Rosemon BM
What about you guys?
Rosemon BM
What about you guys?
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How is this video games
Digimon is video games, no?
Were the new digimon games anygood?
wew lad. Still, posting best Aquatic Adult-Level Digimon.
20th Anniversary V-Pets soon. We're getting a shit-ton of new fusion Ultimate-Levels
Digimon is anime, you didn't make a thread about any digimon related video game, this thread is technically not video games
I suggest deleting this thread and remaking it to be video games
If you want to get technical, Digimon is actually toys (V-Pets). Also didn't Digimon World come before the Digimon Adventure anime?
Playing Cyber Sleuth right now. yes it's fun as fuck, I'll be doing digimon world very soon.
That is a horrifying abomination. But what you say interests me. Are we really getting new V-pets?? are we going to be able to buy them in the states???
I want Flamedramon to throw dat ass in a circle
How can somebody have such shit taste. But yes we're getting new V-Pets. You train 2 Digis instead of one. Dunno if you can buy them in the states. The only new mons that have been revealed yet are the Zubamon line and Omegamon Alter-S, and they said the fusion Ultimates are all going to be new.
I think its nigger slang for twerking
I don't care if people think he got retarded in 02, Vamdemon is still awesome. Remember the time Dracula turned into a giant monster who talked out his boner so the hero punched him in the boner so hard that his boner came out his butt and he died? In the anime he talked out his vagina instead but it wasn't as funny.
Alternatively, Millenniummon because of the sheer autism that revolves around him.
Yes. The anime even references (subtly) shit that happened in the game. And Digimon World isn't even the first Digimon game.
I want to play a cool digimon game, but all i've got is a PC, i've already gone through the ones on PSP and DS on an emulator, and that mmo on steam is horrendous. What do
The PS1 games. There are like four and they're all super different, but fun in their own ways. Even Card Battle.
The Wonderswan ones have pretty good grid based battles with a collection aspect a little like Pokemon, and also they have DEEPEST LORE that the entire anime actually revolves around, but only the first one with the simplest gameplay and smallest amount of lore has an english version.
Rosemon X is better.
She's not in cyber sleuth
where the fuck do I even send you to?
>>>/a/ or >>>/vp/ ?
I know, it's a crying shame.
MachineDramon all day every day.
It is literally Infinite Dragon Monster. It cannot be destroyed. When they thought they killed it, its lifeless non-soul somehow manged to continue on until the Y2K bug caused it to merge with another super-ghost from the future and create Millenniummon, a being so powerful that he created Mugendramon in the first place.
I wish to know more. What should I read/watch/play to get this information?
Movie 1, seasons 1, movie 2 our war game, season 2, movie 4 revenge of diaboromon
then Digimon Tri
Then if you want alll the other season
Reminder: Digimon has LEGITIMATE INCEST in it.
SO let me get this shit straight, its a
Sorry mate but it's Mugendramon
Gabumon. The fish girl's pre-ugly form. Terriermon. Ladydevimon. I don't know.
here's mine
but twerking IS nigger slang, how many layers of negroid cultural deprecation are we in right now?!
These are two of my favorite digimon
What do you mean Canon Incest that scares me
please explain more
He probably means that garbage article about Taichi and Hikari. Personally I think it's just bullshit and if I recall it correctly, it was mostly conjecture about that scene where Taichi has to fuck back off to the Digiworld and Hikari doesn't want to let him go. Something about the 'body language' shown there belonging more to a couple than to siblings.
It was just clickbait and controversy generation
Cyber Sleuths had a few rough spots translation-wise, but it was pretty enjoyable.
One of the guys from the original show said that tai and his sister have an incestuous relationship in an interview
Rapidmon was mvp of my cyberslut run and I've always loved how he looks
Stingmon is a close second
Wow its fucking nothing
This is my favorite digimon. I haven't ever considered which would be my favorite outside of the Ultimate level because I am not that into it, but if forced to pick any singular one, this badass motherfucker would be it.
Mienumon would be my choice for waifumon though.
probably the only good thing from Tri.
Pics related.
Also guess who's possibly coming back for Cyber Sluts after a thousand years of not being in a game,
Gabumon a cute! CUTE!
Reminder than this is how Gabumon looks without fur.
I know, I still think it is cute.
World 3 had it right, you could switch between stages at any time, even in the middle of a battle.
Wasn't he in Dawn/Dusk?
Well, it's kind of cute in the pug dog sense of cute.
Funny that with Digimon's love of recolors Gabumon without fur isn't it's own thing with it's own line.
Time sure does fly.
Reminder that metalgreymon is a virus and the vaccine one from the anime is a shitty recolor.
This nigga right here.
Terriermon, hands down
Rosemon X was added into the game later on because of how well the game did. A bunch of digimon were added actually.
sexy monster girls
I ain't gonna webm it because i'm at work
excellent taste in this thread
what digimon related games have you guys played lately?
I've been playing Re:digitized as my first game with the World gameplay format and it's suprisingly comfy taking care of your digimon
I'm aiming for a shinegreymon after my megaseadramon died
It's not fair I know the anime season (frontier) they appear was shitty but the desings were pretty cool
I think I'll go full bore with uploading official images that are damn near /monster/
As for my personal favorites…
Digimon is so much cooler than pokemon.
You gotta wonder though, how has there NEVER been a cross over?
How did I never notice Giromon/Tekkamon's bulky right arm.
and now back to some hot stuff.
Simple, the two fanbases hate eachother and are, technically speaking, polar opposites. Pokemon games have been the same damn formula since day one and never change it up until they fucking break the game.
Digimon has NEVER been the same, never afraid to try new things, never afraid to go back to something that worked, never been afraid to cater to the actual audience, never afraid to outright say "every fucking thing is Canon because Milleniumon and Ryo's adventure fucking made a multiverse", never afraid to outright kill characters.
Pokemon plays it safe, Digimon is never afraid.
Dunno, he's pretty fucking built on that side…
That's so annoying. There is room enough for both to coexist peacefully.
I just realized I want to see a Magnemite connect to a a remoraid to a Mantinee
Digimon sure loves it's asymmetry, almost half of the designs have different-shaped arms/legs.
Not that I'm complaining, it's a pretty cool look.
Why does this fucker always remind me of Nuruto.
Lets not forget how Digimon has been "evolving" with it's fanbase.
No love for the /k/dramon family?
Come on, you have to have some sort of taste here
Digimon frequently display lopsided designs because, again, Digimon is never afraid.
That, and the designs of digimon often come from contest winners.
was about to post that, though you forgot a few stages there.
Well, shiet, I know what I'm playing next.
Wait what? is she really in cyber slueth??
It wasn't Rosemon X that was added, it was Burst Mode
Things like whole /k/dramon line is why I love Digimon. The designs just scream "Cuhrazee" (what other mons series lets you raise a dinosaur with a gun?). Just look at the first three "final-level" Digimon ever created: A cyborg Dinasour Dragon that's also a zombie and can throw nuclear missiles from it's chest, a small ball person made of metal who can blow shit up with it's bare fists and a Giant teddy bear who uses the power of love to weaken opponents and it's actually being piloted by a poop-throwing sea slug like if it was a fucking mecha.
Wait Monzaemon doesn't have a Numemon inside of it?
Only in digimon will they come up with batshit stuff like this and excuse it with "it's shit you find on computers" and everyone just nods and goes on with their life.
it just might be…
It's the "lore" behind Monzaemon that Numemon, due to being so pathetic, couldn't get very strong so hopped inside of a popular teddy bear and, after being loved again, started utterly wrecking the shit out of his opponents.
Yes he actually does. The official explanation on why the "Trash" Digimon Puppet-Type mons is that the Trash mons are actually piloting the puppets from inside: Numemon for Monzaemon, Scumon for Etemon and Raremon for ExTyrannomon.
turn into*
Aye, this guy got it right.
Honestly it makes sense that a bunch of mons are basically just monstergirls considering the sheer amount of porn
You seem to forget that design of digimon can be fucking shit,sure they're never afraid but their creatures are never meant to "live on their own" in a sense.
I'm not saying this with contempt,I'm just saying fact that Digimon are different types of creatures which allow them different design sensibilities.R
Pokemon are almost always meant to live without human intervention in some way while looking "kid friendly" for better or worse."Evolutions" look like actual stages of growth(bar a low point in gen 4) instead of a different pokemon inofthemselves.
This is to contrast with Digimon designs being always based on something from the human world and their "growth" feeling in some way artificial.Then there's the obligatory Mega/Ultimate humanoid evolution a lot of Digimon have or the mechanical/mechanoid evolutions to otherwise "organic" creatures despite no outside assistance being required.
and that is part of the reason i use the japanese name.
So who's ready to see OmegaNumemon.
Funnily enough, Anomalocarimon can evolve into Scorpiomon, making it even more confusing.
Yup, and some time those shit designs are deliberate to showcase the digimon being flawed or crap in various ways, which you can't do with a "logically organic" creature like pokemon.
Also, even the most pathetic digimon is built for combat whereas there are tons of pokemon that, while they can fight, aren't built for it.
I just ponder what the fuck would happen if the japanese companies decided to put both of them into a game/tv episode and see what the fuck the americans come up with.
I was blown away by Voltboutamon
What the hell is up with numemon and sukamon. it's so silly. I love them though
What do you mean? I don't understand
The first new fusion they revealed was this guy. As for existing fusions Examon and Omegamon were confirmed. Also apparently according to pic related fusions need specific mons unlike DW: Next Order (but that's a game so obviously it'll have different mechanics)
I can actually get behind that specially if in later games you can get it by jogress with pic related
I am deeply annoyed by the fact that the mask isn't his actual face.I know it's etween two pretty faced faggots but it being his actual face(or the mouth being unseen) would make for a lot stronger design.
Translators are fags that don't get/think that the audience won't get the reference.
I guess I don't actually know the japanese names so the frustration is lost on me
Maybe it works like Greymon where it looks like a mask and it's actually part of it's face.
Basically ,it's impossible to mention Gargomon and have anyone think of the white creature due to bad dubbing.
Oh shit that's fucking fantastic, i was wondering when they'd make Examon a fusion like he's supposed to be.
Here is the first full trailer for the next Digimon game.
we're actually getting cyber slut 2?
this is fucking meta and I love it.
i just hope they don't ruin the game by putting that stupid "training limit" of 100 stat points, because that was total bullshit.
It also contains Cyber Sluts itself If I readt it right
Allegedly it's been confirmed to contain cyber sluts + all it's DLC because of all the assets it's reusing.
I agree with you there, Satanmon.
What do you think is a good number? Let them max it out? 600?
normal Baluchimon and Satamon when?
his base form looks so fucking chill
He's beefy as fuck, all defensive focused and his sig technique hits all foes. he's pretty good for being in a long term battle where you're knuckling down. Equip him with death/status resists and you're fucking set.
Guess I know where this guy came from.
Idon't know if locomon is een in Cyber Slueths
the game had "bars" going up to 999, but it was literally impossible to fill any of them even with accessories.
i'd say either 1000 points (total between all 4 stats trained) or fuck off and let us train until everything is maxed. that limit was bullshit BECAUSE you CAN SEE the stat bar goes up to 999 but it will never do so, not even with all 100 points into the digimons highest natural stat and 3 accessories boosting it.
isn't leomon the krilling/kenny of digimon?
yeah and also 70+ more digimon which is great
and from the looks of it alphamon's complete line will be in it, Meaning the DORU line will have it's actual mega DORUgoramon in it
I'm hoping they bring more of the olimpus XII
Yeah it's become something of a run on joke.
I mad
Here is hoping all the Bancho are at least in it.I mean, fucking CATCH MAMEMON is in the game along with Dinobeemon.
I always wanted this to be true even before I knew it was. Thank you, Digimon.
So apparently Holla Forums has their own Digimon
GranLocomon is. Normal Locomon isn't.
LKmon easily has 1500 speed or more.
i wanted to play in hard mode but that piece of shit forced me to go back to normal for one fight because its just not possible to beat him in hard mode. they didn't even test it.
Are Digimon games just not profitable enough to justify a PC port?
they're too fun, that's why
only a matter of time. we had /k/ and /monster/ covered. Time to hunt for a digimon that represents Holla Forums
Bamco is an enigma. They are kinda floating around it and only making/localizing digimon games on the sony systems at the moment.
Sweet jesus
daily reminder that this thing exist
its a literal furbait with tits
RANAmon doesn't count, she's monster girl tier
RENAmon doesn't count, she doesn't have boobs
What is this thing again?
Here :^)
In short?
A digimon that incorporates 2 in the 0 and 1 database of the digital world because Yggdrasil is off his meds again. Alphamon showed up to kill it after it started spreading infection everywhere and he went into the human world to walk through the chosen digimon to try and kill it. He slapped the 02 crew's shit and even with Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon, he just ignored them and wanted to kill that fucking cat. Commence them forming Omegamon. Alphamon slapped him around for a bit, but when he saw Omegamon was falling apart, Alphamon fucking left. Commence the fucking cat going nutty, killing leomon (again) and infecting the 01 digimon to the point that the digital world had to be rebooted and all the digimon lost their memories and don't remember their humans anymore.
cheeky fucker
Same. Hosoda delivered
I aim to please.
But seriously, there aren't many Digimon that look like videogame things. You could kind of Bullshit it with Death-X-mon, since it's nature is "to be a final boss". There's also Repuremon but that's an Appmon.
i still don't get that
did they really killed them off in adventure tri?
Hey guys do we know if the effects Farm Goods in CyberSleuths stack?
It's heavily implied that Alphamon did it, but honestly, they are "gone" and were in the digital world when it rebooted.
They do, but remember that you need your ABI at 100 and you have only 100 total points to spread among stats.
So do they return as Digimon or fucking what?
inb4 Chaosmon-style fusion of the 02 children
No clue, the movie series isn't over yet.
the latest trailer mentioned Ophanimon Falldown Mode, but hikari wasn't anywhere to be found, so who knows what the hell is going on.
Ok, I remember when that episode aired. Even the english cut gave a really fucking weird vibe to it and the animation was several grades better than the average episode.
fucking hell
how is digimon tri anyways as of now?
most of what I've heard was that it was kinda shit or just boring
is it true or is at least entretaining to watch?
they're also going in reverse,
mimi and joe got their ulti-evolutions first
im guessing tai and matt are going to get their victorygreymon and zeedgarurumon on the last movie
it got emotionally good
it got a bit uh, you know
So how the fuck am I am supposed to do a digimon that needs like 140 in every stat?
Also I think I broke the game.
Each episode usually has at least one interesting fight in it, so there is that, but honestly, they seem to be trolling everyone by saying
Dorumon for his entire line off the top of my head or just Dorugoramon more specifically.
Just captures what I love about both Digimon and dragons at the same time.
oh, found a plat numemon, eh?
ok, here is what you do:
getting Lucemon Satan Mode is a biiiiiiiiitch.
I have over 4mil yen. and I get shit like that frequently.
And I actually have a lilthmon and shinegreymon BM and rosemon B, It is a bitch I was hoping there was an easier way.But fuck it I'll just deal.
Getting the last few endgame tier digimon are a sper pain in the ass but once you get them you'll wonder how you ever had trouble getting any of the other shit.
fun fact: bloodborne is shit and the machine has got at least 10 better games by now
It's probably going to be these two (they were made for the 20th Anniversary after all) but it wouldn't be bad to see the original variants.
This guy
tailmon or impmon
That was a pounding you can't recover from
Self-esteem of everyone fucking destroyed
Alphamon could have fucking killed all of them, but he just uses little potshots to get them to fuck off so he could get that cat, but when they just kept getting in the way to the point they summoned ANOTHER royal knight (the most zealous and vision clouded, no less) he puts up a little fight but when Omegamon starts falling apart after two damn attacks, Alphamon just leaves because he knows Meicoomon will do the job for him, then he can go after it when the chosen are dead and out of the way.
fucking hell thats brutal for a digimon anime.
All the hot girl mons are the best
All the shitty guy mons are the worst
Nothing comes of this in Tri, I'm guessing?
I sense rape.
This sounds pretty fucking bad. It doesn't even seem worth all the effort and the human world shouldn't even be in danger.
Digimon is full of pure sex, fucking gods. Look at all that top quality ass among the most well known ones alone.
I love knowing this. Digimon seems like a franchise that respects and serves its fans in return for their support.
koromon is best mon.
give me a tl;dr pls, i hate watching anime.
wish this had been a game or something.
It looks like some virus managed to spread throughout the digital world and fuck it up. The Royal Knights showed up to try and destroy the point of infection, which was that cat. The digi-destined decided to defend it for some reason and all of their digimon were infected save for Kabutomon. They then rebooted the digital world, which I would assumed wipes the slate clean and ends their adventures once and for all.
I didn't see the entire movie, but from the video I'm guessing that
All the good digimon get infected with a virus that turns them evil. Tentomon tells Izzy that he was really glad to get to know him and that learning something new about the unknown is good. Tentomon then goes super sayan grabs all the digimon that were infected and the big evil bad guy, and suicides them all.
>none of the digimon reached the safety box
>all the chosen digimon are reborn, but everything they have done, all they knew, is gone
>all the bonding, the fights, the kinship, the sacrifices
even with all that you described in greentext, you get like 700 at the very most.
so why did they bother making a bar that clearly, viisibly goes up to 1000, or 999 since its a digimon game. it super fucking triggers me.
fuck yeah HerculesKabuterimon is top stronk. always wondered why only agumon and gabumon got to evolve beyond ultimate during the original anime
It's so that the CPU can break the fucking game when you switch to Hard mode.
damn straight
Yggdrasil would evolve the digital world to trinary process, but needs to restart the entire digital world in order for it to work, but at the same time, the world will be able to grow much farther than it's original boundaries.
It's a good thing digimon never really die. R-r-right fam?
So they made an ending worse than 2
When Togemon digivolves here you can see 0, 1 and 2.
They already have 2s in their fucking code.
Yep, as soon as they got anywhere CLOSE to Meicoomon, they were infected.
The way the digital world is in the present, a 2 is like giving a digimon an extradimensional infection for which they have no way to process, hence why Yggdrasil needs to reboot the world in order for it to evolve and adapt.
some digimon are sex incarnate
Who remembers the old quest thread on half-chan pre-exodus with Witchmon/LadyDevimon?
Fucking perfect.
oh fuck
So wait is that the ending or is there more where they rebond with their digimon?
Those spoilers cover the first three movies; the fourth and fifth movies deal with the consequences of the reset.
Almost there. Keep waiting, buddy.
Why hasn't Digimon made a comeback yet
the comeback is already here dummy.
when will Next Order have a sale? its been 4 months already and it stands strong at 60$, hasn't gone on sale once.
Isn't that the final boss losing his shit?
nah m8, its just matador.
my own head cannon is that brachiomon was the natural greymon evolution, then when humans arrived one of their experiments was to make a greymon evolve using a machine virus, the experiment was a success and resulted in the metal greymon virus type, the evolution was so successful that it overwrote brachiomon's place as the natural evolution resulting in the metal greymon vaccine type
He's fucking awesome, but I wonder if he likes living with what he's voluntarily done to his body.
MetalGreymon feels like an imperfect bridge between Greymon and WarGreymon. It's obvious they tried with both being armored and having hair.
Look at these plebs. Also
My only regret is I wasn't able to justify a way to stick commandramon line in here, since darkdramon is my only main favorite I wasn't able to work in
When I was growing up, it was called Baby > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega. Kind of weird calling Megas Ultimates now.
I use a mix of both localized and unlocalized names, personally.
In training 1 and in training 2 is stupid, doing how the dub did it where the base is baby makes more sense. Rookie sounds retarded so child is better, but adult sounds like so I stick with champion.
Perfect > ultimate, ultimate > mega
Man I want a PC port of this shit, maybe we should beg. I figure I'll get a ps4 oneday anyway but still.
I also like the Keramon line, I don't know why I love them but they are so appealing, I don't know if it was because of the movies or because how progressively meanacing becomes each stage but somehow I find armagemon cute for no reason
So what are the must play Digimon games anyways?
they aren't connected to each other, but anyway, start with the classics
world 1 (american version, european version freezes at ogremon's fortress)
world 2
world 2003 (make sure its "2003" and not just "3", 2003 is the european version which has a postgame, the americuck version is just 3 and has no postgame).
i want to fuck that cat.
I like it because despite digimon looking crazy as fuck, it still manages to look alien.
Cool, I'll track down the roms when I get home. Is Dusk or Dawn worth getting as well?
i couldn't tell because i never played it.
but from what i've seen, they're very similar to world 2003 (in overworld) and in battle its just 2D sprites with no animations whatsoever, like in classic final fantasy games.
the thing about 2 and 3 is that the battle animations are always slow as fuck and unskippable.
I'll keep that in mind and try not to judge them off that. Still, looking at some screenshots they look pretty good.
And really I'd be interested in any of the portable games granted their good. I find myself being able to play vidya more on my 3ds than my PC now of days but there seem to be a few Digimon games that came out on the DS.
Why didn't any of you dogshit digicucks mention the best Digimon in the world?
Because we're not furfags you fucking degenerate.
because whenever you mention her the thread derails
Also, can you get a Gatomon in World 2003?
92 posts in and this is the first time its reared its head, put that on the wall guys I think its a new record.
cant remember, startpage it
I can tell you this
if you liked world 2 and 2003 turn base style gameplay dawn and dusk is more of it( there are other 2 DS games: Lost evolution and Super Xros Wars but sadly they are in moonrunes and there is no translation patch)
and if you like it too you might like cyber sleuth since it improves alot of stuff from them
if you liked world 1 monster raising gameplay more then get re:digitized english patched or next order instead
there is an upgraded version of re:digitized for the 3ds sadly the translation patch is not complete yet you would have to wait a long while to be released
i hate -watching- anything
if i have to stay quiet consuming media for hours on end i get bored. give me something to do for fucks sake. this is why i'd rather play vidya where the cutscenes don't last hours (except on MGS4)
Best digimon are the mamemon, locomon, andromon, and /k/mon lines.
Best boner fuel is ladydevimon, angewomon, beastmon/mervamon, beelstarrmon, and that one amazon digimon. Fairimon line, ranamon, dianamon, and kuzahamon are good runner ups.
Fuck off, retard.
>he's more machine now than mon
Wargreymon was meant to be where he returned to his roots but his true future was to provide the chest and left arm of Mugendramon
It's implied the 2's in the code now altered all the digimon, which is how they could have agumon and Gabumon become Blitzgreymon and Cresgarurumon instead of their previous megas
such a fucking good scene
because 99% of artist make some shitty fox instead of the digimon that is based on the tapestries of feudal japan
What anime/game did this come from?
The X evolution movie.
Omegamon is a main character in this film and wargreymon is female and you'll get pretty pissed at Omegamon for some of the shit he does… but holy shit does it get turned around.
Gonna post some super spoilers from it in a moment as soon as the converter is done.
Keep at each other's throat. The kikes thrive in that environment.
Whats the deal with the royal knights again?
And who is yggrasil? I missed a lot of the backround lore. Is there a list of moves and shit I should watch?
Where the fuck is the goddamn cute starfish in redigitize for fucks sake.
there are 13 royal knights though only 12 exist at any one time. A royal knight can only appear with the approval of Yggdrasil. The only one who breaks that rule is Alphamon
The God of the digital world and primary computer that runs it all. he frequently goes off his meds and does insane shit, at which point Alphamon shows up to orchestrate a plan to make Yggdrasil cut that shit out.
Adventure 01
Our War game (movie)
Basically, if the royal knights show up, shit has gotten BAD.
I've always liked Devimon he is aesthetic.
Runner up: Piedmon, Lilithmon, unironically Granlocomon, Bancholeomon and that one digivolve of guilmon that's a bit similar to machinedramon, I forgot his name. The last one absolutely destroyed me in the optional mission in cyber sleuth I didn't expect that much damage.
What showed. It might not be in the guilmon line and I'm just a retard who thought that based on color.
>>>Holla Forums
pls no. I'll still watch it anyways, but don't tell me the whole movie is CGI.
It is
Keeping obvious ones like Mugendramon and
Armagemon in mind, I absolutely adore the Lopmon evolution line. I like Antiramon more than Cherubimon, though.
Aside from that, I unironically love Flamedramon and Beelzebumon, motorcycle and all. Digimon Frontier was shit, but Strabimon was okay.
Armagemon has that eerie and unnatural look to it while still keeping a simple design. I think it's the head and tail that make it look cuter than the rest of the line.
Wait, if yigg summons them then why does omegamon come and go when he wants?
This guy right here.
Ah, Rustyrannomon
That's the thing; the royal knights CAN'T show up unless Yggdrasil permits it. EVERY SINGLE time Omegamon has shown up, it has been through the grace of Yggdrasil.
Alphamon is the ONLY royal knight who's appearance and actions are not a result of Yggdrasil. Alphamon also has the ability to coerce digimon into going against Yggdrasil's will, though Alphamon also firmly believes in leaving one free to make their own decisions in life.
Basically, goes like this:
Alphamon showed up in Tri because of Meicoomon being a flawed and dangerous creature made by Yggdrasil, which was supposed to go and infect all digimon (including those in the human world) with the 2 program before the world was rebooted and thus, causing a mass evolution. Alphamon knew it needed more than that and didn't want Yggdrasil to fuck shit up once again, so he went after Meicoomon. The chosen showed up and Alphamon slapped them around a bit to get them to fuck off, but then Yggdrasil permitted the summoning of Omegamon. Now, Alphamon knew that Yggdrasil didn't just do something on a whim but was going to fight VIOLENTLY to keep that fucking cat alive and force a reboot. So, Alphamon decided to step back and watch, like he always does.
This manner of summoning is also why Alphamon and Jesmon are in full mega forms post reboot, because the Royal Knights base program supersedes the reboots
t. edgelord
You're doing a fine job user.
Always preferred Greymon to it.
Giant T-Rex >>> Emo Wolf
does anybody have that comic of the dudes talking about childhood crushes and one of the guys is thinking of weregarurumon?
I didn't know that, that's pretty interesting.
Does this also hold true in situations like Frontier, when LordKnightmon and Dynasmon were sucking up all the worlds code? Or was there extenuating circumstances there, since they were, for whatever reason, following Lucemon's will?
Nope, all part of the plan.
Yggdrasil shows up as a foe many times because his brutal logic frequently clashes with "heart". in fact, his unwavering cruelty in said logical decisions is why Homeostasis showed up multiple times through hikari in 01. Homeostasis being the "much less violent" replacement program of Yggdrasil, should Yggdrasil ever be permanently offline.
It also shows how much of a danger the "free will thinking" Mugendramon was where Homeostasis not only hijacked hikari, but Patamon, Piyomon, and Agumon in order to destroy his body, and even then, his data survived…
You'll notice that all subsequent Mugendramon are blank slates with no real mind because they are too fucking dangerous when their perfectly computing minds figure out the baseline code of the digital world so perfectly that they can't die.
You know, you make it sound so cool but what's actually happening is
There is something satisfyingly simple about most puppet digimon, and pumpkinmon is certainly my favorite of the lot. Scarecrow bro gets a close second just because I like the gimmick of the bird being the real digimon with the main 'body' just a prosthetic that the enemy beats up on while the real body verbally shitposts.
man i remember when digimon was just a couple of kids, going in an adventure with their partners in the digital world to stop a saturday morning cartoon villain, and didn't have all this massive fucking bible of lore.
i always thought gabumon was a dinosaur on disguise, but now i see that is basically a naked mole, now that drimogemon evolution makes way more sense
Which one is the most naked and most woman.
now i want to re-watch digimon. is the english dub actually any good or should i try to find the subbed version?
Favorites are played out, how about posting digimon that are literally you.
no. It's Saban so it's one of those 'make jokes at any point you can fit them in' ruins a lot of moments that were meant to be silent.
The Dub is complete and utter horseshit, avoid at all costs.
From what I have heard:
They changed a thing from one of the seasons with the narrator which seems minor but plot twist the narrator was one of the characters all along and you hear his kid voice turn into the adult voice which provides closer
As mentioned they removed any dramatic science and replaced it with pointless jokes because kid apparently cant handle silence
Season 3 was supposedly a NGE rip off and they made it into a kids show in English and it shouldn't be a kids show.
I can tell what you mean but this is hilarious
Tamers was always a kids show, it was just extremely dark in tone. Funny enough the english dub was still fairly dark despite the changes that had occurred.
I'm getting a chuckle out of it too.
I thought season 3 was confusing when I was a kid but I missed a shitload of episode. Though I never bothered to go back and watch it, what I have heard about it was second hand from my sister who saw a panel on it at a convention. Its worth noting that she hasn't seen NGE.
Here is a question though: Is Frontiers not utter trash in the Japanese version?
How bad was season 3 gutted? I remember rewatching it a few years back and it didn't seem that fucked.
Also ToyAgumon because everything is better with Legos
The main story wasn't fucked that badly, but characters were gutted. Rika is WAY bitchier and more immature than Ruki, for instance. Also, the hospital fever scene for Juri was badly translated.
I haven't seen it, but since I don't hate it as much as most, and my main issue was with the comic relief characters I'm going to assume yes.
Not too bad. It was airing at the same time as Time Force so it had more leeway than the previous two seasons. That said they still did that shitty undercut anything with bad jokes.
Having watched Frontier subbed, I can vouch for it being at least of decent quality.
I've also always loved the evolutions in Frontier.
This fucking nigga
I wish my dick didn't respond to girls like Izumi.
ToyAgumon is Patrician taste my friend, it's a shame there isn't a Toy/ActionGreymon to accompany them as a Digivolution.
What're you, gay?
my nigga
Maybe sick in the head perhaps. I'll never not feel guilty about liking little anime girls.
>tfw not also a black toy agumon line that become knock-off Figures of the toy agumon line to the point that black wargreymon looks like a chinese knock-off figure
I got to play with one of these when I was a kid it was the best thing ever.
I still have a bunch of the changing ones, my favorite was omnimon though.
>everytime an episode finished an old guy would show up and shill all sorts of toys or host Beyblade mini contests
>parents eternally too busy being short on cash and/or existentially miserable to give a shit though
God fucking dammit nearly 17 years later and I'm still salty.
I fucking love growth comparison images.
I'm not a lolicon just because I want to fap to Zoey/Izumi getting fucked.
It's Ok user, no one is judging you, you ve come to the right place
So are any of the untranslated games "must own" worthy?
Fuck I still have to beat digimon world one. I have that island to go to and need to catch seadramons faggot ass, maybe I should restart since I know what I'm doing, but that who shopping minigame makes me want to gas myself.
Thanks doc
boy aren't you retarded? if 8 year old me could figure it out, so can you.
I didn't know Holla Forums was so gay
When Dracula turned into a classical depiction of the Devil, you mean.
Also, Myotismon sounds cooler.
How many others love Dorugoramon?
I got Digimon World Dawn after once looking up Dorumon's main Digivolution line out of boredom just for this guy.
I used to simply not find Sakuyamon sexy, but holy shit, did Holla Forums change my mind.
I already posted this on /fur/, but that's okay.
also please go to the revived >>>/mon/
They were going to fucking kiss.
>decide it's a game I'd like to own
Don't think I've ever had a DS game so dirty the grime was straight black. Guess I'll give it ten minutes and see if it works.
you're the cancer that is killing videogames
You really need to evaluate yourself and ask if you're fit to criticize an anons post.
it was more about how rare a Digimon game got and how knarly the condition was for GameStop to resell it, still, it works so it's all good.
I just never really thought Digimon games would get all that rare.
In the anime is his shtick also that he suddenly flips out over shit?
Shut the fuck up.
Good for you, user. My copy is very likely a fake, but it works, hasn't deleted my save and it apparently had the work done to make it convincing.
Also, are there any more comparison images like this?
I remember loving this one image I saw of a Magikarp clumsily jumping out of the water as a Mega Gyarados did the exact same in a fluid and fierce way. Just seeing that kind of dramatic evolutionary gap you can still see a resemblance between is fucking awesome beyond words. Like how you see a handful of subtle traits remaining from Dorumon.
figures are for heretics who cannot keep the character in their mind and heart.
You do not truly love the series if you want figures to remember it by. You must cherish it with your soul, not material goods.
Go forth, and stop being a figurefaggot
Favorite game digimon is elecmon cause cute
favorite anime digimon is wizardmon because he's cool
damn that's scary
never heard of that movie, gotta watch it now
huuuh since you're apparently the undisputed MASTER of digimon lore, tell me something:
was Yggdrasil involved in some way when Blackwargreymon goes apeshit and starts killing gods in 02?
wtf is wrong with your ears?
yes they were
Amusingly no, and the fact that no royal knight ever showed up showed just how little danger the digital world was actually in.
>Mugendramon knew this power was so dangerous and he hijacked it as soon as Khimeramon was destroyed and became Milleniumon
Of course, looking back on it, 02 was mostly a pissing contest of "who is gonna rule the digital world".
Spoiler: Yggdrasil was in no danger and all the shit going on would never endanger the fabric of the digital world. if it had, a Royal Knight would have shown up and put a stop to that shit ASAP
that serves to showcase how fucking bad Kurata fucked up when Yggdrasil summoned about 8 Royal Knights in 05/savers
Ok, lets clear up some basis on the Royal Knights
Sleipmon I'm fine with despite not having a preference, but I personally fucking hate Leopardmon/Duftmon and think he's a faggot that also doesn't feel impressive, especially after changing mode.
Dynasmon, Jesmon, Craniumon on the other hand are really neat to me and I obviously don't need to say anything about Alphamon, UlforceVeedramon and Dukemon along with especially Omegamon and Magnamon.
Did you preorder your faggot digital devil fox?
Duftmon is the team strategist, but yeah he's pretty unremarkable and comes off as some posh asshat.
Oh great, it's Naru as a digimon.
By the gods. I've never even watched Love Hina and I still internally cringed reading all that.
Any particular reason she's playing with her own tiddies?
when will Next Order get a price cut?
You missed some. If you want the full story you need…
Digimon World on PS1
Movie 1 (Digimon Adventure)
Season 1 (also called Digimon Adventure)
WonderSwan game 1 (Anode/Cathode Tamer)
Movie 2 (Our War Game)
WonderSwan game 2 (Tag Tamers, no english version)
Season 2 (Digimon Adventure 02)
Digital Card Battle on PS1
Movie 3 (Hurricane Touchdown)
Movie 4 (Revenge of Diaboromon)
WonderSwan games 3 and 4 (D1 Tamers, Brave Tamer, also only in moonrunes)
Season 3 (Digimon Tamers. Yes it's a different universe, but multiverse shit is explained in the games)
Movie 5 (Battle of Adventurers)
Movie 6 (Runaway Locomon)
Basically, everything up until Season 4 of the anime actually revolves around an autistic multiverse plot of how the Y2K bug caused all the problems across at least two universes (and also the games and shit that you might think aren't the same universe actually are).
Once you start down the rabbit hole though, you'll see there are actually a lot more connections between the different iterations of the franchise (actual canon multiverse story threads) than you'd think at first glance. So actually a lot more is connected than this. The manga (V-Tamer 01) becomes important if you're gonna start getting into the deeper multiverse shit, like the Royal Knights, and that really gets started in Season 4 (Frontier), though there's a tiny bit of it in Season 3's movie, and it relies on all the shit that came before.
Digimon seriously has the deepest lore of anything ever, and nobody even knows.
Also, technically Devimon is the same guy as Millenniummon, because Devimon's soul was harvested for Chimeramon's soul, and Mugendramon didn't have a soul in the first place, so turns out that the starter villain from the first anime is actually the super secret behind the scenes multiversal threat who caused every problem ever. Devimon is the coolest.
How is Justimon not a Royal Knight? Mugendramon, the ultimate machine digimon made out of all the most powerful parts of all the most powerful machine digimon, who happens to be immortal, jogresses with Chimeramon, the ultimate animal digimon made out of all the most powerful parts of all the most powerful animal digimon, including Devimon's soul, which happens to be immortal, and the result is so strong it warps space and time creating paradoxes across multiple universes, and the glitch that created Apocalymon, who created Devimon and Mugendramon in the first place.
So this insanely powerful thing can't be destroyed, so instead the only tamer who even comes close to stopping him has to jogress his own partner with him to try to control him (of course Millenniummon's goal was to become his partner anyway, so the bad guy won), and then later, the tamer fuses with him too, to create Justimon, and you're gonna tell me Justimon isn't good enough to be a Royal Knight? You're gonna tell me Omegamon is more powerful or heroic? I mean Omegamon is cool and everything, he's the one from the best season of the anime and therefore deserves his respect, but he already gets to be Imperieldramon's sword, so technically Omegamon gets to be on the Royal Knights twice, and Justimon doesn't get on once.
The first three movies are boring as shit and nothing happens. The fourth one actually starts dealing with the story, gets into the lore (whereas the first three barely even referenced 02), and has tons of action. There's like a ten minute transformation montage/fight with a super extended version of Brave Heart and it's awesome. If this was what the first three movies were like, it would have been exactly what I wanted.
It's not the ending. It's not over yet.
I could see saying in-training instead of Baby 2, but otherwise, fuck baka gaijin names. Ultimate should be ultimate, by the definition of the word it should be the highest level. Or maybe champion. But that would just be silly. Of course then there's Super Ultimate, but everyone ignores that anyway even though it's awesome and helps explain all those times Ultimates evolve.
The Royal Knights proper don't even appear until Frontier though, and even then, it's not really expanded upon at all. The first three seasons are better, but a lot of the Royal Knight stuff is later on, just it's cooler if you watched the earlier stuff so you know who the characters are.
Mugendramon isn't supposed to have a soul of its own, but it was programmed for evil by Analogman in Digimon World.
Naw, a lot of the deepest lore, like all the multiverse shit and origins of the Digital World and everything about Millenniummon, is from before Season 3 of the anime, but never left Japan, either because games weren't released here, or sometimes because dubs fucked shit up. Some of the coolest shit is from before the very first anime.
They not only fuck up character names so much that some have like four names and others have the same name as each other, but you'll probably miss some of the deepest lore talked about in this thread due to a lot of it being subtle stuff that gets lost in translation if the translators are taking too many liberties, which the dub does.
Frontier is okay, it's just not as good as the ones before. Picks up closer to the end.
If you can read Japanese, or you somehow enjoy playing RPGs that you can't read, then yes.
The coolest part about the Royal Knights is that it's like the guys who save the universe at the end of each story arc get to ascend to some higher plane and become multiversal protectors. Therefore, I don't give a shit about the ones who weren't previous protagonists. Dynasmon and Rhodoknightmon were wastes in retrospect. You're not gonna convince me they're on the same level as Alforce V-Dramon.