Jesus fuck, can Bioware do anything right?
W-We'll fix it, we s-swear
Other urls found in this thread:
How does something that basic make it past QA, TWICE?
Well, they gave us a female Turian we can fuck. I'll give them props for that.
Wew lad, hope that isn't real, though it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest at this point.
Reminder that asari have tentacle vaginas.
How can something this pathetic get railed as the pinnacle of RPG in the west, i hope this time Bioware dies for good
The asari are parasites, the only children they give birth to are more asari. They're blue head tentacle elves with the breeding system of orcs. A terrifying combination.
Shit taste.
just noticed the gun model was always like that, the just flipped it around without fixing it
It really shows how much they care about their product
im pretty sure the most anticipated of 2017 was Persona 5 by far and by wide. speaking in general terms here and not trying to start a shitflingfest. P5 was a long awaited game.
but yeah, the westard """"game"""" industry simply LOVES fellating their own cocks and huffing their own farts. of course they'd give an EA game or an Ubishit game the "most x of [current year]", specially after they verified the 50k check from EA was valid with the bank.
You cant even deposit cums in them. Its some weird mind meld shit.
They give me a good laugh, tbh.
I dont get it
For someone who doesn't play Mass Effect what's the problem? At least it looks like the right end of the gun this time
Look at the fucking picture.
How the ==FUCK== do they manage to ==FUCK EVERYTHING UP== every time?
Never mind,I'll just ask myself that
Post YFW you never gave in to the Mass Effect jew
you must be familiar with that user
I played the first three but never paid a cent for them. At the time I deemed it better than committing suicide. I'm still here, so that must have been true, but I also don't remember much about that time in my life. Take that as you will.
I remember last time I went to Gamestop, the game hadn't come out yet, and the cashier tried to shill the shit out of it to me. I told him it looked like it was gonna fucking suck, and he started defending it until I pulled up the trailer when she still had the gun backwards. Then he shut the fuck up and I left feeling smug.
Nice trips. Don't hold it against the GameStop shill though. There are games that corporate rides their ass to shill the hardest. I know this because.. I had to shill Brink to everyone who walked in.
This game is truly the gift that keeps on giving
and then everyone on the bus got up and clapped
The thing is, wouldn't the person making the in game cut scene be able to see the model, has to set all the camera angles and couldn't they have just re used the old model from the past games? Like how do you fuck that up?
Former GS employee here.
We're required to do that, sorry. You could lose your job if you don't recommend whatever game the manager told you to.
Well i hope you're happy now, Holla Forums.
You must have some lines on your face son. I'm sorry.
Yeah I know, but I've dealt with employees that don't care for what they're shilling. They usually ask once, you say no, and that's it. This guy got genuinely defensive about it like he was offended.
you bet i fucking am
Is there some reason I shouldn't be?
Is it though? Last time i checked everyone hated it, even the normalfags.
I don't see a problem with the original image though. What is there to fix?
She clearly knows what and who she is (as evident by the dead eyes and depressed, resigned, look on her face). And she clearly knows what game she's in. She might even know who created the game, and thus why she is like she is in the game that she is.
She is clearly tired of this shit, and is trying to kill herself to end her suffering. Don't let Bioware take that away from her.
Is there pics of that girl's tweets where she says how hard she's working on Ass Defect?
Also that video where she says she hates men
Holy fuck you persona fags are insufferable.
How the fuck would a monosexed race even have sexed pronouns?
oy vey
Come on, That's clearly edited in.
I'm an artist, a performance artist
It's true. Xir is clearly a racoon-to-asari transracekin. And as we know transphobia of any kind, but especially the one exhibited by members of the Cantonese finger painting and poem reciting online community, is the primary source of suicides among this vibrant community.
You wouldn't? Assuming that she looks closer to Jade Rossi and not Bioware's awful face modeling.
Isn't that what you'd call fucking gay?!
Disgusting. I can smell the retard drool form here.
It was the title of the segment, she poorly animated some ravings of some old lady in some movie that culminated in the shouting of "I hate men!". Whether it's in or out of context, it's definitely not edited in and it's also something you have to question the motives of the author's including it as the first part of what they present themselves to potential employers as representing.
Still looks autistic as fuck.
No, thanks.
still better than the weebshit japan shits out every second
This isn't ironic is it? He sounds kind of like smegma king mixed with francis.
Sauce on that image? Eastern Europe gives me a new reason to smile every day.
Sorry, couldnt make it past 0:48
That's amazing
Holy shit. This fucking autistic nigger.
Why are they so retarded?
fuck off
rrrrrrrrrrrr i am so angry at your post
1599 hayel hortlar
I don't understand what you're saying
I believe this guy's autistic
The original was held backwards, now the fucking muzzle is missing. It looks like they lobbed off part of the model for no reason.
Have no fear OP! EA will gut them soon enough. Just like they did to Origin.
And Maxis.
And Westwood.
And Pandemic.
And Bullfrog.
And Mythic.
And now I'm depressed after listing those.
They didn't replace the carnifex, it's the same model that was used in the original cutscene.
Like I said yesterday in another thread, I don't understand why they butchered the 3D model in the first place.
At first I thought that the model was stuck in a folding animation frame but I don't remember seeing a handgun with a folding animation.
well, at least bioware deserves it
At least bioware deserves it which is why they wont be killed off
I think they wanted to make a new gun out of it but fucked it up because they are Bioware
Bioware deserves to get axed. Especially they went full SJW.
Oh sorry, I guess breaking multiple years of tradition in naming conventions and leaving everything saved as 6841f39b2074f477ec0a6d2185881f1d55257de545932da493b967a951c22487 is clearly the superior way.
Unix timecodes all the way faggot, get yourself a batch file renamer.
Yeah, I know they do, but I remember the days when they were good, and I remember all the studios EA killed.
I could see them cutting off part of the gun so it didn't clip through it's head, but that would be just as stupid as holding it backwards. If the gun didn't fit, then there's other pistols that would.
She looks pretty autistic irl, huh. I wonder if bioware knew that by giving the model giant eyes that would enhance the uncanny valley effect.
It's like pottery.
Even so, there are far more egregious animation errors in the game, that a quick clipping issue that most people wouldn't see is hardly a good reason to have a butchered model instead.
I'm not a Personafag, but I'm having a hard time telling him he's wrong, either. What the fuck else is there? I don't see anybody excited for anything AAA right now, and the indie scene is currently quiet.
How does that gun even work?
I'm hoping Kingdom Come doesn't suck and that TW releases Bannerlord before Erdogan sends them to the gulag.
mass effect fields
Future technology
it's science i ain't gotta explain shit
yeah, or maybe they recycled that cutscene script from a previous Bioware game and they cut a chunk of the weapon model because it was hiding a part of her face?
The weapon being backwards could've happen to anyone I guess (but fixed before release), but the weirdest thing - to me - is that they've gone through the hassle of editing a 3D model just for that scene.
that's an insult to pigs
The large flat rectangle surface is a radar-emitter and the smaller top one is a receiver in parallax that together actively guide the gyroget projectiles to their intended targets.
This is not true, I just wanted to see if I could make it make sense.
Ammo feeding would still have problems.
so magic?
Canonically, a small sand-grain sized pellet is shaved off of a block of tungsten, has its mass reduced by a mass effect field, and a magnetic rail accelerates the pellet. Mass effect firearms appear to have two barrels, but only one is the true barrel. That's just one of several problems with the "fix." The gun is missing its front, and one of the barrels.
well, we don't know what the fuck mass even is really but yeah, essentially magic
Did you mean increased? Why would you want a low-mass kinetic weapon?
Wait, how the fuck does the pellet survive friction and not evaporate?
Gravity manipulation through made up element, so yeah.
You have to be a persona fag or a serious weeb to think there is nothing anyone could possibly look forward too other then the watered down normalfag simulator Persona.
Like the other user said I'm excited as shit for Bannerlord.
There are a few roguelikes I'm looking forward to as well.
It's moving at something close to the speed of light, so wound vectors I guess.
its mass effect fields I aint gotta explain shit
Persona would be ten times better if it was a "gather your harem" simulator. Alas, it's made for normalfags and therefore shit.
The fuck you doing on this website sperg boy.
either underage or tumblrfag, in both cases kill yourself
I'm just kind of out of the loop at the moment. Depression is a bitch.
Have a cool critical hit IRL in penance.
That was cool.
Its not normalfag territory, you're thinking bros drinking brews and playing CoD or overwatch or whatever flavor of the month.
Its tumblr and reddit shit.
1-2 were decent, 3 onwards don't seem like they should be anywhere near the SMT universe.
The popularity is already shifting Atlas's focus.
Either a buttblasted old shitskin or a sperg, or both, why don't you fuck off to r/gaming and spare us from your autism?
learn to write first, maybe people will listen to what you're talking about then, though I doubt that
Holy shit it's spot on.
I'm listening to what's he's saying
The other is a fag, but your a turbo fag.
I suppose being oblivious to an obvious mockery is a symptom of autism. Fuck off salty cuck.
can you translate it then because I can't make heads or tails of what he's saying
Go and learn English before you try posting here again
I noticed the mockery and responded with mockery in kind
What's with that horrible CalArts' face? Please don't make a meme.
her face looks tired.
The mass is reduced because mass effect firearms have technical drawbacks. If you increase the mass of the projectile the weapon has even more recoil and heat generation, both of those being limiting factors in how you can use the weapon. If the recoil gets too high you get weapons like the Claymore and Widow where firing it can actually break your arms. Also I think overpenetration would be an issue if the mass were increased, and also safety issues. The Cain is what happens when you turn a mass effect weapon's safeties off
There's also one of Poopoo Peebee.
It's already a meme you dip
It's been a meme for a while.
user, you don't know about the face?
user doesn't know about the face.
user I…
Ow, got me.
it was a "artistic installation" in warsaw. After 3rd (iirc) time the nationalists burned it the city officials gave in and dismantled it.
p-please stop!
I knew about its origin but I didn't know it became a meme. I've seen that face being posted a lot these days.
I don't think it even had anything to do with gays though
To be fair most of these come from Holla Forums
not only did they find a new way to break the weapon model, but they left her stupid fucking facial expression the same
But reddit is filled with normalfags, like you.
I didn't believe anyone can be this incompetent.
Its malicious.
ain't that face also on a pickle jar?
Who told you that?
this image is perfection
I guess it was clipping through the Shrek's face when held backwards, that's why it's missing after turning back.
Yes, people like you who don't belong here.
Considering how the average Bioware employee seems to come from the 200% pure distilled irony elemental branch of hipster faggotry it wouldn't surprise me if they did it on purpose.
That's because you haven't seen this image.
This isn't /a/ buddy people are allowed to have taste and standards in their anime and nip games.
he has ascended beyond such terms as "perfect" or "flawless"
Indeed, that's why he's the "supreme" gentleman.
stop spoonfeeding
This. She still looks stupid as shit.
I don't get it. Is this a /k/ meme?
She's holding it backwards in the first pic, what about the second?
Oh right, so is Toonamishit still your main drip feed for chink toons?
It's a gun from the other two games kind of chopped in half, apparently in order to make it fit in her hands when it's flipped around backwards.
I still dont know why she was holding it backwards when they even edited the model to make it so they could make her hold it backwards. They had to have been concious that she was holding it backwards.
So let me get this straight
They fucked up and made her hold it backwards, and then they "fixed" it by CHANGING THE FUCKING MODEL instead of just rotating it?
And its still not fixed
This is the real point of retardation in their "fix."
You got it bud, took you some time but you got it.
No, the model in the patch is the same as the one used in the original cutscene. They rotated it, showing that they butchered the weapon model.
Ahh, I can see that now. But why fuck with the model at all?
It's the same gun from before the update
, but it was probably cut off so it wasn't obscuring/clipping it's face.
There's such a high level of incompetence at work here that it's astounding that Bioware hasn't gone bankrupt yet.
I think they might have.
He looks quite similar to Jim Jones in that pic. The sunglasses help, but still.
I hope they fully regret drinking the SJW cool-aide.
Do they ever?
Don't give me false hope.
Are they pajeet crowd sourcing these "fixes" or something? It's like they gave a note about what needs to be fixed out of context and you get this instructions unclear shit.
If it alienates their fan base, and ultimately cascades into their bankruptcy, then I certainly hope so.
they can't be doing well to say the least
It's weird that no one at Bioware even thought about slightly changing the position of the camera so the gun wouldn't hide PeePee's face. Someone went through the trouble of editing the gun model instead.
Listen, I love tali. She's one of my favorite characters. Excluding the shit ME3 face reveal, she's damn near perfect for my personal tastes.
But I would do things to a female Garus.
Let's hope this is the end of Nu-Bioware.
The decline started at ME3, but Andromeda was enough to make even the common AAA plebeian turn away.
It seems like people are starting to see the holes in all this social justice bullshit. One of the retards from MTV recently considered talking to people who disagree with her, and now her friends are giving her shit.
The best part is how the gun wouldn't have any positioning issues if the gun wasn't pointed backwards in the first place. They created a problem for themselves out of pure stupidity.
It most likely is.
Rejoice, rejoice, they have no choice.
I think its partially clipping through the camera
I mean Jesus fuck how is it possible to publish this shit without doing any kind of testing? It would take 5 seconds tops to look at this shit and see it.
It is a stab right in the face every day that Nu-Bioware is allowed to continue but Sirtech and Troika went under.
Is there more?
Mass is mass. Weight is the force of gravity pushing the mass down. We don't know what dark matter/dark energy/whatever you wanna call it, is, though. Just that it's there.
You have a Down's fetish?
Why do the Krogan wear those suits at all times? You never see them in anything else.
That voice coming out of that creature…what in the fuck?
exactly, we don't know where it comes from, it just exists
Yes, and then they re-fixed it by turning it back the right way around, but didn't un-change the model
It's just downright baffling.
Most here do lately.
Mass is a property of matter. Saying we don't know what it is is like saying we don't know what length is, because it's something that doesn't mean much on its own.
Stay away from my wife.
Actually no, most R34 that I've seen is solo stuff of Scott or the other characters.
but mass, unlike length, is immeasurable
Fair enough, in a vaccuum we can just predict it. Either way, the writers of this game doesn't know any of this, since they refer to a "mass of energy" at one point.
Salarian cuntboys
How long will the Mass Effect series be on hiatus?
long enough for them to make a new one just called "MASS EFFECT" with no subtitle or relation to previous titles
The gun is the least annoying part of the image. That blue creature holding the gun looks like some kind of a squid neanderthal with an under bite. And the black streak on her face makes it seem like the left eye sits lower than the right.
I have no knowledge of the lore or the universe. All I know about this blue mess is that it is some major NPC on the players team. Looking at this picture alone I would say this character is the team simpleton. There for comic relief by value of the stupid things it does. In this case almost shooting itself in the face.
A picture is worth a 1000 words. All 1000 of these words say this character is mentally retarded and should not drive heavy machinery or handle weapons.
Wow, looks like we are not going to see a new Mass Effect game in a really long time.
As far as I can tell, she's the "fuck you mom, i'll do what I want" character, since asari are supposed to be wise and benevolent, and she rejects that I guess.
Cowboy Bebop isn't that good. The animation is alright, but it's pretty short and a bit boring. They really should've done a lot more with it than they did.
Fuck, I was about to post that.
In the first picture the AI gained sentience and tried to kill itself. In order to prevent this Bioware made the gun non-functional so the AI would stop using it incorrectly. Pretty clever programming to be honest.
That sounds like an interesting game concept.
I think they did.
I think the model was already broken
nah you could do that with a 3 year gap, reboots are still hip right now
Even worse, the model was deliberately broken by a mongoloid who put the gun in her hand backward and noticed it doesn't fucking fit, so logically instead of asking someone who knows what the fuck is going on about why the angle of the grip and trigger placement and general design of the gun is all fucked up, instead they just deleted a bunch of the model to make it stop clipping, most likely into her face when she draws. The gun still clipped like a motherfucker anyway as you can see in her ring and pink finger disappearing into the grip, but I guess that was close enough for their crack team of artists, modelers, and animators.
Fucking pathetic
It's Tungsten, which has a super-high melting point. Like 6,000-some-odd degrees F.
It's a sawed-off! :^)
They probably think QA is a gender.
I thought you fug their birth canals, even though you might as well be putting it in their butts for all the good it does towards reproduction.
Am I the only person who is bugged by the angle of her wrist?
I mean I know its a space gun and everything but still seems like a good way to break your wrist as presented by a bunch of limp wristed fags who never held a gun in their life.
She's a self-hating oh-so-quirky, rebel-without-a-cause asari and a transparent "how do you do fellow kids" appeal to Bioware's young tumblr-using fanbase. Less than 1% of the Milky Way's star systems have been explored but this retard thinks it's all old hat which is why she needs to go to another galaxy for excitement. In that respect she's a clumsy attempt to justify the game's retarded premise. She says asari society is stifling but it's welcoming to all. Liara at least was professional and had a clear role in the first game. Peebee is just there to be obnoxious and eccentric.
Not until you mentioned it.
Jesus fucking Christ.
you know whats really scary. Apparently ME: Andromeda is so bad there is barely any Rule 34 of this game. I mean you go on any of the boorus and you'll trip over Mass Effect porn out the wazoo, but ME: Andromeda? Nope. almost none. not even CG porn. Yeah, apparently this game is just that bad.
Considering the guns in game have recoil, there's a good chance her wrist should be broken.
So she's the blue haired bitch from Life is Strange, but in space.
Borrowed them all from a friend, blew through them in a week, gave them back and never looked back. Was tempted to give this a pirate, but free shit is still shit.
How the fuck did you manage that?
I figured out how to make her decently hot. I'll post pics of mine when I get back from work.
I enjoyed it when I watched it back in 2000.
Felt comfy in the part of me that enjoys smooth jazz and film noir. I can see how it can be a bit boring.
are you trying to say the series wasn't made for consoles first and foremost?
Yeah? Me too.
PlayStation 3, despite having no games, does have free online. PC is much better though, given the choice between console and PC
I even had my choices carry over into the Tricolor ending!
It might just be me, but the heavy lock-on console games have really fucks with me. It might just be because i've gotten used to PC controls.
You act like this is a new thing.
Wew lad, go back to the place your projecting.
Stagnation was kind of the central theme of the entire show. The inability for any of the characters to move forward in their lives. I agree that the ending came on too fast though.
And the only porn so far is just making fun of how autistic Fem Rider is.
someone post the dunkey version pls
No, please don't
I'm in the process of replaying the trilogy, and I noticed that in 1, Liara straight up says something to the effect of Asari not having any concept of pronouns or gender. I have a distinct feeling that not many people responsible for this garbage fire even played 1, let alone any of the other 3
new to me
I have never been to Holla Forums
I began playing through ME2, recently rescued Garrus, wanna have a lesbian thing, who are the options for femShep? also, story is kind of entertaining, I think I am going Renegade.
The pig is cuter
Reminder to not light autistic girls on fire guys
So this is what a black, autistic, homosexual faggot sounds like? Someone get this guy in contact with milo, he's right up his alley.
That's correct. The Codex calls the asari monogender. Liara says that as an asari she's not exactly a man or a woman, male or female, masculine or feminine, because those concepts don't mean anything to asari. Other species view the asari as feminine, and the universal translators call them feminine words accordingly, but asari don't view themselves that way. Then in ME2 Aethyta shits on Shepard for trying to gender the words mother and father when applying them to asari when talking about her and Benezia and Liara who's their daughter.. Also in ME2 Aria says that she gave the krogan Patriarch that name mockingly because the word means nothing to her people.
Basically Bioware was trying to clean up "problematic" asari lore, just as they cleaned up the Qunari having a strictly gender-role-based society.
You're mistaken user. The worst fate is not to end like Troika, but to end like Bioware. Troika died as Troika, but Bioware has been hollowed out, its innards and soul removed, replaced with corporate yes-men and sjw ideologues, and all the original people gone. Bioware is just a shell, a broken down husk that's being forced to move forward, and using the body and image of its predecessor as a mockery and a trick to try and steal money from those who once loved the studio.
Neither have I, but I know the board consists of unoriginal, glue sniffing losers who obsess over anything Cartoon Network shits out.
Stay triggered, goon.
Can I have both satan?
wait why are niggers whining about persona
Because it didn't westernize the Japanese stuff or something.
Anons, for a patch to be this totally broken, it means a few things:
>quality control / build validation testing is out the fucking window or they don't care about it since hardly anyone got it on PC
I can't even imagine how badly you have to fuck up to cause these kinds of issues.
Also, for the anons talking about the gun, it looks like they fucked up surprising no one and used a base model for the gun and forgot to include the right barrel attachment. Or at least I can't imagine why that gun model would exist unless it was part of a modular system.
I wonder how much more enjoyment ME:A has to give all of us. Hopefully the next bit of news is Bioware Montreal being shut down / renamed to something else.
They are noticing that their ability to gatekeep is waning.
wew lad
You definitely proved you don't go to Holla Forums, though we do obsess over everything Cartoon Network shits out, in the same way Holla Forums is obsessing over Mass Effect Andromeda.
That because asari mentally "steal" dna and use it to fuck with their own dna to have a baby. They could "fuck" a piece of wood and still have a kid.
well, it would just result in another asari. rather than some kind of wood sprite, unfortunately.
I remember how they have some bullshit about Asari who mate with Asari are holding their species' genetics back and the kids get treated like shit.
tippest toppest wew
This is why brown people do not make video games
bullying is no good
They've been fucking this up ever since ME1. In ME2 there's signs that outline Asari bodies in a distinctly female shape which makes no sense since the reason everyone is attracted to Asari is that they appear to be whatever is attractive to the viewer. They look female in the game because the devs could reasonably assume that most players are straight men though at this point I think this may no longer be the case.
Oh God, you're one of those fuckwits, aren't you?
homosexuals are still attracted to a succubus
He's not wrong, there was some shit in there that vaguely implied it. Vaguely.
As are video cameras.
It was three drunk dudes being drunk and ME fans, like the moronic autist you are, couldn't read into context, let alone use your meager critical thinking skills and outwit a bunch of BioWare writers writing about three drunk dudes.
Why would Shepard, if played like a faggot see the Asari as hot women? Why do they appear as hot women on recording equipment?
Because BioWare's writing is schizophrenic and never made sense.
so maybe what that conversation is really implying is that asari are whatever the hell the writer wants them to be at the moment
In this case it's just you mental cripples.
I'm sorry for not taking your Mass Effect deepest lore so seriously, user
I'm sorry you're too stupid for BioWare writing. It must have been tough on your parents to raise such an invalid.
I'm sorry user I'm really trying my best to take all your precious Mass Effect writing as seriously as you do but it's just so garbage that "talking about Mass Effect lore" and "saying something stupid" are perfectly synonymous. I can only hope to someday understand it and love it as much as you do to get so ass-ravaged over the most vague and throwaway comments.
I could give less of a fuck about ME, it was always complete trash made for mouthbreathing plebs that never bother to think too hard. What I'm amazed is that you're somehow too stupid to get BioWare writing. You're dumber than a redditor.
she wasn't supposed to be the model, shes some cosplayer, who might be friends with
user I'm begging you to forgive me for not giving nearly as much of a fuck about Mass Effect's writing as you clearly do, I know it gets your butt all aflame that I didn't meticulously research every single fact of the situation before commenting on your glorious golden baby of a game that you have to sperg out over at the most minor of offenses, and I'm deeply sorry and won't do it again.
There was nothing to research. You have to be genuinely brain damaged to see that scene and come to the conclusion you did.
how about we watch the clip again
So the gun was cut like that to avoid it clipping into the head of that retarded blue ayyylien, which means someone spend fucking time cutting the model instead of fixing the scene by just fucking turning the gun to point the other side, then when they realized their stupidity they went and actually turned the gun to the other side but used the used the same fucking cut model instead of replacing it with the complete one.
Bioware quality in a single image
while true, the bitch with the womb is the female.
I remember on Omega that one Asari bitch was laughing about giving the previous ganglord the title of Patriarch because it's a word that doesn't even exist in their tongue.
is a seahorse man-pouch considered a womb?
obviously not, because he only stores eggs in there, the egg can develop on their own, they do not depend on the father to give them nutrients through his blood like mammals, but he keeps them there for protection and warmth
Yeah, being a "pure blood" is seen as a bad thing. The asari are the globalists' wet dream.
They must have a bunch of supervisors who went throught every cutscene before release, I mean that's how it's supposed to work, they would also have to play their own game to see if it's fine (I wouldn't even call it QA, I mean if I had to work for 4 years on a game, I would like to play the final version to see if I managed to do what I had in mind).
Please tell me you can shoot her
But we've already seen they can fuck with people's nervous systems through biotics.
That's the dictionary definition of "half-assing" it right there.
No ;_;. If you maintain the aim and activate a dialogue sequence, your character stays in aiming mode.
Huh? Measuring inertia with laser pointers is pretty easy in a vacuum and freefall.
But all genders would be welcome, and QA apparently wasn't.
Asari don't classify themselves from a male/female biological binary. Also, some Earth species don't follow that human binary either, and so scientists use increasingly specific ones in those cases. We don't know if asari reproduce using zygotes, but one definition humans use of male/female is that the partner that contributes the largest gamete is the "female" so humans could still call the asari female, and we do in-universe because the Codex is human-centric.
The Chora's Den sign appears in ME1. The asari are feminine there too. Also, Mordin posits that asari pheromones make people around them horny, not that they can somehow make gay people attracted to them
Even if it is garbage it's still justifiable to expect some consistency from Bioware. But now they have their gender studios majors manning the lore so everything is fucked
This is correct. The bachelor party conversation is an easter egg reference to an old BSN conversation. The asari are as they appear, but because they have a common humanoid form, several humanoid species can find them attractive. Otherwise you'd see what they look like via remote surveillance or even just a photograph
Did they actually model the gun backwards? What am I looking at here?
They originally had the gun backwards in her hand, and cut off the front so it wouldn't clip with her face. When they "fixed" it they just turned the gun around without putting the proper gun model back in, which is why the front of the gun is missing. Either they didn't care enough to put in the full gun model or they didn't know enough about what the gun looks like to notice the front is missing.
Oh, perhaps an user should edit some basic explanation like that into the image.
…with no-
Bioware didn't put that much effort into ME:A, why should an user put that much effort into MS Paint
The only thing I've found that is not gag-worthy.
The thing that baffles me is that the model was changed at all, because that would mean to imply that they actually knew about the pistol being backwards in the original fuck-up, and rather than fix it, they simply cut away from the model so it wouldn't show that it's clipping through Shrek's face.
…but nobody was supposed to notice that
Because then people can use that image without having to explain it every time.
Their philosophy is a Jewish multicultural wet dream. Surely a coincidence, right? Right?
I suppose that whoever was initially working on fixing the mistake was too dumb to notice that the gun was simply rotated backwards. So they began working on a half-assed attempt at fixing the model. Then they or someone else finally noticed that it was actually just rotated backwards, so they just rotated the half-assed model (since the hidden part didn't matter) and pushed out the fix.
Probably because either:
1. they outsourced all the animation to gooks or illiterate pajeets; or,
2. nobody working for Bioware has actually played any of the Mass Effect games (including this one) and they don't actually realize it's wrong
I thought companies were finally starting to realize that outsourcing this kind of thing would bite them in the ass in the long run. Maybe that only applies to actual coding.
Speaking as someone who works in tech, a single Indian worker gets paid around 10% of what an American worker at a similar level of responsibility gets paid. From a managerial perspective, even if all the street-shitting-pajeets are only a quarter as effective as their American counterparts, it's still (on paper) more cost-effective to hire ten of them than it is to hire a single American. In my experience, management never properly factors in the additional costs associated with re-work and overall loss of quality that comes with hiring hordes of public defecators. For example, my company regularly hires between ten and twenty foreigners for every new batch of 1 to 3 US programmers.
This is also the impression I got in school. Since the pajeets were always notorious cheaters who worked collaboratively on every single project. There seemed to be only 1 or 2, among the 10+ of them in my 400 level courses, who could actually code. The rest just copied off of them.
It's actually worse than that in a work environment, because they often mess things up and cause issues that the US programmers are expected to fix. They also sap the US programmer's time by relying on them to provide assistance or answer questions that any half-competent programmer in that position should already know the answer to. I joke with my buddies that our job title should be "Pajeet Whisperer".
A friend of mine works at a much larger tech company than I do, and every once in a while he will send me snippets of e-mails or questions he gets from Indian programmers. They'll get error messages that explicitly state what the issues are (e.g. "you are missing X library" or "input file not found") and they'll ask him what they mean. He is forced to waste his time helping them, because American workers who don't stop to answer these stupid questions get punished in performance reviews for not being "supportive to our overseas colleagues" or "not supporting a multicultural office environment".
Fuck this gay Earth.
We have more blind people on here than I thought we would. Pretty amazing, do you navigate the site with some text-to-speech bullshit? And how do you play vidya without seeing anything?
Probably ME:A devs
Is this good? I made it specifically to spite the purposeful face imperfections and "normality" generations bioware's tranny devs use to try and push the narrative that it is okay to look disgusting.
Marked improvement, but it could be a little better. She's a little too realistic.
her face appears to be melting and that hairstyle is terrible
I'm trying to figure out what you mean by this. Too barbie-dollish?
I don't know how to fix that. Is it the spacing of the cheeks and eyes? The original female head was way to big for me so I made everything smaller and more concave. In my opinion that makes it more feminine as normally males have larger proportions. I could have made it more bimboish but stopped myself.
I dont think you can fix melting face in bioware games but I think the problem lies with the jaw
I don't think it's something you can fix. Look at her face in the second picture. It's glistening like a wax statue at Madam Tussaud's. Her skin just appears oily.
Is that Captain Sweden?
Jaws are one of the hardest things for me to get down, regardless of the character creator. I can see what you mean.
With the way skin textures are in this game and how the conveniently "forgot" to add in white skin colors I am surprised it came out as good as it did. Everyone in this game looks like a trainwreck depending on the lighting.
Forgot to answer this in your last reply.
I have a fetish for hairbands.
kek, I'm no miracle worker user
It is obviously his wife. This is a progressive game after all.
I'm just not a fan of this kind of hyper-realism in the models. Realist isn't necessarily better. If I wanted to see women with imperfections, then I'd walk outside. I'd rather the models be more stylized, even cartoonish, if it avoids the ugly realism we see in the vanilla model.
Garrus, best bro