Keep Working, user! Edition
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Keep Working, user! Edition
#8/agdg/ on
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Don't tell me what to do you're not my mom.
Also wait for page 13 for new threads you inbred faggots.
Great Teacher Metari
Can you fuck them?
Heh, I finally make some progress, and whaddya know… a new thread! nice.
Dude they are smaller than an erect dick, i never got this tiny girl feitish
There will be proper waifus in the full game, slutty elves and pure succutes and shit
I want to into programming to start making a vidya
1) is there a general consensus around what language is best for an absolute beginner?
2) does codecademy actually work, or is there a better teaching website?
Bringing the good old classic diablo back? Awesome
1) C# is super easy
2) The basic of object oriented programming is simple, so anything will do it, some people learn better with books, others with practice, just don't learn from a single source
They could jerk you off with their entire body.
I had a long week and I could use a little tiny loli fairy to fuck to death.
In terms of being easy to learn, and pretty versatile, Game Maker's language works pretty well for what I'm doing, but that can only be used in Game Maker.
Python's not too hard from what I've heard, though, being used to Game Maker over the years, certain things piss me off.
It works for beginners, sure, but I've always learned better by joogling the individual things i wanted to do.
Here's the SMG model. Before I move onto UV unwrapping and texturing if anyone has any suggestions for what I can improve I'm listening.
You poor soul.
Looks good. The topology is clean enough to not produce any glitches. You could post wireframes so we can have a closer look, if you want to.
Either them or you
Well, he's not wrong. Which is not to say that you can't produce tremendous brainfucks with OOP.
1.How many rounds does the mag hold?
2.What kind of game are you making user?
Not user's dick, apparently
Python is very human-readable, so it's not a bad way to learn the basic concepts of programming (loops, if/else blocks, etc).
DOD or die
why can't I acces this website?
Nonsensical ruined shrine clutter. Feels bad, but it'll have to do.
The ruins are not bad, the square looking ground that looks unnatural and weird, since erosion would have rounded the corners at least
Hopefully this is helpful.
2.A fast FPS with a lot of movement options. My goal is to make something that feels really smooth to play and rewards people who get good at going fast.
Aye, thanks guy
Good luck with your project
Unnatural to show game function, rather than aesthetic, but I might tweak it later.
Hey that's a good plan, I really miss that sort of game. Good luck!
I'm making a 2D platformer game that's block based. I have a solar panel that will provide energy to whatever it's attached to based on how much light it receives, but I'm not sure what a decently fast way to calculate this would be.
My idea is to give each light a radius or area. Solar panels shoot out a light based on their angle, which bounces around gathering energy from nearby light sources until it gets too far away.
any thoughts
Don't post what you're going to do, just do it.
Look up Dijkstra's algorithm. Make each light a goal and fill the rest of the map. Then each solar panel receives the amount of light from the algorithm. You'd only need to run it when new lights or obstructions are added.
It's a bit weird. I'd say it has a too high polycount for a low-poly model and a too low polycount for a high-poly one. The polycount of the barrel seems a bit excessive. At least if you plan on baking normal maps.
Wait a minute that SMG…
Will it fire sabot rounds capable of piercing APCs like it should?
The foregrip is a bit congested against the trigger guard. I'd recommend scooting it forward, having it be vertical instead of angled, or removing it completely.
Which would be more preferable?
1. You control a small army of NPCs with three selected immovable generals that have unique personalities. They'll follow you till the end of the story.
2. Everyone in your army is an NPC, and you have the power to elect any of them to that of General status. The generals don't have much going for them, and can be switched out easily if they die or if you choose so.
2. and give them different attributes, and allow the player to train them into great generals
I'd prefer one, assuming they all have unique traits and abilities that serve different purposes. Two if you're going for a no story kind of deal and raw fun with immense customization. Having both may be beneficial, but I don't know shit.
I'm asking for advise you stupid autist. End your miserable life.
Thanks, I'll look into it. Seems useful, it can probably be used for 'real' lighting and the solar panels can just draw from it.
Wow, user, why are you're so angry? All I wanted to do was to share my legos with you.
Directionality will be an issue. In the case of the example image, the right wall of the top-right room should be getting more exposure than the left wall of the same room, certainly if there's a solar panel there pointed toward the center of the room.
I'd go with some ray tracing deal and see how expensive it actually turns out to be. Chances are that it's not going to be anywhere close to as bad as you think, and if it somehow actually is too taxing, you're targeting archaic iron or concerned about battery life for muh mobile demographic, there'll be time to figure something out and cut down on the amount of rays or the maximum number of bounces, prune entire directions of rays that definitely won't have any utility in advance, get some precalculations done or something later.
If you follow the link it explains how to fix that problem.
I don't entirely see how. If, say, you have light coming through a narrow hallway, how would you assure that direct light hitting a panel dead-on would register a higher intensity than a closer panel angled to receive the reflections from the same wall? Or if the panel's just facing a bad direction, getting light at a bad angle or when light's entirely perpendicular to the panel? Unless every surface is the same and and scattering light in every direction, I'm not seeing it.
In any case, using rays might allow for more complex puzzle-type elements all in one system. And if there's a desire for lasers or some other kinds of focused light, different reflection characteristics and whathaveyou, they'll all play nice under the same system.
Attempt at flowers.
Also sorry for not replying to the user explaining height map scale to me, had to go do stuff and then wasn't home for a couple of days.
Added visual feedback to resource generation
My raycast keeps switching inbetween being straight and crooked
Why the fuck is this happening?
I made a picture editor for my engine.
I can decrease the poly count for the barrel and wire stock holders easy enough. Most of my stuff is pretty mid-poly.
Yep. That's what the last image is showing. From left to right
- Complete cartridge
- Plastic sabot cup after being fired
- Tungsten sub-projectile
Having this gun fire a specialty round gives me an excuse to have more than one SMG while not having them be mechanically identical or have one be strictly better than the other.
But muh realism.
Starting gamedev/programming by using gamemaker is a fucking horrible idea. You might as well try to learn Spanish from a Mexican parrot. GM is the go-to meme engine for idiot ideaguys with more money than sense; it's fucking terribly designed from a technical standpoint in almost every way you could imagine, obfuscates how the code works to make sure you stay a retarded ideasguy, and is STILL riddled with bugs after over decade of development. The engine developers are more jewish than Unity's, selling each new major update to the engine and leaving bugs unfixed in older versions they claimed to support "free updates" for. And all this for 50 USD, despite being vastly inferior to pretty much every single FOSS game engine on the internet. What a piece of irredeemable shit.
It's actually not that bad. I started with GM when I was about 8 or 9 and learned off sticky notes. It only took me a decade to unlearn everything.
For me, it's a simple equation.
Do I know how to make a game in GMS? Yes.
Do I know how to make a game in Godot/Love2D? Not really.
Is there any function I need, that I can't achieve in GMS? No.
What does that make learning Godot/Love2D, then? A needless waste of two years.
Similar. I used it since GM6, I think, though it may have been 5.
For programming? I agree. For gamedev? No. Shit like RPG Maker XP and Game Maker is what got me into deving. It's probably even better for gamedeving experience because you have quick results and failures that you can learn from when it comes to making games. Then once you've created 2-3 games in such simple engines, you can always start programming in a real engine.
no worries, and I figured as much
If u need additional assistance with that stuff I'll be around
Holy shit user you are either the world's biggest retard or have dealt with a piece of convoluted shit so long you actually think two god damn years is standard for understanding the workings of an engine. If it took you more than a week I would still consider you a retard beyond all hope. God fucking damn
Either you have a different definition of "learn", or you have way too much free fucking time.
I understand the general rules of python, sure. i understand how formatting works, some of the commands. but for most things, i'd still need to look up tutorials.
i don't count this as "knowing". i count this as "barely knowing".
and yes, user, with my timeframe, with how little spare time i have, it would take me two years to properly, honestly, master this language.
and again, i ask, for what? bragging rights.
programming is like drawing or making music, It took me two years before gettting gud enough I can code anything I want in most languages and engines.
Fug bois,
Need to get rid of my monolith GEntity class and start using a component system but :( so much code to change. Just want to play vidya n relax
Rip motivation
wew, finished finally my hitbox editor.
It was easier than expected.
Definitely a no there, but you could already tell that from earlier posts.
Not terrible, and honestly it's barely ok for getting the gist of python.
Python is a good starter language (that's what I started with a few years ago), and even in hindsight the path I took for learning was a stroke of luck; as my coding practices turned out pretty well rounded (i learned python to a competent level (did lots of Holla Forums challenges, made a small game), then C++/C (small games in both), and then C# (lots of tech demos); all from professional teachers/uni courses though).
Just for clarities sake, the main reasons why python is good for beginners is that it's interpreted (instant output from input, no messing with the compiler/IDE, it "just werks"), and it's quite human readable as mentioned earlier (sticks to KISS principle); so it's a "no fuss no muss" type of first language thus you'll be less likely to drop it due to "beginner's frustration" (this is a good/bad thing, as it sets a precedent in your mind that all languages will be this easy, which isn't the case for a language better suited to keep up with the demand of game code, like C++ or C#).
I recommend that you go with baby steps, and learn the basics of a coding language (python, or C) through a PAID course (I used for learning C#, it has professional teachers, and u can torrent a full course; i get it for free out of my uni).
It's really worth it, and especially for a topic like programming; as they'll cover the essentials… which isn't just, "this is how u code k". but everything from using documentation, logic/algorithms/conditionals/what a cache/heap is/etc, and how to use a programming model/design paradigm (f.e. a popular one is OOP [object oriented programming], and later you'll realize why it's not suited to games, but it's good to learn how to get into a "mindset" for how you design your code).
After you get a nice foundation, then learn the language you want, such as C++ (UE, Lumberyard, etc engines), or C# (Unity, Xenko, etc).
agreed with these two posts, and yeah it's highly dependent on how much time you spend everyday on it.
10,000hr rule definitely applies
It's a very good starting point just to get started on something, I remember me and my mate got started with game maker and then RPG Maker, our first proper script was something that made a railroad in RPG maker. This was about 11 years ago.
If the programming is what you want to do you can learn C# online pretty easy. C# is very logical for beginners, and is what you're gonna use if you plan on using Unity.
Nice progress, user.
going to make it export proper jsons and load them in C++
Reminder that there are villains in real life, and you can defeat the villain by getting good and outdoing them.
Did everyone go to sleep?
What's your preferred plan for producing your game /AGDG/. Do you set monthly goals, or just take tasks as they interest you? And how to you make sure you reach your goals?
Mate, I…
For a while, I used to do whatever interested me, and I still sort of do, but I have most the mechanics out of the way. Right now, I bounce between plotting out story and writing music, the latter being much more enjoyable. Goals are too restrictive, as I found.
Gamedev is my hobby, the one thing I really enjoy, I don't want it to be a chore.
I have a list of things I want in the game. I work on things that appear on that list, and will periodically go through the list to make sure everything meshes well together with any changes I've made as I develop. AI needs to react to gunshots and getting shot, so I need weapons before I can start working on AI.
Some things are also far more fleshed out than others. I have one idea for a CIA boss fight with 685 words mapping the whole thing out, while I have another boss which is basically "The arena is completely covered in fog and the boss attacks from out of this fog" "rip off that one gimmick in that one phase of the Monsoon fight in Metal Gear rising", basically.
Worthy of your Trips
Too tired to give a shit
Sounds chill
What game you making user`?
Lucky for you already asked that question.
Looks cool, GL user
Uh, OOP is distinctly suited to video games. It's not perfect by any means, but it's a region that it applies well to.
"Well, the breech and the barrel are really screwed up. That's what happens when you use HV bullets in one of these things."
Not for anything where performance is critical. Like the core of an engine.
Unless I'm missing the point of how: X += Y is somehow meant to add X's value to Y after they are added together, and not Y's value being assigned to X's. Or a possibility is they simply copypasta'ed the mistake.
I didn't mean to suggest that it was a great fit for the core of an engine. I don't think many people go straight to writing the core of an engine when they want to create a game. However OOP fits to the modelling of games (at a higher level than engine cores) pretty intuitively.
x += y is short for x = x + y, it shouldn't change the value of y in any environment I'm familiar with
"x += y" is just another way of writing "x = x + y"
First you're calculating variable "x" plus variable "y", and then store the result of the calculation to the variable "x" and overwrite whatever was previously stored in "x", while "y" keeps being the same.
For example you have two base variables:
variable x = 5;
variable y = 2;
and after calculating "x += y" the result now should be:
variable x = 7;
variable y = 2;
switching them around "y += x" however would be "y = y + x"
So If you calculate "y += x" the result afterwards now should be:
variable x = 5;
variable y = 7;
You'd be surprised. I did… though after years of modding. If you google any of the questions you might have OOP always comes up.
Thanks for the explanation. It definitely seems to be an error in the book if that's the case.
Today I fixed a sound engine bug in my game engine YUME that I couldn't find for a year.
Also, finished world 2 of Speebot! Starting work on world 3 today.
Good to hear.
Today I started working on my game again, after some bad shit that went down in my family a couple of weeks ago.
Still haven't played the Speebot demo though. The zip file is waiting, but I'd rather use my time productively now that I'm motivated.
Keep your momentum anons!
My light probes are fucked for some reason, tried multiple arrangements and nothing worked, i want the flowers to be lit in the light and darker in the shadows, but it ends up being a smooth gradient, this applies to all objects using light probes.
Ok no idea why, but it works fine when I raise the floor light probes to around knee level, i can see how it would change the lighting a bit, but how does it get rid of the aggressive smoothing?
Just a guess, but a light probe presumably "looks around" in all directions to see what the light level is at the point it hits. If you're pretty much at the floor level, you can't see very far along the floor and a tiny increase in the angle you look at means you hit a lot further away. So it interpolates between those far away points and the inbetween becomes blurry.
Tangentially related: could anyone give me any info on/pictures of /agdg/-tan? Is it Motavio? Or this other figure? What are they like?
Motavio was the /agdg/ mascot back on 4cuck's /vg/, I don't remember seeing the other one, but neither's really been used here on Holla Forums as far as I remember.
Motavio was the mascot of the AGDG threads on cuckchan. I don't know if he still is, I haven't been there in years.
OGRE was a good example of overusing OOP, they've since changed the core design principle to DOD.
OOP is great in certain cases, but shouldn't be used for everything; though I'm sure u know that each of these design paradigms are like different tools in your toolbox (each having their specific usage cases).
There isn't one afaik
So, I've got this written to switch between animations
enum PlayerStates { Idle, Walk, Jump, Fall } void animations(){ switch (currentState){ case PlayerStates.Walk: anim.SetBool ("isRunning", true); break; case PlayerStates.Idle: anim.SetBool ("isRunning", false); break; } }
But since they're in two different functions I can't use currentState since I haven't declared it
How the fuck do I declare it? What kind of variable is it?
PlayerState currentState = Idle;
Whoops I mean:
PlayerStates currentState = Idle;
Try PlayerStates.Idle.
currentState = PlayerStates.Idle;
This is why I should spent more than five seconds replying. Idle should be PlayerStates.Idle, sorry.
This just breaks my movement for some reason
As in, no input is received anymore
Talking about currentState = PlayerStates.Idle;
The Animation function is commented out and the thing is still broken
the input func might be setting currentState and having things depend on that, setting the currentState to idle every frame makes it do nothing.
Guess I'll try a shiettier animation switcher with booleans
I want to embark on a side project, but it depends if there's already a product out there that does what I'm thinking of doing; basically a GTA / Driver / Burnout - like game where you drive these shitty little 3-cylinder micro-crossovers (they're actually just city cars) in poo-in-loo type of locations, avoiding street vendors and cows. Though I enjoy GTA / Driver / Burnout games, the cars and road locations are just too American-sized for me. I know there are plenty of other shitty driving games out there, but not enough driving games of shit cars (please tell me otherwise). There's just a certain thrill that can be had about driving a shitbox really fast, like when I went to the feet of the Himalayan region in a Maruti 800. Then for the sake of "Diversity", my playable characters would be a selection of pajeet and gook manlets.
Anyways, just brainstorming out loud, gotta take a nap.
Hello Again Everyone, MoM user here, Today with Another Showcase. These next batch of Analysis videos will be covering the spell books, so expect as much!
Today I will be showing off the Fire Tome!
Questions as usual are always welcome and fun!
Some questions come to mind, but those might end up with the thread going off on a tangent.
Why do you just, like, make game, and what drives you to just, like, not make game?
I mean, what keeps you from giving up.
Managed to redact that into a mess.
Pretty cool
Although, one suggestion. Less text or make it appear faster. Also bigger, not in a corner of the screen.
This 8adgd needs a furry/kemono/trap/natsoc/flatchested/christian mascot.
I do get burnt out some times, but I never want to willingly give up. They have been previous projects that Have failed due to reasons outside of my reach, which is why I decided to learn programming myself. The more things you know how to do on yourself, the less likely things seem like they are snow balling out of control!
But what makes me not want to give up is that one of the greatest joys I find in life is being able to create somthing, and see the end result. The bigger your creation, the bigger the joy; I feel like outside of making a baby the most fulfilling thing is making a video game, as it is possibly the most intensive thing a person could make, factoring in you need art, code, solid game play, music, and so forth. It just feels great when it comes together, and seeing people enjoy your creation!
I probably keep the text as is now for the Analysis videos, but I could look into it when it comes to the main game!
Aside from MoM making furry shit, nobody has a game that fits the bill anyway.
One of the Characters in the Game is a Cleric, so that counts as Christian. He also uses the Holy Cross as an Item
There's no traps though, that would be gay
You're not kidding anyone, I've seen your stuff.
I think if we are going to create a mascot it shouldn't really be made with the intention to resemble any of the projects here anyway.
Okay, you got me!
My game actually has Booby Traps, Trap Panels and Trap Doors!
Science has proven that traps are not gay though.
You know how Vivian James was meant to be a realistic gamer, kinda messy hair and stuff? We need something like that, but with gamedev girl.
Someone like pic related came to mind, but less shit a waifu.
You have a patreon? You need an option so that, for X amount of shekels, I can include my Mary Sue trap OC in there.
Can someone recommend a good (preferably FOSS) video editing software?
I've tried OpenShot but the shit keeps freezing randomly during rendering. I just need it to be able to sequence videos with transitions, support audio tracks and export to 1080p. Windows or Linux.
Oh yes, I actually forgot to ask you guys; I was thinking of maybe starting up a twitter soon just as another place to post stuff. Is they anything wrong with using twitter outside of the fact that its a bad idea of getting involved in huge conversations?
I do not, actually. It seems sort of pointless considering I have done so much already without a single dime!
I would never let some one pay their way into the game, since we know for the fact it'd be diaper furs or, even worse…
…That Boomerange guy thats in every Kickstart project
Supposedly Blender's video editing tools are really good but I haven't touched it yet. It's pretty popular on Holla Forums and with anons making video OC.
Does anyone have experience getting character concept art or portraits off of Fiverr or something similar? My shitty art just isn't going to cut it.
Daily reminder to study your data structures.
If we do go that route, my only request is that she should be as comfy as possible, because I find that the /agdg/ threads can be the most comfy threads on Holla Forums.
I'm glad they're as constructive as they are.
Wish there were a few more actual artfags, though.
Get that crap out of here.
Linked lists are absolute garbage and have almost no use anywhere.
I know, I was just linking a data structure course.
you are thinking about my summer car
You know, in the past I've actually been thinking about what an /agdg/-tan would look like, if I made it. I figured that her core themes should one-man army and workaholic. It should be clear that her interest/skills lie in art, design and programming. I had something like this in mind:
//just likemake_game();
I wish I were a drawfag.
That sounds more like a /diy/-tan than an /agdg/-tan.
I can't believe how more shittier transform.position is than rb.velocity
Why would you ever want to deal with making transform.position feel right when rb.velocity just does it for you?
And why is that?
wow, can't wait for blender to make 2D possible niggers.
It has to be furry/kemono because faggots here only develop anime/furry games as example by that guy who's taking for fucking ever to release his "slide off the edges" game in unity and MoMfag and anton and coolpecker and even cooking user with his fairyslaver simulator and it needs to have a robotic apendage with lots of tools because of that user making a robotdiamondcollector game.
The only character that comes to mind that is tangentially related to all those themes and also video games is Fox. So make one based on fox.
that's really stupid
you're really stupid
It was just a suggestion, what's with this instant triggering?
get out
Lumping anime and furfaggotry together just as an excuse to get a furry mascot is a great way to piss people off and make yourself look like a retard, probably because you are one.
Anyhow, how do you anons get in the mindset for writing music? Some days I'll spend hours trying to put something nice together and get shit, and other times I'll get something amazing by complete accident.
I thought /agdg/-tan was this guy.
What about monster girls? Theyre furry, right?
Nobody leaves newfag
Is there anybody developing a game here with strictly human characters that aren't anime nor furry nor robot in any way? Why should the mascot not reflect that?
If monster girls are furry, how come you never see furfags making retarded monstergirlsonas, sharing monster girl pictures, or including monster girl stuff in their recommendation threads? I searched "monster girl" on /fur/ and the only hit was >>>/fur/15023 (
Whether monster girls are technically furry or not doesn't matter: they're not appealing to the kind of cancerous faggots anthros attract who just want to fuck hairy men with animal heads and maybe paws or a tail.
Great logic, faggot.
wrong. The fact that asshurt /monster/fags come out of the woodwork to defend their fetish is proof of this. Sage because off topic.
Everyone in my game's pure human, first of all. Secondly, what the fuck kinda shit argument is that?
How I view it, is that the mascot is supposed to represent us, not our games. Does Vivian represent all games, ever? Of course not. She is, and was always meant to, be a gamer. So therefore /agdg/-tan, or Aggy, as I've dubbed her for now, should be a qt gamedev, most likely a pale awkward shut-in with glasses from staring at monitors too much.
Monster girls appeal to a different kind of autist. What next, are you going to claim E.Y.E. or Dwarf Fortress fans are the same as Sonicfags because they're both autists?
Every morning, the first thought in my head is that I'm stuck in a world where people like this exist and that I'm not strong enough to fight them yet. If we keep working, then someday we'll be strong enough to oppose them, and that thought's the only thing that keeps me going.
It's obvious that anime girls are just ayys in disguise, but I know you're retarded and you wouldn't immediately be able to get it.
Sounds boring as fuck. In fact, for 100% accuracy a half assed, half finished sketch of what sort of looks like a mascot would fit even better.
You're about as bad as the autistic dog yiffers pushing Doggo Switch-tan.
This. She wouldn't be a handyman. If anything /agdg/ tan would be sitting like L in-front of a dual screen setup for hours a day wrapped in a blanket to stay comfy. The last two points, "a little hyperactive/over-motivated" and "utter disdain for pretentious clique members and their games" I think are spot on, through that last one is just a carry over from being a child of Holla Forums.
Also she's an engine dev. I can't imagine her being the kind of person who uses a proprietary engine even though that's what I do.
Because we don't want an anime furry robot as our mascot.
In fact it's pretty clear from this thread and the last that /agdg/-tan wouldn't like furries.
And even if it was an accurate representation of all the games that come and go in this general, which it isn't, there's nothing to say it would stay that way. Whereas a mascot that reflects the attitude would stay accurate even as games are started/worked on/finished/die.
You mean mark right? There is a reason it doesn't get banned.
My fucking dick.
he is a terrible public speaker, if fucked up english were not my second language i would have understood nothing
Lots of us use proprietary engines, but an /agdg/-tan would probably shitpost at you regardless of what you're using. The engine/language war shit has always been a popular topic, and does have some merit, but at the end of the day, it seems like most anons agree that while there might be a best language/engine on an objective level, what really matters is that you just like make game. The "best" language is the one that gets you to make your game.
I've seen this character a million times but never her name. Who is she?
I get the feeling that /agdg/-tan would be the sort of girl to bully you mercilessly for using [insert proprietary engine here], but also the type who'd give you a hug when stuff really isn't going your way and you wanna give up.
She'd also have to be a fan of pic related.
Any shame in blatantly ripping something off? Spellforce has these god hands you can build that are like towers which heal your army instead of damaging the enemy. I thought they where cool as fuck because they reminded me of the hand alter in NWN which had no real use.
That picture is amazing.
The idea was that by being an engine dev she could shitpost about all proprietary engines.
I really like that idea.
There's nothing wrong with taking a mechanic from another game and using it in your own. Just make sure that it doesn't feel out of place when you implement it, and if you can re-skin it to look different, even though it function's the same, that would be even better at keeping people from saying you are ripping someone else off.
If it's just one element like that, then meh, I doubt most people will care. It would be shameful, however, if someone ripped off what you're ripping off.
I thought at first that you meant ripping off the entire game, in which case, it depends.
Is the series dead? I was thinking of making my next project a clone of old Mario Party. You know, the good ones. Haven't had any of those since the N64 days, unless you could MPDS, which had five boards and was too gimmicky for my tastes.
If not,
Are you adding a game-changing mechanic? No? Then what reason is there for your game to exist?
Sounds good so far. I'd love to draw her but the closest I do to art practice these days is shitty oekaki stick figure doodles.
Shes from a futanari hentai, so unless youre into that, dont look it up, i was dissapointed myself.
everything is inspired by something else.
some are just better at hiding the source of said inspiration.
pannek has sold out, unfortunately
Naw just rip it off.
You don't get it though.
That's on a frame by frame basis. The half A press was never a literal half A press, it's just an A press that carries over from one level transition to another without being released.
Yes, I know you're kidding, fuck off.
I basically was gunna rip off the skin and functionality. I don't care about the mechanic so much, just the fact it fits the with itself so well and has a bit of nastolgia mixed in.
It's a pretty dead series, minus an indie group somehow getting the rights and resurrecting it from the dead.
It's obscure hardly anyone will notice right?
So I'm planning on making a roguelike. Pic related is what i've got so far, basically you can move around in a grid like fashion with the numpad.
As you can see, I've just used ss13 sprites for the player and shitty placeholders for the walls and floor. Since I am not using a console to render this, there is no reason for me to use ASCII. However, I still would like some opinions on what I should do with the artstyle. Should I use a minimalist ASCII-esque artsyle that would be easy for me as a programmer and leave more to the imagination?
Here's how a piece of currency in the RPG I'm working on looks like.
Also how does one go around designing things with sci-fi elements, how do I make my art look and feel cool?
The art-style you chose is entirely up to your own personal preference. Think about what you need to convey with the art. If all the details can be expressed using ASCII then there's nothing wrong with using it.
Why does the inside glow?
Why is it convex?
It has a seam, so what's inside of it?
What's that ring around the edge?
Will different values be made of different metals?
Will different values glow different colors?
Put some kind of official inscription on the coin's body. A good way to build up your world's lore. You can bake it into the normalmap.
Wanna use my shit for placeholders?
Listen to a fuckload of music I like, or that sounds like what I want to make, then go for it.
It helps to have real instruments for the writing process, and worry about autistic tracker arrangements later.
You have your own board, why don't you fucking use it and realize the fact everyone around you here thinks your taste is shit
Keep it simple. A coin shouldn't cost more to produce than its nominal value. Coins shouldn't look like they're gonna break easily.
Use metals. Metal looks valuable.
Make the front and the back distinct from each other.
Add some wear unless the coin is brand new.
Make sure the coins can be easily told apart, and have different weights.
Instantiate yourself some spares as you work, you'll rarely see a coin alone.
If you want it to glow and have circuitry inside, give it a good reason to. Maybe it should only glow when it's being used with some device, because it shouldn't be packing a battery of its own.
Did you use Maya to make that?
Here is the primary currency, I've redesigned it.
I kinda liked your previous one better, it looked different than most currencies. Going off the name does it have to do with energy or something? Because that would be cool.
That's a cool idea, it's not what I had in mind in though.
Made me thing of something kinda cool. Essentially credit cards, shaped like a coin, with a projected screen in the middle that shows how many shekels you have.
I know it's dumb and inefficient, but it's one of those futuristic tech-y things that only exist to look kinda cool.
What if currency is batteries.
that look like people. plugged into the matrix traded on the machine stock market.
I'll call it Wall Street.
It's 3am and I'm writing music on a 3ds. I've lost control
The quads have spoken.
Die, VS scum.
damn son thanks, sure
I'm getting motivated just from the /comfy/ alone
Great reddit post, upvoted!
Okay so I implemented a way to check if the slope is too steep, as of now it's limiting my player's movement.
How would I go about to pushing the player back down the slope?
I've been trying to work out the math, and despite knowing the direction of the slope I can't figure out the code to make him gently slide down using transform.position.
Anybody have any idea how I can do this?
This is my slope direction code
private Vector3 SlopeDirection() { Physics.Raycast (this.transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, Mathf.Infinity); Vector3 n = hit.normal; Vector3 r = Vector3.Cross(n, controller.down); Debug.DrawRay(r, n * 10,; return Vector3.Cross(r, n); }
It's currently giving me a vector like pic related depending on the slope
You ain't learning shit
But actually, great work user.
I just
Word is a pretty good editor.
But Diablo 3 is better than POE
Enjoy your inefficient code
Cross-product of that normal vector with the world's up vector gives you a vector perpendicular along the surface **as long as the normal isn't the world's up vector itself). Cross product of that resulting vector with the normal vector gives you a vector down the slope. You normalize then add that down-the-slope-vector to the character's motion, probably multiplied with some number that starts at 0 and increases to a maximum slidespeed value as long as the player's sliding down.
I think, did this in my head without testing it.
Correction: You'd have to Check A, then ifelse B, then elseif B, then else. But frankly:
It's a beginner exercise.
Actually, what you COULD do is
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ if(i % 3 == 0) Console.Write("FIZZ"); if(i % 5 == 0) Console.Write("BUZZ"); Console.Write("\n");}
Oh wait I misread it, whoops
Wow, you guys solved the FizzBuzz problem! I thought the answer would continue to plague the dreams of programmers everywhere forever, always out of their reach.
I moved the normal to be in relation to the player.
Then crossed the vector from the red line with world's up vector and I got this blue line which doesn't point down the slope
I am so very confused
30 days to go before im free to gamedev fulltime
Read my post again. I said something about crossing the vector you have now with the normal.
Sorry, I'm a huge faggot and I can't read
That's real neat user
I'm trying to write dialogues for sort of an RPG game and standard programs for writing documents are abysmal when it comes to multi choice conversations.
Is there some program that would let me create nodes like in Blender node editor but for writing text and with ability to connect individual nodes in any way I want, so I can create real dialogue tree?
get a better compiler, there is nothing wrong with that code
except the enum mising the ; after }
Whoa. Usually I'd do that if I'm already earning 10K/month on Patreon though. Best of luck.
I'm using monodevelop, what should I use?
Witch artillery flight combat mechanics being worked on.
That actually looks really good
What's this game about?
War is hell.
Thanks! Bavarian Scout Ranger (tentative title). Starts off as 3rd person shooter yuri action jrpg but gonna have Izetta style combat later on.
Also slopes are working, probably gonna create a state for them so the player doesn't stop sliding as soon as they hit the ground
nigga, you don't need all of that, 1k/month would be enough
i will probably try an indiegogo/kickstarter by the end of the year, i got enough savings to live without work for a while
Ok, I managed to do exactly what I wanted with TouchDesigner. It's a bit clunky but still 100x better than anything else that came to my mind.
user, if you post you contact on a thread on >>>/adgd/ and announce on drawthreads and here that you need artists then maybe someone will want to work for ya. not for free of course But whoever takes the time to contact you means they actually want to actually get paid and are willing to actually co-operate in an actual way. Plus you know they wont be faggot SJW tumblrinas since they're from here in the first place.
is you for real
How do people do this, the fucking normalfags?
i have offered to help people with assets.
Tbh it's fucking impossible finding artists to collaborate with
People have no ambition.
I went all the way to the animation department of the university in the city I live in and put up a bunch of posters saying that I was looking for an animator for a gaming project. Fucking nobody responded, they're fucking students and none of them even fucking cares about getting practice, if there's no money, nobody's interested.
Glad I found somebody who's as interested as me completely randomly thought twitter.
I have an artist, he is learning, but when i whip him enough he does a great job, i just wish he did animu
>you will never have a qt artfag preferably a girl who you keep in a basement and whip into working
I fell for the "don't work for free" meme.
It's one of the worst things that can happen to an artist. When I think of how many opportunities to get experience I rejected I just want to turn back time.
So Richard Stallman as a hot game developer girl?
Become your own qt artists, you dense motherfuckers. How many fucking skills have you mastered in the pursuit of gamedev? And you're going to stop at art? Seriously?
Tis what I'm doing, user. As I mentioned, I'm too autistic to work with other human beings.
Also I tried being qt, but shit slav genetics ruined that.
I don't plan to stop at art, but I'm still learning the
are you using it on linux? try
for win, just go for MVS2015
I mean the code you wrote is 100% ok (did miss the semicolon tho), you could pick up a proper book on c++ open the chapter on enumerations and it would be just that code.
You might go on with the compiler you're using but what else might not be implemented in it?
lol retard
why didnt you work on improving your own art quality?
why do you feel entitled to leech off someone's work, parasite?
Although I have art friends to leech off of.
What I meant is, they will probably be able to handle being called a nigger and dongle jokes which are good for morale.
It's not hard, just be honest.
It's not a meme, you're supposed to improve your art on your own, if you can't do that then you're a shit artist.
Yeah, I do that and people hate me then.
It's why I gotta do everything by myself.
Dishonesty and tactfulness are not the same thing.
I really don't want to use Visual Studio, it's just really heavy and shitty and I can't get past the registration screen because it bugs out on me
Because they would be leeching off my programming you dumb faggot
You both give something and create something out of it.
Dev-C++ was not bad, remember using it some time ago, c++Builder by Borland wasn't horrible either. In the end it's mostly the same concept just windows and properties moved around the UI
I'll try them out
thanks fritzlanon
Working with other people makes you grow faster than working alone.
You have a proof that you can work in a team and aren't some rogue autist.
You have an actual finished project to show instead of some stand alone models/animations/graphics.
And there is nothing wrong with working for free if the project you join is something that you genuinely enjoy.
Dev-C++ isn't under active development anymore, I think. I like CodeBlocks when I have to use an IDE.
Not even with a rented dick.
That's a lot of speed.
any ideafags wanna do a gamejam sometime? I just need a friend who can do pixelshit and shoot ideas back and forth with
I'm glad you appreciate it, bro. And yes, it's supposed to be an evolution of D1, largely ignoring most developments of later aRPGS. there were interesting possibilities for the getner at its inception. We'll see how that will turn out.
Well your friend can fuck off. If any of my games can have an inventory system, it has to be inventory tetris. Can't get enough of the stuff.
Diablo 3 is not really Diabli and PoE is not really a step in the right direction for aRPGs IMO.
Torchlight is better than the two as well.
Anyway, I played most aRPGs recently and can find value in any one of them. There are cool ideas to steal out there, but there is also a lot that can be added. Hell, in one of the Diablo threads there was a dude who said
Well, I'm gonna experiment with that. It sounds too cool not to use.
Well if I don't put more effort it will continue very slowly which is the same as it not continuing.
thanks for the appreciation
and download the demo if you haven't already
Are you using classes? I think ARPG has great potential for classless gameplay, but not in the clusterfuck way that PoE is
Have you tried Din's Curse? It's the only diablo style ARPG that ever clicked for me
I'll calibrate it later, for now it's just about getting all the shit functional so that I can hook the animations in once they're done
Beelzebox is currently designed not to have classes. I am a fan of giving the player options and tools so I will just give them a few pages of (((meaningful choices))) in active and passive skill trees and let them create their own builds/classes, be they viable or not. I am still working out the details and skills that would appear but summoning skellies is a must. I have a few ideas that I hope are minimally original, or at least inspired by good examples.
We'll see how that turns out.
I'll be honest, I left the Soldak aRPGs for later and never got around to playing them, It's amazing how the little studio like that manages to stay afloat and find some praise in the genre, though.
Should have played their games instead of shit that is Dark War…
That's really jewish of them
The problem is that it's much easier for someone to use your art against your will than use code against your will. You still need to know something about programming to slap a piece of code into something and it just work. Stealing someone's art just requires you to download the image and reupload or crop or whatever.
I used to do a lot of freeware icon work (as in 100+ icon sets that took months) but eventually stopped because it was a fucking headache chasing after all the people using my work in for-profit shit or without attribution. I even had Gizmodo doing it. Cunts ruin things for everyone.
With that said, I hope you find someone willing to go out on a limb with you user. I'm sure it would also be a big boon in motivation working off of a partner.
Don't forget to add multiple uses for skelles
Also multiple types of summons
Spells that make use of trash gear
alchemist class can use gold for mana and exchange large chunks of mana converting metals into gold.
oh, nice one
I already have found someone, so I'm good.
But still, I'm sad people that do art are kinda cunty. So many good projects will never get done.
What do you mean "cunty"? Do you mean that they smell like fish? Is their physical appearance like a vagina? Do they swell up with blood when you stroke them?
cunty artist detected
something like that.
You should have specified that you wanted the eyes to be blue, now the cunt has to open the psd file all over again and depending on how many layers the eyes have he has to either color change the coloring layer or redraw the whole thing, plus the shading of the eyes, plus the correct color value depending on what the original color value was.
It's a pain that you're not paying extra for. But I guess you would have to consider that stuff on a case by case basis since all artists have different quality and there's also many types of work that can be done.
Like for example if we're talking about concept art which is faster and sort of sketchy, the situation and the pay is different than if we we're talking about an illustration. You also have to consider if the artist has a TOS before hiring since there's usually rules about allowing changes to a drawing.
I most certainly do not swell up when stroked, at least not completely.
brb opening patreon
It might do if you hire someone freelance and their SOW/contract has a limit of free revisions but they're charged as change requests. Most freelance artists are idiots don't make anyone sign anything though, which is why they get burnt so often and you hear 'I'm owed $5,000!' sob stories.
The traveling salesman problem was solved by feeding them to ants.
Using a paint program is so fucking simple, the amount of work required is so fucking negligible when compared to the work and hours coders put into gamedev.
Not saying artfags are not worth a shit, just that when some pissant thing like that costs more a gamedev should rightly look at the overpriced moron and say: Fuck it then, I'll do it myself later.
Coderfags actually solved the artfag problem in the 16bit era. We created 3D rasterizers, and then used them to generate 2D graphics then touch them up. This is how Sonic and Donkey Kong, and Ultima Online, etc. were made. With the models in hand a coder can crank out extra frames, adjust colors / hues, etc.
Lacking quality pixel artists, 3D renders picked up the slack. 2D artists should enjoy their shit while it lasts. Indie devs should look into replacing such fuckwads with a computer who lets you generate endless poses from a single character model.
The open market prevails once again.
Art is what really sells the game, you need an exceptionally good game and exceptionally good luck to succeed without decent art by decent artist.
If you know photoshop you can edit 2D graphics just as well as 3D assets, it still takes an artist to create animations and to modify the model properly. If you think sonic and the likes were made by commissioning a few models and then kicking the artists out of the team, you're deluded.
That's not to say art is more important than programming, it's to say that they're two halves of a whole. I could just as well argue that programmers are obsolete because an artist can drag and drop models into UE4 and throw around some blueprints to create something much more technically advanced that the combined brain power of everyone in this thread could program from scratch.
That's something only an artist would think, and also why you're pretty damn expendable
Well, it's a good thing that's not what I said.
Look at that shit tier art in the special zone of sonic and tell me that is not programmer tier art enhanced by 3D models.
Go ahead and develop an engine that can output graphics and physics like UE4, I'll wait.
Your move, user.
Undertale has a coherent art style.
In fact, it only happened because of the Mode 8(?) SNES display mode, where it rendered white or black pixels only. This is what inspired Toby.
Don't Undertalefags actually like the art though?
Yes it is, but the coder isn't going to make your stuff look beautiful, sellable, marketable and most importantly, appealing.
You'll be waiting a while, considering the UE has been in development for almost two decades and has tens of millions of dollars of work put into it.
Are you a woman, by any chance? You say words that have no meaning and then smugly act as if you've outsmarted someone.
Is the exception, not the rule.
Undertale is ugly as fuck, also Stardew Valley, comfy and fun, but good god, its unplayable with default portraits
no it fucking doesn't
Then how the fuck did Final Fantasy X succeed
Let me restate the issue: Artfags being cunty and not giving out the .PS files which coderfags should require so they can adjust colors and what not or pay a different artfag to rework a sprite into a setting, etc.
Move beyond 2D into 3D and you get models. Most gamedev coders are not 100% illiterate when it comes to color and compostion, etc. They may just make shitty drawings and not model well, but get a 3D model in a scene and a coder can tweak that shit all day and rework the sprites, generate less or more frames in an animation. Posing and animating a 3D model that's been rigged is not rocket science.
My point is that someone who is not a based artist can work with 3D assets to produce a game much more cheaply than working with cuntly 2D artfags who won't give you the image source files.
I never said you could eliminate art from the game industry. I said we solved the artfag problem in the 16 bit era by having artfags give us 3D models instead of 2D, and using engines / hardware which can do pallet swaps rather than require an artist to grace us with their god-tier color replacement tool use.
I never said Mode 7.
You do your research. There is a specific display mode that only displays those two colors.
Blueprints are a crutch, and thus "from scratch" in this case would be without said crutch.
there is no graphical mode on the SNES that specifically does 1-bit color, you idiot. his choice to do black and white color was simply out of lazyness, and not an actual art direction.
He said himself it was inspired by a SNES limitation while working on the Earthbound halloween hack
well he clearly has no idea what hes talking about. as you can clearly see, there is no mode8 or any mode that only has two colors.
that, or this just goes to prove how much of a shit developer he is.
scratch that last part, he is both a shit developer and has no idea what hes talking about.
Is there a good guide to tessellation somewhere? Do models specify which tris or edges to tessellate the most? Does it just tessellate the whole model the same amount?
they like the porn :^)
just get one huh? not from one of these cunty artists surely?
reading this thread is fucking hilarious, it's no shock that none of you will make anything worth shit.
the art side of a pipeline is fucking enormous and of critical importance, and requires far more resources and people to get done than straight programming.
this user is correct.
also what the fuck is wrong with you signing any kind of contract where you don't get a copy of all the original files? lol
that has nothing to do with art and everything to do with you making stupid deals
How's your game coming along then
really good, i'm not working alone though, i have a partner
This is a joint effort, and to say otherwise is an argument from ignorance.
Any in-engine tools for the artist, shaders (tools to edit these, i.e. what makes it look "shiny, lit, and have neat effects"), and otherwise were provided by the coder (not mentioning if the engine itself was made by hand, or stuff like mechanics, etc etc).
It's really a mutually dependent situation (catch-22).
ideally you won't be working alone, and you definitely need a huge range of skills or more than one person, so i mostly agree with this but
blueprints aren't a crutch, they're a tool and you'd be dumb not to take advantage of any you can
not that kind of a partner, you should think about cock less tbh
pretty good, but you should fix the pink fruit in first and third image.
they look 2d while everything else looks 3d
is english your second language?
It's by definition a crutch.
Some tools obfuscate what can be done better by hand (or take away part of the fun); although that's not to say something like blueprints wouldn't be useful for simple shit.
also, I don't use UE, so the point in relation to myself is moot.
no shit, but go ahead and continue to talk about this engine you don't actually know dick about
Nice non-argument, and assumption.
Holy fuck this conversation is a waste of time, off to dev
It's not just art and programming, it's also sound, atmosphere and narrative. The whole package needs to complement each other. For example imagine an AAA graphics game with 8bit music and sfx, or a pixelgame with orchestrated music, it doesn't really fit. The entire game needs to be on the same level in every aspect.
An exception makes the rule, and although Undertale wasn't great looking, it wasn't shit looking either.
Anyways, anything can have great aesthetics if there is a good artist behind it. From simplistic pixels to highly realistic graphics.
That's not mine, I just saw it while browsing
All you need to make a game is know how to make assets for it, download the engine and start googling away.
That's it.
The only reason why art people don't do that already is because they're scared of coding, don't know where to start, get scared off easily by something they don't understand or they're simply bored by the idea of having to make lots of code.
I'm not even talking about blueprints.
yep, it's why steam is getting filled to the brim with shit, it's easy now with these engines.
that could be said about everything
Look at how I didn't mention learning.
Take a look around the neck and armpit, and contrast that shading with the side of the head. What causes these jagged bits of shading, where there's a blatant staircase of differently shaded polygons, rather than a gradient, despite being roughly a sphere?
duplicate vertices
elaborate on that concept
gradient type shading occurs because the vertices of each polygon share their vertices, and use these to interpolate the lighting values across the surfaces of the polygons smoothly.
having duplicate (thus, non-shared) vertices breaks this in most cases (that aren't crafted to be this way, and you've coded the shader by hand to account for this).
this generally occurs when one is using something like b-surfaces, or something like extruding edges into another edge (without proper vertex merging/welding thresholds, or not manually doing so w/say remove duplicate verts or merging manually).
this may be the case here, as it's the common factor in this type of problem, but I can't say for certain.
to fix it in blender, just CTRL+A in edit mode, and select remove duplicate verts (CTRL+V, remove duplicates), or merge them by hand if that doesn't work (usually doesn't work 100%, by hand is best).
headache is fucking with my thought process, excuse this
That's neato
Just tried it and got zero duplicates. Any other ideas?
did u try moving the verts where u see the shading artifacts, and seeing if it's actually a duplicate vert? (protip: always troubleshoot first)
if it is, merge them manually.
Sure did. Nothing there. Turning up the lamp's size property seems to have fixed it in that spot, but I'm guessing that's a bandage, not a cure. This is a new realm to me.
also, if that's not it, the next most likely suspect is the mesh topology causing some lighting issues.
post a wireframe screenshot of the area, and a separate picture with the normals displayed.
manual on how2 do that:
also, normals in manual (maybe try recalculating):
also, a good set of terms I'd probably search (as I'm crashing soon, so can't assist) is "hard edge shading artifact blender" (without quotes thou).
oh wait hah, maybe it's just the lighting, and the point you're using flat shading.
just switch on smooth shading and see if it persists
are u using flat shading, or is that just really low poly?
u rendering it? (as it appears to have ambient occlusion… unless that's just me).
Okay. Normals recalculated.
I'm not using flat shading, though. I did recently install Filmic Blender, if that could have something to do with it.
It's pretty low poly, and I'm rendering it. Not using ambient occlusion.
what are you? sum dum goy?
it all looks good to me.
Honestly I never use blender's renderer, as it will more than likely give u an inaccurate picture of what it'll look like in-game.
If it looks good with smooth shading, and doesn't have that artifact (staircase on the head) then you're fine; as that's probably due to the renderer itself not your model (maybe even the AO shading causing that staircase due to the lowpoly hard edge, i.e. it's more than likely the renderer since u don't have duplicate verts, and have good normals/etc).
I worry when that sort of stuff happens with just smooth shading in editor mode, as that means there's an issue with the mesh (be it duplicate verts, topology, normals flipped, etc).
Also, if you want to use the renderer, then apply a sub-surf modifier w/a few subdivisions, and see if the issue persists.
ah didn't see this on the first read, humm, well then I suppose my idea on how the staircase was forming is wrong (really looks like AO to me though… could be labeled SSAO).
So nobody knows anything about tessellation?
look at gpu gems, just search w/o quotes: "gpu gems tessellation", one such example:
there's a few applications, most prominent being something like displacement for additional detail (instead of say, parallax, i.e. more work in vertex shader or pixel shader), adaptively refining silhouettes (so just, catmull w/interpolating vert position), or a combination of both (LoD level for models, clothes, terrain, water, etc).
It can be applied via distance, edge length, manual triggers in shader before you hit the tessellation stage, etc.
also, good general resources (despite being unity) for approaches to tessellation:
Thanks bro. It's hard as fuck to dig up for some reason.
of course, and also the gpu pro books are pretty great for the obscure but useful topics.
I'd recommend to torrent em from cgpeers
As the programmer who has to regularly clean up, redo, and/or rewrite the blueprints made by designers and artists in c++ I have only one thing to say to you:
That shit spirals into unworkable mess territory faster than your mom sucks dicks, and is so horribly slow it chugs games to single digit FPS regularly.
you should stop browsing that site, its even more cancerous than funnyjunk
I know because i browse FJ
IDK how cancerous funnyjunk is, but it wouldn't surprise me if this board devolved into a more cancerous state than all the other places on the web it criticizes. I swear every time I leave this thread I get caught off guard at how fucking bad the quality declined.
I've come to realize that even though every online community likes to call each other shit and cancer, they're all more or less equally shit.
Because 90% of the time it's just "My circle jerk is better than your circle jerk". At least on here for a while everyone doesn't instantly jackoff to the newest schlock to be released, but the problem is in the opposite direction where anything that hasn't been discussed to death has a pretty good chance of getting shut down.
writing from work, sorry for late reply
It's actually more of a prototype, a little thing done in a week for a jam. It got good enough of a response to work on further. Me and my pal who helps in programming are currently re-writing the thing to make it work & feel better and to be more versatile.
these ideas are amazing. I really hope I can implement at least some of them both within the skill system intended and with time/manpower constraints that we're facing
Spells that make use of trash gear sound especially cool. There's gonna be a lot of loot lying around and animating weapons/armor would be a great way to utilize it.
Hell, I might implement a currency system just for that. We didn't intend to add gold.
You sure it isn't just newbie dumbasses putting everything into EventTick? I know I used to do that, until I discovered timed event loops and follow the principle of the best code is one that doesn't have to run.
What do you think of Skookumscript and you think is worth it?
Okay, I've been playing around with Blender for a while and I'm pretty damn proud of these models. What kind of game should I use them in?
The game I actually want to make is ridiculously complicated and would require an actual team to do well.
In order of increasing difficulty:
first person shooter < third person shooter < third person adventure (melee fighting) < RPG < fighting game
Interesting, that's roughly the order I thought I'd make simple projects in.
I'm guessing 3PS is harder than FPS due to having to code the camera movement? Maybe getting the crosshair right too?
Holla Forums here, me and a mate are making a l4d2/Ethnic Cleansing inspired game where you play as Moon Man in future detroit or just South Africa today, your goal is to escape back to Whitetopia and take down as many niggers as possible.
We're hoping to gamesjam the game out in less than a week, then spend however long we need to polish afterward.
We managed to get our hands on the infamous Moon Man model and today I've spent on retopo-ing him and getting him in a deformable state in a timely manner (I don't want to spend more than a day on it.)
Good luck. I hope to one day make a battlefront inspired race war themed game myself.
I personally would and will use a normal map for engravements. It's cheaper and looks basically the same. also you can actually change then on a whim or through script
Animations would be a bitch to make for a TPS.
I dunno how to normal map though lol
You can use a sculpting program to make your own normalmaps, or more simpler, download a program that generates ones from images.
Thanks, have a nep, on the house.
I just thought to myself, why don't I try creating pixelshit tile graphics without doing any research. It was a mistake with a whole load of time wasted and needing to redraw things.
Worked for me.
Then again, it took me seven years to get good.
shit, user. take care of yourself.
go have a walk, or a nice bath, and think about story shit or elements you could implement, it's what i do when not feeling well.
I have a weird bug in my game. Somehow player velocity is being set to NaN. Happens seemingly randomly and completely breaks the game. Simply setting the player's velocity and position all back to 0 seemed to fix it.
What are some ways to get NaN without dividing by zero?
Also this garbo.
In these cases I just Debug Log the shit out of my code and play for a while to see if it's connected to something.
It's long and boring but it's better than just guessing
Fully rigged now, hard to work with him being prior posed. However this rig may give me trouble when animating later, we'll just have to wait and see.
Bonus points to anyone who can guess the gun.
I would have said at first that it is a M3A1 Grease Gun but then the mag is at the top so idk might be a different SMG type then. And I haven't seen a MP-40 with a hollow stock either.
Close up of the gun
It's a ump 45
Problem is that it can take a long time for the bug to appear. I have no idea what causes it. Just spent over an hour playing my game, and it never showed up.
Looks like an Owen. Can't help but think the proportions are a little off, or at least the scale.
Are you actively trying to break it?
As the creator you might inherently know what you can and can't do and subconsciously avoiding things that might cause it
Get someone to play your game and record them playing it maybe?
I'm sorry if this isn't really helping but not knowing your code and knowing you're not using an engine makes it almost impossible to figure out what's happening.
I have no idea what what breaks it unfortunately. The two times it has happened it has happened I was just walking around.
I added some code to check if the velocity is ever set to NaN, get the method that calls it, and break. Hopefully I can figure it out when it does break, but that's why I was asking if anything else could create a NaN. It's not easily repeatable so I figured it'd be easiest to look through all the code.
How would you detect if your game was pirated as opposed to bought? Could you do some kind of steam account check or something? Don't pirated games emulate steam somehow?
I was thinking of adding something like that. It wouldn't break the game so people wouldn't be incentivized to rip it out, but it would change the game somehow, like changing a piece of dialogue to reflect that or even giving special pirate only content.
Fully weight painted now, might tweak it later, but I've done the best I can with the time I have. Only the trigger finger can effectively move.
Doing this
The garrysmod creator released an intentionally bugged version of the game on thepiratebay, then asked on Twitter about the bug. Retards responded and he got them banned by Valve.
that's pretty funny
Gamedev Tycoon devs increased the ingame piracy frequency in the pirated version of the game. People who pirated Gamedev Tycoon complained about their ingame companies going out of business because of piracy.
New thread when?
when we reach page 13, that's the rules
I have it ready, just waitan on page 13 to publish.
>not using Denuvo to prevent distribution of the lewds you include in the game download
Was it that obvious?
Gentlemen, we might have just saved the gaming industry.
Woot, glad to see you're still around, and game looks great as per usual.
could u drop your blog again, I lost the link in my bookmarks
I'd just use the "float.isNaN" method on any suspected methods inputs/outputs (as an alternative method of comparing, NaN == NaN, will NOT work), and output a debug log + stacktrace (due to last possible cause below) when this returns as true.
It's caused by division with zero, but also anything that results in an imaginary number "i" (which is Not a "real" Number); such as the sqrt of any negative number (so if you're using Pythagorean theorem, and trigonometry likes to result in NaN due to square roots, etc etc).
Also, be careful that you're not trying to utilize a NaN from some other method's result (i.e. adding a number and NaN = NaN, then later u try to use this as some input to your player controller/etc).
Last update from me before I go to bed.
Started on the nig and this is how far I got with him.
also logarithms/ln (natural log) can result in "i" pretty easily…
thanks, I gave it a try and it's pretty good for a prototype.
How much does concept art like this tend to cost?
I can't imagine anyone paying for that quality.
the way I do it, I put it through a simple pipeline of
for normal textures
In your case it could be just a black & white texture with the sign applied to the blade.
Thanks m-0. We were quite surprised about that, actually. That's why we continue the work.
But if they pirated the game why did they have a steam account in the first place… and even if they did, how did he know what account they had..? other then them being retards and having the same twitter name as there steam name, but if that's true then he probably just banned some random guy's account that dindunuffin…
normalfags, user. Not even once.
they probably posted on the steam forums asking for support
Didn't that happen with Game Dev Tycoon as well?
But he asked about it on Twitter…
Probably what happened in this case.
If I was going to commission for THIS quality, I'd say $5 at best.
You should know by browsing Holla Forums that people WILL pay for shit.
Get in here niggers.
go away kaldaien
I wanna make 3D models, I've dabbled in it before but it's been a while. What do you guys recommend for a free 3D modeling program? I wanna make low poly cute models.
blender is the go2