Why are there so few games set in the first half of the 20th century? (war games don't count) Recommend some. Also...

why are there so few games set in the first half of the 20th century? (war games don't count) Recommend some. Also, what settings are underutilized in vidya in your opinion?


Nintendo. Creatively Bankrupt™, Yet always sugarcoating it. By god, would a UB Iwerkz Mario themed game look amazing.

War games, as in WW1 or WW2 games don't count or war games as in /gsg/? Both? But I guess Gunslinger, Crimson Skies, Impossible Creatures, Paraworld, Mafia, Gangsters, Pizza Tycoon and Imperialism to start you off.

High medieval renaissance thru reformation and pike and shot proper.

Mostly I guess the same reason a much fewer number of books or even films are written in this type of era; people are so disconnected with it yet it is still not far away enough to take drastic liberty with it. It's very hard to write a game from that period and you don't have much freedom to do what you like and add elements into it. However I am only talking about games that actually try to be realistic like LA Noire and take themselves quite seriously. There are actually a shit ton of games out based in that period, I am playing Bioshock again recently for one quick example. Games just have to go a bit off the rails if they wanna do it and not be hampered down by so much history weight.

that would be fun! hell that would be perfect for the wario and waluigi games some anons like to daydream about. however japanese old timey is a bit different than american old timey. that could probably still be pretty sweet.

isnt bioshock set in that era? feels like it could be, but my memory isnt too sharp.

Bioshock is in the 60s.

Because most game developers are absolute mongoloids. Only game I'm looking forward to this year is Kingdom Come Deliverance.

but is rapture 60s themed? i ask because the game only starts after raptures downfall, so its been around a while before the player ever gets to it

Any historical Asian civilization, that's not China or Japan, is almost never even mentioned outside of strategy games. It's a shame too, there's a lot of interesting material there.

This too. They always make some mishmash of the early, high, and late middle ages, and sometimes even the renaissance. Those periods were all radically different from one another.

Meiji era (also excluding war and grand strategy). Only things I can think of are the first and fourth Way of the Samurai games.

Raidou Kuzunoha and its sequel are great. They're set in interwar Tokyo and super nifty.



Not really, it's an amalgamation of art-deco (the 30s) and the fifties.

Because normalfags and casuals can't relate to a time period without smartphones and mocha lattes.

is that why they go gaga over Game of Thrones?


Because game of thrones sure is representative to the time period it's set in. It's filled with so much progressive bullshit that you can hardly call it being set in a time period that is not post-modern.

and ww2 shooters, assassins creed, world of warcraft..

Mafia 1
Its pretty great

Because the early 20th century (especially THE 50's) were such a shitlord unprogressive time on par with the dung ages.
POCs, Wymyn and queers were oppressed under the rich white shitlords who would invent terms like "minority" and underrepresent pocs and queers in the media while making women (ugh) servants to the Kyriarchy.
that is until the glorious people revolution of MLK nad Rosa Parks did we see the right side of history come into fruition.

As in Call of Juarez: Gunslinger? I mean it's really set in the 19th century, the part in the 20th century doesn't feature in gameplay apart from the final duel I suppose.

I know you're pretending, but you're also actually retarded.



because dem times were raycis and sexist, and you're a shitlord for wanting games that do not take place in an enlightened future where everyone has xher own a-poly-gender-fluid and is every race but white

Can you go further than the first one


you mean the time where millions of jews were murdered in death camps? do you really want to relieve those times, you sick antisemitic fuck?


The fuck is going on here?

Play the game to find out (that’s the right choice, by the way; you just have to pick the evidence to show it).

where do you think we are

White Night is set in the 1930s and is a breddy gud horror game with a style that works.

Recommend it, myself.