I don't want to go
So come on thread why aren't you laughing now
you left me here to fend on my own
so cry on thread why aren't you laughing now
I don't want to go
So come on thread why aren't you laughing now
you left me here to fend on my own
so cry on thread why aren't you laughing now
oh, nice job luka.
*hugs the sad cupcake*
where we're going
we don't neeed sleep
maybe you didn't go too far enough.
alcohol made it go away. back to just emptiness.
I sure hope not
It is already 3:30am and stil worried about that sound and stuff I heard.
Plus, sleep = death
You can't drown out the feels forever.
I'm counting on the liver damage getting to me pretty fast.
with Jolly cooperation we can defeat any foe
You're too young and healthy for liver damage.
.. are you drunk or hungover right now.
Because I swear I think I had the same low feelings as you did a week ago.
God damn that's so cheery and adorable it warms my heart. Speaking of which, what sort of co-op/competetive game you think Holla Forums would be down for?
drunk. coming down.
not for long.
Cupcake is farts
Oh, that makes sense.
You need to come down gracefully.
Hot drink, a little shitposting, some blues music and then bed sorta helps me out.
I grieve for you
Hilarious and original
I'm going to bed.
Good night.
Yes, he is big giant farts
i'll get worse here goes
nigger faggot
you seem happy
Goodnight and may tomorrow bring a new day
I REALLY need to make the switch to weed from booze.
It is like a hangover in reverse.
Nini, I may do so soon too.
I'm something.. kinda hungry
kinda sleepy though. bored.
eat something
do something
or sleep
I accidentally went to an atmosphere concert once. Everyone was really nice
Tough choice. I'm already in bed though, so iunno.
the clash of the two autistic toplaners
would be easiest to stay there
How is everyone?
I think I have work at 5 tomorrow so it's looking like 16 hours of bedtime^^
Pretty well, wrapping up the last few things for my internship.
Posting and chatting with Tsuchi.
I return
Hi Nezi.
hello welma
how are you?
Sounds like a good evening.
I've got back into the X-FIles, two more seasons left!
Very well. How have you been?
excellent ^^
I haven't watched that in at least a decade.
I hope you're enjoying it.
It did end more than a decade ago.
I enjoy it, but this season has been weird.
What is happening?
evil grin .jpg
Mulder is poof and skully is the one that believes in aliens, it's a pretty big reversal when starting here after a couple years
Well you know that's just how the cookie crumbles, love.
And it is a pretty giant, 9 season long cookie that is ingrained into a bunch of people's lives.
pssh whatever kid. i dont need this
Funnily enough it's one of those things were I hardly remember it at all.
Need what? I answered your q
It was much more of a nerdy person thing!
And one of their sets is in Raleigh... I'm bout ready to get out of this boiling hellhole
that sounds like a fantastic time
have you seen any other nic concerst
i dont know maybe i'll have an answer after i finish
What mmr is this?
F-finish what, Moogy~?
I like it
That gragas was awful
I am here to brighten up your day
turn that frown
upside down!
I will try.
nini, bardo.
you dont want to know
silver 1 on turkey
shit game, shit play, shit player.
Sweet dreams elma chan
ITs Gyro from jojo
you just secretly want some of that teems
Jesus FUCK!!!!!
And now there is an episode in Wilmington.
who's gyro?
this guy
Ihave not eaten my pastries yet
Have you watched that show yet?
i havent seen him before.
the day is beautiful as a pastry, no?
Only 4 more days!
What show?
He hasn't been animated in Jojo yet.
How is your sleep schedule? Isn't it almost time for bedtime nanas?
Have you tried watching a show called Stranger Things?
It's corny but worth a watch if you liked xfiles.
this image is adorable
he's not in that new one?
X-files isn't corny!
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll have animated part 7 before 2025!
Hes in like two seasons.
maybe in liek 10 hours
4 PM?
The movies were.
The show itself had some cheesy moments every now and then.
idkkkk when that is but
10 hours
The show was cheesy during its first three seasons.
There you are.
what do you mean?
he's in season 2???
You will find that I have done the math. I've got you covered. How do you sleep during the day? Doesn't the sun bother you? It messes with my sleep sometimes.
Probably what Tuschi said, but it has been years since I saw that season
No he shows up in like two more seasons.
only some of the seasons?
there is sun 20 hours a day
and then there is moon 20 hours a day
It was a "monster of the week" show with no real overarcing plot.
Some of it was great.
Some of it was SciFi channel tier.
Hey You Guize!!!
The first episode was good.
But after that it was pretty bleh for the rest of the season.
wow... hasw there really been 5 seasons already?
mumy friend
I was confused
Meant sweetness & lighting
That's why it was good, each episode is at least relatively fun and then they sprinkle an overall plot throughout the whole show.
But this season is less of the episodic stuff and that's kinda disappointing.
Not bleh!
How do I get my imouto to stop being a hipster slut?
Pls help ;~;
She doesn't look like a landwhale like she normally does.
Or do you have multiple sisters that you probably molested?
Fiiinnee here have this.
manlets, when will they learn?
i havent
how do?
What is this?
I was wrong and for some reason I thought it was New Game that you hadn't seen yet
imouto not oneechan
I have multiple
Wow Tsuchi I thought you listened to my blogging, how rude of you. Its that spic gf of yours I swear
Well, they are young
I don't think they're supposed to be tall
You've been gone a longg time and are only military friend is Flan.
Where have you been?
Higurashi eng dub.
Oh hey man I was just playing a game with you in it.
I dunno
i hadn't seen anything.
If he was a spic, wouldn't I know more about fucked up cholo families like yours?
i'm lonely.
Canadian money?
no context sucks
You haven't even seen New Game?!
Then leave the fucking house.
It's the scene where Shion tears off her finger nail about it's in english dub.
Didn't you watch it with me and Smiles?
Wow that was a long time ago.
No, that was Neko. Nm.
I have been on /lewd/ and usually rarely even there, most of my free time I spend on youtube.
oh, cool, who won?
I don't know what to tell you.
Was it?
I can't place the period.
Yeah, youtube is a great waste of time.
If I maybe be so technical my family has never really been cholos or gangbangers, just alcoholics/cokeheads/partypeople
Which isnt any better but we werent violent, just really happy people that loved abusing substances.
Well...my grandma shot someone once so there's that
It was pretty fucking weird having to go visit my grandma at a psych ward
I carry Canadian, Mexican, Guatemalan, and Murrican currency with me
I-Is that weird? D:
It was back when we were all still in communication.
At least before foolish, so yeah, years ago.
Have you ever been to canada?
What currency do they even use in Guatemala?
Oh man, the days
I dont know any of these!
oh, okay, was hoping it would be more interesting than that.
I feel like you're lamenting.
You can talk to me anytime you need me. I'm like Mary Poppins you know.
Sounds like something from that list of food you wrote the other day.
I mean, it was sort of interesting along the way.
I thought you were in an anime club!
1 Quetzal = 1.13 Krona
I was, I just obtained all of the shows they needed and did the tech stuff!
So, entry level anime. Gotcha.
Wow it's worth nothing!
My family are just super racist, middle class white people.
That and now most of the current stuff
Like, the only use you have for the 1 SEK coin is to throw it and hope you hit someone in the eye or something. Or have lots of them in a sock and use as a weapon. They are worth pretty much nothing. I don't even bother saving them.
Try Magi Cato!
how did I die, please tell me it was something stupid I did, and not someone else killing me.
even now I am on youtube.
Mordin confirmed for a 1 SEK coin.
stop acting smart gatorboi
The lowest value bill is 20 SEK.
You do not set the bar high.
Swedish Fish killed you. Harsh...
You're worth a single ore.
You should hear the fucking cities dude
Huehuetenango, San Ildefonso Ixtahuacán, Quetzaltenango, etc
If it makes you feel any better my grandma hates Spic and gooks with a burning passion
Its pretty fun triggering her and sayings shes a spic too cause she speaks spanish so she might as well be a mexican
She gets so mad at me its so lulz
Yeah, I get it, we're poor
Ha ha ha
Good one Mordin
You're quite the comedian
i am thinking of watching it~
what do you know then?
so desu no.
Everything else
how do i feel happy?
No way. No frickin way.
who's Swedish fish?
Good game.
what the fuck? Did it murder someone?
Its pronounced ue-ue tenango
Drugs and wine don't go together.
I appreciate the offer. I wasn't so much lamenting as much as I was just experiencing nostalgia.
What a silly name. Brazilian influences.
He ate them.
Stop caring
Well, I do have to worry about you sometimes.
It looks like a god damned murder scene. What am I looking at?!
We may never know.
Honestly Griddles, you aren't doing much better this round either.
A rather large man cannibalizing a smaller, weaker man.
Darwinism at work.
I personally think Swedish Fish is cute
But then I'm a dumbass
Lucky that someone is still alive.
Cute, but self-centered.
Course they were probably driven to that point.
Hey if you ever want to talk to me - you know how to reach me.
that's a he, holy shit looks like an old friend of mine, except it was a she.
Yes, we can talk for all of five minutes.
You're right about that second part.
It's most definitely a he, but you could go with an it and nobody would fault you. And it is gross.
that's a bad way.
Nothing, colbs I have to show this video.
Of course I am, I'm talking about myself
But funny!
I dread to click on this link.
I'm a bad man
Don't question my sources.
It took me 5 damn years to find that link after MFF would spam the webms everywhere.
You know, that's pretty rude of you to be talking down on someone elses ethnicity/culture without telling them about yours
But oh well, I guess Swedes tend to lack manners
I really wish I could travel far west of Guatemala and paticipate in the annual drunken horse races in Todos Santos
It looks like so much funnnnnnn
tanoshii as fuck
konnichiwa bitches...
yeah, it funny until it happen to u
why bad?
Why is Colbs going as Yan now?
No but really, that's disturbing.
Do they do cock fighting too?
Wow this is fucking old
I can't believe someone still has this version
We're still acclimating to each other. There is no way to jump for what was saw as malice into some long winded friendship.
It would never happen to me tho
I changed it to that as a joke for like 1 thread and it KEEPS FUCKING COMING BACK FOR NO REASON
The Yan is the power that be.
My humor escapes most.
Perhaps I shouldn't say anything.
o hai... soup
how are you so sure?
Cockfighting in Guatemala isnt as popular as it is in Honduras or Nicaragua tbh
I don't know if that was supposed to be a gay joke btw
Mordin pls Im drunk and Im trying to be nice
Neko real talk, youre fucking old
Why havent you left this community for good anyways?
Nah, continue speaking. It's more interesting with you than without you.
Just playing this dumb game that Soto posted. You?
Go to sleep
i came in late.... what dumb game?
I've done terrible things
I've tried many times
You're supposed to tell Maki that.
Oh you're drinking? No work today?
What's the confusion?
You should already be in bed!
My face hit the keyboard due to my own fatigue. This entire sentence as well. I'm too tired to ask who that even is.
So, night.
eswrbsddfcdsx zczc
See above.
but what is his preferred pronoun?
Make the image larger.
Is it an insult or a compliment?
wow dude that IS dumb...
Pretend schizophrenic.
die in your sleep...
Quit jocking my style shitty furfag
Your skin isnt even that smooth
Sounds like you have the same relationship with Holla Forums like I do with alcohol
I'd tell you why but then you'd probs just bully me
I want off this rollercoaster tho
I'm no liar.
No wait
Hi, bye and good night. Sleep well.
Convenient timing.
I can't help it, it looked fun. And my skin is pretty smooth in the summer.
welcome my son... welcome to the machine
i believe you
You got fired?
If this doesnt get an anime adaptation from Shaft Imma get mad af tbh
Yeah I can't stay away
I get sucked in every time
Night night Tracer.
Compliment. Don't let it go to your head.
Have you never made one of those before?
If you hadn't then I dont blame you lmao
they're fun as fuck
pics btw
pls no I dont even have a fastpass
wtf no
Come on Mordin
I'd tel you in private but I forgot I deleted you
One of my family members died
so yeah
I called off for a week
I feel like shit but not for the reason you'd think I'd be
Neko just embrace the threads and come to AX next year and smoke weed with me
like what?
that's a fun pronoun.
nighty night.
that's not english, I can't read that.
It always helps to ask.
I can never quite be sure with you sometimes.
Are you free Saturday night?
lol no hov lane even
This was the board I used.
Done anything at all interesting in the last few months?
I'm sorry for your loss. You may add me back if you'd like to talk about it, otherwise, I hope you feel better soon. Be careful with the alcohol.
Where will it be?
the talking heads was a pretty solid band...
Idk, unless you want to do it
I killed a man
Did you watch it?
No i just finished a game jeez you pervert
not even a bad song... ever
That is correct.
i don wanna ;~;
waht for?
Yeah, I think they're pretty solid overall. How do you feel about They Might Be Giants?
Okay then we're fine.
Get to the spunk arrow first.
No, I have a couple other arrangements that have been made. Maybe Sunday, or if plans on Saturday change I'll tell you.
fukken a
i enjoy them... some good shit outta them
Was that Sonohanabira 4?
Fuck theres so many I cant even remember anymore
Im getting rusty
Thug life I still drive in the carpool lane even if Im driving solo
I'd rather not add you back, no offense or anything
but yeah I got judged super hard for not being supah dupah sad like everyone else
So now Im the heartless monster that doesnt care about his family members apparently, according to my own family
I shouldnt even be telling you this, jesus
tell me about your life mordy-kun etc
You know being so busy is bad for you.
But I can do Sunday night. Just give me a heads up if you change plans that way I'm not sitting there in the cold.
My personal favorite
...that I can remember right now
Nothing at all...
no hablo espaniol
I went on leave for a week and a half, and cleaned up my new to me sks.
particle man tho
Also Sama, I think this song was heavily inspired by the song I just linked you
What about Chinese?
i concur... there may have been some royalty issues
I mean the Zelda version has more like... arabic/latin tones, but the rhythm is so close to that TMBG song
I'll tell him.
Wow, I didn't think guns usually took over a week to clean.
Why not?
Yeah, conversation is good towards mending any sort of bad split. I'm with Tsuchi, but it'll be nice to actually say truthfully that we're friends once again.
some general commonalities in music theory... probably a coincidence
Yeah, I agree. Without hearing from the composer it's hard to know
Still, they're both amazing tracks
He's such a sweet and harmless guy, you've got to be.
Harmless, sure. But sweet?
Good afternoon.
It is 10:10 PM
Good night do get some sleep please.
Good morning
minor key, syncopated rhythm... every middle eastern sounding song ever
please, call me papito...
Good evening for you, Ian.
Hey Rin, good morning.
why is this bitchass pussy champion allowed to exist
I'll call you whatever I'm inspired to
Well yes, most genres are kinda defined by certain sounds. Still, that resemblance seems too close to be coincidence
Also I had forgotten this song, I fucking love it tho thanks
/goes user to insult you like I always do
mah nigga
Why not what?
Revy I'd send you a pic of me jacking off but I need you to show butt
I didn't mean to go off on you like I did without any real reason.
I don't want a picture of you jacking off
Well I'm gonna head to bed eventually. Just watching some youtube.
as long as theyre lovey pet names were good here... there, spicy nipple chops
ayup. 1,4,5 progesstion with emphasis on the 1 and 4 beat every country, pop, religious song ...ever
its fukken great lol
Oh so you want a video?
nope, I never took a second language, and I dropped french to continue with marketing class.
it only took a couple hours of pouring boiling water on it, Cosmoline is a bitch
You have a lot to learn
Just keep that in mind
Still, there are more differences than that. Like... country, pop and religious rhythms are pretty dissimilar
No !
Why you wouldn't want to talk to me. If you feel like you shouldn't be telling people things, then it would've made more sense to say it in private than in clear view. I dunno.
10:17 PM - [REDACTED]: But you see, dicks are treasured Colbs. Even more treasured than women. Every trap you see is more precious than the women around them.
10:18 PM - [REDACTED] is now Offline.
I don't want to see you jacking off at all
That doesn't even slightly turn me on
ayup... and general cadence theory (aka nashville numbering system) puts they progressions as identical regardless of rhythm
I dunno about all that, but I do know the rhythm is vastly different. This is why drums > all other instruments :3
Triforce lulu
bass is more important tho
i dont feel well.
lol general rule is b& on site when you show up there kek
I just don't trust you anymore, no offense or anything
Yet I still want to trust you
No hard feelings
So I could call you a boy/male then, right?
When you look in the mirror, does it feel like there's nobody looking back?
You would jump at the chance to talk about dicks, lol
Nah. Bass and drums feed off each other, any good bass player or drum player would tell you that
*rubs your back*
i concur with this assesment... didnt know you were musical
You don't trust me because I won't trust you?
Pls respond
I've played drums since I started high school so... Unfortunately right now I don't have any to play, I haven't for a while :/
I like talking about things I find interesting.
I will.
i started on bass... so thats my instrument.
picked up guitar when i was 13... took lessons from my old man.
honestly woefully out of practice these days... its a mediocre talent for me anyway lol
Interesting how?
I don't know about that, but we'll see
It's a big, hard topic. Difficult to take it all in.
Tahki is a horse
The absolute worst
You don't think I will keep my inexperience in mind?
the freshest of fresh builds
Steam me.
No, I don't expect anyone to
Most people don't
How fresh is that?
I don't like dwelling on the negatives.
Ihave never tried it before
There is a difference between dwelling on negatives and being naive
srs shit tho your my fav black poster tho
don't tell lloyd tho D:
What, why?! I was just joking!
At first I thought it was just a phase
But I will play with you
Fuck Neru
Get a gunblade.
but getting drunk makes me so drunk ;;
Are you drunk?
I have fond memories of that Remilia image.
But you are not Neru.
It will be worth it.
When your beer freezes in the freezer
I don't know.
If you get drunk too, it would be worth it.
Kinda glad he asked you that though
He always asks me that and makes me feel like an alcoholic
Are you saying you're not one?
I think if I hadn't started on drums I would have gone bass. I love the rhythm, but I think I prefer the physicality and stress release of drums better
Do not encourage me
LOL, you are an alcoholic tho
Whys that?
You simply must.
I have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow morning fuck you
Not all of us have cushy make your own schedule jobs like you
oh yeah... lots of people would say its a hell of a workout
And what could be more fun than to perform your duties hungover after a crapulent night of Legue with Neru and me?
Nothing matches the feeling of drums yo
Everything depends on the slightest muscle movements
No pls.
Stop being a PUSSY IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i couldnt do it man...
Stop being PRIVILEGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Nah, Im not an alcoholic
I went to go smoke a bowl
I fucked up fam
Wow Ian after all these years Ive gotten you drunk and nursed you back to good health and this is how you treat me?
I thought you had my back
Cause you have braids and doesn't afraid of nothing
I could
I'm just telling the truth dude
fukken froze ur beer in the interim dumbass...
thats good for you lad
You're not an alcoholic, you're just a person who likes to drink until they pass out many days a week.
Should I start using blackface?
As do I. I am insulted beyond belief that it is being appropriated in this manner.
That would make you even more privileged, you'd just be pretending to understand the struggle of colored people
and then be asking for reparations...
I cut those off a while ago
;~; thanks...
halp ima minoritee gibe free stuff plox bc things ur ancestor did 300 years ago k
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