Wurm is a sandbox MMO RPG set in a medieval fantasy world, the game was developed around the idea of player influence, it remains one of the only Sandbox MMOs worthy of the term, whether you enjoy fighting other kingdoms, building your home or hunting dragons, Wurm will let you.
We have our own server, the skillgains and timers are running at 4x speed and we have a lot of quality of life mods that make the game a lot more fun than the original unlimited and in no way like the shitty wurm online some of you had played, its a different experience from any shitty server hosted by normalfags and the GM is also running several dungeons and quests.
Holla Forums wurm general Discord for whateverthefuck: discord.gg
Previous thread: rip
Rates: 4x skill gain, 4x action timers
Port: 7777
Full PVP and pirate friendly. GM added spooky dungeons, try to find them.
1) Download the prepatched version below.
2) Run Wurmlauncher.exe
3) Click connect by IP and enter the server info
4) Join MR and try to get invited to broregon or any of the other settlements
WRC files download
Avoid wasting time on the spawn, get invited into broregon or any town you want and start doing your thing, the sky is the limit when it comes to jobs, from being a farmer to a traveling puppeteer, a knight or a trader you can have fun whatever way you want.
What is wurm
Other urls found in this thread:
RIP last thread
Thats only for neurotypicals, anyone who is high enough in the spectrum wont even care and will join HOTS right away to live in perfect solitude with their collection of rare stone bricks
Very one sided
Haha, like anyone is gonna fall for it
Its all the same, join MR and do the exact same but with people instead of alone
t. butthurt hotshead
There is no reason right now with such a low server population to have 2 white light kingdoms, HOTS players dont band together they go out and make heavily fortified bases, right now neither kingdom has enough people to even take on one of those bases so HOTS players are as safe as they can be and can attack anyone they want, MR-JK on the other side are underpopulated.
Eventually if we repop MR to a decent ammount its gonna take some time but we can start taking on HOTS bases and they will start making more autismforts all over the land, there is also dungeons n' shit for exploring and crusades against mobs, im only debating the existence of 2 whitelight kingdoms instead of one unified one
Also we need 25 ppl to make a PKM, my endgoal is to unify the entire whitelight kingdoms into one and work from there.
Remember to change the autorun if you want to join the in-game irc channel:
irc infinity-v.ddns.net
MR should really merge into JK. Not only does JK have veteran players with more experience, they've also got a centralized and far more strategic location with easy access to everywhere else on the map due to the river system.
We barely have 6 people at peak hours, if you have so much people build the damn bridge yourself.
The pre-terraforming for the bridge is done. You can now plan it. Check the Shitpost board for info.
Also wrong. Weve been having at least two dozen. People have lives, don't go jumping into panic mode because you spent an hour playing during the quiet hours.
i never said not to pick whatever kingdom they want, but unless they want to go HOTS picking JK its the same as MR but without people
You seem really upset for no reason. Maybe try not to be so upset.
For future reference, an updated OP: pastebin.com
Just in case you are lurking, locating you need to connect once a day to harvest the farms or they'll rot
As leader of MR I officially declare war against JK. If any of my subjects come across a member of JK please attack immediately. I assume JK would do the same as we are enemies now so it would be best to attack first. Please ignore HoTS entirely, it would be a waste of time that would be better spent fighting JK.
Let it die.
looks like hotsheads are trying to create conflict again
Nice try Shawn :^)
That wasn't me. If anything I want all you whitelight faggots to team up and fight me but you're all too busy arguing about tower shapes.
gg HoTS you are the most autistic here
When did I ever imply that wasn't me?
wew, I completely missed the context there. Sorry man.
Your wish is my command, m'lord.
And yet you choose to be assmad. Get a life, Whait.
Hots is a good boy and he dindu nuffin, JK is the real enemy here i think we can all agree.
Have a bump, friend. :^)
What's the name of the mod that lets you put shit into a tile's corner/center?
Move to Center by Bdew
No thanks. Either way, I'm getting Jewed for something I probably can't even run.
You need a browser extension at most, if you reached the limit you can just sit out the waiting time.
Where are you getting this from?
How's this thing doing anyway?
Is it the same server you guys were playing ages ago, where we shoved the alter into the water?
Do I have to start all over?
I stopped playing a while back as I moved home where our internet was utter shit. Such is life in the countryside.
Fortunately, I'm back somewhere what I can actually play.
New server, new richfag. Give it a spin.
It's doing fine, wish there were more players
Different serb
Ah, too bad. Was a touch of a grind.
Well, still worth a shot. I remember some good times back in the day.
Well, the game's just as clunky as I remember. Barely recall how to do anything. Accidentally fell in a hole, started swiming. Figured out where the exit was, found a pile of grindstones, decided to grab all of them. Tragically, while overloaded, a scorpion attacked me.
Also, I found out it is very easy to make a happy merchant face. So there's that.
Things seem to be going well.
Which way do I go for town?
What kingdom did you picked? you should be MR fam
That's Mol Rehan, right? Already done.,
HOTS is perfect for you.
Name famalamaramakam
I don't remember how to get to any social screen. Mine's McUrist, if it helps.
We need a list of commands, the wiki is useless. Inviting to kingdom, how do?
have you tried /help
Wait until you get invited to Crudemans's Rest. Its the biggest MR town atm.
rip harambe doesn't seem to be beta anymore, buyfag version updated IS OUT
The steam emulator works fine with it too.
Wurm client:
Put the files from SE-WU/WurmLauncher into the main directory (where the .exe is) and override the old steam files.
Also remember to copy over your old config files and player files or all your keybinds and shit will be gone. (not your character tho)
I will update the server soon™
remember to ->
Play Pulsar instead of this shit.
If I wanted to play a spess game I would be playing robot spess games. I want to be a peasant.
That's what SS13 is for.
Nothing quite like being a janitor, in the middle of a multi-trillion dollar experimental station out to research unstable new materials and examine strange space creatures.
enjoy not having a server which isn't shit
Thanks for reminding me, asshole.
you're welcome
Neat. Is the server running that now?
Oh, that was only like an hour ago. Ignore me.
Is the server still being patched?
yes there's afew issues, which is why we would have waited longer
If you are using the pirated client and have a character on the server, do not use the uploaded steamemulator files.
(incorrect password error)
Use the old steamemu files from your old client.
Just copy them over to the .exe directory.
Hoo boy, wonder if anyone's already done fucked up.
I'm sure, although if they do I'm able to fix it server-side.
/tg/ has nothing to do with SS13 any more
Thanks for the update :^)!
Oh, looks like the SteamEmulator link is dead. Says the file isn't available.
I'm pretty sure even half /tg/ doesn't officially recognize the tg server.
every time I click on wurmlauncher.exe, a fucking cmd window comes up that says 'press any key to continue' so I do that and then it closes and nothing happens
I do, and play this.
Pulsar is for playing half an hour and then your ship blows up and you leave, this is for long grinding hours while watching movies and then you get bored and leave to play videogames, different things.
Fuck off, faggot.
You have to reinstall every Microsoft Visual C++ from 2008 to current. I had the same issue.
steam emulator is not available
its shit
That's how to fix it.
I thought I was going to have to hunt down every link to download and re-install but luckily someone was looking ahead and included them
Yo, Boulders here in MR, where do I go to get to people?
you can either go to waylars or Crudeman's Rest
both of them are the southern island from the spawn following the coast down
I need somebody in Crudeman's to finish harvesting the crops, ran out of time.
m8, you should've said something, I could've helped you out. Somebody else should be on eventually to lend a hand.
There's always that thought lingering at the back of my mind. Maybe this time it won't be boring as fuck with nothing do? Maybe this time we'll actually do shit? Maybe it won't die after 2 weeks of hype.
How can we fix wurm to be entertaining honestly, dungeons and quests seems to be a nice start at least
the idea was faction wars would cause more to do, but there are problems with that
there are two whitelighter kingdoms, splitting up those factions pointlessly, and wurm doesn't really lend itself to pvp anyway
most "battles" are just attacking when the other guy's offline and actual combat is a number battle
Didn't the official servers have a server where a campaign was waged by two/three competing factions and something about holding relics of power? Thing would get wiped or something as soon as someone captured them, but you also needed to be a champion to hold them which meant permadeath. I remember reading that the relics were basically held in large nigh-impenetrable autismforts.
Permadeath. Now if that was an option in the starting screen I'd tick it.
epic, yes
the skill curve is a lot more forgiving and you can do more at lower skill levels, mainly because the game ends quickly and everyone's shit gets reset
also champions don't permadie, they just lose champion status after dying three times, they take a 1-point hit to all characteristics, and can't become a champion again for the next 6 months
You know, I almost ended up joining freedom out of respect for the good ol' Brosmuth days.
But unfortunately, nobody is on that. Still, I kind of regret it now. MR is more populated, but they've more than the one town of true autism. I miss the great beaches of hobo tents, the great caverns beneath our city, the half finished towers of autism, the heat communal supplies for every citizen including the very finest tooling made by our resident autistic blacksmith with a desire to see the unwashed hoards of new tent dwellers in the finest of armorments. I miss yelling at that one Jew what decided he was going to start an actual economy, who desired to actually sell things. I miss offering finer wares for free out of spite.
Now all we have is big pretty, empty towns. Dull, and without character.
Less grind, more autism. Big one I say is movement and carry capacity
The intensity that comes with permadeath is sometimes worth the inevitable loss. I think server modes like Epic would suit it as they're comparatively short lived and they get a full wipe at the end anyway.
I'm not saying force it for everyone, I'm saying it would be really neat if I could do it with just my own guy. No impact on anyone else.
That used to be how champions worked, but that was removed years ago.
Broakland of JK kingdom
Is offering a place for newfags and oldfags alike.
Comfy lodge, good location and beds if ye need one.
MR is always salty :^) So here a cream for you
How many people've you got? Until you get the autismlevels of my true homeland, Brosmuth, I'll not so easily turn coat.
For that kind of autism amount you can dream on - we would need every old fag there was. Total village population is 7
They have a few people. MR's Crudeman's Rest has more though.
Its never worth it to walk, use the gobal kingdom chat or the irc and ask for people to invite you, if nobody replies you gotta wait.
I have attached a historical document to this post. This document describes the heroic journey of the MR hero Geron and his fight against the dragons.
I will post the text attached with the document in a few spoilers, keeping the original format intact.
Geron. His name is one that every Mol Rehan knows and loves. This is the story of this hero and how he fought for the freedom of all.
Geron was an average man. His occupation was Mason and he had a love for architecture that surpassed all.
One fateful day, the kingdom of Mol Rehan was attacked by the Gay Dragon Hordes controlled the the mortal enemy of MR, the Horde of the Summoned.
Geron, seeing that his kingdom was facing total analiation, took up arms and fought with the dragons.
Due to many previous attacks from the Gay Dragon horde, the kingdom of Mol Rehan knew the best way to face these enemies.
Geron, guided by his ancestors, succed the dragon horde to death.
Sadly, after succing the last dragon's life essence dry, Geron's Protein and nuttrition bars maxed out and overflowed.
In the end, Geron died a hero. He single handedly defeated the HotS Gay Dragon horde and saved Mol Rehan for ages to come.
Engraved is a depiction of Geron in his final moments, defeating the last Gay Dragon.
true story for true niggas
I agree.
Let's get a poll up which will totally not be spammed by proxies, getting hundreds of votes even though we have a couple of dozen players.
I'll also ragequit and go play Overwatch™ the minute I'm killed because I play games for mature gamers.
Just so you know, I ain't playing no permadeath nonsense. It takes some 6 goddamn hours at least to've gotten to level 30 masonry. No way in hell I'm doing that three times.
It's not possible and I would never even consider it if it forced every player into it. It's a nonissue.
Why? Even shitty Early Access survival garbage doesn't make this mistake
You can change the FOV in the launcher. Not the mid-game settings. I don't know how to do that in the pirate version but I imagine there's a settings text file you could rummage around for.
pirate has launcher tho
It's there, in Adv. Graphics.
What do I do now? I've basically got only a few skills in 30 and haven't done anything productive. I still haven't built a ship nor equipment to attack MR yet.
The newbie effects barely do anything. It's just slower hunger and thirst and smaller aggro range. You can forage some shit and make breakfasts for your hunger but you won't even notice the other bonuses are gone.
Join MR and stop being an edgelord :^)
if someone were to make a PMK, would people join regardless of its original allegiance?
This shit sure seems dead. Do any of you actually play? I'm supposed to be in the biggest settlement, yet I only ever see the same three guys early mornings.
depends on what that actually means
it's yet another fucking faction, except players manage everything, down to the banners and heraldry if they bother customizing it and putting it on the server
the starting kingdom determines the colors of the chosen kingdom unless it's changed, as well as the title rules and if you're white or black light
I only have ever seen maybe 4 people online at most, it's a ghost town for sure. I wanted to murder anyone I could find in the outskirts of Broregon but now it's nigging leftovers to find the next settlement.
Las thing we need is more factions. We ought to have only two, at most.
my hope was that making a player-controlled whitelight faction with custom banners would unite the two/three existing WL factions
Fair enough. I'd be in favor of a player-made lot instead of the usual kingdoms, assuming people actually left those kingdoms to join it.
What are you, a gay? Did you try speaking up in the global chat? Usually more around than I assume.
tfw you're retarded, update the client to the new patch, and don't backup your steam ID.
welp, guess I'm fucked.
You can ask the admin for help. I think there's a cumulative list of IP's that you've connected from so it shouldn't be hard to prove that you're the owner of your own character.
Well that's a relief at least.
There are like 20 people on at peak times. If you play during nighttime NA hours then most people will be off.
Well fuck. I guess that explains why the only people I ever see are on early mornings.
Goddamn eurocucks, living on the wrong side of the planet.
Read what I said again, but slowly this time.
Most players play DURING NA hours.
Ah, fair enough. Doesn't really explain why it's always dead as hell whenever it's the usual nighttime hours, and I only really see folk early morning, but whatever.
What timezone are you in and what do you mean by 'usual nighttime hours'?
Ive been playing the past week or so during 11pm-6am EST and there are usually like 5 people on max at that time. During mid-day however the server gets pretty populated.
Central. And I mean, from aroundabouts 8pm through 'till 10pm.
Sometimes a bit earlier.
I think most people are either at work or eating at that point. It gets pretty quiet but it picks up every now and again.
Just to drive that point home:
[23:49:59] 10 other players are online. You are on Vidya (11 totally in Wurm).
Which end's that supposed to be?
'cause 10 odd people ain't a whole lot. Especially when we're talking a massive server split into a bunch of different kingdoms.
The point that it is pretty inactive right now.
Well, when's it get lively?
Instead of all the kvetching, you could be playing. You could be building and posting things to provide an incentive for others to play. You either get the players that come in to go full autist only to burn themselves out, you have the sweet spot of committed players who come in when they can, or you have the skittish fence-sitting cucks who cry "dead server" because their hopes and dreams aren't thrown at them in the first five minutes.
Wurm is a fine game if people don't burn themselves out immediately or actually put effort into the game. There's a few instances of OC, make more and show people that there's fun to be had here. A thread full of bitching doesn't pull people in.
During Daytime NA hours
I am playing. Im building a corbita atm. I also made that Geron OC.
Are you gonna make recruitment "flyers" and spread em in reddit and 4chin?
Someone posted a very nice "flyer" in the last thread, I really hope the user would repost it here.
Also winter is here.
The one saying it's a 8ch serb? Bad idea
No one will join, well except 4chons maybe.
By saying its an 8ch serb we are making it an "double-edged sword" - we get a lot of normans or we get NONE.
Plus some tardos most likely will try to report this "illegal" serb just to spite us
I see your point, tho it's not really an illegal server. We just modded it :^), we also did shill it once to halfchan and still have some players from there.
The population is already quite high compared to the average of 10 players that other servers have, making some SQL queries I found out we have about 200+ characters where about 108 is unique (unique IPs including VPNs), but more players would not hurt since WE are running the server.
:^) indeed
Those numbers, sadly, do not represent active players and don't think IPs are the best way to count characters on serb. "Steam IDs" should be more accurate.
P.S. I think i saw some grammatical errors and mistakes in that "flyer", if i remember correctly.
Were you playing with your screen off?
Yes this is how snow work, i see nothing wrong.
don't beat your cock
I was half expecting eating snow was going to have some sort of debuff. I don't think it does at least.
I just log back into cave and my entrance is gone and the deepest part of the cave just shows blue skys
If you're on now, contact Defaulted.
It does give him a tactical advantage.
What files i need to save character? player files and the smartsteamemu ones right?
The number inside.
Serb? H-hello?
Why do you lie
it's black
phantom are you in the discord?
It was on for a few minutes. Serb reset to reinstall mods, I assume that's what's causing this catastrophy. Sure hope Default remembered to back everything up. NEW SERB SOON???
default wanted ya
no there's a serious problem which got a hackfix and the has fucked everyones stats so this isn't going to be fixed till awhiles yet
nah that was the hotfix, you killed the serb
rib serbur
Crudeman's Rest…… I'll never see you finished
It was inevitable, atleast I didn't die while hosting.
We have encountered a bug which was caused by an enchantment being returned with no name. Giving us a nullpointer exception, but this was not all. The bug is apparently making the database cascade in failure, first affecting the spells and then the skills somehow.
I will upload the serverfiles shortly, along with backups and READMEs with info on how to launch and how to pirate-patch the server if new updates come out.
Stand by.
It was a good ride, would have finished some projects today but I guess its better that I pushed them off a day or two and never finished them finishing them and returning to find it gone.
We truely are cursed to ever remain without a server to play on.
Next time, don't do multiple kingdoms. Splitting the player base really was ass. Screw the autists that keep pushing for broken unenjoyable pvp then quitting shortly after they get their way.
I was here from day one and still am don't fucking push that meme on me boy
Well, glad most all I've been doing on the new character was mud slapping for the most part. Found a great little spot though, had a four tile patch of clay and iron nearly at the surface and within spitting distance of the shore. I guess it's back to fucking around on my solo server.
This. Two factions, at most.
What is my life.
Can I build a house by the riverside, fish in a small boat and settle down in a virtual world?
Oh no wait it's dead now.
So are we doomed to keep going full circle by leaving the real server to make our own and have it die because we can't host? I remember when I came to the new map on a fishing boat and poked the admins till they spawned me where Broschwitz was because I didn't know where to go.
Why do we keep doing this? If we're always going to leave to a new hip Holla Forums server that's gonna die in a month why do we even bother playing?
Everything has to die some time autismo.
People seem to keep reproducing despite the fact that 65 odd years later they're just going to die. Enjoy the now while you can.
But we have relatively reliable hosting or WRC. That server runs and it runs mostly fine, I don't know what issues there are aside from burgers whining about lag on a Russian server and the first city dying due to that server fuckup. Fuck it, I'm not coming to play again. This circle is inevitable and every single time you will migrate to a Holla Forums server and it's going to die, losing what you had on WRC and the Holla Forums server.
The admin deleted our deeds and stole all our shit. That seems like a pretty good reason not to go back there.
Is this officially dead or is this still being worked on? Need confirmation.
Oi fags, is the server dead? I finally got curious about Wurm online and feeling like trying it. Is the server hosted by Holla Forums? Is everyone a Holla Forumsirgin homosex? Can i play as a mongorian? Is it f-fun?
It's still down and I think the host bowed out since they released the server files.
It definitely has those sort of possibilities but requires a fair bit of time investment but can feel rewarding, this server was almost exclusively anons.
Wew shit, hope someone's going to host it. Can i play as a mongolian though? This is important.
Not literal Mongols but something close to that would be a good time on a public server with a lot of players. You ought to know that combat is the worst part of Wurm though.
Got some feels out of that, gonna compile the screenshots later of the deeds and make a big image or something.
Somehow i don't feel like playing it now.
The combat is like runescape
please do I wish for Crudeman's Rest to be immortalized
Here's a cheap map made from memory.
just about on
I'm not surprised
should've stayed on WRC
t. Whait
webm related
Don't forget the road to Waylands as well. It wasn't exactly cobblestones and slabs, but it was still useful.
The directions for pirate patching are unclear, how does it work? I remember a few weeks ago talking about only needing decompile the server.jar file but none of it is listed?
If Trenhal is still lurking jump on discord.
There is a discord?
Fag making the deed compilation image here, anyone have the exact start date of the server? Going head to work soon I won't have it ready for at least another 12 hours or so giving that I want to put a little work into it.
Fuck I just freed up a month to sit down and play with you fags and another server dies? How will I get my autistic blacksmithing fix in now?
recode the game outside of java
I can host the server from my PC until we have a dedicated host. Never hosted a wurm server before though so I need to set some stuff up.
atleast admin did something right :^)
If you are talking about the files Defaulted posted, shits ain't going to work. When someone else tried to host it when certain players logged in it threw the same enchantment exception errors and the server shit itself.
From what I know, the error is "fixable" but there is no saying if it would just start happening again at any random time.
well I might as well look at it
The error triggered for 2 different players in different factions, wiping the spell effects table will temporarily fix it, but it is going to happen again, whatever is causing it to happen is still there.
Have you bothered checking on any Wurm forums to see if it's new or has happened before?
I am about to create a thread on the official forums about it, no one else have encountered this problem, or at least they have not gone public about it.
I need my goddamned Wurm addiction fed, but i really do not want to start over A FUCKING GAIN.
Good idea, just probably don't hint at running a "custom" server.
this tbh
You send a month ago talking about editing the source file of the .jar in order to remove authentication from an online server. Which one of the .java files is it that you edited?
Tren, Discord.
I finally got around to finishing this, better late then never though.
Miss it all already.
Well fuck, the image dimensions are too big apparently to post and it didn't tell me or stop me.
Anyways server village compilation:
is stankers still around?
jesus christ
I shed a tear. I honestly hope that the issue is eventually resolved and we can continue/restart on a server that doesn't kill itself. Defaulted literally did nothing wrong.
Maybe if Defaulted's server documentation was better, I could try getting a server to work. Unfortunately it's not documented well, so I don't know what files to patch to make it pirate friendly.
I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but a server solution is being tested, it's looking fine but too early to say.
I almost had a server going, except I'm still stuck on the Steam Authentication part. This a problem since March and I can't get good documentation of how to strip it out to allow connections.
Is it possible to spoof it instead?
post crown
I fucking posted PICTURES showing EXACTLY HOW I CRACKED THE SERVER in one of the previous threads. NOT ONE PERSON SAVED THEM?
Welcome to Holla Forums. We don't save anything important.
Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.
I'm not going back into the depths of the Wurm code, I don't want the nightmares to return. Someone else has to actually edit the .jar.
This is the cracked code, just find it in the jar and replace it with this.
2 hard
New server when?
NEW IRC: irc.Foonetic.net #WurmInfinity
New Thread for New (old) Serb