First 2 minutes in, it starts off ok. Defending vidya on the basis of freedom of expression and so on. Heh,
I wonder if they realize that shit is still going on right fucking now, but the industry does not say boo because it's coming from an angle of 'vidya causes sexism' instead of violence.
approx 5 min mark: VR talk , and taxation, digital taxation.
approx 7 min: sequelitis.
approx 8 min: segues into diversity somehow, from diversity of title to hiring(?), dis gon be gud.
8:40: "one thing we don't do is we don't have quotas. We don't manufacture diversity". Heheheheheh uh huh, ok then.
10:00: talking about pixar, movie studios process, dailies. IMO there is nothing wrong with taking or learning from other industries practices, adapting it if it works. But christ, the western vidya industry sure loves their movie senpai, for all the bluster it gives about surpassing it in dollars amount.
11:00: the core process they're describing is not unique to movies, jesus fuck, movies\movie making did not invent face to face meetings where you review and critique the project of product you're making.
12:00: they're talking about adapting new ideas possibly from another company etc. People don't like change, but you can't be a dictator about it. Ok I know they're talking about internal company process. But here's a cuhrayyzee idea.
12:27: "and obviously it's Trump" There's the magic word and cue. But, don't go half cocked yet. They are not actually talking about Trump the way you may think. The two then talk about how it's not really the prez attacking vidya, but "who are the real players". Attorney generals, other politicians lawmakers etc. That part is actually not wrong.
14:00: gallagher talking about politicians who goes to e3 because they're vidya fans. This is nice and all, but imo that can be a bit of a trap. I'd much rather the politicians and lawmakers care about 1st amendment because that's really the core issue. It's great if they like vidya, but the 1st amendment thing, that's the key issue on protecting vidya.
14:26 +: Debbie wazzerman shultz is mentioned, gallagher talks about introducing her to the vidya industries(?) bla bla but her as a mom. "that's important". Head of DNC, bla bla she's a strong supporter. Meh, her name is not exactly impressing me tbh fam, if anything it's doing the opposite. Bla bla bipartisan, vidya game caucus on capitol hill.
I think I've seen that dog and pony show routine during the early dig and sift. I don't fault the ESA for trying to work with or do outreach to both sides of washington etc. But there is some not so good sign that it does have a preference towards one side over the other.
16:00: "So back to you Ted, when we look at these issues of diversity and inclusion, at the ESA we're focused on that intensely" HOLY SHIT GALLAGHER, WHAT IS YOUR OBSESSION WITH THAT, and I thought I was autismo with 2hu biz cards.
16:40: bla bla bla IGDA, we want the industry to be more diverse and inclusive. Bla bla of course we care, but we are so busy sometimes doing our work (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) that it's hard sometimes to do it in a practical way. That's why we support causes like women in games.
17:00: we believe there is a gender disparity in games, girls in games, IGDA again bla bla that's the cue, I believe that's the point where you get your checkbook out for the great timeshare condo in florida.
17:41: bla bla we can speak out, we released a video when the immigration ban bla bla, we don't believe this is right, rah rah we believe in inclusion basically virtue signalling here. We don't want to do what washington does, which is often, exclude. Fuuuuck offf already.
18:26:Ted Price: "I'm surprised at the amount of response I got, at the negative response I got." Wew, fucker, you virtue signal and lecture people from the comfort of your perch, and you are surprised when not everyone sucks your dick?
19:00: " I love america, but… I believe we can do it without being racist and xenophobic" Oh fuck off. Fuck you ted, and gallagher, feel free to fuck ted's horse, the one you both rode in on.
19:19: gallagher: how about a round of applause for ted and that video.