You ever have one of those days?

You ever have one of those days?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, never.


Games become so much real. Its like my job.

and e-mails;

you can also move furniture if you work at it hard enough

So is this even related to the original game?

the games are made by two completely different development studios and have absolutely no connection to each other besides the name.

Is that a fucking nerf gun?

it has capacitive darts and can activate door locks remotely



I don't understand the 4K meme.

this screenshot ails me

I turn off AA in games because I don't like it.

no, what the messages says you fag

What's not to like? Just be honest with us and yourself - your toaster can't handle it.

Good job.

RMS blesses me

I'm on very high settings, I just turned off AA.

Prey is not a particularly graphically stunning game.

It's SOP for corporations.

so is the game good ?

It's System Shock 2 with a little bit of Dead Space and some pretty fucking heavy inspiration from Ridley Scott's Alien and The Thing.

Pirating it so I'll see.
Putting the magnet in the OP should be common etiquette by the way.

I don't think the game was cracked when I made the thread

So you bought it.

it was cracked nine days after release

Doom 3 is literally better than Prey 2006

Maybe you should try a hobby that isn't so interactive.

user, you wouldn't download a car!

I must have died 10 times the whole game, mostly out of confusion.
You sure told me

The only acceptable anti aliasing are the ones that increase the sample rate

The blurring AAs are awful

Why is this System Shock game called Prey?
I don't understand, it got nothing to do with Prey!

and why can I make neuromods myself after just 2 hours?
Is this game really short and i'm already almost at the end already, or is it just an unbalanced mess?

You get to unlock Ayy mods later on.

this fucking meme

and waste my psi on other shit than the slow mo?

Downvote for bethesda shit

Fug, I didn't even realize you could jam all the objects in there for more free mats.


Yeah, don't.




you can get free materials from putting materials into the machine and clip out of bounds pretty much everywhere with glue gun, this game is a mess

Holy shit what the fuck

You should be able to tell by the jaggies that OP isn't playing this at the highest settings.

Not on the beat.

Even if that's the case, the adjustable wrench's texture is perfectly fine.
The damned crossbow texture looks like it belongs in a PS1 FPS.

nopenopenope kill yourself. This shit is as much system shock 2 as it is fuckin burnout. Don't compare trash to gold.

Wew, I tried turning the settings all the way up and it didn't seem like the viewmodel changed in terms of quality at all. Most other weapons look just fine.

How so?

No, its fucking Bioshock in Space
Just because its on a fucking space station doesn't mean its even remotely near SS2.

Are you a goddamn journo OP?

No I don't have one of those days where I play modern, generic AAA tripe OP.



go back to tumblr

Similarly to Fallout 3, it's not.

I'd say it's somewhere inbetween. Compared to SS2, there's a larger focus on resource management and interconnected exploration of the levels than RPG systems and a survival horror atmosphere. Combat on the whole is also better, as it no longer has the excuse of being clunky as hell as most horror games are. Enemies themselves are also quite aggressive, as they constantly zip all over the place whereas the burning/electrified/purple variants can fuck you up if you are just near them in general. Those electric ones will damage you if you just happen to stand as the same metal surface as they are. It also forgoes the hitscan cancer that permeated most of the enemies in Bioshock, System Shock 1 and partially System Shock 2, so it might feel a bit easier because of it. Thankfully that made it to possible to slide under the projectile of a Phantom and whack them with a wrench immediately afterwards.

You are given the tools to deal with situations in a large variety of ways as the game doesn't hold your hand at all aside from tutorial prompts and quest markers (which unfortunately you have to turn off manually each time if you want to, but in zero-G environments I rather appreciate having them). Story-wise there are no memorable antagonists or anything and the main enemies you encounter feel like they're just another part of the world, as more effort has been placed into fleshing out side-characters and the world design of Talos One. Talos One just feels like a more believable place in general, each dead crew member you find has a name and you can track each one and their status via security terminals.

Prey's level design is good, if not better since there's nothing on the same level as those rushed The Many and Rickenbacker levels in SS2. It strongly rewards methodical exploration and secrets are everywhere if you look closely. There's plenty of side-areas you won't even be directed towards when solely following the main story, sidequests are everywhere to be found as well. Docking bays to the outside of the station function as de facto fast travel points which you have to unlock first, and make traveling a lot faster. Outside you can fly around in zero gravity, and because of hull breaches some sections are locked off from the inside and can only be accessed from the outside, so get explorin'.

One area where they definitely dropped the ball is the audio, as the combat music is rather grating, the ambience is mostly silence, the music plays at moments when it doesn't really fit (just like in SS2!), and sound mixing overall is garbage, positional sound design is almost non-existence. Though there are some sound cues like when Mimics are near you, it's pretty underwhelming overall. I don't know how much of that is attributable to Mick Gordon as he seems to worsen the sound design on each game he works on.

Another unfortunate aspect is that if you explore everything as you're kind of expected to, you quickly end up with more Neuromods and weapon upgrades than you can count, largely because you can craft them using recycled materials dropped by enemies. So you can end up with three maxed out skill trees near the end of the game which kind of ruins character builds and having to choose what upgrades you want to pick as you can end up with most upgrades anyways. Most people will probably be investing in either the alien skills or technical skills, there aren't enough Neuromods to fully max out both, however. People who prefer Symphony of the Night over Super Metroid might like this game more if self-restricted challenge is your game.

It's the best immersive sim released in years despite some annoying signs of consolization and lack of balance (though calling SS2 balanced is a fair stretch as well). It actually does improve on SS2 in some ways instead of just dumbing it down in every way possible and slapping a nice coat of paint on top like Bioshock did. I have no idea why people are calling this an unoriginal clone, especially since most of these complaints seem to originate from journo sites who suck AssCreed's dick yearly. nuPrey isn't the kind of game that tries to show off how cool it is with all its fancy mechanics, and the things you can do in Prey may not seem to be that interesting on their own, but when combined it actually manages to be better than the sum of its parts. I think it's also why most people only really think of Prey as 'that game where you can turn into a coffee cup', but it's an honest 7/10 if you ask me.

post full pic and i might play the game god i got a total hard on for dora

That's a pretty kind review.
I initally really got into the game for the first hour or two when you only have the wrench and the gloo gun, and I didn't understand the rules to the mimics, or what other enemies existed in the game.
Then I got the shotgun and hacking, and the game just kind of broke. Even on Hard, everything died too easily to the shotgun + slow-motion, and hacking just allowed me to mindlessly bypass every obstacle. Didn't even bother the the psi powers because I never felt the need for them.

Lastly, the sound is fucked. Guns sounding week and stingers pointing out enemies to me before I notice them are the two worst examples. Some rooms just constantly play ominous music every time you walk in, even though there's no reason for them too.

What said, c'mon man.

not him but allow me to feed you by the spoon.



I'm gonna think about you, when busting a nut. Many thanks.

yep, and here's the real pic because I'd feel dirty just posting an edit.

hoshime does the best dora.

Reported for unspoilered porn.
Enjoy your ban.


mods here just spoiler it so long as it isn't a dump or derail. Go back to your cuck haven.


Should have reported the OP for the shite game

Reported. You’re too stupid to post here.

It took me about 20 hours on my first time through, though I skippeed a lot of sidequests. Game has some good replay value at least, though I don't think it's worth $60.


Nonsense! Arkane is working on it as we speak!

SS2 was garbage and an insult to System Shock. I bet you also prefer Thief 2 to the original you fucking faggot.


I actually liked Bioshock for what it was and just about everything it did when I played it at the time of its release. I had no idea it had any connection whatsoever to the System Shock series and, as a matter of fact, didn't know the System Shock series existed.

I never played any of the Ultima games and I was 3 years old when Doom 2 released so you can potentially forgive me for not, generally speaking, riding the same hype train as you guys. I never got into the FPS genre that heavily. I mean yeah, I played Halo 1-3 and Team Fortress 2 and shit when those came out but it was never my favorite genre. FPS in general turns me off of games unless they have something else to offer as well.

I'm fundamentally not very good at most multiplayer shootman games because I just don't have the coordinated mouse-control discipline for consistent precision attacks. I'm not good at Rhythm Games or multiplayer RTS either.

I just don't understand the love for FPS games that Holla Forums has because I was never part of that crowd. I'm sorry if this perspective insults your sensibilities.

And yeah, I went back and tried Deus Ex and System Shock 2 and didn't like them. I'm just spoiled by modern physics engines among other things and those games are too dated for me to be able to play them earnestly with the same kind of zeal I would have been able to if I had played them as a wee lad.

Slow motion in games is cancer. Games like this one or FEAR are a far better experience if you simply don't use them.

There's nothing controversial about this opinion at all. People who played System Shock didn't care for Bioshock, people who had never heard of SS loved Bioshock because they didn't understand what a big step backwards it was. You're part of the second group.

try system shock 1 i like it more than ss2



Just want to interject and say that I must have got caught up in a perfect storm, because I was a part of the second group until I played System Shock 2 along with Bioshock Infinite for the first time, together. System Shock 2 absolutely demolishes Infinite and puts it to shame. The more I played it, the less I wanted to finish it while at the same time the more I played System Shock 2, the more I didn't want it to end.

Basically, by now, I love System Shock 2 so much that I prefer it over any other Shock game. I still like Bioshock 1, but System Shock 2 is so motherfucking good. I replay at least once or more every year.

SS2 was bad compared to SS1, though.

user, why did you post pictures of dog shit?

I can't not hear the music.

Bless your soul user.

I remember when Bioshock was talked about not having an inventory system anymore on halfchan back when it was slated to come out.
The main problem with game development nowadays is fucking investors butting their noses into artists work. Holding an artist accountable to his work is one thing but fucking molding it to suit their own market share and 'outreach' program bullshit.
This samey teanigger hits it pretty hard on the head with publishers wanting niche titles reaching fucking casual mainstream numbers just for a short term profit. Especially since DS2 was even hailed on halfchan-Holla Forums as a general improvement on the experience other than less tension with nothing to kill other than that Sun

There it is. The thing that makes every modern business fall apart. Every single time, without fail.

I played on Nightmare, and up until the point i fully upgraded the shotgun and got the security tree damage amps, i felt like the shotgun was pretty lackluste, actually. The pistol felt like a much stronger "I need this thing dead this second" tool, particularly after getting the golden gun (which isnt THAT much of an upgrade, i know.)

After aformentioned upgrades, however, I was basically sliding around, obliterating Phantoms, mimics, G. mimics, and was making fairly short work of the Telepaths too.

Though i feel like the game would have been MUCH harder if i hadnt have taken Psychoshock (or whatever it's called) early on. Forcing enemies to have to walk into melee range to attack me really took a lot of their bite out of them.

only came here to see if anyone posted this.

ay wtf is with that gun? shit looks like something from toy r us.

It is modeled after a nerf gun.

Anyone got that one? I only have these.

All I remember was that some poof (Robespierre) was mad that the King didn't listen to his poetry so he got all his friends from the cafe and they got the peasants to kill the royal family and everyone in the royal castle and anyone who looked at the royal castle and anyone who knew that there was once a king until the poof himself was lined up for the guillotine and tried to an hero but shot himself in the mouth by accident.
…the French.

30 images and I don't see it.

Why wasn't the first one spoilered? You can see her nipple.

It's Ethics 101. Since the introductory class to ethics is where most video game morality both begins and ends, you're going to see this problem a lot.

It's not that simple, there's a bit more to the problem.
This is about what someone values more, intentions or consequences.
If you value intentions, you'll not push the lever since you'd have to intentionnally kill someone to do so and you'd be responsible for that.
If you value consequences, you will pull the lever to save the maximum amount of lives.

However, it's also about your own conscious. Do you value acting and doing "the right thing", or are you passive and prefer not to fuck things up? Do you prefer to have some control over what happens around you or would you rather let things follow their natural course? Do you feel the need to intervene when you have a chance to do so or do you think you don't have the right to judge if it doesn't concern you?

It's a very classic and used problem for a damn good reason, you can do a lot of discussion around it and extrapolate a lot of data.

I feel like I'm either being retarded or being trolled.

How does it feel to know that 12 year old chinks are smarter than you?


because it is a toy.

Also, what's the solution for the 5th pic?
After the first clue from Albert, it's obvious that it can't be 5 or 6 since Bernard would know what the correct path is otherwise.
But after that, how does Bernard know what the correct pad is if Albert doesn't either and 1-4 ahve possible combinations for every letter?

I'm guessing that, Because Bernard knows it must be 1-4 and it can't be B or A, then it must be C or D.
And since 1 could be either D or C but D could be either 2 or 4, then it must be C3 so they both know what it is.


I swear if this is the actual ending I'd shit bricks with how unoriginal every Beth game they're releasing and publishing have become.


Fucking Kain got me good although all of those are great.


I figured it out.
Albert knows the letter, Bernard knows the number.
Albert does not know what the right pad is because he doesn't know the number but he knows Bernard doesn't either because Bernard only has the number.

If it was track 5 or 6, then the letter wouldn't matter since it could only be B for 5 or A for 6 and Bernard would know what the letter is according to his number.
But since Albert knows Bernard doesn't know, then Albert knows it's not 5 or 6, leaving only 1,2,3 and 4.

For Albert to know that Bernard doesn't know the right combination, then Albert has to know that it's not 5 or 6. And to know that, he has to know that the letter isn't A or B, since those can pass by 5 or 6, leaving only C and D as possible letters.

Assuming that Bernard gets that clue from Albert's line, then Bernard knows that it can only be C or D and his number is 1,2,3 or 4. But he claims that he now knows what the correct pad is, so it can't be 1 or there'd be two valid pads depending on Alberts letter that Bernard doesn't yet know, leaving only 2,3 and 4.

For any of these 3, Bernard already knows the correct pad. It's either D2, C3 or D4 according to his number that he always knew. But since Albert claims he now knows what the correct pad is as well, then it cannot be D as there'd be 2 possible combinations and therefore Albert and Bernard know that it's C3.

So you can push the levers to C3 and kill 20 people or stick them up Albert and Bernard butt and kill 52 Albert and Bernard die of internal hemorrhage

Here's a new one:

Albert, Bernard and Cheryl became friends with Denise, and they wanted to know when her birthday is. Denise gave them a list of 20 possible dates.

17 Feb 2001, 16 Mar 2002, 13 Jan 2003, 19 Jan 2004

13 Mar 2001, 15 Apr 2002, 16 Feb 2003, 18 Feb 2004

13 Apr 2001, 14 May 2002, 14 Mar 2003, 19 May 2004

15 May 2001, 12 Jun 2002, 11 Apr 2003, 14 Jul 2004

17 Jun 2001, 16 Aug 2002, 16 Jul 2003, 18 Aug 2004

Denise then told Albert, Bernard and Cheryl separately the month, the day and the year of her birthday respectively.

The following conversation ensues:

Albert: I don’t know when Denise’s birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know.
Bernard: I still don’t know when Denise’s birthday is, but I know that Cheryl still does not know.
Cheryl: I still don’t know when Denise’s birthday is, but I know that Albert still does not know.
Albert: Now I know when Denise’s birthday is.
Bernard: Now I know too.
Cheryl: Me too.

So, when is Denise’s birthday?

That's what i got too, here's how I'd write it:
Albert's first statement removes A and B, since 5 and 6 would be obvious[/spoiler]
Then, Bernard's statement removes 1, because he would not know if it was C or D otherwise
Albert's last statement then removes D, since he would not know if it were 2 or 4 otherwise
[spoiler]And you're left with C3

Yeah, i'd fuck it up just like that

welcome to hatechan

Bioshock was made for people who are terrible at FPSes, no wonder you liked it. I can't stand how boring it is, every part of it is just so badly done, the enemies are boring bullet sponges, the RPG features of SS2 were butchered into unfeatures like the infinite respawn chambers and the mostly pointless environmental damage. The focus is the story and concept, not the gameplay, which makes it a boring chore to play.
Bioshock's physics are hardly state of the art. They were outmoded on release.