I made another thread
I made another thread
Other urls found in this thread:
how could you
hello thread
i slept 2 and a half hours and then had to babysit my literally autistic cousin
how was your day
I most certainly am not
I bullied subtle because my love live cards are better than his then went to the beach
showering with money for attention =/= bullying
Surviving. Im neither sad nor happy. Kind of. There. Busy busy as ever. Hm.Want to play a game but it keeps freezing. le frustration.
How are you doing?
I am looking at refurb'ing my mikasa folder, would you be interested in the current one?
you're right
you're an angel
Very much so. Are you one as well
i dont even know what the fuck that first thing means
also what beach
my daddy thought so too
thats why he did those things
I don't know what that means, but it can't be good.
I know that game. Sorry, Scoodar. I hope the scale tips to happy soon. I know you're having to adjust to a lot.
I'm doing alright. We had our cookout at work today, so I'm a little sunshined out and stuffed.
I'll take an old folder, sure. I can post user with it sometimes. :3
Naw, you don't need to apologize. I just have times when I get busy busy and a little scatter-brianed, so I get into a little bubble. *hug* You'll get bored of me long before I do you. :P
Shoo Shoo Roach
Oh my bad
Did you know that I built a 1300 gaming computer and I don't even play vidya?
n-no homo
I feel like I have been sorta depressed lately
I think its just Ive stopped drinking as much so I was feeling all imbalanced
You're the type of girl my grandma told me to marry if I ever found one
Damn, guess that means I gotta marry you
It's a rhythm game we play on our phones and cards = characters that make your scores better. Ft lauderdale beach next to the pier
Did he make you feel squishy ishy
dont worry wallflower i didnt forget the new thread just came too quickly
i want to learn a little bit about you though
i thought you didnt believe in depression
he 🚶struts🚶up🔺🔺to me and😆grabs😆my😋booty😌, he👊slaps me😭in the😍face😍and🕐counts◻🕓back◾from🕖three▫!
wow that
thing is perfect
tanka you
I've lost 10 pounds in less than 7 days from not eating, wew
impossibru. do you see how goddamn clingy i am? you'll have to scrape me off with a snow shovel when the time comes.
You can keep that autistic shit here.
shit howd you link it
pls dont make me look stupid
What did you guys have?
Dish! I want to hear about this cookout... whats the thingy claled again... er, you know... in NFL, I forget what its called again... But sounds like one of those
Eh, the scale will tip at somepoint. Maybe it will be thursday. I am a tad melon collie over being unable to see a certain someone thanks to work.
P-post as user? :O
is that the game with the cute hanamaru chick in it
i've actually been there lol
beach is a bit shit
sucks that you're not closer to siesta key
Only when Im sad
babbys first link
Subtle shut up
fuck yes it is.
Yeah it's pretty fun although the events are pay to win as heck
Eh, the stuff around the beach is more fun than the beach itself
i did it papa
it just took me a little bit
2 people left in ranked and I lost a whole rank for it.
You ever watch some porn and be like "Yeah, his dick is in it, but his heart just isn't" ya know?
too bad you'll never be confident enough to drag your ugly mug to a real beach
what are you sad about
Yeah no.
You can buy shots of breast milk in Japan
You can buy anything in japan
Actually if you pay enough they let you suck it from the teat
i'm not entirely sure i want this on my phone fam
you'd be surprised
seista key is the only beach that i'd go to just to be at the beach
the sand is like a big pillow
You can buy whole gallons of it here.
But it's cow breast milk.
So much dude
I wonder if pornstars hate having sex since it's pretty much their job and have no choice but to do it everyday
Like Im pretty sure you grow to hate it since it's your job, that's how I'd feel tbh
Oh are you that autist moshy
I just hope you ain't loco
That'd be pretty disappointing
It's fuuuuun you should try it. Yeah a lot of the keys have really nice beaches, same with st petersburg and tampa. It sucks though the beach just burns your toes and body now since it's summer..
we're really synced today soto
i thought the same thing
this is a safe space
No it's not.
I think you need to flag check?
This is why I'd rather watch two girls make out. Their hearts are into it or they're really good at faking it.
right i forgot it's 100 degrees here so its the surface temperature of the fucking sun in florida
this sleepy baba is the best
can you just post this from now on
i'll try it but if the app picture is too autistic i have to delete it
my power level must not be exposed
any1 wanna play a game
depends can it be overmeme
nice fuckin meme
Might aswell team up on Desu and bully him too
Amateur stuff is pretty legit stuff too
...You could bury it with other apps
you are lashing out. im trying to help
RIP ur humidity
here's my weather schedule
That stuff's pretty legit too. Makes it, idk, seem reasonable? Like the stuff I get from camgirls is pretty fun.
ill need to know how tall you are first
that way ill be able to get the finger placement right when we execute our fusion
What would you like to know, Mr. Boo?
Lulo, what did you do today? Any more posh adventures in models' apartments?
You talkin' about tailgating? It was kind of like that, in that we had the grill out in the parking lot.
It went pretty well. My coworker and I had trouble getting the coals started, but once they got going, we grilled some chicken legs and burgers with some sauce brushed on. Good stuff!
Naw, it's something awful.
How do you make a living
why is your favorite color blue?
Nope. It's bad as fuck.
no, but i did get an email that made me feel kind of nice.
so a couple of months ago I wrote this short story. i was feeling pretty bad and it helped me some. i wanted to get myself out there a little and meet people so i googled "[my city] + short story" and sent my thing in to this meet where people read their stories to others.
so i get an email yesterday and it's like, "hi, wondering if you can come to this read on saturday." and i ignore it because like I don't want to everyone will think it's dumb it's a dumb story. and then today i get another one from the same people and this time it's "really hoping to hear from you about reading this saturday. would sleep easier knowing you could make it". so i said yes even though i still feel pretty uncomfortable about it.
like, i know it's just dumb sweet talk, but still. it's nice that someone liked this thing i made. don't really know what to expect.
hope you had a nice day too.
Yes, about them tailgaits yo. What kind of sauce?
I had a cheeky nando's the other day. I need one of them fire grills man.
Best kind of searing on meat.
What? You cannit 'andle tha banta?
More like I'm god damn jelly I can't go out with the lads and have meself a bit o' dem cheeky nando's
It was me all along
Can I read it?
Fine I'll be in the audience
Hi master
It was off the chain my man. Proper lads meet. Shoulda seen Deano's face.
Maybe I should play some Solo Overwatch to get better
I'm in the news and entertainment business. I like deep blues, but not dark blues.
They're so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I'm gonna cry!
That's awesome! So do you think you'll go? I hope you do. I'd love to read the story too if you're ever comfortable with that.
You're so damned neat, Lulu. :3
I had a nice day. Spent most of it outside helping grill meats for the work crowd.
It was a sauce my co-worker whipped up. I know it had paprika and brown sugar in it, but I'm not sure what else. We brushed it on the chicken and it was soooo good.
Hey Gaynon_Sama
dont post that dyke
yeh hi or whatever
NO. You weren't allowed to look at that.
i'll link you on steam. It's really bad though. i have 0 experience with prose fiction apart from it.
that sounds like such a nice fun relaxing thing. hope you enjoyed it.
also, that I'm a Cat jumper came in the mail. i would take pics but between stressy pizzaface and having a cold i look like something that was sewn together. :(
You're not my boss. I checked the org chart.
I love the enthusiasm.
The brown sugar greates a lovely caramelization. Hm. I need to make some of my own sometime. I require a splatter shield for my Teppanyaki so I can re-do them ribs I did before.
Though I would much rather make some kind of slow cooked meal with my newly acquired fancy casserole dish.
Bling Bling.
insubordination will be punished severely
What could possibly get someone banned here ?
eat a bag of dicks you trap soliciting pig fucker
DOXing, CP, so on.
Every time post I get auto banned
got a mouse and keyboard guys
Well maybe stop posting odd pics.
That makes sense. Is dot really doing this shit ?
I could crush you.
Oh no, I'm guilty of "so on"!
Are you a journalist?
that sounds pretty fun
also it was blue then, right?
i told you im psychic
There reason people are really getting banned is tha- ..
i bought a keebored...some folks calls it a wordt tappy thigy but ah calls it a keebord. well i reckon i aim to post ant you with it mmhmm
Okay, who's the smart guy that made candlejack a mo-..
I cant do that
u wot m8
How fucking old are you Loco?
You deviant.
It's probably from all of the weights he lifts. And the nightly grease bath for higher athletic performance.
Well you see, the mods have been conspir-
are we playing whos your daddy or what
Not you Squash ! Not you ! Don't leave me alone again !
Candle J-
I told Johnny about two of my story ideas, and he combined them into one story. I wish I'd thought to save it. It was fascinating and far better than I could have written.
It was a fun day. But I ate too much and have the itis now. :3
anticipating cuteness
Hm. There are so many possibilities with a good casserole! Any ideas what you wanna go for?
More like an editor and occasional contributor. It's fun sometimes. I also help with some technical issues we have on the broadcast side when I can.
Nah. Maybe tomorrow.
It's ok, I'm ba-
I got banned for posting underage nudes of myself.
suicide my man
why did you become an editor?
do you wear one of those cute newsboy hats
Hey, guys, what's going on in this thr-
Or is it the cystic kind? Those last for quite sometime
Do you lift Kaybe?
i know the feeling. my little sister made cupcakes and i keep nibbling on them. need to get back into running this week because i'm getting flabby and disgusting.
i got one where it doesn't show. do you want me to post it? or link you on steam maybe?
nah dawg
Wut ? That sounds...not like something you'd do.
Wil I be banned too if I stop my sentences in the midd-
Sabs, we should talk again.
Like, on steam or something.
I'm getting triggered by all these bans
I wouldn't tempt i-
Why not? Look this is me irl
the joke was pretty unfunny after the first couple of posts.
one line.
I am less triggered than previously indicated
I just sorta fell into it. I didn't go to school for it, nor did I ever imagine myself doing it.
I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt or a sensible dress.
Me too. Meee too.
Sure, you're comfy doing that. No pressure ever.
I got into a discussion about Dokken today, which turned into a discussion about Nightmare on Elm St. 3, which then became a discussion about sleep paralysis. All while slaving over a hot bbq.
I am only posting the 3 crowbar lolis I have today apparently
Not particularly. Nothing is striking me in my noggin'. Nothing I desperately want to cook. Except maybe something from Southern Asia. I dunno.
I am very lacklustre at the minute.
As if it is only Tuesday.
Anyway, have something...
I'll leave that other Thing in your steam in a minute.
Tbh, the only bantext post that had real potential was the one where I just blank posted a cheesy pizza.
I only got on board the banwagon because people were actually believing it.
look at me QQ
yeah it got boring really quickly
we did the same thing not too long ago either
i always get blindsided by the traps
never see them coming
I kind of feel the same actually.
Will the FBI come knock to my door now ?
make me food.
look you can see my penis in this one.
Oooh. Thanks!
That's the point!
Come to Texas and get some leftovers. We have plenty!
Why did I click on this expecting anything else ? GOD MY EYES.
You know, they've really grown on me. It's too bad we only play two of their songs on our hipster station. :(
i'll steam you, but only because the picture isn't very good. i think the size is too small. should have gotten a really big one so i could pull the hood over me and nibble the ears.
oh well.
Soto, pls buy me Crystal Pepsi and deliver it ;w;
New Game is so trash dude lmao
I don't know how you can watch this garbage
I killed the joke already so there's no need to worry
I told you what it was.
oh god i just red your fucking name backwards
i need some sleep
hi sabrina....
By the way the way you redtext is ==[message]==
It has to be on its own line with nothing but spaces proceeding it.
Redtexting is bold as well.
That's my job!
Hi! lol
Sorry, I didn't know if you were messing with me or legit confuzzled, so I went with it. How ya doin', sweety?
They're playing a festival I hopefully will be attending in 2 weeks if I can get the time off of work.
Alongside other amazing bands.
Damn hipsters.
All that work, work, work, work?
nope. come here and make me some fresh.
it was all a joke
i was in on it too!
you can nibble my ears, i can nibble the kitty hood ears
everybody gets to nibble something.
But I wanted to do it and be part of the community...
Since when are you trustworthy ?!
I think they sell it at my local 99 cent store
Is it supposed to taste different or whatever?
Where do the bans and the memes begin. I am finding it difficult to follow. Do we need to begin a new board. Again.
So i'm a liar for telling the truth? that doesn't seem right.
Holy shit fam, I need it in my life. It's just supposed to taste like clear pepsi, just like it did ages ago.
it will die out by tomorrow probably. it started earlier this morning. it was dumb then, it's dumb now. might as well let them have their fun though.
No, what I'm saying is that I don't think most of you are honest most of the time. So I didn't expect this pic to truly be what you said it was.
oh my god you were lurking the whole time and didnt say hi
I only got back a little bit ago. and I'm not exactly in a great mood. sorry.
any of yall feeling overwatch
You cannot kill a meme, memes are bulletproof.
Who was lurking the whole time and didn't say hi?
Cupcake was at work, so it couldn't have been her.
maybe. probably.
ah thats okay. im around if you want to talk about it. if not hope you feel better
Different strokes I gues
I'm very trust worthy.
shut up ill ban you again
Get 4 people and Ill play.
thank you moogs.
*high five*
Now we're cookin' with gas! I cooked all day with mesquite.
No bullets comin' through!
I'm still mad that they wasted her potential in the X-Men films.
Come get some!
Naw, I ain't cookin' again for a month!
Yep. That and the one about how growing up sucks is all we ever play. *sigh*
mate i really dont wanna overwatch with you if youre in a bad mood
you think i'd do this?
I'll show you strokes. :^)
i cant be blamed for this meme
no problemo
oh you are a naughty bitch
You'll never be unmad about this. And rightly so. Hulk. Or. Sulk. Sabrina: The Incredible Sulk.
I'll keep my mic muted.
I doubt it.
She didn't even look cute in her kuma sleeping bag
What genre are they anyways?
Only because Sempai's here to notice me.
who's that
She did in that toilet cubicle tho
I know some secrets that I really wanna tell people but I don't.
marry me then. I wanna wife beat you into being a good bitch and cook when you are ordered to.
They wasted her too! Amazingly Awful Spider-Man!
Our selector labels them "indie pop". Psh.
Are you really a reporter or was that all dirty lies
I think the implication in that was you.
I've been using that for so long to try to piss someone off.
Thank you, Soto.
Now I can stop.
i'd never heard of that before today. it's wood chips?
in ireland we always used peat. peat bogs everywhere. they always scared me because of things like upload.wikimedia.org
they're called bog bodies. horrifying things.
It wasnt a terrible reboot, it is only terrible in the light of them re-rebooting now. With a new spidey. I think Garfield was a pretty aite spidey.
That said Spidey hasn't really always been my fave superhero.
ah good another one brought into the fold
You'll have to show me that you aren't more sub than I am, though.
Because I'm not about to get pushed around by someone who doesn't have the badges to tame me.
D-Don't get the wrong idea
I'm only watching it so I could enjoy fapping to her when the doujins come pouring in
Wow so you were just using me?
What a slut
That's...what most persons do. That doesn't make you extremely trustworthy.
That's not at all what I was suggesting.
Just that you were the one who finally bit the bait I've been laying out for a year or two now.
i will hit you in the face with my pokeballs bitch
I'd give you 1.5 but that's not a thing. so, one.
They trusted me though.
How I feel right now tbh fam
I believe my comment was meant to convey that you have to prove to me that you're man enough for that.
Don't make me punish (You.)
I'm not a reporter. I'm an editor. I'd like to be a reporter, but I'm too...I don't know. Unresourceful?
Woah. Creepy. Is that a common occurrence?
Some people use chips, and others use little logs. We used logs, but with charcoal underneath. It makes a heck of a lot of smoke, but it's flavorful.
Yeah, the casts were ok. The writing was just sloppy as Joe. Did you see SS yet? I'm kinda on the fence about seeing it, tbh.
We have to be careful about how we assign genres in our selector or it throws everything out of whack. Stoopud compooters.
I can't judge if they were right or wrong, and them neither I'd say.
i have nothing to prove. you are submissive to me and any abuse you receive will be a gift from god in your eyes.
You sure you don't want to talk?
Sounds like a mighty bit of projecting there.
I haven't seen yet, and I am still hype about seeing. Though there are quite the nu,ber of neighsayers here. As you know I am very much a Make my own mind up kinda guy.
Lemme guess. You are all critic nervous? All sabrina cynical?
Not a surpreez.
I see they've release The Killing Joke Animated movie. Thoughts?
I hint about the secret a lot but I haven't said it yet
the fuck has talking ever done?
you are baiting me. try begging
Have you guys ever had a slip up and had a completely different genre/song play after having a set of songs that were similar or whatever?
why is it always me
I don't want to work for things right now.
no, but being like the regional thing we learned about them a lot in school. there's one called tollund man that has a perfectly preserved face from 300 BC if you wanna google it. which is cool but you show pictures of this shit to kids and it's kind of fucking scary.
sounds lovely. something about cooking with yummy smoke seems so nice to me. it's like something that can't ever not be lovely and relaxing.
You know damn well it's helped before.
Because you're this thing we call a "beta ass bitch."
( ) amo
(x) quila
alcohol will take care of this. you're off the hook for once.
That's not how you earn someone's trust you know.
Well, I gotta sleep anyway, good night.
nor should you
I didn't know they played that song. That makes 3 we play! I'm a dunce. lol
Actually, I really wanted to see SS, but I have to be extra careful with money right now, so I'm reluctant to pay to see anything, knaw'mean? I wanna see Star Trek too, but again, I gotta sweat that paper.
I'm supposed to watch that at a friend's place soon. I'm a bit reluctant because I'm not exactly a fan of the comic. It's just never sat right with me. I appreciate what they wanted to do and the impact it had on the industry, but it kinda hurts to read. But then, I guess that's the point.
Now I'm just straight worried.
oh stop.
don't be. I'm sure I'll pass out before any serious damage.
Worry stage advanced to two.
who is we.
i would if i could. but y'know, compulsion.
it's the mask salesman from zelda
just ignore me.
yeah, I know all about those.
Oh, sorry, I misspoke.
Beta ass bitches aren't really supposed to worry about us.
Glad I can be a help doll.
And same, I am extremely reluctant to pay to see stuff in the cinemas, thats an expensive hobby. Though I might be seeing The BFG movie as part of work. So there may be positives to my new place.
Um, would you say it hurts because of... You know...
And yeppers, its a very shock and awe sort of thing. I generally felt it was good. But, what would I know. I am hardly someone with credible opinion in this sphere.
hello thread
attention pls
you may not be a reporter
but at least youre not a liar
that you do
you seem to make a habit of it
who is 'us'
wonder how hard it would be to get some pain pills.
You know that isn't possible, love.
I misspoke again.
maybe you just aren't trying hard enough. comes easily enough to most people.
Oh yeah. It actually happens frequently on our rock station. They have strict rules about how many songs with a certain tone you can play within a certain proximity to each other, how many female vocalists you can play in a row, etc. But the DJs over there like to ignore the rules, which I can appreciate. You don't really get in trouble for it anyway. Those rules are just based on garbage surveys of people in the northeast.
He looks like a bronze. Crazy.
Cooking out is a lot of fun when you have some shade to work in and good company. The only thing that could have made it better was some beer, but the FCC says we can't drink in this building. Fascists.
I've been known to tell a tale once in a while. :3
But when I edit, I absolutely DO NOT try to skew any piece toward a particular side or ideology. I have integrity. I simply clean up the text, organize paragraphs, and eliminate superfluous text. If I do start reporting, I will just present the facts as best I can.
Talkin' about Batgirl? Yep. People always say that we wouldn't have Oracle otherwise, but was it worth it? I don't know. But I'll likely watch the movie.
depends if you know anybody. dont take like acetaminophen that'll fuck with your liver
you should leave the talking to your betters
I do not know anyone. I was thinking vicodin sounds nice. I'll just drink more.
vicodin wouldn't be my first choice but it's alright. again im here for you no homo
I don't think it's possible for a no homo situation with you involved.
Take beer and/or edibles? Make a party of it.
Um, sort of... yeah... was the means worth it for the end result? Who knows. I understand that triggering though. I have only managed like half of AoT live action... Its just... too deviating in some aspects.
Hm. Hm. Hm.
if doesnt matter what i do to you i can say it and be forgiven for my sins
mhmh. so weird to think that he died in a time and place we know next to nothing about and you can still see the fucking hairs on his chin.
wanna drink beers with you and barbecue
Look i made a rhyme. that's like one step short of a song.
You know that it just isn't possible for me.
I would, but no one here fits that description.
why so sad bernsa
just as long as you do the things.
filter is an option.
you and your slutty friend have a lot in common i see
you'll want for nothing
You know I won't do that either.
that sure would be nice.
then I'll just stop posting.
Still haven't checked that out. I'm way behind, but I hear good things. Any luck fixing your game, dear?
I wonder what his thoughts were as he gave up and fell in the bog. Was he in pain? What was his life like? What was his favorite feeling? Taste? Color? Did he ever love someone? What did he think about the night sky?
♪Me and you and a bar-bee-cue...♫
enjoy being 'put in your place', etc.
Then I'll bother you in private.
I'm more commonly the one putting one "in their place".
I'm a bit of both, really.
I love this so much
I am still fidgeting right now, Before bed I will try running it. Who knows. With this whiskey in hand I am just a roundhead charging into oncoming pikes.
Checked out? you mean the LA or anime?
i can get into that
That. I used to see the odd snippet on Toonami late at night and it looked intriguing.
Too bad I have a boyfriend, right?
you are an evil tease
Stop liking what I like!
yeah. and then the immediacy of it. just sort of makes you realise that people were in fact alive and doing shit back then. they had clothes and ropes even. not something you have to think about much.
Me and you and a barbecue
in timbuktu or kathmandu
So long's im with you
there's nothing i'd rather do than drink some beer and barbecue
played on a capod baritone uke obv. and you'd have to sing it because boys aren't allowed to sing cute songs.
I would naturally tell you it is fantastic and a must see. Definitley something you ought have high on the list of things to watch.
Just need the mangas to hurry up so series 2 can get the green light.
Its definitley got a dark edge to it. You'd really like it, I think.
Cute boys are!
There's a gorgeous toy boat from ancient Egypt in a museum in Houston. I got see it when I visit my brother. I think about the child it was carved for. I wonder what sort of adventures he imagined the little figures being on, if he sailed or wanted to, and if he could even imagine the idea that someone over 4,000 years later would love that toy just as much as he did.
So they haven't made filler while waiting? That takes integrity!
*go see it
The one where she gets raped and used by old guys is translated though
It does it does, If I remember correctly, they said they wouldn't make it until they had credible canon material to go on. Unlike GoT that is willing to divert, this wont. Good... or bad... whatevs.
Still hype.
Also, how big is that egyptian "toy" boat? Is it really toy sized?
I prefer the term coquette.
your boyfriend is a lucky man
Ugh I fucking hate those
I'm wont to agree.
I fucking hate you
i don't like imagining 4000 years from now. makes my brain hurt.
when i went around the galleries and museums in london i went on my own and it sucked not being able to turn to someone and say how small the fucking paintings made me feel and have them hold me and tell me it's ok to cry in front of everyone.
hashtag normal people feels
okay maybe he isnt
I don't actually think that; I just have to say good things about myself.
I have better pictures somewhere on my external HD, but for now, here's something I found on Google. (Tried to go to source, but got 504 error.)
The toy itself is pretty big. It would seem enormous to a child.
Lulo, let's be 10 and hide out in a museum, then explore after hours.
oh wow do you think the things in the museum will come to life like in that movie
can we not do that if there are bog bodies please i swear sabrina they scare me so much
Jodan jodan
Just if it wasnt definitively defined as a toy, I thought it could have been a boat that they usually brought out on festival days.
Once a year the Egyptians would hold a lavish festival complete with feasting and drinking and would once a year bring the statues of the Gods out for the ordinary people to see. But, they werent statues... They were literally seen as the Gods amongst people.
There are even little boats that were made by/for the pharoahs to put in their temples and eventually their tombs to show what they liked... or wanted to do in the after life... Like boating or fishing.
Im rambling but it looks so cool.
US museums have ridiculous amounts of cool Egyptian artifacts... Like London... Robber brits.
That eponymous album was pretty good.