ITT: levels that absolutely destroyed the fun of whatever game you got a decent amount of fun out of.
ITT: levels that absolutely destroyed the fun of whatever game you got a decent amount of fun out of.
I liked that dungeon. What did people dislike about It?
It was entirely out of place, and acted as a sudden brick wall to the player. You think, going in, that it will be the final boss fight. Instead you're greeted with 2 hours of filler and lame puzzles, of which every time you walk around Azrael he has to quip "The beams, redirect the beams", only infuriating you even more because you've been spending the last 2 hours doing just that.
I never would have expected to fight the boss without going through a dungeon in a Zelda clone.
it was shit and you should feel ashamed
The golems were annoying to fight multiple times. Once would have been fine though. The dungeon can be pretty slow and I always felt that it was a little subpar for the series aesthetically. The normal enemies get a jump in difficulty here, though, which is good.
This holy shit. I still haven't beaten the game because it's so fucking tedious.
The final boss fight of God Hand destroyed all the fun of fighting Azel, who should've been the true final boss. Why have a final boss that throws out many of the mechanics of the game? I will never understand that.
I love EDF 4.1 to bits, but I can't bring myself to like the final two missions. They're both an absolute swarm of enemies and a race to destroy respawners/earth eater sentries. And while it's not exactly unheard of in this game, in those missions it's just a relentless barrage of vicious sodomy. Even a wing diver can't effectively dodge as the giant flying drones cover angle. And god help you if your long-ranged weaponry isn't up to snuff.
The what?
They really captured the theme of Eastern Europe well by making it an immense fucking pain in the ass to be there and by draining it of any possible fun.
pretty much everything from act 3 onward was fucked, even going back to shadow moses lost its charm almost immediately when you find out the entire place is full of dwarf geckos
At least Shadow Moses wasn't there to artificially lengthen the game but yeah, the best part of the game was Act 2 and there wasn't really anything even remotely close to it afterwards. The final act wasn't that bad on paper but really the only worthwhile thing was the fight with Ocelot, the sneaking section was irritating and Screaming Mantis was pretty fucking lame.
One of the worst areas I've ever played in a video game. At least it's optional, but who the flaming fuck gave the OK on this.
I got three words that kill the fun instantly:
just use fire you retard. god demyx is the easiest boss ever he doesn't even fight back half of the fight.
Iron Passage and Frigid Outskirts. At least they're optional.
Its a shame as well because the concept was cool, then they added those horses…
When I got to the end of that sequence all the hype was burned out and I was really bummed by the direction the story took.
KH2 took every single fun thing about KH1 and MURDERED IT
You've never played against Data Demyx from Final Mix then. In that boss fight, he fucking spams it constantly. "You have 10 seconds to kill 10 water clones or you instalose." "Oh you just defeated one wave? HAVE ANOTHER!" "You know what? I think you need some more water clones to fight."
Seriously, someone at Squeenix needs to have a heart attack.
yes i did, beat him on the 4th try. the strategy is the same, go wisdom and use fire.
the "demyx is hard" meme needs to die, he's a fucking joke in both normal and data versions.
Luxord is the real RNG bullshit deal. hope you got reflexes as fast as lightning or you're screwed.
You guys are a bunch of babies.
I was replaying this game on the HD edition that came out free for old owners a few months ago, I stopped playing when I reached this place.
It's just boring, tedious, with no sustain and puzzles that more than thinking is trial and error, some of them easy exploitable.
Holy shit, KH2 is one of those games where if I see the person who made these decisions, I might actually spit in their face depending on my mood. God damn, I wish suits and commies would leave my hobby.
Also, speaking of bullshit bosses. I hope you were not planning to conserve your Gear's fuel for these next two fights. Also, I will open up the fight by knocking everyone's hp down to 1 so you have to burn a shit ton of fuel to bring your hp back up. Also, I will do that more than once in a fight, Also, I will have a fuck long speech afterwords before you fight my partner. Also, she will open up by using attacks that take a percentage of your hp down and then try to take everyone out if their hp drops too far. Also, you are out of fuel and have died and now have to reload your save before the first fight where he will knock your hp down to 1.
I fucking loved this game.