I made a thread
I made a thread
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sorry what now?
can't tell if you're doing this on purpose or not. God save me please
Well i'm not a trap.
This image is very cute
i always lose you at BP
Scarlet Devil.
Kill yourself, etc.
I'm just confused. have you told me before? I'm sorry, my memory is terrible.
Ram > Rem
You want one.
Knowledge is power, buy books read all day, get money.
But Overwatch costs money, and it feels even stupider surprisingly.
I can't connect so the plans are canceled.
That Late game Drop Off though
boy pussy
yeah, the money is definitely a barrier of entry. I played the open beta so I knew it would be a worthwhile purchase. but you seem to have plenty to play as it is so it's not like there's any pressing need to get it.
man I always forget that stupid way of saying it. yeah I hear that gets you drunk like, instantly. but it's dangerous as hell, so I'd rather not.
So whats your point?
It's $40, Grim.
I was really good at doing this until I spoiled someone recently. oh well
i'd probably try it once
good one tsuchi. very fresh.
I just feel like it's so easy to get drunk orally why bother. plus I like putting other things in there.
y u do this
D'aww did you miss Tsuchi?
No you
no shut up I hate him.
I know, I know. I think they even gutted the ME-163 recently.
I'm brain dead after being awake for 40ish hours and spending most of today in bed with an ice pack and probably about to repeat it.
I'll withhold the patting for another date.
There should be more kittens
you make a lot of good points. except liquor tastes nasty
yeah smiles told me she sent you to bed. head hurt? mine was bad earlier today.
I'm sorry.
You'll always be second fiddle.
you mix with with stuff you wiener. although it's getting to the point where even if I take a swig of straight vodka it doesn't taste bad anymore.
can you move me lower down the list? I don't want to be on the hook if something happens to smiles.
I'm just procrastinating.
I have that kanji memorized because Grim always missuses it when he sees Wish
Jeez, literally no love for the poor Germans.
Oh hush, I know the truth. It's okay, lovely.
I have weird issues related to my perpetual sleep deprivation and getting increasing amounts of migraines.
I probably should do something to fix it but laziness.
More so than usual.
Don't worry.
There's a few other back up plans that don't have penises.
If I get to that point of desperation, I would just kill myself.
Procrastinating for what? Your ironic prison rape?
when i do that i end up puking on my bedsheets and spending the night in the shower cause im too drunk to get up off the floor
It's pretty hard to misuse 爱.
It's pretty kawaii when you hear come from a girl.
Pick up the soap.
we tolerate each other. that's how it works.
it's more than a little amusing that you are too lazy to fix a problem where the solution would be to sleep more, indicating laziness.
make sure to take me out first.
you just have to learn to drink properly. I'll teach you.
the scum around me prevent me from having that much fun
well he does it pretty much all the time so
it's p gud when u hear it from a teacher too/
why are you doing thiiiiiis
I will not go down without a fight.
that's part of my reason to drink. but I mean you have your vices I have mine, nothing wrong with that.
I didn't even get a good response for that. Go drink some coffee or something.
I concede.
Have a drink with me.
you are one of them
Well I love the both of you, and you both have my blessing as well.
that's going to end up biting one of us in the ass sooner or later.
should i youtube or overwatch?
probably literally
smiles you're going to give me a cavity if you don't knock off all the sweetness.
Whats on youtube?
hopefully before the figuratively.
Come online.
RIP, guess you'll have to play other games.
I have no alcohol ;_; lemme come over real quick
Hey, fuck you.
Hey, fuck you.
See the two posts above.
Also, I need to be up in not too long so I'm probably going to sleep.
comedy gamers
worry too much
I already had a shower earlier anyway. I am running out of excuses.
I shall wait.
It's going to be a while...
How would I be posting if I wasn't online?
you're not even trying tonight. this is upsetting.
yeah I know I do. you know I know I do.
Go to sleep.
Watch overwatch.
my jeep is kill but i have guns so i'll hijack an airplane
Obviously someplace else, but never mind.
You didn't have any good ones anyways.
i know you know i know you know you do
Perhaps, a less illegal way?
Like kidnapping Colbs and making him drive here?
hijack a plane you say
count me in
stop that moogs. you're making me dizzy.
i'd have to steal a car and drive south for like 13hours though
tbh i've always wanted to do something crazy like that :^)
Hey, fuck you.
You promised last night.
Well I love spoiling people, so forgive me.
are you drunk or am i that good
watching* Overwatch isn't exciting for me.
go sleep you crazy person.
you have nothing to apologize for. it's just weird having someone be so genuinely nice.
second one.
You can do it!
i'm in the mood for upscaling some images, have any small anime image you want bigger?
Playing overwatch perhaps?
I find that hard to believe considering I didn't turn my computer on yesterday.
in the head. we both must be.
Wow, Nice one.
Who the fuck was I talking to yesterday, then?
i'm just anxious... to play alone. :(
They have the same sarcastic abilities as me.
Don't let them fool you.
Beats me.
well that would certainly explain how someone with zero knowledge of me could become so friendly so fast.
k brb loadin up the gunz
uhm actually i think i do have a shit load of rum here but i dunnooooo
it's alright we make mental illness look sexy
Gotta meet people somehow right?
post one you want doubled in size
(that's small but not too small...?)
Use your God damn name again.
you do. I just make it look depressing.
this one
Rum is nice.
Get some coke first.
there's that mental illness speaking
so cute
They call me Wordsmith Goggles.
stop that.
We operate in a pretty toxic community, so oddly enough being nice here is a bigger statement than being a dick. Though honestly I do it because I've tried the whole "asshole" stick and it only made life harder.
...they hardly talk. too much action happening. and i'm too busy playing to type too...
I'll think about it.
weird. I used to be so nice it was sickening and now I'm like this. whatever works though.
Don't say something that you can't take back.
i keep falling asleep
It's a trap.
This place is equally hugboxy the majority of the time.
knowing you that seems highly likely.
Win win right?
Good to know, I guess.
Let's fly it to the moon.
wow so original. I was gay before I ever hit the pony threads.
i dunno...
Girl what that mouth do?
And I don't have to do it.
As in their actions are a ruse, not that they are a dude in a skirt.
They're just Barry Manilowe not in drag.
i dun have any
i'd rather just come over
its l8
also why the fuck is there nothing to do in Florida other than sit at the beach all day and tan with babes??
So you were nice before then as well, obviously.
I don't know what that means.
too late to take it back now, tsuchi. I suspected all along anyway.
of course it is
go fuck nezi
I was more like I am now, but probably nicer. I was really young before all that.
Tsuchi was the same way.
I'm gonna read to Tsuchi another chapter of the Bible, so I'll brb.
They won't even wear a skirt or any girls' clothes for me.
It's kind of depressing.
"what can you do with your mouth?"
I can drop hot mixtapes.
lobbing true statements at me doesn't count as winning arguments if they aren't relevant!
wow really? that's pretty great. you'll turn him into an honest church going man yet.
but all those babes at the beach are killer
plus college parties EVERY FUCKIN NIGHT
How gay do those get?
There's another joke here I'm sure. But I'm too tired to attempt to make it.
Start with Psalms if you want to make him fall asleep.
almost every place with a college in it has parties every night mate
Do it Luka. I believe in you~
none of the things you did were jokes. unless you count saying unfunny things as joking.
gosh this argument is getting really heated. better not push me. who knows what ill do
Tough day
Recently hanging out with my best friend he's expressed to me loneliness. This dude is like one of the most charismatic people I've ever met, he's good looking, has a great job, has great weed, money, and exhibits Virtuous Selfless acts. He's very emotive, and easy to connect with
And so seeing him recently be so down
It's not how I want him to be
I want to see him smile again and hear his careless laughter
and maybe here in a couple days it will be back
But hes not the kind of person to just dwell on things
so I am a bit anxious here for the future
The past 7 people I kept company with through my years all kinda just got a gf and then completely stopped coming by, like I havent seen most of these dudes in years, without even so much as a goodbye
like 3 of them I will still see occasionaly at my best friends when they come around to buy shit and they always do that awkward
oh hey dude lets hang out sometime! Thing but i feel likei t's just talk
It's really awkward seeing them too, it used to be so natural to converse and now they just kinda like sit there all quiet and don't really respond much to conversation
So I have been a bit worried
My best friend is very charming
the surprise to me is he doesnt have a girl already
He blames it on the small own life and i'm like miore than a 100 percent sure it's not cause he's gay or anything
but this dude is the kind of guy who can pull pussy like a expert fisherman pulls in a bluegill
and I'm anxious for the future
When he inevitably does get him a sweetheart, will he do me just like they done and drop without even so much as a goodbye?
He's been my best friend for about a year and I've known him for about 4
but I was best friends with some of the old friends too
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I am really worried that soon I may lose my best friend and without him, I dont really know much what I'll do
I have 3 other friends
but 2 of them are much younger, stilll in highschool
And 1 of them is very busy, so we only hang out about once a week or so
It would be so nice to be a girl about now, so I could give him the happiness he deserves and still not worry about being displaced
I don't mean to be so selfish but it sounds exactly that
yet I still worry, and there is nothing to be done
because only time will tell how this situation plays out
Tell me about your day, friends
Well, in the mean time I'll look for fap material.
kind of want to push you now.
Pretty much, yeah.
oh yah tsuchi ignore the link
I click on a number to bring up the qr box then delete it
sorry a bit in a tizzy and a rush tonight
better think carefully. ill push back
kind of counting on it.
Need someone to talk to but it's almost time to go to bed so bleh.
Thanks but i'm to lazy to do this myself.
This thread is going way too fast
Kill me so I don't have to work tomorrow.
no way if I'm working up the balls to kill someone it'll be me.
Sorry to hear that bud
at least sleep can bring momentary releiff
What is weighing on your shoulders tonight?
thanks why i'm around right now, offering to up size a few images that are small for you.
just do it yourself you pussy.
They're fresh rhymes about the struggle on the streetsX rip my brethren.
You shouldn't be sad that they leave. You should feel happy that they have someone to devote themselves to.
Too tired.
what's your day like then
I got stuck working late because of some gay ass meeting about shit I've already known for 2 years
Here's something fun
In spring of 2017 kfc is bringing out a new sandwhich called the zinger
it's spicy
i'll try not to choke you out
someone in the world more lazy than me. upsetting.
don't try too hard.
You're very helpful.
So its all about sucking dicks right?
Oh, just need someone to talk to every now and then. So far I'm a bit too awkward to really carry any meaningful conversation so I just start posting girls.
That's only logical right
and again
it does sound selfish
but what about me?
What do I do in these situations
All of them go, you know ? and then who the hell have I got to even so much as keep company with
Te concept of making new friends is never something I understood
The friends I've had always came to me or have just been in my life I guess
how do you make your friends?
how many friends ddo you have?
Not laziness if unable physically.
i dont have the awake points to read all that
and i dont think my days been long enough to be that long
im just watching TI and talking to some cute guam girl
if you pass out we can do an ice bucket challenge on your body
No use getting embarassed and self conscious up in here badfox
never feel the need to force a convrersation but
AHH well I'm sure you should be able to finda comforatable one to join
that's the whole part of the board, yknow
it can't possibly take much effort to off yourself. don't you have a gun?
that sounds horrible. just let me die in peace.
alright well hopefully we can have a conversation tomorrow or something
well yeah but parties at the beach are different to me ok
lewd. you want me to walk in o nthat?
Heya, threaders~
i'll just have my way and wake you up later
Would have to get up and walk to the closet.
hi maggie.
that sounds agreeable.
you're right that's too much effort. I'm sorry for doubting you.
i sometimes try~ when i feel bored and happy.
i mean
we can talk but i dont want to fucking read a short story dude
you know?
ive only been to one
and i was wasted and barely remember
how are they?
But what to discuss?
Maddie I want a glass of milk
ur drunk go hommu.
how does the day treat you?
good cuz you wont be able to agree when it happens and id like to avoid legal issues
Get your mind out of the gutter! It's about survival and respect.
You just go find a group activity whether that be school, work, meetings, hobbies. One way or another you just need to expose yourself to groups. One way or another you will get along with them. But that's just my perspective.
I know it's hard not to be selfish but it does not help to dwell.
I am more tired than I realized. sorry maddie.
you can't possibly think I'd ever press charges.
I'm so fucking hard like you wouldn't beleive
Yeah, I read him another chapter of John, daily.
We just finished chapter 4. I read it to him, and then we discuss it.
It's for the purpose of enjoying the word. Silly.
I'm not the one who has a perverted mind here.
I am not bothered by it.
do you think i would choke you out
pretty bad but i love the burning feeling alcohol gives me in my throat so its k
also babes
idk where u live tho
im lost
Heya. What's up?
So get one, baka~
Pretty okay. Kinda anxious but it was good.
How was Bardo's day?
I was trying to get a picture of Maggie from the simpsons to post at you for that, but my net is shit lol
I like to default about talking about the day
If nothing interested happened during the day, then it's always nice to bring up the near future
If either of those don't work, A really good topic to bring up is interests
My own interests gravitate alot towards music, so I try to steer most conversations that way to get a comfortable footing
But I mean jeez there's
hundreds and thoussands of interests
And if you aren't interestd in conversaing about interests
Another good one thats a bit deeper than the standard 'how is your day'?
Is feelings
I can't speak for other people
but I love to share my feelings
I like to feel validated and to know that somebody else can understand and empathse with me
And I like to do the same
that...is weird.
well that's sweet. john is a good one. it's been ages since I read the bible though. I did read all of it when I did, back in like high school.
I'm kind of hoping you'll get really close.
better than I was before, so that's good.
how was the rest of your shift? things pick up at all?
Bard you okay?
dont be afraid to tap out
I didn't say anything, though.
Sorry to hear that my man, I hope you can find some releif soon
Today was pretty fucking lame on my end
Went in to be a wagecuck, got fucked all day long by wave after wave of people, and then for some reason we had to close an hour early, so we were all in a rush while gtting samped
Just so we could have a stupid meeting
Where everybody had to show up and the Super cunt nazi bitch dyke region boss named Julie came and rambled on til like 10 30 about stupid shit that is very very obvious
Something cool though
in spring of 2017
Kfc is releasing an ew sandwhich called the zinger
it's going to be spicy
time to go to camp again
Is not. This is how normal people react to seeing grills swallow.
Bible's a good read, need to pick it up again after my next couple of books. Only disliked Psalms.
I would, yeah. but it would be better if you just get me to finish fast. it's so good while you're being choked I'm practically drooling just thinking about it.
I'm feeling quite stressed out at the moment
How do you feel?
Coveting is a sin
auto-erotic asphyxiation seems dangerous
not unless they are swallowing after a blow job. that would make sense, but then you wouldn't get hard from it, so it never makes sense.
some of the old testament stuff is ridiculously boring, but on the flipside it has some of the coolest stories in the whole book so eh.
yes. which is why I have never done it.
Not too well.
But, ah well.
That's where I stopped at. I can't believe I actually took the time to read every detail on how the Ark should be built.
Your life makes no sense!
which is why I need you more than ever.
all i remember about texas was hard life living in a room with snakes and strip clubs everywhere
I know it is. It's exactly not wanting to which I want
That is most definitely good to hear! *huggu*
It didn't pick up too much but once the time rolled around to start doing closing stuff it wasn't too bad~
We were training a new kid in the kitchen and I was showing him how to clean the grill thingy and I was like "yeah, that's not hot, you can just wash it now" AND HE FUCKING GRABBED IT BY THE ONE HOT EDGE. I was like oh, come on *facepalm*
hohoho, new menu items are always cool. We're getting some soon too. A philly cheese steak, 'tato skins and... I think one other thing but I forget.
I wish we got as busy as you made your place sound tbh.
And yeah, hopefully Monday. I'm just trying to figure out my plan of attack so to speak. I think it's mostly in my head/anticipation like it usually is, but iunno.
any of my friends here yet
true true
with bikinis the norm and all
That was too far. I apologies.
Doesn't have the action of the New Testament, but it has the most memorable stories.
Just breaks the tempo I get when reading. I usually skip over Psalms.
Sounds like you lived in West Texas.
Not too well? well that's never good to hear
maybe tomorrow will bring yyou a smile
maybe perhaps you must wait a week or a month
Is it something within your control?
can you fix it?
Hm hm hm.
I'm gonna be heading to bed soon, so don't worry. You had a long day though, you should already be in bed.
Well if you want to start reading it to keep up with tsuchi and I that would be nice.
We can talk about the chapter and relate all of our own understanding of it to each other.
sounds like you tricked him real good, yup yup. nicely done. I'm proud of you.
i got you covered
hopefully your leash doesnt snap from how hard i pull it
I am a covetteer as
everybody sins
it was very accurate.
hi boo.
yeah, the new testament is where it's at, but I mean it has the main character of the whole series so that only makes sense.
I'm not in much of a religious mind these days, but if that ever changes I will let you know.
we could always just get another leash, so don't let that hold you back.
That shit's just the absolute worst, reckless, aimless worry and wonder
Hope it eases up soon deary
And philly cheese steak sounds great, even if it's fastfood
Man I would trade like 3 items on the kfc menu for that
normally it's not very bad here but when we close early it's like someone
idk man
sent up a giant magnet and was like
everybody in town git over here
i'd just hate to break anything more than your ass
You're a grown up. Pour your own glass~
Nooo it wasn't even on purpose. I had just been talking about grabbing it from the side, there's a sharp edge, yada yada so I figured he'd grab it there. He's a dummy stoner type so iunno.
i just stayed there during the summer for 3years
no clue where i actually was because we always got on a private plane. wow i could have been kidnapped or died
ya but i want it from a
i was testing if it kept transparency when upscaled and it did!
Everything's overtime from tomorrow onward. Was hoping to discuss some things, but work hindered that it seems.
God's in the whole book.
Trinity's in the end.
Well, tomorrow I do get to go out and have some fun.
Loneliness isn't something I can really control just have to deal with it for now.
Yes, I can fix but it's going to take time and effort.
It's not about being religious, Tsuchi is an atheist after all.
It's just about enjoying a book that influenced the entire world while discussing the points it's attempting to make or the image it's painting.
Kinda like if we were discussing poetry.
Close your eyes and sell your soul. Hate is cheap.
so your best friend is a total stud but he told you he was lonely and youre sad about it
Are you dead?
just avoid breaking the bones and breaking the skin. bruising is perfectly acceptable though and in fact encouraged.
you don't have to explain yourself to me, maddie. I'm proud of you for showing him you're the top dog around there.
yeah it turned out nice. you should give this one a go, if you don't mind.
I was referring to Jesus, actually.
yeah, a good point. I'm still going to pass for now. the offer is genuinely appreciated though.
If you aren't interested in what I have to say then don't fucking speak to me in a diminutive manner
go waste your time some other way I won't humor those who won't humor me
Part of the trinity, yes.
only on the inside
There's a hunger in your soul, headed deeper down the rabbit hole
Falling fast and flying blind
Trapped in the starless wind tonight
Can you tell me what's left when nothin's right?
I consider them three different distinct beings.
Rotting flesh?
How uncouth.
wtf we're enemies now?????
hmm... i guess reduction of image noise works too~
sounds good. i'll make it up to you after
I consider them three distinct entities that also comprise one being.
pretty good. thanks luka.
I'm here talking about the street but you're focusing in on that gutter.
I think that's a bit beyond me
How are you tonight master of mine
tuck me in ruka
Jewish holocaust victims were treated better than this
Yeah, man. I do too. Monday. It's something I have to do. *sigh*
It's not actually steak though, it's almost like rehydrated beef jerky type beef. Iunno I don't eat beef so I didn't try it but it looked pretty rank.
omg so it must be like.. sometimes when we have local events like a concert or a baseball game everybody swarms us like the last hour we're open and it's balls cause we're trying to get our closing stuff done and they're all getting huge-ass orders. It's brutal sometimes, but getting through that is the fun part lol
lol nah. I can't handle that sort of responsibility. Either that or they really ought to pay me more :p
no problem, thanks for giving me something to test.
I need to remake this but it's relevant for now(if i remember)
idk maybe. i hope not. i still try to look not dead. i think i'm gonna lay down for a little and probably fall asleep but i'll be on steam
I thought about Ruka today. Kinda wanna go meet them again to see how they've progressed.
No idea what you're on about
If you aren't interested in what I have to say then don't talk with me
as simple as that
make it up to me? but you'd already be doing me something wonderful.
I think we basically have the same way of thinking about it then.
they should pay you more and let you slack off more.
sure, no problem.
dude, just go to your fridge and get some milk bro
Well good.
is ruka another poster?
ive been calling luka ruka
wtf we're enemies now
oh well we had a fun run bard
you and only you
nii pon q q
Well message me anytime. You know how I am.
Not a problem, love. I would just feel bad if I didn't offer the opportunity. You know you're always welcome to join whatever cooky think I'm trying to do whenever.
you mentioned wanting to cuddle but if you insist i can just chill out while you lick my cock clean
sorry i'll fix that.
I dunno i'm kinda bored
who would when in a fight
a sun made of fire or a sun made of ice
Slacking is hard for me because everyone expects me to cover their slack x_x
Ah man that's so frusterated
here a couple months back we got some like
'honey barbecue' to make sandwhiches with and it's just like that
All dehydrated and gross even though you'd think it would be good
It's the worst yuck, and I guess that kinda just ruined alot of my hype for that ahaha but not really lucky enough to have a dq down here anyways
You're a real trooper to get through that end of the night bs
It's like a rite of passage or something for the fast food world
I couldn't imagine how it would be working at a McDonalds
I want to talk though...
Tired, usually.
yeah, there used to be a ruka poster.
and I will keep that in mind. thank you, smiles.
so be it
you always know just what to say.
so slack twice as hard to show them you're the best.
No response?
here too
I'm super lucky no man's sky came in the mail today! I'm really excited to play it it's updating!
Have you gotten in your daily dose of gaming?
I suppose it is kinda late huh
they just fuse i think
we can have a conversation
i think youre a pretty cool guy anyway badfox
i will rally my forces
meet back here in a week with yours
and we will do battle
bebop just told me the story about how he wanted to dick that person
but you gotta tuck me in, ruka
I apologize this one got away from me without seeing it
That loneliness shit is the devil
pardon for asking this
Do you have many friends?
I know it's not the greatest answer at this time of night but
man friends are the absolute world
If I haven't alienated everybody around me
I'm not posting correctly
Are ice pokémon attacks ineffective against fire pokémon?
I mean.. nothing in fast food is difficult or anything. I've had to do like a $1000 hour being the only one in the kitchen while filtering the grease before and it's whatever. Just time management I guess*shrugs*
It's just very unsatisfying.
I've contemplated slacking off hard and messing up on purpose for a week then asking for a raise to either A) get a raise or B) at least prove a point to the owner.
there~ all better.
At the moment?
I'm not sure.
you like rock?
ive been going through clutch albums
listening to strange cousins from the west
really good music
makes me pumped af
how are you feeling
since im not your friend anymore i dont have to comfort you
pull me in tighter ruka
i want to feel your heart beat ~
I worked all day and haven't played any video games.
feels bad
Get to bed then you goof.
I don't know why, I just innately like you, and you haven't done anything to make me feel uncomfortable. If my constant invites to different thing ever become bothersome feel free to say so.
What are you even going to do?
yes. and fire is super effective on ice.
I feel like while it sounds good the idea would end up being a bad one.
they are unlikely to. I don't have any problem turning them down until I feel otherwise, and I know that you won't take offense to me saying no.
you're starting to grow on me as well.
Yes, in the current games, ice type attacks only deal half damage to fire-type pokemon.
Was referring to you, Smiles.
Also, Ladies first.
god is trying to tell you to try and make him straight
you have a mission from jesus to purify homosexuality
i heard you managed to do it to tsuchi
Yes, I have a few albums in my collection.
Bored, looking for something to fap too.
You might be the only person I've ever talked to who has said that
I gotta
one hundred percent agree
fast food has to be some of the easiest actual work in the entire world
it's just
damn so annoying at certain times
I like to tear down my chicken tables at 7
and assholes come in at like 8 45 right before I'm out and start ordering buucket and buycket and bucket
Thank you elma this cheered me a up alot tonight
fire melts water
way to make it gay, pervo
Were you looking for some help
i didnt mean to type that
clutch albums? or rock albums?
Typical reaper main.
Yeah, probably.
Especially if we're training new peeps now apparently *shrugs*
you're basically a woman so whatever
bottom reply
meant for ruka
But if ice melts, it becomes water, and water is super effective...
you definitely should bring that up when asking for a raise. so make sure to do a really good job so you can point it out and you're way more likely to get the raise you were already probably going to get.
um, WOW. rude as hell.
yeah I know it's a weird one.
bard tell me what you think of no mans sky.
thats the conundrum alright
i guess none a dis really matters.....
Nah, TGs to the rescue.
I have rock albums. Namely Led Zeppelin and rolling stones.
I have no record player sadly.
thats kind of u but i dont wanna talk
i would call you less than human but then there would be an opening to call me a dogfucker or something
uh okay
it would also turn me on a lot so better not.
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