I hope you faggots are buying flowers and cards for her.
Also, who is best mother in vidya?
Get ready for Mother's day
The one that dies in MOTHER 3.
Cried like a bitch.
Thanks for spoiling me on Stella Glow you retarded fuck
Lmao weebcucks btfo
Gold's mom. Sends her underage child out into the world unattended and steals his money to buy shit. Best mom.
Any moms in games that you can fuck? Particularly if it's your character's mom? That'd be nice to know.
My mom always told me mother's day was for stupid goyim. In different terms, but the meaning was there.
Make way for best domineering ara.
Mothers are only for hugging and getting head pats from!
You have two heads
Does she have a on demand loli mode? No? That bitch isn't even the best in her series.
I regret nothing.
Good for you user! Harder parents make you note independent.
You suck at fetishes. Leave.
My mother belongs in the trash. I'll buy beer and snacks for myself instead.
I don't really care for my mom. She is nice, but she really did a number with the whole feminist I won't tell you about sex or relationships until you are 18 thing. My dad relationship with her doesnt make sense to me. Now she just tries to complain about trump or ask why I do not have a girlfriend. As for game mom's I don't really know.
Being in wizard training is better
Feels real fucking good. Sad thing is that they will still bitch about how horrible I am and then try to talk to me like i'm their best friend the next day.
I was never given "the talk" and for a good chunk of my isolated early teens, I thought penises were like mushrooms spreading fungal spores and women became pregnant just by spending a lot of time around a guy and somehow getting spores caught in her vagina.
schools have changed
I thought my penis was like the eggs from alien, where if you opened it up just underneath would be a grayish green slime covered thing and you shoot out that slime when you feel good. I watched a lot of porn so I kinda knew already when I was 13 that you cum in pussy to make baby.
I'll probably call her and wish her a nice day
My mom is too caring and supportive for me. She deserves one of those overachiever normalfag sons, not me
I'm an unhealthy influence to my family members, it's best if I stay away.
Does Holla Forums remember Mama-chan?
I got the talk at 7 by playing A.D.A.M. The Inside Story 1997 on our family's Macintosh LC 575. It's an instructional CD that teaches you about the systems of the human body and of course had a reproductive system chapter. I can't imagine that was by design, and I was also never given any talk or instruction since in any capacity. Of course, my parents did split up the next year. 20 years later, I just have no libido whatsoever.
Who cares you faggots lol neck yourselves especially thosenwhining about 'muh shitty parents' sage for shit topic
No, that's just how women are. Women are, by nature, more concerned with the happiness of their offspring than their success. The father is the balance to that. That's why you need both.
Mother's Day was two months ago
At least the newest batch is getting sick of the PC bullshit and with Trump being a "shitlord" 24/7, it only emboldens the newest generation.
i fixed it for you, it could also read 'with the misery of others'
I read a lot of books when I was younger and I knew about sperm cells, I just thought they were closer to spores and dicks look like mushrooms.
Eventually I found out after looking up sexual intercourse in a dictionary.
My parents made the brilliant decision to move to a commie shithole in the middle of the post soviet collapse.
I am a disassociative PTSD riddled autist with a barely functioning lung as a result of that great decision. My dad knows they fucked up but my mother is firmly of the belief she dindu nuffin. Blood is thicker than water but theres shit you can never let go.
Not even surprised.
best waifu
Where did the originally come from and why did they move? It had to be some third world shit hole for them to make that decision.
In b4 he says somewhere in the EU.
Why honor trash? Anyone can shit out a baby, niggers do it all the time.
Mother drank and did cocaine when she was pregnant with me. Thankfully I don't have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Luckily enough parents lost custody of us and we got out of that hell. I'm not NEET.
She may be your "mother", but she ain't your mommy.
marvel may be pleb movies but this guy is pretty great
I wish i got a job so i could get the fuck out too, atleast you made it out, now time not to fuck shit up again and end up like them.
NTRing one's own father is wrong, user.
Ara is a double edged fetish.
Not my fault your waifu a shit.
Is the dad a question Mark?
Feels good man
dad was an user
a neighboring commie shithole that got its shit together in record time ironically
they moved because muh job prospects and ended up working over time to just pay the rent because welcome to finacial and societal collapse
my parents kept making retarded decisions one after the other while ignoring the damage me and my brother have to deal with for the rest of our lives
It's what happens when your brain is on retarded beliefs. Like how she pretends to care for the "poor mexicans", but lives in a nice area with a lot of whites while using them as cleaners. It's hypocritical.
Why not send him something like a present as well? That way it's less likely they know it's you.
My mom only have one picture of her dad, small picture, so I just made it bigger and printed it, she love it.
Yup, now I'll say nice trips and your waifu a shit. What you gonna do about it?
This is why christmas cakes are superior.
One thing I have noticed is that shitty parents really separate the wheat from the chaff. By the tail end of high school you can tell who is going to get the fuck out and who is going to be in jail by the age of 25. It's a shame that I lost contact with what few friends I had since I had to fuck off at night. My mom didn't know I was leaving until 6 or so hours before my bus was scheduled to arrive.
There is a reason why I moved far away from them. As far as i'm concerned, it's a life lesson for my brother and it's payback for all the bullshit I had to deal with back home with all the spics and cholo garbage.
My waifu cannot possibly be a shit because my waifu is the Arrancadora
are we gaining older women fetishes or is it just the result of getting older in general
I've had this since I was 13, so no.
/a/ created a new fetish in their ara thread.
I've always liked older women because they know what they want most of the time.
I remember that.
definitely a recent development for me, probably more related to liking seeing women in suits or office attire. also the callus older women characters in anime who tell the protag how it is and like to drink
tomboys are still the best though
I always loved christmas cakes, especially if they are using working cloths/uniforms
I love tomboy moms. It's The best kind of ara.
my nigga
Especially if they get flustered easily. I don't know why but it really gets to me.
It's a great thought until you actually talk to them. Garbage personality is a huge boner killer for me.
3D is PD.
Of course, someone had to repost it on halfchan.
its magic
SJW culture absorbed tomboys and its fucking depressing
I've only ever known a few when I was younger. Their personalities were nice then but soured as they got older, a shame really. Is it too much to ask for a cute girl these days?
Use the power of the D to change their minds!
SJWs are calling tomboys "non-binary". Fuck it, at least we have 2D.
It's just depressing thinking about it. Besides, as loose as they are I wouldn't take 's advice just because the doctor visit won't be worth it.
Besides, I prefer working with a fat girl that is actually using the job to lose weight since she know the reality of the situation. Feels good encouraging her to lose weight and to actually see her lose it throughout the year. She's not the best looker but she's not repulsive. Best of all, she actually has a brain in her and I don't mind when she talks to me as opposed to the average normalfag.
Speaking of christmas cakes
>met a woman on tinder
>She likes trump
>she shares most of my political views
and that was the night I broke a christmas cake's bed with sex
Aww ye
You encourage that lady, man
Even if you don't tap dat someone else will and you'll live forever knowing you helped make two people happy
isn't that great
>All those anons that will never be free from their shitty parents because they'll never let go of their understandable resentment and anger.
Was she a virgin?
running outta steam
man fuck you, i try that shit cuz i have no way of meeting new people due to my location and job, the only girl i met IRL from it ended up being a raging SJW
she was tight as fuck though holy shit.
user, I won't say what I did was right, but I will say the means provided a satisfying end.
Those that don't hate will never understand how powerful it can be as a motivational tool.
s lumping tomboys with transfats and other xirsexuals
Why must these people hate all things pure?
The issue with renovating fatties is their propensity for leaving you once they get thin or pulling the pin on another fat grenade when you're not looking.
If you're trying to reform fatties altruistically then you're doing God's work and should keep at it.
what a jewish feeling to have.
That's the reason why I like talking to her. Even by normalfag standards she hates the average normalfag. From what she has told me, I doubt she would even stand the average mouth breather.
You should tell her that having sex is a great way to exercise and you will be happy to help.
Yeah, you don't want to be free, you let them have big influence on you even after you could have become independent from them.
At least you don't try to make your life as shit as possible on purpose because "that will show them, it's their fault", so there's that.
man finding a chick worth even being friends with is tough enough without the lofty christian housewife meme
Or are you one of those hippie "you are trapped in your mind, man!" types?
The doting Christian housewife is an ideal these days, it's something that few achieve because most women are too busy being degenerate slags.
i'm not interested in kids and i know some Holla Forumsacks might get on my shit about that but whatever
i wanna do that gay dating shit where you go places with a chick and see stuff and do stuff and then maybe smash too, but even that seems difficulty since chicks hobbies seem to just be "lmao netflix and dogs :)))"
Remember, Holla Forums is for vidya only.
Unless you want to roleplay as a nintendo toy. :^)
You know if you replaced "mother" with "loli" this probably wouldn't happen. Report the thread and complain if you think it's worth saving.
That was an autistic VPNfag who kept posting the same images in every thread.
You are fighting an uphill battle. I would say just enjoy the thread and know that sometimes vol are faggots.
no i mean they're increasingly obsessed with traditional getting married and having kids even though most of them are probably in their early 20s
Am I missing something or did something change?
Outstanding. Praise kek.
Holla Forums aside, I have something of a fetish for pregnant women. Obviously the only proper way to go about scratching that itch would be to find a woman that wanted to have kids with me, since everything else would make me a degenerate scumbag or encourage single motherhood.
I think that most people on Holla Forums would want to do all of that saccharine dating nonsense. Too bad that women don't seem to be interested in anymore.
You're not wrong. That's why I'm not bothering. Just make a new thread called "mothers, mothers day, and loli's in video games" or some shit and they'll be in a pickle.
lol i'm barely an adult despite being in my mid 20s, i shouldn't be trying to raise kids, the earth won't stop spinning even if i never reproduce anyways
Must be exhausting.
Almost like life requires effort. Nihilism's a buzzterm these days though.
hows that nihilist, i don't think life is without meaning or "lmao theres no point like they said on rick and morty" i just think i don't need to focus on a traditional life to make myself happy
it's a sad day when you can call an ideology a buzzword. Nihilism is an okay stance to have, but usually it just leads to self defeating faggots who say shit like, "We're just chemicals in a galaxy and our brain is just chemicals and those chemicals are our feelings so I just won't feel anything, that'll show my brain which is making the chemicals to tell me to feel this way."
There is nothing wrong with this type of thinking. It's one thing to go full unibomber to disrupt everything but it's another when someone just wants to be left alone.
If you haven't noticed, most terms are being used improperly now. It's like 2007 brought this mess in and now 2017 just made everyone go full retard and just throw whatever argument they heard at the other side and hope it sticks.
That was ICE cold user
Generally defeatists solve their own problems by committing soduko. I've dealt with one of those literal autists for a good 5 years of my life. Ideally anybody who assumes those things would also know that if it's a pointless endeavor that simply by being capable of making the pointless have a point you're free to do whatever the hell you want and have fun with it.
Those dubs are nice but get the fuck out of here for multiposting and not saging.
Was Holla Forums's mother for a couple of months
Buying my mother the porch swing she wants, she deserves to have nice things.
i guess i will send a report tomorrow, when its actually mothers day and read how anons enjoyed the day with their moms
I was actually thinking about giving my my mom a DS and three Professor Layton games, do you guys think that those are fun enough for moms? Im also thinking about getting Pokemon MD explorers of sky since she likes cute animals
I never know what to get my mother. She doesn't have any hobbies and doesn't enjoy fun.
I'd probably make more of an effort if I actually gave a shit.