What are some good vidya that give that sense of being safe from danger but also give the sense that the danger is still outside the safe room door.
"You're safe...for now" tracks
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I miss Danny Baranowsky :
Resident Evil safe rooms might be TOO comfy. I remember as a kid I'd spend ridiculous amount of times in them because I dreaded dealing with the shit outside.
What's the track with the merchant in RE4? I love that one
The comfiest
Funny enough this exact moment is why RE3 is my favorite horror game of all time and why I couldn't finish it when I was younger. I just shat way too many bricks.
Christ I love this game, the gameplay and atmoshere are top tier.
The little dungeon you find near the end of the game with the Rrgenerators still awes me.
Its not Resident Evil, but goddamn, its good.
Fucking excellent.
It was a really phenomenal game. I'm torn between my love of the originals and my respect for just how impressive RE4 was and still is. I guess the biggest disappointment is that the two styles couldn't coexist. Also that Outbreak never got a PC port or at least a modern rerelease.
I have a weird relationship with 4. I played it first and loved the shit out of it. Then I played the originals and thought they where way more memorable and classy (this was the era of over the shoulder shooters) and hated 4. Then after a while I warmed up to 4 again because it is a really fucking good game. It just created the cancer that is the modern RE games.
Thats how everyone feels about Half Life.
And yet, I replay that shit every year along with S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Just because shit went downhill doesn't mean that the peak wasn't fun while it lasted.
This one always gave me that feeling
This game is a bit polarizing to some fans, but It will always be my go to survival horror. Getting to run through Raccoon City and revisit the Police Dept. was so rad. The atmosphere was top notch, the tension when nemesis showed up was incredible, playing as a recurring character was interesting. And that room theme was comfy, mos def.
That's how I always felt about 0. If you overlooked the flaws it was pretty good. I also might be baised because Rebecca is my fav RE girl Too bad they shrunk her hips/ass in the HD remake and now she looks like a fucking trap
Demon's Souls
Comfy safety inside the Nexus.
is this much comfy even legal?
Das it mane
yeah, rebirth's soundtrack was nowhere near as good
that can happen?
Absolutely loved the music from this game. It's the only soundtrack I ever bothered seeking out an import for.
I think its in the Chapel near the end
Te guy's a gigantic fucking SJW. It was so bad that Ed dumped his ass on the curb for it IIRC. Rebirth partially made up for it with procedural layering in the music to add more texture depending on how difficult the room was but in the end I never listened to either games OST more than once. BoI is a casual game. Meant for playing while listening to Podcasts or something.
Magic combo's were so fucking OP it's not even funny.
I don't care about his shitty opinions mate. Letting someone's dumbass uneducated opinions ruin something for you makes you a weak minded cretin. It will make us no better than people who shit on jontron.
Though, I would like to see DB going full retard if you can
Edmund and Danny are both really shitty people
You don't get it. This was during GamerGate blowing the fuck up and Danny went apeshit on Edmund from what I remember. It might have been prior to this but they absolutely didn't leave on good terms. This is nowhere near Jontron though because Rebirth is actually indie and made up of a handful of people. Generally if you're the boss and you get yelled at or verbally assaulted you have every right to fire a guy.
And yea Edmunds also shit. I still have a poster signed by him before he went full retard. Still debating on if I should keep it up or not. It's a really good poster.
motherfucker if you're playing on Hard mode nemesis can chase you from room to room, randomly appear in areas you've previously cleared, and just in general shows up all the damn time to fuck with you
I forget, does he yield anything on "death"?
Also I remember it saying you get more bullets from your gunpowder kit the more you do a recipe. Can you ever make lots of magnum or grenade launcher ammo at a time?
he drops weapon parts in any of his "scripted" sequences where he's supposed to show up, and with enough of these you can convert your pistol into a 3-shot burst pistol. I think there's another set of kits too but I was never a bad enough dude to finish the game on Hard as a kid, and frankly I'm holding out for the r3make before I try to run it again. i don't know if he drops anything in any of the unscripted sequences, which i always thought added to the stress of having him show up; he's designed simply to slow you down, suck up your ammo, and kill you. and yes you can make grenade/magnum ammo but they take a ton of powder
I know you can make magnum and grenade ammo, but the game says the quantity increases the more you make them
Nemesis drops his loot in order regardless of when you defeat him, but there are encounters where you don't get anything
The really fucking hard ones are the first two encounter, after that the Eagle is surprisingly good against Nemesis, enough to carry you through a couple of the other encounters, you get so much grenades before the Tramway thing that it becomes trivial to deal with him after that (just have to remember that N²O ones are the only ones worth using)
I died between ten and twenty times fighting that motherfucker outside the RPD because I was trying to be super stingy with my shotgun ammo
Yeah, the reason RE3 isn't my favorite of the trilogy, although it's good and I like it, is because Nemesis is a massive health sponge and inevitably pounds your ass into the ground many times.
was just thinking of this one. Especially after escaping the fucker in the trenchcoat.
Of all the games central hub themes, this one gets me the most. My favorite music to take a break to. Its comfy but with the realization that its temporary.
comfiest save room theme right there
The scary shit was never at the fountain, plus all your partners were there.
Utterly shit meme game, but one okay music track.
Amnesia is great despite the Youtube cancer around it faggot.
It's not as bad as people make it seem but still a downgrade compared to Penumbra: Overture / Black Plague.
I'm surprised this wasn't posted sooner
I thought they kept it subtle and professional, I'm surprised they bickered like bitches. I wanna see the offending argument
Was it ever even recorded?
All RE games seem to have this.
what an amazing start to a horrible disappointment.
Not save room music but still great