Can someone explain this meme franchise to me? Why does it get scores over 5/10? Do people only care about graphics these days?
What is the fucking point?
Can someone explain this meme franchise to me? Why does it get scores over 5/10? Do people only care about graphics these days?
What is the fucking point?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do I have to be a cuckold to enjoy this game? It's literally about watching other men beating you at your own game when you're actually better than them at time trial and they're called "Dad" or "Susie99".
laughing at people like you
I don't get it. Why? I mean, I know most people browsing Holla Forums or any chan have a contrarian bias, but what did I do that makes you laugh?
Do you like Mario Kart? Or are you implying I'm stupid for even giving it a chance since it's so bad?
Define your opinion a bit more.
But the meta of this game isn't the racing or driving better than the others, the meta is hoping the guy behind you doesn't get a red shell while you only have a coin or three red shells while you only have one guard item.
Bonk a wall and crash the red shell into it you inbred faggot.
Nigger, graphics are less relevant now than back in the 90's, where great games got shat into oblivion for having below-average graphics and the 'graphics don't matter' meme didn't even exist.
It's sad this is the only Nintendo Switch game worth playing at the moment. It's a genuine 1/10 game.
Only a fanboy, a casual gamer who is fond of the equalizer luck or people paid by Nintendo would defend this.
Yeah, because this is a reliable tactic or something.
It's a nintendo game nigger, it's made so kids can play with their parents in a somehow balanced way. If you want competitive racing play a game designed for it.
What is this literal communist marxist propaganda
You can't dodge it in Mario Kart 8, user. You could kinda dodge it in Double Dash but even then it required some luck.
If Nintendo was smart and if they cared about good gameplay, they'd finally add a dodge mechanic. We can already jump. Now just let us jump to the right or left and make the red shell a bit less aimbot-y. Or just get rid of it completely, it's easy enough to hit with green shells.
The "only today's kids are shallow enough to care about graphics" meme is the stupidest thing ever. Why do you think there was a period where every tech company had a rainbow coloured logo? I'll give you a clue. It wasn't because they were LGBT friendly.
To have fun with family and friends.
It is, stupid.
Hm, I think I know how to fix this franchise and I don't even care about it. Now I just have to tell Nintendo somehow.
Are you saying LJN was a good company or am I missing the point entirely?
You were playing Daisy, you kind of deserve that.
I just want another Sonic and all stars racing made by sumo.
MK can fuck off.
It's not, mentally retarded piece of shit. I'm not proud of it but I know about everything about this shit franchise. It can work, but it's far, far, far from reliable. Not to mention you actually need a wall, preferably a corner for this to work.
I can't do it is not the same as it's impossible.
Whenever I think Mario Kart 8 is the most horrible game in existence I just have to remember Mario Kart Wii.
The point is that even when this shit was in it's infancy, people were caught up on things like who's device could display more colours.
Mario Kart predates memes, my friend.
Daisy is for hugging
No one said it's impossible. It just requires a lot of luck; a wall, preferably a corner, the angle the red shell is approaching you, the distance to other players that would allow you to even do this and hug a wall for five seconds.
You seem to be unable to just enjoy the game, friendo. Why not go play a NASCAR game that doesn't include RNG items and just has you drive in circle for 500 laps?
crying about not being able to manage risks isn't going to make you less shit, and even if there are no walls there's no problems just do a hop around the edge of a straight away or inbetween the corner of a turn with no walls.
Shell gone, problem erased, first place maintained
They make it worse every year, but what alternative do we have?
Yes, Mario Kart is shit. I was replaying Double Dash with some friends in college a few years back and your place doesn't really matter until the last lap or so unless you're too far behind/ahead. At one point we were trying not to get into first place until the end.
So, can we stop fighting and calling each other names for a while and actually address the point? No one can deny the red shell takes zero skill. No one can deny the red shell has a ridiculously high droprate. No one can deny that the coin also has a ridiculously high droprate. No one can deny that when you get a coin, you have nothing to defend yourself and it's basically like this video "game" telling you "haha, I put you from fourth place to seventh place now because that's why".
Now the question is…
What was Nintendo thinking and why aren't they changing anything about it?
Why does this game get so many high scores? No one would give Halo such high scores if there was a weapon that just kills other players when clicking a button without aiming or anything and this weapon randomly dropes every five seconds somewhere.
Why do people defend it?
Frag grenades you retard.
Aren't CoD perks basically the same thing?
There isn't much aside from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and fucking SuperTuxKart.
Looks like he is talking shit but the same thing actually happened to me many times in 8 and I barely even played online. Seems to be a lag thing.
This game is a huge mess right now and whoever defends it probably is a huge noob or a cuckold who couldn't ever win without any shit like this.
This is literally not a video game.
Coins increase your speed. Holding 10 coins means you go much faster than with 0.
Red Shells are easily avoidable if you drag a banana peel or green shell.
git gud faggot.
It gets high scores because it's fun to casually play every now and then but not made with a super autism tier audience in mind, that is not the focus of the game.
In short if you really want a challenge and a game where you develop skills over time you'd best look elsewhere
I'm afraid the earliest internet meme I can think of was dancing baby in about 1996. Super Mario Kart was released in 1992 ;)
>"waaaaah why is it so easy????? why isnt it a Pro™ eSports™® Hardc0r3 racing game like [latest Forza] for the 1337 H4rDc0R3 [email protected]/* */ like myself????????"
Literal retard who got upset that he wasn't constantly scoring 1st place every time against a younger sibling, I bet.
And, given the timing of this thread, I bet he was a good goy and has a Switch and MK8 Deluxe.
I actually feel DSP on this one, the game is shit.
Get good, you fucking faggot.
Are you actually stupid? You don't always get a banana peel or a green shell. You can get coins from boxes and the chance is extremely high when you're on 3-1 place, probably the highest chance for any item.
And even if you get a green shell or a banana peel, there is still a chance the guy behind you gets three red shells.
It's astounding how stupid some people are.
but there were TV memes before the internet
The point is that OP is so retarded that, unlike a 5-year old, he can't figure out how to hang an item behind the cart to completely fuck red shells up. Everything else he said is just noise in the face of this fact.
Get good, you fucking faggot.
Reminder that Crash Team Racing is the best kart racer. I haven't played the sanic one
Reminder that Smite is the worst kart racer.
Memes jave existed before written word appeared.
But it's just as likely for him to get a coin, just as you did.
Or, you could get 3 red shells and he could get a coin. I bet you'd feel pretty good about that, so long as you're constantly winning.
Don't forget that he started out by bitching at how he loses to other players, despite "being faster than them in time trial mode"
I just… I can't. I just can't.
You are too dumb. I guess the secret to enjoy this game is to be dumb. Literally just have a low IQ. That's how it works.
Literally the second green line in OP postulates for the red shell to be an issue you have to get a coin. Not a banana, not a green shell. A coin. And the chance you get a coin is ridiculously high. There's at least a 50/50 chance you get a coin when you're on third to first place.
And when the guy behind you then gets a red shell, there is nothing you can do.
No, it isn't. And even if it was, there would be still a 25% chance for you to get redshelled.
It's more of a 40% chance, though, which is beyond crazy.
Because that's what happens in Mario Kart. You can lose to people who totally suck at the actual driving thing. You would know this if you played the game.
He can't do anything at 0:30. He gets a coin and the guy behind him gets a red shell.
Only if you are complete shit as well.
I'm not well versed on the percentages weighed to each item based on placement, but why not just sit behind someone at the front to get better item rates, then smack them and pass at the end?
That seems to be the tactic that everyone else is beating you with, so why not do the same?
60 posts, not one good explanation for why there is the red shell in this game and for why people pretend this game is not utter trash.
Guess it's just some weird phenomenon you have to accept like Overwatch or something.
Mario Kart is not a game for babies who can't stand to lose.
That's life kiddo *cracks open a beer
Go back to playing competitive melee on FD, faggot.
No, no, user, because you get a coin and the guy behind you a red shell.
Also blue shell, ghost stealing your defense item, boomerang ignoring your defense item, fire balls ignoring your defense item, three red shells annihilating your defense item.
Why do people who never played Mario Kart defend Mario Kart in this thread?
Items in Smash actually require you to do something. In Mario Kart you just have to press the shoulder button.
Nice false analogy.
More like a Pepsi, underage autist.
He's referring to faggots who play no items on a flat map.
It's not that hard a reference, yet you claim everyone else in this thread hasn't played what they're talking about.
Let me check
No last 45 times that happened I didn't get hit.
OP cannot /thread his own thread you gigantic raging autist
It's a false analogy either way and a comparison that holds no water for reasons stated.
Why would I believe someones word over videos I can find on Youtube and my own experience and what I see in Holla Forums groups every time and what I read in the respective thread when people are bitching?
Stop defending literal trash.
Mario Kart is for men who know the deal, not kids who cry when things aren't fair. It's truly the most mature game.
Mario Kart is accepting that sometimes your personal shortcomings just can't be overcome.
Mario Kart is living a life of perfect health but still being struck by cancer and dying at 40.
Mario Kart is treating your wife right only for her to walk out and take the kids anyway.
You kids aint ready for Mario Kart *cracks open a beer
This is why video games are dead.
It's a cuckold game for cucks like you.
These games are the golden cow here. Just learn to ignore it.
You'll understand one day, Junior
*cracks open a beer
First off, the word "analogy" does not mean what you think it does, kiddo.
Secondly, he's correct. You want items banned because you don't like their droprates and uses.
Eventually you'll want only a straight line track, all players starting at the same point, all Mario base kart and the winner is decided off fucking port numbers.
Stop making posts, pretending you're just a casual user strolling past the thread.
We have IDs, and there's only 1 user who isn't you that's defending your opinion.
Fuck off retard.
The Holla Forums tournaments we had on halfchan when this game first came out were some of the most fun I've had with a viyda game in years.
Shy guy with pipe frames master race.
So the general consensus on Holla Forums is this trash series is good?
I haven't even seen one good argument yet except for "deal with the fact that you lose, even though you are better" which hardly sounds like an argument.
A game means competition. Competition means superiority and inferiority based on effort and skill. It's literally not even a game. It's ergotherapy for ADHS children like 20 years ago ludo.
To me it seems like people who generally suck at video games and usually don't strive for the top enjoy games like Mario Kart, Overwatch or, well, ludo. You want to be equalized, leveled. Of cousre people who are actually good and have skill aren't fans of this principle.
The general consensus is you're a newfag who doesn't understand that we can see his ID, and who constantly whinges about a game designed for fucking 8 year olds, yet plays it for the competition, just like the faggots hanging onto Melee like the last bastion of fighting games.
You seem upset.
It's a good casual game.
You can't see it properly in the webm because of the low quality, but he threw his shell away before he got hit. But yes I guess it is a pain online considering how most of those games match you with people on other continents and the high ping as a result of that.
Didn't try SuperTuxKart, but I am not a fan of that Sonic game. To be completely honest, I am a bit biased here because I totally hate sonic.
Well he did play like a total idiot there, you can watch the entire 2 hour youtube clip, he is a total noob. He just falls off the road because he can't drift and he sucks on bikes.
Look, I am not a big mario kart fan but beating the AI is not that hard. I had only played MK64 and Double Dash, but then I saw that video of DSP trying it and thought I have to try it myself. He starts at 50cc and fails, I go without any kind of warmup straight into 150cc and get gold on all tracks.
Red shells are not as strong as it looks like, just hold on to your item, there is only one guy behind you. Yes you may get a coin, but the guy behind you doesn't get a red shell 24/7 either. And when he get's one there is a chance that it will just crash into something else before reaching you.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the series is good, but there is no excuse for losing it.
Yes, it does. And that's where I stop reading because I respect my time.
Well I mean yeah. Are you familiar with the concept of "fun"? This game is fun, especially online or with friends.
This is not fun to anyone with a working brain and some basic skill.
Well, you sure fooled me.
Care to comment on the fact you keep samefagging, or do you wish to continue ignoring those accusations and instead keep responding to every other post within 30 seconds?
Oh, and stop reddit spacing your greentext. It's actually harder to read that way, dickhead.
No. A game means fun times, that's why you play it.
Some people might like the competition and consider it fun, that's why there are some games that cater them, but Mario Kart ain't one of them.
If you want to spin it that way, sure buddy. The odds of getting shafted that hard are pretty low. If you're losing a race because of getting red shelled once on the first lap, git gud son.
My god, stop defending this shit game just because it's the only Switch game for the next months and braindead reviewers that gave Nintendogs a 10/10 gave it top scores. We're in the same boat. I bought this console myself.
Call it pathological altruism. I'm trying to find answers here and I'm ready to spend some time on it. I'm not ready to have a pointless argument with a literal retard, though.
And please check what samefagging means.
Mario Kart is basically a bunch of people dicing their place. It's ergotherapy like ludo. Maybe a game, but a terrible one and an inexplicable one to play as an adult.
Are you familar with the self-generation affect effect? This is why people like deep games.
Considering the droprates for the coin and the red shell is "pretty high", no. And this isn't the only terrible combination in the game.
I still feel like Mario Kart 8 deluxe was a big "fuck you" to anyone who bought MK8 on Wii U.
Dude, you literally have 17 hearts in the current Zelda game and there is DLC to come. Nintendo went full Jew and the "fans" don't give a shit.
Arguments aren't shitposts, my braindead friend.
Are you under the age of 16, my dear friend?
Here's an argument:
If the same is so bad, why are you forced to reply to yourself to counter all the posts that tell you that you're wrong?
It's a kart game, not a racing game. Play iracing or something.
Samefagging is feigning an argument or approval by replying to yourself, making people believe your opinion has majority appeal. I haven't done this.
First, this isn't an argument. Second, I'm replying to everyone who forms something that even resembles an argument and so far 99% the arguments in this thread are shit like
I am good. 1:58 on Ribbon Road, for example. I still lose to "Dad999" online, and so does everyone else. Because it does not matter how good you are, the effect a red shell has on you stays the same and you still can't defend yourself with a coin.
Being "good" at time trial is literally fucking worthless in a game about RACING.
So are Sega All-Stars, Lego Racers, Diddy Kong Racing, Crash Team Racing and they didn't have aimbot items as common and powerful as the red shell which is pure bullshit.
In most of those games you can also actually influence what kind of item you get and even as the first still get decent items.
I don't know why Mario Kart is so successful but I know it shouldn't be.
No, it's not. In a game where people randomly get an item that hits you with aimbot it's definitely not very helpful, though.
You /thread'd your own post 20 minutes later, nigger.
If the game is so shit, why do you insist on playing it to that extent, retard?
And Time Trials mean shit when there's other players and items in the actual online.
You seem so obsessed with this game and Time Trial placements, so why not just turn off your router and only play TT?
Hell, while we're on the subject, just turn off your router right now so I don't have to listen to an underaged autist get pissy that he's losing in a children's game.
You seem upset about this "Dad999" character, and I'm sure that's either a real user who beat you, or you giving him a nickname, but perhaps they're actually just a better player than you.
Did that ever cross your mind? Or are you the only person in the world who's allowed to score 1:58 on Ribbon Road?
Holy shit, get good.
Which isn't samefagging. And why to people take this "/threading your own post is racist!" meme so seriously? Doesn't really go hand in hand with calling others autist.
Because there is nothing else on Switch. And 20 hours aren't that much for an online game.
Considering the items require zero skill, that's true. It equalizes your experience. This is what I criticise since the very first post.
Right now I just like to know why people pretend this game is good. Let's not focus too much on me and what I'm doing. Ad hominem is not an argument.
Indeed. I should just dodge the red shell. I'm such a noob.
Thanks for admitting it. Kill yourself now, please.
Now we know calling you a retard is justified.
Stop posting any fucking time, friendo.
SuperTuxKart was only brought up because it's free and online multiplayer is coming soon, but the vehicle handling and performance is shit for now. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, on the other hand, has great vehicle handling and powerups and runs stupidly fast. Even if you don't like Sanic there's a fuckton of other characters to use and there's tracks themed around games like Jet Set Radio.
Lego Racers is comfy and still my overall favourite, but the teleport powerup completely breaks the game's balancing and turns most races into a mad rush for green bricks. Meanwhile, the sequel tries too hard at being an open world game instead of a good kart racer and nobody talks about Drome Racers because it's bland and has fuckall to do with Lego.
Millions of people hype this shit and not one person can explain why and how the red shell/coin scenario is acceptable.
How can you be this stupid, exactly? How did you even find here? Why aren't you on NeoGAF? Genuinly curious how someone can be this stupid, sorry.
I say it for the last time now before I give up on you stupid children and your 2/10 shit game: You CANNOT dodge the red shell in Mario Kart 8. It does not work. What does work is being lucky and latently avoiding it by going into antigravity mode or using shortcuts on certain courses or being lucky and the angle the red shell is coming at you is ideal and there is a wall or obstacle you can hug which wouldn't cost too much time.
There is no reliable way to dodge it, though.
I obviously bought it for Zelda. And there won't be any net loss considering the console sells well for whatever reason and I could always resell it to get the money back. Doesn't change right now there is nothing but this awful game.
Not salty. Ad hominem is cool. I just wish you'd also make some actual arguments. I think ad hominem should be a privilege.
It adds a layer of uncertainty to the game which, in turn, turns up the stakes and makes the game less boring as you become more proficient in it.
If you're first by a lap then you'd get easily bored because the game is no longer providing a challenge, however, by adding in the items, there's a chance that you might end up getting stunned and lose your first place. The same goes for if you're in last place, if you're in last and the others are far ahead of you, you're more likely to get items such as the Bullet Bill or Chain Chomp that allows you to keep up with the rest of the game and not get discouraged.
Sure it's not the most competitive of set ups but I can see why they included such things into the game.
Correct. It's the topic.
Or very bad at video games and therefore fond of equalizers. Those are my theories. Correct.
Because of RNG. I never asked. I know why.
I fully understand and support this to the point it gets to an item that almost has a 50% droprate and can't be dodged in any way which is just nonsense.
I'm not even criticising stuff like the blue shell or that bullet item.
it's fun
no two races are ever the same
the luck factor can be annoying, so if you're a sperg who NEEDS to win all the time to prove how 1337 you are and make yourself feel special, it's not the game for you
Crash Team Racing, Sonic All-Stars Racing and Modnation Racers are all superior to Mario Kart.
Drown yourself.
Granted, it's not a serious nor a competitive game, but it's fun. Especially when you know how to properly dodge and deflect most items.
Its fun, that's why. Also, your fault for being ass as hell at Mario Kart. Red Shells are nothing to be concerned with. Ganking has always been a thing since DD. Where have you been?
This is getting rather entertaining.
It's 40 fucking degrees where I am yet summer is already here.
Jesus user I think you need to look at your life for a moment. At least tell me you didn't buy a switch.
He did
Of course he did.
It's 85 here and I have a fan pointed at my naked taint.
Also, if you are in such a position that a single red shell can completely fuck you over, then you were already doing shitty to begin with.
he is funny, and you are a nigger.
You guys have to be retarded to not notice that this game is popular because it produces a higher quality of salt than the volcanoes in Hawaii or the Himalayas
15 year olds afraid of seeming immature need not apply.
If you tack multiplayer on to any old shit people will lap it up.
git gud
100 posts. No tone good argument why people play this shit. So the only reason actually is graphics; atmosphere and because it's the only game on the console. And reviewers are just as professional as ever, I suppose.
Maybe Arms will be less RNG-based shit.
But I am?
How about you actually improve yourself when you don't want others to be superior to you instead of suggesting suicide?
No, ludo isn't fun for adults.
Ad hominem is not an argument. Watch the video. he gets a coin and the guy behind him gets red shells. What is he supposed to do to not get fucked? And this happens every 20 seconds in this game.
I'm very good at it. Just not at the meta since you can't be good at RNG. I also can't enjoy ludo since I'm not a braindead anime watching virgin.
Terrible argument since there is an arlgorithm that connects you to people that are similarly experienced and the skill ceiling in this game is not that high.
With other people who have like 7,000+ points, you can bet your ass you're fucked if you get hit by a red shell.
It usually goes like this:
You can't get good at your RNG babby game, NIntendrone.
Autism in action
What shall we call you? The red shell autist? The angry MK fan ?
Best OP! \^_^/
The argument maker.
I feel like I've seen someone like you before, only it was for Mortal Kombat instead of Mario Kart. Wherein OP makes a retarded argument and spends most of the thread trying to justify how he's not shitty at the game.
Most mario games are based on luck. It's basically what makes them the perfect game for friends, because the one dude who owns the game wont stop the other 3 people consecutively. It's the same thing with Mario party. Literally the only time to ever play these games is playing with friends or nastolgia.
its a good argument, not to retain his "skill" but to say the game is shit
which is true
What a disgusting piece of shit of a game.
I genuinely hate people who pretend it's good and make Nintendo believe they're doing good.
how about the 30 year old angry about a children's game not being up to his standard?
So you even put your ad hominem in the very name you want to give me? I'm down.
that's just a very small factor, what actually matters is skill. if you drive good, pick the right vehicle, you can get yourself into first place easily. You can counter shit like shells with your own items.
Now this is autism. Your in so deep that saying that you were just pretending to be retarded won't help you.
Read the thread or actually play the game.
No, luck is not a small factor, and no, you can't defend yourself against red shells with a coin or with one banana against three red shells.
Does anime make you this ridiculously dumb or why can't you people form an argument for your lives?
How do you even survive outside your basements?
You LITERALLY have to be a socialist cuckold to enjoy Mario Kart.
And here I thought Sony is the Jew corrupted one.
Holla Forums pls go
No, son, YOU are bad. The game is just as it always was. It has worse rubberband AI than Double Dash, but it's piss easier, since they fucking hand you everything on a gold platter. It's like that one guy getting mad over Mario Party, no one likes you 'cause you're complaining about easily abusable RNG that can be mitigated if you knew how the game's mechanics work and how the game wants you to play if you were good at it.
I have no memes to properly convey how unoriginal people like you are, OP. Stop being boring.
The funniest thing about this shit game?
The coins are literally ruining it and how common they are, but there is a fucking bug in the game that causes you to get nothing but coins. Even from double boxes. Nothing but coins for the whole match.
Haven't you thought that maybe you simply just don't like the game and thay other people can have fun with it?
I actually have to turn that into a webm, that guy just sucks. At 1:01 he get's hit by a green shell, how is that the games fault?
I am reading it, most of you are wrong.
What are the chances of you getting a coin while the guy behind you gets a red shell?
Nigger please, you guys act like the second place has a 90% chance of getting a red shell while the first place has a 90% chance to get a coin.
And 3 red shells are even more rare, you not only rarely get them, but now nintendo has build in a pussy shield. Right after you get hit you are invulnerable for a short time.
Also you can't just launch red shells when you are in africa, the shells will either fall of or hit some random object.
I do agree that they need to remove some items, but even in it's current state the game is playable.
If you ALWAYS lose, it's not random.
Like Smash, Mario Kart is supposed to be a casual game for kids and friends to dick around together. Still, Mario Kart 8 looks pretty bad and I dunno why people play it over the older games when there's already better kart racers out there like Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and ModNation Racers.
Do people even play ModNation Racers or did it die with the PS3?
Elaborate, please. Turn this mundane random jabbering into an actual argument and be golden.
If you mean what I think, I'm very good at this. I enjoy time trial and I can drive most courses almost perfectly.
Elaborate. And let's not forget how common the bug is that you can't even stop the item wheel yourself.
Considering there is a 50% chance you don't get any of those items, sounds legitimate.
It's absolutely terrible, yes.
Or how about you just stop nitpicking? It's just supposed to be a fun video and not even serious criticism. A lot of scenes are not his fault at all. Same with the dps video.
Extremely high. Coin is probably around 40% on second and first place. Red shell feels like 20% on fifth to third place, probably even higher.
You would know this if you played the game.
Literally just clicked a random time (~43:00), and the first item he gets is a coin. Kek.
Well, when this is the standard you hold your games up to, "being playable", I finally understand why people pretend Mario Kart isn't utter garbage.
Just searched mario kart item probability and I got this.
I got a list of Items I dislike down there attached, but ideally I would change that one too.
Not sure what to think of the Bomb Omb and boomerang. They are imo shitty, but I guess not totally cancer. Also they need to add the fake item box back
Seriously though. All shitposting aside. Not every board game has to be Chess, and sometimes it's just fun to play a game of Monopoly. Are you so autistic that you honestly don't get that?
Some turbo braindead shit item like the red shell should (not even be in the game but) have an extremely low chance. And it had a lower chance back then and could even be dodged in Double Dash. Now we get a coin on top of its retarded droprate.
Fuck this nasty shit.
If you can't finish in the top three 90% of the time, you should probably move on to something more casual, OP, since dynamic play is clearly too difficult. And that's what you get for moving into first without at least a banana.
I can't even put on words how much more complex and rewarding Monopoly is than a fucking round of Mario Kart with 12 people and all items on.
yeah checked that place out too, it seems to depend on a few things.
yeeaaaah… no… DPS is at fault most of the time, he freaking sucks. He starts at 50cc to get used to the game and still fails, I started straight at 150cc and didn't fail.
I seriously doubt that. I get hit by red shells so rarely, I forget that they exist.
Autism is God's gift to comedy
But it's not even skill based. It uses dice rolls!
Item pool is based off of distance you mongoloid. The Red shell is easy as fuck to dodge if you're in first, you have a better chance of getting either a banana or a green shell than a coin, and a single red shell is not going to completely ruin your game unless you're shit at it.
1:53, another fail which was 100% his fault.
Holy fucking autismo batman.
It's supposed to be a light game to play with friends or younger siblings.
You are getting (50) because you are assblasted about an item designed for the less skilled players to be able to hold ther ground against more skilled players in a game where luck is a pretty determinant factor.
It's a family game, meant to be played for fun, and the bullshit items is part of that fun, if not for you, at least for the other 3 faggots playing with you.
On the other fucking side of the coin just how much of a shitter you have to be to have problems playing Mario fucking Kart, jesus fuck.
Once you learn the tracks, you should be able to consistently end up first, it's not like you are playing F-Zero GX on the hardest mode where you have to fight tooth and nail to reach the top of the ladder.
Hate to say it, but git gud man.
Don't remind me of F-Zero.
God, that game made you sweat for that first place.
So you suck even at the very basic mechanics of this game and never make it out of 12-8 or you are just lying. Cool.
No shit? Those pictures perfectly and 100% support and prove what I'm saying since the very first post, you fucking retards.
The coin and the red shell droprates are high as fuck.
Jesus Christ.
Not wasting time on retards who have no clue what they're talking about.
Beer is much less bad for you than that shit.
Its a family game that is balanced to be fun for everyone. It just has really bad game design where if you actually attempt to win early on your heavily punished. Once you learn that the best items are in last place you just chill on the back line, wait for a major item like bullshit bill and win in the last moment.
As long as you're shit at video games its very fun, just stupid if you understand the mechanics so you're better off playing by yourself in time trials.
It's more likely to get either of the two than a coin, quit being garbage at the game.
Then it wouldn't trigger so many people. It certainly isn't fun for everyone.
Want to know what was fun for everyone? Smash Bros. Especially Melee. A game where the better player was winning 8 out of 10 times, even with items on.
Mario Kart is not fun for the better player. It's fun for people who lack skill, need an equailizer and people who are just extremely lucky.
How is this an argument? The coin droprate is still ridiculously high, so is the red shell droprate.
No. Just no. Stop it.
Just like this user said
you will most likely get the right item to defend yourself with. Also, the second place is constantly fucked by third place, these two will fight each other while the first place can peacefully further his lead.
Even bleach is much less bad than that shit
Mario Kart 7 and Wii are the worst culprits of this, but MK8 at least allows you to defend yourself from even blue shells if you pick up a horn item. It's not nearly as bad about this as the rest of the MK games. MK8 is actually a pretty solid game.
The original SMK on SNES was actually the most skill-based of the entire series, and the least random.
The people who care about winning in Mario Kart are just a try hard minority its not worth complaining about, you have time trials to push for if you want to get gud at the game.
Some games just aren't meant to be pushed MLG420BLAZEITESPORTSDICKS level of autism
I like it for the same reason I like Smash Bros.: it's halfway between fucking about and having to learn all the ins and outs of a real racing/fighting game.
Not one good argument. The only thing I got out of this thread is people even confirming my thoughts and showing me pictures that prove how ridiculously high the coin and red shell droprates are.
This game is a mess for cuckolds who want to be beaten at their own game by people who are worse and shitters who need luck to win.
Not really. If you're a bit unlucky, you can still get a coin like five times in a row or even throughout the whole match. Happened to everyone and everyone who played the game knows this feel. The chance to get one is just very, very high. And even if you get a banana, the retard behind you will still shoot you or a ghost will still steal it or there is a blue shell or a a flash. And then you have to get a banana or a green shell from the next item box again, and I'm sure you know the chances for this happening are actually lower. I'm sure they taught you stochastics.
This is what I implied in the opening post. I was wondering if you have to be a braindead graphics fag to enjoy this game. Thanks for confirming my thoughts.
I feel sorry for you non germans, drinking your weird lame beer.
I don't believe this game is entirely bad. If it was, I wouldn't be so mad at it. I love time trial and I think it has a lot of potential. The wasted potential is the reason I'm mad. There is a psychological effect regarding this: If you're closer to something and you don't achieve it, it's more annoying than never getting it without ever being close.
Now it's ridiculous how much potential Mario Kart wastes. They should finally start copying stome ideas from other kart games, like upgrading items or letting us influence what items we get or actual dodging mechanics.
My experience with MK8 has been the player in 1st gets a pretty big lead due to item bias and no one can catch him.
I was actually very happy when MK8 had only 1 item slot, I've no idea why they went back to 2.
If you're white, odds are your male ancestors drank significantly more beer than the typical modern American. They didn't have tits. It's the birth control in the water supply and the xenoestrogens in the plastics that do that, not hops. If you're really worried, don't drink IPAs and don't drink from cans (they're BPA-lined so the beer doesn't taste like aluminum). A good Trappist beer isn't going to hurt you.
Belgian styles > German styles, though I do like a good hefeweizen.
No you just have to be someone who doesn't give a shit about winning. MK isn't even difficult to win at, its just chill on the back line and win in the later stages of the game with superior items while the cluster fuck death ball fights like retards. I stopped playing it within a week of release but my sister and her kids absolutely love the game, because its easy as fuck and you feel rewarded even if you're shit. That is the main audience, not a sperg like me who will invest thousand of hours into a game to get good.
There are so many other games out there to play to push your skill level even in the racing genre. Why would someone who wants to test their skill in video games against other people pick Mario Kart over anything else? Even Smash 4 is more competitive and that game is still boring as shit. MK8 is one of the best looking games on the console though. Its probably the only game I've gone "oh this actually looks nice". Still rather play the SNES/64 version regardless.
I feel sorry for you germans, importing sandniggers to rape your women.
fakenews, live here is great, I wouldn't want to swap with any of you third world monkeys.
don't worry we won't have to switch, we'll bask together in the glory of allah ;^)
your country's doom will be the rise of mine
Holy fuck OP it's Mario Kart. Just like, git gud.
Post your 200cc cred then faggot
You guys are consuming fake news, germany is far from doomed. I thank jesus everyday for this great country.
people should talk about 200cc, that shit is weird as fuck. I admit it, I can't win shit in that mode. I probably got gold in the first few tracks, but the later ones are to hard.
Is that Daisy's ass? Daisy has a nice ass. OP the game is not meant to be competitive for crying out loud. It's RNG + rubber banding + bullshit, that's the point.
No, it's the new Noodle woman from ARMS
Anyone wanna play Mario Kart
PLEASE tell me there is an MK8 edition, my sides exploded.
Thank you for that. I hope there is a MK8 Deluxe update soon.
Play vs race locally without items then. Otherwise quit fucking bitching, it's clearly designed to put pressure on the people that can actually play well and is completely unfair with items on.
Nigger hold an item behind you, the red shell will break when it hits your banana or green shell.
He's also forgetting to drive in front of objects when a red shell gets close.
What if you play as inkling girl?
You have to re-learn the tracks, pick a kart with good handling and traction and brake liberally. Some of the maps are also way, way harder than others on 200cc so keep that in mind as well. Most of the maps stay relatively easy but a few of the DLC maps (Neo-Bowser City, Dragon Driftway, etc.) in particular will leave you wondering if anyone even played them before releasing them.
That's not entirely inaccurate. In real motorsport, drivers who find themselves stuck in the middle of the pack will often make a pit stop in order to get some breathing room.
There is literally nothing else in the funracer genre. If you're thirsty enough you'll drink stale piss if that's your only choice. Nintendo hasn't done anything to fuck up the games seriously (like adding puzzles or on-foot sections), so as long as they at least get the basis right it will keep selling.
Not in the mood for that shit to be honest. I tried it and it is totally cancer. It feels like they just cranked it up and released it without testing it.
I remember my first race in 200cc, it was one of the dlc maps, that game cube yoshi shit. I was on 8th place or something like that, I did one drift and the boost did not only catapult me into first place but also out of the map into the water.
I think Daisy is the bad luck character. I was playing as Daisy last night and the same shit practically happened to me, I was in 1st then about 30ft from the finish line I got slammed with a blue shell, then a red shell, then a faggot went through me with a star and I got 8th.
So you go out and trade the game in for Fast Racing Neo.
game is old ass fuck
sonic is autistic
looks just as autistic as sonic.
Bitch you're playing a game for children, you're autistic whether you like it or not. The least you could do is play good games instead of shit ones.
hey, if the game has donkey kong in it, it can't be that bad. Donkey Kong is da best.
Check and Mate.
But I don't have a switch or a Wii U, I just think she's cute.
Then why would you care about this game if you could just look at splatoon?
I like to shitpost
wtf am I looking at?
Donkey Kong.
let me asks it this way then, what game? That sonic one, or the ps3 one?
This. (But they'll get charged for playing online)
Just add DX and call it a day, just like Nintendo themselves.
Modnation Racers. The main aspect of the game is that you can create characters, carts, and tracks.
That sounds cool, but I don't own any consoles so that is no option.
Why are you in a Mario Kart thread if you don't own any consoles?
In fact, Sonic Racing is on PC, so why haven't you played either of them?
I own that one on Steam, and as I have said earlier I think it's autistic. Someone in the racing game thread recommended it, and since it was on sale for 7€ I bought it. I just can't play a kart game if there is no donkey kong in it.
And I may have no console right now, but I got cemu and dolphin which can emulate games very well. Also, I don't have any consoles right now, but I used to have a n64, snes, xbox, xbox 360 and game cube.
Sounds like you need to get good
The older ones are better.
Gee I dunno OP
200cc is fucking great once you git gud. There are a handful of maps that are pure bullshit but by and large the speed and increased volatility of the class make it a ton of fun.
Maybe if I have nothing better to do one day I will try to get into it, but I must say I hate using the break in arcade games.
Consider it done
RNG in games like Mario Kart is bullshit. They should learn a thing or two from communism and have everyone always get the same items, then it's just a test of skill.
i wanna hug you
What really grinds my gears is that if you're first there's really no way to fuck up the losers behind you other than obvious as fuck banana peels or shitty fake item boxes. You can get lucky and get a green shell but even then it's still shit to aim it at the person behind you.
It should still be possible for the first racer to get red shells, and when shot back the red shells should hit the first person behind the user, not just act like a green shell. It should also be possible for the blue shell to appear for the first racer.
SuperTuxKart still gives the kart in first place a fuckton of offensive items and you can fire everything backwards with little aiming (although I've never tried firing the basketball backwards, so I could be wrong).
Do you think that UT and Quake are also bad because you spawn at random locations?
color me surprised. also take into consideration even normalfags are aware of the imbalance issues in mario kart but play it anyways because "lmao its mario kart" and they don't care that much. what they do care about is saying that they played mario kart. being a normalfag just means repeating words you know that other people will know, and mario kart is one of those special words
to sell a product, also it's a casual game and no ones putting a gun to your head to go and buy it
The point is embracing the chaos of a cutesy game with a very low skill ceiling and a huge randomness factor. It's much more fun with family and friends which makes perfect sense because it's designed in such a way that they can all compete with you without having to master anything, not even drifting if they don't want to. I get how you feel though, I dropped 8 after around a month because I had nobody to play with and it just wasn't fun taking the game too seriously playing online with randoms that I had no communication with. It's really not made for lonely autists.
Even then, Red shells can be avoided either by pulling out your own red shell to tank the hit, getting triple shells. Even using the Boost Mushroom at the right point can allow you to dodge it.
At a 50% drop rate, you should have your own to counter theirs.
If the reference to communism didn't tick you off: He's making a joke.
Well this place get's visited by leftypol every once in a while, so you never know.
Because they have nothing else
don't mind me, just posting an objectively superior game
If you git gud you can also avoid the blue shell with a mushroom.
game had no anti cheat at all. I bought it back then and people would just download a singleplayer cheat and use it in multiplayer. I loved blur, if they made a new one I would buy it, but they have to work on it.
This is some advanced level of autism right here folks
wew lad
RNG can be a bitch in any given match, but the better player will generally dominate over the course of several matches. Getting fucked over is frustrating, but having it work in your favor is pretty damn satisfying.
But I can't
Pic related
Look OP I'll admit that they've altered drop rates for items and the red shell is far more common than it should be, along with dual items making it annoying. But you're really fucking autistic, there's a myriad of ways to learn to get through your troubles but you instead choose to bitch instead of getting good.
Again, I'll admit that the coin item is fucking worthless and only ensures you're not getting lifesaving bananas half the time, but still, just git gud. Most Mario Kart games has some sort of problem like this, 8 had blue shells galore punishing you for leading and yet people learned to get over it.
Keep choking on Nintendon't dick, mongoloids.
I still play the first one on my SNES, everybody point and laugh at me.
To answer your question, because it's not a racing game. It's shit.
user, I went to go play MK8 on my Wii U today to see if you were right. I ended up playing for the past 8 hours straight listening to Eurobeat and going fast and having fucking fun.
This is a shit thread.
Have fun guys.
It could be worse
There's also an updated version of this one for the newer games, but I cant find it.
Oh hi there.
But seriously, play Sonic Racing Transforimed, it's pretty damn good.
Sonic and All Stars is the best kart racer of the last decade
Mario Kart is a casual game. You are not part of its target demographic.
I just wish more people played it online.
Mario Kart is more about luck than skill anyway. It's a party game, not a racing game.
It's a goddamn party game, like all Nu-tendo titles of these years. CTR and Diddy Kong racing is where it's at.
Do you also have the one where Doomguy is strangling her?
The red shell was implemented like the classic homing attack item because it's much harder to hit shit on older sprite based kart racers and they just kept it because muh nostalgia and muh broader audience. Also because in the older titles, the pathfinding for the shells was much sloppier, now it's pretty much a heat seeking missile.
The Modnation Racers' announcers really never made me wanna play the game to be honest.
I need some glasses.
if you're so much better, getting hit three times won't lose you first, you're fucking shit at the game is all, ive been hit all the way back to 12th and still got first with just mushrooms
if you cant even get top 3 from 12th kill yourself
Mario Kart just caters to the double-digit IQ crowd unabashedly. Nintendo knows where the money is, despite all attempts at fucking that up, and will make it so that the noisiest idiots will get their shiny banana stickers and love the game on socjus networking sites. Those who get irritated by modern Mario Kart's marxist bullshit will ever be in the only true minority.
I have never seen this happen and I watch multiple forms of racing.
Just gave it another chance a minute ago. Literally not two seconds without getting hit by fire balls or red shells. Pro tip: You can't do anything to prevent either.
Only a shill or someone with a single digit IQ would give this game anything higher than a 5/10.
It's sad because it actually could be a good game. They'd just have to cut down the 100% braindead items like red shells and fire balls.
isabelle is pretty great in it.
How am I supposed to take your word for it when it comes across in your (56) posts and you're an idiot that doesn't understands basic tactics in mario kart and the concept risk mitigation? Instead of claiming that you replayed mario kart 8 you upload a webm you playing it yourself?
Would you kiss Isabelle.
Even Super Circuit?
This game is so fucking horrible and I just want to sell it now before I waste too much time on it. But literally what else is there to play on Switch?
I'm considering making videos like those other people because it's so funny how shit this game is.
Even thinking somewhat strategically is getting punished.
It's literally the only thread on Holla Forums I post in, retard.
I don't give a shit what you do, you mentally ill freak. It's a fact the droprates for the coin and the red shell are ridiculously high and you can just watch any of the videos of people complaining about it online.
Why do you want to ruin Bill Trinen's beautiful relationship with Isabelle you homewrecker
Because bill never deserved her, also.
Mentally ill, I'm telling ya.
Anyway, this game is a huge piece of shit and literally a communism simulator. I keep it until E3 because this shit console doesn't have anything else. Then I decide on whether I sell this piece of shit game with the Switch or without it depending on the games shown. But I will definitely never touch a Mario Kart again after this E3. Holy shit, what a mess of a franchise what an amazing proof reviewers are corrupt fags.
Ad hominem still isn't an argument.
300 posts, not one argument except utter fucking childish bollocks.
Says the retard who bought a fucking switch, that fact alone makes me doubt your claims. You just fucking suck, each iteration of mario kart get's easier to play. Hell in the second video you uploaded the fucker stick gets in first majority of the time, prove my point if you're bitching about this shit you just fucking suck. I you want to disprove that,upload. A. Webm.
Oh and
and your shit thread has finally hit the bump limit. No doubt you'll make another one. Let me guess what your next response will be.
You are cancer and no doubt horrible at anything you've ever played. No one cares that you wasted money on the Switch. KYS.
WHAT THE FUCK??????????????????????
There's literally nothing wrong with racers with items. You sound like the kind of fag who used to bitch about mob enemies in open world pvp until all we got was sanitized arena games.
DSP is the worst kind of player
Deservest to be executed
Isabella is the best gamer.
Jesus fucking christ
Here's a hint, jack. the guy behind you has a good chance of getting a red shell, but the guy behind HIM has a good chance of getting even better shit. If he focuses on attacking you, he risks making himself vulnerable.
If getting hit all the time is making you lose so much, Play as a damn lightweight with high acceleration and compensate for it by being as agressive as possible.
Using it in the middle of a Turbo area where they can immediately go back to full Speed VS hitting them as they're going over a jump and royalling fucking them over. Learning the best places to use the items you get is the "Meta" you've been bugging everyone about. Otherwise the game would just automatically activate your item as soon as you get it.
But the game doesn't automatically activate the item, it gives you control of that. Because there are frequently times when you want to wait for the right moment to use an item.
Has it sunk in yet? Cause I can think of a few more ways to word that sentence if it hasn't sunk in for you yet.
How does MK8 compare to MK Wii? Is it worth buying a switch for MK8 and BotW?
They're both available on the WiiU if you just want to buy that and hack it. (I don't know if there's any major differences between the console versions.) or just use cemu
I skipped WiiU and all consoles because i became a PCfag and were busy with online games. But Switch might make me buy a console
Holy shit, after this RNG luckfest that is Communism Kart even something like Team Fortress 2 is fun again. It's amazing to be able to just completely dominate everyone because I have more experience. Just the way it should be.
The part where you pretend all Nintendo games do this is funny when there is Splatoon and Smash Bros., games where the better player wins 9 out of 10 times, even with items.
Has it sunk in yet that I'm literally playing this shit game hours a day because there is nothing else on Switch and your bullshit doesn't apply since 99% the people playing this game are mentally retarded, children or just don't give a fuck and spam their red shills at you the second they got them? You know you can't even see what items other people have, right? So people are just taking chances.
Play the game before schooling others.
I will probably make some webms of my own videos later. I just saved two today. It's incredible how much bullshit happens in this game, especially when focusing on it.
Have you skipped all the posts and videos in this thread that prove Mario Kart 8 is utter fucking garbage?
I mean, it's good if you really, really, really don't care that you're basically dicing if you win or lose and you can easily lose to "Sarah13:)" simply because she has a red shell (basically 60% droprate) and you have a coin or a usless shroom or a ghost stole your item.
It's still worth it for Zelda. Keep in mind you can just resell the system or bring it back and get your money back when you're done.
it's a casual game, made for babi's so they can be competetive with eachother and have easy fun, also for visiting family members to have some fun togheter, this isn't a well designed game, it's designed to bring choas and fun
you are a special person aren't you?
Is this an acceptable form of the Mario Kart Experience? Am I just autistic?
And? Don't tell me you just refuse to play games older than the GameCube.
Only someone who knows the game would know this and I don't even know why I censored it in the first place.
idk I heard that was a tactic from somewhere.
will there be loli dragons with ice cream?
OK, now that I was hit by literally an invisible item/nothing which caused me ending up on fifth place instead of first, I decided to just sell this shit game now.
I can make a webm, btw. But everyone who plays this shit game should know himself how glitchy, unpolished and luck-based it is.
Is there really nothing but Mario Kart on Switch right now? Holy shit. It's PS4 all over again. Breaking sales records but literally not one game.
Whoever made this needs to learn english.
How is that any different for the rest of the series? And there are a time trail mode in Mario Kart if you hate that anyway
They get boring after a while, I still play UT99 and sometimes ut2k4, but I am not going to start playing a old game I didn't play back then.
Whelp, time for another gamedev to attempt to pull off another Stardew Valley.