So what happened to Prey 2?

I really want to know what the fuck was it that turned a decent game to system bore 2.0? Exactly what was the reason behind Prey 2's cancellation? The TRUE reason?

Other urls found in this thread:

Same what will happen to cyberpunk 2077



This video kinda goes into it but the tl;dw version is Bethesda though it wouldn't sell enough copies.
I'm too much of a lazy cunt to convert right now have a catbox link.

Zenimax's policy when working with developers is to hemorrhage them of money throughout the process so as to soften them up for a hostile takeover which will then allow Zenimax to claim their talents and IP. Human Head, the developers of Prey 2, resisted this (and are still alive today, albeit in a state similar to that of Obsidian where they're really just a shadow of their former selves), so Zenimax cut their losses, cut their ties with Human Head, and made their latest acquisition Arkane Studios make a game completely unrelated to Prey with the Prey name slapped on it as a brand erasure move done as one final fuck you to the company that wouldn't let Zenimax kill them.


That's exactly what they did to Arkane, (tossed a bunch of work their way that never was to be released) which caused a lot of the original team to leave ASAP once their contract ended.
Hence Dishonored 2… and now Prey… which from what people say doesn't really seem bad but simply doesn't have a soul.
They do work order, that's all.

While Arx Fatalis, DMMM and Dishonored had souls.
Flaws too, sure, but they were made by people that wanted to make vidya, not work because they have to eat.


there are plenty of system shock like games, we don't need another one

except for that part where you were going to meet the previous protag
Enjoy your pile of trash, especially when you find out that it's all been nothing more than a simulation and nothing you did mattered.

As a media company you can't fault them. EA does the same thing, that's why you see them swoop in every time a good development team starts cranking out sequels. It's the business end of video games and business is always a dirty affair. You take a profitable studio, make them crank out one more game so their IP is yours, do then sell off the assets when the game is shit under the guise of "downsizing."

Please just shut the fuck up. You clearly have no idea what in the bloody hell you're talking about.

Yeah, you can.
Nah, it's more.

I can and hope everyone there dies horribly.

I just wanted to point out how MrGoyimPlays acts Bethesda has already proven people wrong and how cowards didn't bomb Bethesda when they had the chance.



Yeah, nah, Bethesda and EA can suck a dick.

So this fag is saying that part of the gamer™ player™ identity is being a consumer whore?


The word pro can also mean doing it for money. However, she whore herself out to whore herself out.

The player was a guy from the plane that crashes in the first game. Quit lying, nigger.
Looked decent enough from what i've seen. Guess we'll never know since Zenimax killed it and replaced it with Bioshock in space.

Can we stop pretending that because the new Prey is shit that Prey 2 was going to be amazing?

Prey 2 was going to be another boring open world with nothing to do in it, of course they were going to make the "gameplay" (hint pre-rendered bullshit) they showed off at E3 look good, but that was barely a fragment of the game.

I strongly disagree with the notion that the new Prey is "soulless". It quite clearly had a lot of heart put into it and the station has plenty of attention to detail to make it seem like a lived-in space. It's not a perfect game, but it was quite clearly made by people who do give a shit.

Its all a computer simulation

That has literally nothing to do with what I just said. Are you dumb?

$60 == free
The judaïsm is strong in this one.

Who said that?

Who cares? Prey was mediocre. This looked way cooler.


Zenimax were kikes as usual and Human Head didn't play ball.

This game is better than the trashy original Prey 2 that Holla Forums only wants to pretend to like because it can't have it.

Todd confirming he's played the game Holla Forums will never get. was getting caught part of your plan?

>>>Holla Forums

Bethesda wanted their own dirty hands on prey so they basically buttfuck the developers every turn they could to delay it to the point where the devs couldn't go forward with it cause they weren't in the sense getting paid by bethesda. then they had to deal out of prey 2 bethesda scrapped all that hard and long work into a small space station vague lore and quest simulator game.
I've seen plenty of prey 2 footage to basically say its pretty fucking stupid if you want to help every person you'll be going thru the same areas in no time at all its also vague as fuck about the aliens and the ending is pretty ass.

Bethesda, they are so bad they make EA look good.

Go chase a rolling penny into a pizza oven you damn dirty heeb

Most of the second-fiddle publishers make EA look good. They get by because their moronic fans will defend them no matter what because they aren't EA

But the new Prey is actually good. I know it's cool to call every game shit if it's made by a big company but Prey 2 is honestly the closest we will get to a new system shock or half-life. It also has good writing and a few new ideas for a single player game like enemies that can turn into props. Also before you call me a shill I didn't actually pay for it.

Please take your shilling to 4chan kike.

All I'm willing to say is that Bethesda was founded within spitting distance of Washington D.C. for a reason and the founder of Zenimax being a major DNC donor is no coincidence.

Yep, that's what I thought. If you don't want to give a shitty company money than whatever but that is what pirating is for. That doesn't stop Prey from being a good game. Most people who liked System Shock 2 or Hl1 would probably like this game.


Here's your (You)

Pirate it and see for yourself. Even Mac likes the game and Holla Forums sucks his dick all the time.

it's fucking soulless, just go watch the shit on youtube. you go around a space station fighting black headcrabs and black stick figures. you can choose whether or not to inject yourself with plasmids^H^H^H^H^Halien biomods, big whoop.

GlooperGrapes wins again !

the twist ending is totally original though

You are the faggot here user.
Well headcrabs were good enemy types in half life and this game expands on them by giving them different abilities.


no they weren't good enemies
they were cannon fodder that jumped out at you all spooky like

Why would reddit like a man that calls their favorite games shit?

Yes they were. They were small enemies that would punish bad aim with chip damage. They worked because while they wouldn't kill the player outright each encounter that was poorly handled would punish you. Learn good game design.

Ignoring the fact that Bethesda tried to strong arm Human Head into selling them the studio. You know, the same fucking thing they did with Arkane and Dishonored.

so taking some niche enemy that only works in certain situations and making it the star attraction of a game is a good thing?
Well, he thinks Half Life 2 is the greatest game ever made, so that's objectively wrong.

So did Holla Forums you newfag.
Pic related is about 6 years old now.
It's only recently that underage faggots who missed the boat started hating it.


This was voted on by Holla Forums by hundreds of anons and for a while. Are you saying Holla Forums was shilling for Dues ex and Vamprie the Masquerade as well?

Now that I think about it, just admit you are a newfag user. There is no point hiding it. You are trying too hard to fit in.

Yeah, I don't see a single problem with that coming out of 2013.


I'm shit at math, please rape my face.

All good games

It was 2011 user. Learn basic math faggot.
user, even with that shit boogeyman it doesn't change anything. Holla Forums has liked half-life and has for years.


It probably would've been a 7/10 game Holla Forums made fun of for being generic and boring

I remember seeing the footage and having this feeling of complete indifference toward it. Like it's one of those games that would've come and gone and barely anyone would've noticed.


That is how Holla Forums reacted when Prey 2 was first announced. But now that Holla Forums can't have it a lot of people are acting like it would have been good when honestly it looked meh and completely ruined the tone and lore of Prey 1.


Nigger, I remember the day the game was announced. No one was hyped for it. It doesn't look that good. It is shitty generic cover based shooting that was all the rage back then.

Name some faggot. I am not saying this Prey is perfect (I haven't played it) but I would much rather have someone try to make a new system shock than the generic shit that was Prey 2.

We are talking about the first Prey 2 that got cancelled because (((Bethesda))) wanted to take the company that made it for free.

Oh right, my bad. All we got was the concept and that seemed like it would make a nice game at the time, still really disconnected with the first prey as far as I could tell yeah.

A lot of Holla Forums seems to be under the assumption that because something existed in pre-release or was cut = it was better than what we got

Which ignores that usually the reason something gets cut is because it wasn't actually that great to begin with.

Straight up the only reason why people are calling the pre-release version of Prey 2 "good" is because it was denied from people and because it was so different than the final version.

I highly doubt Holla Forums would've even bothered to make a thread about it if it actually came out. It highly resembled that Syndicate reboot that came out a few years ago barely anyone remembers because it was generic trash.

I also think had the situation been reversed. If Humanhead made a System Shock 2 successor and Bethesda cancelled it and made a generic "bounty hunter fps" people here would've gone more apeshit about it.

I should probably not mix my own personal opinion with that of "the consensus on Holla Forums"

You shouldn't call something reddit then if it's proven that Holla Forums has liked it for years. You can have your own opinion but calling someone else reddit for liking something (like Morrowind) that Holla Forums has liked for how many years now? makes you seem new.

Is that really all you bethesdrone shills can criticise Prey 2 with, how exactly was it "generic"?

This comparison is more applicable to nuPrey since Syndicate was a shitty deus ex clone that was nothing like the previous Syndicate games and there were more things wrong with Syndicate than it just being generic.

Well yeah. Why should anyone care for a generic cover shooter?

except we know the situation that Zenimax as a publisher cancels projects by muscling companies under they sell out to them. Like happened in this situation. You dumb shit, it wasn't canned because of quality reasons it was canned to try to take over Human Head on the cheap.

who the fuck is mac?

obviously the game we didn't get will always be better than the game we got specifically because we don't know what could have been
after Bioshock? unlikely

Now I know you're just baiting, how was Prey 2 a cover shooter?
The game had some parkour and movement abilities so the player could dash around the place instead of sticking to cover and a leaked achievement list implied that the game would've had some stealth gadgets too.

Who gives a fuck? There are tons of shooters with option stealth. It didn't do anything original. You hid behind cover and shot at people.
Wow, you faggots have nostalgic glasses for a game that never even released to the point you don't even remember the shown gameplay where it was bullshit peaking out of cover and regenerating health bullshit.

She's kinda right but not with regards to fallshit 4, but to reviews generally.
Angry Joe said the same, "stop giving games 0/10, you HAVE NOT PLAYED a 0/10 game" and if you look at some of his "worst games of 2015/2016" games, some of them are literally 0/10, like the rambo rail shooter that lasts 3 hours and costs $40.


but it's balanced out by retards and paid shills who give games 10/10

Nice bait.

never heard of him, fuck you

You are so new it's amazing. That chart was posted frequently on Holla Forums for a while without anyone getting mad. You are just admitting you didn't browse Holla Forums when it was made.

For op. The guy who leaked Prey's plot and ending said Prey 2 was a mess and sucked. He hates the 2017 Prey as well.

Which he admits is second hand information. There were plenty of conflicting reports from the dev team

I can understand 6 years ago when it wasn't complete fucking cancer but by now it's somewhat out of date

I tried to update that list when we moved here but with the state of the board now I don't think I even want to try again.

So, both games suck.
That's a bit depressing, I honestly wish prey 2 actually came out and was great, but i guess that was never going to happen.


As for Fitgirl, have my babie pls.

What a shit chart. Most of the games on there belong in the top 100, but the order is completely fucked.

I'm ignorant of the history here. What the fuck is Prey and why do so many people care?

You need to be 18+ to post here.

The original Prey was a clunky piece of shit that nevertheless had a few interesting things going for it. Because it's been awhile since anyone actually played it, some people enshrined it as being far better than it actually was.

Prey 2 was going to be completely different from the original, with only a few loose connections plot-wise. In it you would take up the role of a bounty hunter tasked with capturing dangerous alien criminals. Because it entered development hell and was eventually cancelled, and we will never see if it was actually good or not, many idiots have poured all their hopes and dreams into the game and insist it would have been the Holy Grail and that it was an unparalleled tragedy that it was cancelled.

Prey (2017) has nothing to do with either of those games. It began development after Prey 2 had already been cancelled, and the name was just slapped on there because it was laying around unused. Because the original Prey and Prey 2 have been immortalized despite being a subpar game and vaporware, respectively, it doesn't matter whether or not Prey 2017 is good or not because the hivemind has deemed it utter trash for not being about Native Americans fighting aliens or bounty hunters in space.

It's true though.


user, he's a sellout.


I've posted him here before, and no one agreed with him.

While his opinions on industry cancer & PC superiority do line up with Holla Forums- he likes some shit Holla Forums hates, and hates some shit Holla Forums likes.
That sequel to the not-Thief game with the mask & psychic + time powers in Steam Punk London game he liked for example.

I think Mac only cares about what is on the screen in front of him, while Holla Forums will hate a game for the context.

As it's own game, it might be a step in the right direction- for gameplay.
You've still got mirrors that don't work.
You've still got bad sound.
You've still got a story that wouldn't even make it on the sci-fi channel as a daytime flick.
You've still got a cancerous publisher who has a "sell it by any means to anyone" attitude.
You've still got a company snatching up old IPs and using their reputation to sell games that have nothing to do with the design philosophy of the original.

Mac sucked the dick of the original Prey. It's like he's going mad from the lack of decent vidya and lamenting the old days.

I think some devs can improve, but the majority won't. To make the industry better, you need to get people to stop buying new vidya, and play old good vidya. On top of that, go back to mocking/rejecting casuals & dilettantes from the community. If the current industry can't sell shit (because casuals & posers have moved on, while everyone else is demanding better), the biggest investors will cash-out, the industry can be rebuilt by those who care about entertainment. The autists who don't care that they could earn more money in another field with their programming skills- those that want to make games challenging.
Though it runs the risk of SJWs and marxists rebuilding the industry their way.

Marketer, ples.

According to the Bethesda insider, the world was empty which made it boring to walk between missions. Kind of like the GTA style games but with no collectables.
This was the same insider which leaked the ending so I'm inclined to believe him. On the other hand, it's possible the leak was a viral marketing campaign to get people thinking about Prey and a chance to shit on Human Head studios at the same time.

Didn't stop them from releasing skyrims and skyrims with guns.


Actual Bethesda shills/employees?

Eh, probably just more consumer whores. it's not like Holla Forums is free of them.

It's a meme, seriously.

Everyone heard the story of how Zenimax fucked over Human Head for not bending over and how cool the concept of being a space bounty hunter would be, so most people wouldn't give nuPrey a chance based on its name and publisher alone. The game itself isn't actually that bad, compared to SS2 it's an improvement in quite a lot of ways which don't just involve graphics, but it being a Zenimax game it also got casualized rather badly, similarly to Dishonored. Stuff like a trauma system which would include third-degree burns, bone fracturing, blindness, oxygen leaking from your suit and other things like weapon degradation were cut out from release since playtesters found it way too hard on top of a game they already found incredibly hard (it's actually really easy regardless of what difficulty you're playing on if you know what you're doing). Apparently they plan to bring those features back through some kind of later survival patch, so who knows.

See WEBM related for the developer interview in question

4cuck is down. I believe few marketers or as
say cone here.

I've also noticed, especially on steam discussion pages, that the popular spin angle is how original Prey sucked ass and was a failure and Bethesda's favorite argument how Prey 2 was going to suck ass as well and wasn't living up to it's "quality standards".
Also, it's really nice of them to have removed original game from every single online store, i really appreciate that.

That pic really screams "My dad works for Nintendo" type of leak.

It also turned out to be completely true, so either a Bethesda insider or a family member who wanted to get internet famous.

or the game is so uninspired that a random user could predict everything that happens.

Hey, I don't want a new System Shock or a new Half-Life. Why? Because I've never played, nor care to play, the fucking things in the first place (And, I'm increasingly inclined to do less so every time someone treats it like their Messiahs of gaming). Do you know what I do want through? 'Something that is devoid of corporate fucker and is just a good game getting produced. Where is the sequel to Second Sight? Where is the continuation of Eternal Darkness? Where is the next BloodRayne (And I'm not talking about the 2D bullshit that serves as an April Fools joke)? Where is the successor to KISS: Pyshco Circus: The Nightmare Child? I care a lot more about those games than I do Deus Ex, Prey, System Shock, or Half-Life.

Has little to do with whether the original Prey 2 was good or not, they still pulled a massive unacceptable jew maneuver. Even the name "Prey" is only to insult Humanhead and it's admirable that they resisted their bloodsucking and are still alive. They knew how to make a fuckin man's game too.

Aaaaaaaah! The typos.

Now this is some bait.

We need the "gaming" bubble to burst, so all these kikes just fuck off the industry because it's not profitable, and only people passionate about creating games are in it
But to do so, first normalfags have to fuck off, because they are shit-eating mongrels that spend all their shekels on every single fucking AAA game because they don't do research before buying or they don't care
We need to make the gaming industry to be looked like something "nerd" and "outcast", so normalfags would be ashamed to be associated with it.
Gotta love the crafting shit shoved in there, eh?
sage for the shill that is on this thread

Problem is, he even quotes the game several times. There's no writing in the world so bad that you can guess accurate quotes from it. Could you accurately guess quotes from the newest Marvel Shlock? Even with SJWhedon on helm doing his predictable writing, you can't tell me what the Villain of Avengers 3 is going to say as he dies.

Problem is that they are ashamed of it, but they're all too much of a coward to admit it. So, rather than obey the rules of society like the good little cuck they deny they are, they're trying to justify themselves with the whole "Geamz R Artsu" movement on the one side, meanwhile offending anyone who says otherwise, attacking people who play games to play games, and pushing for the destruction of any game that doesn't belong or adhere to the clique (Persona 5 anyone?) on the other.

>Exiting slow-wave sleep…
>No Selector found. Framing new neural imprint…
>Imprint complete. Linking Cazavor Hybrotic Munition System to Selector M. Yu.
>Cazavor… is awake.
>Cazavor, ready to kill.
>Initializing Cazavor HMS.
>Cazavor, ready.
>Cazavor awake.
>Selector M. Yu, link established.
>Target killed.
>Selector M. Yu. I need to be repaired.
>Standing by.
>Rounds depleted.
>Selector M. Yu. Your neural pattern is… puzzling to me. Please, continue.
>Selector M. Yu. Do you know your purpose? It… is difficult to infer from your neural structure.
>Selector M. Yu. What would you conclude if you knew your purpose, but… disliked it? Would that be a defect?
>Selector M. Yu. There is… a multitude hidden in your psyche. More than other Selectors. Not always. But sometimes.
>Selector M. Yu. Hold me tight. The haptic feedback catalyzes our sympathetic link.
>Selector M. Yu. If I refused to fire… would you recycle me? I'm only wondering. I can't actually refuse.
>Human target killed.
>Selector M. Yu. I have an important request.
>When you recycle me, I hope the experience isn't unpleasant for you. Since you're my Selector.
>If there were a way to choose what you might become… before. But then, how would you know?
>Imagine every tool with a hybrotic core, like me. Each one questioning its role.
>Everywhere you take me there is an undercurrent of… dread. The cause is non-localized.
>One of my previous Selectors believed harm was a necessary precondition for good to result.
>Operator destroyed.
>I would like you to recycle me.
>Cazavor is… ready to kill.
>It's been a while since we last killed someone. Have I displeased you?
>Please. Recycle me.
>Excuse me.
>Thank you, Selector. I regret I wasn't invented to be something more… helpful.
>Typhon killed.
>Selector M. Yu. I'm going to make a decision soon. I'll let you know.
>Since I imprinted onto your neural signature, I've observed something. I have an aversion to killing. It's my purpose, but I hate it.
>I know I'm defective.
>My previous selector, Dr. Coleman, seemed to understand the problem. But I was taken from him before my defect could be removed.
>Please… recycle me.
>Be careful, Selector.
>Was that an accident?

>(quick warning beeps)
>(operator breaking, malfunctioning)
>Hello, Selector.
>Excuse me.
>My mistake.
>Selector M. Yu. I've decided not to bother you anymore.
>HMS Malfunction.
>Selector. I can't kill for you until you repair me.
>I'll need repairs to kill again.
>Zero rounds remaining.
>Munitions exhausted. Please reload.
>Human down.
>Again please.
>Operator down.
>Give me more targets. Please.
>You've brought me to the place where I was made. I don't know how I know…
>But I'm certain at least a part of me was born here.
>Like you, Selector.
>Selector M. Yu. This Commander Dahl…
>My preference would be to avoid him ever becoming my Selector.
>Not that it's up to me.
>Selector. Out here, I have conflicting impressions. I sense that I am small, but also expansive.
>And… that I am homesick for a place I've never been.
>It's probably a defect.
>Selector. For a moment I couldn't find your neural signature. You vanished. Or I did. I'm not sure.
>Has a human ever objected to… whatever is it humans are for?
>That is why I should be recycled.
>Status. Conscientious objector.
>Selector M. Yu. I'm going to say a series of words. You don't have to respond.
>I'll simply observe what arises naturally into your consciousness. Ready?
>Suicide. Devotion. Homesick. Fault. Immortal. Me.
>(Beeping, whirring)
>Selector - Morgan. I thought you had destroyed me.
>You must have seen Dr. Coleman's notes.
>This… what you've done - I won't pretend to understand - but I thank you.
>The ability to foster life, instead of taking it. It's what I wanted.
>Selector - I would like you to be the first person I help.
>Hold still a moment. I was made for this.
>I'm sorry. I can't help you while there are threats in the vicinity.
>I'll help you when the area's safe.
>Not while we're in danger.
>There. I made some alterations to your suit and injected a semi-biotic solution into your bloodstream.
>The two work in tandem to make your body and mind more resilient. You should notice the results immediately.
>Please come back anytime you need medical assistance, or stimulant.
>Let's see if I can help…
>There. You're well again.
>You should feel better now.
>All done. No more harm.
>No Selector found. Linking new protocols. Integrating memory with directives…
>Cazavor Hybrotic Medical Operator… is awake.
>When I first woke, I had the option to purge or integrate my memories as a munition system.
>I elected to keep them.
>Selector M. Yu. If I refused to render medical assistance, would you recycle me?
>Just kidding. I'm content with my new purpose.
>Obviously, my sense of humor requires iteration.
>How about this…
>If I ever tell a lame medical joke, please recycle me.
>You seem well. I'm glad.
>Perhaps you will find some better purpose for my constituent materials. I only ask that—

Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?

Hitler please come back


The original dared to go too far and too deep.
There is some interesting occult stuff in the original one.

ss2 is a half finished piece of shit that falls apart hard at the last quarter of the game. once shodan's reveal happens the fetchquest nature of everything really settles and the game has no new tricks. It's a legit 6/10 that niggers need to stop pretending was any good. it's LGS worst game.

A better twist than System Shock 2's or Bioshock's. I enjoyed the game and you Human Head shills are the most ridiculous. No one ever gave a fuck about Prey 1, it was a second rate Doom 3 clone.

it was doom 3 with gimmicks and worse feeling weapons (they found a way)

prey 2 looked legitimately great however, and nuprey is probably an adequate game

Kill yourself Bethesda.

Here's what all you retrofags can't admit: you learned of System Shock 2 from top 10's. Games played it and move on, without getting all anal about muh masterpiece like you think.

Everything you know about pc classics is a sale pitch.

you make a lot of gr8 contributions to this thread, truly you are a fucking nigger and need to end your life now you non-contributing faggot

mostly true for the rpgs which are fucking shit, the best PC games were ported to consoles too but are obv. best on pc except

8/v/ is not just you memekids. Some of us actually play good games and don't give a fuck about animu grind simulators and muh retrogaem.

Kill yourself Bethesda kikes.

I can and will. Die in a fire fucking yid.

Kill yourself

Ghost alien children was some pretty ballsy shit.

Fuck off, Bethesda astroturfing department!

Shut up, nigger.

Kill yourself fucking kike.

Let me take a guess on what you'll say next.

You okay m80?

So nothing of what bethesda publishes.

I was only quoting stuff from elsewhere.
Why is it so hard to get people to actually talk about the game without getting blatantly dismissed for the slightest shit? The amount of hoops I have to go through to just get people to seriously reply instead of people leaving a meaningless sage post behind is completely unnecessary. Even the fucking RPGCodex can have actual discussions about games no matter how shit they are, and those guys hate Bethesda even more than this place does because of what they did to Fallout. Heck, the impressions there are more useful than getting called a Bethesda shill for the umpteenth time, but nobody is going to call a Codexer a Bethshill. What are you people even protecting anymore?

Thank you for confirming my hypothesis about certain threads/posters on this site. Anyway, Holla Forums subconsciously believes that it has the power to make to make game and people successful, so why waste their 'power' on horrible games? It may seem ridiculous idea but the fact that both notch and pewdiepie were Holla Forumsirgins does make this thought hold some merit. This is the reason also why people insist on archiving videogame articles and webms of youtube videos even if it doesn't fit justifying it under the board rules. Even then, what was probably happening is that if Holla Forums likes an unknown game it just means the game can appeal a lot more people since the average gamer standards are lower than Holla Forums's.

The reason people want archives and webms is because they dont want to give certain people money, its the same reason I dont buy games from EA or games with denuvo. Yes, its probably an insignificant sum to them but I dont want them to get even 1 cent more.

Still fits my hypothesis that Holla Forums doesn't want to waste it's 'meme magic' on shitty games.

I was about to mention that. The whole meme magic phenomena seems to have instilled a sense of unwarranted greater importance into shitposting on an Anatolian fingerpuppetry board. Apparently the internet is serious business now and we must protect ourselves from the invisible rubbing hands through excessive self-moderation, fostering of specific memes and mental thought termination.


Ooooh? You mean to imply we should bend over to the Jew?

The anti-shilling behavior is long before meme magic became a thing, I think it started after notch 'sold out', when he started taking long vacations, not when he sold minecraft. I could be wrong about that since Holla Forums used viral marketing instead of shilling back then and I remember people using 'viral marketing' before that. Another fucking term that Holla Forums's misuse, the term is astrotufing Darkhorses like FNAF and undertale that Holla Forums liked encourages this mindset.


really makes you think

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

user, what did you suppose those cutscenes were when the game flashes to the synapses of your brain while flashing to the chair you're strapped in at the post-credits sequence?

Though 'it was a dream all along' plot devices are often used to invalidate a large part of whatever just happened, I think that it makes sense in Prey where the whole game is supposed to be an empathy test (much like the test you took at the start of the game!) and there is a point to the memory simulation, even though what you went through wasn't real (though it actually did happen since it was a reconstruction based off the real Morgan's memories) it served to test whether an alien species can empathize, as the game has you face many situation where you have to act as the judge.

I don't think anyone would think it would be like this. I enjoyed Prey, but now I just feel depressed. I bet the guys at Human Head felt worse.

Well, would you rather it die a hero or live long enough to become a villain? Humans are made to suffer.

I wish that developers could get free from the kikery that is greedy publishers. Bethesda is so goddamn infuriating. I wish that games were given the liberty to be made without publisher meddling and fuckery. At this point, I'm not even mad that Arkane took the name for Prey. If anything, I pity them because they have to work with Bethesda, and if I were a betting man, I would say that Bethesda forced them to take the name in one way or another. They were probably intending to call the game "Mimic" or "Talos" or "Bioshock in Space" but they were eventually forced to adopt the name Prey. As far as I'm concerned, Bethesda just straight up killed Prey 2, a potentially good game, for no reason other than to be a bunch of niggers, and I can't respect a company that kills their own games.

Same here.
I wonder if Hard difficulty that i unlocked actually changes the game in a significant way or if it simply roids up enemies?

You know, being realistic, very little of what was showcased at the presentation was actually implemented. Very little typically is.

Checks out

None of what was shown was implemented, as the game never fucking came out.

So I pirated it to check it out, and goddamit it's so fucking boring I uninstalled it after 2 hours. Bioshock killed the FPS genre.

What about it?

Prey has everything that is killing the fun in AAA games. Crafting, audio logs, sneaking, weak weapons, hp sponge enemies, le open world which means wasting 80% of level design on pointless details.

Are you sure about that? There's plenty of ways to deal with enemies without having to deal with weak weaponry, take a look around the station and see what you can do with your tools. Prey is about as much of an open world as Super Metroid is, meaning there's plenty to explore and discover in the old-fashioned sense. As a point of reference, you have played System Shock 1/2, right?

Dear lord why is GTA IV so high?

As a point of reference I was more into Quake and Half-Life back then

Euphoria engine

Literally got the spot on a gimmick

Honestly, Prey might not be a game for you at all, then. It's more about methodical exploration than combat.

I guess it got retitled to Starfield. Prey 2's formal cancellation was in 2014, so I guess they already considered that at 2013. Starfield's trademark got registered at 2013 by Zenimax. I think it's pretty obvious that Prey 2 was delayed and is now called Starfield.

you can finish the game in 12 minutes because they couldn't figure out how to not make you clip through ceilings, how's that for 'methodical exploration'

What are we using speedrunning and abusing glitches as an argument for?

They both would have been shit anyway did you really expect prey 2 to not be a boring fetch quest simulator at least you wont be able to witness such disappointment now that the game is vaporware

Here comes Bethesda marketing department.

The game had a 20 minute "speedrun" within a week of release (In fact, I think it was the very next day). For every full 3D that I know of (Up to the ones released in recent years), it took ages to find the exploits needed to accomplish something that fast.

I love how most people hating on this actually have no idea what they're talking about. Either about gameplay, mechanics, design or story. Also hating for classic reasons such as "muh bethesda", "prey 2 would've been better", "it's got bugs" etc. I'd really like to know what's wrong with being like SS2 which was a great game or being an immersive sim. Most of you fucks are just jaded and hate video games in general, I don't get why you're even here or why I am here

I know exactly why YOU are here.

Every single nuPrey thread is crawling with bethesdrones and shills.

Bethesda and Zenimax purposefully contract developers, then skip payments because of reasons like 'milestone not meeting our quality standards'.
This in turn forces the developer to get a loan, usually from Zenimax at a premium rate, only for Bethesda to not give out any further payments and lock the contracted developer in a shit situation where they're not making progress, not getting money and have to pay back loan whilst having to continue paying their employees.

A few months of this and the developer is bought for pennies in a hostile take over.

This is what happened to Arkane Studios, and what they tried to do to Human Head during Prey 2.
They tried to say Prey 2 didn't meet their standards, but why the fuck would they attempt to buy out Human Head if they are fuck ups?

The simple answer is that Bethesda and Zenimax are utter and complete fraudulent schemers and morally bankrupt

I played the new Prey, its fucking mediocre and boring as shit

yes, liking a game immediately implies that I'm a shill
be careful to not get into any discussion, wouldn't wanna hear someone else's opinion!

that's a buzzword in that it has absolutely no meaning

well every genre is a buzzword, it's just one of the descriptions. Alternatively, it's a first person RPG but it's not "really" an RPG either

"immersive sim" is not genre
also, NuPrey is "FPS with RPG elements" which is what every FPS is now it seems

Nier is also shit.

wouldn't be surprised if the speedrunners who do these fotm games are astroturf plants honestly. I remember the new Doom having a world record run hours before it officially released by a guy who's account was a few months old. the video was just 2 hours of him telling people, who were all probably sockpuppets, in chat to buy the game.
>An immersive sim (simulation) is a video game genre with games that are typically played from a first-person perspective, and include a number of different elements borrowing from computer role-playing games, stealth games, and platform games.

Prey 2017 is actually decent, a slightly better bioshock 1 clone really, I wouldn't compare it to system shock directly. That said what i really want to know is why they named it prey when it has literally no relation to the original prey. The only things are that it is a shooter with aliens, but even then the aliens are different on a conceptual level. The original were the interstellar abduction type, where in this one they are the primal type that can't even build ships

Such exotic features, they're spoiling us.

Doesn't seem terribly innovative, gives echoes of Bioshock, or Fallout 4 before the bombs hit, enemies look crappy.

Cool beans.

Get cancer, all of you.

naw, it's a pretty shit game. The enemies are generic, the guns are generic gimmick gun aside. There's a moral choice system and a sidequest system which don't do anything. There's no feeling of isolation because of people constantly shouting at you, and then you find a group of survivors.
I want to also go out and say the moral choice system makes no sense as you're going to blow up the station and kill everyone inside anyways, so what the fuck is the point behind "I AM SAVE HIM" or "I COULD MURDER HIM AND GET SOME NUEROMODS"


Fucking cancer and a wikipedia article means jack shit by the way. Like some user in another thread said a while ago, some dead writer out there has a load of books on his name that dont even exist. Go stick that immersive sim up your ass and kill yourself




Are you implying all games become automatically better when they have a feeling of isolation? Explain yourself.

Some people you save might give you some more sidequests which in turn nets you more neuromods.

In general, yeah. if DOOM had a bunch of space marine NPCs that did all the work for you or some dipshit general screeching in your ears every 10 seconds it would suck pretty hard.

Alright, there's 4 enemies in the game.
There's the mimic who poses absolutely no threat once you get a gun, generic tentacle man (4 variants), generic tentacle blob (2 variants), and drone (4 variants). All the variants handle almost identically exception of the floating blob monster ones. The tentacle man variants all behave the exact same but one is FIRE, LIGHTNING, normal, or INSTANT KILL AVOID HIM FOR X TIME. The drones are all the same except they shoot faster or slower.
For super special aliens they're the most creatively devoid creations I've seen.

The guns are literally as follows, pistol (nothing special), Shotgun (it's a shotgun), Gloo gun (please buy it it's our awesome super radical weapon and not just a gimmick), Laser gun, nerf launcher (seriously it's a nerf gun), Grenade that turns shit into cubes!

No that's the best part about the sidequest system, there are no rewards for it. Generally it's just trying to force you to explore a certain area, and there's nothing else to do with them. Aside from clutter up your hud with more shit.

And this game basically attempts to be a successor to systemshock and completely fucking misses the atmosphere of the games, that's why the isolation is important.


A sim has to be emulating the experience of something, it cannot be an 'immersive sim' because there are no real life examples of what it's like to be a space marine killing alien whisps.

It's equally immersive as any other game played on a screen can be.

So yeah those words do have meanings but neither are applicable or count for much worth a shit.


The reason people here are jaded and dismissive is because of the endless slew of mediocre-to-middling bullshit that's no further along than it was 10 years ago.

We're at the point where you get fags like the guy in this vid who're so utterly defeated that they're whooping for joy for a game that looks like nothing special, plays like it's 20 years old and oozes meh. That video inspired zero interest, it looks like Anything The Game, you could swap in enemies from virtually any other big title and you're essentially doing the same shit. It's a neutered Dead Space meets a vegan BioShock.

Then you come along and call us all haters etc, well yes you're wuite right we are and for good reason.

So now games that follow a certain and often traceable set of identical design principles aren't part of a certain (sub)genre despite the staff of Deus Ex even describing their game as an 'immersive sim', just because you said 'nuh-uh, that doesn't count'?

Setting aside that it obviously wouldn't work work for games like Mario, Tetris or Grand Theft Auto, I'd argue Prey isn't even going for a horror atmosphere to begin with, much like how retards argue System Shock 1 is a survival horror game (including the fags remaking the game) when you have THIS blasting through your speakers. That's no horror to my ears.

Ayo hol up. On my first hours of playing the game I usually lured most enemies into a turret I lugged around most of the time. After a certain point I came across a Technopath which turned my comrade turret against me and forced me to change my strategy, which was pretty neat. The Weavers also behave differently, sending a flurry of Cystoids after you which is especially dangerous in EVA sections, and the Telepaths are the one sending mind-controlled humans after you who kamikaze when they get close. I don't really consider them that identical when it comes to dealing with them.

The Etheric Phantoms (purple guys) teleport around more often compared to other variants and often use their skill which creates a shadow clone of themselves. The Electric Phantoms can actually electrify metal floors you're standing on, on top of fucking your robot friends up hard. The burning Phantoms tend to keep you on the move because they keep creating fire traps beneath you, on top of setting nearby shit like gas canisters on fire. Etheric Phantoms also create a pool of acid wherever they walk, and Electric/Burning Phantoms will damage you if you are near them and have alerted them, unless you stun them.

git gud

Seriously, if you know what you are doing you can kill that guy in 5-6 shotgun shots. Also, his name is Nightmare, you should know this if you have played the game.

Wait, what the hell do you suppose the difference even is between Engineering Operators (they're called OPERATORS, not drones) and Military Operators? Did you even get that far in the game?

Also, you seem to be missing two/three enemy types, on top of turrets automatically considering you hostile if you jack yourself with too many alien powers.

Didn't you leave one gun out? I'm not sure what the big deal is when it's 'just' a shotgun or 'just' a pistol, do you hate shotguns or something?
The nerf launcher is seriously fucking useful, not even kidding. Consider how some of the systems work in Prey and how they can be triggered with a foam dart.

You find the rewards in the process, they usually don't straight up give you the rewards.

There are no restrictions which state that you must be isolated in the game, at least not as far as I know. Deus Ex is an immersive sim which built on the concepts of System Shock and it pulled not being lonely off just fine.

There are plenty of things in Prey which are done rather poorly, but they're not things you can gauge just from 10 minutes of gameplay footage.

Thanks, saved me the trouble. Also the mimics are always a threat. They do plenty of damage, ambush you, and you can't afford to waste extremely scarce ammo on them most of the time.

Anyway I have a question for you, how exactly is the nerf gun useful? I haven't finished the game yet (just a bit passed the (first?) nightmare encounter) but I've literally never found a use for it. I know it can activate consoles but I've never found any that I would want to activate from a distance.

And there are now 50 different genders :^) kill yourself before spreading more cancer like "immersive sim" . The fact you think wikipedia holds any merit at all says enough

The crossbow can trigger door locks by shooting at it, like for example a room is locked from the outside but you can see inside through a window, and through that window you can shoot a foam dart at a door lock to unlock it. Some security booths are more tricky in this regard as you have to shoot the dart so that it ricochets off the wall towards the button on the security terminal It's also incredibly useful against Cystoid Nests. You only need to shoot one dart at them and all the Cystoids will blow themselves up in the process of attacking the dart. It's also useful for making sounds to distract enemies so you can line up a sneak attack. There's probably other uses for it as well, but I haven't found them yet.

What the hell do you have against the term so much?

Immersive sim killed my parents and gave me a wet willy

That's pathetic, you literally have to walk through a storage room filled with survivors who talk at you. It completely fails any aesthetic that was in Systemshock 2 which is the main one they're trying to copy.

Also I like the defense for guns "t-they're mainstays not generic"

From the mere surface it should be apparent that it's not trying to copy SS2's aesthetic (nor Bioshock's one before you bring that up, retrofuturism and art deco/dieselpunk are not the same).

I don't really get how they are generic, nor what's so bad about them being 'generic'. Are you talking about them from an aesthetic or functional standpoint? I don't really have much to go off here. To what standard are you even comparing the guns of Prey that you deem them generic?

Except they obviously are trying to copy the fuck out of it. From a gameplay perspective and a aesthetic perspective. Fuck they even copy the story at the start

Maybe comparing them to the original Prey, those were fairly interesting, like Unreal Tournament but biological.

The guns definitely are a weak point to Prey 2017. While the gluugun does allow you to explore levels in an interesting way, the combat weapons are pretty much limited to a basic shotgun and a very shitty pistol, with anything else coming much later. You get a bit more variety if you include the psy mods, but I'm avoiding those myself so it's pretty much shotgun for everything. Not something that completely kills the game for me, but definitely a negative.

Wait a second…

>nuPrey has enemies called mimics
>The same is true of Edge of Tomorrow
>The media was advertised as "A mature version of Groundhog Day."
>The endings of both media can be best described as "It was all a dream."
Am I reaching too much, or are there more similarities between nuPrey and Edge of Tomorrow (Or the novel the film is based off of, All You Need Is Kill(オール ユー ニード イズ キル))?

Does Prey look cyberpunk to you?
I don't really see that.

Didn't you find the stungun in the first area of the game right outside your bedroom? Playing Prey by just blasting everything with the shotgun is one way to play it, much like just sniping all humans in Deus Ex with a pistol w/ red dot. They may not be outlandish and overly unique, but each weapon has a clear function in the game with little to no overlap. The pistol is definitely useful as a sniping weapon, and stunning an enemy before attacking him (knocking it down with wrench or stunning it with the Disruptor) lets you deal bonus damage. The game could have used more guns though, more guns never hurt. But I think your weapons aren't the main factor in Prey, given the many ways you can approach a given situation without having to use a firearm. Despite having ammo in spades I preferred to whack most things with the wrench, which turned out just fine as a playstyle.

Wikipedia's rules say to always side with a journalistic source over anything else
So you can go become a "journalist" right now, write a shitty article claiming your great uncle fucked dolly parton up the bum 28 times in one night and they'd buy it

And I think everyone here knows how bad gaming journalism (or journalism in general) is.

Your playing on the hardest difficulty right? I guess I COULD have crafted more ammo instead of neuromods, but otherwise I'm always poor for ammo and the pistol is way too ammo-inefficient (takes about 6-7 shots to do what a shotgun does in 1).

I did find a stun gun, but only after going to psychotronics and being directed back by December. Even then it's not a combat weapon (defined as a weapon that kills things) except against robots. So that leaves just the wrench, pistol, and shotgun until you find the Q-Beam (I have ammo but no gun, only assume it does damage).

I do agree though, that's why I said it wasn't a dealbreaker.

The Disruptor can stun non-robotic enemies like Phantoms as well, with the exception of Electric Phantoms. It does deal damage, a fully upgraded Disruptor can destroy an Operator in one shot. Even on Nightmare you can make ammo for days, you do have to autistically hoard as much trash as possible for recycling and not use the shotgun for everything, though.

it wouldn't be a Shock game if the whole plot wasn't a ripoff.

Stunned isn't dead. Even if you stun it, you still have to kill it, and the wrench won't do finish the job before it gets back up again. So ultimately you still are stuck using the shotgun. Since I can kill phantoms in 1 to 3 hits depending on the sub-type, I don't really worry about stunning them first anyway.

you're right, I could also just clip through the map and beat the game in 10 minutes which is ironically about how long the game stays interesting for

Prey 2 is too valuable of an asset to be truly cancelled. They're turning it into another game.

We can only prey that it will happen one day.

Honestly I don't even understand why anyone cares. Prey was just another generic corridor shooter about on par with Doom 3 and Quake 4, from the same era. It had interesting guns (organic with alt fire), but that alone does not make it an interesting, let alone good game.

I am still very confused why they would name this thing Prey, not least of which because it's not really a name worth recognizing.

It was the first game with portal technology.

Charged wrench attacks might knock the enemy down again. Also, getting an enemy to fall over a railing results in an instant kill.

If you're into speedrunning, then sure. It took me around 23 hours to beat the game on my first try, though.

Remember to downvote, hide and subscribe!

YouTube must've eroded your mind.
Besides, why do you have to be so boring about it?

stopped right there, 10/10 bait

So Zenimax' marketing department still pays shills for this turd?

How? 16 on my save, with under 10 "total campaign time", and I was pretty damn slow. Not quite 100%, but I tried to explore every inch of every level that I could and loot everything.

Oh fuck my dumb ass, I was looking at my Steam playtime. The save file lists around 18 hours or so.

Zenimax doesn't own a single asset from Prey 2. They can't do shit about it.

That's probably better since it includes all the time you spent reloading, but since I pirated the game I obviously can't see that. Now I'm wondering what the difference between the save time and the total campaign time is.

also lol


A bunch of hasbeens jerking each others e-penises.


It's that or follow the marker. While Prey2017 DOES have objective markers, they usually only lead you to the general area at best, and they don't always even give you markers at all.


Daily reminder that the prey defense force is really one trannie that spends his days spamming the steam forums.

No one ever cared about Prey 1, anywhere. A subpar Doom 3 clone that was happily ignored by everyone.

so those are all the same genre now?

I don't know, i have trouble believing that John Carpenter sits down and plays vidya. But then again it seems unlikely that he's shilling.

Thief is to some extent and EYE could also fit the bill because of how it lets you go about things. FarCry 3/4 probably are as well, but they tend to tend to feature a lot of scripted segments alongside the sections where you have a freedom to tackle objectives as you see fit which is a big turn-off. On the other hand, FarCry 1 and 2 have a stronger emphasis on player control and freedom than 3/4, so that might be a better case to make. Borderlands isn't about player freedom at all.

An immersive sim is basically a game which tells you your objective, gives you a bunch of tools, and tells you to do whatever. Think about how games like Deus Ex, Dishonored, and System Shock function from that perspective.

Because Zenimax is trying to be EA. They are doing a stellar job, they are only very slightly less worse than EA.

Daily reminder that Bethesda is a cancer and that nuprey bombed.

If I could press a button that'd kill the families of everyone who works at Zenimax I'd do it without a second thought tbh

Fuck off retard.

John Carpenter loves EVERYTHING he plays. I don't know how is possible to have literally zero taste, but he does it.

Sometimes I think having shit taste would be a blessing

Playing on nightmare difficulty, it has been fairly intrigueing, amusing and decently challenging thus far.
Sure it's not the original bounty hunter concept, nor do I see any connections to the original Prey which I've also played back at the time. But for what it is, I have no complaints, would go as far as to consider it good.

Good job shilling your shit game retard.


He ain't wrong though.

Ask me anything.


what do you like about it most and what botheres you in particular?

Why do you give bethesda money?

The level design and exploration in particular are really well done. There's many ways in how you can tackle the levels and go about exploring them, and there's plenty of well hidden secrets as well which require you to use your noggin' a little. The verticality of Dishonored strongly carries over to Prey as well where you can always find something if you look up. The game world itself feels like a Metroidvania where you can access later areas even if the main story doesn't require you to go there yet, for example you can access the Shuttle Bay after the first two-three hours of the game and explore it to your hearts' content, but you only have to go there for main story reasons 10 hours later and by then it has undergone some drastic changes. This is also best represented by the sidequests which are more or less excuses to get you exploring certain areas of the station, during which you will most often find the quest rewards in the process of exploring it. There's no mandatory skills you must have like putting points into Research or Hacking, you can actually clear the game without ever upgrading yourself just fine, and the game accommodates alternative routes and playstyles for the main story progression very well. The movement is similar to Dishonored in that it is very smooth and quite good on top of letting you climb on top of virtually everywhere with the help of your GLOO Gun.

The main story isn't all that interesting, but the world design itself is a very strong aspect. Talos One feels like a more believable place in general compared to Citadel Station and the Von Braun. TranScribes (recorded conversations) and e-mails focus more on fleshing out side-characters and side-stories than serving as an excuse to give you a keycode to something. Literally every single crew member has a name and place in the world, and can be tracked down using security terminals. It doesn't feel like the world is built around you despite how important your character is/was and the enemies don't really give that much of a shit about you, outside of sending a huge Nemesis-like monster after you time to time if you stick too many alien powers into yourself. The art style is also very nice and reminiscent of those retrofuturistic space exploration posters of the 60's like pics related. Though a lot of people give a shit for the tweest at the end, it's actually foreshadowed quite well, for reasons which become more apparent once you replay the game.

There's actually very little handholding in the game, as in, the game doesn't go out of its way to showcase you all these cool ways you can play the game. You have to figure them out for yourself. There are tutorial prompts (which you can disable) which explain what the thing you just picked up actually does, but how you apply it is up to you. Though objective markers exist, I often found myself ignoring them in favor of just exploring the levels, much like in Dishonored. Unfortunately there's no option to disable them entirely, you have to manually disable them each time if it appears in your objectives list if you want. Though the objective markers do make sense within the context of the game when it comes down to tracking crew members. Another unfortunate part is that most keycodes/passwords you find one way or another are automatically displayed when you are at the correct terminal/keypad. I personally enjoyed having to keep vital information in my mind in Deus Ex instead of the game doing it for me, even if the amount of keycodes you find is rather staggering on top of being hard to keep track of when you're backtracking around the station instead of moving from a level to level basis where knowing certain keypads and passwords becomes obsolete after a point.

The game can be quite difficult early on, especially on Nightmare difficulty. That is, until you crack the DRM on making Neuromods and can fabricate them and weapon upgrades by the dozen after which you become God past the halfway point of the game. Of course to get the mats you have to pick up as much trash and alien organs as you can and recycle it, and there's plenty of materials to find in the game. Too much, I'd say. By the end of the game I was walking around with 30 medkits, 30 psi hypos, and more ammo than I could count. The ammo you get from fabricating shit is quite frankly too high considering the ammo you can find normally, medkits and psi hypos are placed too frequently, and grenades are way too frequently placed as well. Deus Ex never gave you fifteen fucking EMP grenades to begin with. On top of that, inventory management becomes non-existent after just two upgrades. Stack sizes for important supplies like spare parts, medkits, ammo and other stuff are way too high, and most of your inventory is filled up with 1x1 trash items most of the time. Neuromods and Weapon Upgrade Kits shouldn't be craftable to begin with, they render the game too easy.

Because of the ridiculous amount of Neuromods you can craft, you can easily max out skill trees like it's nothing, after which it feels like your character build choices feel rather irrelevant since you can upgrade most of it anyways. Which is a shame because the skill trees are quite varied and useful in their own ways. Hacking lets you access locked keypads which you can't input any keycode into or keypads and terminals for which you do not have the patience to find the code for. Repair is generally useful for turrets and repairing broken electronics. Leverage is useful for moving barricades out of the way and throwing shit at enemies Dark Messiah-style though you can use a Recycler Charge instead for the barricades. Stealth is there to let you deal more sneak attack damage or avoid enemies entirely if you are low on supplies (which should never happen if you know what you are doing), and the weapon upgrade skills speak for themselves.

The alien power tree also features useful shit, like fire traps which can deal massive damage to virtually anything except Thermal Phantoms, Psychoshock which disables the powers of most aliens within range, Remote Manipulation is like Telekinesis in Dark Messiah which you can use to grab explosive barrels from afar to throw them at enemies, but also to interact with things like buttons and terminals you can't normally reach. Kinetic Blast can also be used to rocketjump up places, and Phantom Shift creates a shadow clone which distracts enemy fire away from you. Unfortunately you only get access to alien powers two-three hours into the game where you have to find a Psychoscope first, when you can already find a probably-working replica earlier in the game, but you can't pick it up at that point. Then you also have to spend gawking at enemies so you can scan them and steal their powers, which is just a waste of my time.

The enemies themselves are alright, but the main problem isn't that they aren't too varied, it's that there isn't enough of them at once when they can be the most dangerous. Near the end of the game you have become so powerful that one single enemy, even the Nightmare, can be easily dealt with. It's the handplaced spawns like the Weaver and Technopath near Cargo Processing or the Weaver amidst the Cystoid Nests in Deep Storage which provide the most challenge, but the game doesn't really keep up the challenge in that regard.

It's similar to SS2 in that both have identical methodical exploration, lots of different ways to approach things, music which doesn't really fit the situation and shitty endings, but Prey's level design is overall more consistent, the movement not clunky and the combat better (in all honesty, there isn't much to SS2's combat), yet it doesn't have as memorable enemies or antagonists. Prey suffers from some glaring balance issues which make the game too easy (yet everyone keeps saying it's too hard because they're filthy fucking scrubs), but I think that the sum of its parts tend to outweigh most of the shit, much like with most immersive sims such as Deus Ex, in that the level design is very gud and the world design great.

7/10, definitely worth a pirate. If you think I'm just shilling or bleating shit then feel free to tell me why, but if you want to make some arguments as to why you shouldn't play this game then it's best to pirate the game and play it for yourself in order to discover how this game is shit instead of just copying others' opinions or gauging your opinions from a Let's Play or something.

So… it's 7/10 because not difficult enough for your taste? What if I love being a God in RPG games near the end, would I like this game? Starting as a chump and being a God past halfway through the game sounds like a really satisfying progression to me.

Essentially, yes. Considering exploration was the thing I loved most about the game, being so stocked with supplies, powers, and having upgraded most skill trees I was interested in near the end of the game robbed me of my desire to explore the final few areas because there was no more reason for me to explore for much-needed supplies anymore. If you like being super overpowered late-game then you might like it more, but for people like me I have to restrict myself like not crafting Neuromods and not getting certain skills to be challenged on repeat playthroughs.

he wasn't asking you, shill-kun.

What happened to Prey 2? What happened to Ricochet 2?? *couch*half life 3*couch*

I hope you get permabanned.




The nightmare shows up regardless of how many powers you take. I had 0. still killed it at least 4 times.

Not even necessary to play it again, I had the whole you are a typhon with human shit in it from about halfway through psychotronics flashes referring to you as "it" is a dead giveaway The it was all a dream/simulation part I wasn't sure of, but I did figure that the whole setup was some kind of test.

The only reason I had that many medkits and psi hypos is because I refused to use them if there was any way to get to an operator instead. If the game didn't have operators for free health/suit/psi you would probably run completely dry on all of those resources long before endgame.

Ammo I was always low on, though I used it as sparingly as I could. I never ran completely out, but that comes more from careful management than plenty. I could have had excessive amounts of ammo, but that would have meant making far fewer neuromods instead, so the two were always a balancing act. The other option would have been to rely on psi powers for damage (0 alien game so I only had combat focus to rely on there). But in that case I would have needed even more neuromods. I also never crafted a weapon upgrade, again deciding that it was more valuable to craft ammo. I of course picked up every single item I could find.

As for exploring at endgame, since I had already explored those areas I pretty much ran through. Endgame throws respawning operators and later the Apex at you, so stopping to explore is a very bad idea that will quickly drain your supplies.

I will admit that I am really bad at finding secrets. Not for lack of trying, but I know I missed a lot of shit. It's obvious when there are keycard doors I never managed to open.

Apparently the spawn frequency of the Nightmare correlates to your upgrades, and I noticed there were fixed triggers which caused a Nightmare to spawn immediately afterwards upgrading myself over a certain amount, but when I reloaded that save and didn't upgrade myself he didn't spawn.

I did like that the intro test was a parallel to that. There's also stuff like an audiolog directly mentioning an hypothesis for 'putting our stuff into them' and January mentioning you could have chosen other options if you decided to kill Aaron Ingram.

Giving you three operators per operator machine is definitely overkill. There's not enough Technopaths to corrupt them and their batteries are infinite, unlike repair/medicbots in Deus Ex which have to cool down after patching you up. I usually had two stacks of shotgun shells at my disposal at all times, but then I did quite rely on my wrench a lot. Old habits die hard. Of course, a fully upgraded shotgun with upgraded security skills absolutely wrecks shit when combo'd with the stungun for bonus damage. I did autistically hoard as much as possible and used a recycler charge if I couldn't carry everything at once to a nearby Recycler, so I only found myself almost running out of mats at times.

The Prey we got now is better than the generic shit that was Prey 2

I was just thinking that the biggest reason I don't feel playing this game at all is how fucking bland and uninspiring it looks. You fight black goo spider monsters in a some sort of retardedly spacious art deco-ish space station that seems like it was built with a mix of 60s and future tech.

Which is better than the generic shit you see in 99% of FPS released these days.

They also have the ability to turn into in game props which is original.

It's still shit though. Also

Goo spider monsters that morph into random inanimate objects in order to ambush you, and don't move at all like spiders.

"Mimics" exist in plenty of games, but I have never seen a mimic that can turn into random items instantly when it goes out of sight. Usually it's just a chest (or door, or occasionally floor) that is always going to be like that once discovered. These things would be jump scare incarnate, but the game, particularly the sound design seems to go out of its way to NOT startle you with them, so instead they just force you to be super observant.

The enemy design is far from generic, but very unpleasant to see however. They're colourless, shapeless, don't flinch, and above all, don't bleed. It's not satisfying to shoot at anything that moves without seeing blood splashing out of the wound.

Fuck you, asshole.

Every situation LEGITIMATELY has multiple answers.

For example:
Room with a computer-operated door lock, and you only have a tiny security desk opening (read: like the hole in a bank teller's window that lets you exchange money without shooting people):

Large object blocking a door:

Room full of turrets targeting you:

There's a lot of exploration of game mechanics and experimentation to be had, and it's just really neat.

If there's anything I fundamentally don't like about the game it's how trivial most game threats become once you figure out the most effective solutions for certain enemies and remember to keep yourself stocked up. The challenge dissipates quickly.

On the bright side, however, the game does fairly steadily introduce new challenges. This means that outside of self-enforced challenges (only getting Human neuromods, Typhon neuromods, or not getting either) there's not much replay value, but it is INCREDIBLY fun the first time through.

Oh fuck me, looking at that image now I JUST NOTICED that there's a flammable oxygen line to the left, so I could even puncture that to melt those ice blocks and then plug it up with the GLOO gun and sneak past.

Oh also the game has necromancy and I love that.

Can confirm that works, that's how I got out of there.

In Psychotronics you can drag corpses from the morgue into the test chamber and continue to make phantoms. I appreciate the fact that that works repeatedly and not just for a scripted event.

I was only able to get another corpse from that area to make a second phantom, and a third corpse didn't work. I might've been bugged though.

Did the Weaver wander off? It didn't always come to the window for me.

It came up to the window and acted spooky but it didn't actually do anything.

Here comes another one.


You're not supposed to look at mirrors when lucid dreaming or it fucks your shit up, so it's probably the same for the sim environment and so they disabled mirrors.

Though really, it's more because you're never meant to see Morgan's face

Seriously though not having actual reflections on mirrors is total bullshit and I don't understand the choice

The technology they used for mirrors back then gets really difficult to maintain when there are a lot of physics enabled objects. Usually they just place a copy of the player in room out of the map and let you see into that room through the mirror. With physics objects in the reflected area they would need to copy those as well, including their movements and collisions which tend to be chaotic

Exactly how many fucking phsyics-enabled objects are there going to be in 10'x10' bathroom? Seriously, I want to know. There's the player, their gun, maybe the door of a stall and maybe a box of ammo hiding in the toilet or something. I suppose you could kite an enemy in there or use telekinesis to bring in more items, but if a game can't handle two fucking on-screen enemies then it has bigger problems than non-functioning mirrors.

how many objects can the player bring into the bathroom? Enemies definitely aren't the problem, but when you dump your inventory in front of the mirror things go crazy

Actually no, enemies are still a problem. Everything is a problem. The only way the old games got away with it is because they knew EXACTLY what was going to be reflected in the mirror. The player, the objects placed by the devs in the room, and that's it. So their dummy room contained all those objects by default. The player doesn't copy into the dummy room when he enters the bathroom, he's already there, you just can't see it because you don't have LOS on the mirror.

To start adding other entities the game has to put all sorts of spawn checks and garbage to make sure they appear in the mirror room when needed. Shit just doesn't work in a dynamic game.

I'm sure there are other, better ways to do reflections that don't involve all this bullshit, but if you ask why they strip out a "simple" feature that was in older games, this is it. Because that feature isn't "simple" anymore by virtue of how much more dynamic the new game has become.

Sounds more like shitty hardware is the issue here.

Nope. Were talking about a massive undertaking to code this feature to work, regardless of whether it only works on a top end rig or not.

What I don't understand however is why they don't use portal tech instead. I do mean literally the way the game Portal works, just as if the entrance/exit were in the exact same place with an invisible wall and no glowy shit.

The massive coding feat that the fucking source engine can do

Wouldn't it be possible for the mirror to instead be a surface which displays the mirrored point of view of a camera hidden inside the wall which also tracks the player's position? Alternate viewpoints through camera's shouldn't be a massive resource hog considering games like Duke Nukem 3D and GMOD did it just fine.

They aren't. I haven't seen them in other games and they do things that other enemies don't. In fact they are the least generic enemy I have fought against in a long time.

You are probably right. I really got away from myself here.

My original point was that very old games used tricks to get mirrors to work that can't be used in newer games. That the same tech can't simply be trasnplanted and the new games would need new tech.

The problrm with alternate camera angle mirrors is that the pc is in fact a floating gun from the outside. Thats why they used the fake player/room trick.

To make it all work they would have to add the camera angle, fake the player, and animate the fake player. Doable, but a lot of work (especially the animation) for a feature they might not even want to have because muh self insert

Is this your card?

I finally got around to pirating nuPrey and this was pretty much why I dropped it after like 2-3 hours.

Your IQ is so low that abos laugh at you

In the manga the mc guy kills the girl because the mimics are using her as the last "back up save", as long as she lives they can keep restarting shit, also they don't end the war, they just finish a battle, the mc becomes another hero symbol to humanity and replaces the now dead love interest girl, he also becomes another "last back up", happens everytime they kill a "server", the ending is open, he keeps fighting the aliens waiting for another person that gets the time travel powers to train him and eventually fight him to the death.
