Armor with the best stats in the game
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It's not though?
Giants has better weight to poise ratio and better reductions period.
Well maybe Giants and Black Iron are better but it's easily top 5
giants also looks like shit.
Also fuck you min maxing stats fags. Cant you just enjoy a game for what it's supposed to be A sword fighting game where you simulate combat with anything player
Instead you Pick the high stat everything and stomp the shit out of everyone
Whats the point?
Play games that don't have faggy RPG mechanics then.
This is why Dark Souls 3 is infinitely superior.
nope, it has weight.
the armor with the best stats in the game is the wolf ring
The wolf ring also has the worst opportunity cost
I agree, you could put on havels in its place and wear armor instead
or even better wear havels and no armor for sicknasty low encumbrance.
Not everyone can be korean.
An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only a half.
what was it, Holla Forums?
simply pathetic
Vagabond set and winged spear
do some research bub. that armor is nigger shieieieit
and your point was… ?
lots of fags that need to git gud in this thread
get taste
Twinks annoy me not so much because I lose to them than because they invade when I'm not looking for pvp in the first place. 2 is especially shit for this since you're always invadable save for sacrificing an item.
You're playing DS, if you don't want PvP go offline.
Ok Dobson.
That's from DS2 though.
Going offline for DS2 requires to put steam offline; I shouldn't have to put up with this shit. Again, not a problem for 1, 3 and bloodborne since the former two have an uninvadable states and BB has built in offline, but 2 is just "lel have twinks in your pve session git gud xDDDD". Fuck this and every faggot enabler of it.