Are there any games that do a good job at recreating the look and atmosphere of Nazi Germany?

It's a pity too, Welthauptstadt Germania would make for an interesting setting for a game with all the batshit insane and grandiose architecture Hitler had planned.

Wolfenstein TNO might have some of what you want. Crazy big buildings and the like

It's just bland and boring skyscrapers in Jew York or wherever the fuck it too place. It was as bland and uninteresting as the rest of that turd of a game.

They couldn't even make the fact the Nazis were colonizing Venus interesting, let alone figure out a way to showcase some cool architecture.

Maybe we'll get a Man In The High Castle game now that the tv adaption has proven to be a hit. Without a doubt the Welthauptstadt Germania was completed there, I mean they succeeded in the Atlantropa plan so I shouldn't think that was beyond them. But, even if we do, it'll all become covered in soot and bloodstains undoubtedly and the game would probably take place entirely in America anyway.

I fucking hate that show because it wastes so much time on the boring resistance characters and that whiny yid instead of showing us the political and espionage intrigue the Nazis and Japanese get up to.


They could even get creative with the packaging and deliver the game in a beat-up-looking vintage-style film case

Not really, I wish we had a ww2 spy game though.
But i don't think we'll ever get something like that.

I wish MitHC was more of a spy thriller rather than the whole "everyone's obsessed with this alternate universe"

hah, thats a funny joke

I mildly snerked.

So it's not just me.