources.
It's better to just listen and believe whatever anonymous posts on the internet tell you. That is the way to actual, enlightened truth.
Its like Prison.
Also sex with women was risky, birth control was none existent, pregnancy could end with death commonly.
On top of that Sparta and Rome didn't do oral.
But sure buddy maybe call everyone a leftist some more.
Listen fag, this thread is about morrowind, not your aids ridden lifestyle.
>>>Holla Forums
Nice argument.
Excelent damage control.
Show evidence of the countrary already, stop avoiding it.
I don't have to prove a negative you fuckwit.
Except the vast majority of prison rapes are committed by niggers.
And? You think they considered women people? It was her job to give birth to an heir.
You're a leftist faggot. You're special.
And I thought I could convince someone of the obvious truth on the internet, shame on me.
I'm almost inclined to call you Holla Forums trying to make Holla Forums look retarded, but I'm pretty sure each board has it's idiots.
Theres evidence that show the exact opposite, yet you dismiss it withouth providing any evidence of your own.
This is what you get for enabling the insane.
Next you'll say the Holocaust happened.
Yeah and people were discussing morrowing until some faggot come along projecting his insecurities on the lore.
Well there is more nigs in prison so you would figure, but if your going by percent then you're going to need to present proof.
Yeah they did nigger, Romans overthrew the Estruceans because they raped a woman who was lauded as the Ideal Roman woman.
They even had Athena who was a chaste virgin dedicated to wisdom and philoposphy.
No I'm not, but you might be, you have a lot in common with them.
Largely name calling instead of logic and being ignorant of about everything you talk about.
Shill going into overdrive pushing faggotry ITT.
You mean that evidence that's a quote from Plutarch who was talking about Alexander, who didn't have shit to do with the Roman Empire?
Compared to the evidence of fucktons of depictions of homosexuality and writings about how it was all legal for most of the Roman Empire?
Yeah, team No-Homo-Roman has really got this one in the bag.
Still not doing a good job of trying to disprove historical fact.
As i told you already, a screencapped post is not evidence.
thank for shitting up the thread faggots
The sheer damage control is incredible. You're hoping to have the thread descend into roll posting to cover up your ineptitude
Not my fault faggots are so sensitive.
The lore of TES just gets better and better the more i read about it
And now men make anime traps and post them on Chinese woodcutting boards. Not changed.
Well yeah, that's the point, that stupid screencap he's presenting as "evidence" doesn't even talk about the Romans, it's about the Macedonians under Alexander the Great as described by a Roman around 100ad.
Worst part is I'm a pretty big polack, and I understand that you can't always trust history when it comes to shit like the holocaust or other politically sensitive matters, but this whole discussion is quite frankly retarded.
Fuck off back your LARPing board please.
Fucking Holla Forums fags ruining everything lately.
Keep going faggot, tell me more about who the five or so people in this thread are all paid shills sitting in the JIDF's headquarters trying to undermine the white man by convincing you the ancient romans had some gay shit going on.
Vivec ended up biting the dick off Molag Bal, and fusing it to his own dick making a dick spear which he later used to kill an Daedra god.
Faggots really dumb. No wonder you catch AIDS as much as niggers get Ebola.
Are you talking about the Athenaeus of Naucratis quote? Who was a greek from the 3rd century (when the romans actually started cracking down on homosexuality).
He is STILL talking about Alexander the Great, who is not who this is about to begin with.
Or are you talking about the second paragraph of that image where he starts claiming a bunch of shit without any sources to back it up?
You have no evidence, just give up.
A shitty pot is probably not beyond them when they're known to construct entire fake deathcamps.
Now, please, kindly kill yourself.
This is just pathetic.
Since when were there this many retards on Holla Forums who didn't know shit about tes lore? The state of this board is beyond fucked.
Well 2 can play that game.
I'm more concerned about the mental defective screeching about how anybody who disagrees with him is a shill, myself. There's Holla Forums and there's Holla Forumssmokers and he falls firmly into the latter.
His next line will be
agreed but its the less fucked so until there is an alternative its what I'm stuck with.
Core difference in both these unsourced caps is that this one sound ridiculous. Now both of you buzz off, this is a morrowind/tes thread.
If I had to place my bet, I would say this is in regards to the the Seth Rich thing, and we just have a lot more people on doing it for free. In short Holla Forums has pissed a bunch of tumblrinas off again, and we have to deal with the consequences.
Alright, so you where talked about the unsourced collection of claims.
I honestly didn't think you would actually go so far as to call it evidence.
No sources in regards to the greeks, who also varied on their practices based on time and location.
No sources regarding homosexuals holding office in Rome, especially when Emperors like Hadrian where well known to have male lovers, even going as far as to construct statues for them ( the guy in pic related to be exact).
No sources even for the fines in the high middle ages, which as far as I know was also highly variable based on where you where and in what year, laws where much less static back in the day when a king could just write or scrap one.
Seriously, someone who goes to Holla Forums should really know what evidence is.
Get that Lizard man propaganda out of here. Saved.
You can loook up those terms in roman society and see it is true.
every other race hates the dumner
So to gt back on track how much do we know about necromancy, and the types of undead? Do we have much stuff about how liches are created, or their nature?
Posting this for reference.
Absolutely fucking nobody wants a "Morrowind II"
What are normal fags.
Can OP have The Most Retarded Op Of The Year award?
One unit of 150 couples, which was annihilated by Philip of Macedon less than half a century after its creation and never revived (which should tell you how well it worked). It's the equivalent to all the bizarre weapons and tactics people tried in WW1 before anyone figured out what actually worked in modern war–an experiment that failed and was then promptly abandoned.
deadpan isnt sarcasm. John stewart and daria are sarcastic, whereas sam hyde or tim heidedecker would be deadpan
Homosexuality and the like did exist in those times, but it wasn't very widespread.
They didn't look upon it with absolute vitriol either, mind you. Zeus took a particular liking to a young man named Ganymede, for example.
That meme comes from reddit, user.
No, fucking dudes existed. Homosexuality is a modern construction.
Well theres your problem
Wot? The definition of homosexuality is to want to have sex with someone of the same gender.
Stop replying to him.
Can you implicit faggots fuck off to TRS already?
Ok then smart ass, tell who are the best Deadric Princes and why they are Herma-Mora and Hircine
That's a funny way of spelling Sheogorath.
polish are not slavs.
I'm just bringing up history.
Pedophilia was also acceptable back then, doesn't make it right.
I like ancient Egyptian history, but I don't project white supremacist pseudo-christian anti-faggortry onto it.
Where do you think we are faggot?
You shitting me right?
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about???
Morrowind is an abomination and being a Daggerfall player who was thoroughly disappointed with it and Skyrim. I'm actually really glad this happened.
Fuck TES, this is one of the few nails left that need to be driven into its coffin.
We can't have a TES thread anymore without fags shitting it up. This is why everyone hates you faggots.
What is it about TES threads (especially morrowind) that attracts so many shit posters? Why do morons keep replying to them?
It's funny that you act like you know this stuff because everything you just said is a load of shit.
By all means don't actually explain why he was wrong, but merely be a contrarian.
A fellow Spacebattler.
Why the fuck do you still bother with that place?! Its completely gone to shit.
Vashon/manyothers here, asking for a sound off from any SB/SV/QQ peeps.
Maybe five years ago. But now? SB did what many sites did, and became faggot tranny acceptance mandatory trash.