I just finished the tutorial thing and am at the character creation screen, any tips for a first-timer? Whether they are tips on character creation or the game in general doesn't matter. I just want this playthrough to be as enjoyable as possible.
Dragon's Dogma
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Its very much so an RPG so there will be stat and equipment checks, so don't be afraid to retreat and grind out a few levels. If you don't want to go for max damage and efficiency, just fuck about with the different classes and switch around to get the benefits. Make sure your pawn never gets guardian inclination, and never play mage, its a buffing/healing class, and instead play sorcerer if you want heavy magic.
You can kick the mule to make it go faster.
Mystic Knight is the most varied special vocation, but anything mage will oneshot beasts if properly built.
Save your Portcrystals for mid-game, you'll thank yourself later
DO NOT give your pawn any medicant properties. Make them go headfirst into combat. Scather, Challenger, and Utilitarian, are all preferable.
A lot of enemies only take respectable damage from climbing on top of them and hitting weakpoints.
Those are just some some basic tips. Haven't played the game in over a year since it came to PC(played it to death on both PS3 and PC), but these are some relatively spoiler-free tips, especially for new players.
Character creation is an involved process in this game. Stats like weight matter - aim for a balance between bulk and speed. You can swap classes and pick specialist ones anytime once you reach the main town, but you're tied to the same starter class till lv.10. Mage is useless, and warrior has half the skill slots as everything else, so avoid like the plague. Best starting class is strider, and later swap out to whatever you feel is your speed - good picks are Mystic Knight, Magic Archer and Assassin.
You'll get to design a second character that complements you called a 'pawn', so account for that. You can sync up crazy combo attacks or let it give you healing and backup, so on and so forth. Climbing like SOTC exists, and it gets melee characters to monster weak points to dish out damage. Enemies that weigh less than the PC you can just pick up and chuck over some cliff instead of climbing.
Basically just have fun and feel out the combat system, rest will come to you as you play.
Kick the mule too much and it dies, so bring a healer to heal it.
Assassin is the most versatile vocation by weapons.
DO NOT give your pawn any collector properties.
You aren't done with the tutorial yet.
Alright, thanks for all the hints guys, I'll go make my character now.
Missable shit: Go to the left, up the hill and left again to the woods after the cyclops, not to where the game is telling you to go. There's a missable sidequest there.
If you want an easy early-game advantage buy as many Throwblasts as you can carry and go to Bitterblack Isle (after the cyclops go back to the docks in your starting town at night) and throw them at the enemies there for a bit.
Don't worry about changing classes or minmaxing stat upgrades. The max level is 200 and you can beat the game at like level 60. Feel free to experiment; if one class isn't doing it for you, switch around until you find one that does.
Pawns' natures can be overwritten; don't worry about them while you're going around questing until you get to a point you want to optimize them, at which point feel free to look up where to buy potions that change their tendencies.
Yes. These can be used to skip escort quests, if you know where the quest ends you can just go there, clear out the enemies, drop a portcrystal, accept the quest, and then Eternal Ferrystone to it to skip the tedium of transit.
Speaking of which, an Eternal Ferrystone gets dropped in your inventory as soon as you reach the inn at Gran Soren. Do the woods quest I mentioned above first, though.
Only kick the mule once you're sure the enemies ahead are clear. And keep an eye out for falling rocks - if you have a ranged weapon (or a throwable) you can knock them down preemptively.
Bitterblack Isle, once you can make it through a few floors there, has better treasure than anything else in the game and can trivialize lots of the content.
Renting pawns from friends costs 0 no matter their level, so when you go to get two more pawns from the Rift, check your friend list first to see if they have something overpowered that can help you out.
Basically: there's lots of stat-related stuff to know about the game but it isn't THAT important. Levels do matter but ultimately the game was balanced around the player experimenting and figuring out what they want to do along the way, not minmaxing.
Utilitarian best inclination
But you legit have to train your pawns on different monsters by killing stuff with them
And they'll learn from tactics and stuff too. Like of you constantly stop to pick up loot during battle, your pawn will start doing that too
Make forgeries of important shit
No matter what I do, my male arisens and pawns look like shit
Make thicc female ones, then.
You're supposed to play this game as a qt loli
Is a japanese game with hardly any proper customization options. It is hard to fuck up if not doing it on purpose.
Also, daily reminder that we won't get any proper sequel. We won't even get the sitty mmo.
The gameplay when using magic is fucking garbage, only braindead casuals use it.
Pawns are useless unless you want npcs that wont shut the fuck up and do everything for you, only braindead casuals use them.
And the game has literally nothing to do other than the main quest so dont waste time exploring
6/10 game overhyped by weeb manginas
Do not play Warrior. It sounds fun and looks fun, but it isn't, easily the worst vocation in the game. Left me with a very poor first impression the first time I played the game.
Damage calculation is literally just your attack power minus the enemy's defense, so it is possible that you will deal zero damage to something that's too far above your level. It's something to keep in mind if you do try to go to Bitterblack early in the game.
Magic and magic-hybrid classes are objectively the best way to play, but there is one specific enemy you'll have to fight late in the main campaign that will give you a lot of trouble if you're pure magic.
Oh yeah, this. If you use a two-hand weapon then for some reason the game only gives you three ability slots instead of six, which severely limits how fun the class could be to play. I didn't have a problem damaging stuff early on, but I also didn't go straight into Bitterblack Isle at the start without my trusty Throwblasts.
Refresh my memory, ability slots are for things like Threefold Arrow, right?
It's the number you can have equipped at any given time. So everyone else gets six, either three to each weapon or, in the case of Wizard, six for one staff, but Warrior only gets three for your greatsword/hammer/whatever.
Well I went for Strider for now, seems to be a good choice, having both the ability of close range combat paired with a bow for ranged fighting.
Yeah, the ranged classes are great, Strider's a good choice. Keep in mind your ranged damage requires more accuracy than the melee damage, you really have to hit the enemies in the right spot to deal a good amount of damage. For most enemies it's just a headshot, for larger enemies you can deal damage to the flank or neck too.
Also the ranged skills you will get which require charging up (like Full Bend) deal the most damage when the controller vibrates, right when the bar fills up, otherwise it won't deal as much damage. Took me forever to figure that one out.
Really? I thought you could pick any hybrid class as soon as you get to Gran Soren, no prerequisites.
There's no fucking excuse.
Also I don't know how I mixed up Warrior with Fighter
First, I meant Fighter. Secondly, pretty sure that it doesn't work that way, sadly.
You can get changed into a hybrid as soon as you're level 10 on BBI.
Level 10 is the only requirement for any advanced vocation.
Also, don't level as an MK unless you have the stat mod because you'll fuck yourself over.
Mage has shit stat growth 11-100, and Strider and Ranger have poor stat growth if you're going for a physical build. Mage is outright understatted, it has the same amount of stats for strength, defense, magic attack, and magic defense as most other classes but has signifcantly less health and stamina for no reason. Strider and Ranger are poor for physical classes because they get an extra point in magic attack for no reason. Strider has kind of a low attack stat, too. This doesn't mean you should completely these three classes, they have some good augments (passive skills you can equip on any class) but you should try not to level up as them. Basically, play as them for a while to get vocation ranks as them, but when you're about to level up as them you should port back to Gran Soren, class change to Assassin/Sorcerer/whatever, kill a few things so you can level up as them instead, and then switch back.
Warriors are fun but they're not versatile at all. You need to use their basic attacks a lot, since they're pretty damn good. They don't need six skill slots, look at the difference in the number of skills between great swords and archistaves. There's some enemies they have a hard time dealing with so you should definitely play other classes but Warrior isn't bad to play at all.
What? You can just go and unlock straight away once you're level 10 and Gran Soren. No need to play Warrior. I played Fighter until I got to 11 and then switched immediately to Assassin.
Already admitted I fucked up, please no billy.
Level 5 Fighter gets the "Sinew" augment which allows you to carry more stuff. Combined with the Strider's movement speed increase augment, and you'll be set unless you're a midget.
It's a fucking scam, I tell you.
Tall dudes also can also jump to areas midgets can't.
IIRC you can enter the mist forest from the back if you're a tall mage with levitate.
Supposed to have a pawn that is different from you. Except not because your pawn changes inclination to match what you do, making different classes more of a pain.
There's a bunch of ways to take that shortcut. Double jump can make it if you spam spacebar enough.
The most important thing to remember is that
Wasn't there a mod for the warrior to have 6 slots on the PC version?
Proposed, never happened. LIke the Berserk armor.
Worth mentioning since a few people don't realize: the credits roll way before the end. Probably not something you'd need to be told but you never know.
Sidequests must be done in a specific order if you don't want to get locked out of content. If you want to 100% you will probably need a guide, see attached. You don't have to do this for a first playthrough.
Have a list of resistances and weaknesses too.
Common courtesy is to give a gift and rate pawns when you dismiss them. Don't just toss them in the Brine or throw them at Death.
Don't put your pawn in the damn princess gown or I will personally hire it just to throw it down the pit. Yes, it's usually objectively the best item you can give her when you first get it, but I don't want to see it. Everyone has it and it's just lazy and boring.
Don't fall for posts like about stat growth. Yes, MA has the worst stat growth in the game and if you want to minmax you'd need to get to 200 as a sorcerer and only then switch over, but it's completely unnecessary. It just doesn't make a big enough difference to be worth it, especially for MA since it's overpowered as shit once you get to BBI anyway. Less OP classes it may matter, but probably not much, since you don;t even really need to get halfway to the level cap to beat the game.
Once you get to BBI, you will encounter cursed loot that can be purified. The results are not pure RNG, and savescumming will be of little use. There are three lists of outcomes: yellow, blue, and red, corresponding to the classes with those colors. These lists are generated when you start the game, and remain fixed from then on. When an item is purified, it always takes the next item from one of the three lists (and advances ALL 3 lists one increment in doing so), and always pulls from a list whose color includes you or your pawn's class. I.e., a Magick Archer with a Sorcerer pawn will usually get items from the blue list, with some from the yellow list. A Warrior with a Fighter pawn will always get red gear. You can force which of the three lists to pick from by setting your pawn and yourself to all one color, but you can only choose from the same three outcomes by doing so. Note, however, that only the colors will match, and the classes may not. A Magick Archer and a Warrior may still get a Sorcerer's archistaff.
Don't play on hard mode, it's almost broken.
shut up, weeb bitch.
To be fair, it won't do much good to someone who is DSP-tier.
Expect it isn't.
Here's the general template
DDDA General
frying into free - edition
wiki: dragonsdogma.wikia.com
100% Completion guide: pastebin.com
Post yer pawn here:
Good mods
Dragon's Dogma is an action RPG made by Crapcom with super fun combat, comfy fantasy aesthetics, very good character customization, and [TECHNOLOGY]
You can either pirate it or buy it on GMG (gives you a $team key). You will not be able to share pawns (AI dudes that you create) with people online if you pirate it, and note that GMG purchases don't give any money to Valve
1. Do not play on hard mode, it was added as a way to make NG+ appropriately challenging and it will actually make the base game easier but more frustrating since you will be 1-shotted a lot but will get many instaheals from leveling up twice as fast and can buy super fancy weapons with the bloated gold drops.
2. Make sure your pawn doesn't have the guardian, nexus, or acquisitor inclinations. Guardian makes them stick to you 24/7 no matter what and barely do anything, nexus makes them drop whatever they're doing to carry other pawns to you, and acquisitor makes them into a greedy hook-nosed grabbler that will go look for items on the ground in the middle of combat
3. Don't go to Bitterblack Isle until you have beaten the game, and if you just killed the Dragon then you haven't beaten it yet so keep going.
4. Those shitty notice board quests like "kill 10 goblins" are not something you should focus on, you'll be killing plenty of mooks anyways on the actual quests so just accept them and play as you normally would
5. Explore, you don't have to focus on quests to play the game effectively. Running around the overworld killing mooks and finding shit can level up your vocations much faster than quests and you will find some helpful gear (if you do this in the early game at least). The overworld is full of shit like "that cave behind the waterfall with a treasure chest in it" and after hundreds of hours I still occasionally find new things.
6. If you make a loli pawn prepare to be bullied (especially if she's a mage)
ghostbin for the general: ghostbin.com
Except it is
The only mistake they made was calling it hard mode instead of easy mode
No but you can use the mod that lets you have an offhand weapon, I personally use a magic shield (which I made invisible otherwise the animations look weird). It's the dinput8.dll mod linked here:
How about Maiden's Set with Silk Lingerie?
I had to fucking transexualize my character to get that shit gold Dragonforged so you'd best goddamned appreciate it.
the only good thing about hard mode was that bitterblack enemies were more fun when you were already levelled.
of course restarting on normal and doing it at an earlier level is better.
Those I'm fine with since you have to at least do a little work to obtain them. The princess gown is just handed to you.
Rate my /fa/. My pawn is still a work in progress.
I love skimpy armor in general and I cringe at the "muh female armors" people but damn, that just looks tacky, fam.
You faggots need to fuck off.
Use a nice loincloth and a scarf instead of that tacky cloak and thong
My high boots version is slightly classier even if we're still on the super slutty scale of things. I find it to be on acceptable levels of sluttiness if you at least cover your legs if you show panties like that.
Also it depends on the class, it's not immersion breaking to me when I see a light agile class in sluttier armour that doesn't protect much.
This is an older character at the early stages of the game without any mods.
Those short are a nice less slutty alternative I guess.
It's not the sluttiness I have a problem with. It just looks like she… smells.
High boots version is better but I'd go with some sort of skirt/loincloth combined with them.
And that top looks like something Pinhead would wear.
It's really hard to find decent tops, they're mostly bras or complete shirt. I think I have to get to BBI before I can fashion it up for real.
Top isn't *bad*, though. And I'm just one of those less-is-more people. loin-cloth and thigh-high boots ftw.
Just my preference, obv. play however you want.
It's because the DLC Armor looks like shit and is the sign of a player just defaulting to the best stats. There's a very slim number of ways you can use it and not have it look shit.
Two abilities you should NEVER buy for your pawn:
This basically does nothing and makes your pawn waste time instead of helping you.
Comestion is GOOD, but High Comestion is useless; the only noticeable change is that it takes longer to cast.
You're retarded and you don't know what you're talking about.
'tis weak to fire, Arisen.
I actually have it on my Sorcerer (not the pawn of course), and comparing the original with the "upgraded" version, it is, in fact, useless.
Masterwork of a game. Can't go wrong.
I have an ailment.
Either you're playing the broken console version, or you're full of shit. Bigger AOE, much bigger knock-up, and significantly more damage. I was just fucking around with my min-maxed sorc and it definitely does more damage.
Fucking scrub, do you even arc of deliverance?
Play the game you stupid kike. Stop being one of these faggot kiddy cunts who have to have a god damn strategy and build guide to follow step by step in every fucking game you play.
Does enjoying going into a game blind just not exist anymore?
This is why I said it looks fun. There is one fun move. One. And it takes as long to charge up as High Maelstrom.
Equip two barbed nails, use the two warrior augments Ferocity and Impact, and the strider augment Eminence. Use jump attacks all the time and enjoy knocking everything flat/constantly staggering large enemies.
If you have trouble using any of the classes in Dragon's Dogma, its because you are creatively retarded and/or not mentally flexible enough to manage it.
I recommend not trying to do Bitterblack isle (blue quest maker) until you're at least around level 80. If you go in there without knowing your shit and under-leveled too, you'll end up hating BBI.
That one attack is all you need, everything else is obsolete
thanks for template based user
strider: 25,25,3,3,2,3
ranger: 21,30,4,2,2,3
mage: 21,20,2,2,4,4
magick archer: 21,30,2,2,4,3
mk left the same, you need to have someone there when you want to get good defensive stats while still getting okay offensive stats. all others left the same too. yes/no?
The mule cannot die from you kicking it though, it will only go slower and slower as it loses more health. I've never even seen enemies managing to kill the mule.
The best armors in the game look like edgy shit someone from 6th grade would have designed and they only look good on very burly guys but they provide the best resistances possible, and insane defense values on top of that make them objectively the only armor you need. Of course you can resurrect pawns most of the time they die so maybe it doesn't matter that much, but as you venture through BBI you will realize that there are worse things than death: cursed and possessed debuffs. And the cursed status is inflicted by some of the most common enemies in there.
MKs only need very little strength unless you're planning to play in critical health all the time with the Assassin augment which makes you an insane ATK machine. The magic based MKs have superior great cannon and dark sword (abyssal anguish) damage but for some reason the best weapon for all MK builds is the same: the vanilla (as in physical only) mace from tier 3 BBI cursed piles. Personally verified the effectiveness of various MK builds and weapons with the stat editor and even had a shit flinging match with a reddicuck about it so can confirm.
Best part of a high magic MK is in BBI hard mode the tougher enemies all use annoying magic to fuck your shit up and you can just walk through them due to your high magdef. What about physical attacks from giants? Well that is what your YUGE shield is for since you can perfect block almost everything and in fact you can even perfect block spells.
Here's the autistic build that I personally use.
Level 200
HP 2960/ST 3270
Attack 416
Defense 237
Magick 708
MagDef 588
Fighter 1-10
Sorcerer 11-100
Sorcerer 101-160
Assassin 161-200
I don't have any numbers to back it up like this guy, but I can say from personal experience that a pure magic MK is very effective. Thankfully, with the PC version I was able to give MK Sorcerer stat growth so I didn't need to play a class I didn't want to play just to have that pure magic build.
Have you posted about these build experiments anywhere? I'm curious.
Is there a way to get to the post-game everfall without going through a full NG+?
Stats are developed through how long you level up in a certain vocation.
eg. Fighter/Warrior will give your character more HP compared to other vocations
Hold onto your rust weapons and upgrade them to 3 stars when you can. Fully upgraded rusted weapons inflict poison damage.
Play hard mode. You get more XP, fighting mooks is more challenging, and you get mad dosh which you'll really need later on.
Probably going to roll with MK next time I play. This game though, its part great but part boring.
This is a good mod that balances all profesions so you can play the game with decent stat growths and without needing to change to ass/sorc
How can he possibly justify allowing Warrior and Fighter to minimize their Magic Attack stats but not letting anyone else minimize their attack/magic attack stats? Why the fuck do Strider and Ranger still have useless points in magic attack? Why was MK given a point in attack? Why did some classes that were slightly overstatted in HP+Stam get balanced to 50 but other classes were then overstatted in HP+Stam? Some of the augment changes are fucking stupid.
That webm never plays well for me.
How many of you thought of throwing your pawn on top if it?
This one looks like it has a higher audio bitrate but more space wasted on the video.
Best theme coming through.
Magic attack is never useless, if you use permanently enchanted weapons your magic attack comes into play. This is part of the reason why daggers come with permanent-enchanted variants in all five elements.
Certain MK spells take attack into account for the physical damage portion, like the stone jungle spells. There's certainly little drawback to MK if you build for pure magic attack.
Having a balanced build capable of dealing both magic and mundane damage comes into play mostly in Bitterblack Isle, as there are multiple encounters that require you to deal either magic or physical damage equally as well. This is why most stat guides recommend getting at least 400 base stats in attack or magic regardless of what you plan on doing.
That doesn't mean you can't get away with a pure build with only one means of dealing damage, but you'll just have a harder time of things having to rely on pawns to kill certain foes for you.
It's gonna be a while until I fill the void again
Enchanted weapons do not make use of your core magic stat, only the magic stat on the weapon. Spells that use strength only make use of the strength stat on the weapon.
Bitterblack Isle seemed like a fairly generic dungeon with lots of backtracking, all the cursed items I purified were pure garbage compared to my dragon-forged shit I was wearing when I defeated Grigori (which I never swapped for anything new except the Cyclops Veil, which is a vanilla helm anyways), and as a MK I never found the shield counter skills all that useful so I didn't use any of the new invocations. The only part I really enjoyed was the final fight with Daimon, but I still don't feel like playing it over again for my next playthrough.
So what are your thoughts on BBI, Holla Forums?
Go back and beat him again.
I want to point out that while you may be right, it hasn't been sufficiently tested. Here's where they discuss it on the steam forums. steamcommunity.com
It has unquestionably the best game-breaking gear in the game which is twice as good as what you have right now, you just need to get far enough to get it.
I have some news for you
And for too if you only beat Daimon's and BBI's first form
I will never get you people
Sorcerer > Magick Archer > Mystic Knight > Ranger > Assassin > Strider > Fighter > Mage > Warrior
you main sorcerer, you understand perfectly how good it feels to spend ages charging up a big move then ending the goddamn world
And it's a damn shame, they also get the coolest weapons and skills.
Also I forgot to mention:
Seriously, fuck ogres and their stupid fucking WWE drop kick.
This is why you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS bring conqueror talismans with you.
Ogres have impressive defensive stats that are daunting to lower-leveled arisens, However, they're significantly more vulnerable when they're lying on their backs. If you have trouble with ogres, they have two big weaknesses that can be taken advantage of by low-level parties; Knockdown/Stagger and Sleep. For the first, only a warrior can really take advantage of it and warrior pawns are a bit slow. For the second, you can use either a jewel of sleep or sleep arrows, if you aren't a Magick Knight with sopor.
I never used any talismans during NG hell I barely used any consumables that weren't healing items when I stopped bringing a mage and the game wasn't so hard, are they that useful?
They make a difference similar to heaven and earth.
And the stack up to 3 times.
>are they that useful?
I think they pretty much double your strength when you use 4. Take an assassin, stack up, grab Daimon and use thousand kisses. He wont even last ten seconds. Rangers can also use it and have blast arrows, which scale off of conqueror's, to make it even faster.
You could always be autistic like me and minmax your character and pawn through leveling on a strict regiment without deviation.
Or if you're on PC, just mod your stats to what they would be like if you followed a planned leveling regimen. Or modded classes
Nobody wants to spend 200 levels playing not-MK just to play an MK.
Make a lewd loli, play half naked, and have fun.
Get some more gear uncursed and when you find something reasonably good, remember you can dragon forge it as well. Obviously the stuff that you've put six upgrades into will be better than the base level stuff two dungeons later.
When is it too late to change vocations? I leveled my pawn to 20 as a pure fighter, but would like to change her to sorcerer for sync casting. Is it too late? Should I just restart?
Nowhere close to too late, its good to change vocations frequently throughout the game.
Why is this game so addictive Holla Forums?
Definitely not too late, Sorcerer/Mage pawns will get extremely minimal use out of the physical attack stat though, and the other four classes will get no use out of magic attack. It's good to have a little extra health, defense, stamina anyway though. Less important for a pawn than your character since pawns can usually be revived pretty easily. For levels 11-100 Strider is a good choice for pawns to get some of those stats since the class only has 3 attack, which means only one point is wasted on something that isn't useful to you. Though all that said I doubt it matters that much, you'll definitely be more effective if you stick primarily to physical attack or magic attack growth primarily but you'll be effective if you split the stats too. Also no matter what you should go get all of the augments.
that's not true. having balanced stats for melee (even magic and attack) makes taking down enemies much easier. the defense stats are completely useless though.
Only your weapon's magic attack stat affects the damage enchanted weapons do and only your weapon's strength stat affects the damage spells that use physical attack do. Balance builds are worse. steamcommunity.com
Try going into BBI with that quality build and tell me how long you last.
oh god is that a joke?
Is that some epic meme?
For all the times sorcerers hit people right?
The joke is that is doesn't fucking matter. All min maxing does is reduces your ability to play different classes should you choose to. You can get through the game,including BBI, just fine by playing organically and never giving a shit about stat allocations. This a single player game with no pvp whatso ever and doesn't have high level pve to warrant going through all the trouble.
So the joke is you should make the game take way longer, and just be ineffectual? Having a general build like that ruins your damage potential without spamming items. And 460 magic at level 90 is pathetically useless. 90 you should be doing BBI, and with 460 magic you're doing basically nothing until you grind your chests out to get a decent archstaff
How bad are you at the game? Are you speedrunning it? Sorcerer spells shit on everything so hard that none of that shit matters at any level. All you need to get through the game is someone to distract bosses and someone to dispel status effects.
Thank you. My original plan was to make her mystic knight resembling Red Sonja. Now I am stuck with a muscular amazon that looks awkward in a Queen's Dress. At least until I find something more fitting.
Even if you're not speedrunning you should be minmaxing, purposefully nerfing yourself because "I'm a retard who thinks that 100 less magic when it's purely subtractive, better have more strength" is just stupid no matter how you slice it. The difference even 100 magic makes is an additional spell and in BBI where your pawn can decide they want to get bodied and leave you with no meat shields is pretty important.
I guess when I beat the game back when it first released on ps3, I should have instead scoured the internet for hours to optimize my build in order to save time.
Are you one of those fags guys that carry inventories filled with spring water? Pawns dieing to anything but petrification is almost entirely inconsequential. Reviving them takes less effort than healing them. In fact, fighting a dragon too early means pawns dieing constantly and yet the fights are entirely beatable without cheesing them.
It's called having fun user.
Or just not being retarded works wonders. Maybe don't go 40 levels in fighter then swap to sorcerer for no fucking reason.
I already beat the game you fucking dunce, without any concern to stats outside of passive skills. You're only supporting my point that the shit doesn't matter. Your autistic rambling on about minmaxing doesn't matter because you can beat the game just fine by "not being retarded". That's the entire fucking point holy shit you were so close yet still miss by a fucking mile.
You seem upset that you're struggling to not be retarded
Play fighter until you unlock the sinew passive skill. It increases your carrying capacity so you can wear heavier armor without penalty. Itso good to have on your pawn to so it can carry more stuff.
For what it's worth. I enjoyed your company. I gotta go, but we can talk more later. 我爱你!
So you're angry saging because you're not mad that you're bad at the game and giving bad advice? Damn could've fooled me
Finally an excuse to repost this crusty ass comic I made.
That comic is 10,000 gold
This is both adorable and sad at same time.
So is it worth it to put points into Health and defenses or are attack+stamina or magic attack+stamina the only stats that matter?
Just play how you want to
By the end, it won't matter, you'll be OP as fuck no matter what
How can one man be so wrong. If you want to minmax I won't stop you, but holy shit, it doesn't matter. There's no softcap on level growth and the max level is like twice what you need to kill anything in the game. And if that isn't enough, Periapts can more than undo any disadvantage you might feel you're at if you didn't optimize your build. There is NO REASON not to play around and try out all the classes on your first runthrough.
He's right about magic though. It may look cool as fuck but playing as a mage is fucking trash. You do nothing but stand in the corner and cast a spell for 30 seconds straight.
i finished it at level 50 with strider stats, i switched to warrior and fighter just long enough to get their boost augments. the only barrier in bitterblack is damage which weapons you get there will do for you.
Its not the only way to play. Equip the augment Ferocity and use your basic staff attacks instead, if you wish. If you then fill your skill slots with weapon enchants, you don't need to use any other spells for damage.
Fuck you game.
You don't need that shit outside of bitterbutt and in bitterbutt 99% of fighting is solved with good old ricochet seeker. Or seeker shot because holy damage is OP.
If you get a pawn that has the same spells as you, you can synch them up. That cuts down casting times significantly. Other than that, caster takes some planning and it's all about positioning and taking advantage of all of your abilities.
When doing a chain of attacks, if you delay the second attack, you'll do a heavy attack.
who gives a shit, you can't jump for shit, you can't dodge for shit. good luck beating Daimon with a warrior when he does his SUCC power.
god, warrior fucking sucks. they could have just given him a "High Jump" ability, and some aerial arcs, but nah. they didn't even bother. i was so disappointed in the warrior class because its objectively bad and inferior to all other classes.
Have any of you tried playing Dragon's Dogma Online?
So they make a game about monster slaying but the heavy weapon class is the worst of the game.
I gave it a full year to learn from its mistakes, but it never did. Capcom went from the retarded enrage system to the even more retarded system where a monster is permanently enraged until you break its infected parts, pawn AI never came anywhere near as good as the original game, boss fights still revolved around desperately trying to kill a boss in one down phase, and they never added any meaningful endgame. It was always just another tier of gear to grind for. Taking a big, fat shit on everything I loved about magic archer and giving all mage classes obscene charge times for every skill didn't help anything, either.
I have good news
there's an entire series about that already
That's not an excuse.
And why can't heavy weapon guy fucking climb monster? What madness is this?
He can
Yes. At its core, it's still Dragon's Dogma. But surrounding that core is Free2Play/Pay2Win gear grinding cancer. It also lacks some of the interactivity that made DD memorable to begin with.
The changes made to the classes are kind of a mixed bag. As a primarily melee fighter I enjoyed the extended vertical options this game introduced.
For every step forward in melee they took, they took three steps back for mage classes. Along with losing any and all ability to fight at close range, sorcerer has several minutes of playing connect the dots to do before a single spell goes off, priest just gets to watch a bar fill for 10+ seconds, and element archer is just priest with a circle to watch sometimes instead of a bar. EA was really just horribly disappointing considering how good MA was in the original. I might have been able to tolerate the shitty new mechanics if they hadn't started making each and every new treasure slot real money only, especially the ones that gave out invisible gear. Appearance customization is just something you don't fuck with in an MMO if you want it to succeed.
I spent two in-game nights and a day fighting a drake the first time I saw one. For some reason it's a fond memory.
All MK builds do their best damage with the physical only mace Virge of Madness no matter which attack you use. And the Virge's damage is so great that it offsets the lack of base strength for pure mag or hybrid with emphasis on mag builds. The best armors also offset the lack of base defense said builds have. Plus the MK's most efficient modes of attack, which are Great Cannon for ranged and Abyssal Anguish for melee, do the biggest damage with those setups. Great Cannon has both physical and magical damage components which is why the cannon orbs can destroy BOTH metal golem medals and the annoying ghost type enemies.
That said I will never recommend to play the game for 200 levels as other classes just to completely own the game as an MK in its final stages. Just play however the fuck you like for the first few times and then use the stat editor to change the stats to how it would have been if you had followed the autistic builds.
That Boss fight gave me the feels.
I have never wanted to protect a smile more than when Selene becomes fully human and moves in with you.
Selene is best Dragon's Dogma girl.
The Nips really, really, really like making stories where the final boss is basically someone who was very much like yourself, who then got disillusioned by one of the core mechanics of the universe the story is set in. Despite having been repeatedly done in various forms I just can't get enough of it.
Time for New Game+
How the hell did you get it to not fly away and fuck off?
Mine took a bit less longer but still gave me great satisfaction when I finally beat him
The one in Devilfire grove? If you walk out of the small woods area, he automatically flies away, so you need to stay near the center of where you find him initially.
Best girl coming through.
Just beat Daimon for the first time lastnight myself. Enjoyed it immensely, although playing as an assassin with Dire Gouge – and a Gold-Rarefied Cursed Bite – made it easier than I expected (and I'm playing on hard mode). I'll likely fight Daimon's second form tonight.
Just climb the thing and stab the back of its head repeatedly. Quite effective even on Elder Ogres.
The max level is 200.
What sort of shitty weapon were you using? Were you even attacking its heart?
You can be really low leveled the first time you encounter him
Is there a hentai doujin about her already?
i really like this .webm
can i save it ?
Not that I'm aware of, unfortunately.
Sorry, I meant to quote you on the dragon part. That one can take a long time depending on when you first encounter him
meant for
I guess so, but still, Devilfire Grove is a ways into the story.
Sorry, but I'd like to actually be able to carry things.
Her head is too big.
'tis stronger than a normal goblin!
This is really bad, user.
Top kek m'laddie.
Psst, user, git gud.
Technically Shadowfort mission is one of the first Wyrmhunt missions along with the tablet one.
And most players will hear the summary and think "Oh, trash goblins have besieged some crappy fort. That sounds easy!."
But then you either have to track halfway across the fucking country from Witchwood entrance or go through a mine that has three ogres in it which are, unless you know exactly what you are doing, a serious early game beef gate. Now technically, you don't even fucking need to fight them to get through the mine but at best, only one out of a hundred players will even consider running away like a bitch a potential option.
Even if you get past it, your pawns will immediately chatter about a nearby resting spot near the lake on the other side and considering that you had just barely managed to crawl out of the mine after getting your ass torn wide open by the fuzzy dindus, you will naturally go for it. There are Saurians on the way there but they are pussies so it's okay.
After getting topped, the quest marker will be pointing west and the fastest way to reach it would be going along the northern side of the lake.
So you encounter some hobgoblins, you think you got this but then a fucking dragon assrapes you out of nowhere and unlike ogres, you REALLY should not be dealing with this shit right now unless you cheesed something like gryphic victory from sir Bern or a Bastard sword from the smith's escort quests and can reliably breach the Drake's defense rating as opposed to dealing 1 hp damage per attack.
So after diying over and over and losing most of his pawns, the player finally runs away and then it turns out that shadowfort is not some scrawny level scaled Skyrim fort. It's a massive fucking dungeon that has three cyclopses in it as well as a new mechanic in the form of balistae that gets zero explanation ingame about how to operate effectively before this point.
And you can't even practice using them, because two direct explosive bolts from the enemy balistaes will destroy your only means of shooting back and leave you completely defenseless against the enemy artillery if you fuck up.
And as a final spit in your mouth, the boss goblin runs away unless you hurry up and shoot him out of the window or jump after him and chase him with something like a burst strike. If he gets away, you get cucked out of nearly ten thousand experience points.
The journey to Shadowfort is one of my most memorable video game experiences.
Great summary friendo. Exactly what I experienced when I played that section for the first time. Immediately chose it as the first story quest as well because I thought what's the worst that a bunch of gobs can do? I almost threw the PS3 controller I know, I know, I was a sonygger out of my apartment window when the Drake rekt my ass for the 4th time.
Just make something you can jack off to so you can cum go play something better.
I stood on the rocks and slowly wittled away at the drake with my shit tier bow. Everytime he flew off I would have to bait him back to the rocks and haul ass before he could catch me. Took several in game days.
You can kill it easily with throwblasts to the heart.
Just for anyone who wants it, I found mod that'll let you put Into Free as the title song again.
How do I fill the void that this game is going to eventually leave in me?
Learn how to make your own games and make a spiritual successor that DOESN'T suck ass.
Take care, Seamonsters prowl the shoreline!
Only games with somewhat vaguely similar feel and freedom are Morrowind, first Fable, and Gothic 1 and 2. None of them come close in how entertaining combat is.
I made my character and pawn tall as fuck cause I heard everyone else just made stupid lolis.
Then the game really fucked me and gave me the duke's harlot wife as a (((love interest))).
oh yeah, moral of the story is make your pawn a bear of a man because if you're anything that isn't an assassin with very light equipment load expect a lot of
i went from fighter straight to mystic knight, big mistake, but i gained some levels as an assassin to get some free stamina so it turned out okay
You can get away with it if you equip your main weapon solely with the physical skills you learned as a fighter. I like to use the dinput8.dll hook to unlock all the fighter skills to use as an MK, or using the same mod to equip maces as a fighter.
As for shield skills, well… You won't be doing much damage with counters/ripostes in that scenario, but your weapon enchants/trances would still be useful given that they're only slightly affected by your base stats. Holy wall, Holy Aid, and Demonspite all wouldn't be harmed by low magick attack base stats.
How is stat growth with magic archer? Am I fucked if I switch to it from Strider at lvl 10 for the rest of the game?
You should really play a lot of Sorcerer to get some good Magic Attack. Probably will need to build some Stamina too.
Isn't it a tradeoff? Larger characters use less stamina for their skills and can carry more equipment but smaller characters regenerate stamina faster. Also I think small characters have a higher threshold to go to a Light load than medium characters but medium characters can carry more equipment overall.
Lmao, simply the biggest casuls as always
Don't worry. You can stuff your true love interest full of cloudwine and festival pies, or just let the King strangle the shit out of that miserable slut.
I am onto you you fucking exoskeleton fuck
I feel the opposite with Sorc and Priest/Mage. I feel they are over-all improvements.
Whilst Sorc has gimped close range options due to longer cast times, the close range options present in DD:DA were very meh at best and Sorcs excelled far too much with long-range spells for close range spells to ever be considered worthwhile. In DDO however, whilst you have at best 2 close range spells, the ability to back-dodge allows mid-range and even long-range options to be viable to deal damage. In DD:DA the sorcerer was 50ft away hiding behind a rock casting Bolide with nothing to do but watch the bar charge up. In DDO he's in the fray, completing his mini-game for earlier casts. (Bolide and Seism in DDO can be cast quicker than their DD:DA counterpart when completing the mini-game early.) Watching when to dodge whilst casting, what skill is more appropriate and holding some spells for better timing to maximize their effects. Whilst there might be less options, they are more focused and balanced to have some challenge. If you lifted Sorc from DDO into DD:DA I do think Sorc would be more challenging and fun an experience. Hell Sorc is the only vocation in DDO that has so many good skills that every player has a different skill list and different preference for spells.
Priest is a better Mage by virtue of not being just a weaker Sorc. Priest has some neat ideas and support play as a Priest is better than as Mage and only one skill as Priest takes 10 seconds to cast and its the best skill in the game for inflicting elemental statuses.
EA is an all around step down though due to it getting the support role shoved up its ass with no lube. EA can be fun when you get well-timed support abilities off but the loss of the Daggers severely impacts their enjoyment just from the loss of mobility.
It would have honestly been better for DDO to add classes, not re-arrange them. It would also be good if they added some fun content instead of shitty faux end-game grinds with every new episode. DDO is so perfect a vehicle to drop a huge BBI-like dungeon with a shifting layout and mixed enemy spawns that its a crime such an update hasn't hit.
Make your character as fat as possible. It's important for carrying weight.
Stupid question:
What's the max FOV and are there mods/.ini edits to increase it to 120?
Does FOV give the game a big performance hit?
FOV is weird. Like in RE6 it lists numbers not up to 120 but just numerics to show. "It's a lot or not."
However, with this mod, you can edit the FOV.
I can't imagine editting the FOV will give a performance hit, however its always worth a bit of caution. Next time, just google Dragons Dogma FOV mod.
How do I play without pawns?
Chuck yours into the Brine, and don't hire any others.
Do this.
Also the augments Autonomy and Egression become must-haves, at least until you reach endgame stats and equipment.
And now you're having fun
Mage might have slightly worse base stats, but it's not useless. For one, if you are planning to go full sorcerer than having your stats even more focused in that direction is worth the few lost points overall. Also it's just the easiest early-game by far.