Contra is now pay2win mobile shit. How does this make you feel?
What are the next Konami IP that will be a pay2win mobile game?
Contra is now pay2win mobile shit. How does this make you feel?
What are the next Konami IP that will be a pay2win mobile game?
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Still waiting for that crash, Holla Forums.
Any day now, right?
there are actually people who completely forgave Konami after Bomberman R came out. just think about that.
As long as they don't touch Bloody Roar's corpse, I think I'll be fine
How much more must I see
Why? What even happened to the IP after Wayforward made Contra 4?
I expected it… and yet I'm still sad.
Thankfully unlike EA, Konami doesn't have sports games to bounce back from.
all arcade games were p2w
you will be lying if say you never met that one rich kid that had unlimited coins
japs are fucking jews, deal with it weebtards
They have something that rakes them in more money than video games tho; Sports Clubs throughout asia
Never played Contra.
Oh sweet summer child
On the bright side, it's an actual game, and not a autostrat game.
Wasn't that released in 2016?
At least arcade games play decently and are not jewish when emulated, mobile games are shit on any platform and any controls, even non-f2p/p2w ones.
I keep seeing this faggy ass line.
Konami code.
It makes me feel more contempt for the Japanese.
I don't think anyone here fucking realizes this, but the Japanese are basically the biggest pieces of shit on the planet right now as far as gaming is concerned.
Despite being a tiny fucking island, they consume more mobile games than America does two times over. You can look up the statistics for this.
Every time a beloved franchise is casualized, everyone blames the west, when it's actually Japan's fault. And Japan eats up the casualized shit and asks for a second helping of feces.
Monster Hunter is one of the most successful franchises Japan has. And yet, you wanna know something? Everyone there is so bad at the game that the average Japanese person only sees 1% of the content in the game before they get stuck and can't progress.
They buy Monster Hunter over and over again based on bandwagoning and brand recognition and they don't know how to play and aren't willing to learn. They get frustrated and go back to Angry Birds.
You're a retard if the OP video is surprising to you. Hope I helped educate you on the real cancer of gaming.
You will get banned for this post
You don't know what Pay2Win means do you?
This "game" is over 6 months old, user. Not saying it's acceptable, I'm just saying you shouldn't pretend it's some brand new revelation.
Not contra you fucking kikes!
The video posted was chinese, but it seems there's a jp version and you're 100% correct anyway.
What's the full story on image ? I need something to get pissed about, I'm numb to video game industry shenanigans I guess
Well now I don't feel so bad about giving up on MHFU when I couldn't solo Black Fatalis.
on the one hand, the original was a quarter muncher
on the other hand, at least it was based on skill
something like this
It'll never happen. Normalfag shit never crashes unless it becomes outdated.
When the first video game crashed it was just the atari that costed $700 and was garbage, or pong machines for $300 that could play one fucking game. It's too fucking big of a market now.
Carlson kept asking Nye to specify how much humans effected the climate. Basically "If the science is settled and we know humans effect the climate, what percentage did Humans change the climate more than it would have naturally changed". Basically using the fact Nye was being arrogant about how the science is settled against him and trying to make him spit out a number he doesn't know. Nye basically just danced around it and played politics which Tucker kept pointing out.
It looks like those articles are going into damage control mode, since Nye is one of the faces of left-wing science now.
Konami has way too many profitable subsidiaries to fail. Sports clubs, gambling, manufacturing. They even have an anime and a real estate division for fuck's sake.
Contra has always been P2W. Do arcade machines ring a bell?
It's pretty decent and challenging, Just go find a NES ebay and a copy of Contra second hand somewhere.
Not worth it, just emulate it if you really want to play.
how so? do you pay for continues or something?
Fucking nigger.
I actually still have contra and my old NES. Yes they are comparable you fucking retard. Enjoy wasting your money on some kike who hoards the old hardware though.
he probably is the kike who hordes old hardware
It is comparable, it's just not the same.
It's like translations of foreign shit vs. learning foreignese.
The only real differences (if you don't use the tools included in most emulators) are that you don't get the useless feeling of nostalgia that you get when using the old hardware and that you don't have to use a most likely worn out controller.
Bud, I'd agree with you if it was a much newer system but…
It's the NES.
Shit came out over thirty years ago.
Yeah sure if you cannot notice 100 ms lag.
Are you a fucking robot for real, Gadget?
Are you emulating on a toaster with a shitty screen?
I mad
Go back to your My Life in Cucking videos where you can jerk each other off over spending money on Framekikesters and dying CRTs and
is not the great beyond from the lande before time?
I guarantee he's some hardware cuck who bought some overpriced carts and is just now getting into playing stuff on original systems after seeing shit about input lag and pulling a number out of his ass on measuring it.
Contra, Metal Slug, and Raiden were always pay2win.
You think you can avoid lag? Let me break it down to you:
Real NES doesn't have hardware input lag, the controller directly changes bits in appropriate register. But it has software input lag, and that's 1 full frame, for any game. Because it uses analog output, it has no output lag.
But then there's PC. The last pieces of hardware on PC that didn't had input lag was PC/2 keyboards because they directly trigger CPU interrupts and write state update data, and these are long gone. Under normal circumstances your PC polls USB at 100 Hz rate, so that alone is more than half a frame. Device itself is doing some buffering because it has to send data over serial port and it can be anywhere between 1 and 15 ms depending on device shittiness. On top of that, virtually all devices do hardware debouncing, that is they put a bypass capacitor on the input line, thus the device's chip will not even register a button press until it's 10-20-50 milliseconds later. That's easily one full frame of lag and can be multiple frames. Then there's emulator software lag, that's one frame. Then there's output buffering lag, one frame, output scanout lag, one frame, and screen refresh lag, depending on the screen can be small but unless you're using laser or LED panel it will be far from zero, a normal LCD panel will give half a frame worth of lag just to switch pixels.
So there you have it, on a perfectly good emulation machine you'll have 5-7 frames of lag. 100 ms. Versus real NES with only one frame of lag.
They still took skill.
Yeah, but only if you're new to it. I breezed through Metal Slug 2/3 with one coin.
House of the Dead and Time Crisis were huge token eaters though.
Your samefag is showing
Oh wait, no way i am Derek Smart too, have i become part of you, what the fuck….MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARKKKK
You clearly have autism, if you're getting 100ms lag on a fucking NES emulator, you're clearly playing on a toaster or using a shit emulator like Nesticle or some shit.
Stop trying to justify being an autistic cuck who gave money to some hoarding kike. I played both versions and cannot notice a lag difference between either. In fact, I'd say emulation works better because my 30 year old controller is far less responsive than the controller I have on my PC. Not to mention I don't have to wash a cartridge that gets dust on its connectors every time I want to play an old game.
Nigger the only emulator with low input lag is higan and even that piece of software cannot achieve input lag under 75 ms.
Nigger, either quit making up numbers or prove it.
fuck you derek
Yea let me just throw together a custom USB controller on a breadboard real quick and pull out my $5000 high speed camera you mongoloid.
You can get a DSLR that shoots 60fps video for a few hundred bucks you poorfag nigger.
You want to actually your shit with your own arguments instead of just directing us to shithole that reads like fucking reddit?
You see I have this amazing superpower, not being bound by electrical safety requirements. I had previously designed devices that register input instantly, by doing clever software debouncing. But these are all purpose-designed and won't pass the regulations. I could use it as a low-latency USB input device, and mark the instant the hardware was activated on camera. If you're doing testing, you gotta do it properly.
You stupid fuckwit how are you supposed to track latency accurately with a 60 fps camera? You need at least 500 fps.
I don't know what's that site but there's that faggot byuu saying he's still battling 100 ms of lag and lower values are not at all typical, other emulators have greater lag.
you goys realize there's been tons of MH mobile games, right?
This is why we archive the classics before their owners ruin them in the future.
Let it go and move on.
Holy shit, you have no idea how cameras work. 60 fps can track latency at the proper shutter speed and aperture you daft cunt.
You got faggot right. When he's not being a socjus cuck he's wasting money on losing SNES PAL carts that have already been preserved.
Which no modern NES emulator has.
So how about backing up your arguments with actual research.
OP is a slowpoke, that happened a while ago. And still, Contra Evolution has existed for a while so it's not the first time it went mobileshit.
When people think of Contra, they think of the NES game, which was far from p2w and even had the Konami code. Also
Back to freech
I never beat the original Contra btw. I think at most I got to chapter 3? I remember in chapter 2 the view changed and you played with a behind camera. In the chapter after that I'd keep dying for some reason
Implying I'd ever part with any of my old working systems from colecovision to current.
Inserting coins in a machine to continue isn't pay2win, its pay2play. If necessities are behind pay walls then sure its pay2win.