Art boards.
I'm probably going to sleep after this post.
Art boards.
I'm probably going to sleep after this post.
Other urls found in this thread:
Draw doomguy doing something childish, like tea-time with stuffed demons
request from last thread
Drawing my own request myself. My OC stomping on Star
Taking simple requests if they involve cute girls.
Keep it in order fags.
Either PC-Tan looming over Vita-tan then walking out with her weebgemu panties
or Pod 042 as a vintage microphone 2B as an idoru would be sweet but not necessary
Since marie feels like a piece of shit for how her relationship with her sister is going, I requesting the nepgya comic but with marie and an inkling girl.
Please do not lower 2B to idolshit's level.
Draw "Normal Person" posed like in this A. Wyatt Mann image except instead of a spray can they have a phone in their hand posting these blatant false-flag messages on Steam's Darksiders III community. I have already created a satirical image to use as the background (image 3).
is ok, all producer are dead in the future, she is pure
Is this shit for real?
Oh boy
You forgot the anchor post, faggot
rerolling my request
You faggots got jokes huh?
they're so bad at their own game almost everyone knows what's up at this point.
see you next thread :^)
You already had that delivered, fuck off
For what purpose is this being done?
Why would somebody put this much effort into something so minor and random?
This person is either autistic or an ascended shitposter.
You guys seen the U2 music video of Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me? At the end there's a scene where a character is repeatedly ripping off masks, variating between a not-Joker and Batman. There should be an edit where it's variating between Holla Forums-tan and a pinkhair-SJW.
and just after the last two went so well.
When I get home, I'll draw all the Gondolas I can, just to improve this thread.
probably some game "journos" fishing for screens. the whole everythingnegativeinthebook-ist games and gamers shtick is starting to grow stale so the journos that made their numbers with it need to fabricate more "news" to have something worthwhile to write about. by worthwhile i mean something that brings them an audience and consequently money.
I wish for spiders
Draw a bow and shoot yourselves
Weird, my screen shows OP samefagging for the first 19 posts.
Anyway, thanks to the drawfag who drew this gyate.
Same. Probably due to some leftover stuff from maintenance the site underwent earlier.
how about 1 GIANT spider?
Except, somehow, Gondolas.
Not as big as the joke that you are, Josh.
10/10, nailed it.
I want drawfag to draw a drawfag drawing my request
Requesting a pic of the Strelok hugging some artifacts, or the Vintar like in this pic.
For anyone still confused about the "satirical image":
Pic-related this is the actual situation. Pic #3 in this post ( ) is an exaggerated edit to be used as a backdrop for the request.
Has anyone ever done Count Gondola?
Please draw Ridley with a huge penis
plz do cop beating lucio
Sad Samus in a nice dress watching a ballroom dancing floor, seeing people dance but having no-one to dance with.
I think I remember that request from some time ago.
Not even close, I'm in a state of pure bliss after reading a bit about you, thanks to some user mentioning your nickname in the last thread. Not giving 10bux for a forum like you probably did, though.
It's in your nickname, non?
Forgot to add this piece of art
a cute
This time I made sure to write penis instead of cock.
Did anyone ask for a steaming pile of shit?
Marina Liteyears using her iconic "Shake! Shake!" on an user, making him dizzy.
Here's the Holla Forums za warudo. I just remembered I couldn't draw hands so I left them blocked in.
Looks surprisingly good when compared to the shit I drew before.
First version is the original head.
Also, taking more requests.
May The 4th Be With You!!!!!
Jesus. I actually like it. Good job GoonAnon.
/r/ing 9S with a mug that says world's best shota and 3rd pic with adam instead of pucci.
either's fine if anyone's interested.
fugging gold.
I always forget this
And with you, buddy.
Thanks, now we can have a happy thread.
Can't post for 4167 days!
pretty cute, thanks
You got my dubs doubled.
You almost got mine doubled. Maybe the 4th wasn't with us all along.
This was fun.
Draw something cool, like Star Butterfly kicking me in the balls or otherwise cucking me somehow.
this is a waifus fag do not fulfill any of his requests he's already had tons done
You wish pal.
Draw Star Butterfly eating me with her penis's foreskin
kek, thats actually pretty terrible. holy shit, work on your lines and proportions before making dumb shit like this. god fucking damn.
It's charming.
very nice user, I'm impressed
its shit and you need to stop
jeeze who fucked you in the ass last night user
Why live?
Don't talk to me or the cuckqueen ever again.
End yourself my man
Badly drawn boobs is why.
Requesting Cure-chan as Big Boss, and Ebola-chan as Skull face
God damn this thread is garbage, you guys even brought back the anchor and shit.
Why blame the anchor when there are so many other reasons this thread went to shit
Fucking amazing! Nicely done. Glad to see my pic being put to good use.
What do you use for video editing?
Top kek, very nice
Top kek very nice
Top kek very nice
Top kek very nice
Top kek, as they say
Ridley is pretty avian-looking, anyway. He's got wings and stuff.
You are officially a homosexual, Ciircuit.
oh jeez
Requesting drawfags take the last game they played and turn it into a banepost.
Sony Vegas 13.
Some reference images
Well Today is my Birthday so I guess I'll try my luck.
Can I get this Yami Yugi in the M.Bison outfit (which was previously done for me by a very kind user who I'm very great full toward) hanging out with Hexadecimal at a bar or where ever you like.
Not a romantic thing just as friends.
Elite Dangerous.
This pose with Holla Forums and Vivian.
Can some one draw Kirby checking some dubs
lol, thanks.
vivian + wendys
And here's the webm of the other one.
It's old, mind. You would need me to draw a penis right now if you wanted to know if I drew a penis right now.
Don't boys have tubes?
Draw bomberman being embarassed haha
I don't have my tablet right now but here's some OC from the past.
Why would Bomberman ever get embarrassed?
Ever wonderes where his bombs come from lol haha
Nintendo Power answered this in a fan mail, though.
Deep pockets
thank you user, that looks great.
No problem, fam. I needed a reason to draw fanart for Nier: Waifumata anyway.
They do. Is it about the claim in the filename? 71% of statistics aren't even accurate anyway.
Fuck you
also not bad
Fucking amazing
No time to work on this any longer.
Say hi to Holla Forums.
Ah shit nigga 10/10
Wendy could use with eating a few more burgers, she's lookin' a bit slim.
There is a portion of her body behind Viv. But feel free to edit, it's unlikely I'll get back to it. I can post transparent background if needed.
Requesting any drawfag that's reading this to try and come up with an original design for a cute robot.
Dunno why photoshop insists on doing a weird sharpening thing when rescaling these days.
Depending on whether you're resizing the canvas (ctrl+shift+i) or transforming a shape (ctrl+t), changing the interpolation settings should fix that
Changing Ridley from a boy to make him lose his "tubes" would be kind of hot tbh
The shading/color on this 2B art looks so nice I wanted to try imitating it, but I first needed to draw something decent enough so I started this Erika Polina. I don't think I will do as well, but I will try…eventually.
Requestan Niko crying as 2 anons argue about memegames, shilling, or if they can fuck him
I'll throw my support any Samus request
good stuff
This is really fucking stupid but I cannot get it out of my head ever since I first thought of it.
This with Sephiroth and the Supernova equations.
Wew lad
What for
So found out that I ran an unfinished quest on /qu/ a year ago, kinda feel bad about it.
taking a request.
a weird one preferably.
sorry didn't mean to reply
Some progress.
It's just annoying to see incomplete work reposted or winding up on a Booru when there's a superior finalized version. To an extent, it invalidates the work put in to complete the damned thing. This happens with OC all the time when you put in work to make a better version & only see an old version or a shitty draft floating around simply because it was the first posted thus got more exposure. It may be just a personal pet peeve of mine or maybe others are annoyed by it too. /autism
You'll probably need a higher quality image of the equations.
I get you.
speaking of which, would you mind uploading the "in progress" image file?
What? This overlay?
Shit man, I wouldn't care so much about that, but I get it.
yeah, thanks.
What if Birdo had a penis haha
Requesting a pic of my autistic Scottish barbarian knight who absolutely despises the colour red and maintains that he bleeds literal blue blood.
Any tips on drawing nipples or breasts in general?
Draw the pectoralis major first to know where to plant them tits
Then add gravity
and the nips?
Requesting a gondola camping out in a forest that turns out to be a group of giant gondolas just hanging out
They repel each other like magnets unless forced by hand or by bra.
Requesting Mega Man and Roll, both of them in their underwear and with their backs turned to the viewer, doing a little dance.
Some more shots as reference.
Bannerlord will be the only reason to even give E3 attention as anything but a dozen hour joke.
How would you guys feel about a ship between Solid Snake and Cammy White?
requesting all these guds made into one gun
Here, user. I really hate the snapped torso bug when turning left of right. I'm thinking of making more OC for warband. I'm also going for a really cheap, early 2000's MS Paint style even if it's complete garbage.
That's one of the bests as far as imageboards are concerned.
/r/equesting vivian dressed like mega man
Re-requesting these two.
requesting an ALIENS version of the classic DOOM cover
This is kinda heavy but simple
I need the first pic to be redrawn so the double king is a bloodied up Alfred standing over the pulped queen Annalise, taking the crown of illusions off her head. The crown on the double king's head should instead be the golden ardeo he has in the second pic.
fucking keep forgetting
I don't even know why there's an anchor for requests. I understand for results, but for requests control-fing "requestan" would suffice.
Hey man I just participate and shitpost.
You don't need to understand if all you come here for is asking for shit, really
I'm just questioning how 1 anchor became two, user.
Kindly requesting these two sluts (Saria & LePen) in a truck running over Holla Forums's favorite namefag:
Anton & Coolpecker looking on and laughing optional.
Requesting a drawn version of what's happening in pic related.
Literally who?
I'd say ROB is our favorite namefag, since his stupid threads allow for avatarfagging, somehow
This with white Korra and Vivian
He was being sarcastic about him being a favorite. That's the faggot who ruined the musical, among other things. Pretty much everyone hates him.
He's not assuming their identities, or even using them to identify himself. They're characters in an OC story that are dropped as soon as the story's over. You could argue it's something, but avatarfagging isn't really an applicable term for it.
Nice ID.
More progress.
that was me. this made my day man
Wait, you mean val, the mudslime frenchy that shits up threads with his terrible opinion? Why does he still come here?
Looks inbred as fuck, eyes are way too tiny and what the fuck is going on his her skull?
>>>Holla Forums
also nice
Requesting Ramlethal dressed like Zoodiac Ramram
I don't even know if you wanted to keep the art style.
Oh fuck that's great, I did want the cartoony artstyle to be retained also. The wheel kinda obscures the rest of the double executioner, so if that could be more on his back that'd be better. Great work m8
can I get some cute Nazi girls because I have very specific needs and have only had two erections in a month please kill me?
Strong Sad?
Please don't create a PR disaster for best burger chainfu because I actually like their twitter and also eating there.
Maybe it's time to take a break, lad.
Maybe this is your body's way of telling you to slow down on the porn and masturbating.
I have new medication and haven't masturbated in a month
SSRIs may reduce libido, so I can't fault you if your meds are fucking with your wood.
Take a double dose of Ootsuka Reika and hang in there buddy.
glad you understand
Wew laddeh
You have to go >>>/back/
Top tier animation lad
Did a quick paintover.
The things I had to modify were the eye placement and the nose shape. The eyes are a bit too far apart and not lined up properly; and the shape of the bridge of the nose, while aesthetically pleasing, it kinda breaks apart when going for a realist style. I also have to point out the mouth, the way you painted the lips and teeth looks flat overall, the way the upper lip is painted doesn't imply that curve it has. Looking good though.
God bless you, user, I had a good time looking at his, erm, endeavors.
Searching his name in Google Images, one took me to a SA thread titled "goon.jpg
Good stuff
Extreme Update!
I didn't want to move the eyes that close together, but I did move it a bit, among other things. I'm working on a ton of layers so it's a pain.
More progress & iris comparison. I think larger iris is better aesthetically.
So… does anyone care about the booru?
Really nice stuff there user
I'll upload more of shit soon after 2 years.
Also have to try and recover a fucking SD card that went to shit for some reason.
Nice work
Your style reminds me of Jared Hindman.
Requestan my colorist friend and my webbum making friends spruce this latest badboy up.
Samefag here, unavoidable ID change.
But anyways, I finished it. Slimmed down a little horizontally, added lyrics from Erika & flower called Erika. Here is also an mp4 of the song with translations if you don't know what I'm talking about.
uh hey
if you could draw your favorite vidya chick as a mermaid, that'd be pretty swell
Outstanding work user. Gentle, graceful linework.
Really cool, baby. I want to see what the other user does with it but I like this too. I recognise your way of drawing the ardeo like an umbrella, you did the one where alfred shot his executioner gauntlets while riding his wheel
Nice work user.
It came out pretty good, user.
With that finished piece I would advise you to study the muscles of the neck (Specially the sternocleidomastoid and maybe the trapezium a bit) to add those shapes that'll help you make better and better portraits with the addition of those small details. Keep up the good work.
Neck's too long, m8
Eye's are just a pinch too far from each other
Still fine
I think the neck looks fine, but it does look like a tube because it lacks the sternocleidomastoid muscle and some shading.
The head is turned 45 degrees to the left, but the eyes and nose are practically drawn like their centerned.
That solid flat coloring of the bridge of the nose and the forehead against the rounded out hair.
Did she get hit in the face with a football?
take that as you will
Top notch work, only criticism is, as others have said, her facial features don't quite match up with the position of her head, but I'm damn impressed with everything else.
i dont particularly think the features are offset so much as theyre too small
scale up the eyes and mouth outright and you'll have an improvement I'd think
you could also pull in the left cheekbone a bit just to give it a more obvious side profile
Sorry user, you made a spelling error. it is Blümelein, not Blümelien
BaneMax? Put whatever you'd like on the poster.
shit i forgot that "big" and "guy" (and boy by association) was associated with bane
the biggest boy is just an injoke i have with friends lmao
Why is this kinda adorable
I haven't had much time with it. I'm amazed the guy finished so quickly.
Take your time, I'm liking it a whole lot. I don't know if I like the big eyes over his ardeo or not, I think it would be better if they were butting up on the bottom of it or just not visible, but either way I really like it. The crown is put together very well.
If you ever saw that webm with trippy animations of weird shit happening. He made another video
Well that's precious
Ah yes, now I remember
Since we have Vivian and Polina in this artyle, I'd like to request a Gilda version. Thank you!
Be careful what you wish for.
I want to storm the Hive and kill mutants, monsters and zombies as a gas mask clad soldier as I listen to that.
Did I do it right?
B-but that's not Gilda
Cozy. What music to put to it though?
I'll change that at least.
+ higher resolution
Those shadows push the comfy/spooky ratio squarely into the slightly spooky zone. Damn fine work.
Top tier my dudes
Can I get Mariachi Raiden playing the guitar maybe trying to impress Snake while Old Snake smokes on the left? Pick any frame you like. If anybody feels like it, you could draw two panels, one where Raiden plays the guitar and another where he asks Snake if he liked it.
In case you're wondering what he's saying in the end:
I owe you several gondola drawings now.
Should I rewatch "My name is Earl"? It feels like most of the jokes may have flown over my head, it just felt meh with an occasional good joke every couple of episodes.
Its pretty much that, the formula gets very tiring very fast
draw a sexy pear
working on this now.
Can someone draw Samus "Prime below the hips"?
Whoa Black betty
Draw this
Welp time to play this again
will there be digital art historians?
where'd my picture go
Please draw Mahiru Koizumi from DangitRonPaul having the same pose and expression as Vivian in pic related
I'd like to ask, what does it feel like to know if you wanted a lewd, you could draw that lewd? Is it a spectacular feeling of power?
It's never hot if you draw it yourself, sadly. It's like how you can't tickle yourself. Strange phenomenon.
Not just lewds; being about to create something from nothing is a spectacular feeling of power.
Lewds are just the icing.
Not as awesome as you'd think. I think the brain chemistry that normal people have that stops them from getting turned on by family members keeps me from getting turned on by my own lewd drawings.
How would a transphobic/racist/bigoted font/writing style look like?
Comic Sans
Rosewood and Stencil could work. Rosewood has an 1800s America feel, like something you'd see on the side of a frontier town's general store. Stencil has a 1940s American military feel, like something you'd see on an ammo canister.
I loved this game so damn much
its was so damn unique
You should play their latest game, same developers :^)
not really, most of the OGs don't work at the company anymore
Absolutely amazing
How bad is DoW3, by the way?
The only good things about this game are the severely limited Army Painter and the map editor.
Its that bad
i want a caim but with a getter robo armagedon artstyle
They've been strangling the mod community/tools since DoW 2. They don't want mods made for their games.
Funny enough its the one thing that keeps people playing their old games like Homeworld and Company of Heroes 1.
The word you are looking for is "typeface". And try Fraktur, or more generally just Gothic or Blackletter. It's kinda the thing that nazis used.
Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is a drawthread, so post only drawings, ok?
Oh, calm your ass. It's not like this place isn't just as much in the /tg/ territory as Holla Forums and /a/. Or have you missed all the kobold threads in the past ten years?
I thought about just dropping them in and see if someone would pick it up and draw stuff. Didn't feel like explicitly requesting it so just dropped it into a reply I was gonna do anyways.
You meant "post only your own drawings", right?
I don't think furfags understand a big reason nobody likes them is how snarky and sarcastic they are.
Life isn't like British comedy film, in reality nobody likes those type of people.
And here's a Lillian recolor, just because.
I don't know why, but I took the liberty of reconstructing this low-quality image from scratch.
I was able to figure out what the four equations were, then I just traced the diagram.
And then here's a better version of the planet diagram thing.
I couldn't make out the rest of it, so I'll just have to fill it in with generic math equations.
I'll try to get this request done.
That's pretty Skinky
Kobold threads were never a big thing on 8/v/, though. You gotta remember that this board has a lot of people who didn't use 4chan for very long before bailing from the site.
Didn't Lilian's design have her keep the Clover?
Drawing on a smartphone isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. You just need a good app.
And a stylus, perhaps?
>not drawing with your friends dick
Did a quick fuckup-sketch for an idea, but I think this shit would require way too much effort to do.
you glorious bastard
Very nice. One thing you could do to improve the drawing without going so far as to paint the piece is clean up your lines.
Perfect choice.
Have some JoeC.
you fucking madman
What being I for wanted you to have done today is the creation of the increased resvolution of this particle image form the oekaki threasd
That's a cute sangheili. Put it in the request anchor, though.
Requesting Zizou Olympia headpats
oh and thanks for not posting this at the start instead of your ebin meta shitposts OP, just kidding fuck you
Requesting Flak sitting on an extremely small office chair using a desktop computer with his face red and angry as he types maniacally on his keyboard.
We really need more Advance Wars OC lads.
Unfinished, I have a rough outline for the rest of the "helmet" but I'm posting the pic with the finished half only so it's not distracting. R8 please.
Also, give me your guess on how long it took to do what I have so far. I want to get an idea of how long drawfags would say this should take for a beginner.
I'd estimate 2-3 hours and some change for a rough beginner
As for r8, the proportions are all over the place and it's basically symbol drawing.
If you wanna git gud, I'd recommend books like anything from Loomis, Betty Edwards' Drawing on the right side of the brain, Scott Robertson, he also has a YT channel, and most of all practice.
What I can already tell you now would be to stop drawing with lines and instead let contrast create the illusion of lines like in real life.
4 hrs. I was watching a lets play and getting distracted a lot though, so I wouldn't call that the "real" time taken, probably closer to 3 hrs minus distractions.
How can the proportions be off? I'm drawing from a screenshot from the actual game, I even used a ruler to plan out key elements beforehand to try to be accurate. Any specific parts you can point out?
What do you mean by symbol drawing?
Yes, you're right I'm just drawing lines, I didn't start with the basic shapes and composition. That isn't how I should do it, you're right. I'm going to redo the picture, and use proper principles of drawing. I wonder how you could tell though.
Learning with loomis is correct and all but I'm so eager to actually draw, doing the beginner exercises is just tedious-sounding. I better start following one of his books if I want to get serious, though.
Thank you for the advice
Just do both exercises and "actual drawings", whatever that means.
Or maybe turn your exercises into finished pieces. One thing I like to do is take one of my gesture drawings and finish up the figure (adding anatomy, etc). Or if you're drawing a bunch of cubes or lines you can add tits to them, it's always fun.
Drawing with the right side of the brain, while containing interesting ideas and exercises, was very verbose to me, with quite a bunch of pseudo-scientific baloney barely related to drawing; I found myself getting more from, say, Dodson's Keys to Drawing, as there is much less to skip (read: nothing).
Flak doesn't strike me as the angry type, more like the Obelix kind of guy.
It connects to what symbol drawing is. It means that you're not drawing what you see, let's say an eye, but you're drawing what you think an eye looks like.
So things are distorted in the process.
Because I can see the lines :^)
But really, I can see that there is not enough of a gradual contrast between lights and darks.
Here's an exercise you can do, turn the screenshot upside down and draw purely what you see. Squint your eyes until the image is a blur, that will help you see where the lights and darks are and where to put the darks specifically.
Other than that, start light and then get darker. Treat the paper's tint as mid tone, meaning anything lighter than it is reflected light and anything darker is in shadow.
The book helped me realize a few things, especially with symbol drawing.
I'd say it's worth a read if you're an absolute beginner either way.
Tanneberg Fett.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to start off with Loomis because that's what everyone always recommends, but I noted the other books so I can get to them too. It seems like it would be worthless to try these epic full page drawings without doing all the beginner lesson stuff first, so I'll just hold off. I feel like I should really practice getting shading right especially, I suck at it for real.
I like this, I think I'll try it sometimes as shading exercise. The only thing is that the paper doesn't have a tint… It's white, I can't make it lighter. Any tint in the drawing I posted would actually just be the paper getting smudged to hell by graphite on the side of my hand, so I've probably actually made the entire page a little darker just by that. I actually noticed that I gave Midna a shadow silhouette behind her over time, if I were to finish it I would've made a shadow like that. I don't think I'll finish it though, I'd rather just redo it entirely at a later date.
You guys have been a lot of help, thanks. I'm going to start off with some Loomis today.
Don't be afraid of "throw aways", basically drawings that only serve as warm up or if you feel you've spent too much time on one thing
And don't try to polish turds, don't be afraid to start over either.
If you have some charcoal or a pencil that is like 6B or higher you can gently and I mean gently and very lightly brush it over the paper and then smudge it with your finger or a paper tissue to create a tint.
Don't worry about it being dirty, it'll help you especially to not draw too dark or too light as well.
Ahhh… The resolvultion of the foramentioned picturimager is the what is what.