Welcome to the weekly Waifu thread
Waifu Wednesday
toriel best tbh
Pretty low energy OP there Xionfag
What kind of fun vidya have you fags been playing recently?
this smh
Waifuniggers will hang on the day of the rope
Ok, something weird is going on in this thread.
Junko user here
Also what do you mean something is weird, fishfag2?
I decided to do another run of New Vegas.
Going with an independent 'cowboy' run.
The Mouth of Madness
'Alien - River of Pain' audio drama.
Great stuff, really recommend it to anyone wanting to listen to Colonial Marines kicking arse.
can benis gurls be waifus?
As long as they are feminine benises, yes.
Finished Ico but now I'm wondering if I can finish Trails before my new computer arrives.
Anywho, happy Wednesday.
I request this thread lower it's furry to non furry count.
Sure thing
You could have been anything, yet here you are.
So are you :^)
Early today, eh?
Final Fantasy XIV. Very nearly hit 60 as WHM. God only knows what I'll do after this. Might level a tank.
Airing anime
A nice cuppa
this tbh
Alright time for autism fun.
Yakuza 0 finishing the story tonight
WKUK and i started Heroman, bretty good so far, the animation's great.
Cashews and Peanuts
Drakengard OST
by that logic catgirls are furshit.
my rule is if it's got human skin it's okay.
Mein nigger
I really need something new to play. I suppose I could get P5. Anyways, I am playing pokemon as usual
Nothing really, I have being rather busy latetly a friend recommened me something called, re:creators so I might check it out
Beans, Malasadas, Rare Candies and Puffs
Vidya OST as usual
I have being rather busy lately. Finals are drawing near but I will avoid a few since we are doing pratical stuff instead of written exams, so there is that.
considering how fat and socially retarded Holla Forums is, i expected them to be more into alphys than into fish
Nobody is attracted to Alphys, not even Alphysfags.
When was the last time you saw someone on this website say "trash"?
You heard the hotpocket, faggots.
Holla Forums is for
Where are the videogames, Holla Forums?
Not anymore, user. Not anymore.
the best part about Mae is that the creator tries to say she has dissociative identity disorder but she's really just fucking stupid and doesn't respect her parents and how they supported her
who are these devils, and what have they done?
How'd you start a thread without a picture?
be the worst characters in their respective games.
I don't know who that cat is but there is no way it can be close to levels of shitiness that Alto has. REMOVE ALTO TEAGAN DID NOTHING
The first one is Alto, a bitch who was rised to save the world due the fact that only her family can do it. Due having a lot of presure, since you know, saving the world is a big deal, her parents preasured her a lot. She had one close friend who really cared for her. It turns out that she is a self centered cunt who wants to bring ruin upon the world because mamy and daddy were mean to me
That's cool and all, but have they destroyed families, put people in a personal hell, and lie about it all to cover their ass because they would rather kill themselves than face the concequences?
never not funny
can you at least kill her?
Yes, you can kill Alto.
He said annoying character that never becomes a better character, this isn't a contest to who's done the worst shit because this asshole would win every time
WELL, in one of the endings Teagan has enought of her shit and Removes her. Every shitty action Alto does is presented as justified by the game since she is the MC. To top it off the game is absolutely terrible.
I feel like I'm missing out on some pure hatred here.
I need to play MGS sometime. All of them, haven't played a single one yet.
am I seeing this right is that a goblin
Huey did nothing wrong.
I thought it was a golem.
alphys and huey are the same character only that you are supposed to like alphys in the end
Toby sure as hell gives you no reason to
I used to think you were okay Xion-fag 'cause I saw that screencap of you explaining KH in 9 posts but then I saw that you take part in these cancerous threads and now I feel nothing but disgust towards you.
Now there's 2 fishfaggots. Cancer just spreads if you just ignore it there's the proof.
wow, autist takes part in autistic activities
in other news
water is wet
Redditors can't appreciate waifus. Come to weeb vidya
yes, go wherever just don't stay here
Nice dubs but don't be retarded. Why does Avatarfagging Waifu Wednesday still remain the exception?
I don't know there's some autism that I consider okay, I respected him for his dedication to the game in a way.
Anyway I'm out there's my daily (1) as per usual the hugbox will either filter or ignore.
What kind of love is a waifu? Is it idolatry like a god, or is closer to the love of another human being? Do you love them for the ideas they represent, or for who they are?
I want to go running with Emi!
it's pre tulpa stage, mental delusion
In my own experience, it's more close to another human being, kind of like a one sided relationship, but due to not being real, it's more likely that one would love a waifu for the ideas they represent than who they are.
that's the strangest glitch I've ever seen
sage for off topic
if only it were the truth
Hypothetically, if there was a 3D who embodied most of the attributes of your waifu, would you go for it?
feels pretty good
I don't deserve to be loved.
that's because it is. Anime and waifus more often than not conjure up inevitable thoughts about them not being real and wanting to live in a fantasy world. I used to watch anime, but couldn't really cope with it. I'm simply a wizard in training, anime or not
you're a human bean, nobody should be forced live a life without affection
Holla Forums is the joke that just keeps getting funnier.
If you're gonna buy any of them get the legacy collection, it's got pretty much the entire series and it's been out for 4 years so it's probably pretty cheap.
I still can't decide whether i prefer 2 or 3, MGS3 has the best gameplay, the camo and cure systems were also pretty cool, but MGS2 feels the most like what a Metal Gear game should be, faults included.
it's just nice to truly love something without having to deal with the sluttiness, bitchiness, greed and general normalfaggotry of modern women.
Why settle for 3DPD when i already have perfection right here.
meant to reply to instead of
If only that statement were true.
3/5, better than last time
I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 356/2 Days and I'm not quite getting the Xion waifuism. Roxas is hotter.
Both of you are fucking faggot niggers.
Wednesday already? How time flies.
Been playing some TTag2 and SFxT. Remembering now why Tekken was always one of my favorite fightans.
Odachis are king
Two Best Friends, LA Noire
Hey there.
Cashews and Peanuts are tasty.
Hey JuriFag
Peko and I reporting
Finally got back into FFXIV
ISS stream
comfy as fuck Final Fantasy music
Hey PekoFag
How was Final Fantasy 14 so far?
Good to see everyone again!
Dragon's Dogma.
Made cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
Dark Souls OST.
I started a new character to play with some friends and starting as an archer has made the opening pass extremely quickly. It's pretty fun
Civ 4
I saw GotG last night
Spanish fascist songs
What games are you looking forward to? Played any newer games that managed not to disappoint?
Hey TifaFag.
How you doing?
Fine, life's been good; Comey got BTFO and was accompanied with liberal tears
Nothing I am trying to find a place to stay in another city on short notice.
Oh shit, hope those 8s keep you safe aquabro.
Yeah they do taste good, just don't eat too many.
Thanks, I do have family I could stay with but that would mean more than an hour long drive to work and I really don't want to do that. especially since I come from rural area and I don't like driving in big cities during rush hour though I guess no one likes it.
Be safe AquaBro.
Doing alright LyndisFag?
I'm ready to show off my Wirrim build on Nioh.
Well you can't have too many.
Was learning on my L plates and while driving through the city, I was wedged in between two semi-trailers on a bridge. That was a scary experience.
Doing alright. Really need to do a clean up of the place so I'll probably do that tomorrow.
designated shitting thread
Going to work hours early, so here's my Wirrim.
I heard Comey got fired yesterday, so it's all good.
Planning on what to play next on the next month. Either SF5 or Tekken 7.
i have zero knowledge about waifu's in gaming, as the games i play tend to be metroidvania mostly, but once in a while things like DS 1, 2, 3 pop out, bloodborne makes my life, again salt and sanctuary throws me back to my place.
but i have my waifu's one waifuish girl is firekeeper from DS3, dunno much about her, was an NPC but was real sweet and cute, real Waifu, 2B, NieR Automata.
That sucks man, hope everything works out for you.
ID Change, heading to work. Be back soon.
Hey JuriFag, did you see the new character reveal on Street Fighter 5?
Wednesday already well the time just flies with Sakuya.
Gensowanderer just beat the buyking but man the game expects you to spend a lot of time grinding in the dungeon to power up items to fight. Also forces you to go sword and board instead of dual weapons.
Breakfast muffin
Lethal Weapon movies, wanted to see what they're like. Didn't expect the first one to be a Christmas movie.
You like the DS3 firekeeper over Doll girl? That's surprising.
Everything related to Street Fighter 5 will suck ass just like the new movelist for Juri
There's something kind of sad about her. She calls herself a doll and she expresses human emotions but she has this look in here eyes…
spoiler that shit user
калинка моя!
She's a big girl
Nothing because I'm studying for my last final tomorrow.
The Bible project
I love Eerie.
Trauma Center: Under the Knife. I'm terrible at it.
The Young Pope and John Carpenter's The Fog.
Vegan lasagna.
Water and black coffee. I'm dieting.
Lucky Girl by Red Velvet. Red Velvet did a song on my waifu's OST so I started following their group.
It's kosher, too. The Jews wouldn't poison their own people, that's why I buy them. I'm eating healthy because I want to live as long as possible for Eerie.
go back to your own fucking board
these threads may be cancer but you still aren't welcome here
Yeah. Underwhelming character design to say the least, and that's not even counting what they did with his movelist. He's either going to be unplayable garbage, or he'll break the game. No in-between. I can't see how anyone still supports this shit anymore.
How stinky are his feets?
Would you be able to get close enough to find out? He's running around all the time and rolls through the dirt. His bedding is raw meat. He farts pretty often and his diet is nothing but fish. He'd smell pretty bad even from ten feet away…
I fell asleep, what did I miss?
then explain soy
report the thread for not video games
hmmm I had heard that it produces estrogen, which I wasn't concerned about, but now you made me look into it further and I'll be removing it from my diet completely. Thanks.
Don't have much to play after Persona 5. Thinking of maybe going back to Nioh, especially with that new expansion out. Otherwise I could always hatch for shinies while I shitpost on here with all the freetime I have now.
Were you affected by the flooding? Either way hope everything works out for you.
Nothing much apparently, not even any fun shitposters.
Hi guys
What horror game is this?
I hear it's called Tumblr, but that might just be a working title.
Is that a real campaign ad or a joke? Because it the man in wuman is a different color than wu, and it's in red so all you really see in MAN in red letters at first. The irony of it all is that he's a tranny.
That creature is serious, whoever it is.
It's real
He needs to fire whoever his ad campaigner is, this is bad persuasion.
at break, will be back soon at evening.
I would say he would break the game.
Hey TharjaFag
Good luck on the finals.
Haven't seen you awhile EerieFag.
Take your time making precision, don't rush it.
I don't know why I showed up.
for fun?
More than likely, I think. And now watch, they'll ban him from tournament play like every stage that has been released this year, with the exception of Akuma's, thus defeating any purpose someone would have to play him. Either way, I think this is the beginning of the end for this game.
I want to see them go further. Forget commands altogether, why not a character that plays with just one button?
Planetside 2 for bullying cucks with Holla Forums
Dog videos
PB sandwich
real music
Today I learned Holla Forums is full of furfags.
Why stop there? Add a character that quite literally plays themselves. Once selected, max difficulty AI takes over and you just sit back. Perhaps this will be fun to watch unfold.
Why stop there?
Add a character that has invincibility frames whenever they move and if you attack your opponent once you win the game.
Heading home, so I might be back soon.
It would be that one time that Akuma can one touch death the entire cast in Tekken 7. I'm willing to bet that they fixed the scaling on Akuma.
I do believe it's almost at the end of the ride…
Is that his final moveset? There's literally no motions or charges.
Yo, how was the Planetside 2 session?
Why stop there? Why not letting the person get a win by picking a character? :^)
Why stop there? Why not just let the person who plugged in the controller first win the game when the game starts?
So far as we know, though after their CFN beta they might change it if it's bad enough and people bitch about it. But it is Capcom, so I'm willing to bet they wont.
I believe that they did. I know Akuma was kind of a problem and I guess they were gonna fix him.
I want to go running with Emi too.
Why is Flynt so unhealthy? How are you supposed to enjoy videogames if you don't take care of yourself?
2B rocks. The Firekeeper is great, too; helped to add that bittersweet flavour to DS3.
Do waifu threads on Holla Forums exist just because /a/ bans crossposters on sight, or is there another reason?
That and the 'waifu boards' are even individually more shit than this thread, according to last week's blob.
I'd have assumed waifu boards to simply be dead.
Mostly, yes, but the 'alive' ones are basically what if Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, and the worst parts of Holla Forums had group buttsex and that somehow resulted in a baby.
I love the hell out of my daughteru.
The leftists flip their shit.
Microwave shit.
Leslie Fish.
Over the Comey thing I presume?
This is campaign level of comedy going on.
Is there more happening?
All I've seen is the Colbert clip where he chides his audience for breaking the conditioning
Yup. That and the subpoenas going around. It'll be hilarious if nothing comes of them, but I can't say I'm certain that'll happen.
That whole segment was amazing
I'm surprised he didn't go on a fag hating tirade after that.
Another one of this
Why is this allowed?
That fuck up was comedy gold.
This is new, what kind of buthurt are we talking here?
back home, how is everyone?
Cute daughteru, I already heard the left is throwing a fit about Comey getting fired. It is a good day.
Because Holla Forums is pretty light-handed with moderation.
reminds me,
how fun was they bleed pixels, looked pretty fun
It's pretty good, as far as indie platformers are concerned. Don't feel bad about pirating it, though, the devs are massive faggots.
unless the vols don't like you
Petrinefag here, I'm sorry I'm a little late
was playing some good old school runescape
endless loop of Resident Evil 3 save room theme
So how are you all?
What, the occassional ban for derailing threads and shitposting, and a short one at that? Try visiting /a/, it bans people for fucking typos
Doing alright, getting comfy, and playing some Nioh. DLC levels has those elongated neck people that is giving me a tough time.
I don't think anything compares to /a/
I've never had a problem with /a/, only got banned once for a day because I checked someones digits. All you need to do is lurk a board for a day or two and you should fit right in
I've seen people banned for a week for a typo.
That doesn't happen anywhere else, that I can recall.
Is /a/ that rulecucked??
Isn't their BO a /leftycuck/?
Here is some recent finds for my waifu, would you care binge watch a single trilogy with waifu?
Movie or Vidya goes.
So anyone been playan bloodborne lately? i've been stuck underleveled between rom, logarius and ludwig. i just want to get the fucking wheel.
At least the old hunters weapons are pretty fun.
I've been feeling pretty comfy lately, huge backlog, nice weather rolling in so i can do more outdoorsy shit, steady stream of leftist salt from comey getting fired. life's good.
i got a 24hr ban for using a the gay community reaction image, you tell me.
Reminder that your waifu is a canadian jew
I got banned for 24 hours for saying THICC
Pretty autistic
Ever use Lightning Paper, and stick to Rom like glue? That's the only viable strategy I got against Rom.
A tranny to be exactly. I won't be surprise if that tranny BO was also a Holla Forumsommie as well.
The PS1 Spyro trilogy I guess
Hmm, that's a tricky one.
I'd probably go with either LoRT due to it's sheer length for maximum comfy with my waifu, if nothing else.
I honestly don't know of many trilogies, most of the stuff I watch and play are self contained and not a franchise. I guess LISA counts.
I've been doing that but i just get fucked by 20 spiders with no room to dodge, i'll get it eventually i just gotta work on it and level a few times.
top taste.
If I were to be comfy for a trilogy binge…
The Indina Jones trilogy, and Rachet & Clank trilogy.
I haven't check much, never planned on lurking either.
Spyro trilogy, lotr or Toy Story
I think she'd like The Witcher. She'd probably think Geralt is pretty cool
Prequel or original trilogy of Starwars could be fun especially the part where we argue about which was better
How do trannies keep becoming BO's?
An attempt to D&C anons I'm sure, probably seem legit enough to the old BOs or create the boards themselves.
They are natural attention whores; the average user is content with his shitposting and knows that the job as BO is more trouble than it is worth, a tranny is someone who is insane to start with and constantly wants attention and power over others in order to make themselves accepted, completely oblivious to the fact it only makes us hate them more, and will go out of their way to gain positions in power- even in places that despise them.
Pretty much.
I wonder how many their are on /mai/? The inner clique certainly had one.
So you're all trannies?
I only know about the one you're probably referring to but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple more
The Timesplitters games, because co-op is fun. It's technically a trilogy, right?
At one point, I think there was at least 2.
xion zion
So Kingdom Hearts has been nothing more than a jewish plot to take over the world this entire time?
Remember a waifu lives as long as you love it, and the second you turn away from it is the moment it is lost
who is this a and why should I remember
it seems important
Is every thread like this?
well, that was fun
see you fags next week
no video games whatsoever
See ya.
Well shitposters is what makes this thread entertaining.
I was still busy playing Nioh, grinding for gear.
Morning LyndisFag
Hey, hope you're doing well.
Just woke up, so I got time to prepare.
Well it's been fun, goodnight fags, see you guys next week.
Okay see you next week.
Remember to love you're waifu.
Yes. Making a single typo in your post is reason enough to hand out a 24h ban. The reasoning behind that is that no other board has this retarded requirement, so people coming from them won't be prepared and will get banned – /a/ believes that anybody who uses any board other than /a/ should be banned.
Firekeeper was definitely the sugar doses to balance off those testosterone inducing blood rain and brutality and adrenal drowning rage and frustration, shame however there was no "touching moments" unlike one you would have expected because of bloodborne.
barely you will find a tranny who is not a leftycuck, simply stating its like a pedophil supporting muslim young girl marriage system, its fucking retarded thing to do but its in Criminal's favor so what ever.
Good morning everyone, how's the vidya?
Nioh is still good.
Already finished the main game, considering to grind for gear for the DLC.
Odachis a best.
Just got Nioh recently. Haven't played much of it yet, but it's pretty good. I like the dynamic of fighting Yokai and human enemies, needing specific items for each. It's pretty fun.
Wirriam a weeaboo
ID Change, going around town, and stuff.
Thread might go kill tonight or tomorrow morning, always remember to love you're waifu.
Wirriam is full blown weeb
Good Afternoon/Evening everybody. Finally done with college for this semester. Now let the endless summer with the summerfags begin.
I'm starting Pathologic. It's neat so far but knowing there's a timer on everything always bothers me
Planning on doing anything fun?
Work more hours at my job, vidya, E3 cringefest with anons, beach, and hang out with friends.
I'll be checking with a local game store for other av cords, so hopefully it's just the rf cables
I just wanted my Genesis to have a little brother
Back home, but I guess it's time for me to play more Vidya. See you guys next week.
Bye, i'm gonna dick around Samsara
I just wish I could get better sleep. Last two nights have been rough.
I've been having a rough time with that too. Hopefully I can get a good night's rest this time so I can actually function tomorrow
Better early than never
See you guys next week.
Have a good weekend everyone
I LOVE TIFA! See you all next week!