Hitman dead

This is why Japanese games are superior.

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I wish I could disagree with this. I really wish I could. Now show me that dog getting fucked.


This is why killing yourself is superior

You could say he was doggedly pursuing an opportunity to use it.

oh sweet baby boy.

Most of those franchises were killed by the japs.


In what fucking manner?

You have to go back.


Your loli has no groundswell and no power here fiend.

Three has been confirmed.
That's ridiculous- *heibu*

Well I guess that's it then. Pack it in boys, we all have to find new hobbies now


It was if you were a pretentious easily amused teenager.

Thanks Squaenix

please tell me NMH3 is a thing

Hitman dead what a shame, it was actually one of the cooler games. They had one problem the fucking season pass shit and less violent than other hitman games.

Mass Effect is finally dead, its finally dead I hope for dubs its dead forever, nothing to salvage.

Deus Ex should probably not have done that Jewish marketing scheme at the beginning huh? But in all honesty it was probably for the better.

Tomb Raider was just that other Uncharted game with a chick with tits and it did not help that it was the second reboot of the series.

Dishonnored was a shame they had potential.

Is Prey really dead? I'm just wondering since it seems like a too early to say basis.

But from the looks of it, the Japanese killed off allot of the western games for either really Jewish practices or bad marketing.


much as i hate bethesda and the prey for scam reasons the journos are giving it a 4 for some reason. It has clearly been selected for excommunication by the gatekeepers.

if only I could speak nipplenese

They didn't say NMH3 by name, but specifically Travis Touchdown. Occam's Razor says it's NMH3 (and I personally hope it is), but no guarantee so far. In fact, Suda specifically said, "we're not announcing the title yet," which is kinda suspicious to me.

But all Japanese games are shit.

Is English your second language?



that's obvious m9. The one review I did see and I shit you not said have used 40hours on the game and gave it 6/10.

Pretty sure they'll still make Mass Effects, so it's not dead.

Studios already been announced downgraded to support role for other EA studios and series on 'indefinite hiatus', shits dead niggz.