This man saved vidya

This man saved vidya

Is Todd standing on some phone books in this picture?

that's two men




I wanna fuck Todd. We're both the same height anyways. It'll be romantic

Toddposting was never funny.

ToddLewd Posting should be the norm now



Imagine Todd in command of Zenimax

lmao 2frog

These people man. I don't even know the right word to use when describing this retarded way of thinking.
They are the reason we can't have nice things.


What's wrong with the legs of that cum catcher in the middle?

she has skulls for knees


The drones lose more of their humanity by the fucking day. Fucking Zenimax could arm up and go outside shooting everyone they see for a full day and go back to work like nothing happened and we'd have these guys stirring up shit pretending they did nothing wrong.


Chinese phone books?

Kill yourself.

pic related

No one talks to me at work any more and my old friends are too scared to even look me in the eyes.

I wonder if Todd is bigger than Robert Downey Jr.


Didn't know people like that existed.