UPDATE 5/15/2017
Kuckaiden: Tales of a fallen modder Pt 3
Didn't he also try to brick PCs with pirated copies of the game too?
Why, though?
Also I forgot
He was targeting specific users using their SteamIDs using Valve's API.
ding ding ding
Why, though? What possible gain was there any of his actions? Did he want a job? Recognition? I just don't understand these networked normalfags.
it always baffles me how PC gaming attracts the biggest faggots and creates the biggest faggots in the industry.
He blatantly wants a job from the companies he fixes their games for. That's why he implements anti piracy checks
Give someone a voice (a keyboard) and an identity (username) and then you have an attention whore trying to make himself famous.
what a cuck, he also lives in the US which is a cuck ridden country.
How come jap games always attract these kinds of people
Fuck neo-vidya.
Fuck everything.
How did we get to this point?
This shit almost makes me want to try my hand at programming in a serious capacity. Almost. But then it seems like one of the most simultaneously hair-raising and depressing hobbies I could possibly be involved with.
it also exports them more than anything.
okay fags help me, i put in a patched out FAR of all fucking kinds, FitGirl's FAR and marcussanaca's but none works, i go in game and press ctrl+shift+backspace and all i get is my cursor moved to the corner top left of my screen, what the fuck do i do? Every time i edit EnableCEGUI to true in the dxgi.ini, it'll get changed to false as soon as i start the game again. I'm on W7 and i don't have any overlay shit.
buy the DRM free version of the game on ps4
Is it really that complicated?
This thread isn't for your issues, fag.
I don't have a fucking pee es fore.
Are you pretending Antifa doesn't exist?
Those are all cucks.
what is to say. What can be said. How can i make my mind up on this. I do not know how.
This man, someone who creates content for the community but still acts like a special snowflake with special privilage, who lives in a bubble where he can make hidden racist accusations and demonized a whole group of gamers just because of his opionon. An opinion who seems to be in his own world the only realtiy that exist. Fuck the rules of nature if nature goes against his opinion.
But as we all know, he is not the only one acting like a dickhead. It turns out that we can find the most fucked up social correct thinkers within this industry. The most advanced platform in the internet can be found within the gaming scene. And of course you find in this special corner the majority of black hats, social engineers, con artist, goons and shills and what not. Exploiting on a daily base the mechanism of this system. Indoctrinating the youth through platforms like comics, video games and as we see it right now with videp content too.
Brain damage as they are, they never will stop even if there is nothing to yell at. I mean, you saw it with HWNDU.
this guy, has for some reason an audience who trust him. That audience is actually a brain dead folk. Exploitable. Made to be fucked. Take a close look so you know who you can fuck with. Look at all the usefull idiots you blindly followe him or people like him. create an app and sell it to them, you might get rich as hell.
Meanwhile, in Europe and South America, you have leftist paramilitaries. Suck a cock.
wew, the truth hurts it seems
the fuck
That woman is Canadian you retard. That's from the University of Toronto.
I don't like the copy paste op but this is definitely something this board would talk about.
It's just a reaction image, stop chimping out nigger.
lol, you're missing out on a lot of great games.
I'm happy my country has plumbing, unlike yours, BR.
I remember when Terraria came out on GOG there was a similar situation. A bunch of mods were checking for the legitimacy of the game, making it impossible for the mods to be used with the GOG version. It was such a retarded thing to do, those modders wasted their time implementing the DRM check, and then they had to waste time removing it again. I don't understand why people white-knight for companies like this.
What was the reason?
Programming is still a valuable skill to learn. Git gud with something that holds your hand like Python and you will be surprised how often you can solve a problem yourself instead of having to resort to proprietary shit or malware-infested crap from somewhere. Not everyone needs to be a C systems programmer, a scripting language will suffice for most people. Just don't turn into one of those hipster idiots who think that everything should be written in that one language you learned.
Now modding on the other hand, unless you have good modding tools or you are interested in learning reverse-engineering, is a total waste of time. Don't be a sucker who patches other people's proprietary shit software for free.
Why would they hire him if he already works for free for them? Idiot.
I didn't post the picture as a way to show you that there's cucks in america, I posted it as a mere reaction image. Stop being such a mentally handicapped child.
Reminder that Yakuza 0 is digital only in the West and that Sonyggers are cucked out of their minds.
Now go back to your Saturn
The more people shitting on this guy the better. They also deserve to know they have malware n their PCs too.
Probably for being malware.
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ OP
Your kind ain't welcome here
yakuza 0 isn't digital only in the west, i have a physical copy right here lol
are you really that stupid you don't even look up basic information?
Highlighting your ID and you're the worst poster in the thread. I'm shocked.
Don't expect logic out of Github since they got salty about C+=. But if it was actually purging people's HDDs for running Denuvo-less copies of the game, then that's deserving of a ban.
Related to that, which Japanese H game maker was it that was dobbing pirate copies into the maker, for blackmail type purposes?
So OP is a cuckchanner beating on a dead horse
I would understand if you wanted to talk about piracy or denuvo or mods but your thread is shit from the start.
Here is a (You) if that is what you came here for
Pfft hahahahaha
You faggots are the reason the thread is shit. Stop posting forever.
So this guy got all high and mighty over his mod, and when people didn't like his attitude and actions, they forked his shit and left him behind? lol this is pretty much the expected ending for this kind of story. That cuck can eat shit.
I swear nier 2 is bringing about the worst sonyggers in recent memory.
But he's right. At least with the PS4 version I know I'll be able to play it in 15 years.
Can you say the same for your PC copy? The answer is no you can't
Its a perfect storm of an earlier release, more content, no denuvo, no cucked modders to fix problems that don't exist on the ps4, and pc gamers being thin skinned faggots all combined with it beong one of the best games in a decade that makes it perfect bait material.
Are you using a "steam will die and take your library with it one day" argument for a fucking cracked game? Because that's what it takes to make consoles out to be more durable than PC, and it's not even a problem with the platform as a whole, just the specific online store.
Wait what
Did the original mod get removed or the fork someone made removing the DRM from it?
The original for being malware.
that online store is the platform, been that way since 2007 boy
I think you mean Yakuza 6
Console games already have always online DRM goy
You can't even run most console games without downloading a day 1 patch making those discs fucking useless.
Denuvo prevents running in other operating systems. What happens when Microsoft pulls some bullshit? What happens when GPU manufacturers stop supporting the OS you're eternally stuck on?
Nier Automata isn't one of them
I thought the fork got removed from GitHub, thanks for clearing that up.
This is the argument for open source licensing, particularly copyleft, so that if the original code maintainer quits or becomes a piece of shit, other people can steer it back on course. Happened with OpenSSL too.
You've just highlighted a major worry with games in the future. It's gonna suck bad for 3DS since everyone now relies on freeShop, and similarly,
What about cracked copies without it? That's the state of affairs with nu-Doom under Wine for example. Also PC has stood the test of time for backwards-compatibility far better than any console.
who gives a shit? was his mod actually good? if it was im sure someone will just copy it, patch it, and re-release it. if not, who cares?
Meant to add about games that depend on servers to work such as Diablo III. Not that Diablo III is a good game…
Ending E requires you to be connected to the internet
no, it hasn't. 9x/dos is a disaster. winxp is a disaster. even vista is showing issues now.
But that's wrong.
pretty much all the good PS4 games (weeb) dont require 1 day patches. i can't name a single one that was broken on launch before patch.
however AAA multiplat trash is severely broken and in the future will be unplayable on both PS4 and PC without updates, however atleast with PC you can sometimes find patches and updates as seperate files if you know where to look.
but dont worry, im sure 90% of that AAA trash will be rehashed and rereleased repeatedly until we're all dead.
nigger, none of those questions were answered in the op.
no it doesnt. it's just very difficult to get
so it's different with a console that will eventually stop being manufactured?
So which console is better at it?
Help me niggas i'll pray for your soul and shit.
That's my point. People are gonna be digging out their PCs from 2017 in the way people dig out their consoles.
No one wants that.
considering the copious amount of emulation required for adequate pc BC, the wii u lol
Yeah? What can it play in bc?
Great, too bad you can't play Yakuza 5 on the same console or even have a western physical version of it.
Whats the point of having a physical version anyway if you don't even own the hardware you bought?
Ita not about the topic, its about the scum posting it and the way posted.
PSX brought a lot of Sonyggers here and the cuckchan floods only helped.
We have a Halo CE gamenight thread
A game from 15 years ago and the Ace Combat saw a shitton of new relevance thanks to its emulation, along with 3 which has gotten a translation instead of a butchered localization.
Goo joke, go back to NeoFag 2.0 you cuckholded fuck.
Straight up lying
Cracks fix that and complaining about Denuvo while playing the consolecucked version is like laughing at people being robbed by niggers while they're raped by muslims
PS4 can't even run the game at a solid 60FPS.
Without a Pro you get 900p like the good cocksucker you are
Embed related
Now get your ass back to >>>/NeoGaf/ Sony cocksucker.
No, Yakuza 6 is getting a physical release.
Yakuza 5 and 0 came out one month from each other and I always mix up both of them.
Good shit Gaffot
Are you retarded?
I'm playing Daggerfall right now
that fucking final checkpoint is absolute bullshit. i really wanted to beat it solo and i made it all the way to "producer" and died and it sent me all the way back to square enix ltd.
while that's true, they can "always" be repaired and maintained. i own a vectrex.
all of them, as long as you keep the original console :^)
You do realize there's a little something called Cheat Engine… Right?
two gens back up to gc, otherwise it emulates. good luck playing winxp games on win 7 without fixes.
do you just hit the keyboard hoping you make a coherent statement? i love that you're replying to everyone in the thread, gotta defend that gayben cock you love so much.
in an emulator lol
Why without?
I'm not inept enough to not be able to apply them.
compatibility fixes indicate backwards compatibility isn't up to snuff
If it works it works.
I can play games from over 20 years ago and there's little you can do to change that.
In an emulator that wouldn't be possible if those games used Denuvo
That's kind of the point.
so old PCs can't be repaired?
And what happens when Denuvo servers shut down or start shitting the bed? Will the actual buyers suddenly become pirates?
This is why the whole "piracy" angle to this is bullshit. He refused to remove it if it started hurting customers.
It's never going to be perfect because game programmers do weird things. See for example all the ridiculous edge cases bsnes has had to implement because of games doing things they aren't supposed to but work somehow, or on the flip side, breaking ROM hacks because existing emulators weren't strict enough.
Yes, and who gives a fuck?
That and PC hardware is generally easier to come by than vector screens.
>Now get your ass back to >>>/NeoGaf/ Sony cocksucker.
nigger, you just wrote a thesis on how buttmad you are.
also, you'd be hard pressed to find people on this site that even like uncharted. you must be used to posting on cuckchan or neogaf
no, they can. i was talking more about the denuvo thing. i think the pc argument is that people dont want to keep old PCs or have to dual boot to a different OS to get a game to work. doing this makes PCs no better than consoles when it comes to backwards compatibility.
denuvo is mandatory too and look where we are now
the uncharted games are mind numbing but entertaining in a really brain dead sense
For really brain dead people, yrah.
Are you a schizophrenic?
holy shit i love it, I've never seen someone this asshurt
I personally cant wait for them to re-release nier and make it less confusing. i mean,
just like watching a boring movie. seriously these games dont allow for any creativity or fun in how you approach the game. but casuals trick themselves into liking it because of the graphics… i guess?
kinda like crysis tbqh
thanks but i dont need to use different ip's to shit thin skinned steam cucks
He hasn't had any idea what the fuck he's talking about since the thread started.
it does, and it does about as good a job of it as crysis and doesn't shit the bed with alieums too
it's about as good as it, it's also prettier
Pirates are like niggers. They live on charity and chimp out when someone doesn't surrender their goods peacefully.
"you dont own it because its not under a manufacturers warranty if you open it"
gee, looks like i dont own any appliances, laptops, or electronics.
oh you did?
kek, did you forget you jumped IDs?
its ok, your autism is easy to identify. you didnt fool anyone to begin with.
but i just want to point out theres definitely tons of autistic PC gamers that put gaben as their wallpaper and cry and bitch and beg for games. but theres no point in bringing them up on this board since i'm not fucking new and dont want to preach to the choir like a retard.
the original crysis let you fuck around with its retarded AI in funny ways. i liked being able to jump 20 feet in the air, crash through a roof, grab a gook by the throat, switch to super strength and toss the gook 30ft at another one, then turn invisible.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
hes an autism simulation and he's breaking apart at the seams.
Literally end your "life".
And never pretended to be somebody else like this faggot has been doing for every thread hes in.
Heres another hop, just for you
SO does anyone have a copy of the mod fix that doesn't include the DRM?
i need to screenshot this post, this pathetic faggot actually does this, it's incredible
i don't even need to use new id's to make you out to be the joke you are, it's great
what faggot?
nigger, youre IP hopping so people cant trace your autism.
how do you expect me to make fun of how much you've posted in this thread if you keep hopping? well. atleast this is a good way to prevent someone from using you as a prime example of a thin skinned pc gamer :^)
Is "being a faggot" enough for a report?
Nier is good bait material, true. Watch this : It's not even one of the best games of the year.
It's cracked, the secrets out, you can stop pretending its the perfect shit. It's just on the level of nier 1, no more, no less. Pretending otherwise will just make things worse.
something tells me it's the same homo who constantly posted pic related in every thread
none of this is untrue and nothing I've said is untrue too
while i think most of your complaints are straight up wrong…. the combat system is a valid complaint
well, to be fair the different weapons do have different perks and speeds. but your right, each weapon "type" had the same moveset.
i didnt think it was bad though, there were plenty of combos and abilities to chain together to keep things interesting. i just wish the game's difficulty was better. normal was too easy and hard was too hard. the combat system allowed for some crazy complex combos, but very rarely would an enemy be tough enough to actually warrant using it, the combos were mostly there for fun/style.
Top tier hotpockets
Are we being raided?
Stop replying to yourself
Might as well
the fact you KNOW this is a crosspost raises more issues. fuck off back to cuckchan
This board never had a Part 2 regarding this issue and usually parts are done when threads quickly reach bumplimit and die, we've barely had a dedicated thread about this cuck, most discussion about it staying on the Nier general, it wasn't that hard to spot.
I went there just to make sure he was crossposting and surprise surprise, I didn't even need to check the archive.
I thought there was a second thread.
I think like 30% of our traffic these days is just third world SEAnigs who are too dumb to get around a cuckchan ban.
Why do people even still use 4/v/?
Have any of you checked it recently? It's fucking horrible.
Anybody who complains about shit threads here being removed is a guaranteed cuckchan poster, because half their fucking catalog are template threads.
Making it clear he's probably in league with these fucks and part of their little network.
You faggots are the nu goons.
Remove Mark and his drones.
Get fucked.
Frankly I'd rather have cuckchanners around than the faggots like you whining about cross posting
No, there was not and even of that was the case it was not numbered
Why every thread remotely related to neofag spirals into shitflingging and cries of "muh neocuckchan"
What an odd coincidence
Go fuck a loli
So which version of FAR is being kept up to date then?
in a sense
You need to go over the firewall.
0.5.6 doesn't have the anti piracy measures.
Install that one
Lets not forget the console wars
It's not wars if every one of them is shit.
Did that cunt ever die from ass-cancer?
We're still waiting.
Not soon enough
Life finds a way
>immediate autism on both sides of the equation
I want '14 Holla Forums back.
This thread would have been dubsposted to death in 2014.
It's the third thread in a week with the exact same greentext as the first one. It may as well be a general now.
naa the first thread went down to about here:
because the first thread was people raging about the fact it had malware in it and people were finding links of the archive and just pulling the older ones
It spread throughout his body and he was supposed to die in three years, but apparently he's getting better anyways.
*no one
OP is a huge faggot for not clarifying the exact version of the mod which was removed. I almost believed that GitHub went to shit further by removing the fork instead of original which is actual malware.
Well, at least you're admitting that he's right because you know it's the honest truth.
Where it's showing issues now, on your Windows 10? Now I get it where this "americans are stupid" stereotype came from and why. People like you are the reason why America is pozzed as fuck.
Majority of anti-pirate fags probably dropped the game long time ago and will never ever run it again.
OP is a cuckchan/NeoGaf 2.0 crossposter of course hes full of shit user.
I checked on it while Holla Forums was down and holy fucking shit that place has gone downhill. People shitting on pirates and on PC, people shilling all over the place, template threads and "troll" threads, people sucking developer cock hoping to make 4chan the next Neofag… Cuckchan indeed. Glad I left with GG, I see now that this fate was inevitable.
That said, I really wish the crosspost whiners would shut the fuck up. Go play with your fidget spinners you autistic fucks.
Why would you want these faggots crossposting here with no effort if you admit cuckchan is absolute trash?
>People shitting on pirates and on PC
>people shilling all over the place
>people sucking developer cock hoping to make 4chan the next Neofag
Do you know the definition of people?
Do you consider them bots or subhuman? Because I veer between the two.
What should we call them?
You're implying this thread wouldn't also be dubsposted to death.
Livestock is useful. What purpose do these turd serve?
They go wageslave at an office without questioning why everything is so shit and give the prettiest jew their vote.
These posts are so blatant, I don't have words.
How can something like that exist?
Get a job or kys
fuck off roostercuck
This is why the board is turning to fucking shit. Retards from halfchan come over here to post their shitty fucking template threads then fucking cry when they get called out for it.
Why don't you guys fuck off back to halfchan. You guys drive the quality down of everything around you, it's like having niggers move into your nice neighborhood and drive down land quality.
Its summer guy, get ready for a shitton of these vermin
I agree. Crossposting is indefensible. 4cucks are like "refugees" pouring into a small but prosperous country and exhausting it. Everyone should just let this thread die.
It was tumblr tier, could you imagine what would happen to this poor fellow if he gave us a visit ?
He would probably end up with a case of TITS.
What kind of dumb bitch lays on a bed with apple in a bag, eating it on the fucking bed.
Spray that cat with water or better yet some acid.
she looks like she is dead on the inside
i would be too if i had that job with all that goofy shit behind her, the terrible phones in jokes, the "le epic gamer talk" that only an 80's show would think is "cool"
truly a fate worse than death.
Hello darkness my old friend
These people are profoundly retarded.
Nice to see how little valve values it's customers.
>The gay steam community is ran by faggots
Honestly, I'm as shocked as you are.
If you're going to upload something like this upload it as a fucking magnet link for a torrent. gitshit is ran by sjw's. or use tortoise svn.
The funny thing is, this OP is a copy and paste of the cuckchan OP which is a copy paste of this thread we had here yesterday or the day before.
When it was posted here, the OP said
>be NEET living in my parents basement retired programmer from a company noone has ever heard of
and when it was copied to cuckchan it didn't support striketext, then this OP is a faggot from cuckchan
I agree, 4cucks should have stayed behind in 2014. Stay where they belong.
Fucking hell.
Should have embeded it.
Webm'd it*
Off to bed I guess.
why did i click, why
Daily reminder that those "journalists" get free video games all the time
Is there at least a backed up copy of the modded mod floating around? I was eagerly awaiting for this shit to get cracked since I'm a poorfag and not willing to pay $80 for any game , but I've heard the pc port is garbage
It is garbage that crashes even when the game otherwise runs silky smooth, but every available fix is included in fitgirl's repack, so you can have every tool at your disposal to futilely try and fix it.
I don't know what to tell you, nigga. I got the same fitgirl version on W7 and it just works.
Does anyone have a link to the cracked version of the mod?
Asking this too since the original Kaldaien repo is up but I can't find the fork.
In a grab bag filled entirely with nuggets of shit with varying size shape and texture eventually you'll find a nugget that is more appealing than the rest.
Not that finding the pretty shit is a logical reason for even bothering with the grab bag, mind you, but good luck trying to find one at all.
That post gave me Deadly Premonition PC flashbacks…
I admittedly was one of the people who routinely handed Kaldaien his ass on the Steam Forums regarding Denuvo. I normally avoid the place, but I tried to rabble rouse and get some momentum going for Denuvo removal from cracked games, much like Doom.
It was a complete and utter clusterfuck. The DRM apologists are insane and Kaldaien is the worst of them. I have never seen such blatant corporate cuckoldry. Zero self respect, zero understanding of consumer rights, zero recognition of how desperately publishers want to fuck their customers for every red cent.
It was sickening.
What was he expecting?
They run around shouting that piracy is literally theft.
Even better is that now people can just host a non cucked version of it on Github and it'll be the only one since his got removed for targeting users. Github mods might be oversensitive faggots (like when they made "Webm for retards" change its name) but at least this gave me a solid heh.
It finally fucking worked, i didn't fucking install a platform update or whatever it was, and that's it, it fucking worked.
What's with Taro games attracting absolute subhumans? They're like turbo vitards.
LIFE is love. HENkaku is love. 483ba7 is faggot.
When you're willing to make a collective thank you card to some guy who made a post on Holla Forums once, there's not a great many routes you can take once its must buy status comes into question. You either defend it to the death or you collapse under the weight of your own asshurt.
not an excuse faggot. time for bans
nier AM doesn't even come close to dark souls 3, NioH, or Persona 5. nigger, its a good game with your typical Yoko Taro style story, but its bland platinumdrone wankfest as far as gameplay goes. all you do is mashing square and R2 for magical invincibility dodges. you can add in to that holding down the R1 button for pod pew pews which gives you some extra damage per second.
Oh, and that is only when you play as 2B and A2, when you play as 9S, just hack everything for instant kills. its much faster that way. you can do it against practically every boss too.
why is sonygger being thrown around so much again?
maybe it'd be love if the piece of shit actually worked, but it doesn't. HENkacuck sucks.
The cuck gets cucked. Good.
You're absolutely pathetic
The steam ID thing was to block people he didn't like from using his mods.
Go and pop a NES cartrige into your switch, I'll wait.
Do you know what's shittier than crossposting?
The solution is in the spoiler.
You fuck off back to cuckchan too, faggot.
these kinds of replies always tickle my prostate, either way have fun using dos emulation and hoping there's compatibility patches for 9x games