/those/ games

You know the ones. The outcasts, rejects from their main franchises. Always hated, never loved. Cast off to the depths of gaming hell, always to suffer alone in the infinite scathing bog. Tortured in the worst possible way, critiques hitting like meteors.

Reminded every single day of their mediocrity, a stain of raw shit imprinted into the body of the corporation that created it. Post them all, post those unloved abandoned bastard children here.

Nuts & Bolts was pretty fun, the original B&K not so much, it was just a lame Mario 64 clone.

Was color splash even worse than sticker Star?

Shattered Memories was pretty good.

Also, despite the original Spyro trilogy being the best, I really enjoyed the Legend series with its Tolkien-esque edginess. Dawn of the Dragon was buggy, but it was really fun playing co-op with a friend… Especially the HD version. After that game, Autismlanders destroyed the franchise.



Also for Spyro, the awful isometric GBA games.

They aren't awful, just mediocre.

They're pretty fucking bad, even the one with the crash crossover was better

The most memorable thing about Blue Shift was that god-awful Freeman's Mind ripoff.

Not really but whatever.

You whatever, don't make me get over there and eat your ass.

Get out, microshill.

The best part about Blue Shift was the blue color and trainyard segment.


It's like I'm looking at a korean mmo's UI.


I wouldn't say it was 'good'. But compared to Homecoming, it comes off looking much, much better.

Also, nice dubs.

You could post any post-64 game really.


These are both really great games that only get hate because they're side scrollers.

I love Ys 3 and just how many versions there are out there, the NES port is surprisingly good.

Devil may cry 2 too

Does Project Snowblind count? It was a Deus Ex until Invisible War bombed while it was being developed

The main thing holding nuts and bolts would be the constant framerate drops

They get love from people with bad taste

how does one live being so full of shit

oh wait she's a chick so she can get away with anything , look at all these clowns just sit and listen to her talk bullshit about something she doesn't know shit about, but they won't say anything cuz they maybe they'll get to fuck her if they keep their gobs shut long enough

Anyone have the clip of them freaking out over Trump getting elected and apologizing to Muslims on behalf of America? I can't find it on YouTube.

You can tell she is so fake, she isnt saying anything coming from herself.

I wouldn't trade places with her.

What's your stream account.

a-user pls i'm not even streaming tonight because of work

Answer the question user. I swear to god if you don't shill to him I'll bully you right here and now.

don't do it, i'll bully you for having no integrity

Do it, I'll flash my cock at you.

If you don't tell me I'm going to bully you.

powerpuffsama dont @ me

DUDE! I remember you!
Remember when you argued with Huskyindenial and he got fucking pissed?
I might go back into twitter, I miss you


Was I drunk? I don't remember him, but I piss off at least 7 activists on a daily basis on twitter so I don't remember a lot of them.

It was almost exactly a year ago, I tagged you, had you PM to make up. You're a powerpuff girl with a beard right?
I'm Miitomoan
I used to be UndertaleOrgy but I got suspended for being too extreme

eh you're okay with me i guess

We played Rainbow Siege once in November but that Brasilian bitch who rapes you and you never got on again, you also use that name for everything I see you around sometimes.

I dunno what I am anymore, people label me as an alpha weeb so I'll take it.

I fucking love Siege, ended up being one of the best games I've played with friends in ages. I'm shit at it though but i don't care, I'm usually laughing too hard to play right anyways.

I meant your avatar. You dropped high school and work as some carpenter/paint/builder iirc
You're also into some freaky shit and have nipple piercings Sort of a bearish/strongman bodytype
I'm watching you

This exists, I don't know why it would need to exist but it does.

No actually I wasted my degree on film and have zero piercings, but I lift a lot. You're confusing me with someone else.

silent hill shattered memories is actually good though as well as doom 3

Aw, god damn it.

Shattered Memories had amazing writing. I lowkey loved it.

I wish Shattered Memories was hated for the stupid nonsensical game it is. All it has going for is that twist at the end and that's it. Everything else about it is retarded and awful.

Kiss my ass OP.

Nuts & Bolts was fucking great. Gas all the N64 tard babies who say it was bad.

I always look at those games and every time I wonder.

Are they truly bad?

Maybe they are misled, but maybe, just maybe some actual care went into that shitty Bomberman reboot. Maybe the idea seems too stupid to look past the fact that it's an edgy reboot of a child-friendly cartoon-styled video game but if someone were to look at them with a clear mind, they could be considered actually good games.

Or maybe they are all shit, who knows.

You're retarded and awful :^)

You can always, you know
Play them

I don't have a 360 I'm thinking about checking out that Spyro game though as Spyro was never a part of my childhood and I only played the first game as an adult

When the fuck are we going to get a proper 360 emulator anyways?

Dunno, I wish we did already. I want to play some of the exclusives it had. Which seems to be, not many

Hopefully soon, I want to play some motherfucking Ninja Gaiden on PC that aren't the SNES titles

Whats so bad about blue shift? I thought it was twice as fun as original half life and opposing force and thats saying something as I fucking hate half-life in general

Which part?

Oh I forgot.

and you should. i'll give half life 1 some credit cuz i enjoyed it but half life 2 and episodes just set a bar for shitty shooter campaigns that everyone follows because they're fucking idiots

So is the game and its apologists.

Silent Hill 1 = 2 > Shattered Memories >>>rest

Only retarded plebs that like 3 think SM is shit

What does this make me. For real though, downpour or homecoming would be the odd ones out, not shattered memories.

most 64 nostalgiafags have not actually played those old games since they were kids and seem to forget how poorly they have aged.

Whoa whoa man, I played through bk1 just last month and it was perfectly fine still. I think it aged much better than even mario64.
While it isn't perfect, I still liked it a lot, and am sad that the new banjo game wasn't like it.

I did like nuts and bolts though honestly, but it wasn't what I wanted.

tbh color splash doesn't look so bad. It's only the battle system is a bit mediocre but otherwise the game is fine.

You're the real pleb here.


Mario 64 still has better character movement and overall better level design.


Pretty much everything that was on Gametap prior to everything going full shit.

The DMC had bad gameplay? I though It was pretty much the same.

Pretty dumbed down and the tryhard writing didnt help.

It's less satisfying. Jump cancel is piss easy, demon dodge is overpowered as dicks (Why did they dedicate two buttons to dodging remains a mystery), the new characters are pretty fucking unlikable and the plot and dialog are bloody garbage.
And the ending holy fuck, I still can't believe Tameem used his own twitter handle at the end posting "Demons we are #awake". What a dumb motherfucker.

DMC3 has notoriously challenging and intricate gameplay for a single-player action game, you could get through DmC blindfolded and mashing random buttons

Couldn't say, I rented them when I was a kid and didn't like them enough to buy them. I did play Zero and thought it was underwhelming.

It's probably why Dodger loves it more. Because it's far more simple. what a pleb :^)

I liked it. I think most people were disappointed because it didn't masturbate their nostalgia for AoE2 right.


I enjoyed it, but yeah it's incredibly simplified. My first time through DMD mode I got SS and SSS on every mission. Also there were just a lot of poor design decisions, colour coded enemies really pissed me off. Also there were a few segments where it was just walking while listening to exposition dumps, no action, no gameplay at all, no skipping it, who the fuck would think that's a good idea for a game where they emphasize replaying missions to get better ranks?

I do love me some Combichrist though.

Retards seem to enjoy Ninja Theory games due to how braindead the combat is.

That's not a bad game, although it was not what people wanted. Given Yooka-Laylee maybe it was for the best that we didn't get a real Threeie.

How's it compare to Atomic Bomberman?

Maybe it's because Thief 4 took the crown of worst, but Thief 3 at least feels like a valid attempt at the series except for the small levels.


Isn't this the game that gave the start to the whole Raving Rabbids cancer?

I still like it. Should get around to installing that Napoleonic wars mod.

This, 2007 Shadowrun. CS knock off with magic and tech. Plays more like Unreal Tournament though.


That game was really fun. Probably the last real arena shooter ever made. It also proved that consolefaggots are terrible at video games so that alone makes it great.

I hate shattered because it was an unnecessary reboot of the first Silent Hill (Which is the best imo). Gameplay looked like ass, and the story was garbage. I'd rather play homecoming or downpour again then give that shit another playthrough.

Shattered Memories looked pretty good when I watched Game Grumps play it

BK has more interesting levels but for the most part I'd say their design quality is pretty even.

Mario has weird retarded things like Lv 10's giant snowman level. Very linear and then it has that one contrived spot to get a koopa shell that you don't really need


Yes it did, and it's horrible because the Rayman games up to Raving Rabbids were really fucking good.


Color Splash, although not as good as the earlier Paper Mario games, is actually still a good game.

I still have a bunch of Rabbids merchandise including a figure of one wearing Altair's robe
I was young at the time

Thats means you still are now

What's the minimum possible time between being young and no longer being young?

I guess

they are pretty great after RR too, I think it's the only series that picked itself up after being raped by execs so hard


To its credit, Dumb of the Dragon was the most game-like out of the Legend of Spyro trilogy. The whole trilogy was bad, but DotD was especially laughably bad and playing it with a friend the whole way through was so bad it was kind of comical and enjoyable in a weird way (except that extra shitty lava level). Everyone looks extra shite though. The not-Hunter in not-Avalar ignores the silhouette rule in character design and Spyro looks like he's made of polished clay. If the studio wasn't bad and LoS wasn't just a Lord of the Rings movie with dragons, some of DotD's ideas would probably be possibly really fun.

In Spyro's case I'd think that Enter the Dragonfly qualified as topic related, but I suppose it's so infamously broken and unfinished that it probably is more liked for being a joke of a game.

Project 8 and Proving Grounds are god tier compared to this trash

Legends would be a 10/10 if it was harder.

I loved the shit out of the Legend of Spyroz series.

The most criticism I hear about them is about Spyro's nose being off, then these same critics will praise Skylanders for "bringing Spyro back" and ignore the hatchet jon he became.

This is actually the best competitive shooter ever made.

Oh I made a longer Clip of this

2 games hated by their community but I enjoyed both of them.
I liked the class system in the Survival mode of GoW Judgment.
RE:ORC had a lot of issues but it was a fun 4-player co-op game. Lupo is a cute

When compared to the other Ninja Gaiden games Yaiba was complete shit. But I still managed to enjoy it. it Yaiba was a decently fun character and it would be cool if he came back as a bonus playable character.

i love how everyone who actually enjoyed and played the game to have fun are providing rational critique and the one who only played(?) it for journalistic purposes doesn't know what she's talking about.

i don't think that cutting her off with a loud "REEEEEEE normalfags get out" would be the best idea to be honest. people in real life don't screech at each other (except for feminists). i don't think this webm does it justice tbh, the guy in the extended version tells her off properly at the end.

What the fuck were they thinking?

They also removed manual lock on/targeting, so you'd soft lock on the closest enemy, but this change totally removed directional inputs, and really took away options in combat. They casualized the shit out of it.


well i don't advocate actual screeching at people but yeah, is good to see that some one properly defended the game, but even still this chick is frustrating to witness cuz once they start actually talking about THE GAMES she states off into space

Kill yourself. Even Downpour was more of a Silent Hill game than that garbage.

They were thinking, Americans love edge.

But not like this!!

Nothing is wrong with it it's just not as packed as the base game and Opposing Force. I liked it for the trainyard section, playing as a nobody security guard, the shade of blue they used, and how it's just unremarkable like a Columbia jacket. Would multiplayer have been unnecessary for it?

Speaking of Half-Life expansions, what do people generally think about Decay?

Because this is what Japs think of Americans.


Their opinion has change no? iirc street fighter had guile because that's what they saw AMERICAN™ as. Then they added some fat fucking dude a few games after because they saw how truly horribly out of shape most americans were at the time.

Can't for a Marionette Puppet Military man with a US flag pattern, that is controlled by a Zionist in the next installment

This looks infinitely better. Okay, I'll buy it.
I'm not kidding
More animu girls should have big cartoony eyebrows

It would be 100% if he were serving hamburgers

I came to post this but someone else did.

How does someone legitimately think this?

What could possibly go wrong?

It's like he decided to try and fuck up as many franchise as possible including his own.
All his fault, and to think Bionic commando was the best one out of these since we got Bionic commando rearmed as well.

I figured someone would post T3. It's not as good as the first two but it's still fun enough to play. I just got done with T1 and 2 and I'm going to do 3 next. The asylum mission is epic. I'll never touch the abomination that is the reboot.

I have never played a Devil May Cry game and even I can tell nuDMC is shit. Also the whole "you're just nostalgic" and treating nostalgia as automatically a bad thing pisses me off morethan all the other modern "gamer" shill arguments. Even more than "you're just entitled".



Devil May Cry is pretty much tied with Ninja Gaiden for the spot of Best Action game series of all time.
DMC 's combat variety and complexity is it's biggest appeal, it's second biggest appeal is it's highly entreating and lovable characters. They couldn't have picked a worse series to reboot and dumb down. DMC might be one of the very few series to completely reject it's reboot if the rumors for DMC 5 are true. The only other game I remember doing anything close to reversing a reboot was Prince of Persia the forgotten sands.

I liked it, but apparently I'm alone in having that sentiment.

Seriously what the fuck were they thinking when it came to enemy placement and AI?
Every single encounter is a 3,4,5 on one fight where even if you aggro one with a bow all of them immediately run towards you. enemies you see pop into reality in front of you The gutter was fucking horrible for this the torch mechanic thats pointless, most weapons and builds are locked halfway into the game. Bosses are all just guys in suits of armor and everything else is poorly designed and pathetically easy. also soul memory was a fucking huge blunder.

I liked it, but no one else did.

Nuts and Bolts was great, though. It just wasn't Banjo-Threeie.

Same, it had its issues, but it was an alright game.

Also because soul memory exists it makes Hexes inherently useless in PVP because if you use the ring to get no souls you do pathetic damage and if you dont and use souls you will eventually only fight maxed characters.

DoR had the best gameplay, but lost a lot of the personality the originals had.

Disappoint tbh

Meh. Wasn't bad but was disappointing compared to the masterpiece that was DaS1 (not even to continue the circlejerk, it just paled in too many areas namely story and compelling characters. Also weapons feel a lot less powerful, and the "weight" of a lot of weapons felt too samey.

Paper Mario is kind of cheating, since every new game is another disappointment
Super would have been that game before Sticker Star came out, and Super was actually good

Aye, pretty much all of the units looked like random blobs.

At least it introduced the Duster, a unit that's near and dear to my heart.

Battleships moving and shooting in the same turn, and letting ships finally go under bridges was a god-send.

Bikes were great too.

I would also like to put in /those/ character designs as well

This shit needed to stop long ago.

Fuck you, I hope they put every woman in heels.


The entire franchise is this, honestly.

Gymkhanas were fucking awful on Dirt3, just what the fuck were they thinking?

Proving Ground DS is actually pretty decent. Not THPS1-4/THUG/THUG2/DESA level, but pretty decent.

I've frequently seen Shattered Memories be cited as the best western Silent Hill. Personally, I think that goes to Zero when you're willing to completely ignore the story but either way, not the highest of bars I admit.

Shattered Memories is okay. It's best treated as its own thing than a Silent Hill game. Zero is a Silent Hill game. They're both just alright, but look a hell of a lot better compared to Homecoming and Downpour.

The only good things about N&B were the vehicle creation mechanics and Humba Wumba's new design. The game structure was shit, the level design was shit, the art design was mostly shit and most of the missions were boring. I couldn't finish it, because the game was just so damn tedious that it didn't feel worth the time and effort.

Vehicle creation was a cool gimmick, and it could have made for a good inclusion, if it wasn't the entire game. Just have one world built around those mechanics

I want big tittied delicious brown wumba, not freckle tumblr bitch wannabe indian half-breed wumba

I played the reboot to see how bad it was. They made Garrett emo and tries to set up for a sequel with a literal cliff hanger at the end.


Trash. But I feel N&B and Spyro are forgivable at least. Color Splash is completely unforgivable though.

Still none of it is as disappointing as Mighty no 9 and Yooka Laylee, yet faggots are probably still giving money to shitty kickstarter projects.

I really like it too. Everything but the pan pipes.

I certainly liked it more than Phantom Hourglass. My main problem was with how the lore in this game felt so disconnected from the last games even though its supposed to be a direct sequel to WW and PH. And the final boss/main villains were pretty trashy.

This too. The pan shit was irritating to me.

What exactly stood out to you about it?

sm and homecoming were fine and had great soundtracks.
downpour (also fucking shit ost) and book of memories (decent ost) were awful

God, I love the look of defeat on her face once she stops screeching and just gets shut down.

The best part is the Dirt Rally project was started by one guy at Codemasters who wanted to see if it were possible to make a better rally sim than Richard Burns Rally, and of course it sold like hotcakes. Reminder that franchises live and die based on the whims of publishers who have absolutely no idea what players want and who don't even player their own games.

are you sure?


OMGZ they're ganging up on her!

Is Color Splash really that bad? Is it worse/better than Sticker Star?

Somehow worse and is basically just the worst of Sticker Star multiplied by a 100.

Erik Kain is the hero we deserve

nah, he's a joke with no standards any more.

For what it's worth apparently Malladus is a Demise reincarnation, so Ganondorf still won in the end and Hyrule will always be plagued. The bad news is it's tertiary sources that claim this (ie the Historia), Malladus being Demise doesn't make sense with the stated "we warred with malladus for a century" the Lokomo give and as far as the game itself goes Malladus is just Not-Ganon.

I always assumed Ganon was the reincarnation of Demise, not just his hate in general if one doesn't take Demise's lines to literally. And Malladus was apparently around for a long time before WW apparently, so one has to wonder where this shit all fits in, especially where New Hyrule came from or if both Malladus and Ganon were somehow active at the same time… I'm just gonna stop right there because I can't take this shit or Skyward Sword right now. That game was supposed to be the earliest point in the story yet it doesn't really feel like it and offers very little to connect it with the rest of the series to the point where it feels like a standalone game that they decided at the last minute to be at the earliest fucking time ANDICANTFUCKINGDEALWITHTHISFUCKYOUNINTENDOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No, he tries too much to be a centrist so in the end his opinion is fucked.

Its quite clear that they really put no effort into the timeline shit and how everything fits together. If they did, SS would've been a great way to explain a lot of unsolved shit, but instead it just raised further questions. Like where was the Deku Tree? Is it connected to the Great Tree? How fucking so? And what about the Kikwi? Are they supposed to be proto-Kokiris and where the fuck are those green kids anyway? Are the Parella really the unevolved Zora or is concept art all we have to go on? Why are there no gorons at Eldin volcano despite it supposedly being the future location of Death Mountain? Where the fuck or how did Gorons even prosper when there's only like three of them scattered in the game with no real home or tribe? If the Sheikah really built these ancient robots, you could've at least had the ones in BOTW somewhat resemble them or the architecture, but since those fucking Guardians were originally octoroks in the early phase of the game, its just more proof that there's no real connection between the games. And then also how are Levias and the Wind Fish connected? What's the deal with these flying whales and how come their bones and Jabu Jabu's bones can be found in BOTW in separate areas? And what the fuck happened to those mole guys and why weren't more of those ancient lost races mentioned in other games shown in SS? And why the fuck were the three guardian dragons replaced with glowing animal spirits in TP then when you could've just offered a simple explanation in said game that maybe they need successors? Why did Nintendo make no attempt to draw connections or parallels between Skyloft and the other floating cities seen in the series, like Minish Cap or TP? And the Skies or so fucking barren it makes you wonder how any sky-dwellers managed to thrive in this shit. And why not also give some hint about how the Occa came about in SS? Or explain anything for that matter? Or how the fuck the Sheikah even managed to survive in ancient times with only one member? Or even explain why there is a Gerudo Dragonfly with no Gerudos? If the missing major elements of the future aren't already there at the earliest point in the series then you should at least imply how they will end up being founded or what connections the things already there might have with these future major staples of Hyrule's setting.

Fuck, now I'm a mad and retarded now too. The fuck user? Did you infect me with some kind of rage-inducing stupidity virus?

YES! Everyone will know and share my disgust and stupidity over the underdeveloped nature of a children's game.

I thought T3 was a genuinely good game and looked incredible to boot.

T4 literally has no redeeming qualities because eidos decided thief fans don't care about thief anymore with what happened after thief 3 so they made it into dishonored.

it's amazing absolution didn't kill the hitman series
you should pirate HITMAN™, it's not absolute garbage

Ganon is Demise's reincarnation in general, New Hyrule was unearthed from the sea level lowering after Hyrule was flooded in WW. Malladus can't be a Demise because he'd be alive at the same time as Ganondorf, but Nintendo claims otherwise. Fuck SS for infesting the series with Hylia.

Nice rare Samurai Jackies you cool dudes have got there. This a Utonium thread now?

I tried to play Absolution recently assuming that like with the new Hitman it could be turned into Blood Money 2 Electric Boogaloo by disabling all the hand holding in the options menu, but nope, there's no saving that absurdly linear level design.

Not only that. That new Hyrule Encyclopedia or whatever that superseded the Hystoria apparently fucked the lore up even more. Malladus is also just one big wrench in the machine as well as the spirits of good. Who the fuck are they supposed to be especially to have that fucking Lokomo Sword that's somehow almost identical to the Master Sword? Some have even said the spirits of good are supposed to be the guardian spirits like Lanayru, Eldin and whatnot, but that role seems to already be taken up by the Valoo, Jabun and I guess the Deku Tree. Or something else. Fuck. ST really needed to refine its lore more instead of making it feel so alien. If not for the artstyle, all the references to Tetra and that one pirate guy still being alive, this shit would barely tie into WW. And where the fuck are the Rito and how did Linebeck's descendant and the Anouki get there if they're from another world? Fuck this user
Fuck you!



One of the few good post-movie episodes. Thank goodness the show was cancelled before it could get worse unlike Spongebob

Battleships being able to move and shoot was the only thing DoR did wrong. All naval battles come down to who can build one first.

This dosen't bother me. She just has shit taste.

women need to fuck off to the kitchen unironically


Out of all the Kirby games, Air Ride is the only one that deserves the American cover art. I never feel comfy playing City Trial unless my mates cooperate in getting the achievements, and the less is said of the actual trials' mood the better.
Also is it me or this game has the comfiest looking menus?

I completed the main campaign and played some of the trial maps.
I wouldn't say it wasn't fun, it's just that it has nothing to do with the Advance Wars series proper in terms of vibe. Technically it's much more balanced and the AI is harder to manipulate fully unlike the former ones because they realized APC baits and mech spam were boring as fuck, but I'd say they made way too many changes to the core units to be a 1 to 1 sequel. It's still really fun to play on VS and the "muh COs are useless" complaint, while true, doesn't really make a lot of sense as a downside, since unless given house rules and instructions, everyone would instantly pick the one with the better passive, while in this game there's only two commanders that really fuck with everyone else. Also adding back the medal system from the SNES one was a really good idea.

My biggest complaint and the reason why I guess it's hated this much is that the game looks ugly as sin. The battle animations look something like early GBA attempts at realism with huge, grainy sprites. The factions all look the same basically and the units are less distinguishable than back in the day. The maps themselves look barren because while the mountains are realistically pointy, there's just rows of them and it's harder to pass it on a non cartoonish game. Also the animoo vs western characters clash against each other all the time, I could understand if they wanted to differentiate women from men by making the former with googly eyes and odd hair, but literally the tone and style is all over the place. The story is also the usual "muh clones, muh apocalypse, muh humans r bad, muh hope sprouts eternal" and I really don't feel like having heartfelt conversations about how resources are waning while a factory can produce pretty much any unit of the game and massively spam infantries. The only two characters I really liked were the nigger doctor who cracks up horrible jokes and singlehandedly destroys the mood in a good way and the Mayor, the only voice of reason of the game who dindu nuffin.

The other units that I really like over AW are the Bike, which makes ferrying troops much easier without making them too overpowered and the new Battleship that can move and fire at the same time. Even if it's overpowered, at least it's more enjoyable to use and more difficult to fight against.

A game theory taken from a bunch of reused locations between Samurai Jack and PPG was that Utonium is a descendant of Jack and Townsville is the place from the second episode of the first series, the one with the talking dogs.

Brain damage

Well isn't that what bombers and submarines are for then? Even the aircraft carrier's seaplanes could punch it up some.

I'd be more irate about the anti-tanks. Their counter is, what, battle copters and infantry? Copters are good but maneuvering infantry in like that just to smack the AT around is never easy.

Honestly I can't deny it. Every once in a while it's nice to play an easy casual game. But it still doesn't stack up to the other Devil May Cry games at all.

I think out of all the gameplay, the bossfights were probably the most disappointing. Vergil was the only one that gave me any sort of trouble, but that's mainly because I was playing super recklessly, the moment I played with any sort of tact I finished the fight with nearly full health.

Game Theory can fuck off. Also, that theory makes no sense. Jack, as far as we know, never had kids in the past, and Townsville was shown existing in a normal Earth-like world identical to our own, except that Townsville was next door to an island of monsters, and an earth-like world like there's should not be possible since Aku conquered the earth 25 years after Jack left. Its possible that the destroyed townsville is from an alternate timeline where it was one of those few lucky areas that Aku ignored for a time to make them find happiness only to take it away from them easily. Its likely the PPG didn't or did exist in this timeline, but since they didn't have the same purifying abilities as the sword, they could not defeat Aku, or Aku destroyed the city before Utonium did jack shit. But none of this really matters since I once spoke to Chris Battle (who was a character designer on Dexter's Lab, PPG and Samurai Jack) and he states that there is no canon connection between the shows and that it was just charming references. At best, its likely that at least a version of the talking dog and townsville did exist in this continuity but it was a passing resemblance, and the talking dog eventually fucked so many bitches that it lead to the birth of a new race of talking and highly advanced dogs. Fuck.

That was a great game. The switch to a darker tone was done well enough, regardless of whether it was a good idea in the first place.


Now when I was younger I had allot of fun playing Earth worm Jim 3d, But holy shit is this game flawed. I never got to the 2nd world as a kid and more recently the game got freaking impossible when I got to the 3rd world.
The game's story is Jim goes in to acoma and has go in his own brain and memories, each level has 100 marbles to collect (a play on the phrase lost your marbles) but if you die you need to start all over from zero marbles and these levels are huge and confusing.

I wish I could beat it and maybe one day I will, it's a really unique and wacky game, but this is a very good example of series having a hard time going from 2D to 3D.

was it a shit game or a good one? Never played it, saw it in the store but GTA3 was kinda the option to go with at the time. And never thought of buying it again, but was always curious if it was shit or good.

Kinda like Bushido 1 and 2 from squaresoft they are dumb games, one round can be under 30 seconds or if you have another autistic friends a round could last for an hour.

i've always wanted to give this game a try but i never got around to it, how's it hold up

man when i was a kid my friend got his hands on this game and we thought it was brilliant but of course we could never actually get very far in it

I've never played the other DMC games but i will say it's a very mediocre and repetitive game.

Don't forget the "look at this dallas intro parody! Aren't we so randum! XD". That shit really rubbed me the wrong way.

Is it suprising? Journalists are fucking arrogant losers and everyone whoever came into contact with you can tell you that. Fuck, has done interviews for half a day with two journalists and they printed a whole piece of paper and still got the names completely wrong.

Not only that, they suck at what they are supposed to be covering. The sports-journalists suck at sports, that's why they are just journalists and the same goes for gaming-journalists, they suck at video games, they don't play them and they don't seem to enjoy them either, or atleast just hates us, the gamers. Just look at that journalist who barely could get through the beginning of NuDoom. What a faggot.

This is a 100% accurate representation of america

what show?

0/10. Would not melt steel beams with.

3d Bionic Commando was pretty fun though

Please, post the original version of that image.

They're becoming huge sellouts, but they still keep using copyright characters for that.


Did you forget the ending of PH where Linebeck also makes it out into the real world?

Man, I really wish that game was better. I love EWJ.

Hey, remember me?

The only thing wrong with Starfox adventures is how it ended abrubtly. It's a good collectathon/adventure game otherwise.

Yeah the ending to Adventures was pretty bad when you think about it.
"So your hyped up for this badass boss fight with General scales right? well guess what it was Andross the whole time, also falco is here for the last 10 mins of the game."

The entire latter third of the game is pretty bad and rushed.


Andross is an evil scientist version of Ganondorf. The only game that had nothing to do with Andross was Assault.

Star fox1 had Andross and 64 was a reboot so that also had Andross There were only 2 games with him, 3 if you count Star fox 2 which no one knew existed at the time.
Shoehorning him in as a cheap twist wasn't necessary in the slightest, no one would have been disappointed if he wasn't in the game since he's supposed to be dead, and the game never mentions that he exists until the last 10 mins of the game.

Now I could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure no one cared that he wasn't in assault.

Star Fox Zero, now. And he had some shit to do with Command as well even if he wasn't actively in it. So I'd count that as six games.

You're not wrong, I didn't. Fighting the somewhat-generic evil bugs was pretty good, fit the pulpy sci-fi setting well enough.

He is in six games now but it was only 2/3 at the time Adventures came out.
You can say he is the equivalent of Ganon and Browser now but he wasn't at that level at time Adventures came out, and i'm sure we would all wouldn't mind if they came up with more new villains for the series instead of reusing Andross over and over again.

However I do must mention the PS2 version had a glitch where your mansion decorations would constantly vanish and have to be put back down only to disappear again, which was fixed in the Wii version. Can't speak for the Xbox version.

I think you posted in the wrong thread user?
Was this post supposed to go in the Scarface thread?

shit how did I get that mixed up. I'm a retard.

I liked N&B but because it tickles my autism, I acknowledge it's not a B&K game in the slightest. I don't really have an opinion on B&K. Never played much despite having it, just wasn't my thing

There are fewer bad games as opposed to simply mediocre ones. Like I've said I enjoyed N&B's even though I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. I think the Mario and Spyro game fall under "Mediocre but from a respected franchise" so they tend to get treated as bad, but I've never played them so can't say. Shattered Memories fits into that category too.
But the real reason I'm replying to you to tell you yeah Bomberman Act Zero is actually bad. Not just because it's Edgy Bomberman (which doesn't help it's case) but it's got a whole lot of issues (controls, load times, No local multiplayer, and need to be online to save, one life for 99 levels and that's really just to start).

This game can go fuck itself. I maintain it's existence is only due to Bugbear being contracted by Bamco for a game yesterday and just threw some Ridge Racer references (really just the music and Crinale) onto whatever they were prototyping.
The zones are formulaic with a "regular" racer that sucks because it's trying to be both Flatout and Burnout at the same time. A normal race which just showcases how uninteresting it is to drive. Maybe a time attack or drift event which are always boring. And finish it all off with a racing involving driving a semi and crashing cop cars. The only exception is the last zone which clearly had all the interesting events that should have been the last race for a different zone instead of the Semi races we got.

Then when this bombed hard they took the clearly unfinished engine and tried to may an F2PMMO out it It didn't even make it out of Beta before being closed down. And now the series is dead with only Phone related garbage being made.

I had an argument with someone who had this mentality the other day. The subject of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came up and I mentioned how the movie is shit. She immediately went on a rant about how it was great and everyone hates it because it wasn't like the books even though Douglas Adams does things differently every time. I just bit my tongue and said that I'm aware of all that, but it's still a shit movie.

For a spin off, it's actually not even all that good. I remember being piss drunk and playing it thinking "Jesus this is boring". Probably didn't help I love Test Drive: Eve of Destruction which is almost perfect

"Market research shows this Ken Block fellow is popular with the kiddes, so let's base our game on him and that gym-whatever he does."

TM '12 disappointed a lot of people due to not really having characters (even classic ones like Axel and Shadow) and a very lack luster single player. Couple that with the fact that it was multiplayer focused but got shit serves that couldn't cope led to everyone writing the game off. Though accounts say the game play was fine and typical of a Twisted Metal game (which may have proved too hard for people to deal with).

But three of those six games are all different versions of the same story. If we look at it from a narrative perspective, Andross was only in the initial war and was the mastermind in Adventure. His presence in Command was purely about who he was before he got banished to Venom. He's only actively involved in half the plots.

I really like T4 thematically but it's more of a DoA game then Tekken. Has the best costumes though.

That's not sticker star. Color Splash at least was an improvement (still not fantastic though).

He's saying any post-64 Starfox game, user. Reading comprehension.

