Mods confirmed Quake kids.
Let's continue this discussion of the TRUTH
Make thread saying UT is better than Quake
Other urls found in this thread:
unreal tournament?
more like
utterly terrible
Does UT4 have more than 6 players peak yet?
It has about 40 players on at a time during the day but the playerbase is slowly shrinking because of the lack of updates
Quake is unironically older than UT
what did he mean by this
No, it's ironically older and it's playerbase is generally younger since most Quake players started in Quake 3.
I think it's because there was already a Quake thread up. It still shouldn't have been deleted, though. Mark brought on a new, severely autistic, mod who wants to turn Holla Forums into /svidya/. He's been deleting and bumplocking threads left and right.
I like the new goy Cobalt.
He actually enforces rule 8, while everyone else ignores it.
Maroon is a bitch who cleans up after the other vols fuck up.
Pewter is 60% of the board log and needs to be reigned in at times. Deleting funposting threads is fine when there's 30 of them, but deleting the LOL thread because they're making fun of him isn't good.
They don't always delete them when it's over 50+ posts, which leads to a bunch floating around and retards thinking they're okay.
Also, those threads that have "Can we discuss X" are template threads. Threads like that flood everywhere, usually add nothing to the board and end up, or even start with, porn posting.
sage for off-topic.
It's got around 100 players on European hours wnd monthly updates, what are you on about?
It doesn't have 100000k players like Overwatch and CSGO so its dead.
quake 3 was the most casual garbage ever made
It's a shame they went the early access route, I want to play it when it's finished and not ruin it for myself like I have with other early access titles.
I can say about the same for burger hours, finding games isn't much of an issue but it deserves far more players than it has currently.
Epic needs to get off their asses and do the following:
1. Finish the last couple gun models and polish up 2 more maps then say the game is released
2. Market the game against League of Quack and revive the Quake vs UT wars
3. (optional) put it on $team to reel in the retards
4. release the fucking Linux launcher or give me a repository holy shit manually updating is retarded god damn
I don't think there's anyone in either the UT or Quake community that wouldn't rather just play UT or Q3. The problem is arena shooters just aren't popular anymore.
Prove me wrong. Protip you can
I will never forgive them
As great as Q3 was I much prefer the aesthetic, ost and gameplay of Q1.
I can always get a match with players on european servers, on peak hours there's always full matches
I'll need some prove on that
Here's my variant:
UT99>Quake 3
Quake 3>UT2004
Quake 3>UT3
UT4>Quake Champions
Next time Epic should finish the game before releasing it.
Dashes ruin the game for me.
Mods are becoming more like 4cucks every day. Utter garbage never gets deleted and mods keep deleting things they don't agree with. cuckchan 2.0 here we come.
Be happy Holla Forums plays games at all.
I used to prefer Quake over UT, but since the last few years I prefer UT.
Quake has the better movement system. It is fluent while in UT you are basically like a sack of potatoes. But today I prefer UT simply because it is more exhausting.
I only have this low quality webm, can't find the youtube video right now, but as you can see there UT is slow-> Very fast instead of constantly going very fast.
UT is S L O W.
NuQuake >>>> Nu-UT
I prefer ARMA and SoF2 to both.
Shit I'll make sure to suggest it as well on the next thread
Part of the problem
That jew.
Too bad it's dead
Yeah, most of the UT devs got forced to work on that shit show that flopped hard.
Played the new UT and found it slow, lacking any community or players, and is just a fucking snoozefest.
Don't consider this as defending Quake Champions as I have not yet played it. But as far as I can tell, that game will actually have people playing it so it's already better in one regard.
Thanks for letting everyone know reddit.
You are not wrong, but I would say that this slow movement makes ut bad.
Well first off all ut is overrated and a lot of people remember it wrong. Back then when UT4 was announced everyone lost their minds. People on reddit were talking shit about double jumping and rocket jumps like total idiots, not realizing that rocket jumps were not a thing in UT. A lot of people who never played UT are defending it today, because… I don't fucking know to be honest, retards are retarded.
Anyway, back to ut's movement, I think it's fun. For those that don't play it, in UT you constantly throw yourself forward, so it's basically going like this slow->slow-FAST-slow-slow and I must say the FAST part is sexy as fuck. Because when you spot a enemy and he runs away from you it's a very intense chase.
In UT you are basically a silent hunter, like a werewolf waiting for the right moment to strike. But when you see your target you go full apeshit on them. That dodge jump shit in UT2K4 would push you to the bring of destroying your keyboard. You hit D or A twice followed by space, your neighbors will think you are using your keyboard with a hammer and chisel.
They don't know what they are doing anyway. You saw the first ut gameplay videos by devs? They are walking around like total noobs, only after the community pointed it out they started to use dodging and the shock combo, but even then they are doing it randomly. They have no clue how UT works.
Ah, thanks for completely misinterpreting what I said even though I'm more than happy to try to play Dark Souls online with less than 2,000 concurrent players. I'd say 1,000 minimum so there's no issue finding servers and not playing with the same sad bunch every day.
Double-tap inputs for dodging is a cancer, dedicated dodge buttons all the way
I dislike it that way, it's way more exhausting this way. If you want to make it simple you may as well use Quake movement.
hi quakeshill, still using the same tired argument I see
It's a pretty shit argument if all I have is player base. A lot of people playing it doesn't mean anything for the game's actual quality. Just look at Overwatch, LoL, or most anything on Steam's Top 100
I also haven't even posted in a thread about UT4 or Quack until today, believe me if you'd like.
Quake has the best singleplayer, ergo it is a better game.
I have already seen this exact sentence
multiple times whenever QC and UT4 get brought up in the same thread, so no, I won't believe you
no singleplayer in the new one
No Quake in the new one, either. One of the special abilities is even straight from UT.
that's kinda funny in an ironic way
I would say Unreal Aged better than Quake 1.
I just opened ut4 at 2am euro time, found a deathmatch server with 3 other players (5 max) in 4 seconds. Same for flag run, half full server within just 16 seconds. Needless to say they're far more populated on peak hours
In fact there's a better way to check it. You can display a list with all the official servers where the quickplay matches are hosted. Says here there are around 60 players on the us and 15 on europe
Go kill yourself
Gee, i wonder why it flopped. Tencent chinks were the biggest mistake Epic could have ever made.
wait, did the thread explicitly state that quake was worse than UT in the OP and nothing else?
Sounds like console war type bullshit, even if it's true.
Especially the nu-quake compared to nu-UT
The new UT is an amazing game, even in such an early stage.
bump for OP because the mods deleted my thread too for no reason
ut4 is jewish and gay, just like toxikk.
Seriously, how is ut4 better than games like cs:go or dota? You got the same shitty market with gay ass skins, they want pro tournaments and bullshit like that, and they dump down the gameplay so noobs have a easier time in it.
It's not. Dumb comparisons are made between Quake and UT, that's all.
Movement in UT is fast-paced, perhaps more so than Quake and being fast-paced does not mean or even require a fast movespeed.
Your jumps and dodges in UT serve for several purposes, from crossing gaps, trimming up a ramp to go up, access some of the secret areas and, if you're good at it and can time it right, dodge incoming rockets, flaks and shock\lighting shots.
While in Quake you'll often try your best to achieve maximum speed and keep it but still use cover against your oponent, in UT you'll move based on how your opponent is moving as a reaction to his moves.
Best example of the differences is to play Instagib and have an intense shootout for 5-8 seconds that feels like it lasted for 15 minutes because of how tense it is. You'll be timing your dodges according to your oponent firing rate and keep trying to gain higher ground from him. Cover can help but since it makes you lost sight of him, dodging is far better.
UT isn't about going fast all the time, it's about precise calculated movement to set up plays and answer your oponent's moves, similar to most fighting games where the game feels very slow until you learn about animation-cancelling and other tricks to keep the flow going.
I find this to be more interesting than Quake, there's an higher mental burden on you during a match that's higher than Quake.
Also you get to use far more guns than Quake. Instead of just railgun and rockets with some rapid-fire hitscan for specific situations, you get Shock and Lighting for sniping and ambush in different moments, Rocket Launcher but also Flak Cannon, Minigun and Enforcer but also Bio if you want to be an asshole.
There's simply more variety in UT and it requires more than "gotta go fast!" out of it's movement system.
Yes, 3 helmets hidden on a small market tab on the game launcher, and around 20 free unlockable player models and helmets in game THEY'RE PUSHING IT TOO FAR
Like quake and ut have always had and no one cared about?
Go ahead and tell me what exactly you think is changed for worse, and how. You'll need to actually play the game first, mind you
UT sucks tho.
Except Titanfall 2 was never a game night game.
Games that have hosts available for it always have priority.
And the per-fortnight game nights are booked to the 30th of June.
Did I imply that it's better?
Now, they will add more. Also even 1 is to much. UT4 will have paid mods like skyrim was supposed for sure.
not in game.
you got a single key dodge now and sprinting in ut.
Alright then
What the hell is a in game pro tournament
It is set to double tap direction by default (or it was when I first played). You can choose between double tap direction or bind it to a key. What difference does it make?
Completely false. Speed builds up as you walk and drops when you do any special move, like in any other ut. And max movement speed isnt nowhere near 'sprinting'
Again go play the fucking game before posting
nigger, they added the market for a reason, you really think it will stay at these 3 items? The game is currently in alpha, or beta or some shit like that. Also why are you defending this? You fucking jew, do you also think that cuckold is okay if the nigger uses a condom?
in game ranked matchmaking. It's cancer
No, they added this in ut4, it was not a part of ut before.
I was there when they added sprinting, I have it bookmarked, but the thread is gone by now. "Official UT Movement Mechanics Design - Page 9"
Reflex > mobaQuake > haven't played ut4
yes it's dead too but I need to shill for my aFPS of choice. Netcode and toaster compatibility are great
It's been only these 3 items for years. The rest of the market only has free maps. I dont know why they would try to sell anything under that pretext, to the ut playerbase of all people
I had to google it because I always thought I was going faster. i just opened ut2k4 and it feels like it does but internet guides says it doesnt. Must've been placebo with the different fovs I guess. My bad. In any case base movement speed is the same
Default movement is fast by itself and 'sprinting' is practically useless like I said. Just tell me why that's an issue
Just a standard elo ranking system for duel and there are community servers with unraked duels anyway. They tried ranked team deathmatch, failed horribly and removed it. Trial and error is better than release with shit features I guess
Because it's better than the alternative, and it can become an actual game with content given enough playerbase complaining every time they do something retarded like it happens already, they have tried to break movement a hundred times and every time they changed it back. Not to mention bullshit like headshot protection while sliding. So far it is completely free and in a good state except for some issues like no melee, if they change the game beyond recognition I'll just play ut2k4 and 99 exclusively but until now it is just slightly different
Put faggot in there and you have all the buzzwords to win an argument on the internet
found the 12 year old
most quake players started with quake 2 actually, quake 3 got popular because it was a better version of quake 2 multiplayer. quake 1 players got shafted
it also runs very well too, my machine is from 2009 and sure i put it on low but can run it well. i just don't understand the appeal of unreal games, not because i don't find it fun but because i enjoy quake live more so don't even bother. also there has been zero advertisement whereas bethesda spends hours in front of e4(g3?) or whatever the fuck else actually showing off their game and assuring it will actually be released eventually
You are embarassing.
Why's that so bad? Going from double-tap direction to tap dodge key doesn't change much and it's rather a QoL improvement actually. Forward dodges that would give you the most out of boost jumping would require breaking your movement for a bit so everyone just side-dodged for their boost while facing sideways. Changing this to an hotkey means you can forward-dodge without breaking movement.
It's also a neat option that prevents dodging when you're just side-stepping by turning off directional input for dodges.
Did you actually thought this up for a bit before using it?
Oh right, the extra movement you get when you're doing nothing but walking and that goes away the moment you fire, shoot or dodge aka the moment actual combat starts. All it does is help people find each other faster so combat has less breaktime.
But feel free to explain why it "dumbs down the game", preferably with the previsible comparison to COD while missing the point of why it's bad there.
Be more responsible with your buzzwords or you're gonna run out before the month is over.
Oh no! The devs want players to find people of similar skill levels so matches don't end up being stompfests that bore both sides, what a nightmare! This is very very bad because… I was told it's bad?
I wouldn't compare Quake II with Quake III.
The vanilla game… Maybe. But Quake II was mostly known for all the mods for it. Something you can't really say about Quake III.
Nigger, why did they add a market? You are 100% a shill, paid or a cucked unpaid shill. You are the faggot of the year, ut will be free2play, how do you think they will earn money out of it?
They make the game easier for those that can't dodge, that's why it is bad.
it breaks the maps scale, you reach certain points faster than you are supposed to. Also the maps are not that big, you should find each other within seconds.
ranked matchmaking is the biggest cancer ever, just look at cs:go and dota. It ruins the scene for good players because noobs are thrown into it. You leave that kind of shit to third party tools like esl or esea.
So new…
Maybe they though it was a good idea before. And maybe lots of people complained enough that they haven't done anything with it because they know nobody likes the idea. If there was an inkling of logic being your reasoning, the market would be flooded with crap by now since it was released so long ago, but it hasn't, has it? Yet this won't seem like a flaw to you.
Or maybe it's because nothing is really free and you can't have a professional team working on a game without making some money back. Maybe they don't think aFPS are popular enough that they can put a price tag on one and make their investment back so they'd rather go for a market of cosmetic shit (which would explain helmets costing money but maps don't).
If you want free games, you're gonna pay one way or another or you're not gonna get your games at all.
Oh right, because it was such a massive hurdle to cross, double tapping 2 keys. Now that you only have to press one key, that changes everything!
It's not like the timing, location, direction and all the other variables that actually matter are still the same and the ones that dictate the outcome of dodging.
Oh no, people can go fast, what a nightmare. What the fuck do you mean "you're not supposed to", this isn't a speedrunning competition, you're supposed to go everywhere and since everyone can sprint, that's not even a problem.
Or is the Redeemer and UDamage a problem too because they are in places "you're not supposed to go to"?
No it's not. Those games are bad, not the matchmaking itself, stop trying to win arguments by association, shit doesn't work that way.
It does the exact oposite you fucking moron, how are noobs "thrown into it" if matchmaking picks people of similar skill levels and puts them in the same match? Do you even know what an elo ranking is or what it's supposed to do?
Maybe you're just that bad at the game that noobs look like professionals to you?
And regardless, that's not even a "professional tournament in-game", your first point.
nice projecting there mate. Holla Forums may be full of faggots, but we universally agree on a few things. DLC is bad, micro transactions are bad, cosmetics are bad, dumping down gameplay is bad, ranked matchmaking is bad, political correctness is bad. UT has most of those. If you support a game that has these features, you are a shill.
Right now you are shilling a game that has microtransactions, ranked matchmaking, and political correctness. You are cancer.
Let's keep going, I want to see how new you can actually be.
It's 3 fucking hats out of several years with the market, if this is the best you have to prove your argument, you've already lost.
It's dumbing down, you don't even know the buzzwords you want to use, how embarassing.
Says who? That's not an universal truth at all and you still haven't explained why it's bad. Oh wait, you did try and claimed it's bad because it does something that it actually doesn't.
Why did you even said this shit, just how desperate can one man scrape at the bottom of the barrel to attempt a coherent argument?
That's how new you are and that's how meaningless shill has become, isn't it? Nobody even knows the meaning of the word or it's origins anymore, I guess.
No, seriously. I'm not getting off this chair until I read your next reply. You're so fucking full of bullshit you're about to burst.
Are you Todd? Are you that mad that QC isn't doing so well? I know you aren't, but that's what you sound like.
Is the game out of alpha/beta yet? Is it okay if you wife cucks you with a nigger if he wears a condom? There are micro transactions in it and the market was created for a reason. Just like with skyrim back then the market will soon be filled with bullshit content that costs a shitload of money.
Why would anybody play it in any setting other than a lan?
Show us where you have to pay money to unlock cosmetic items in Unreal Tournament 4.
just because you can earn it with ingame currency doesn't mean you cannot speed up the process of earning shit with real money either. unreal 4's plan is to sell user created content such as maps and mods too
No he's right, there's a minuscule market tab on the launcher that has sold around 10 units of the 4 hats available, it's clearly their main goal to sell as many cosmetics as possible
Shit cosmetics that dont fit on the game design are bad, ut4 has near 20 free unlockable cosmetics that fit in the game and cause no problems
No, you don't. Your fixation with cuckholdry holds no relevance here, solve your mental issues on your own.
The game is still f2p, anyone can try it and have without spending a single dime and since it still hasn't done whatever you fear it will surely most likely eventually do, it's still okay to play it. Should things chance in the future, I'm sure people will drop it too but refusing to play it now because of something that may or may not happen in the future, especially when there's no investment on your part in it, it's retarded.
Remind me again why am I the shill when apparently there's a menber of Epic posting in this thread that knows exactly what the plan for that game actually is?
This is anything but "clear". Occam's razor on this shit, faggot.
Arena shooters aren't that popular anymore, not with TF2, Overwatch, CS:GO and CoD\Battlefield competing with them for players.
Epic might just consider that slapping a price tag of 15$ on the game is forfeiting a truck load of players that are not gonna spend cash on an arena shooter and no players means empty servers which pisses off those that actually paid for it. Battleborn comes to mind.
But since they still have got to make some money out of this to pay for dev costs, they went with a popular idea: selling cosmetic shit. And considering how in Overwatch, despite you getting crates for free by playing the game, people still buy the damn things, it's practically a safe bet for them.
A business model with lots of success examples that let's them earn a decent profit while maximizing the number of potential players.
This is a far more logical, simple and reasonable explanation than "they are going to take content from the fans that still haven't made any and wouldn't agree to have them sold and then ask for people to buy it, the people that would most certainly REEE at the idea and they know it". Remenber how fast it took from "paid mods" for Skyrim to be implemented and people to start making content for it? How many years has there been a market for UT4 and still no fan content for sale there? Yeah…
I wish these holy crusaders that see shills everywhere would fuck off somewhere else and leave those that actually play videogames to discuss them.
ohh you would love that wouldn't you. How much do they pay you for this? Do you get bonuses if you make people download and install that stupid game? God damn fucking shills ruining the internet for everyone.
Nobody is playing it because not everyone has a cuckold fetish like you.
What's there to not understand mr shill?
how am I supposed to show you the paid content without downloading the game? Everybody knows that there is a market. What do you need prove for? You nigger, you are just trying to trick me into downloading it, you ugly jew. But I wont let the shills win, I am not downloading your trashy game.
Alright, I think everyone reading this thread can see by now without my further input that you're a grade-S retard.
there are ids on Holla Forums faggot, i didn't call you a shill. and yes, selling user content is literally the business model
Since Unreal Tournament is being in part created by a community of volunteers, the game will be completely free when it is released.[45][46] Epic Games stressed the point that it will be just free not free-to-play, meaning there will not be microtransactions or gameplay-affecting items.[22] To pay for the game, it will eventually create a marketplace where developers, modders, artists, and players can buy and sell mods and content, or just give it away for free.[47] Earnings from this marketplace will be split between the content creator and Epic.[48]
this is why it is free, they are expecting nobody would buy another arena shooter just like every other company in the world but it isn't just "free"
Your persecution complex and cuckhold fixation are pretty funny, don't change a thing ever, user.
Just be carefull, you're starting to sound a lot like a QuakeChampions shill that doesn't want people trying the competition.
You know you could just watch some youtube video of someone showing it or look for screenshots, right? You're pathetic.
Apologies, I didn't meant to imply it was you calling me a shill but I didn't made it clear enough.
And thanks, user. Finnaly something we can talk around and discuss.
I personally don't see an issue with this, since creators can still release things for free if they want, but I honestly don't see this working either very well.
The point of skins is to show off but if they are applied only on your client, it's a bit pointless. And maps made by the community but placed behind paywalls just create problems for players if a group of 10 has 2-3 that didn't bought it. I think it was CoD Modern Warfare or Black Ops that had this problem with their map packs where people felt forced to buy new packs because everyone else was playing on them instead.
Honestly, this doesn't warrant any of the bitching one would expect simply because it's literally nothing and it's not even gonna work anyway.
wow, you shills must really hate the fact that I can see through your bullshit.
ahh yes, so the people on youtube get paid. You guys are some hardcore shills. You can tell your jewish boss that he is wasting money on you, your shilling is not working.
UT is a shit game full of paid content, it is on the same level as Payday 2, Borderlands 2 and CS:GO/Dota 2. You god damn shills.
UT was better than Q3A but not Q1 or (with mods) Q2.
i personally don't have a problem with their model either because its free to play but just putting it out there. i think if i have to pay even 20 dollars to gain access to a game i should get the full game, none of the cosmetic shit that games like overwatch and rainbow six siege pulled, but that said in respect to unreal 4 i don't particularly care, similarly to how i feel about quake champions but if i had a choice i would rather they both be fullpriced games just so they would focus strictly on the game and guarantee i get all of it. and no i don't mean "most people play free to play but you can buy premium for an immediate advantage" shit like tribes ascend and quake champions are pulling but "you pay 60 dollars, everyone pays 60 dollars, you get everything this game has to offer and everyone else does too"
Alright he's gone full retard. Filter and carry on
That is undoubtedly the best business model. Sadly the f2p model is too established and they know a pay wall will get them little to no players
Has anyone ever tried a ridiculously low price for a game (that isnt shit)? Why not just charge one or two dollars to all players instead of hoping they will spend a few bucks on items (which only a small fraction of the players buy)? Some people tried putting a voluntary donation option on the steam store but that's the best I've seen
What's up with all the lower case i? You on your phone or something? Do the jews not pay you enough for a laptop or something?
Dota 2 is free too, does that make it okay for them to do it? Give this game some time and it will turn into what skyrim would have become off Valve didn't back off from paid mods.
This is a sad day for Holla Forums, arena shooter thread is full of shills.
Then again, plenty of older games give you the full game to try and then put in costumes and silly weapons that you must still unlock with secrets or achievements before you can use them. I guess it's a matter of mindset of how you go about things.
For instance, in Overwatch I feel like I got all the content with the price I played. Everything that matters for gameplay, heroes, maps and gamemodes, it's all there. I don't buy crates at all since that's fukken stupid, but every time one drops, it's neat to get something new I can try on or when I get enough currency to pick something I like.
I personally see it as unlocking alternative costumes in older games, you invest time into the game and eventually you get something new that isn't essential but looks fun.
It's not perfect at all since most of the time this boils down to grinding some currency or relying on RNG, while older games were about reaching a secret or performing some hard accomplishment. Overwatch has unlockables with achievements, but it's just sprays.
I'd rather have it be back how it used to be and skins\unlockables are given by mastering a character or performing neat shit, but we gotta be a bit realistic here.
There's no way they could sell the game with a price tag and make the dev cost back, it'd just detract people away from it and leave servers empty. But they still gotta make money out of this anyway since we don't live in Commieland, so in the end, coming up with a system where creators can help to finance the game they like with their effort does seem like the lesser evil.
If you sell it for a cheap price, it will look like it's shit and will be ignored. That's how the human mind works in the current market.
And I think that has been tried before. From 1$ to 15$, it really doesn't matter, the effect will be the same. The player will see the price as an investment and feel forced to play it in order to justify the money spent, so they aren't likely to buy it if they don't think they are gonna play a lot of it.
Now if it's free, it's one of those "I have nothing better to do, so…"
Really wish arena shooters weren't so dead, since I wouldn't mind a paywall instead.
if i dont pay a dime why should i care if i don't get the whole game? i consider free to play games to be an unlimited demo. paying fullprice+tax+onlinepass+tip and still having microtransactions like battlefield 4 is bad, but there is no stake in free to play games so long as you don't buy anything which is the difference
Why would you want to play a downgraded piece of shit game? Even if you don't pay with money, you pay with your time. By the way, how much do they pay you for spreading this propaganda?
What's wrong with pirating a real game you clown?
And having to pay for them is not the only bad part. The other bad part is that everyone has to tolerate them. I don't want to see my enemies running around in hello kitty skins or wearing a bag over their head.
or you know just not play free to play games and pirate the games you actually want to succeed
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. That's what I am saying the entire time you freakin shill.
Living off cosmetics alone never works. Valve was lucky because of the whole economy thing and from what I've heard people dont trade anymore just pay with cash to sellers who got the items/games on sale or something. All f2p that survive for long are pay to win
In any case I dont expect neither ut4 or nuquake to live for long, ut4 for horrible marketing choices and nuquake for obvious reasons. Anyone knows if ut2k4 still hosts any servers that arent assault?
Yeah, wasting time playing videogames is stupid. Fun has 0% interest returns, invest your time in shitposting instead!
And what's wrong with playing a free game either? It's essentially the same, and if the issue lies with the pay scheme and not the gameplay or the visuals, there's really no reason not to.
Thankfully none of that shit exists. If you want to fearmonger like a retard and speculate about the future, then we can just say someone will make a mod that forces default models and distribute it for free. Or Epic will even make it an option in-game.
Why don't you stop speculating about your future confirmation bias and instead start speculating some dicks into that ass?
Yeah, I don't think this will work out either. Team Fortress workshop hosts a lot of free shit and that's likely why people use it anyway, so while their market can end up having a lot of content, it's not gonna sustain them.
One thing that could work would be a "season pass", where you can buy the game and get all the content in the market for free, but that leaves it's creators stinging, unless Epic pays off their own pockets.
Last I heard, everyone was either playing dm_Rankin or using that Ballistics Mod.
That one has some neat weapons but reloading and some crap like the mines really doesn't work very well with UT.
UT99 is best UT
if you enjoy getting cucked you are fucking retarded anyway.
The community sucks because it is full of wankers, like third world motherfuckers who can't afford games and little kids who are not yet allowed to buy games. They are also always bloated with shit like p2w or gay ass cosmetics.
Only a matter of time, you shill.
Wishful thinking on your part to justify your autistic crusade?
In any case, you're not worth the time. I already figured out from your screenshot that you're German. You're not allowed to play ultra-violent videogames in your country and that's why you're so assmad about UT. The arab invasion in your country also explains your fixation with cuckholdry, gotta take it out on people online since Ackmed keeps fucking your wife and breeding your next german generation.
Stay jelly, Hanz.
Not worth it? What's the matter? They don't pay you enough to shill that game anymore because you sucked so badly? Your average reply has like 330 words, get a life noob.
Yeah let's trust the jews, they are our friends and would never betray us. They are working on UT4 for free. They are working on this great game for free right now, they don't want our money or anything. Epic Games just wants us to be happy.
wow so it rewards you for performing tasks and not for gambling? how is that the same fucking thing? games like ratchet and clank up your arsenal i think got it right. you find the secret bolts, and you can use those to get skins and then later unlock insomniac museum (which can also be reached just from going to a specific spot i think it was 2 AM). i also liked the xbox 360 port of quake 3 spiral railgun unlock, where you have to beat the game to get that cosmetic. rewarding the player for playing the game is perfectly fine, getting it in a loot crate randomly is fucking shit, and especially when the loot crate system allows you to spend more money to unlock shit faster. i wont support that kind of garbage
could have locked the thread after that post.
This is op
k0taku dot com/quake-champions-beta-is-a-bloody-disaster-1795225874
This is you
nigger what the fuck are you doing? And you guys say you are not shills/new… You ever heard of archives or screenshots?
Well, what do you expect from people like OP?
archiving it one sec
you deserve to be banned a second time
You are the retard linking directly to kotaku.