Friendly reminder that if you're a buyfag, to check 3rd party retailers before just buying shit from Steam

Friendly reminder that if you're a buyfag, to check 3rd party retailers before just buying shit from Steam.

NieR was, and still is on sale for %15 off as well. Same with the DLC that just came out.

Never buy shit from Steam if you can.

I bet you think buying secondhand games support devs, too.

1 shekel has been deposited into your account. Thank you for working with JIDF Enterprises' subsidiary, Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS).

Yes, buying from anything other than the company store is the same as stealing from your boss, user.


Can't I just pirate and send the devs some shekels?

Obvious GMG shill is obvious.

He's referring to the fact that most of Hollywood has overblown budgets for coke parties and huge salaries to people just because. They get away with it because they have such a huge fucking audience of normalfags who don't know what to do with their money.

Looking at games it's pretty clear some of them do the same thing. EA, Ubisoft, etc. Buying directly from the company doesn't save this because it's inherently a developer problem.

However, not all games are AAA scams like movies which is why I posted this

i'd hazard a guess that all activision and ea sales figures are subject to hollywood accounting, their production budgets don't make sense. i doubt the devs make much they're probably foolish college students.

Very few of those keys are from sales, bundles and lower prices in other countries.
Nice pretending I'm pro-Steam just because I don't want to rip off devs. If I can't get it outside of Steam, I e-mail the devs and ask for a bank account or address to send a cheque to.

I'm the goodest of goys when it comes to making sure the devs get paid, but Steam and publishers can get fucked.

I thought you where referring to something else.

No, Hollywood has enough money and no one loses their jobs over shit performance save for contractors, who's future employment was already up in the air.

I'll support an independent film release, but a blockbuster won't make me blink an eye over pirating.

m8 i get that the reason everyone pirates on PC is because you don't actually own shit but jesus don't feed the machine

What the fuck are you talking about?

I would buy more from greenman gaming but they never get games I want. Just today I checked if they had a new release of a game I want, but nope. Not even listed on the site

As long as it is a Steam Key i am ok with buying anywhere it's cheap and i don't get scammed, i see people bitch a lot about g2a yet i ve bought plenty of times there without problems, however most titles are cheaper in the actual Steam store for me, because i am not American and Steam gives us a generous low price to compensate for the regional economy or whatever. So thanks but no thanks OP

Almost all "real copies" these days are just empty cases with a steam/uplay/origin code on the inside.

stupid land-lovers

the closest thing to a 'real' copy you can get on pc these days is a pirated or drm free digital copy. it's a shame there's no way to hand money to the people responsible to release while retaining a copy you can use freely.

Is Green Man Gaming DRM free? I want to buy games from GOG but they operate out of Cyprus which my bank doesn't like so I can't do business with them.

GMG is usually a steam/origin/uplay/whatever walled garden bullshit there is key

Anyone who buys anything at all from Steam and considers themselves part of the PC master race is a delusional hypocrite. Steam is fucking garbage as far as customers actually receiving an enduring product that can't just be revoked at any time for any reason, and for devs getting paid.

Always buy games straight from the dev. Fuck Steam.

I was a buyfag but then paid mods happened and I haven't started Steam once since. Thanks for showing me the light, gaben!

is the only way.

I commend you in whatever cause it is that you can excuse piracy with, but acting smug about it to buyfags is like preaching to a wall.

Steam is a service, people use it because they like the service, devs use it because they like the exposure. The alternative has always been there to just not use it, then again if you go and buy from a dev, like i did with Hatred, you just get a Steam Key a lot of the time (along with DRM free copies if they have such option)


Arr, Let's pillage 'tis thread

Yeah, hope you enjoy the luck running out


First bitchy response with a sage is always JIDF, on every board, Chaim.


First post with a sage is me saying that keysites are just as bad as steam and merely encourage scummy behavior of a different flavour to Steam's.

Not everything you don't like is the boogeyman. It usually is, but not always.
Do the Holla Forums mods allow you to be anti-trump without getting banned yet? I haven't visited for 18 months due to that shitfest.

Holla Forums is literally the worst it's ever been. if you post anything even remotely against the accepted zeitgeist you're a Jew and as such are to be ignored and mocked. you're still a fag though and the god-emperor will deal with you in time

do you blame them?
look at all the shilling that has been going on
sage for off topic

Pretty good wew to start the day with, thanks fag.



"PC gaming was a mistake"
- Steve Jobs

Just bought x-com form g2a

I wonder when my luck will run out, I always buy games for peanuts there.

Are you for fucking real? How many times have you done that and has it every actually worked?

At least tell my you only ever paid them through gift cards.

You have to go back.

I didn't buy Prey, I was using it as an example.


Whats the fucking point.

Pirate or support the developers, these key sites are essentially you paying to pirate a game.

Except, the online features and multiplayer and such actually work in the games you buy from these key sites.

I don't know, maybe 3 dozen or so?
I gave some comic artists and animators money at conventions, sent a cheque for Doom, split in half, to both Romero and Carmack, sent a Bitcoin donation to some indie game, did a wire transfer for EYE etc.

I'd rather cut out the middleman taking 20% cuts and go straight to the source.

Correct answer.
Be sure to buy the $500 console and $60 game. It's what """they""" would want. :^)

i a sense you already bought it spiritually and mentally, thus your example gives a bad example and makes faggots think prey is acceptable.
you have to go back

Western AAA games are Hollywood.

Didn't you hear? Common sense be damned, if you are not against them then you are with them!

Someone got bullied.

goddamn nu-prey sucks ass.

Someone has to resort to non arguments and insults. :^)
Besides, I did the bullying by high school. Turns out if you have the numbers you can bully the ethnics. I loved living in texas before it went full sharaia law.

What are you a nigger or something?

100% Orange Juice and DLC have been consistently cheaper at Fruit Bat Factory's website than on Steam for a long while now.

Where the fuck do you think you are OP?

Try again.

At least they didn't just sell you a DVD with a Steam installer like they did for MGSV. But they didn't sell that sweet ass PVC figure with the PC release either, so…

You realize giving money directly to the devs in no way incentivises a publisher to commission said devs to make a new game for them, right?

Supporting (((AAA Publishers))) has obvious drawbacks but in most cases they paid the devs in the first place and won't do so again if the game never sold to begin with. Good on you for putting your money where your mouth is, but I don't get how that's "helping" the devs you like in the long run.

Physical cocksuckers are a riot