is it worth the jiggabytes now that that the new version of denuvo is cracked?
No, it's never worth it.
You already know the answer is no.
It might even be worse now that it is free as more people will be able to play it.
No, you fucking moron. Even if the price tag is zero you will still pay in brain cells for subjecting yourself to that abomination.
It's still badly written fetchquest shit with horrible voiceacting.
I guess if you liked Cisquisition you'd like this too otherwise avoid like the plague.
Cisquisition was made by whatever was left of Bioware, this was made by those faggots from Montreal who did have much of the original team and experience on making a fucking game.
Ban OP.
Get out
I half-watched a streamer play through it as background noise.
Shit dialogue that is incredibly boring once you wear through the initial disgust that everyone on this critical galactic-effort mission is a quirky millennial who omg cannot into social interaction xDD. Driving/walking sim, 90% of your game time is driving the buggy around empty worlds or running back and forth down the not-Citadel. Every fucking environment is the orange/blue meme. Buggy as fuck. Retarded new aliens, not that the old ones were much to look at. Plot is ME2's rehashed. complete with a "…but there's an even bigger bad!" ending. Progressive rewriting of lore (ask Asari their preferred pronouns). The hacking puzzle is sudoku with the numbers swapped for super cool alien runes.
The combat was the one thing the streamer thought was okay, but even that looked boring as fuck. The skills selection was a semi-interesting rehash of ME3's + Skyrim magic. The enemy selection is not-Collectors that all fight the same minus different numbers of health bars, an ogre fauna that's the only wildlife combat encounter on every world, and security drones. And they're all giant fucking bullet sponges. Spam bullets/Skyrim magic at enemy, duck back behind wall until shield recharges, spam bullets/Skyrim magic, hide behind wall, repeat until that enemy falls over. There's no fun tactical shenanigans, it's just cover peek-a-boo.
There is legitimately not one single aspect of this game that entices me to play it. It may be the least appealing game I've ever seen.
Not even worth a pirate.
I know, i'm just saying if one liked the open world fetchquests and grinding for crafting ressources MMOtier gameplay of Cisquisition one might like this too.
just watch a video full of glitches, shitty voice acting, and shitty animations, and you'll get the same experience as if you played the full game
Go play a real game like one of the Expeditions then.
I recommend waiting a year or two for them to shit out all the dlc and patches and pirate it if you stll give a fuck, you really won't miss anything if you don't play it at all
get out
No, but it's a lot easier to find porn of pic related now.
>sweet brown girls with a hint of being nuts
heh…people really care about this piece of shit game?
Technically you could play it ironically just so you can criticize but, is it really worth the trouble playing a shit game that you already know you're not going to enjoy?
finally got new pictures I see, good for you
Here's a patch if you want it
It doesn't change jack worth noting.
I don't care about the game itself, but I am looking forward to smudboy's analysis of the plot (whenever he gets around to doing it)
Hard pass.
This is what I hate most about the game. Every single character is written the same. All of them are in a perpetual battle to out-snark each other Joss Whedon style. None of them take anything seriously, and yet I'm supposed to take them and the game seriously. The dialogue and character interactions are supposed to be paramount as this is an RPG (or it's supposed to be), but it's all awkward, embarrassing humor clearly written for the kind of obnoxious, pointlessly irreverent teenagers and twenty-somethings you know composes Bioware's tumblr-using fanbase.
This is the second Mass Effect game in a row now where its only redeeming feature is multiplayer.
Remember if you enjoy it buy it :^)
The doctor, Vetra, newayy and Cora don't qualify. Drak and Kallo are borderline. Some of the NPCs are also acceptable.
It's genuinely like they went out of their way to make every character as annoying as possible.
You're a fucking retard.
It was barely even worth the time to watch videos of the highlights of that shitshow, and even then only because there was shitposting to do about it.
If this game was made by japan there would be daily template shill threads about it
Doubt it.
I think all of the ones you list are borderline. The worst is when the immature characters are allowed by the writers to drag the borderline characters into their ball pit bullshit, like in the embarrassing movie night scene
I think the main faults are how the MC is absolute shit and how you're dealing with whats otherwise a horrible existential crisis in a complete carebear friendship is magic bullshit kind of way. In short, remove the kett and the angara, and secure the existence of our people and a future for milky way children.
This sounds suspiciously like Aryan propaganda.
Are you saying the initiative doesn't need it's lebensraum because some not-twileks like shitting in that particular bush? Manifest Meridian Destiny, baby.
I think it's like the Power Rangers, where we know there's no real peril for the protagonists, and the bad guy may be shown stomping around and destroying things, but it'll be the status quo in the next episode
ME:A only works because of lore-rape. Asari getting their lore rewritten because it triggered tumblrinas is pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to what ME:A fucks up
no thanks
I haven't watched power rangers for almost twenty years but I believe you're unfair to them. For one because they were accomplished individuals even before pulling spandex out their cracks and transforming.
Ryder is a glorified ex-civil servant that couldn't string two sentences together without the all knowing, all plot driving, all important SAM. And the game rubs that in your face repeatedly. Which is doubly sad because the game could've been so much better if you were the AI; jumping from one pathfinder to another, using med-bay probing equipment on your crew. Going SHODAN.
I'd just go HAL and shoot them out the airlock.
please teach me your ways.
HAL a bitch.
I-I just want to play a fun space adventure game with some customization my character
is it really that bad? even if it went on a discount?
Space rangers 2/hd.
Tell you what, if you bought it - you got what you deserved.
OP is a massive cocksucking faggot
Biocucks would have to pay me to play this shitpile.
Bioware - pirates
People get distracted by the animations, so they don't immediately notice that the voice acting is also complete shit.
People get distracted by the voice acting, so they don't immediately notice that the characters themselves are bland and uninteresting and the plot itself is also shit.
And people are overrating the bland gameplay/exploration, since it's the only thing that kinda works, but the planets are pretty much just a shallow boxes with the same basic enemy types appearing, as if they were just randomly thrown in. The highlight of your exploring will be same alien sudoku-towers (I hope you like running around with your "scanner") that magically fix the climate on each planet.
Their combat system also doesn't really synergize with the open world, since it's built for corridors with convenient chest high walls every 2 meters.
Joke's still on me for playing it
Think you posted the same picture twice, don't worry I got you.
There's another layer of DRM on top of denuvo that can't be removed: Making a game so shit it's not worth a pirate. And Ass Defect has it.
i downloaded the cracked ME:A thinking i'd play it to laugh at it. sat on my hdd for a week and then i deleted it.
the game is a plate of shit. if they patch the hell out of it, fixing every bad animation/voice in the game, it'll still be a plate of shit with some fancy garnish.
New Denuvo got cracked? Does that mean I can get Nier Automata?
I'd let her rub some of the butter from these nuts all over her body if you know what I'm saying.
No. I downloaded it out of curiosity and uninstalled it after like 30 min
Does that have facial customization?
Yes it is, you faggot.
For free it's bad. Paying anything, you're almost literally getting shat on.
Never ever
Seriously, what is this meme? She's cute.
if it's free, wouldn't i at least get some entertainment out of the customization screen?
nice brudder
Only as pick an avatar. But if it's any consolation you can shove a psychic frog up your ass and receive advance warning about commodity price changes.
How about now?
Reported for bestiality.
Wait! I can maker her cuter.
Mass Effect was never good.
Even anime faces can't make her look cute.
The guns are awful to use
Its almost ME2 levels of ammo hunting
You can only have 3 powers active at a time
You can have 4 sets of any 3 powers you want to use together you can cycle through that you have to jump through hoops to set up and use
Powers can only be used in real time
The weapon and power pause menu of previous games is just a weapon menu with a sub-menu to pick your set of 3 powers
The ammo powers are now apparently a consumable resource and not a passive power like in previous games (I havent bothered to use any to verify this)
Seems you can only order your teammates to go there or shoot that and they are off mainly doing their own fucken thing the game might as well be a solo mission
You have to activate your vehicles off-road mode for any slight degree of incline you could cycle up with no effort and off-road mode is slow as shit
You like eating Shit for Lunch??? Because that's what you sound like.
Do not buy, try, or pirate it. Unless you DO eat human shit for food.
Do you?
Well…DO YOU?? You Eat SHIT?!?!
You're doing it wrong fam.
No. It's not worth it.
I love watching really bad movies and playing really bad games. I've seen The Room about twenty times and I eagerly await each and every one of Neil Breen's new films. Some of my fondest memories are playing Big Rigs Over The Road Racing with about twenty other people at a LAN party, or getting shitfaced and playing Orion Dino Horde with a few buddies until 4am. I put over 500 hours into APB. My friends and I used to have contests to see who could find the absolute lowest-quality hentai flash game, and then we'd race to see who could complete them the fastest. All of these things are so bad that they're hilarious, and at least you can draw some fun from the fact that they're bizarre and nothing is quite like them. I really enjoy witnessing utter shit.
Mass Effect Andromeda brought me absolutely no joy at all. I played it about 5 hours and fucking dropped it. It's not even "so bad it's good." It's just soulless garbage. You just spend all of your time grinding through the most bland, uninspired locations to talk to bland, uninspired characters about bland, uninspired topics. In between all of that you get to participate in bland, uninspired combat sequences while your bland, uninspired squadmates exchange what a literal space alien must think passes for human banter. There is nothing interesting about the universe and the plot is filled with so many holes and illogical actions that eventually you just give up. As a bonus you get hit with a bunch of social justice nonsense, like a member of the new alien species and an Asari literally trading lists of preferred pronouns.
When I watch those shitty movies or play those shitty games, it brings me joy, because somebody at least made something unique. They're horrible, utter garbage, but they have this bizarre, unreal quality to them that makes them fun. Mass Effect Andromeda doesn't even have that. It just leaves me feeling empty and very bored. Don't bother even pirating it, because it's a waste of your time and disk space.
delet this
try harder nigga
there's cuter faces
that's a lot harder to make cute
Seriously OP.
so you're a homo
You are welcome to your tastes user.
Uncanny valley freakshow just isn't my thing.
That's where the game lost me. ME3 was shit but I enjoyed the way guns sounded and the feedback they gave you. Now they've apparently forgotten to do that and they sound weak as shit, have no recoil, and don't hit hard at all. It's miserable.
Also from the couple hours I played, why are there aliens on what appeared to be a super secret Alliance project? It makes no sense for non-humans to tag along on a human military expedition. Why are Milky Way races already out there? Why isn't it entirely new shit? Why are these elite soldiers oh so painfully quirky when they should be disciplined troops like the cast of the previous games were most of the time?
No. They'll only crack games that give them publicity, so as long as we ignore the shit they crack maybe they'll crack something that's worth playing. Attention whores is all they are now. I don't fucking care anymore, it seems to me the whole fucking pirate/scene community are either massive faggots with completely shit taste in video games or jews that only care about big name "AAA" games getting cracked so they can get their bitcoin money for uploadeing that shit for retards for shit taste. Nothing about cracking games that people actually want to play but do not want to support these invasive DRM programs installed in their computers. They already made their fucking point but now they are just close too becoming massive attention whoring faggots but that doesn't matter to me anymore. I either play or don't play and I choose the latter.
I beat the game as Male Ryder with Vetra Waifu this is the only way to play the game.
Vetra and Drak are the only party members worth a damn the rest are so horribly garbage I am disappointing you cannot kill them like ME2.
Was it worth the time spent downloading and playing the game? No it wasn't many times during the game I'd facepalm and moan about some new SJW crap they put into it.
The only compliment I had for the game is that none of the companions were as bad as Sera from DA:I
No. It's a trash SJW game full of faggots and trannies.
Who's he, Holla Forums?
That's the great thing about being autistic, user. Uncanny valley doesn't exist.
Well it's settled. Going to give them game a shot. I don't feel right calling a shit game without at least trying it, especially when it is free
You don't like her because she's missing a dick, don't you?
Because it's not. I'm actually amazed at your attention span because they really hammer it how it's a private venture that needs no patriarchy or some such shit.
…. wait just a god damn second. I'm pretty sure Ive seen this girl. Like 99% sure she lives in my city. Anyone have a link to that video?
Just don't fucking come back and make a thread about how Holla Forums was right. It happened with cisquisition and no doubt it will happen with this game. You people always come all high and mighty saying how you don't taste shit until you eat it then make a fucking pointless thread about how you made the dive and found out it was actual shit and Holla Forums wasn't joking. It happens all the fucking time.
She used to have more videos but she took them down from her channel. She has a dog and a mother who got very sick a few years back.
Don't know what's happened since then but she still has a Facebook Meme Page and a Youtube channel that only has her liked videos. Her posting style suggests she is aware of chan culture.
Here you go.
From her Facebook.
It's like finding a 2D in the 3D Realm.
or is it?
Yup. 99.99% sure I've met this person before. I won't go into further detail but if I see her again I will bully the shit out of them.
Make sure to record your experience for our lulz.
I would lick her clean tbh
does this mean automata is cracked?
Please, tell me there is more.
the fuck just bury bioware already, EA.
Is she giving birth?
True, but once you have enough Remnant points you can get some nice blueprints (but it's a dumb system).
This is a shitty game design, it killed off the replay-value.
TBH I'm at a level where I can finally play like an adept in ME3, the 3 powers that I always used are now at max.
The "vintage heat sink" is an extremely rare item, you can use it to craft a weapon with unlimited ammo but you can disassemble it once, after that the perk is gone and you have to loot endless crates and containers in hope that the (((RNG))) gives you one.
Fortunatly, the Remnants have an energy-based assault rifle that regenerates ammo.
TBH I crafted a Remnant assault rifle that also thows an infinite number of sticky grenades to the target so I'm having fun.
The big problem with this game is that the characters can't. shut. the. fuck. up. They just keep talking, talking, talking. I would be "ok" if what they were saying didn't sound like something coming from the mouth of a teenager. I fucking hate the writing, there is no sense of professionalism, or respect of the hierarchy, they all talk like if they were buddies in a Whedon production.
Autistic screeching
Hey, that's pretty good.
You what? The bio-converter or what ever it's called is 50x better and second you can reclaim any augment as many times as you'd like. As for it being rare that's only there to influence it's cost or slots if it's an item, and I have 6-7 in my stash but I'd rather not use any since they're god fucking awful.
I don't want to take the risk of losing health in a fight, even though my adept combos always give me a near-full shield.
Did they patch it? Because at launch the heat sink item could be used only 2 times.
I only know I just tried it on CPY 1.05 and successfully reclaimed the same VHS four times. The health is a non issue with some tech skills.
Sticky grenade equalizer or paw is great but fuck me does it kill the framerate
Someone is getting an extra shekel today.
It allows you to skip the cutscenes when you travel between planets. Those get really, really annoying to wait through and are nothing but a waste of time.
Inconceivable, I know. But you can always go bitch at the undertale general if that's more up to your speed.
I'd say the generous amounts of lore-rape, nonsensical premise, dumbass childish protagonist, omniscient and omnipresent AI obviously there because the writers and game designers couldn't string together a coherent plot, and boring semi-retread bad guys are just as bad
Bioshit is not vidya.
Sorry but I'm not learning your special pronouns or the definitions you pulled out of your ass. Now, if you've got a half decent sci-fi rpg that's not on the we talked about it fiftykajillion times list I'd love it if you'd share.
MEA is irredeemable shit. No matter of discussion will change that. People who play this game do not belong here.
Or maybe people just want to point and laugh at how shitty it is
nice numbers
So far they seem like a straight copy/paste of the Didact and the Prometheans from Halo 4 but without a clear objective/purpose (it's not the only thing they took from that game).
weird, maybe they fixed it.
I don't understand why they went into the trouble of making the galaxy map that way, there are so many unnecessary things that slow down the gameplay. Analysing each planet is even worse than in previous ME games because here 9 times out of 10 there's nothing to find on a planet.
Remnant looks exactly like the Prometheans. What I mean by semi-retread is that the Kett, like the Reapers, want everyone's genes and abduct and harvest species for them so they can be incorporated into a greater whole
You'd rather talk about good games? Great. Feel free to start whenever you're ready
We really need some decent texmods.
Sometimes a game is so shit, its not even worth a pirate. This game is one of those.
In fact, shit games in general fail to even keep me nowadays. I was able to get through Skyrim with porn mods, wasn't able to do so with Fallgout 4.
I suppose as time moves on, my time become more valuable and as such I cant waste it playing crap.
Yeah, I laughed when I saw their version of the Promethean Watcher was called an Observer.
The Remnant architecture/style looks also really close to the Forerunner design.
The design of the PAW reminded me of the Incineration Cannon.
Good job, retard.
Hey guys! let's talk about patriarchy fuck this guy, I hope he get no work.
What's with the Fisher-Price toy on their back?
The assault rifle
Not even worth a pirate. Besides, it's all up on JewTube showing off the worst parts.
theres a lot to do and the combat is kind of neat aside from the squad ai. but thats about it. does that sound fun?
So in general, what's the plot of this game?
Power rangers: the movie
Peaceful multicultural refugees unite with the natives to fight back against the evil aliens.
What's the goal of evil aliens and why are they deemed evil?
Its amusing when casuals fawn all over games like this on the first week of release and then its just crickets. No one is talking about it, no even cares enough to heavily critize it for entertainment value.
Its arguably the worst thing that could happen to your game is to be so forgettable.
they are cinematic creatures. the bad voice acting and animation did not go unnoticed. i think.
They're technically not. Their leader has gone rogue and you're racing him to this magical terraforming mcguffin whatever. The initiative aka your faction is a private venture some mysterious benefactor pulled together to preserve races and which launched some time between ME2 and ME3.
she's orgasming, it's from the relationship scene with the transsexual krogan
The entire internet shitting mercilessly on ME:A's awful, buggy animations it probably did a lot of damage to the game's pre-orders and sales too
If you're really into shit games, go for it.
I live in a place so redneck that if i walked around with that shirt the only word that would be picked up is xenophobe and that would be the one kid who loves warhammer
Also more than half of your people went of the deep end because you need pirate fodder to shoot at for some dindu explained reason and there are thousands to millions of mary sue not-twillek plant noble injins that constantly try to fuck your people over despite you saving their sorry asses on every occasion you meet them. Obviously since your faction doesn't execute for high treason, murder, gross incompetence or terrorism you don't get to retaliate, either.
Bioware's really going above and beyond with their self-flagellating apology for the awful sexist male gaze "old" asari. They're going full DA:I Qunari on them. Honestly I expected Bioware would do something like this, but I didn't know they'd go so far
not really
I like this one better
how long till it drops to ten bucks?
This is EA we're talking about. ME3's still 19.99
Yes, but ME3 was received differently. The general reactions there were along the lines of "I'm a huge fan of the series but I dislike the decisions the team made". For Andromeda it's not jilted fans angry over the path the game took but will buy it anyway. Here it's outright mockery.
Do you really think EA would admit to making a mistake by lowering the price so far? Especially in this case? It would lend credence to that article saying that the team working on ME:A was a shitshow of mismanagement and identity politics. It'd also jeopardize their ability to use Operation Hide Behind the Gays if it makes Bioware look bad
His points are interesting, but both his voice and presentation are incredibly fucking grating. Especially when I can hear him swallowing and and breathing, it drives me fucking nuts.
So what is the goal of the leader then?
He wants the AI in the PC's head so he can use Remnant technology
Them being the absolute worst in ME3 also helped. They had a lot of old tech and knowledge, and then just sat on it, and never told anyone about it.
Why do you even ask
It should be "exaltation" or scour this part of the galaxy on behalf on some unshown home government for unknown ayys to literally assimilate into their race via brainwashing (someone in bioware has a massive fetish for hypnotism apparently) and genetic manipulation. In reality it's fuck around with remnant/progenitor/whatever tech until you show up and then act (and end up) like a bad Holla Forums villain.
They got shat on in ME3 too, but it wasn't tumblrfication. No one deserves tumblrfication. I can't tell if what Bioware did to them in ME3 was motivated by ideology, but simply judging from the ridiculous pronouns conversation what happened to them in ME:A clearly was
Fucking elves got raped their way even to space. Sad!
This is what happens when you let leftists make weapons and armor. It's clear that whoever designed this never held a firearm in his arms, let alone did even the most basic amount of research necessary to figure out why guns are shaped the way they are.
Mass effect firearms aren't conventional firearms, user. They also fold up when not in use
I don't give a shit what they are, they violate basic ergonomic principles. People in the middle ages understood what a stock was for, I fail to see why BioWare employees can't.
They're still being operated by disfigured mockeries of humans. There are things that would not have changed.
That's a really good question
kill yourself
if enough people called for a lowered price, though?
I only download shit games to listen to razor repack 8bit muzaks
Your fetish is trash and so are you.
I have to call you gay but I agree for the most part, this game truly is soulless as is much of the industry at present. Too bad the "indie" scene is pretty fucking vapid as well, we are approaching the dark ages of vidya except they arent very dark you just cant see much because of all the lighting effects
you dont understand the versatility of that raifu, the round thing at the end isnt a stock it actually vibrates and goes in your ass, chosen seekers use it to stimulate their prostata before transing into sudokukins
Does she mean her ass? Shouldn't she be saying, "Maybe if she's pretty enough, I'll let you fuck my ass."? People who do not have an adequate grasp of the English language should not make captions.
The implication is that the viewer - the guy still staring at her ass - knows what she means by 'it' and it's a callback to her earlier statment. I can change it if that's not clear or 2deep4u.
ME:A is what happens when you combine politically correct company policy, focus testing, pandering to the wrong demographics, a desire to play it safe, EA breathing down your neck, and enormous amounts of money on the line
can you faggots stop blaming EA for everything when they barely had any part of it ? Its similar to Blizzard drones blaming Activision for WoW turning to shit in mid Wotlk when the game started going to shit slowly before that.
god no
As if anything has changed from it being a trainwreck pile of shit.
You saw the threads, you know the answer. If you consider this worthy of your time your time is worth less than minus fuck nothing squared.
How do I get that shirt minus the last line?
Oh great. EA is trying to whitewash its public image by sending some of the marketing budget to charity.
Oy vey!
BioWare was shit even before EA came along though. It's not like they made the turd any smellier than it was already.
Pretty much this
i will not hear your kike dicksucking
consider suicide Bioware drone
Pretty good, actually. Once you get past the learning curve, and get into the story you'll find that it is pretty rewarding, and fixes most of the problems and extreme difficulty of the previous games. It is like a combination of CoD with Fable 3 tossed in. All in all a great game despite what the haters say.
i didnt even know ea drones were a thing
Do you feel ashamed of yourself when you post bait this shit? Be honest.
excuse you friend i just want sims to stop getting worse and having more atrociously shit item packs and YOU won't let that happen.
nobodys backpedaling you daft jew worshipping stormnigger
anybody wants her twitter
Do you feel ashamed of yourself when you ironically bait this obvious bait shit? Be honest.
No, I don't.
Knowing or half-knowing what you're reading is bait, taking it anyways, then crowing about how you weren't baited is a time-honored Holla Forums tradition.
literally nobody there i want to bang, the only thing different about the asari autist is that she has a smear of feces on her face, she uses the generic body and face of the other npcs. Then you got the token minorities of black and latino, with a mixed white butch thrown in.
its all shit.
No, because I love you too much.
for prosperity
So, having played some 89% of the content according to the little meter shit I can say three things. First the much shilled patch changed literally nothing; a couple of shirts got recolored and you can skip ~20 seconds from a grand total of 40-60 second travel animation. Big fucking deal considering enemies stuck in thin air or half buried in terrain or walls, squadmates clipping into the ship's superstructure, the game completely lacking gear either sold or dropped for several tiers at the time and worse restart demanding bugs.
Second the story starts weak and somehow manages to completely gloss over anything remotely interesting like the Garson murder investigation, the interfaction infighting or any character growth or interaction past the clear-cut trope each character got. As in one unbelievably shallow angle per character and they don't even explore those but you bet your ass there are plenty current year Soho brit references or fart jokes because that's really relevant in the year 2790.
And third it's not as shit as inquisition but it's not really worth the download either. But what really blows my mind is how a shit smaller company with what was certainly a fraction of their budget managed to outdo them in everything, including the progressive shit with Technomancer. Or how that shit game absolutely shines in comparison with this one.
Wow, that's the kind of shit you do in Garry's Mod or SFM when you don't give a fuck but not in a AAA game.
what's her twitter?
That happened to me, the combat music was still playing, I didn't understand why then I saw an enemy over a Kett building, I shoot him, a body falls, then another one, and another one. 3 enemies where stuck at the same coordinates.
The multiplayer is still fucked, it takes ages to level up, it's riddled with bugs. Once after I got revived by a teammate I couldn't go forward or backwards, just left and right but only with the jetpack, then I got stuck at the edge of the map.
So, are you saying Technomancer is worth a playthrough?
Getting the radar upgrade for the buggy was probably the worst thing I ever did. Fucking enemies stuck underground (as in just under the surface mesh) all over Kadara.
It's worse than both War Logs or Bound by flame and that's saying something. But what I meant was that some almost indie-tier junky studio made a "better" nu-male protagonist, a better mulatto squadmate, a better tumblr friendly military bitch AND a better charlatan tier character. And no hipstershit or gamebreaking bugs in sight either.
I'm still convinced bioware made Salarians so tall simply to reuse the Turian animations
I liked Bound by Flame, but mostly because of the albino witch with the big tits and the low cleavage. Pity she's stuck in a subpar RPG.
When some French cucks on a budget can make more humanlike character that your multi million "titan" of the industry it's time to reevaluate some things. But we all know leftists are incapable of introspection.
That's likely the reason the enemies are also humanoids. They don't even have the excuse of the Unreal engine to justify their incompetence.
You're probably right. Remember when Bioware was crowing about how the Frostbite engine would let them have NPCs of different body types and sizes due to non-unified animations? Salarians aren't tall. Also Drack is suspiciously short for a krogan.
Let me put it in perspective:
I found Fallout 4 in the bargain bin for 15 bucks a couple of days ago.
I even considered buying it to save me the hassle of downloading 50gb.
Then I noticed that instead of the workshop, you use their special service ( for mods and lost all interest.
Sounds pretty bad, right?
Well ME:A is even worse.
Besides the lack of mods (not that anyone expected it, but it adds to the game) the game doesn't have a disc. So even with the price tag at 13 bucks (bargain bin again) what was the point? I'd still have to download it. And through ORIGIN no less.
Fuck that.
The skeleton from BBF and the blonde autist from WL were also pretty decent.
Bound by Flame, Mar War Logs and Technomancer are among my favourite RPG's.
They're not perfect, in fact, they're heavily flawed in some aspects. But they do story telling very, very well.
The combat is pretty good too with lots of options and the crafting (that got better, it was kindy shitty/pointless in Mrs War Logs) doesn't get in the way of normal gameplay while also having a purpose.
The thing that amazed me about those games was the tiny budget. They get by with so little and make something pretty good.
SJWare gets a bunch of million dollars and shats out this thing. Fucking hell.
ME:A is already in the bargain bin?
Well. So that's what a systematic demolishment looks like. That was actually worth a full listen.
I came to this thread for ebin weeabums. I'm disappointed.
Also I'm starting to think they puked out this atrocity to make ME3 look better in comparison.
It was already in the bin at launch :^)
There's also an alien-dinosaur stuck in a rock near a cave entrance, only its head and tail are visible.
Obviously those are display copies.
Here is the webm version.
A masterpiece, that breaks the self imposed barriers of gaming narrative and ensnares the player with intelligent gameplay and brilliant A.I. Anyone wanting to tackle the same themes will have to be compared to Paul bird's work. Paul Bird has proven itself again as one of the most accomplished development teams in the world. With "Mass Effect: Andromeda" they have given us a consistent and interesting world that is supported by practically all of its game mechanics. From the rich complex racing system to the sublime sound design, this game immerses the player in one of the most visceral plots in this generation. Mass Effect: Andromeda is a really different game, mixing traditional adventure, survival, action, stealth and constant exploration. The resources are most important. The best graphics on PC are back in the hands of Paul Bird, also the atmosphere, and six unforgettable characters. Simply overwhelming. Mass Effect: Andromeda is by far one of the greatest peices of art ever created, and it was a whispered reminder that great games can do more than impress with sheer complecity and breadth, they can also draw is closer to them as to engage with our humanity. 10/10 absolutly perfect
That are more fun ways to give yourself cancer OP, infact I think California has a list on them
Those 8bit songs included in the installation setups are fantastic
What the fuck, when Automata is cracked and Rain World, Hollow Knight, etc. are out? Fuck no nigga.
Mass Effect 1's hacking puzzle was Towers of Hanoi.
Not on PC, at least.
The nexus is where most of the mods are, turns out people don't like using bethesda's shitty service. Still wouldn't make the purchase worth it though, and you wouldn't be saving any time on the 50GB dl because like all PC physical copies nowadays it's just a steam code inside the box
No, you're better off just watching a full playthrough of it on jewtube and even then it's still as uninspired and boring as you'd think it would be.
I forgot that. The hacking in Noveria is towers of hanoi.
Don't even remember this one. Where on Noveria?
That was a pretty legit review
Though it made me want to play some good scifi games. What are the better games that fall under that category on PC? I'm guessing they are all going to be retro.
At the research station, after you take the tram from the corporate HQ/hotel, you have to do that goddamn puzzle to get all the power back online. I forget why. Maybe you need it on so you can access more of the station?
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
A remastered version came out last year
Homeworld 1 & 2
tough you gonna have to play the old games or put up with some retarded Gearbox shit if you want pretty graphix
yeah, you can't finish Noveria until you do Towers of Hanoi, it opens up the second half. I think they put that non-puzzle in several other games, too.
She actually looks fine here, I don't know what your filename is on about
Are there any that deal with meeting strange Alien races as well?
That needs to be tattooed in neon ink onto the insides of the eyelids of everyone involved in this shitpile,
ive played so many broken mediocre ass games in my life. i wish i had time and money for more.
The guy generally has very insightful, even-handed reviews.
You do yourself no credit sir and you make everyone around you feel dirty with your vom inducing spiel.
I remember being able to do this without looking I'd done it so many times in other games.
well i thought it was funny