Can we have a good old adventure games thread? What are your favorite ones and which ones you'd recommend?
Can we have a good old adventure games thread? What are your favorite ones and which ones you'd recommend?
Never was a fan if this shit.
The only I actually finished is pic related, because I was teenage edgelord grasping for everything surreal and psychedelic.
Well, QFG had at least three completely different ways to pass any challenge.
Sanitarium the best tbh
Played it last year, and I enjoyed most of it. The best parts are the few couple chapters, and it gets progressively worse from there, unfortunately.
Nightshade on the NES is a masterpiece, especially for being console only.
whoops, I meant first couple chapters
worst adventure game ever
Eh, it starts good by some later parts are kinda shit. Great atmosphere overall though.
Looks like the art on those shitty Gamestop covers
That game is beautiful, I've actually had an idea for a game that was similar to this one and I've been entertaining it for months now.
why don't you make it then
anyone still remember this guy?
Would you a fey?
Even if she makes childish choke throughout about your performance?
yeah thats the "never buy a game for less than 60$" guy right?
20, but from the second game
38 with inflation.
Anyway, my favorite P&C would be either Quest for Glory 2 remake or 4, I like the combat in 2 more, but the atmosphere and dialog in 4 where much better. The most recent one I have started playing is the remake of Police Quest 1, though it is one of those games where you HAVE to read the manual to know what to do, but it does make feel like a "real" cop.
LSL is still my #1 adventure game. It's a good mixture of humor and some decent puzzles for your first time through without too much insane jumps in thought. I honestly prefer 2 for the humor but there is some shit in there that is just fucking insane.
It's a damn shame that Al Lowe shit the bed with the remake and hasn't made anything since, he was pretty much the one man show of those first three games doing writing, programming, and some art. I never did care much for 4,
If I had to pick another game Sam and Max hit the Road would definitely be that, I love me some Lucas Arts games.
bumping with death gate. I highly recommend it.
I even played the dos version. played through it even though my eyes were bleeding
Is this the best adventure game ever made?
I don't think I've played any of the older adventure games besides The Dig and partially through Quest for Glory 2. I enjoyed both quite a bit, though.
I've gone through some of the far newer ones that are out. Enjoyed Resonance, however the story may have been a little hit and miss sometimes.
Resonance was meh
check out other stuff from wadyet eye. they make decent stuff
I remember them. They where those stupid point and click things you play once for the "story" and throw into the trash. The only people who like them now are hipsters, the elderly and SJW's because they are so low effort to make and very easy so any casual gaymer can play.
Perfect example of 6 hours of disappointment.
Looks good, what version do you recommend?
Quest for Glory 2 has a fan remake in the style of the remake of Quest for Glory 1, though you can also change the interface to a parser one as well, instead of the classic Sierra UI. Also I recommend playing the games in order, since your stats, spells and even some items carry from game to game.
Up until you find that non-sensical puzzle in which you have to click on everything, try every item from you inventory, exit and explore the entire map doing the same thing over and over, until you find that one obscure item, hidden behind that one bush, that can be used in that puzzle. You could argue that opening a walkthrough makes it into a "walking simulator", but I find it funny how I rarely see this complaint in Layton threads, or Phoenix Wright threads or even in Myst threads, yet there is always at least one user in every point and click adventure games thread that says how these games were proto walking simulator games, which isn't all that far-fetched, but there is still some hypocrisy here.
the not dos one. if the download is more than 100 MB, then get that one
Thanks user, will give it a try once I clean my backlog a little.
I honestly like the original better then the fan remake.
The reason why I played the remake was, because I first played the remake of I and the difference in graphics between the two games was too jarring for me, also at that point I wasn't used with the parser interface. Though, latter I did manage to play and finish the first remake of King's Quest and the original versions of II, and a bit of III.
but the original Hero's Quest is superior to the SVGA remake. I'm not even joking, the best part was often finding the Easter egg dialogues the developers hid and testing the games vocabulary. Having text interface is an improvement in these games because asking questions was how you solved the many of the puzzles. Shit like "Mind of the developer" nonsense puzzels was talking about was a result of them becoming point and click mouse interface games. Kings Quest 1-4, Space Quest 1-3, the early Leisure suit Larry's where all better because of Text interface. It's also why they brought it back in LSL7 love for sail. Sure they may be a bit sore on the eyes but so is most 800 x 600 SVGA.
Adventure games? I looooove Telltale! :^)
Well if I ever get around replaying the series, I guess I will try playing the original versions then.
Original of the first one was definitely better than the remake, but I'd argue the 2nd remake is superior to the original, since there are a lot of smaller changes that make a lot of sense that were seemingly missing from the original, like khaveen coming after you if you do the thief route at the end, this is on top of genuinely pretty fun combat (although fuck ghouls). I say this from the point of view of someone who played the ega version to death so maybe the extra stuff is just really neat for someone who's already played it though.
How does it feel to be so boring?
You're probably the only one. And a friendly reminder how QFG2 remake has both point-and-click and your i-wanna-kill-myself-after-twenty-minutes text input commands.
I just downloaded it and started up the remake to see if my impression was wrong. No way to just type a simple command. pls, I can respect argument about added content but you are full of shit if you think the interface is sleeker.
use arrow keys
man even dialogue was as simple as "ask about X"
It's been some time, but I am sure there are hotkeys for the interface so you don't have to press on the top of the screen to bring the inventory, instead press the "I" key on the keyboard to bring it. Anyway this might just end up as a debate on parser interface vs Sierra and Lucasarts interfaces, but I see nothing wrong with that. An advantage of the UI is that you have a better idea of what you can do with the environment, instead of reading the manual to know what you can do in the game.
Talk about townI don't know how to talkAsk about townShe doesn't know anything about townAsk about the townShe doesn't know anything about the townAsk about this townShe tells me that she lives in this town
No hipsterfag, I grew up on MUDs and DOS commands but have since grown to enjoy the small quality of life improvements such as a mouse interface. Now I can appreciate that some and especially some newer games suffer from the use everything on everything until something fits syndrome but QFG never had that problem.
And if you really downloaded that I'm sure how such a distinguished old school gaymer such as yourself can find his way to the manual command prompt without me posting a picture guide. And I swear by my rare pepes that there is one since I know they patched that in especially for those snowflakes such as yourself.
but you are full of shit if you are talking about QfG2 and the Remake. There is no M key shortcut for Mouth. In fact the only shortcuts are for saving and loading you game. Also in the original VGA all you would have to type is "Ask Town". Have you even played the game in question? Or are you just being a contrarian for (you)s?
You are the full of shit. You are the hipster faggot I was talking about here Fat old Liberal NEETS like you are pathetic. Sorry Kiddo but the Simpsons where never cool.
All this shitposting is derailing us from the real problems at hand:
Who is the best girl in the series?
And why is it rusalka?
just shoot yourself, cli for fast, gui for comfy
I'm sure you have a crpg thread to shit up with >rtwp somewhere.
That quest should be mandatory for everyone designing or playing a paladin no matter the medium or any other context. ib4 Tanya, Hilde or Ann
but the Sierra GUI was crap. If you where trying to sell me on Lucasarts GUI or a synergy of the two like in LSL7 I would believe you but we are talking a "remake" that is using a shitty 1990's Sierra designed GUI and shitty SVGA. More importantly the original QfG2 had mouse interface, it just did not relay on the Point and Click gimmick.
Best Girl was the nurse from Willy Beamish.
wew fat old liberal NEETs are the worst. kill yourself any day Grandpa.
You deserve it for posting a thread about non-games.
Serves you right.
Was a fluke? :^)
And hell, I'd pick someone assuming I'm old than coming off as some underage summerfag shitposter any day.
Are there any other adventure games that got remasters as good as Monkey Islands did?
This is a fight to the dubs, son.
no sit for brains the page didn't refresh in time for me to see your post.
Quest for Glory 2 :^)
so, the remasters are actually decent?