Planetside 2

Minimum effort OP edition.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for you can't write Ancap without NC!

These low effort threads are shit.

Combined Arms Initiative soon ™

I really want to switch to NC, the Medic default gun and the default shotgun are so good.

all the shotguns are the same across factions except the non-shotgun shotguns magscatter and jackhammer

Well I can totally confirm now that we should switch to NC, I know you might lose some progress but you can spec into what you know is good now. After finishing my 70 kill streak I cant imagine going back to TR anymore.

The NC's default just feels a shitload better.

Aside from looking far sexier, it's literally identical.

canister or max?

Duel haxsaw slug max

If you stay safe and get buttbuddied by 3 engineers and camp a overpop zerg with 2 mutilators you can do the same on TR.



I think what's happening is that NC have better sound design. Same shit happened to the scout rifles.

Is wwew still a thing or have these threads just turned into PS2 generals? I'm bored & need something to play & I'm tempted to reinstall.

wwew is pretty much dead compared to what we had last time, we average about 1-6 people right now which is why most people still playing are shitting around on NuCuck

At this point the threads are nothing more than another way for the handful of people in wwew still playing to bitch.

Stopped coming online because burnout and other playing other vidya from the backlog, Gaybreak really does jack shit to give out incentives to play or make the fun stuff not be behind a fucking paywall, suggest the threads be at the minimum now.

Posting ultra.

Whoops first image is just the way fighting vanu makes me feel, in ultra potato HD

I feast upon your pain.

Got about 1k certs that I would like to spend on my Mosquito.
What do I buy?
I can max out vehicle stealth or hover frame if I really wanted to.

Go full A2G shitter. Max Stealth, max Hover, maxed out Lolpods, maxed out Banshee, maxed out self repair. OR you could dump certs into infil and abuse the fact that none of you seem to want to run it.

this thread was a mistake


Source on that pic.

You don't even deserve a smug animu

Those trips aren't going to stop me from being a scout rifle engie.

Are lolpods even worth a shit any more?

And that's how I gave up entirely on playing with wwew. I've lost all motivation to keep on going. Good luck you glorious fucks but I can't continue.

Ok, its nico one of the last streamers and pooptubers. But thats not why I uploading.

At approximately 4:30-5:30 there is a metal tune playing that I vaguely recognize. But I cant parce out enough lyrics to track it down, and moo as and other shit is failing me. Anybody recognize it?

Make another outfit, recruit everything that will obey simple orders.

That was probably me. I only switched to NC because their guns are more enjoyable to use. I doubt I'll be playing much more anyway.

You mean AOD?

Reminder that NC is fuck tons better than TR and more fun

muh time spent on TR is more important than actually having fun

whats your dick to kd ratio fam :^)

About as long as I've spent on the internet :^)

Just so long as you stay away from northern indar and magriders they're fun.

implying that magriders can do shit against a vanguard hoard or more than on max with ravens

….maybe I should spell out that by simple, i mean having shit down by rote.

Like, just order an entire platoon for form into a Mechanized Assault Group, and roll forth along a designated lattice line. And and simple, but easily drilled tactics that can be executed quickly.

And actually EXPECT them to follow that order. Like so

Alpha- Pull 4 MBTs, three Skyguards and one Ammo/Repair Sundie.

Bravo-Two Sunderers, filled with 4 MAX suits eachMedics prioritizing them for revives.

Charlie and Delta- 1 Fully Crew Harraser each, the rest Infantry. They split up when needed for multiple capping, then split up further with Odds staying to defend the newly captured point while Evens link up with MAX units and go for the other ones.

Or something like that. Just a fully formed unit, and everybody knows better than to have two dozen people inside the same cap point instead of defending more forward and capping the rest and cornering peeps into their spawn room.

Or just order everyone to form a squad of 1 Sundie, 3 Lightnings, 2 MAX suits and a buttload of Infantry. Have the MAX suits gather into a nice big fist to take one cap point after another a leave 1 man capping capping, 2 men constantly darklight searching, and the rest forward defending, setting up larger killzones, until the squad are capping everything, and the MAX suits and their funball of Engies and Medics and crushing all remaining resistance outside spawn areas

That took longer than it should have thanks to phone posting

you mean what we did once or twice and we stomped on all the pub nc and vs because we listened to one another and used tactics, you know the thing people bitched about because listening is to hard for 1/8th of wwew

So, AOD/TE/BYTR if they weren't lead by VS alts and mouth breathers?

vanguards die sooner rather than later, magriders will be sitting around farming infantry and lesser vehicles for the entire fight.

It doeznt have to be so exact, but just something as straightforward as

Alpha and Bravo, pull tanks, Skyguards, and support Sundies

Charlie and Delta, grab some Harassers, and abuse Redeployside with Squad Beacons, and Sundies from hacked terminals.

Now go forward and crush all resistance in the general direction of the enemy.

Thats not that tactical. Unless standards have really fucking slipped. Tactical would be getting one squad to go full ESF/Liberator and integrate Air Support with all squad leaders.

We're talking about a group that recreated the Plane Scene from TDKR once and had everyone pull their own Gal to crash on an armor column once. Practically anything more than "fuck around in this area until the zerg leaves" is tactical tactics.

Srsly, anybody know the song?

So even just foot zerg with a brain is too hard?

…i miss the old days.

I would check, but I'm too busy looking for horrifically shit "music" to battlebard with to cause anal pain.

Masque please.

holy shit it really is masque isnt it


I haven't honestly *played* for years.

Trying isolate the music channel is being a right pain.Also from quickly listening to all the songs listed in the decription at least for me neither are matching, the methods continue.

Every now and then you get gems like this with other people. Was doing proxy chat, someone ping'd me and, well, we went with it.

I was hoping someone could recognize it by ear. Because has that sound of being a in a movie scene.

I think it would be a good idea for lock on rockets and flak against ESFs that if it was shot, it would rock the plane and maybe ruin controls for a bit. This would make not getting hit in the first place a higher priority than dealing as much damage as possible then flying away to safety and autorepairing in a minute, then coming back again. How would you feel about this change?

Why not just remove the ability to repair a plane to perfect order in the middle of the wilderness in 5 seconds instead?

But then those who pilot cert chariots will threaten to leave the game and Daybreak will flip a shit because those faggots are the only ones keeping PS2 alive. Just buff AA to something that is actually helpful along with nerfing the fuck out of Libbies and I'll be happy.

The late night/weekend cheaters are really annoying me.
Anyway what are the chances of getting banned for using wined3d? It's the d3d->ogl translation layer from WINE which works with windows programs and my intention is putting it into the game and then forcing the opengl thread into another cpu core with the threaded optimization on nvidia's gpu drivers in the hopes of getting better frame rate. Translating d3d to opengl is way lighter than managing the d3d driver, and then forcing the opengl driver into another core would mean the game can use more than 1 fuggen cpu core.

VS one has no drop

IIRC, getting BattleEye to work is a bitch. Might as well try but it's unlikely.

Rockets yes, flak no. Maybe vibrate it a bit.

Alright, so I wanna get into this and play with you guys
What faction im guessing terrans and is there a group to join?

Terran Republic, finish the training crap first so you know how generic and badly optimized this game is, then open the Social Tab, look for outfit and search for "WWEW" and send us an application with a meme on it.

You are correct, we are playing Terrans. I'm not, because red and black edgy dudes are gay, and I'm fighting for liberty instead. Go to the social tab and search for "wwew" in outfits. That's who they are. State that you're from 8/v/ and say something an average autist on here would say.

Flak is super fucking underpowered. Flak needs that a ton.

NC weapons are objectively superior to TR. These guns are insane.

They really aren't. You might feel like they're better because you're farming retarded AOD players, but they really are not.

Where are all these NC shills coming from?

No, they are not. Trust me, i have played a lot in all three factions and in the earlier days of the game i too thought that the grass was always greener on the other side.

anyone having a problem where the launcher crashes after making 3 or 4 asset packs??

the only nc things that can be classified as superior are their AI max weapons and the canister(which is being put in the dumpster next patch). Everything else is so-so.

Nigger, fuck you. I have played exclusively TR and even the fucking gauss saw is way better than any TR gun.

some of us may be memeing on NC for just a bit
it feels so dirty

the NC medic assault rifle, is the best one out of the default guns

You underestimate how just shaking something can effect it. Other than that, just buff the dmg flak does,

We have an NC outfit now?

Maybe you're just better with the Gauss SAW? Maybe it has the attachment needed to counter it's primary weakness for free and by default?
I think the issue is that you just need to get good. The Gauss SAW is a formidable weapon and is my favorite LMG in the game, but it's preference.
The TR is really good, they have the best faction unique Heavy weapon, the best faction unique secondary weapon, the best ESF and the best close range infantry weapons in the entire game.

Which would be?
>Continued laughter

The AMP, dummy. The MagScatter is trash and I heard the VS thing whatever the fuck it was is shit.

No outfit, just messin around.
we in the mumble

nope, NC guns hit like a truck and have manageable recoil, their midgame range is stupid good.

Nah, it's just the people who play or slum on other factions haven't burned out like the pure statist fags.

also, i'ld say lasher is the better heavy gun since it adds a new gameplay option and launches concentrated balls of salt at enemies. the other two don't do anything new or exciting.
claymores are the shit though.

Outside of the shitty accuracy the gauss saw is great and even then you can crouch and ADS for perfect accuracy. If you look at the damage stats it's also a guaranteed 3 shot headshot kill with 200 max 167 min dmg so while it's not the fastest cqc killer it's one of the guns with the fastest midrange ttk while maintaing effectiveness also up close and from afar.

You're one of those faggots who looked at the rpm and figured it's god's gift to TRkind aren't you? People only use it because it's unique.

I know I've been gone a while but I didn't expect this faggot garbage

We've had a mumble for a while, the VOIP server for planetside is down so we are using it for now, whats the big issue?
either way you know where to find us if you are board.

wwew has it's own super sekrit club discord, one of the reasons I stopped playing with these homos
To be honest the whole "my faction is the worst" shit is stupid. As the other guy said, you think the grass is greener on the other side always. If you were a 4th factioning shitter like me you would know better that no one faction is the best and all of them are nearly the same or excel in different places depending on weapon, class and situation.


That's fucking incredible.

So that's why I didn't hear my PL talk, huh.
Tesfishy probably left early because of that because he relies on yelling commands and keeping bravado and discipline high even in the basic zergling.

That shit was to try and organize other games to play together, it was used for Project reality and shit, how often do you play with wwew anyway? You don't seem to know much.

If you want to hear another cool thing about the game, being kicked for being AFK doesn't actually kick you. You'll be in game up until you press "OK" at which point the game just force closes.

I haven't logged in in two months because the game's fucking boring.

cucks need to stop thinking their opinion matters and go back to their shitpost general on vg


There's no XP boost for being DPed this hard.

just leave when fight stop being good. this game isn't worth trudging through shit like this.

The thing you're missing about the SAW is nanoweave. It adds 2 bodyshots whether you're doing 200, 167 or 143, so your ttk falls off a cliff relative to faster guns in max damage ADAD land.

The standard grip+comp+hv setup doesn't help matters either. You don't have to run that of course, but it cuts into the mid-range bullying game where SAW shines, and you'ld be better off with an anchor or its clones.

hit headshots faggot

God damn, the AMR is satisfying on those fuckers. Especially since it goes straight through the riot-shield they can pop. Headshotted a few vanu max's for good luck too later.

I'll say this with experience: TR's starter pistol is savage at short range. You know the little amp smg pistol thing? Forget it, the repeater does everything that does, better and does more, since it fires as fast as you can click it. I've put all 21 bullets into someone as fast/faster than someone with the revolvers.


usually I'm a team player but with comms down i spent most of my time being sneaky and getting kills with my commissioner

One thing I noticed as well is that NC guns sound a fuckload better than TR guns.


As much as I like lockdown with dual Mutilators, the NC 325 cert scout rifle sounds like it actually does damage to people.


It appears my FREEDOM™ has caused some controversy.

Was the bug where you can unlock outfit vehicle decal for free by completing Social in VR fixed? I did that on my TR account and it fixed, but it doesn't on NC.

Was your TR in an outfit? They probably fixed it the same time they fixed the implants dropping in VR because they were losing a fuckload of money for it.

*and it worked
I could do it in VR and it considered that I "bought" the outfit decal meaning I could vehicle armor decal for free.

outfit decals are free if you grind certs.
I am in [Zer6] in NC and was in [wwew] in TR. I deleted my TR account.

If you have the outfit armor decal, I think it unlocks for every character, and if you have 10 friends the vehicle decal is already free.

Probably only if you buy with DBC. I got Outfit Vehicle by equipping Outfit Armor in VR, it thought that I "bought" the decal.

Quality Daybreak coding.

It wasn't that long ago when I did it in TR, maybe 2 months ago? Must be a recent patch.

Hence why I think it got fixed when they realized that people could get implants in VR and skip the rng loot boxes that cost 6 trillion dollars to get what you want and then another 1 million to upgrade them at all.

why didn't anybody tell me about this before i dumped 4000 certs on implants?

Because it was a launch day bug and it was blocked from usage in about 24 hours and fixed in the next couple of days.

I bet some cuck from reddit reported the bug to the devs.

Community talked about it, some from reddit, some reported it on forums. Lots of people in game as well.

Dope - Debonaire

why even, some 5 different people did this in the span of an hour

Because it was removed as soon as people found out that it could be used to skip the insane cert dump to get things you want. Don't forget that there's literally no other way to get implants now, and they had the audacity to introduce a recycling mechanic that forces you to buy into the system to turn upgrade materials into ONE implant.

Either people are too lazy to check to see if anyone's online and then whine about how nobody's online when they play, or they play for 5 minutes before they realize why they don't play.



I can hear the lyrics in the vid pretty clearly, maybe cause I listened to edgy fuckin music as a teen.

googled: without a brain i never really cared lyrics


I fould to, but not perfectly. I recognized it from Fast and furious, but I …err..didnt look well enough. Whatever thanks.

tfw stopped playing shortly after being one of the lucky few who cashed in on this AND avoided their efforts to remove the implants from players.

I did this just to check some shit in VR. I'm gonna start playing again regularly in the real early EST hours

Should I just get NS weapons if I play TR?

New Wrel video.


Did anyone get their fucking analyst helmet from that one PTS session two fucking weeks ago?

Why do you even go to the PTS if they never use it?
They literally released a completely non-working 64 bit client.
As in, it didn't work at all. It crashed on startup for 100% of the people.

I did it for the helmet, but I still didn't get my fucking helmet.

Also if you go to 2:08 in the video the hit detection makes him miss his shot, wew lads.

i didn't even show up and just fucked around on pts at other times and I still got it.

He deserves it for using ccommisioner, the 400 damage secondary perfect hipfire bullshit cannon.

I even participated in their shitty alert. new biolab is pretty alright tbh smh fam

what is the point of this video?

Just making a video for the sake of it for community interaction bullshit.

A lot of people did in general, but I'm still waiting.

I missed the Indar test, I really want to see what TI is like but I'm not going to redownload it.

If given the choice between investing in Assimilate and Regeneration, ALWAYS go for regeneration, even if you can aim well. Shields recharge over time, health does not, even with medkits. I made the mistake with excess ISO-4, so dont make the same mistake.

Also, advice for newfags or rerollers in general; reroll for at least battle hardened when you make a new account. Youll get 500 certs in about half an hours time so you can buy an implant pack. if you dont get battle hardened, delete and make a new account. It's worth it especially given the extreme grind of this game.

medkits would be a way better investment of certs tbh. battlehardened is nice but only really shines at max rank and a newbie isnt getting that amount of iso-4 for a long time.

new characters get like half a dozen basic implant packs from doing the first level of the class directives. you don't even need to roll your certs on it, i've got a fucking br 10 with all the basic implants except like assimilate.

They made it to where a fresh character doesn't even have to waste the 500 certs because the first level of all class directives give a box now. Of course, it isn't retroactive because that would be a smart idea.

After two hours, the Gauss SAW is my favorite gun in the game. How's the Anchor?

Just a better GD-22.

fantastic weapon
nc is kind of nice because you never have to worry about directive weapons because they're all shit

Godlike. It's pretty much everything you ever needed or wanted in a gun.

u wot?
The shotgun with the underbarrel shotgun is actually pretty good because the underbarrel shotgun is a better 1hko shotgun than the pump actions so you can instagib people up close or use the smart choke and ADS from afar.
The godsaw is also pretty good, it lets you plink vehicles from any range.
The president is basically the only useful pistol of the 3 directive pistols because the mag-shot isn't shit while the beamer is and any downside of the suppressor is completely irrelevant at any range you use TR's default pistol.
Even the GD-Guardian isn't so bad because it's a warden with less recoil, and the warden is a 2 headshots to kill cqc machine.

this game is truly remarkable.

On the plus side, NC is as dominant as you'ld expect with no tanks in play, and VS gets rammed to their warpgate when they can't crutch on mags and scythes.

Have a random pic i haven't posted many, or any.

Wait until you get bugs like standing still for a few seconds and having your tank go up and spinning only to land on it's head and blow up.
Or one of my favorites: being able to shoot 3 times with the prowler before reloading even though it's supposed to only shoot twice.
Or that one time in a random routine maintenance where the developers claimed to have done nothing, and didn't even put out patch notes where people started being able to toss grenades through shields which went unfixed for the longest time while the people who did it got banned.

For how long have you been using it? The developers claimed they wouldn't make exceptions for users of stuff like that and ban them but i've never heard of anybody who got banned and am too scared to try.

Scythes are the most fun to fly.

Why? Because it reminds everyone of better times?

i've had the extra shots bug with a viper a few times when i'm restocking at ammo towers. It really is an amazingly well crafted game. This is the first time i've seen vehicle suicides just filling up the death log though.

The older versions are whitelisted on battleye and I'm emotionally prepared to step away from the game if they ban for something their anticheat knows is on the level while they ignore all the blatant cheating and botting.

What a surprise.

another random pic

Yet another wall of text incoming. Thinking about it, things might be safe.
Supposedly because they can't tell reshade/sweetfx's injector from that of a cheat. Which makes no sense so I think they're just being zealous because without a heuristic anti cheat they can only tell anything from anything manually. Manually as in discovering how to detect a specific cheat and placing checks in the game that see who's using it, this is normally done when the developer takes a banwave approach. They can also just patch the cheat which developers also do in the banwave approach, but before they let the cheat work for a while in the hopes of catching the most people possible. They only implemented an heuristic anti-cheat with the introduction of battleye which only flags players for suspicious behavior (this is where reshade/whatever could make an innocent person get banned), gathers information and leaves it to be handled by DBG. And what they'll see is no definitive proof, just the knowledge that someone is doing something nonstandard with the game which can range from an anti virus scan to steam's overlay or an actual cheat. Basically anti cheat software doesn't actually do prevention, only information gathering which is then handled by customer support. And from then we have 2 cases: They're either zealous to avoid false positives and only ban when they are sure the information is definitive or they're banhappy. And they're definitely zealous, given the amount of people who only get punished after months of sometimes blatant cheating.

Also another fun tidbit of information: People have been claiming that they were banned for playing too well ever since the birth of planetside 2, except DBG only introduced stat-based banning in 2016. In fact there was a huge controversy because of exactly that, people were actually getting banned for stats for the first time in 2016 and many claimed to be false positives. I don't doubt big part of them is innocent due to DBG's general incompetence.
However, basically all people coming up with sob stories on the official forums and /r/planetside about how they got banned for having stats that are too good before the introduction of stat-based banning are actual cheaters who got caught and had a breakdown because their 1000-hour accounts that they dumped plenty of real life money on got banned.

Yes you caught. I quickly googled up a approximately appropriate image and tumblr had it. Oh no. I've been found out.

That or make the "cheat" standard feature. WoT has partially done that.

I just wish they brought back the old Hex system. Not the very oldest, but still, the one after they forced bordering hexes only. That was the best.

Didn't they shut that off indefinitely?


Daybreak is incredibly incompetent and they decided to just remove it completely after trying to turn it "off" so it didn't cause problems.

finally nc shotguns live up to the memes

In game physics still run on PhysX, but the fancy effects were removed.

How retarded do you have to be to break your game like this.
Seriously does daybreak just name all of their models numbers without documentation like complete retards and this is the result of an accident or are they just this bad.

Probably this.

user, were you not around when people were easily able to spawn objects clientside? They'd spawn things like base walls and then fly around on them flying-carpet-style. You could instagib aircraft by colliding with them and no one could do anything to stop you since bullets and explosions don't go through geometry

thats an awful bug and seems to happen all the time. The extra shot does no damage and and only serves to fuck up your dps. Its even more painful with limited lockdown and reload upgrades

inflated hitboxes and net limiter for everybody

I guess this is happening now.

Godspeed, I'm looking forward to having an actual Planetside game to play again

Best of luck. What are you working on?

Well, I just got done with collecting GPS coordinates for "right next to every warpgate's warpy-beam" so another guy can code in an impromptu warpgate functionality. Meanwhile we're slowly but surely working on vehicles and embarking on the quest to find out how the fuck doorpanels and doors are linked.

I don't understand the appeal of PSForever, it's like the people behind it never touched a private server of anything.
Nobody played planetside 1 in it's heyday (even though everyone claims to be a ps1 vet for some fucking reason), and even less nobodies played it when planetside 2 came out and planetside 1 became completely free in 2014 i think. What makes those guys think that their reverse engineered server program would bring more than 2 guys?

The appeal is that we'll hopefully be able to re-enable Core Combat, which SOE managed to break and forget how to fix back when the live servers were up.
Big stompy mechs, yo.

mechs yes

Mechs very yes. Also fusion blades.


Maybe more people played PS1 thank you think if so many people claim to be vets. Maybe more PS1 vets play/played PS2 than you think

Only if they're in their balanced state, user. Those things killed outdoor and indoor combat

Your video just reminded me that on the settings i play planetside 2 at, planetside 1 has better graphics while running better.

PS1 also has 3D audio. You can software emulate EAX effects with ALchemy and a patcher for it.

Well, we do have plans to actually make balance changes once things are actually presentable.


Huh. If I'm reading this checklist right, Vehicles might be coming to PSForever much sooner than the initially-speculated month from now.

Bit and infected with HIVANU.
We goin to have to put him down,


leave you autist


you'll understand when you get your first 40 killstreak

lol get out of your lightning you fag

actually its a shotgun max nigger

NC has better guns. And bonus checks.

So why haven't we made an actual effort at having an NC outfit?

Saying you have shit on TR isn't an excuse if you don't ever play to begin with

there was one but guess how well splitting the members we had playing went? oh it didn't because it was only two autists who want to play nc because m-muh guns feel better! these are the same autists who always complain about being tacticool btw

There is one, Hello Where Are The Burger.
It's dead with like 5 players, even if there was one I wouldn't join it anyway because you guys are shit.

and yet you bother posting here

i'm in the damn thing, and that's not what im talking about because that's not an actual attempt at making one

I mean having like 90% switching over and messing around on NC. It's easily the best faction

The Anchor is fucking disgusting.

There's at least 5 people that are regularly playing NC right now.

Are you the faggot that got asshurt when people said the magrider is over powered in one of the recent threads?

Too bad nobody actually uses that outfit, and the only site that would show the number of characters it has still registers characters that don't exist.

Really, if you just get the handful of people who talk regularly to move over, everyone else will either move over as well or just quit entirely which is a good thing, since that means they aren't playing a shit game anymore.

I'm only playing a burger to play with you faggots. I don't like you or anything, f-faggots!

It's not viable to make the largest portion of the outfit's active players switch over to NC and start from scratch. All you're doing is fragmenting the already small number of active players and making everyone quit playing even sooner. It's not like there is a significant difference between playing as TR or NC, but there is a significant difference between having 2-3 people online and 4-5 people online.


I switched because I didn't have to deal with AOD ruining everything and because the Cougar handles really well which is similar to a lot of NC guns.

You guys are shit to play with, no one is online ever and even when we got 12 players we accomplish nothing. Unfunny and edgy reddit memes en masse don't entice me any more, either.

Maybe it's because everyone who was actually good at the game quit because the game is shit, and the ones that are left are either only semi-competent or too busy doing other shit to be your form of "good".
Blame Reddit getting asshurt we even existed and kept trying to infiltrate the outfit. Don't forget that this site is half Reddit half post-2015 4cuck shitting up the site because all the smart posters left when HW showed he never gave a fuck about the website during the IN shitshow.

and yet you are still here

Starting from scratch?

Fuck you. Ain't nobody got time for dat shit!

I don't think we're all on the same server though, I'm usually on at chink o'clock when emerald is dead, and subhumans are better than no humans so i play connery.

it's all downhill for gun selection from here though.

Which is why you never see wwew at all. If you aren't playing around 11-12am GMT I only use GMT because you bitched about this before and you seem too stupid to translate time zones, you're never going to see people at all.

I have never once bitched about timezones, nor wondered why i do not see people that play a different faction, server, and timezone than me. Just pointing out that at least 1/5 of the NC shills ITT are on a different server.

I distinctly remember one guy throwing a fit because nobody else was online when he played and you just happened to do it as well.
Did you just assume their server identity you bigot?

People play starting from 1700GMT, but they play for like 20-30 minute periods, and then at any given time there's barely anyone online

Any NC boys on Miller?

I mean, I've noticed largest batches of people start at 8pm EST and tend to be up until 1am, but I have a feeling there's batches online prior to that which I just happen to miss. I mean, there's sometimes ~3 people on at 5am EST, but usually I'm the only one on because I can't seem to function during the day most of the time.

has daybreak fixed the outfit bug yet?

mine is like br 50
it helps when you've played off and on since the beta

i just want someone to man my canister tbh

its easier when you actually know what the fuck is going on
it only feels like a slog if you are a diehard vehicle pilot and have to work up 11k certs for your harasser again or whatever

Even then it's not that big of a deal if you're competent at killing the enemy Planetmans, farm terminal/turret hacks at bases behind the front lines or resign yourself doing cortium farming at a little over 100 certs an hour again. Hossin works best for the last two, considering it hardly gets traffic and it allows you to listen to music, audio books, or a documentary.

When will aNCap and TRump rise up against the Vanu menace?

Well I fired up the test server and pissed around with the prowler in VR, especially with the top guns. Here are the findings.

The main gun is actually the MAIN gun now. The top guns do significantly less dps, and are much more role specific. The Gatekeeper and Halberd were okay against the armour (especially lighter vehicles) yet wanktastic against the vr infantry, but the vulcan was cheerfully carving through them, and vice versa. Maxes seem to be tougher in general because of the changes-several direct hits from AP (even with the odd headshot) were required to down them, about 2-3 hits.
A single hit from AP destroyed a scythe. Three or four for a Valkyrie.

I noticed that the tanks are much more… tanky, in their handling? When I stopped pressing forwards the tank screeched to a halt within a second for example, and it seemed less slidy.

Damage has been upped from that test patch announcement and rocket count dropped. It fires 8 rockets now for a total of (assuming you hit with all of them) 640 damage and has about 3 second reload speed. For context, one shot from the prowler's AP does 600 damage, and a tank's health is ~ 6000. While it struggled against a vanguard (even with rear shots) it was doing decent damage compared to the Vulcan (and it ate things like the flash and harassers-a single burst and 2/3 respectively). I noted with the main guns, they often left enemy tanks with a very tiny sliver of health before I had to reload to finish them so the top guns will make the difference in a fight.

600 damage a shot, 3s reload speed after every shot. If you can land the hit reliably, great, if not, Gatekeeper for you. Took several direct hits to kill infantry, even maxes. Oneshotted the flash, two-three shots for a harrasser

Oh man, this ate the infantry, the flashes and the harrassers, though that was on stationary targets obviously. If you want to deal with the pesky infantry, you're definitely bringing this or a basilisk.

I decided to potshot the fagrider in VR while I was at it. The vanguard takes about 9 or 10 shots to kill with AP to the front, the magrider is burning with a very tiny bit of health at 6. I tested with a gatekeeper and about halfway through the first burst the gatekeeper made it explode. 4 shots to the rear made the magrider explode, so assuming the top gunner can actually aim with the halberd/gatekeeper that's 2-3 shots with the main gun to kill from the rear.

Early morning today Indar we NC and TR had the tranu warpgated
was pretty cool

welp. so many wasted fucking certs
pls check if enforcer 2 shots infantry still


so vulcan just sounds like its god tier now. im assuming aphelion got nerfed against infantry

This sounds bad. If gunner weapons matter less there'll be even more single-person MBTs out and there'll be less reason to even have a gunner. Does DBG not remember the game at release when simply everyone was in their own MBT?

NC's fun, but I still like TR better. Nice to hear that our tanks are getting a buff. I only ever see like 4 guys on in wwew, is there a better time to play?

Probably the weekends.

You missed where I made a point of saying the top gunner can make the difference in a tank fight-assuming all hits land the gatekeeper is another tank shell, for example. The magrider consistently had a tiny bit of health and was burning before the last tank shell finished it; that last tank shell needed a reload, since it was shell 7 (from the front). A top gunner removes the need for that finishing shot. Heck, it will count for several shots, I think.

So if a halberd doesn't one shot infantry, does a heavy rocket? If so, that's absolute bullshit

can just seatswap a halberd, the reload is getting even longer and it's gonna be shit vs infantry.

decimator still does. none of the rest do.

or you could be a HA and just jump out and rocket



Whoa there you fucking madman




weakest tank

this was a DEV doing it
he sees NOTHING wrong with this
this is how the game should be to him
this is the person who fixes shit

explain to me why this is such a large advantage

it takes a prowler a much greater amount of time and good driving to get up something MUCH less steep then that


didnt he say he fucks with mapping or something? Not even his department.

the question is would you comprehend the reply or would drool drip out of your slackjawed mouth

he does abit of everything as well as mapping yes

right but ever since he joined the team i think people assume he has much more sway then he actually has

it seems to me none of the devs have any kinda sway anymore just little pushes here and there

none of you actually answered.

looks like was correct.

let me put it in simpler terms

tranu tankie go uppy moutain EZ is ==bad== ooga booga massive advantage with little effort

Shit nigger what are you doing

hey it's either I argue him with for the rest of the thread or with you

Right. That's its perk. Mobility. TR gets more than 2x the DPS in anchor mode. NC gets a damage absorption shield.

What's the problem here?

There goes my favorite part about tanking.


Since when does the phoenix one shot esfs and three shot libs?

Guys pls let's become NC. TR not only is the most boring faction, people have already burnt out.


It is fine. If that's the terrain of the engagement and he uses it to escape that's part of the perks. If your complaint is they use mountains to shell you then you're a retard for staying in LOS.

It also does a shit load of damage to Harassers. If you're a harasser gunner pls shoot down phoenix missiles

o.k now try escaping against a fagrider in either a vanguard or a prowler using the terrain. o.k let me save you a headache, you will not survive fighting a fagrider in a van guard muh I win button only works if they're in a group and you're working with your mates. now a prowler what do you do? anchor and just shoot it till it dies? o.k then let me tell you how that'd go ==you'll die== the only real option the prowlar has is long range engagements where it has used the terrain to it's advantage, this can sometime be quick if it's an easy to get to spot or take a very long time if it's someplace insane either way the terrain on the whole is designed around funneling or fish barreling approaches this means that a prowler can get to decent spots but these spots aren't always the most effective positions since prowlers can't exploit a full range of movement but a fagrider can, a fagrider has the ability to go anyplace it wants and still work fine, it can escape and handle with ease any ground vehicle 1v2 as well as be free of punishment if they go into any situation they don't like but the biggest aspect to which you seemingly forget is that with mobility you have THE best defense and in actual THE best dps especially considering the front fixed gun, the reason for my saying so is that not only can a fagrider dodge from cover to cover much more effectively it can also move into and behind any other tank firing at it's weakest armour point other then it's underside oh and lets not forget that c4 fairies can't keep up with a fagrider as much as it can with any other tank

Yes, that's its perk, and it's a dominant one. Mobility is one of the most important factors in combat, able to mitigate or mimick the benefits of the other perks. And, lest you forget, there are other things in the game besides MBTs, and against the in-class ehp/dps differences can be ignored when comparing those matchups, but mobility remains exceedingly relevant in your ability to hunt or escape them.

It comes down to this, when i'm on other factions, I give zero shits about vanguards being on the field. If I bother with them, my experience tells me I'm shooting rockets expecting to hit it, I don't expect to die to them as infantry or a light vehicle, and they will be chased down and killed even if they're in a reasonable position. When mags are on the field I just go inside because there's no plays to be made.

I've been seeing the term "cert chariot" get thrown around here and there. What the hell is that?

i'm the one launching the missles

some one who's put tons of investment into their vehicles it applies more to air chavs because you need to invent a ton of certs into them for them to be useful

Mah nigga.
I'm normally the guy running around with slug shotguns headshotting people I killed quite a few wwew today

Someone who pilots an esf or libbie and abuses the fact that AA doesn't do shit to them to pad their kd to insane levels by shooting lolpods and the explosive round primary into large groups of infantry or abusing the fact that the dalton is one of the most overpowered weapons in the game.

Don't forget that the Prowler only really works when it's sitting behind a horde of Lightnings that soak up all the damage or sitting up on a cliff where they can't be shot back at and have a ammo sundie feeding them ammo.

Valk-chan got a buff?

They changed the damage calculations for practically everything for combined arms, so it's possible that it got a "buff" in the sense that they moved weapons into a weaker category.

they still have an air vehicle health/armor pass to do too. I can't wait to see what fucking cancer they manage to unleash while still leaving the valk useless.


They really should add a flamethrower for the valk or maybe buff the wyvern or helion.
I want another reason for pulling valk-chan ;-;

yeah, the guns need a buff into the same ballpark as the esf ones instead of being galaxy-tier. or massively increase the survivability. or let maxs into the rumble seats. or sundy functionality. or literally anything except the worst of all worlds.

The roles for the top guns are being emphasized as far as I can tell. The halberd and gatekeeper were significantly better at killing vehicles than the vulcan (it took longer to do the same damage) while the vulcan made short work of infantry.

Fill the valk with engineers and heavies, fly around shooting shit with the TR rocket launcher.



at what time saty?

I'll be online all day, but I'll wait until someone makes a squad or I'll invite you guys myself.


tfw i was the one who organized the autism that henk couldnt and stomped on bases with semi-organized wwew

tactiool fags are the worst tbh and that's because they say that we need to do this and that and this and wont stop complaining till it happens like the massive faggots they are but what's worse is that only in some causes is what they're telling people to do is actually correct since given how what they actually want to achieve actually just means very long organizing but with how ps2 is long organizing means you've already lost

it was literally "we need x amount of x classes, whoever likes those classes play x class"

first off, that's redundant as fuck since no shit they're going to play the class they like so saying so is abit silly but whining about needing a certain thing for a problem they see for as long as they can get away instead of just switching out them selves stating what you're going to do and added "if you'd like to help I'd be happy to have you" is what annoys the crap out of me

Problem is people talk too much crap and not enough proximity chat. and I don't mean bantz which is fine. They'll mention and narrate every little insignificant thing trying to be tacticool and even apologise in outfit chat for the dumbest shit. "X by oh wait nevermind he blew up sorry. Oh I got the kill for that!". Nobody needs to hear this shit and if they do it needs to be clearer.

"Enemy spawn point by X is down." That's it and be quiet for a bit.

"Heads up on radar."

"Revive grenade out, revive grenade out - get ready to move and return fire."

"Need more X class."
Don't need to whine or keep requesting. People heard you and will probably change on respawn + need to get back to where they're useful which can take a few minutes depending on situation.

Respect squad lead. You have to give squad lead info they can work with, do what they say, report back progress/failure. Don't keep questioning everything they order or voice recommendations every minute unless they ask. They say jump the only question you should have is how high.
is better than

just installed this and ran it a-ok
audio sounds pretty bad.

I disagree, so long as the important things are said to the pl then everything is fine and quite honestly it's his job to make sure he gets that information and yeah you do mean bantz because cutting the little shit does in turn set the mind frame of people to be l33t tacticool try harders who get angry at the littlest shit

Well then, perhaps drilled order that can be executed by a two/three word command would be better.

Odds pull the tanks, evens man the guns, that sort of thing.

Sounds fucking gay.


No, i don't. Having a conversation mid-battle is fine as long as it doesn't completely drown out any coordination. As is shitting on each other, factions etc. The problem is narrating everything and thinking it's helping anyone but in reality it's clogging up comms. I'll take shitposting than shit tacticool any day.

That sounds like an agreement, because that's practically a tldr of what I was trying to say.

And how would they do that? By moaning that nobody's listening? Kicking people who aren't playing along? All they can do is issue orders clearly and hope people follow through with them. If a strategy fails because everybody was doing their own thing then the only proper non-shit response from pl is to make a new strategy and perhaps mention why the last one didn't work

Dunno about that. No need to get autistic about the exact wording. As long as it's short and clear, that's all that matters.

If people are so fucking retarded that they need hand holding and training to get into vehicles then they're beyond hope or help.

that already happens to an extent though

we we'll just have to agree to disagree

by knowing who is talking when and listening to everything everyone is saying so when it sounds like they're saying something important and you miss it you can simple just ask them to repeat and if you do this in a much more commanding tone you'll find that people will quiet on their own as to let what's said be said

that seems hugely passively aggressive to me but I get it however, if people want to do their own thing then that's o.k since this isn't a try harding outfit to begin with and I'd much rather have a relax atmosphere absolute

If you have that attitude and tone about it, sure. You can be chill about it, though.

What do you mean? Being 1000m away from everyone else and not helping the outfit at all? Might as well fuck off out of the platoon at that point. I suppose that's only ok when pl hasn't issued any orders and there's no waypoints. If a player thinks there's a better battle or something much better for everyone to be focusing on then they should request platoon or squad lead and organise that.

The only thing that matters is that when SL says jump you ask how high.
When this is followed through everything else falls in place automatically.

Nobody ever plays SL because playing SL is a burden, and everyone knows that. However when SL gives an order suddenly the entire squad is acting like strong independent ancaps that dont need no leadership, as if the man was trying to keep the brotha down.

If you dont like what the SL does and have to bitch constantly about it and we screw this we should do X instead of Y, guess what you didnt want to SL yourself so now you have to deal with following other peoples orders.
If you opt out of either you are a faggot feeding other wwewlads to the tranu train, plain and simple.

I mostly assume people play with us because it's actually a social deal where they want to just hang out in voice chat as it were, there nothing wrong with that and if they're doing their own thing grinding up for some stupid skin then no I don't think kicking them out is a good idea since it's likely that they do indeed operate with us at times

Is Magmowing still possible in the version of the game the server uses?

I'd go to the mumble if i just wanted to chat while playing vidya. In-game mics are typically for that game specifically but I agree kicking them is not the way to go. Just shit on them. Still don't think it's good idea to be encouraging people being solo infilshitter KD faggots.

the outfit needs more dedicated infoshitters tbh

Sure, but not off doing solo shit. Need em' to support the outfit.

sure but can't really dictate it

Generally we call people faggots if they're on another continent or too far to be helping the rest of us. That's usually enough to get them to cop on.

there's like five of you guys on NC though so I'd imagine it matters more

You guys like to stick around at fights that are really bad for infilshitting.

what fights are bad for infoshitters?

not really
Im constantly going on counter sniping rampages with the default loadout and rifle and so can you
even then, really all you need to be counted as a "dedicated" infilshitter is the 375 cert bolt action

for the players still playing auraxium grind is more important than fun, and by fun I mean shitting on tranu
the chaotic approach of everyone does whatever has versatility but only in numbers, at our player counts what we need is controlled flexibility

when we only have ourselves to rely on, and everyone else in the attack or defense is retards as usual, we have to be the force multiplier, and that involves small scale coordination

my fucking childhood user

all of them

Youre playing infilshitter wrong then.
A cloaked CQB infilshitter is king in a chaotic battle.

that's so very hard to achieve with TR unless we're dedicated in removing sundies


Any fight where we're on the offense but outpopped and we have to push through close range meatgrinders. If it's a defensive fight infilshitting is easy, if it's an even fight I can find an angle to work, if we have to push through more open areas I can at least shoot at people from unexpected places, when it's all three I switch to HA.


everytime I see TR outpopped some place I know it's a loosing fight regardless what we do and it frustrates me to no end

Id rather a hard earned victory than an easily bagged loss

UUUU the word "rum" and the word "death" mean essentially the same thing

There's shit that can be done about being outpopped but it requires coordination and "coordination" is the magic word that turns everything into autism greentext hell.

because it's heavyside. A single infil to hack, provide recon, and afk on the point with stalker while you push the next base can be okay. But beyond the first they're just dead weight for objective gaming.

You should try SMG scout on offense fam.
You dont have to fear getting rekt so much because medics everywhere, thus you can be a bunnyhopping whirlwind of death in an assault with no downsides.

Correct me if I'm wrong but turning the pop in our favor requires destroying enemy spawn points and increase ally spawn points, right? At least for standard engagements.

no doubt, it's just getting harder and harder to do though so I've more or less given up

I don't know anymore

yeah I suppose so considering scout radar on vehicles does a much more effective job then darts or motion spotters do and hacking is a fixed slightly slower then it takes to hack it in the first place for a engie

that's assuming it's a fight outside of a base

the downside is that you're not a heavy.

Yep. Sunderers are pretty much the only thing that matters. If you're outpopped on the defense, usually the best tactic is to take a squad or two back to your next base in the lane, pull Prowlers and Lightnings, and drive over and kill all their Sunderers. A well-coordinated group can do that and then clear and flip the point in about four minutes.

You dont need an overshield when you shoot them from outside their FOV.

that is only useful when you're on the defense, when you're on the assault it's a much different matter

remember this shit?

You aren't going to win attacks when you're outpopped. Even the best groups can't do it regularly.

That can be done with 1-2 people max at almost all times; people overestimate how hard it is to kill a spawn

this only applies to anyone attacking tranus though, I've seen NC hold the fucking point vs TR and I've seen the other way round

there's only an issue if it's a shield sundie and if it's that engi/LA COMBO will deal with it

You need a squad to do it fast enough, a serious attack is going to bring a lot of sundies.

I was part of a squad holding Eisa Tech against TR last night outpopped 3:1 and the only reason it wasn't over in the first five minutes was because the TR were fucking retarded. They didn't hack the vehicle terminals and mass-pull sunderers and lightnings, they didn't bring a slurp sundie or harasser to kill our only sunderer in the bay, they didn't try crashing from the balcony down into the bay, I don't know what they were doing. There weren't even any mines down to defend the bay sunderer, it was just me and my level 1 repair tool against random lost HAs taking pot-shots.

VS still has some people playing from the days when TE was around and they were outpopped 4:1 at every fight, they've got the institutional knowledge of how to do this shit properly because they had to learn it. TR and NC don't have many outfits with the same knowledge and the outfits they do have are small and insular because AOD and PHX suck up all the new players and turn them into fucking mongoloids.

You can flip most issues with as little as 4 people in a squad.

You can set up a firing base on a ridge with 4 infilshitters and a sundie.
Make it 4 heavies and you can deny air all day long.
Make it 3 prowlers and a sundie and you have some serious firepower.
You can man a full lib and a mossie to shit on ESFs while shitting on armor all day long.
You can dedicate yourself to shitting mines all over the base, that makes 8 claymores and a shitload of AT.
You can fly a recon valk with gunner and 2 mossies for escort.
You can go full armor column and hunt sundies.
You can go all fairy and shit on meatgrinders and armor columns yourself.

You cant do EVERYTHING but you can do a lot of shit with just FOUR people.

you can only flip them for so long and if there is no follow up by anyone else on your side then it's more or less a waste


Which is why its called a force multiplier, if the force is 0, the multiplier aint shit either.
If theres anything I learned from playing Dust514 its that herding blueshits is the green mans burden and duty, and can also work incredibly well most of the time.
Not all of the time mind you, but most of the time.

There's always the 2nd continent. Or 3rd party enemy fights and make the attackers salty as hell.

More people looking for it means we can ID and destroy it sooner rather than later

dust514 is an entirely different experience altogether and a much more pleasant one

same issues different locations tbh

Am I the only one getting server unavailable right now?t

Herding is herding tho.
In DUST you herd with nanite fields and rep leashes.
In PR you herd with FOBs and armor.
In Planetmans you herd with sundies, shield regen fields, ammo packs and MAXes.

I suppose so

I was doing so well, too.

it's not really the same issues when both sides are fielding single digits. 4 dudes can be the entire fight on the off continent.

You have to understand that TR is stuck with literal retards making up a vast majority of the user base. Yes, NC team kills far more than TR and VS, mainly due to their weapons actually doing enough damage and have low enough recoil to cause a tk before you can stop shooting but they're not nearly as incompetent as TR is at doing quite literally anything considering a vast majority of the time TR will only win a base because there's such a severe overpop (read: 48-96 to 1-12/12-24) that the other group is unable to even spawn.

It's still dead. I wonder if they're fixing the voice chat.

An SMG or Stalker Cloak infil will shit all over people if you know how to get around a base and if you know how to abuse your cloak. An infil with a weapon that isn't a 6x default zoom plays very similarly to a LA.
t. autist who auraxed the infil directives first

Yeah, you can farm bads that don't know how to use their minimap, look, I get it. I'm saying that if a group is engaging in tryhard faggotry and paying attention to squad comp, then infils past the first are garbage compared to more heavies or medics. Especially if you don't have many people to begin with.

Having 3 infils in a squad of 6 is retarded, but not having 1 infil in a full platoon is just as retarded.

This has never happened in the history of planetside. But yeah, I agree.

If you guys wanna play as different factions then just bloody do it? I like fucking around in TR (god help me) and I've got a vanu character in the EU servers and shit. Insisting people switch is just going to split the already currently piss-poor numbers we have. If we want/need more numbers we need to start recruiting or try putting pugs in their own platoon to work as meat-shields and/or distractions.

I've found that having one or two infils that actually does their job of hacking everything in sight and putting down motion spotters is far more useful than having the entire squad be 70% Engie with the rest being HA and Medic.

That sort of thinking got us this.

Weird, Indar has 0 VP for everyone and Esamir map will not load.

I'm on Esamir right now. It's not good.

The game lacks any overarching strategic purpose

I wish this was more like PS1

First of all we used to have a completely full platoon. People lost interest because the game is shit and that's the nature of Holla Forums

Secondly people won't come to the server because they're faggots who are too invested in another server. I came from an EU server with tons of certs and very close to max stealth sundy. Left it all behind for the outfit. Because who fucking cares. None of that progress is important. You're never going to 'win' the game. Fun is priority #1 in the end.

It's fine if you want to try out the other factions. Go for it. But don't expect Holla Forums to go there.

I mean you invite them into the squad, put them in their own platoon and give them waypoints and shit. If someone's feeling masochistic, they could be the squad leader and try cat-herding.

Someone did that before. Then handed the platoon lead to me and everyone blamed me for letting pubs in. It's a shit show. I'm not particularly against it for non-peak hours and when there's very low pop but the outfit overwhelmingly will give you shit for it. There was a few dozen posts calling me retarded for it a few threads ago even when I wasn't the one who opened it to public (or someone forgot to tick outfit checkbox). So unless you want to anger the leaderfags who are pretty ban sensitive based on pathetic drama and popularity contest, I wouldn't recommend it.

We had someone do that constantly once, and it got to the point where 70% of the people in all squads were not wwew. Leave the "we want anyone" squads to AOD/PTBY tbh.

Daylight, stop being a faggot and use outfit chat.

well if you act like a retard you'll get treated like a retard ;^)

sorry to burst your bubble daylight but literally no one fucking likes you in wwew with your autistic use of squad chat instead of outfit chat. its actually one of the reasons i like to stay out of squads when your on so i dont have to hear you

Nobody gives a shit if you make your own squad within our platoon and fill it with normalfags, cunts. Just don't be mrdaylight.


vanu just has better players :^)

Yeah, I'll bet it takes skill to use weapons that have practically no bullet drop.

I mean, it's piss easy to lock a continent when 2/3rds of the players are busy fighting over one base.

I bet they were whining "MUH K/D" the entire time, like that 200v200 battle I was in where they were pushing TR all the way back to the Warpgate.

I wouldn't know since I was harassing NC for most of it. The continents still haven't locked because VPs are still broken.

you mean no bullet drop at all, but the bullet drop isn't an issue. it's being a straight upgrade from other faction weapons.

Well, I wanted to be generous, I didn't even mention that they hardly have any recoil.

truly inspired game design.

Not just for that though. For any squad or platoon. Then organizing takes all of a whole minute, the. Everybody just goes for it.


If it requires more than "We're doing X, get Y, meet at squad way", then nobody needs to be doing it in this game, let alone a squad that can include any random shitter that's capable of finding a thread in the video game section of a japanese animation board.

This shit doesn't require drills, it requires basic english skills and a clear simple plan. If people can't manage that they're retarded or they don't care, and autistic training or micromanagement isn't a solution to either of those that leads to fun.

Only plebs don't practice FORMATION DELTA when the sever isn't populated.

Doesn't change you're retarded for thinking squad chat is end all be all for communication.