Why are Advertising games like Mckids and the Burger King xbox trilogy so rare now? Is it because product placement within video games is coming more common?
Product placement and advertising in Vyda
Games were significantly less expensive to make back then. Most NES games were designed by like just a handful of people.
Nowadays big budget games have hundreds of developers and cost so much to make it can sink the studio if it fails
why are people angry about the cup noodle quest again? i didn't get the memo
Have you ever seen a fucking cup noodle turn out like that? I've eaten a lot of instant ramen and that is not what it looks like.
Because it's out of place to a hilarious degree, especially having an entire quest around it? Hell, Final Fantasy XV's world even somehow has "American Express" in it.
The Japanese version of cup noodle looks a shitload better than the ones we get in the west, but yeah, nothing near as good as that picture.
go back to reddit
No that's not why at all.
i got almost 60 hours in my save and i haven't even taken the boat yet. im kind of bored of these hunts and sidequests already, they're all the same and markered the fuck out, take the car to X, do thing, take the car back to Y.
the combat is super simple too, warp strike, warp to point, warp strike, this is too slow? magic those niggers the fuck out.
feels like their thought pattern was like
>okay, people hated 12 because it was not VI/X had too much freedom! lets make XIII a hallway snorefest
>oh shit, people hate XIII because its not XII its too linear! lets make XV a massive open world where you can do ANYTHING™
and then they fell for the open world meme or endless pointless repetitive MMO quests
maybe its just because i played persona 5 before this, and it set the bar for my enjoyment way too high but i'm really anhedonic towards it
so? why is it then?
I suspect audiences have changed. Back in the day, you could release something like pic related and it would sell decently. Children actually played games for children. But nowadays, even little dipshits too young to have pubes demand BROWN AND REAL military shootan to play online and claim they've banged your mom.
never forget
Where my Chex Quest'ers at??
Seriously though, this was a decent game. The CD-ROM was the best thing I ever found in a cereal box. Astute observers will notice that the health pickups are bowls of fruit which as we all know are part of any balanced breakfast :3c
Treasure Island Adventure is a damn good game though since it was made by Treasure.
I don't think it would be all that profitable. It probably didn't work at all when it was done, so they stopped doing it.
Games like that are kinda inherently funny, but not something that most people would play.
The Burger King mascot is hilarious, by the way. I don't know why.
Oh, it sure is good. There's an interesting story I've read about it. When Treasure got the deal for that game, they started developing it and Gunstar Heroes at the same time. But they made sure to finish Gunstar Heroes first, because they didn't want their first release to be an advergame.
Most full-body suits are restricted to furfag mascots or cutsey shit, it's funny seeing a huge over-detailed human mascot suit.
Any ports of Crazy Taxi missing KFC and Pizza Hut just feel wrong.
My nigger. It was my first FPS, no regrets. The sequels are good too.
The BK games weren't quite advertisements in my mind, because you had to go to Burger King to buy them in the first place.
Burger King sales went through the roof to get those 360 games from what I remember.
Because you need to go and stay go. If you can't figure why this shit is abhorrent, it's because you're too young to post here and you're too stupid to know when you're being turbo jewed.
The dialogue for the quest is nonstop cup noodle cock sucking, and that's really it.
If the shilling was less on the nose, people might have picked on the American Express cameo more.
I spent .50 to buy a box full of Burger King games. I still feel like I overpaid
Why do jap developers have a hard on for Cup Noodle?
Cause it's a massive business and young men are pretty much their "whale" market. Videogames sound like an obvious platform.