Share your pain

Westwood, Mythic, and Bullfrog no longer exist.

VR will always be a meme.

Always online DRM games will continue to exist.

Other urls found in this thread:

You did the right thing

What is the picture on the top right of?


A wonderful world.


That is fucking disgusting.

I can almost let go of the Xbox dev kit. At least there the kid got his shit kicked by even reddit, and is pretty much rightfully, universally hated for being a top shelf retard.

I never cared for Starcraft but the source code shit still irks me because of how the seller was a fucking retard to send it back in exchange for Overwatch shit, a trip to the Blizzard cirdle jerk expo, and 200 dollars in Blizzard monopoly money. And everyone patted him on the back for it.

I have nothing to look forward to.

There is nothing left that interests or satisfies me anymore.

Don't tell me that's the case to some old historic computer that someone gutted just to stuff network cables into

He had no choice. The moment he posted 'what to do about it', Blizzard lawyers went ahead and warned him of spreading the code.

Should've just did it anonymously.. but what can you expect from reddit?

Wowzers, much cancer

He could have sold it for much more money too.
How much do you think such a cd is worth?


A redditor turned a cray-2 into a crib or something

The overall lack of decent and interesting AA games nowadays is making this a very boring hobby for me.

Wait, what was the upper right one?

Oh I see now, learned to read. Fucking ledditors need to be arrested.

I didnt know this. And i wish i lived on without knowing so.

*Cray Y-MP but still, turned part of a supercomputer into a piss seat

The retard has literal cancer too.

But I think the source code counts as a trade secret, and when those ever get out in the open, it's no longer protected. He could've negotiated a better reward, but he was to spineless when approached with a vague threat that probably wouldn't have held up.

How ever much he could charge. Again, it's a trade secret that it's way out to the open. If that redditor was smart he'd make those Blizzard execs get off their asses and actually negotiate for its return instead of flexing legal muscle as an empty threat.

Do mean literally or figurativly piss on?

Of-fucking-course Commiefornia fags have to destroy history

You will never have a loving, cute, submissive wife.

This hits me the hardest.

I will but it'll be a guy I teasingly call my wife

That's what I do to my boyfriend! I'm talking with him as I post this.

I don't understand.

>kid's going to outgrow that shit in a few years anyway wait no, this is SF we're talking about

Nuke on San Francisco fucking when

How would you describe Reddit in one word. I think they're in a whole different league of stupid and words that don't exist that the only way to describe them is Reddit.

The only friends that you have left are memories.


I only meant OP, you guys still have a chance.

Just kidding none of us have a chance

They're most accurately described as NPCs.


I wish you cute nerds the best

Don't think too hard about it, fellow ass-man

Also I still have a couple friends. You don't make it to 30 without culling the herd a bit though

If i fixed my acne problem and actually went outside, i would probably be able to score a girlfriend no problem, but i dont want a girl from around here, and i probably cant move anytime soon.

Saki wasn't saved and deserved better.
NTR will always be shoved into promising hentai.
I will likely die alone like other anons on this board.

A good 60% of the people I would call friends without pausing to think too hard about it, are dead now, and 80% of those committed suicide.

I died alone once. It was nice, minus the panic right before the lights went all the way out. But then after about 11 minutes, the lights turned back on, and it was HELL.

A great thread in the board spirit of "Holla Forums with videogames!" Epic posts Holla Forumsros!

No, it's beautiful. It's the speed of light dictating industrial design. The length of every cable you see there was determined by how fast a signal would propagate through it.

Sucks to be your friends, then

I had an ex that threatened to kill herself a bunch but she never did it.


Please get aids.

I can understand the rage over source code or old dev consoles, but who gives a fuck about the goddamn Cray2? You do realize a chinese budget flip-phone has more computing power than those? There is nothing of value to be derived from them anymore

One hanged himself because his GF dumped him after fucking everybody in school. Another shot himself through the neck with his hunting rifle after getting into a huge fight with his wife, who was the cutest girl in school back in 1986. Looked like a young Markie Post. Another blew his head off with his sister's shotgun and nobody could figure out why, because he had several circles of friends, many of whom would just chill with him while eating and watching movies or playing multiplayer N64 games.

Its history, user.

We should all hold in our angers until we snap and shoot up a school/movie theater, right? Or is that too normalfag thing to do?

Do you still feel it, user?

Your first one was an idiot who thought his highschool GF was "THE ONLY ONE". Your second one was sad. That genuinely made me sad.

Third guy you couldn't have done anything about. He was going to kill himself one way or another. That's just how it works.

What was the fight about with the 2nd one.

No, a normalfag thing to do is to make Holla Forums threads and posts on the videogames board. The non-normalfag thing to do is to make threads and posts about videogames.


I never knew, as I only heard about it third-hand from my mother, and while I was on friendly terms with the guy and his family, I didn't want to ask the details.

The third guy… christ, his family invited me over for Christmas dinner the year he did it, and it was the most awkward meal I'd ever eaten. I only knew him through my brother, and he had introduced me to this crazy new cartoon called South Park.

I hold in my anger pretty well. You get better at it over the decades. Snapping is for retards, for the most part. Everything I do is in cold blood, even making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It is cold and deliberate logic which guides my every decision.

I'm still pissed that not only that game wasn't up to par with the hype, but that it was always-online, sold with fucking atrocious DRM (which isn't good anyway but this was worse), gimmicky gameplay, and before the game came out they sold the creature creator, which was supposed to be a demo. You had to download a demo of the demo to see if you wanted to buy the full demo.

The fucking prototypes they released were more fun than the final game.

The third guy knew he was going to die so don't feel sorry for him because it was alright and he wouldn't want his loved one to be sad, if he did out of the blue it means it was on his mind for a long long time. When I was 6-years old I was open about wanting to die because I would just get old and die anyway, and why be alive. My family took it well and my mom talked me out of it because being old is good and stuff so I nodded my head and forgot about it for a long time.

post it.




This. All we have now is that "Agents of Mayhem" game which looks awful. Anything after 2 sucks.

I'm not sure how much wore it can really get. I could end up homeless again, I gues. But then I wouldn't have bills to pay or a job to worry about or anything. Anyway, I gotta go do dishes really quick. Probably be about half an hour or so. Depends.

It's always sad to find out a game you love was just a fluke, and then see the dev totally misunderstand why people liked it and fuck everything up.

Wasn't the consensus at the time that Saints Row was the wacky GTA and that's what people wanted, I don't think it was a fluke and more of them listening to what people wanted.

I just read sometime ago about that for the first time. I hope his mom and that dirty degenerate tranny bitch die in hell.

It went too wacky.

And people realized that was awful but they garnered a new audience with that so the series is in an identity crisis. The fans/community couldn't make themselves clearer and opinions get parroted so that's impossible with such a large and unconnected group of people. They could've also hired more people after doing Saints Row 2, take this with a grain of salt.


The Thinking Man's FPS will never make a return.

Truly this world is cruel. Why?

Ready or Not is promising and the devs are anons. Judging from the trailer they're looking to fix everything about SWAT 4 & Rainbow Six 3 and have the perfect amount of bells and whistles to keep it enticing to casuals but deep to people who like the genre.

I wish ubishit would retire Clancy's name and let him rest in peace. Can't imagine what he'd think if he saw his name being used by a company puts out trash like Watchdogs 2.


Bells and whistles as in guns and equipment.

Damn I loved that series, what if I wont be able to play it in a few years?

I prayed for death as a child.

Because casuals want Hollywood explosions and instant gratification.

I wish they used a military or counter-terrorist setting like R6/GR instead of cops again.

RoN just looks like another Siege, with small set-piece locations instead of big environments.

>devs don't get the difference between good mobile games like Osmos or Plague Inc for example so they still port everything they could to it

SWAT is counter-terrorist.

And they feel like they are "geeky" for destroying shit like this. Why can't these fuckers destroy some picasso shit?

International counter-terrorism like, not domestic.

I'm glad they went back to cops, I'm sick of playing as some tacticool gruff military unit trying hard to be stoic and steel. People who know what they're doing use SWAT because there isn't any glorification to them so they're written honestly and there action and lingo reflects their badassery.
There was outdoor scenery in the trailer but we don't know yet.

What happened to VR happened to MMO games long time ago, with the release of WoW. They all turned into same shit. Huge potential being wasted on garbage.


Is he still in China making knock crap?

Not soon enough but at least this will ease thr pain.

Fuck miss clicked allergy pills are fucking with me

The problem is they went from a parody of GTA and stuff to just full retard "so random xD" bullshit. Gameplay got dumbed down too and they ruined the customization. Here's another one, too:

I did too after a certain age, but for a few years I was happy.

>You'll outlive the woman who voices your waifu

2008 is the exact moment when video games and the internet went to shit.

A lot of things happened in '08.

She might already be dead for all I know. Her single credit on imdb is for her character.

Im not sure if is the right topic but…

My friend worked a long time ago for Cavedog and gave me a bunch of cds from his work. I'm not sure if any of thoses are relevant, is there a way to know it?

No that's why he quit making video games.

Phil Hartman was never in my childhood but he looks like a really nice guy who's good with kids, women ruin everything.

I'm fairly certain vr is plainly too expensive. It's comparable to buying a home console that requires a gaming rig to work. That just doesn't sound financially worth it. Now when it get's cheaper though.

Is there any text on the CDs?
If not, get a CD drive and see what's on them.

He was hilarious. I only had local channels as a kid so I watched a lot of Simpsons and NewsRadio, and he's brilliant in both of them.

Besides Big Bazooka Zimbabe, what happened?

He's still in Shanghai. Makes mobile games.
Recently held a GameJam in Fiji, and has just sunk to "make the same card game with new pictures every year and sell Alice merch to the west".

The Wii Exploded. Casuals were born. DLC started coming to light
Both Nintendo and Microsoft killed gaming, almost planning on making the people in this very board miserable.

Don't forget iphones and big news stories about halfchan. Brought casuals onto the internet. I think that's around when Twitter was born, too.

You're both thinking of 2007. The Wii and PS3 came out in 2006, the 360 came out in 2005, and they took off in 2007.

Facebook, twitter, tumblr, "social media", normalfags getting access to the internet, death of forums/communities, everything becoming centralized, Obama, FPS genre over-satured with brownbloom CoD trash, cultural marxism and shilling in overdrive, etc.


In short, the internet stopped being the wild west.


Kill me pete

I think 08 is better codifier of everything becoming shit because it was the year of the global financial crisis and Obama. 2005 was when this malaise was conceived, 2006/2007 it was getting into gear, and 2008 was when it was firmly cemented.

So far a bunch of empty disks, found that.

>Irrational Games is dead they were dead to me after the first Bioshock anyway
I'm tired and I'm extremely young
I wonder how the the guys in their 30s feel like if they haven't abandoned the hobby completely.

That reminded me of Asheron's Call for some reason. I loved it as a kid. Met a few great people I talked to for a long time.

Ubisoft can still make a decent game and the shit they've been getting since 2014 has really hammered in their heads and people hated Watch Dogs 2. They're shit but nowhere near as bad as Bethesda, Tripwire, Gearbox, and EA.

I feel you. I found 2 really boring and repetitive. It got to the point where I was just using the harpoon gun, then using telekinesis to pull harpoons out of corpses and throw them. It was more fun than playing normally. I'm also angry about the Switch and paid online.

As with everything in life you either learn to accept that everything is/was/will always be shit, or you go crazy

I have not seen anyone say anything remotely good about Destiny. Killzone is an average franchise with a likeable enemy where the people who like the franchise on here hate 4 and know it can be improved especially on PC.

Gunslinger is not made by ubisoft.


RTT is just replacing it right now.

What exactly is the difference between RTS and RTT?

To add fuel to the fire

Did you mean: Dotalike?

I can only pray that the rumors for DMC5 are true, and that Team Ninja can get they're shit together now that Nioh is done, and make a great Ninja Gaiden 4 without Itagaki. DMC4 SE and NG3 Razors edge were steps in the right Direction but DMC and NG need to make a comeback.

Fair enough, some good RTT out 7th there still, but nothing AAA though.

RTS is usually more macro intensive and is similar to the classical C&C experience of knowing the right units to use and clicking fast, while RTT is more micro intensive and adds more importance to individual units, sometimes removing the resource gathering completely.
World in Conflict/Wargame/Total War for example.

Shit, can't wait, only 9 years to go


Ahh thanks user

ASSFAGGOT is very popular like but nowadays RTT do make millions, such as Total War.

AAA does not matter.

>western games are destined to trainwreck because of nu-politics and modern jap games just can't fill that void for me

Thomas Edision was then what steve jobs is now. Man wasnt that smart and what a collosal fucking cunt. Failed to kill a man with AC current in an attempt to shw how dangorus is was. Thomas Edison is a retarded cunt that should be remembered for nothing. Under his theory we would still only have DC power.

Dude, we are still talking about Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 3, and fucking Fallout New Vegas.

It's obvious SP games have longer lasting power.


It is like taking a Shebly Cobra and turning it into a racecar bed.

I hear Nioh was pretty good and is kind of in that genre but I can't afford a PS4. Wouldn't buy one jut for one game, either. I need to fix my PC so I can get Bayonetta and Vanquish (once it's out).

I'm starting to wonder if I might be functionally retarded…


One of my favorite games of all time. And it's too fucking true.

you're not retarded, years of playing video games have just given you unrealistic expectations of how quickly you should progress at things.

Patience and discipline user.

I'm just putting all my bets on the Japanese at this point cause G-d knows Suckerberg is going to fuck it up. They know exactly what to do with VR if their fiction and video games involving it are any indication.

You are probably just trying to learn way too many things at once and overwhelming yourself. Just focus on learning something specific one at a time like modeling or sprite artwork. Lynda is a great resource to learn pretty much any program you want and if you are wanting to get started learning 3d modeling I'd recommend starting in something like Cinema 4d since it's a lot simpler to use than something like Maya. If you are wanting to do characters that's a whole nother can of worms if you have no experience in drawing basic anatomy and character animation. Try something like Adobe Fuse out if you want to dip your toes in character animation.

btw thread theme

You just need to find your genre. i had trouble finishing games too until i found the games i like, which is arcade, dungeon crawlers, and platinum style games.

How do I piano?

so what you suck at it user if you suck at something you might as well suck it good it will feel fun as you make it to be,i have same problem as you i keep jumping from game to game and you know when i finished a game? when my internet got cut for a while there's simply too many stuff to do it might not be your problem but if you wanna finish something turn off you internet you will might be surprised

I seriously have an issue with recall, when I was trying the whole game dev thing I would have to constantly keep tutorials open because just nothing sunk in. This isn't specific to game dev though, most things I learn I may not be able to recall until weeks, months, or years later. I have crystal clear memories of the most irrelevant information that I might have only heard or read once, if it was years ago, but trying to recall and apply something I read in a tutorial a few minutes ago? Nothing.
I think I might have real brain damage.

When does laziness become stupidity.

I can relate but to a lesser extent, I'm never going to have closure on something like New Vegas because it's so open but a game like GTA or Metal Gear I can do easily because they're straight-forward.

It wasn't time wasted or anything (anymore than other Holla Forums endeavors that is), but I'm pissed off that I spent a long time fighting an uphill battle against shit latency in competitive/raiding settings looking forward to not having to eventually, and now that I'm not being hamstrung by ISP monopolies - where are the games Eggman? The expectations keep going down as our technical ability to theoretically deliver and fix this fucking genre keeps going up, if there's ever been a time for a 20k hour timesink to pop up and provide a distraction from faggot-ass reality it's now. Life is pain.

I'm in the exact situation as you. I think the solution is getting variety in your life, having your imagination unrestricted, and exercise. If that doesn't help keep doing persisting and if that doesn't work than ponder suicide. We can make it but only if we actually try, if you think positive/negative things will be positive/negative but the thing that stops me from this is if I'm turning a blind eye to serious problems.

Get me next, pete.


please don't hurt me

this hurts

It'll only hurt forever and ever until we are both dead.


Like all the mmo devs are moving to mobile. There's no hope. No freedom from this hole.

hella cancer
some dank og cancer I just vaped through my eyes hella good

Video games was a mistake.

I hardly had any friends to begin with
at least I got you guys

All of my friendships ended in them betraying me or me fucking it up. The last friend I had from carefree youth I ruined after fetishizing his female cousin and neglecting him because I found 4chan, he's doing good now and I only hope the best for him. From then I matured in the good way but was still bad at connecting with people. The last friendships that I ended was me humiliating two of my friends after they were being cold for petty reasons and I didn't want to be friends with faggots who didn't age at all and were holding me back so I exposed a list of things about them they confided to me to impress so of my other friends but they went insane from depression so now I have no one but I accept responsibility.

In this day and age it's best if you just have tight acquaintances, no drama or bullshit just shooting the shit and building trust compared to the gooey and tedious process of building friendship.

What's the top right one..? That's a rhetorical question…

just a quick reminder that its shit


Look into mental alchemy. It just works. Unless your brainwashing is too strong.

read the thread you fucking faggot

And esports cancer and public SDK release never ever.


took me a few years to realize that raging like a retard isn't strength but a sign of weakness

Is there a chance that I've fucked my way of thinking up so badly with a decade of constant self-hatred and negativity that not even therapy can help?
I feel like it all the time and don't feel like wasting my time getting help when I actually know what my problems are, but they're out of my control or unfixable. I don't want to listen to someone tell me things about myself I already know.
I hate myself for who I am, and the choices I've made in life, I'm very much aware of it all.
I'm too smart to be a normalfag, and too retarded to belong to any true niche, surround myself with the kind of people I like, or do anything creative with my life.
Consigning yourself to live a life without human contact at 21 feels bad man.
I wish I had the motivation to get good at something.

this entire thread has copious amounts of concentrated faggotry in it and is a stark reminder why 4am threads were nuked

I'm not even pissed anymore at anything transpiring that I can't influence personally. It changes nothing beyond ruining my day.

The plebbitor who gave back the source code is most likely an illegal to boot, he had to ask reddit what the disk said.

you learn to stop caring about 90% of the modern releases, and keep chugging the backlog.
if i stop putting games on my back log now, and just rush every single game i still want to play, i will die before i get to the PS2/GC era.
Modern gaming is a very small fraction of the hobby, and you can keep chugging your backlog foward, and at the end of the year there is always 4 or 5 games that are actually really good.
The hobby is composed of way more than just the actual generation of games, i still have thousands of games on pc alone that i need to play, not counting anything from the last 5 years. that's not even counting mods.
just on the SNES/Genesis i still have hundreds of games to play, gameboy/advance have even more.
Stop caring about what the marketeers want you to care and look at the real value of the hobby.

Bethesda continues to exist and be loved.

He probably was thinking blizzard was going to reward him with a couple thousand bucks for his integrity, but he probably just got 1 free month subscription to WOW in return

But the nips are keeping the soul alive, using moe

He got a bunch of shit merchandise, $250 credit and an all expenses trip to Blizzcon. So basically nothing usable and only really cost Blizzard travel expenses.

Ubishit killed Warlords, classic and battlecry. Another IP in the dragon's hoard.

truwy you are criminiral mastermind

Just ask in the /agdg/ thread or board, silly.
They threw some cheap Razor crap at him, Blizzard are laughing at the retard and he doesn't even know it.

I already do this, but I get depressed each time I finish a game.
Went back to Symphony of the Night, a game I could have bought and never did because "muh 3D".
Knowing a thing it this quality won't ever be designed again burns my soul.
I'll probably enjoy them, but we both know they will neither have half the polish Symphony has, even the GBA/DS ones were underwhelming compared to it.

Nigger you better be jesting


What a fucking retarded bunch of faggots

Yeah because programmers actually care so much about the code they made for some mega corporation which screws them over the instant they are done if not earlier.

Just give it a try, the nips love wizard games so they keep making copying it and adding their own twist

i'm actually playing class of heroes 2 for the psp right now, can attest to being fun.

Holy fucking shit, they turned a supercomputer into a supercapacitor.

why is it shit

Might as well play M&M X while you're at it.

Because Japanese Amazon
Also I heard its casualized

that's vague.


Its what I got from the threads
Make a Yakuza threar and ask about it

Or maybe not post images of it on Reddit like a retard?

more freeware for us
has no games anyway
always check i-g** first


More IPs for EA to sit on like the corporate cunts they are you mean.


Daily reminder that civic nationalism is a necessary step to achieving national socialism. :^)

There is a reason why ledditor ends up doing retarded things.

I know, it's more just me lamenting at the state of my hobby and the world.

Yeah, this is something I noticed about myself. It doesn't help that I look at other people my age or younger, realize they're better than me at something I love, and start thinking "look at you, you're 25, why aren't you as good as them, you wasted your life, you may as well kill yourself because there's no way you'd ever catch up with them".

I know I need to stop comparing myself to other people, but I feel pathetic for being as old as I am and not being anywhere near as skilled as people younger than me.

I used to mow his lawn in the summer, as a teenager. the motherfucker had a fucking (decommissioned)sherman tank in his front yard I had to weedwhack around. RIP Tom

Also, feels through the years:

The xbox beta unit is useless. 50 were produced, most are in the hands of people who want to help with emulation and a grand total of 0 had any utility in emulating the xbox. I don't know why Holla Forums of all places ate that bullshit up but they're literally just prototype xbox hardware in a PC case. It's not like the hard drive would be filled with the hardware's design papers.

You think there wouldn't be documentation?

I can assure you the biggest issue facing VR is not expense. The real problem is that there are simply no good games.

I got a VR headset towards the end of last year. I spent maybe a few weeks on it before I just got bored. It was a lot of fun to use at first, but I just ran out of content for it and put sort of put it up on a shelf and forgot about it.

98% of all games made for VR are gimmicky trash that wear themselves out within an hour or two. There are precious few non-VR-specific games that happen to support VR out of the box, and the ones that do are simply not compelling (e.g. Elite Dangerous).

Remember when the Oculus was first becoming well-known, way back before Facebook bought it? People were excited to play games they already had using this new hardware. I remember some friends and I watching footage of a guy using an early devkit to play Mirror's Edge. That's what we were excited for, and it just never came. VR went from being a cool new way to use your computer and play your games, to a glorified motion-control peripheral that was only useful for playing joke games like Job Simulator.

Since when do people store documentation directly on the prototype? Stuff like that would most likely be kept on company intranet sites and shared drives.

On the off chance you're not just bullshitting that's pretty cool

I'm not saying that it would have the complete specs for the Xbox and a beta copy of Halo along with a coupon for a free blowbob from your waifu but there would surely have been something locally that could be of use.


one day
some day
there might be a good 3d sonic game thats better than adventure 2's sonic/shadow levels
maybe in 2019, maybe in 2022
and maybe never
.webm has the lowest quality settings enabled bar the resolution

.webm, to show that it isn't actually a playground
hopefully the creator doesn't sell out or something

Any cool stories from mowing Tom Clancy's lawn?

If you've ever seen an interview of Tom Clancy you'd find he's not a very interesting person.


I was in a thread the other day and some user was talking to him telling him what a retard he was, turns out he has cancer lol.

You have proof of this? The irony is perfect.



And that's why it's shit

your loss, faggot.

i didn't save it

Holla Forums, ladies and gentlemen


I want to turn back time.


Why do you idolize a crypto-Zionist?

kill yourself

Vid related. Sometimes it's better to leave things resting in the ground than have them brought back like this.

Conformists. They follow the direction of the crowd and are easily controlled by peer pressure.

I someone genuinely thinks this after saying Trump is racist for the so-called Muslim ban.

That was not just NTR. This was a display of pure, cold hatred of humanity's ways. People just pass by a person desperately in need of help. One just snaps a picture. The abuse by so much, from her abusive fuck of a boyfriend to former classmates. Constantly beating on her ending it with an act bodily abuse. Don't get me started in the despicable creatures that turned her into a junkie whore, lessening her chance of turning around for the better. Then she ends it all with a heroin overdose seeing nothing positive in her future. As she dies she has a vision of her finally becoming a good mother. Her dead body shall be passed by many, with most likely only the police taking care of the mess. I would not surprised if Shindol had some kind of baggage, that his or her possible views of the worst side of humanity led them to creating this train wreck. An attitude that plenty of humans don't value each other would have stopped any sort of good ending, leading to this terrible end. While I doubt there are gangs of bitches with a sense of superiority trying to beat the homeless to death, I don't doubt the abuse people give and take and how people just pass by things they would otherwise pay some sort of attention to. I don't even see this as hentai. There seems to be some sort of underground movement (as if hentai was not already underground anyways) of hentai that is more about commentary and disturbing the reader more than any fappability. I can recount two others, the one about the cowgirl slaves and another with a rapist retard, that one ending with the legal system refusing to press charges against him. Perhaps I've looked into this too hard and this was just tryhard edgy bullshit but after reading that I was fucked a little.

In case I end up like sounding like a pretentious fucktard, shit's fucked up man.

The nazi's were actually nothing, Their rise to power was directly influenced by the Zionist Party, the Zionist party's main goal was to create a nation of Israel for all jews. to achieve they propped op the nazi's into power by funding them and giving them support. the nazi's did their part by sending jews to concentration camps where they would eventually be shipped off to the state of Israel. after germany's rail system was blocked off on all sides the nazi's had to keep the jews inside their concentration camps and focus on the war. many starved and others died of disease. the nazi's allowed the red cross to feed and take care of concentration inmates. the Zionist had their plans ruined but they decided to use this opportunity, the nazi's were losing the war so they would turn this around and claim the nazi's were evil and that they were killing all jews, when it was really the Zionist who got the nazi's to round-up all the jews. The Zionist party had great influence and political power and anyone who had a different point of view was quickly labeled an anti-Semite and reminded of the nazi's. the Zionist party is still in power to this day and have achieved their goal of a state of Israel.

hitler wasn't shit, and he couldn't have done anything without the jews.

The BUILD Engine has nothing to do with the DOOM Engine…. The techniques to show sectors in the build engine aren't even done the same way. Both engines use optimizations that make sector-over-sector impossible, and it was only after polygonal geometry was introduced that SOS became possible in the Quake engine. And Ken at the same time implemented his own method of achieving SOS using a combination of polygonal and voxel methods, pretty much keeping the same schedule as Carmack. 3D Realms was originally going to use his polymost engine to make DNF, but we all know how that played out.

Fucking kill yourself, the new doom was dumb fun. "one click visceral combat" that was lazy, but well implemented as a rare last-ditch violencegasm when you find yourself out of dakka, to get a few major kills and some ammunition.

You're not fooling anyone.

Maybe it's just that I didn't finish it? It wasn't fun enough to keep my away from some guilty pleasure games but I got to the argent tower and thought the whole thing was fucking exhilarating before putting it down. The fuck do you want me to say? Does it have a super ass-tier ending out of the blue or something?

He says while using Something Awful memes.



I can't even get motivated enough to pick up a new game anymore. I mostly just play games I've played before.
Same thing applies to movies and books as well.

I've never been able to re-read the same book twice, with the exception of Lovecraft's short stories. But movies I can re-watch plenty. But that sounds pretty bad that you can't motivate yourself to try new games, what's going on man?

I still believe VR, even in its current meme state, has potential to rise in the future, but it HAS to bring down the price and increase the resolution. However that's only to increase the market size, that doesn't solve the real problem with current VR.
The biggest problem are the input devices, Oculus Touch and the Vive controllers are NOT, in any way, good VR input devices. What current VR needs to succeed is pic related and NOTHING else (and certainly not FUCKING treadmills) can work until we get Fulldive VR. AxonVR has the right idea even if the end product will probably be very expensive, but there's no other path to take for GOOD VR.

Price I can agree on, but resolution isn't that much of an issue. Current HMDs display at I believe 1440p, going to 2K or even 4K isn't going to drastically improve VR right now because we really need to improve the pixel density more than the resolution. You know, you can still get the fucking shutter door effect, so increasing resolution to as much as 4K isn't going to be the magic bullet, cause it'll keep getting worse.

As for VR input controls, the VR companies have pretty much gone back to what they were 10 years ago, giving up the idea of improving VR on a consumer level and targeting business for VR. I'm sorry, but if your product no longer sells to customers because you'd rather target businesses to try and get royalties and regular money coming in, then fuck you, you're not improving the VR industry, you're just trying to line your pockets.

There's always vultures who circle around the fledgling industry like "we're here to improve it." And 9/10th of all of these peripherals have one thing in common: they don't come through on their promises, and 2 and 3 years later people are still trying to sue to get their fucking money back.

The Oculus Touch and the Vive Controllers are the only controllers worth taking a look at, because everything else either doesn't actually exist or doesn't actually fucking work.

I can't, he's not pozzed

Alternatively seed a torrent for an afternoon and let everyone else spread it.

It just starts to be less of a thing in your life, which it should be by then anyway, still got 20 titles installed the odd one is worth a punt, that's all you really need. To be awash in solid titles is to have infinite time that was best suited to when I was a kid, seeing the industry go to shit now is a veiled blessing as there's much less incentive to waste life on mediocre shit made by subnormal pandering fuckwits.

Fuck therapy, if you've half a brain you know what's wrong with you you just won't ignore it or can't face it.

Motivation comes from being inspired.

Inspiration can come from even the most awful shit-heel of a person if you have a poor enough perception of them. I'm still the most angry I've ever been (at multiple people) because I fell for an ignorant self-destructive, insulting little cunt 3 years ago and I am in the hardening process of turning the cathartic rage that's boiled within me since then into making myself fitter than I've ever been before. Fitter, younger girls have shown vocal and physical interest since then and while that solves nothing it does make life a little more tolerable.

People never cease to be a source of surprise, one way or the other.

'Look decent topless', that's good advice for everyone.

When you have retards for beta testers you get a padded room as a game.


did you like the games themselves or just because it was an ip you liked?

No rerelease of this thing, I'll never get to try it.

No new thrustmaster pad with 6 triggers either.

No more of all those sticks there used to be.

No sticks with two 4-way hat switches.

No new gameport gamepads.

No gamepads with throttles.

No gamepads with trackballs, still!


There are old games like pic related that may never be uploaded to the internet for anyone to play. Including arcade rips, early freeware/indie games, romhacks etc… it really hurts.

no more run n drive
kill me

It's not lack of motivation, it's new games, movies and books being shit.
Books got flooded by hipsters who don't even necessarily read them and movies are a jewish moneymaker that stays alive because they managed to make people watch movies in cinemas as if it's a necessary part of life

I regret making all these "here's your controller bro" threads, the only thing i don't miss about third party controllers though are the low-quality dualshock clones and the search for their drivers.

Thankful reminder that Dune2K, Tiberium Dawn, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun are freeware and CnCnet maintain online games and even have mod support.

I unwittingly bought 3 games with Denuvo because I hadn't bothered to look up a list; I still play these games.
Still, that explains why mad max runs like SHIT. I mean it's a fun enough game…

Captch: pngysj
so here's a random .png

Check my dubs, I dubspose.

Saintttimmy April's fools was a monstrosity

The vive works, but they have to implement hands and fingers.

If I had the space and money, I thought I'd try making a tank or mech game for vive which would work because the cabin space is limited, to the size of the vive box. You could actually shit around in the engine with physical parts, physically load guns, move the drive sticks, etc.


I'm the same way, although I do try to force myself to play new games to see if they might be good. I just don't want to get invested in anything new because it will be ruined later.

This sounds interesting, have the source?

It really is outrageous. There seriously should still be a gameport controller available, a 2in1 or 3in1. It's not even a big deal for what it would be, it could be an N64 controller with the yellow direction buttons functioning as a hat. It could have sidewinder or grip protocol support or not. It could be a dos and saturn controller, they're close enough that it wouldn't be a waste. The gravis grip controller was already a 2d Saturn pad imitation.

It could be a gamecube and gameport controller, PC is the only other platform that could smoothly share a gamecube-layout controller!

Ahh, yeah! Is it a shrewd ploy to sell racing wheels? A handy compact racing controller seems like a very easy prospect, but they must really not want to so as to not risk cutting into the market for much bigger racing wheels!

and anime, user, don't forget anime. Thanks Haruhi, now 99% of everything is garbage LN adaptations.

Yes sorry I was also thinking 2007.

Wall of text rant ahead:

Mine is old enough that it's a preteen, it has lasted 11 years. The plastic from the cable is extremely dry and it's starting to shrivel, and it hardened years ago. Every time I use the thing I fear i'll break the cable and then i'll have to fix the thing. The sticks are smooth because my acidic hands ground off the grainy texture of the rubber years ago, and while the mechanism itself has no wear at all (thrustmaster really did well with this) it comes from a time when analog sticks were shit so it's heavily innacurate for today's standards even compared to sony/ms controllers. I accidentally broke off the top ear from the wheel, I didn't actually break it "off" but it's being held there by the rubber it's covered by instead of the plastic body. At least I never used the top one, only the lower one. The only thing wrong with the controller's design itself is the xbox360-tier dpad which is at least mechanical.
The writing on the triggers and the bottom buttons is almost completely off, although the other buttons are fine because the writing is built into the things. The wheel lost it's lube and it would get stuck because it had no lube so I had to open the thing up and grease it once, the inside was full of random grime and even dried cum which was a surprise because i don't remember masturbating anywhere that could risk having cum go into the thing.

Thrustmaster really hates money, they keep pumping out shitty controllers, useless flightshit that not even the 3 hipsters who buy them use and wheels that are good but heavily overpriced togheter with a pile of other peripherals/adapters that are jewish or completely uncompetitive with anything on the market. They could go back to putting out original and innovative controllers that pricematch console ones or are just 10 dollars more expensive while having 300x the quality and funcionality but they chose to be the new madcatz. Just look at the pile of trash in my pic.

He literally made a thread last time called
"Epic rage reaction images thread"
"Post your epic reaction images in dis thread xDDDD Holla Forumsros"

Madcatz? That's a ridiculously awkward comparison, they also have had their original design humongously loved! And I'm not talking about their Mario Andreti racing wheel - AFAIK that was just a quality standard-booster among wheels. I understand Madcatz's design brilliance was the Panther XL, their other sticks are much less heard of.

I don't see why Madcatz/Logitech/Thrustmaster would need to be innovative. Those features have already been tried. Shouldn't they just rerelease old designs, and better yet cautiously refine them?

They should just abandon clickable ministicks, allowing two extra buttons. The throttle is probably the one thing that never actually was done well, at least not having been implemented in a successful pad.

I don't see how that "piece of trash" is at all a good illustration. Wasn't it mainly a gamecube/wii controller?

okay but are there lewds


Speaking of Madcatz…

I know I'm not looking hard enough myself, but I doubt there's a chill, non-degenerate, non-spergy, non-autistic community of people I can enjoy vidya with and hang out at a jazz club at night or something.

I dare not hope.
They need to get a set of weights in the controllers somehow, something that could guide your hands with haptic feedback, shifting when you touch something.

If you want to have more laughs, my run n drive has the rumble motors in the grips and a run n drive looks like this. I think secretly doubling up as dildos is part of thrustmaster's strategy with controllers.

The game nights are overall pretty chill, feel free to join in. The next one is BF 2142. However I can't be 100% (nothing is in life though) on the none appearance of degenerate/spergs/autistics.

I haven't been able to join any of the game nights so far, but I did play HaloCE when sevlag (or whatever his name is) hosted a couple of times.
I already have BF2142 installed, so I should be able to play this Saturday. Game night does extend into Saturday, right? I keep getting nightshifts on Fridays

So basically madcatz died because they started making good products? I already knew quality was completely unrelated to success of products and sometimes even goes directly against it, but seeing shit like that at a million-dollar scale is just… wew.

Yes they are usually planned to go through to Saturday. However it is commom for it to also bleed into Sunday or even some times Monday depending on the host(s).

He could've double-jewed Blizzard and copied the disk info before sending it back. Whatever god is out there has a really sick sense of humor


Try the x52 pro. It's got 2 8 way, and a third on the throttle.

You just aren't looking.

Two words but one thing. Plus one more for accuracy.

Mob Mentality & circlejerk

I'd spent a year on Reddit during 2011-2012, so I speak from experience.
Choose any one of these:

Never ever?

Hopefully. The movie and comics are also shit.



You clearly didnt play titanfall 2.

I merely laugh at how he said that with a picture of EYE.
