Square Enix is ditching I/O interactive (hitman)

See .pdf. Square lost 4,898 yen on Hitman. That's what you get for trying to enforce a cancerous business model.

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4,898 million yen*

Was about to say. 5,000 yen is nothing in financial terms.


I'm sure Square Enix is going to retain the Hitman IP.

Hopefully I/O doesn't close down completely and can make some new games.

Kek, I would also bet they lost money when they put anti-Trump whining in game. Oh and the complete clusterfuck that was mankind divided. Fairwell Eidos, I used to love you but you're dead to me.

good riddance

So, 4,868,000,000 yen.

That's about $4-5 million dollars wasted. A bit of a shame since the games seemed pretty good, at least compared to Absolution, but fuck that "episodic" bullshit.

If they'd just released the whole game at once and didn't clog it up with DRM and always online bullshit, the new Hitman would have been one of the best games in a long time.

It's worth a pirate if you haven't already. Just don't buy it. Don't support a business model that cancerous no matter how good the actual game is.

Yeah, I liked what I saw of the game, but it wasn't just a hitman game, it was build from the ground up to be a platform for the business model.
If square gutted hitman with this bullcrap and made off with the IP rights I'm going to be supremely mad.

So that's how we should expect the FF7 remake to work?

Shit a loss is a loss but it's not too bad

Never mind


*an equally cancerous business model

Actually it's more around 40-50 million. $1 = ~100 yen

As usual, when the gooks lose money they blame their western studios.
The exact same shit happened when they refused to acknowledge the poor sales of the FFXIII series and prefered to blame the Tomb Raider reboot and Hitman Absolution (and another game I think).

Squeenix isn't doing to well
IIRC the only game that made it's money back recently was Hideki Kamiya's Masterpeice Moonman 2: THICC ROBOTS N SHEEEEEIIIIT

well, it still wouldn't be a gain, anyway

For those too lazy to read the pdf even though it's only one page :
To maximize player satisfaction as well as market potential going forward, we are focusing our resources and energies on key franchises and studios. As a result, the Company has regrettably decided to withdraw from the business of IO INTERACTIVE A/S, a wholly‐owned subsidiary and a Danish corporation, as of March 31, 2017. This decision has resulted in booking of the extraordinary loss amounting to 4,898 million yen, including disposition of the content production account related to the business and impairment loss of intangible assets, in the financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017. As a result of this the Company started discussions with potential new investors and is currently in negotiations to secure this investment. Whilst there can be no guarantees that the negotiations will be concluded successfully, they are being explored since this is in the best interests of our shareholders, the studio and the industry as a whole.

So they lost 5000 million yen on the whole fiscal year ended on march 31. Hitman probably lost them even more than that. Or, it could possibly be all on FF15 and they're deflecting on I/O.

Clearly not enough to save their fiscal year, so all the fan "support" probably fell on deaf ears at Square.

Certainly not, and aren't they sinking million upon millions in a remake of FF7 when remakes that rebuild the game aren't extremely profitable

I sometimes wonder. Are people running much more incompetent than regular gamer or is something else behind it.

Whoever thought the new Hitman's business model was a good idea must be legit retarded.


this just reeks of intentional sabotage to keep FF safe, not that either of the new Hitman games were any good.

People are retarded and companies are retarded. Everybody's an asshole and nothing good ever happens

I agree. They only care about their own IPs (KH3 seems to take ages to make and if you take into consideration the rights for the characters from Disney, that shit gets more expensive each year).

I thought FF15 sold pretty good but aside from those articles saying "THE GAME HAS SHIPPED 6 MILLION COMBINED WITH DIGITAL SALES IT'S SUPER GOOD, BEST SELLING GAME OF THE SERIES. BUY NOW GOYIM" the only other number I've found is from vgchartz saying they've sold 4.5 million without taking into account digital sales. That's a pretty decent number, although with how delayed the game was the development costs should also be through the roof.
Bottom line, it didn't do so hot, but it couldn't have done that shit as well.

What a shame that another game dies because of shitty business practices. The game itself honestly wasn't bad at all, it was actually pretty good. It's a real shame because had this game been developed to be complete rather than an episodic rip off it could've been the best Hitman since Blood Money. Thank's Squeenix.

Hitman was pure cancer and I'm glad it crashed. The core gamplay may be good but that only makes the business model and always online crap more egregious, they fucking ruined a perfectly good game with that crap. Fuck them. Whoever releases a fucking VIDEO GAME in "seasons" deserves to burn.

Serves them right, they trusted the japs. We are never getting a new Freedom Fighters though.


Are you retarded?

It's owned by EA, so it's better off dead fam. If they ever make a new one it's going to be horrible. Also I'm pretty sure homefront was inspired by this game and we all know how that turned out.

Squeenix is pretty much Japanese EA at this point, maybe I/O has a fetish for getting jewed. I bet they'll bend over for Activision or Ubisoft next.

Fun fact, FFXIV is bringing in TBC tier numbers and with their weeaboo focused expansion it's only going to cement the feeling that SE is going to begin running their shit like a nip version of Blizzard. For fuck's sake, they even said that their MMO is making them a ton of shekels.
Final Fantasy E-sports when?

Wasn't FFXI their best selling game of all time or something?

FFXI made them a shit ton of money due to the fact it was FF flavored evequest, right down to the week long timer bullshit on some rare mobs. FFXIV just followed the trend of what is popular with MMOs while using basic foresight to see what killed it in the west. FFXI was good for the simple reason that places like Valkrum Dunes weeded out the normalfags and casual trash from the game. MMOs no longer have that filter, it lowers the quality of the playerbase but it really makes them some fucking shekels.

good. id rather see my favorite franchise die than continue on like this.

But for your question, FFXI WAS the game that made them the most nip chips but FFXIV is quickly catching up. Doubly so now that the WE WAS KANGS the al migger/weeaboo expansion is less than a month away.

Pretty much this.

Do you think this will make them rethink episodic FFVII? I know, I know, fanny joke yes!

Too true.

what is in real numbers?

500,000,000 JPY = 4,400,000.00 USD

it's 5,000,000,000 yen, so 44,000,000 USD

I hate this shit so much. Faggots need to stop looking at the name of the game and need to start looking at the people who fucking made the thing. The company doesn't mean shit, the brand doesn't mean shit, the series doesn't mean shit, it's all about who made the fucking game. Meanwhile developers switch teams in and out and no one even gives the slightest of fucks.

This attitude never stops pissing me off. Every single god damn time a game fails the retarded suits always blame the series itself. They NEVER admit that they just released a shit game. It's sickening how many good series have died because of 1 or 2 bad games.

Is that 4 point 898 million yen or 4 thousand 898 million yen? Fucking burgers and your thousands separators.

That's not burgers, that's just retardation. I wouldn't put a horrible number like that.

4 898 000 000 000 JPY=
43 001 893 040 USD

48,98,88,89,99,48 hundred million yen
approximately 12 us dollars

Absolution had personality & smooth gameplay. Not great for stealth, but quite replayable, fun & pretty too.

Hitman 6 did not improve the gameplay. It put the replay value milking into overdrive, and used a hybrid of mechanics from 4 &5. In addition to DRM & a shit business model, it was visually very bland, contracts weren't compelling in the least, levels were for the most part quite same-y, the overarching plot is both unfinished and boring and the weapon system got fucked. Far too many improvised weapons to pick up, which you can throw at heads and one-shot people with. Unsatisfying pistols, sniper rifle without suitcase, and the fibre wire is now optional kit. Also they pretty much just tell you how to do the different kills rather than allowing proper discovery.

it's 4.898 billion yen. I'm not sure why the OP didn't just write the number like this

Yep, i thi k they confirmed episodic release

Now why the fuck would you go and put 4.898 trillion?

They lost 50 million bucks people.

Because I just copied what's in the pdf.

Hell, how do you piss off that much money after releasing a vidya, and how much does making a video game cost these days?

It used to be you spent equal parts on staff and marketing. Now you spend three times as much on marketing, and you usually have to pay at least 800 staff.

Fucking idiots.

He added three zeroes mate.

It's because non-anglo europeans use something called "long scale". To them the word "billion" means a million millions. They use another word, "milliard", for a thousand millions.


I love explaining to people that Patrice Desilet even exists, or that Infinity Ward stopped handling CoD after MW2, or etc. et al.

Like people just now realize after MGSV that maybe having the creator on board is an important thing, and I'm just sitting here thinking "you just now realize the talent is important?"

Common core surely works fine on americans in this thread.


user, that's $48 million dollars wasted.

Ex-SQEX employee here, user. You're totally wrong.

Square-Enix decided on the business model well after the game was into development and forced it on IO. They didn't want to do always online and it took a shitload of extra work to put that crap into the game.

Also, saying Hitman lost $5m isn't exactly correct. The financial statement says pulling out of Denmark/IO is going to cost Square that much; probably in contracts and payouts and all that.

Square fucked themselves again because they have absolute idiots making decisions at the top of the company. Look at what happened to DE:MD and putting Womb Raider as an xbone exclusive. We were always astounded by how stupid these people were and even more amazed at how they never seemed to get fired.

Thank fuck I got out of there.

If what you're saying is true that you worked for them, how did the studio heads try to fight this retarded decision?

I was part of their marketing group in the US, user; I didn't work at a studio.

The way the game industry works is that if you have a publisher (like if you're Crystal Dynamics) and your publisher (Square-Enix) says 'Do X', almost always, you have to do it because they're the ones funding your company. They also own your studio.

THis is how EA ruins every company in acquires, for instance.

So you didn't meet or talked to any representative from the studios that complained about this shit? because goddamn, this Sega levels of retardation when they started to shit on their North American branch.

The studio CEOs and managers had opinions sure, but SQEX CEOs overrule studio CEOs. Even funnier user, the group who made these shitty decisions were the ones at the London office. (They managed all of the 'western' brands.) Their office was also apparently an absolute shithole with backstabbing, corporate cuckoldry, and all of that crap.

Fucking company politics, well at least Squeenix is letting the studios get sold, who knows, maybe Sony or Tencent will buy them up.

Fucking Square does it to themselves. Cancerous DLC practices and rushed development killed Deus Ex too, they keep pushing this retarded 'half finished release it now!' mentality and they're going to wind up having all of their shit crash and burn.

This doesn't mean that Square Enix lost 5 million yen on Hitman. It means that, by getting rid of I/O, they consider that to be a loss of 5 million yen. Spinning off or shutting down divisions are usually recognized as "extraordinary losses," which doesn't mean "huge" in this context, just "unusual."
t. financefag

*5 billion yen

Selling to Tencent or EA is a fate worse than death, user. Best we can hope for is Nordic buying up the IPs or something.

Hopefully, but those two were first on my mind when they want to scramble buying studios or talent.

Those in the London office, are they just stupid japs or ((( ))).

I had a chance to try this one. It's pretty dead online now. Gotta wait an hour just to get people to join. While it's not what I want from a Metroid game, it's not all that bad a game, really. Decent little co-op shooter for the 3DS. The biggest thing I don't like is that you move slow as shit, and some of the missions involve inane shit like pushing mine carts.

So it sold 50% of FF7 with 25 times the development cost. That is abysmal!

Have to wonder how much of those losses from the probable millions they spent on Gary Busey and his likeness yet couldn't be bothered to model/license real weapons as in previous hitmans.

Bong here, we do that as well.

understand how the industry works and it all makes a lot more sense. Square's biggest mistake was over-investing in western studios and being so generous with delays. If anything the generosity with delays seem to be something that runs deep in square, I think they understand how important it can be for a game to have an extra 2 months or 2 years, but they need to get some good managers that can get content production up.

Kill yoself

You're a wise man.

So now that squeenix is out IO can prove they're not colossal cunts and remove the always online crap and all the bullshit DRM? You usually get a couple of articles of free publicity for removing DRM.

It had some okay writing, and the art style was cool.
Battles and characters were ass, though.
Besides, Paper Mario was never good in the first place.

That is the politically correct way of blaming capitalism, which is all about the profit motive. Stop wasting your time with devs who sold their souls, and focus on devs that are creating vidya as a labor of love.

Yeah, when SE saw that it didn't sell enough they fired the boss of that studio. SE always refuse to face the consequences of their own actions.

fake and gau


Isn't that every (big) publisher?

Still not fitting in, kike

Congratulations on outing yourself as a huge newfag. Holla Forums used the same filename format for several years and you have to be really fucking new to not know this.

Open the picture you just posted, chaim, and take a look at the B. Specifically what's above it. Now kindly escort yourself to the fucking gas chamber you stupid fucking false flagging kike.

There's probably an Holla Forums version of it somewhere, but going by the filename it's one of the earliest Holla Forums images I saved back before we had much OC.
Either way, kill yourself for thinking older unix timestamp = halfchan. For a while anyone saving or posting images with the new filename format was called a newfag and people shat all over it because they missed the shorter unix time filenames.

And yet Thi4f was rushed out. Even if it was in development for a long time, SE should have just said, "No more new content, just get everything you already have in a decent state to ship." Yet apparently that didn't happen, even though it should only have taken a few months.

I doubt that will happen. NuHitman was designed that way from the ground up. Not saying it's a technical problem, just that I don't think they're going to remove it. After all, when it came time to release the "complete" version, they doubled down: if you're offline, you can't access unlocked weapons. And the whole "lol it's just season one :^)" thing.

You started this shit because you're a cuckchan rapefugee who's just here to shitpost and derail threads. You were wrong. I called you on it, and instead of manning up, you doubled down and exposed yourself.

Get the fuck out, you don't belong here, and you're trying way too hard to fit in. This is your last (You), kike.

Suit yourself, faggot.

109a4c's newfaggotry aside, that sucks. Hopefully they get bought out by a less cancerous publisher like THQ Nordic.

isn't 4000 yen like 4 dollars? 4 dollars is a huge loss to the company? I make more than that when i give blowjobs tbh

Where is the evidence?


It's actually closer to $50 (a quick way to convert from yen to USD is just to chop off last two digits) but you can see in the second post OP corrected himself to 4,898 million yen

It is when every shekel counts. Now some CEO's child wont have a happy meal for lunch

That’s what you get for locking 80% of the content behind an always online barrier, you cocksucking faggots. I can’t even play most of the pirated version.

It's not worth it even if you play online because they made the unlocks grindy as fuck.

HITMAN™ (2016) was a great game that was completely ruined by horrible performance problems and a shitty always on DRM. Hitman doesn't deserve this, but Square definitely does.

Maybe one day Square Enix will wise up and kick Tetsuya Nomura to the curb so they can finally be free of his shit. Seven of the ten years of FF15's development were under him, and they were functionally useless because Tabata had to basically build the game from scratch when he got ahold of it.

Mostly just honest to god incompetent shitheads who got their executive positions through bullshit, nepotism, trading favors, and similarly shady shit.

user, it's not clear if IO even owns the Hitman IP anymore. Square might control the rights and the game.

Insider knowledge, I guess. I'm not posting my ID card or anything, shitface.


Some german site claims IO kept the rights. Unsubstantiated as of yet.

It better be substantiated soon, because Squeenix killing Hitman and then keeping it is too infuriating to consider.

Crystal Dynamics is next.


I wouldn't be surprised if Square let them keep it. New Hitman didn't make much if any cash, I think. And if IO goes under, there's not a whole lot they'd be able to do with it anyway. Hitman GO is pretty good, actually; but that's it.

What the fuck is up with UK based vidya companies?
Between this, Rockstar and others I'm seriously beginning to question the sanity of everyone over there.

Rareware too.

Fuck you're right.

Yeah, I heard Rockstar basically let other branches go just to continue paying rent in the UK.

What the shit is with UK devs

oh no, they lost about 92 dollars!


They should have made the new hitman about an assassin schoolgirl instead of a bald, white man. Would be better aimed for the Japanese market.

Do you even bother to read before shitposting?

On another note of UK Game companies…
There really is a lot of shoddy shit going on

Is there any Publisher that isn't total cancer ? This is why I made my own company, so that I can self-publish an AAA-budget game when the time comes.


of course I missed it man
I totally didn't find it not funny after


yes user, everyone who jokes at OP making a mistake was "pretending to be retarded"

man, everyone in this board has a stick up their ass lately. this is why we don't get OC anymore.

nobody loses money because of denuvo

very compelling, but you're a retard

except the companies who use it

Waste of time, they would have gotten a few hundred thousand copies at most, at the price of alienating millions of potential Western customers. Japan isn't a big enough market to matter in those kinds of decisions.

I'd be willing to bet that SE kept the rights to Hitman. Corporations aren't in the habit of giving away IP if they think it has a scrap of value–even if they never plan to do anything with it, they view it as something they could sell or revive at a later date.

The latest Hitman is a bit dull because all the opportunities are scripted. It's only enjoyable the first couple of times you play a level, but then it gets boring very quickly.