2K Games President Christoph Hartmann Steps Down


So is this a good move or a bad one,

On one hand these guys completely ruined R*, gave Duke Nukem to fucking Gearbox, accepted the money Gearbox stole from SEGA, made Mafia into WE WUZ KANGS, and have been pumping out nothing but carp for the past few years.

On the other hands shit can become worse?

Firaxis belongs to these guys, right? Their games are the only ones I care about from 2k, I wonder if it will affect them

Yeah they do.

Things can always get worse. The next person to take the reigns could easily be some turbo faggot who doubles down on social justice.

That's a good meme you got right there

I wonder if he did it of his own free will or was forced to step down due to the failures of some games like Battleborn and Evolve.

You forgot about Evolve and Battleborn, also Memelands failed hard.

Gearbox is fucked.


It's called culling the goyim. The ones in charge usually throw the "smart consumers" a bone by axing a useless CEO. I wonder how big his severance is. Either way, i'm sure he's not upset about this at all. If he is, i'm sure he can cry to his money he has stored from being a complete piece of shit. This won't get better until every company like this goes the way of Midway.

But, Midway was okay.

Yes, good things died in the 80s and 90s to make room for companies like Rockstar and Take two. Funny how good things die but horrible things are tenacious. It's almost like our hobby is being overrun by normalfags who will ensure this trend continues. Being happy about this is foolish. Nothing will change and laughing at the enemy when they stumble and turn it into a PR move only makes sure that we will have to deal with more garbage.

How? GTA V is a piece of shit compared to Red Dead Redemption and the other GTA games.

I might agree with you if I was a good goy and bought all the dlc or waited a year for the goty edition. The last game they actually tried on was GTA:SA.

RDR was good until the updates and DLC garbage.

RDR felt bare bones before the dlc. Do you not remember the huge backlash about how most of the stuff in the offline game wasn't in the online game? How about how they realized how people would rather play in an online sandbox than an offline game and they doubled down on that mentality with GTA:O and their kike sharkcards. RDR was the first sign that the company cared more about shekels than making a video game.

Who gives a fuck about the online game? What 'huge backlash'? I think that you are trying your hand at revisionism here.

The only good thing to come from 2K is 2K Sports games.

Wasn't that originally sega franchise?

Their wrestling games suck ass.

RDR was like, and I hate to make this comparison, Mass Effect 3, in that the online game and the offline game were two different games that shipped on the same disc. Yeah, the matches happened in set piece areas from the single player map, and between them you could wander around the single player open world with nothing to do, but why would you? nobody did that. it could have just had a map select (oh wait, it did, the fast travel map).
i'm not defending Rockstar but unlike GTA V, RDR actually was a single player game worth playing.

All the original 2K sport games were just published by sega, The only one sega owned was Tennis 2k2 which was just Virtua Tennis 2 under a different game

WWE isn't real wrestling so the games aren't real sport games