I'm sick of playing as dumb anime teenagers. This thread is for games where you're an old bastard with graying hair and a failing body. 1000 year old loli vampires need not apply.
Games where you play as old farts
Buff old dudes are also acceptable.
The Graveyard
Old men. Ruling the world.
Galuf was a cool old dude even though Amano still gave him the body of a twink.
73 is pretty old.
Lords of the fallen. I remember hating this game for no character creation.
Isn't he over 100 years old?
Return of the King.
Geralt's way older than 73.
I honestly didn't mind Lord of the Fallen. It wasn't great, barely good, and it had CTDs that shit me to tears, but I enjoyed it in that B-movie way.
Talking about it, Hand of Fate has relatively old dude too. Too bad the sequel is going to get pozzed with strong womyn protagonist and tumblr-tier artist as a designer.
I'm worried. I liked the first game. The sequel's going to be a sjw shitfest, isn't it?
1987s Druid for the C=64
I am even surprised authors want to target sjw audience. And i am also surprised they had interest in the first game at all. They also turned a dealer into ebil double faced villain apparently. And a hero of previous game into a "tyrant".
I guess it will be filled with anti-trump message of some sort. Fucking cuckolds.
They seem to be going out of their way to make really ugly white… women?
Persona 2: EP has you playing as adults who fix the fuck ups the high schoolers' caused.
I don't know how old he is, I just made that up, fucking hell.
Like it was with gay shit, our culturemasters want to make SJWism the norm. Otherwise you're just a racist, goy.
jesus christ
You can be old in Dragon's Dogma.
But user, clearly what you want are weeb games. Anybody over 22 in asian culture is considered an old fart who is so far over the hill that he must step aside for the younger generation to have their adventures.
Mah nigga, but King graham was in his early 50s in that game. He was strong and able bodied enough to climb up a mountain and walk through a desert.
Rayman Legends
Rayman and his friends are over 1000 years old
the pain of a millenium
Jesus christ get it together Holla Forums.
This. The game is good but not belonging in this thread.
Planescape torment, but Immortal cant exactly be old.
Guilty Gear
He is about 100 years old but thats because witchers age slower
What the fuck? Why would you want to play as an old fart?
This one time, I was at an old tech recycling group, trying to get a pair of computers. I was due to get a machine capable of running a modern linux. I was also clumsily attempting to negotiate to get a somewhat older system for running reactOS on to play games, cause they were just throwing stuff like that right out, and it was acknowledged as good for nothing else. They were very obstructive towards this kind of thing though.
Well, this one SJW, who was eerily reminiscent of Satou from Welcome to the NHK, bitched me out for going regularly to the local LUG "to spend time with a bunch of old farts!"
He also once bitched me out for being way inappropriately aware of integrated GPUs being much less capable than video cards.
What is your point you immense autist?
The immortal, sega megadrive.
Pic 2's forehead looks like a butt.
What are you, dense? The point is that old farts are fucking kryptonite, you touch that shit and even the lowest of the low will spit all over you!
Not many actually thoroughly good game series follow one single character through his entire life from the moment he went "fuck it, I'll be a king now" in his late 20's up until his deathbed, as well as having multiple games based around his family.
King's Quest truly is a one of a kind series, and even though I never played the later entries it will always hold a HIGH place in my heart, right next to the first three Monkey Islands.
Shame on you all.
How's getting fucked by an older, mature man feel?
Papa Nier leans towards "old fart"
I know GG isn't exactly realistic game, but it always weirded me out how he grew 3 times taller when reverting to his young self.
clever girl
You get shorter when you get older.
i remember playing fable and wanting to make a fighter mage. that meant learning a lot of skills, one day i took off my armor and bam i was fuckin old.
He is a bit older than 90.
t. jelly of youth
fuk u, getting old sucks
I know, just calling you out on your wrinkly old ass, gramps.
Reminder that Booker was supposed to be a grizzled old dude, but Levine changed it to pander to hipster tumblr girls.
There was another Baron Baldric, some kind of 2D platform game.
This looks like a nice sim game. You play an old gold prospector.
The Shivah. You play 50 something Rabbi Stone suffering a crisis of faith in New York who takes up solving a murder of one his former members of his congregation.
He also surprisingly kicks some ass when it calls for it.
Why are old farts so fucking awesome
And of course you have a lot in fighting games
Also I remember some guy that was 59 or so burning some anons, I wonder if someone did a cap
The game was fucking bad anyways
P2:EP is about a cake.
He aint that old, his genes are just fucked