Dealing with DLC and Microtransactions

How does one deal with something like this Holla Forums?
I'm tired of what's going on in this industry, I hate the fact that the game I like and I want to buy is locking off content like this, but there's nothing I can do. It's the same thing with Injustice 2. No one wants to fix it and we clearly aren't doing anything to help the issue (see: Zelda DLC thread), so should I just give up and fork out cash for the greedy people in this industry?
I'm tired of this, really, but it doesn't seem like there's any way to change it, since everyone seems to be doing it. Is there hope that the golden era is coming back? Or should I just give up and add it to my cart.

I'm seriously starting to grow a large disdain for casuals

Other urls found in this thread:

Fighting games are the genre I feel has more DLC bullshit compared to other genres, and that's never gonna change.
any other fighting game companies I'm forgetting?

Stop giving them your money and it stops happening. Simple as.

I've heard this many times before and what people don't realize is that even if I stop giving them money, many other casuals will still do so, so it doesn't matter what opinion the Holla Forums minority has, and I'm tired of waiting for the day when the industry might just finally fix itself. I feel like giving in.

Play old games that dont have this bullshit, Or play new games that dont have this bullshit. Go to your local vidya place, get a few ps2 games and just play them and not worry about giving anyone anymore money. Its what i do.

Hack your consoles and pirate it. For PC use creamAPI.

By not buying it.

But I want it

SNK has been the only company to get fighting game DLC right this gen.
>PC version will most likely include all the DLC characters

That or do what the Etrian Odyssey fans did;

But there won't be enough to protest the current industry, the casuals are so gullible they will eat up whatever the corporation sells.

A shame that SNK didn't become a major console manufacturer.

Not buying it doesn't do shit. Someone will always buy it. I stopped buying ubisoft games for years. Guess what? Ubisoft still exists.

What? Injustice 2?
Just wait for the INEVITABLE complete edition, don't let yourself be influenced by "muh hype"

Let me repeat it: Do. Not. Buy. Anything. By that I don't meant "don't buy the DLC", I mean do not even buy the base game. Either wait for a complete edition to be released or pirate it. If you pirate it do not talk about the game, otherwise you are promoting it.

Even better would be to support developers who still do respect their customers. I know there are not many of them, but the ones who exist deserve your money more than Ubisoft, EA, Capcom and all the other industry Jews. Or just buy old games, emulate them, I don't know. Do you really need the new Tekken that badly?

Fuck them, it's their money. Use the money you saved to buy yourself something nice and laugh at those suckers like the good goys they are. Maybe this attitude will not save the industry, but it will save your wallet. Personally at this point I just want the video game industry to die, there isn't anything worth saving left anymore.

I generally go with the don't buy anything vote. I pirate 99% of what I play on PC, if I bother at all, I buy everything on console used, I very, very rarely buy specific things new when the devs aren't shitcan.

If you absolutely have to play the newest games and you want to do them online, become a consoleplebe or at least an idort and just go with used. So far as publishers are concerned a used purchase is as good as piracy.

Forgot, so far as DLC is concerned, don't buy it off sale, if at all.

Ideally you want to wait for a GOTY collection and buy THAT used. But again, if you absolutely have to have it before then, waiting for a major sale is also pretty similar to piracy in a publisher's eyes.

One thing Holla Forums has yet to learn is that the developers are rarely the enemy, it's the publishers. Some developers are definitely shit but most of the people working on a given project were once idealistic and had good ideas, they may even have been producing their own indie project before EA et al hired them for more money than they could turn down. Now they're just a cog in the machine and they have no control over what they do or make. Publishers own the IP, handle the pricing and decide the piecemeal nature. But I digress.

Once a game is on sale over about 20% off, the publishers already consider that product done for, they're just trying to bleed the last bit of money out of it. If something is 50% off or more, that product never sells at all and they're either just kicking around their sales cycle to bump up some quartlies or they're trying to drive a bit of free (to them) publicity for a sequel that's coming or they're planning to announce.

All of this remains true unless you're dealing with Nintendo, in which case shit will never go on sale and you should always mod/pirate if you play the shit at all.

Also doesn't help the primary demographic is perfectly alright with throwing money at retarded shit. Ever look at Mobile Strike? That fucking mobile shit's "gameplay" is spending money instead of being an actually game. And people are perfectly fine spending hundreds, if not thousands, on it.

Pirate/not buy
It's quite easy and simple.

if harada goes back on his word about DLC characters in tekken i'll throw myself off a bridge

Stream it.

So basically you don't like something but you're too much of a simp to do anything about it. Don't whinge to us when you feel ripped off.

I believe our best solution there is to actively form a movement ejecting mobile software from being classified as games. It's all shit. I don't even own a smart phone. I don't care if they want to pick up the idiot who want to spend money on them but we need to stop having them associated with actual vidya.

that's 7th gen logic, now we wait for the remaster

You dont

This freecell game on my phone has daily quests

Pirate or use CreamAPI, and don't buy modern games on console. Actually just don't buy modern games.

There's nothing you can do. In general, the publisher is only willing to lower the price when the demand for their product has dropped so low that they can no longer make sales projections. In other words, the game is going to stay at full price until (a) they reach a large number of sales worldwide, and they want to bolster sales at some point in the future when sales have hit an all time low due to market saturation, or (b) people show a disinterest in the product and simply refuse to buy. Therefore, if a small group of people wait until the GOTY or special edition to be released before they make a purchase, then no incredible impact is made, because the large majority of consumers will have bought at a higher price, and the product will have garnered its revenue. When sales hit a peak and begin to dip, that is when the inevitable price drop will happen, so in this scenario you've merely managed to deprive yourself of the product in the name of principle. Ideally, you want to convince as many people as possible to boycott any game that dares to use the maligned business strategy, in order to stifle the product, and by extension the publisher, through attrition. This strategy is ineffective, though, because it requires a strong unity and organization, and that is likely impossible to develop. You can take to your social media and shout your opinions to the heavens, and you may even manage to convince enough people to listen to what you're saying, but it doesn't matter if they don't act in accordance with the aforementioned strategy of attrition, or if an opposing group appears and begins to spout rhetoric that is in defiance of your goal.

This is why people say, 'there's nothing you can do'; the corporations that produce video games are in a position of power, and the consumer, though powerful, is an unorganized mess of chaos and conflicting opinions and weakness. We're exploitable, and they know it. They also know that people are serious in their hatred of their terrible business strategies, so that is why they will open as many revenue streams as possible so they may stay alive, and this is why they use market research, data mining, and advertising campaigns to examine the purchasing habits of those who tend to spend the most amount of money.

They just want your money; Don't give it to them, that is the easiest solution. However, while you may have restraint, it's impossible to convince others to restrain themselves in service to your cause.

I don't give money to developers who put shit like on-disk DLC, general "f2p" design, Steam Workshop shit, etc, into their games, but I probably get off easy because almost none of the games I get interested in ever have that sort of shit shoehorned into them in the first place.

They are still charging a shit ton for characters. And even though they aren't the worse, by pattern of business practices, they will only keep hiking the prices up for the costumes, chars, and stages. I like the work that they put in with KoF, but my cynicism only allows me to see them delve deeper in the microtransaction and DLC pool into the future
(Also they are published by Atlus so that's another guarantee of it)

Why do you have to be one of them? If you think it's garbage, don't buy it!

I already do. Even some of the worst real video games eclipse most phone ones.

I thought doom rpg was good.

I can play shit like OpenTTD, emulate all the PSP games I want on my phone, read books and lots more so I don't regret having a smart phone. Just ignore 90% of the garbage on the Playstore just like on PC. It really isn't any different.

Back on topic, the only company I've let me Jew me on DLC is SCS since I really like Euro Truck Simulator 2. Some of the DLC is silly but I still wanted it.


Video games were a mistake

By being a savvy consumer. I managed to get the 'Deluxe Edition', which is all currently planned content, for €60 which here is standard full-priced game. Got it for the same price I've gotten every tekken.

You should've hated them with all your might many years ago
Bunch of fuckheads who pre-order and then have the gall to wonder "how does the industry became so shit?", but pre-order another game a month later. And if you tell them "maybe it's not a good idea to pre-order that shit, you know?" they just say "I do what I want with muh money :3"

Let them enjoy their cancerous vidya industry, I'll be playing my backlog

It had to be a yuropoor

The same way I deal with anything?

Again, it's what I've payed for every tekken and OP is talking about how to stop cancerous DLC from spreading. The only solution is to not make it any more financially successful. It's usually €74.

play older games
stop being a fucking retard and falling for hype marketing
read and go outside and exercise
spend your money on better things than games you only want because you follow gaming news

It's irrelevant if other people pay for it. Do you not understand the concept of principles?

Las Tekken I played was on PS2
How fuck is heihachi still alive

Only like one year passed between T3 and T7

Nevermind, I saw some pics of a old a fuck guy, looks like its his father or something

Demons an shit yo

This the the approach marketers take to make niche games profitable. There aren't many people playing it, but they are too autistic to let go of the game, so they will buy hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of dlc because of their cattle-like brand loyalty.

You have to wait for some breaking point and the market to just collapse after consumers realize they have been swindled. This will realistically not occur in the near future but maybe in a 10 year time frame. If you want to help now simply disengage from the market. If the game has DLC methods you disagree with don't buy it. If the company or publisher forces unfair consumer practices then black list them. Tell everyone that will listen about how you feel and why you do this.

One the flip side you can support companies that have great consumer practices such as free moding tools, no DMCA bullshit for fan projects(though the board hates it, Notch capitalized extensively on his fan's autism and let them have the world to themselves and sell fan made products so long as he got a percentage) and many other healthy community building practices. It will be incentive for the big dogs to change gears when they realize they are missing out on a potential consumer base and profit, but this first has to outweigh the conveyor belt, cookie cutter roll out shit methodology which it unfortunately does not for a good deal of AAA publishers.


and a bottle of grog to you m80

But you still gave them money you dip.

How does that work? Does it trick Steam's CDN to let you download it like Nintendo's Shop? Does it appear in your library or will it show it as not being purchased, but available in the game?

No. What kikestarter has shown is that even if you cut out the publisher the practices stay the same. You till get shit like a digital "collector's edition" (what the fuck is there even to collect anymore), season passes and other bullshit DLC. Didn't Yookalaylee have the fucking manual out of all things as DLC?

Reminder that [email protected]/* */ ruined Berserk and encouraged Scamco to start with even more DLC.

Wait, was this even released already?

Anyone know if Tekken 7 is as barebones as SFV? Will it have some of the orginal modes like Tekken Ball/Tekken Force? If yes and it wont have Denuvo i preorder the game. I will get many hours of Tekken 7 as i love the series

Bamco already confirmed all their PC ports in the future will use Denuvo when they confirmed the latest tales game for having it

Tekken Ball or force hasn't been confirmed yet to my knowledge. But when they revealed the release date they said that they learned mistake of some other company and wanted the game to have more content, take it as you will. Character wise I think the game has 38 characters(except for Eliza) and 30 stages

The only solution is the same as it always was, don't financially support those games in any way.
Don't buy DLC. Don't buy games that use DLC. If you insist on playing these games, pirate them, and keep quiet about it since discussion leads to sales.

Until you stop being part of the problem, you have no right to complain about it.

And? I've been buying tekken games for over a decade now. The DLC was shitty but as long as its net cost isn't more than its been in the past then it makes no difference.

But Tekken 7 already has such a large roster.
It's not like Namco is cutting anything off.

You do that, you try and shoo the truth away. Now sit down, the grownups are talking.

I don't want to defend the DLC that's happening to Tekken but this is just going to come across as doing so when I explain what's going off here.

Regarding Tekken 7 you can in a way conclude that from a development stand point it's in it's complete form. Tekken 7 has been in development for years at the arcades with many updates and one hard revision. The DLC that's coming is mainly due to the FGC wanting Tekken to have long development support after the home release specifically more characters. For this to happen we have got to pay for it as Harada has explained that without it the development funding it will be cut by Bandai Namco after a couple of months like it was with the home release of Tekken 6.

So in reality Tekken 7 hasn't got content locked off, the game development is finished and anything passed it's original early 2017 release date is extra content. Whether you think the DLC/season pass is value for your money is up to you.

You don't. The younger generation has spoken. Mods are dead and have been replaced with the steam workshop and dlc. Don't bitch about this OP, this is the grave we all made.

The jew is out. I'll wait for a 60% sale. at the very least.

I bought the deluxe edition for 60 dollarydoos. Eat shit.

Also bought a standard version for 30 dollarydoos to give to a friend who would never buy it otherwise.

It's called having fucking principals, you slovenly mong. So what if your abstention doesn't change anything. That's not the point. You don't engage in it, because it's fucking anti-consumer bullshit, and you should have more self-respect than to just bend over and take it in the ass like a whore.


Learn to develop your own games with no DLC and try to get the word out as much as you can through friends, family and larger websites which I will not name.

Don't buy it. I don't mean the DLC; don't buy the game itself to begin with. As long as they keep making money they're going to keep doing it. They don't give a shit that you "only buy the base game", because all that means is that you don't get the overpriced shit they cut out. You still gave them money for it so they have no reason not to do it.

See, this is the sort of bullshit rationalizing that hurts the industry. If they had learned from EOU2, they would have had zero DLC, just like all the games before it. But they didn't, so they still had to be jews with cosmetic shit and the FM soundtrack that used to be one of the series' big selling points.

Stop buying their shit. Either pirate it or just simply ignore it. Even if a million normalfag retards are going to support it, it doesn't mean you have to be a big enough retard to do it.

principles are the most irrelevant shit unless youre trying to present an image to other people.


No they aren't. It's good to live by your own ideals. Setting a good example to others is icing on the cake.

You're getting kiked.

Is that pic shopped?

If that isn't proof positive that Jim Sterling is a raging faggot, I don't know what is.

Nope. Microsoft was to Rare as EA was to Westwood.

anyways. a more important example to set would be to show that you dont have to be a huge merchant to make a living off of video games.

actually it does. look at watchdogs 2 and the latest asscreep games. they flopped.

how many sales?

yes, sometimes the stars align and our opinions match with the normalfag. the two groups will agree that mass effect andromeda has bad voice acting and character animation.

i dont honestly know very much about those games, or the validity of them flopping. i do remember some semi-recent assassins creed game having terrible bugs all over the place so im guessing they flopped due to bad press and failure to impress the normalfag, rather than due to rampant dlc. i dont recall anybody praising it, and praise is what it takes to get peoples attention.
if they did flop which i dont doubt, then if everyone on Holla Forums bought it then it probably wouldnt have made a difference. it was completely outside of our influence, unless some of you are high profile youtubers or reviewers. it all comes down to budget.

Pirate it duh.

And this is how the west falls.
When even super nintendo Chalmers sees the bullshit.

What about their own company? *COUGH* SCV *COUGH*

Wanna be a successful Indie dev that doesn't put his stuff on Steam? Good luck.

Untrue, look at Yandredev. He didn't begin on steam. :^)

Don't buy the games, it's that simple

doesnt mean its easy tho, sometimes you really like a game