Is prey worth 60$

So I wanted to try out Prey but I found no crack and later I found out it uses Denuvo which means it will be cracked in 2000 and never (still waiting for Dishonored 2)

But I heard a lot of good things about the game. So is it worth buying?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Not worth 60$. 30$ or 40$ at best.

No. Just wait for someone to crack it, probably CPY. Zenimax screwing over Human Head is enough reason to not buy this one. It doesn't even resemble the original Prey in anyway. Everything is a simulation, you are an alien.

Denuvo games have been cracked either day one or less than a week after release.

With 60 bucks you could probably buy an illegal gun to kill yourself.

Instead of regenerating health they make you stand at a water cooler pressing X every 10 seconds for about 8 minutes. It has all the things you love in AAA gaming: quest markers, collectables, excerpts from fake books, journal entries, mirrors that don't work.

What a tweest

Are you trying to make it sound bad? Those are all great things to have


Checking your digits.

Are you a lore fag? Do you cream yourself over the inconsequential musings of a creatively-bankrupt, failed novelist?

Im talking about the gameplay and presentation features. Even mirrors that don't work are a good thing. You can tell theyre supposed to be mirrors so it still does its job correctly. But moreover, it shows the devs really cared about the game's quality because it means they didnt put in a feature that would stress the hardware, guaranteeing more performance and increasing accessibility



All this proves is that youre a graphics whore and can fuck off back to normalfag kiddie central aka RedditGAF

Nier and some other Denuvo Game just got cracked my man.

Nier had the newest Denuvo version too.


Are you stupid?

Well yes, fellow anonymous person! Always pay more than 60 bucks for a computer game.

Make this same thread about Nier

See these women compeltely change their response


You're just an alien in a simulation. There, I saved you 60.

I watched the first three hours of it and it really felt like Bioshock 2.0 in every way, like going back in time. Like a game that came out of a time capsule buried 10 years ago.

Where is the real Prey 2 that looked fun?

you should consider suicide instead

I'm surprised you were able to take Bethesda's dick out of your mouth long enough to type a reply.


No game is worth 60$

Never pay more than 20$ for a video game.

So you confess that you dont have an actual argument? Sad

Stop shilling this abortion of a game. I wouldn't download it even if it was for free.

It's a garbage game, but listen here motherfucker, don't buy it on Steam if you're going to. The devs don't deserve your money and it's cheaper elsewhere.

Ayy lmao

e1f982, I'm getting tired of the "pretending to be retarded" act, please stop.

Arguments are for people, insults are for faggots such as you.

Why is it bad? I've been off the Prey gravy train ever since I realised it had nothing to do with the original Prey. Why is this game so bad?

It's not terrible, it's just an average dishonored clone that has nothing to do with the original game or Prey 2, which they canned in favor of this.

Don't give Bethesda a dime

Every fucking game with that shit gets cracked within the month. Stop being a fucking child and go do something else for a week.

Was it pirated yet?

Shit gunplay, bland enemies, bad sound design.

false, denuvo is uncrackeable kiddo ;)

Oh, so I wasn't the only person noticing how warped and distant most things sound.

Even the normalfags don't know if they like it.

Are these people incapable of thinking for themselves?



I've heard okay things about, and it seems like an okay Bioshock type of shooter, or at least better than Infinite was. But I just finished Nier:Automata, and that cost me $60. It lasted me 70 hours, I cried at the end, and it had cute girls. I just don't see, "I Was a Teenage Alien Inside a Simulation" winning me over. Kudos on the mimics and glue gun, those look great, when they work.

It's The Bureau: XCOM all over again


It's Bioshock with a dash of Dishonored. I thought it was pretty decent but don't go into it expecting anything like the original Prey as others have pointed out. I probably wouldn't pay full price but if you catch it on sale it's probably worth a look.


You mean I won't regret pulling it out of a bargain bin for 3 bucks? Because XCOM the bureau was worth exactly what I paid. Hell, it might actually be worth 5 bucks but that's the upper limit


There's a Prey Internet Defense Force prowling every review and video on the game, and really desperate videos saying "Oh you just have to play it a few times!" or insisting that other reviewers were bad at the game so their opinions don't count.

The worst part is that the game is something that I've wanted for a while. I'm a firm believer that the Bioshock series should have just been [Extreme Ideology] + [Weird Shit] + [Weird Setting] + [Dystopian Event] cycled through with new and interesting powers, guns, and situations. This could have been Bioshock in space with shapeshifting aliens… and they couldn't even get that shit right. THEY COULDN'T MAKE A GAME THAT MEASURES UP TO SOMETHING MADE 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO.


We all did.

Me too, I wish a build would leak because I've often heard the game was pretty close to being finished

Just watch Cowboy Bebop lol, come to think of it…wouldn't a Cowboy Bebop game by Suda51 be great?

Squad based shooters don't get enough love. Too bad the industry forgot how to write likable characters.


That's because Nier is a good game, unlike this shitpile bethesdrone.

-The game is full of bugs.
-Shit, convoluted story that ends with "it was all a dream so everything you did never mattered XD".
-The game tries to juggle first person stealth, shooting and platforming gameplay and fails miserably.
-Guns feel weak and have no kick to them.
-The enemy AI is dumb as shit. Phantoms will stand in front of flaming gas pipes and burn themselves to death, etc.
-Mimics are more of a nuisance than a threat since if you don't correctly guess where a mimic is hiding it gets a free hit on you.
-To make this even more annoying LOUD AS FUCK scare chords play when a mimic attacks you.
-The combat music will keep playing long after you have killed the enemy you were fighting.
-Collecting resources to create items and ammo is tedious.
-Most of the character upgrades are absolutely useless.
-The game punishes you for using typhon neuromods.
-This game isn't Prey 2.
That's just off the top of my head.

I don't know much about the new Prey, but I do know it's worse than Nier.

I've seen this shill thread before, just report it.

I just wanted a game that can live up to System Shock 2 or Deus Ex. How difficult can it be to copy the gameplay and update the graphics?

I played the demo, it blows harder than a hooker.

They with with System Shock 2 instead it seems.

pretty hard when one half of the team is made up of Hollywood sycophants, the other is chronically depressed and they both never played a game older than 2007.

How fucking new are you?

What retards have you been associating with to say this shit.

You're aware that you're posting on an imageboard with frequent "Just bought/pirated X, what am in for?" threads right?

Not even worth it if it were free.

You can get it off a keyseller site for half the price if you're inclined.

I played it for 8 hours and got to the Arboretorum or whatever the fuck the space garden is called. All in all, I did quite like it. It rather resembles more of a first-person metroidvania where you find yourself backtracking back and forth to do side-missions and find keycards for other locked-off areas. You can unlock docks to the outside of the station as a means of fast traveling by just flying around in zero-G outside and traveling faster from point A to point B. The first part of the game is rather sloooow. You'll more than often find yourself just fighting a bunch of mimics at a time with the occasional lone Phantom, who are more than often easily dealt with on their own if you have a functioning pair of brains. It takes some time before you find a decent firearm, up until that point you have to make do with your wrench, your GLOO gun and the environments. There's quite a lot to explore and the level designs are pretty big, unfortunately this leaves a lot of space where you'd think someone would hide a secret, or only to find a bunch of recyclable junk. You'll be hoarding a lot of trash. It's a process not unfamiliar to those who have played Underrail or even SS2, but you'll be picking up so much trash in order to recycle it and make better items out of it that inventory size upgrades are a must. And recycling shit like alien organs is important because it lets you fabricate Neuromods which functions as your upgrade points until you make a certain amount of neuromods after which your license runs out because of DRM so you can't make any more and you have to do a sidequest to get rid of the DRM

Character progression largely comes down to being an engineer man and an alien psychic man, where for the latter you'll be doing a lot of repairwork, hacking and making more use of your environment, whereas alien psychic mode gives you a bunch of awesome powerful versatile powers, but in turn it makes the station's security system recognize you as a hostile alien, and sends a Nemesis-like alien after you if you spend a lot of points in the psychic tree, probably to balance out how OP you can turn out to be with magic like in most Arkane games, which is a nice change of pace. However, after a certain point the game starts getting real by throwing all kinds of elemental Phantoms and new enemy types at you, and since the game has respawning enemies you'll be facing them while backtracking as well, and those guys don't fuck around. The thing is that they should have started appearing much earlier while you were getting stronger but only fighting measly mimics. The weapon variety is actually fairly strong, stuff like the stungun and the Nerf crossbow are actually some of the most useful weapons in the entire game and there's no weapon that feels like a duplicate of another. The music is just awful, it's not even ambient most of the time and when it does play it just hurts my ears, most of the times I wish there was no music playing at all. The story is eh, it has a cool premise but the rest of the time it's spent on boring crewmember conversations and subplots everyone's heard a dozen times already.

Unlike in nearly every one of these games, you don't have to max out hacking for a better time. You'll often encounter LV4 locks from the very beginning which require a significant amount of Neuromods to just upgrade to, whereas some areas are locked off by heavy objects, malfunctioning electrical junctions, radiation and whatnot so you can't grab every item from the start. You can't really play this game stealthily the same way you could play Thief, it's mostly there to just get around enemies when they're too tough to handle or to score some bonus sneak damage, which can be quite useful as Phantoms often tend to just ragdoll when hit with a charged wrench attack, often resulting in an insta-kill if they fall off some stairs. Unfortunately you only get access to psychic abilities a few hours into the game as opposed to from the fucking start which might be a pain if you want to play as a psychic man

If I were to compare Prey to SS2, I'd say that it is a lot more expansive and not as compact, the atmosphere just isn't as oppressive and immersing, you can't specialize your character as much, the sound design is ear drum-piercing and the pacing isn't as tight, but the level design still holds up across the board with tons of shit to explore and discover on top of a larger focus on backtracking, as the gameplay allows for a lot more clever shit and tricks than the combat-oriented SS2 and BioShock, in that way it's more along the lines of Deus Ex. It gives you a lot of tools without trying to show it off, so it's entirely possible you just overlook a certain mechanic on your first playthrough. The Zero-G sections are quite nice and do well to mix things up and there is a lot of replay value to be found here from the looks of it. I'm still surprised at how the Nerf Crossbow manages to be so deceptively useful

I think that when people are actually able to play the game and try it out for themselves when it's cracked there's a decent chance for it to become a kind of cult hit given it's lukewarm reception by journalist and people in general. I haven't finished the game yet so I can't really finalize my thoughts on it, but aside from the slow start I can see people enjoying the game for what it is.

Not always bad, look at dood sex for an excellent example of hoe to do it right. Plenty of people (self included) even thought it was cut from a real book.
Of course, expecting this to be more than an uncommon occurrence would be deeply filed under retarded.

Novels a shit I'd rather play 80+ hour games that can fit in lots of details while retaining an interesting atmosphere and constant quality unlike books that bore me this game is an exception however as the story doesnt seem good at all fag loser

Yeah, there's something weird going on with Prey and the reviews. Even Gggmanlives had to make a second video about Prey and how it's better once you're in a new game+. It's really weird because in his first review he didn't seem to like it.
Worth-A-Buy (the sellout brit) said that it's the GOTY because it's like Half Life *ding*.

It's kind of like with Age of Decadence, Alpha Protocol and VtMB, games all built around choices and consequences, where if you replay the game with a different playstyle in mind you start to really appreciate how the game is put together. Though I haven't been able to confirm that myself with Prey yet. Every reviewer worth his salt should replay a game at least once to know he's not missing out on anything.

Dreamcast does what Bethesdon't.


how fucking transparent can you get

what are characters like that doing in some high tech secret research facility?

How fucking far this industry has fallen.

Apparently there are a lot of lesbian characters in that game.

Pic related.

Didn't mirrors that work feature prominently in the publicity materials? Wouldn't that be a good reason to have mirrors that fucking work in the game?

one of the big still shots for headlines and the like was the main character looking in a mirror and checking his eyes. it's so stupid that people expect anyone to not be annoyed by this shit.

I don't see a problem here? They're from two very distinct games trying to accomplish two different things.

FEAR is designed to be unsettling and scary. Lighting pays a huge importance to this, so they allocated more development resources to making it look right. Additionally, the scene complexity is exponentially simpler back then, since hardware was more limited. You might have ten or twenty thousand tris back then, but with Bioshock, I wouldn't be surprised if there was over a million. And you want to have a hundred dynamic lights going when you throw a grenade? Fuck that.

To all the shills of muh System Shock clone, go fuck yourself.


Just watch this 10 minute video and all endings of it on youtube, you won't miss anything worthwhile that way.

it's laughably inexcusable how physics and mirrors have totally shat themselves over the years.

back then it was all the rage to have realistic physics, but they've slipped back into comfy territory where it's ragdoll 101 with random glitches that cause them to fly about, and more often than not. mirrors? lol, good luck getting those to work, maybe if you run on toaster settings.


And fuck you Bethesda

Yes all Denuvo games have been cracked in either a day or less than a week after release.

Honestly that light in Bioshock looks like its supposed to be fixed, but honestly I can't tell since its so far away.

Interesting writeup. Could you elaborate on what the Gloo gun can do?

what a shitty tweest. A better one would be you're an alien infiltrator but you're completely unrelated to the aliens you're fighting. Opens up tons of possibilities for a sequel

Never buy a video game for more than 20 dollars

the current rate is $36.52 adjusted for inflation

There are many games worth more than 20 bucks bro. I got both Arma 2 and 3 and both were more than 20 bucks and both have gotten me more than my money's worth.

Still, it's wise to wait for sales.

The gloo gun shoots this expanding foam that hardens after impacting something. It can be used to barricade up doorways, freeze enemies in place, and make staircases or climbing points to get up walls and traverse the environment.

It can also be used to help deal with environmental hazards like fire and electricty.

you forgot the most important use.
Clipping out of bounds and finishing the game in 10 minutes.
Even then it's stupidly easy to clip OOB in the game, you're more likely to do it on accident in your first time through than you'd glitch borderlands 2

For certain games for sure and it isn't a bad rule to live by.

I've honestly not experienced any bugs in the game yet other than the save file corruption thing which was already patched. Even then all I lost was my unupgraded pistol.


Games haven't been worth $60 in a long time, user.

You do realize F.E.A.R. was done by a small studios (probably less than 100 people) mostly working on a shitty matrix MMO for their shitty movie overlord (Warner) to eat when Bioshit Infinite had an eight figures production budget and was a major product for one of the biggest publisher in the industry with at least 3 different studios working on it?

And that there is 8 year between them, which equal to a factor ^12 in tech development?

Know what's the worst in craving sqadshootan right now? Knowing that a potential Republic Commando 2 would be made in part by bioware rejects after EA shuffled the morons responsible for MEA into their other teams instead of firing them.

I can never understand this moronic mindset.
How can you EVER defend a modern game that is technically inferior to something from more than a decade ago?

i've seen this only a few times in my entire life and only once have i seen it here. could it just be 1 user shitposting?

none of those games were good

what a world

It can also be found to block doorways and hallways to prevent enemies from coming at you, which can be useful later on when running away is the more sensible option

The fuck? Isn't Prey supposed to be a horror game?

First one was.
As for the second one, we'll never know.

Well, how is this new one?
Anything as horrifying as that?

Hell no.

Nah, it's not really scary at all

Nier Automata just got cracked, the fuck are you on about nigger?

you are
full of shit

Fuck the Bounty Hunter. I wanted more Tommy.

Do you have sight problems or are you just retarded?

I just beat theoriginal game and the end credits say that Prey brand and trademark is owned solely by 3D realms, so how exactly did HH get involved in the whole Bethesda business without 3d realms approval, which was still alive back then?

But Titanfall 2 and Nier were good games user.

I mean I was being sarcastic unless you are saying my list of cracked and uncracked denuvo games is a lie.

It just got cracked retard.


this thread was clearly made before it was cracked retard



It tries to be System Shock, and doesn't even measure up to Bioshock. I can't believe there are actual people that say it's better than either.