as long as you are small mario, or are crouching, bowser can't hurt you while you're on the bricks.
what are some odd tricks you know in video games?
as long as you are small mario, or are crouching, bowser can't hurt you while you're on the bricks.
what are some odd tricks you know in video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I hate mario now
well ain't that a shame.
anyway, that one boss from sonic 2 or 3 where he drops liquid on you. just crouch and it passes by harmlessly
Big B just wants him some italian shota.
You can also rapid-fire Missiles in Metroid Prime by alternating between Y and A.
Apparently you can run faster in Turok by going diagonal.
Many old games have this issue, come from the fact that they treat the X and Y input axis on the analog as separate inputs, and add them together. It's like treating the "analog space" as a square, and moving the analog to the corner means you're further away from the center (half-diagonal > half-side). Modern games know that you need to treat the analog space as a circle, and your X and Y inputs only define where on the circumference the direction lands.
In Megaman Legends you can cancel the buster's cooldown period by pressing up to walk forward while pressing the shoot button. Doing this quickly makes you rapid fire. This is especially useful because that way you can just upgrade your buster to deal high damage while still being able to shoot quickly.
for the longest time i never knew you could do a huge spray lf water in mario sunshine by pressing A and R at the same time. I don't think that's uncommon knowledge though.
Hold E in Fallout 3 and Fallout new vegas when drinking from a lake or body of water to keep drinking until you are at full health
good games will assign a different speed for a forward walk cycle vs. a strafe and average them together
You can tongue up in Yoshi's Island.
If you crouch in the boss in Chemical Plant Zone, you're invincible to his attack.
Oh shit did I become a newfag overnight?
I can swear there's a joke going on in here
You can kill Roto-Disc using the statue transformation and you can kill Big Boo by sliding down a slope through them.
Jesus, imagine Mario crouching down and his face begins to rub against Bowser's hot turtle cock, teasing it and making it increase in girth and length. Bowser beginning to blush and having his legs shaking every time he jumps.
Mario then beginning to give it a lick or two, until bowser stops jumping completely. Then he begins stroking his shaft and deepthroating it, Mario being a skilled Italian from practicing with luigi and birdo. Now ramming the big fat log down his moist mouth, pushing his tongue against the shaft and keeping ol bows thrusting inside his slimy throatpussy while letting out the tamest roars he has done to date.
Bowser then begins to push Mario's head balls deep as he gets note sensitized, patting his hat, but no longer being able to resist his masterful craft and pumping Mario's skull full of hot warm thick flavorful koopa cum. Mario lapping every single drop like a good paisano.
Bowser then takes a moment to recover his breath, gives Mario the key to the princess and lastly gives him his number so they can keep in touch, then they become friends with benefits and the princess never gets kidnapped again.
In Fallout 1 you can destroy the LA Vault (where the Master resides) without even encountering him. There is a bomb behind some locked doors on sub-level 3 which can be activated with either a key dropped from the Lieutenant or a science skill check.
Yeah, FFX does that with zombie protecting you from death.
I didn't know you could pick up shells underwater in Super Mario 64 until two years ago
Galaxy taught me that
Some cool ones I learned from playing forever and also watching Kamiya play Bayonetta. They're not really odd, but some of them would take forever to find and are pretty cool.
There's more but I just can't remember them off the top of my head. If anybody else knows them feel free to post.
Gee its almost like you can do that to reach enemies above you. In fact this ONE ODD TRICK is used to get some red coins from enemies. Shyguys hate him!
Also in FF9 you can use a tent in battle to full heal but thered a chance you get bitten by a snake that does Poison, Blind, and Mute. Theres a boss you can use it on 2 or 3 times and basically trivialize
so did you just not even try to grab the shells inside the clams?
Didn't even know you could grab shit underwater, saw the shells but never tried anything since you already swam fast enough.
Mario is like the exact opposite of shots, dude.
In FF2 there is a region very close to the second town that is full of magicians that drop tomes that can go for about 3000-5000 gil each. Letting them attack your party members and spamming cure spells will allow you to become stronger and richer pretty quickly in the early game.
Speaking of FF2, you can fuck shit up with the Bloodsword and you can get it pretty early in the game too.
Or how if you are holding the lock-on button, you can use the Jump button to dodge.
Or if you jump and click the left stick while wall-walking, gravity will reset to normal.
Or if you press select during a loading screen, it will let you stay and practice till you press select again.
Or how you can un-invert the controls for the Space Harrier segment and the cannon in the tower stage.
Both Bayo and Wonderful 101 have a lot of hidden functionality that makes the experience better if you know it.
Did u no that mario is luigi brother?
We will never see him again.
arr what manner of fuckery be this
Nigger thats not even a fucking trick, I think most of us figured that out on our own. Pretty sure its a balance thing to make Bowser slightly easier when you're small and about to get your shit fucked
Wasn't he the inspiration for Wario?
My god. This is the most Jewish Nintendo character I've seen yet
My nigger, I wish we could see him in a Mario Party/sports/kart/orwhateverthefuckit'snow.
He is, in fact, the designer wanted a Bluto a look like since Wrecking Crew.
more like foreman kike
I never learned about this because I have skill
Bump. Nobody has any exploit/deeper knowledge on games? It's almost like nobody here has ever played a game before.
open to even stupid things like
that would be fun
How about this.
In Legend of Mana if you reforge a topplecotton hat with 4 clear feathers you can sell the resultant item for a buttload of lucre. You can easily get clear feathers as drops on the Luon Highway.
exploits are for babbys or speedrunners
Most of the time I only ever play a game once, and using an exploit is the same as cheating.
So it never really comes to mind.
Some aren't. Some are actually pretty fucking hard to pull off or are only slightly helpful.
i like the trick in goldeneye where you can spin back into the bathroom vent in facility
The remake didn't have this.
How about this one:
Since Achievements are tied to unlocking the Eternal Testimony and Climax Bracelet, this trick is actually pretty useful.
To defeat the cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies.
it is annoying how easy they are to kill compared to the spider mastermind
In Secret of Mana, you can get back into the starting town by holding up against the guy that keeps you out and mashing select. You won't be able to leave without Flammy.
His real name is Blackey.
Considering that the Mastermind is fought after the Cyberdemon, I'd be more disappointed if the Mastermind was easier.
Can you explain this better?
Levitate sets their move speed equal to magnitude. This basically slows them to the equivalent lf having a speed stat of 1. Movement makes them use stamina. By the time they get to you they have none left because they used it all. At this point you can knock them out and do damage. Also its magnitude 1 so its profoundly inexpensive to increase the duration to minutes.
Its way stronger than feather or burden unmodded too
In Undertale, Monster Kid's real name is Jeffrey, according to an unused name string just before his dialog from a text dump
Is that even on-topic? Because if it is I do data mine the Souls games.
Its not really a "trick" but its something thats only known from meta knowledge of the game itself
Alright then.
The name of the nameless knight that gives you the estus flask is Oscar of Astora.
Betcha didn't know that.
How about that every cutscene QTE in The Wonderful 101 has a uniquely animated failure state? There's at least a solid hour of footage nobody playing the game will ever see because the QTEs are laid back as fuck.
Same thing with Bayonetta actually. It suits Kamiya's personality to completely shit on somebody for failing something so simple as a QTE by having an extra animation to drive the point home.
I did know that.
He was also supposed to be a rival character who would take the opposite path from you and you would fight in the end. Though this idea never made it further than concept stages.
But then it gets broken.
A trio of completely invincible magi with infinite mp + one tank (also nigh invincible) to keep yourself from getting game over completely trivialises anything in that game.
All because of them adding one status effect that wasn't in the first game.
I want art of this
Protip: Shoot at the cyberdemon until it dies.
Aww fuck
in WItcher 2 if you upgrade the distance of combat rolls twice, constantly rolling forward is more than twice as fast as running or sprinting around levels. The only downside is you have to have your weapon drawn to do it, so you have to avoid guards in certain areas.
in Call of Pripyat in the Bloodsucker lair, if you jump at the right angle you can get on top of a computer that puts you out of attack range for any mutant downstairs - so you can kill them without taking damage, if you wanted to
Well, to actually contribute:
In Baldurs Gate, a ranger/cleric will get access to both cleric and druid spells while also being a better melee fighter than either.
in Dragon Age Awakening (expansion to Origins) the Legionnare class has certain abilities that grand you immunity from damage in exchange for stamina - so if you keep enough stamina potions at hand, you can't take damage, and also have the ability to use other skills that deal high DPS. Meaning you can be invincible on large parts of the game.
In Bloodborne (at least in 1.0, they probably fixed this since then) if you only dodge a certain attack from Gehram and poke him once when you do it, he will never enter the much more difficult second phase.
in 1.0 you could get a memory leak that would make all bosses do only 1 attack. You could also quit out as soon as you entered Vicar's fight and her AI would break. Shadows too.
I never learned this because I never beat Super Mario 3 as a kid and never bothered to go back to playing it after I got a SNES.
And you could do this with Gascoigne.
something similar is still possible with micolash - although its very difficult to pull off
it must have happened to me on my first run because wet nurse never entered its second phase, that was a bummer at the time
If you deal enough damage to Smelter Demon quickly enough, he'll go directly to powering up his sword and never gain his fire aura.
Neverwinter Nights 2 Character building tips:
1. If you choose to take a single base class at level 30, you'll never suffer from exp prnalties because that's the max level
2. The last tip is usually combined with cleric since you can get two free feats from taking a single cleric level. Most choose it to get Evasion, Toughness, Blind Fight or Weapon Focus. If you choose to take a single cleric class earlier, you can get Turn undead to use in Divine feats.
3. It's best to take as many classes as possible, each time you get one class, 1 to 2 of your saves increase by 2 each, Which makes it an easy way to boost saves. It let's you get up to 6+ in a save in three levels as opposed to the 1+ you get from being pure.
4. You get iterative attacks every 5 BAB, but you only get it on the sixth level. This means you can usually sacrifice 4 BAB on a Full bab class and still get all your iterative attacks. On a mid BAB class, you only have 1 you're able to get rid of before you start losing iteratives.
5. Thanks to the way caster level works, you can lose 1 CL if you don't plan on taking practiced spellcaster or 2 CL if you are taking PS and still not lose much. It's usually a good idea to fill those missing levels with either fighter or Cleric for free feats, or use them to get Palemaster and lose no spellcasting prowess. This is because you get a +1 to spell DC for every 3 epic levels you have, and you can only get 10 of them, or 14 with PS.
6. It's generally a good idea to stack classes that depend on a single attribute, this is what makes a Druid Monk so strong, as they get Wisdom to both their spellcasting and their AC
Now for some stuff I've done.
Or there's also this monstrosity that I shouldn't have to explain:
At level 10, was regularly doing 40 damage per hit, and hits twice as many times as other classes.
They weren't laid back in the PS3 version, I can tell you that fucking much.
Witcher 2 lets you stack damage to be retardedly broken.
The amount of damage you can do with this is so insanely huge that if you use proper gear and buffs with it you can insta-kill enemies that fully reflect you with shields.
its not my fault you are not good at the game
Speaking of zombies in ffx, the boss in the canal where Yevon dumps Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka may have a fuckton of hp but will die rather quickly to an Xpotion or two
In Boringlands: The DLCquel, Jack has a skill called "You Have My Shield", wherein his holo-duplicates have copies of the shield you have equipped. Well, there's a bug. Borderlands has shields that increase your melee damage by adding a set value to each melee attack when the shield is depleted. The skill and the duplicates are fucked up, and the damage bonus is MULTIPLICATIVE instead of being additive. This gets funny when you have a legendary shield, like the Avalanche, that significantly increases your melee damage when it's down. The final piece of the fail puzzle is that pretty much all attacks from the duplicates are coded as melee attacks, even when they're shooting or tossing lobbed shots. Imagine that your melee damage does like, 700 per hit, and your shield grants you like 11,000 damage until it starts to recharge. Your duplicates would then do 7,700,000 per attack, and you have two of them for the duration of the action skill period.
Everything gets gibbed, and bosses get annihilated in seconds, if the enemy knocks your duplicates' shields down.
In the un-patched version of Skyrimjob, if you drink a potion of fortify restoration, then don equipment that boosts alchemy, the potion increases that boost. You remove the equipment and re-don it. You then make a potion of fortify restoration with your boosted alchemy skill, remove and reapply the equipment, and keep going until your get absurd values for potions. I think after the patch, it only lets you do this a couple times, but you can extend that by enchanting better accessories that improve alchemy, by making better fortify enchanting potions. Basically a massive pain in the ass that lets you make legendary equipment with absurd enchantments early in the game, like a ring of fortify blacksmithing by a several thousand percent.
in Final Fantasy 3/6, if Relm uses the sketch skill on an invisible enemy, the game goes apeshit. If you manage to save the game, reset, and load your save, you could have a shit-ton of unique items in your inventory. Or mountains of garbage. I believe the sketch bug is version-specific. I did it on the first US version for the SNES, and ended up with hundreds of Paladin Shields, Gem Boxes, Economizers, Experience Eggs, Genji Gloves, Offerings, Ultima Swords, and various other high end loot. Rest of the game was CAKE from that point. Having everyone cast Ultima twice per turn for the total cost of 2MP was hilarity.
In System Shock 2 you can permanently gain the effects of any attribute boosting implant by equipping it on your character and then using the recycler to turn it into nanites.
As long as you don't close the window of an upgrade station you can undo your investment of cybernetic modules at any time. This enables you for example to do maintenance on your weapons with a way higher skill than you actually have without wasting your modules.
Also every enemy organ, mission critical item and a bunch of useful healing stuff only requires a research skill of 1 to be identified. In Hydroponics theres an implant that boosts research by 1 while equipped meaning you never have to buy research to complete the game.
in doom if you strafe run along a wall northwords it boosts you up to 300% speed
If you combine a hammer with a cauldron in Divinity: Original Sin, it becomes a helmet.
I've tried so hard to enjoy this game ever since I first bought it and I just can't. Every time I get to Neverwinter I just lose all the willpower to play the damn thing.
It's based on pointer fuckery and due to ff3US reading save data on boot it's entirely possible to have the sketch glitch brick your cart by corrupting your save data badly enough.
does this mean we can inject code by corrupting the save?
It's more or less been done.
everyone and their mother knows this
Better option:
In DA:O (and Awakening) pick the arcane warrior class and use the shield toggle thing that drains 10 mana per second and gives you a fuck ton of armor. Then stack armor from every other source you can and get 10 mana+stamina regen to the point where you have more armor than any enemy in the game has damage and you become effectively immortal permanently (armor is calculated as a threshold, not a % reduction). Bonus points for using Blood magic as well so you can still cast all your spells.
I meant prevent them from catching up*
time to go to sleep
That's the joke. You're right, go catch some sleep
Oh gee user, thanks for the info.
Next you'll tell me that characters like Seigmeyer and Solaire have fully developed faces under their helmets
In Golden Sun, you can rename your entire party if you press select three times in the screen where you put Isaacs name.
can't you rename the bag too?
People have done weird shit like programming ASCII video into Pokemon Blue/Green. Old games are mad unstable.
Discovering that was the most fun part of that game.
Something decidedly un-fun:
You can have part of your team (everyone but the end character) cancel and reassign their action for that turn. Every time you do it increments the skill associated with whatever you selected, be it weapon or spell.
What bag?
maybe I'm thinking of Dragon Warrior 3 then.
in dark souls, if you use great magic shield to increase a shield's stability past 100, not only will it not cost stamina to block, there will be no breakthrough damage, just like if the shield had 100 in every stat.
also if you roll and while the roll is occurring you change your right hand weapon from a buffable weapon to the stone greatsword, buff it with any miracle and use it's tranquil walk of peace effect you will generate an almost instant death radius around yourself for the duration.
hi brian
In Dark Souls, if you equip a weapon you don't have the stats to use and roll into someone any thorn armor, your roll animation instantly changes to the weapon rebounding off animation.
Augh oh geez how did you know
can you read minds
You can eternally stall combat and maintain combo by simply dodging over enemy's heads in most Arkham games.
That's not a trick, that's bad game design.
Same applies to any Arkham style combat game.
In the European version of Gran Turismo 2 you could buy Vauxhalls or Opels depending on the language you picked.
Agreed. I vaguely recall that Shadow of Mordor is the only game that uses it that actually bothers to include enemies color coded to not let you do this.
Fable was pretty fucking broken. Specifically Fable 1 for the original Xbox… not sure about the remastered or Lost Chapters or PC versions.
So basically every time I play it, I get as much money as I can, buy a fuckton of blue potions and food, then spam the Hobbes Cave and chain 30-40 multiplier, then get a fuckton of exp, and coast through the game
Also MMBN3 was top tier
You haven't even gotten to the things you can do as a pure mage.
Why in God's name would you choose that method to get cash? You can make tons of money at any point in the game by buying out a vendor's supply of an item and then selling it all back to him.
Oh, I never actually tried that. I know guile helps with that, but assume this is before raising guile to an acceptable level.
I did try that once, though. I bought their shit and sold to a different merchant
Completely unnecessary, amusingly enough. A vendor will pay more money for an item they have none of. This includes items they literally just sold to you. For items with extremely low worth (like apples) this sometimes doesn't actually net you any money at all (though I think you at least break even), but if you find a vendor with a reasonable quantity of high-value items like gems…
Does that make muslims the dwemer, or the altmer?
I combined that with 100% silence, 100% blind, soul trap, and absorb health each for 100 seconds. It costs 1500 mana, and I need to boost my willpower by the thousands to cast, but it is fun to just watch an enemy die in front of you while they can't do anything. I don't use paralyze so they can still turn while I walk around them waiting.
This dosen't even work I shot at my tv screen and all I got was parts everywhere.
Want to know an actually useful trick?
Use it as a finisher to guarantee a filled soulgem for 30 mp only.
How many times are your enemies going to be left on 1 hp anyway? You're going to have to cast that one more often
How does that kill? Does it basically kill them before their health pool fills, or does the health drain need to be of sufficient magnitude?
You mean 100 hp right, because 100 health drain costs 30 mp. forgot to write that.
drain is the cheapest damage effect with the negative being that it's temporary damage which gets healed up after the duration ends. If you get them below 100 hp though, you can kill them easily with the cheapest spell avaliable.
Yea I misread and typed out that shit while thinking that maybe 30 mp is a bit high. I'm going to sleep.
In Daggerfall character creation, you can give yourself several dire weaknesses (poison, paralysis, disease) which are negated by immunity to magic. This means you can tip the difficulty slider whilst never experiencing the disadvantages.
In Dragon Quest IX, you can have an infinite amount of gold by creating and then selling gold mail. Its components cost less than its sell price.
In Dark Messiah, you can skip a short section in the middle of Ch 5 with those cabins built along the cliff by shooting rope arrows along the final cabin and jumping across. Not sure why you would want to do that though, that section is cool.
In Portal 2, you can skip obtaining potato glados. I managed to solve the puzzle incorrectly by somehow getting enough momentum to shoot high enough to skip the whole segment.
In Red Faction, you can cross the ice bridge that Capek destroys by mining out a staircase on the side of it. This skips a pretty decent bit of that section of the game.
Also in Red Faction 1, you don't have to hand over your guns. You can to the "stealth" sections guns blazing.
In any game, you can do better by being an adult, because kids suck at games. The reason games like Team Fortress 2 and Analwatch are easy is largely because most of the playerbase sucks ass.
Oh I see. I thought it was something like the permanent summon glitch. If you have MPP you can set the damage higher to basically just one shot anything.
And thank god for that, those sections where horrible.
In at least Vanilla Street fighter 4 if you pick Zangief you can just spam Double lariats and you will beat any AI opponent on any difficulty. I don't how this got through play testing but the AI just can't handle the Gief.
Yeah, basic teamwork and competency actually wreck most teams, this is why "randos" is a derogatory statement.
It usually means an adult that's high or drunk because it's the end of the work day, or a child that doesn't into basic motor skills or strategy.
I saw a LoL thread this week, and a player was reported by saying "gg" in allchat (after 3 of his opponents did the same)
Yes, the tribunal punished him
The problem with the community punishment system there, is that you get rewarded if you correctly voted alongside the majority. Thus, it's less risky to just say "accept" and push punishments onto every reported player because you get your free leaguebucks like a good goy
considering China's involvement with that game it wouldn't surprise me if the manufactured popularity of ASSFAGGOTS and their deformed cousins were some part of social engineering program designed to turn us all into perfect communist underlings.
Thats basically reddit
Sort of like how reddit's upvote system is designed to train people into becoming unpaid shills?
Where are my flying cars? Why are we getting 1984 style brainwashing machines instead?
Ah yes I want some drunk nigger to plow into my 8th floor apartment at 120 mph. That sounds like a great idea.
In this ideal world, they don't exist.
People can't navigate in two dimensions, never mind three.
You can skim having to trudge through bull-shit leveling in DA:O by buying items back and selling them while holding both mouse buttons to generate unlimited gold, then turn it into the knights you get for completing the Redcliffe story arc, letting you do over half of the game with all the cool shit.
What color are those bricks?
Speaking of 2007, you know what else happened in 2007
Colin McRae diedThat year is the worst year ever
Life sucks
No, in our version, they trick you into paying for your own soma.