Well there you have it Holla Forums, could be playing sourceports and mods for one of the best RTS of all time but now it looks like Reddit ruined that for you.
This hurts almost as much as the Xbox Dev Kit fiasco.
Well there you have it Holla Forums, could be playing sourceports and mods for one of the best RTS of all time but now it looks like Reddit ruined that for you.
This hurts almost as much as the Xbox Dev Kit fiasco.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this real life?
What do you need the source code for? Can't you just use the map editor?
Read the IDs dumbass. inb4 muh proxies
Level editors are nothing compared to what you can do with source code.
It wasn't destroyed, but don't let me get in the way of a simply epic "waaah reddit" thread.
He did the right thing.
"Finders keepers" doesn't apply to intellectual property.
What a bunch of incredible cuckolds, just a bunch of mindless consumer whores.
how about fuck off nigger
It was effectively destroyed. You think blizzard is just gonna say "oh nevermind here you can use the source code"?
Impressive ID jumping skills mate.
Can't we just get some fucking rest
I presume it wouldn't be difficult to find out who this redditor is, would it?
Kill yourself leddit.
i'd almost excuse it if it were not for the fact his "reward" is a fucking joke
Reddit deserves a holocaust.
How did that retard manage to get that disc? I cant read more than 3 post of that archive
And people get mad at me for hating corporate cocksuckers like this.
But Starcraft doesn't run on the Source engine.
Guys, what if he actually dumped the source code himself, "returned" it to Blizzard, got the free shit and a trip to a convention, and then decides to release the source code once the dust has settled?
Do you think they would let it survive in the open online? They would sue any project based on it. I don't like blizzard and would love to see all their source leaked out of their reach but we live in a culture where that isn't possible. It's a waste of energy and a circlejerk to spend your time getting upset about it. Might as well cry about never getting the source to the the millions of other proprietary projects that exist as well.
And what're you gonna do Captain Anonymous?
that's hoping for too much.
Wow, user, do you have a quota for how many cocks you need to suck per thread?
Reminder that an original Xbox developer unit was turned into a PC casing, or something, by one of those imbeciles, rather than use it to help further develop a working emulator for the system.
It's right there in the archive. His username is Khemist49.
So you didn't read my post? And what about my sage makes you think its a downvote?
I didn't think I was still capable of experiencing this much rage.
I want to find this sack of shit and shove his Blizzard monopoly money up his ass.
Oh yeah, you mean how record companies, movie companies, and video game companies have also effectively prevented all forms of piracy right?
… so nothing happened?
Source code being filtered in the first place is a matter of luck. Be thankful for the times it happens, don't be a bitter faggot for the times it almost happens. It's not reddit's fault, some people are just dumb.
Kill yourself.
This redditor should also kill themself
Well the obvious replies to OP are going to be hundreds of anons going "FUCKING REDDIT".
While I do share the sentiment, I'm just trying to spice up the thread, cultivate some interesting replies and make it more interesting.
Go back to reddit if you're going to apologize for it.
Would this be his Stream?
And would this be his posts on the topic on Imgur, to get a good idea of his mind set
Wishful thinking user, but this is reddit we are talking about.
Ok. Explain in what way the world is better now that the information on that disk is safely under lock and key at blizzard instead of floating around the internet.
Does this maximize utility?
You seem to know reddit more than I do, take your own advice.
actually if the content of the source is not publicly available then it's classified as a trade secret. A trade secret that is discovered and leaked is reclassified as public domain information. Any project based on it is therefore based on public domain code.
Not saying it's morally right, just saying it's legal
It unites Holla Forums's weaponized autism behind a single cause, if somebody wanted to mobilize something
He could have demanded thousands if not millions from Blizzard for that. Then fly to the Philippines and release a copy of it anyways just to fuck them over twice.
That's the thing, I'm not even trying to anger anyone. I don't know why you're so sensitive.
I can't remember what a court's ruling was on something like this. I saw it a while back… It was either the source code, or the compiled code was free to modify.
Probably the latter
There's not enough booze in the world to alleviate my suffering.
Most likely Blizzard would know that he was the one who leaked it.
I never even liked RTS games but to me this is the worst possible thing that could have happened.
no words
There ought to be a 9/11 edit of this
If you don't like RTS then why do you care at all? Why not lament for the source we'll never see for all the games you DO like?
Also a Picture of him Here. He also goes under the name "PolygonDaily" apparently
It's ok, he got an overcuck gaming pack :^).
I have the perfect analogy for this. This the equivalent of Indiana Jones upon acquiring a priceless artifact giving it to the dictator of whatever country he found it in, instead of bringing it back to a museum to be enjoyed by everyone.
That's Vimes right?
But user, museums are cultural appropriation
and the dictator says, "hey thanks for this, here's a small pure gold necklace to show our appreciation"
Because the source codes for the games I care about are things I've never had hope in.
This is something that we could have had, lost to ignorance.
That's retarded logic.
You can care about this happening because it would have benefited others.
No you can't, idort
This. Its basically book burning
Not even. It's more like "Here's a ticket that you can use to buy shit in my palace's gift shop, it is non-redeemable and not real currency."
Also, he has an Account on a weed website too, and seems to be roughly 30 years old?
dude weed
So is completely fucking up whenever you find a piece of vidya history a new reddit meme now?
Also I wonder if that retard realizes he could have ebay'd that shit for way more than 250 big ones.
Epic post, you even got all your best reaction faces in there. We're so much better than redditors aren't we Holla Forumsro?!?
Why the fuck do redditors keep finding source codes of shit?
I'm not an idort, I only play on PC. It's easy to understand why someone would care if your IQ is not in the double digits.
They're NPC's user.
do you know what's capable with the StarCraft MAP EDITOR
Imagine what we could do with the SOURCE CODE ITSELF YOU RETARD
I fucking hate Blizzard so much.
Possibly even more than this cock smoker redditor.
The fucking arrogance is what kills me.
Do you know how easy it would be to put a similar labeled disc on EBay and call it a "replica" and get free money off this debacle?
I suppose you can't understand a basic joke, and I don't feel like breaking it down for you
Use these in the meantime:
Must've been a terrible joke, I don't lament the loss.
Eh, it's sad and the guy's an ultimate goy but the xbox alpha tower thing was even worse.
Intellectual property doesn't exist you fucking nigger, not when Jews appropriate it all to themselves while giving jack shit to the real creators and the law sides with them. Fuck off and die.
What happened? Have we switched back over into the worst time line?
I agree but does anyone ultimately really give a shit about starcraft 2?
Why don't you tell us right now what would have been possible with the source code that isn't already possible without it?
Or is it like last time with the XDX that got gutted where people claimed we could have had XBOX emulation yesterday without anything to back up their retarded claims?
didn't he say it was all expenses paid
The Scalping community is huge and they ACTIVELY hate the targets of their scams. The person that "found" an original xbox devkit got it from a scalper that was on a private subreddit.
I'm a peaceful man. I try to look at both sides of the story, I try to not be quick to anger most times, aim to be a good polite person.
And in the end all he got is $250 Blizzard bucks and a trip to Blizzcon (tickets $199 USD each (plus taxes and fees) according to the official site) plus unknown travel and accommodation expenses (would $500 cover that?). So in total
It may not have been, but in context it makes your last few responses look like those of a petulant child
It's gone for good. The admin got scared of new (((EU))) laws and shut it down.
so do you think blizzard will store the disk in some dark basement somewhere, where an employee may one day abscond with it? Or will they just put it in the industrial equivalent of a blender?
How do we know he didn't copy all the data?
Devkits have instruction sets for specialized hardware. Which guess what's in the xbox and has virtually zero documentation
Because he's a stupid spic who smokes weed.
No, this is definitely worse.
The Xbox thing was a "maybe good things would happen, only maybe though". With a SC2 source code, good things would definitely happen. Even if it's simple shit like an OpenTTD style mod of SC2, ports to everything a-la Doom, etc.
Mexican here we grow playing starcraft because that was the only thing our toasters could run in the past. Name his family, find a name, I dont give a fuck, FIND HIM FIND THE FUCKING CHICANO TRASH I SWEAR ON THE VIRGIN MARY.
It's a redditor.
Do you have any reason to believe he copy it?
there's a thing called google, how's about you use it instead of asking me to spoonfeed you the hypotheticals.
Here's an idea: go check out what's possible from games with their source codes released/leaked/open and compare them to their base games. That should be easy enough for you to search up, right?
Take a look at OG Xbox emulation and tell me, in all honesty, if it is even remotely playable.
even if he did (he didint) he cant share it anymore without being assfucked by lawyers, he fucked up when he contacted blizzard
user don't bully the redditors.
Addition of completely new units.
Sprite/sound replacements.
Mac/Linux ports.
Adding basically any feature you can think of.
I don't even like starcraft but the fucking shit reddit pulls makes me wish I was able to holocaust them.
If that retard is doxed can't one of you beaners send the cartels on his dumb ass?
In what way?
Was your first comment about how you shouldn't care about the leak of source code of games you don't play also part of the joke or was that genuine stupidity?
user, the only reason we don't have xbox emulation is because the system's not popular enough and it's too much of a pain in the ass
With that dev kit it would have offered enough info to make it less of a pain in the ass, vastly increasing the chances we'd get a working emulator
You're fucking retarded
He didn't fuck up. He was just acting according to his two digit IQ.
you shouldnt be swearing like that user
Oh and one more thing in the big red look at this text
who cares, they would all be mostly RTS wannabe clones anyway
The purpose of intellectual property rights is to stamp out the freedom of creativity. Go fuck yourself.
dude, if his family is doxed and has money to keep that fucking chicano trash in the US, I assure you, they will get the "calls".
Actually it's to create artificial scarcity for an inherently worthless product.
Well, as an example, in 2002, after it became clear that Volition would not ever make a Descent Freespace 3, Someone there decided to release the source code to Freespace 2. A game that is, while a favorite of fans of the genre, relatively niche and obscure, and never sold enough to make the idea of a sequel attractive, even in this age of endless sequels and reboots.
Even so, it attracted a community of dedicated autists that have gone through that shit and renovated the fuck out of it. Aside from graphical updates such as pic related, which is itself long out of date, they've added entirely new gameplay elements. New campaigns. Entirely new standalone games based on the same source. Support for Linux. Sky's the fucking limit.
It should go without saying that the starcraft community has more talent, skill, and autism at it's disposal, if for no other reason than because Starcraft was a Brazilian times more popular.
He lives in burgerland, guey, its more difficult to kill people there and get away with it.
Tranqui mejinegrito.
Report him to ICE
Just google his username. I have no doubt you wouldn't be able to find out his name/family name, and then coincidentally find out he's an illegal.
Make sure he is actually living here illegally first.
Report him to ICE, get him deported and then happens.
You should tell that to the guy who codes the NewDark engine for the Thief games, apparently he didn't get that memorandum.
Reminds me of that time when Reddit destroyed that Xbox developer machine, why do they fuck up everything?
It's even worse when they defend it.
Because reddit is the blue pill personified.
At least I can feel minor enjoyment from how mad everyone else is. This is fine.
sorry I'm really fucking tired
Chliean here.
Starcraft was the only thing I could play with my Pentium 2 and 64MB of RAM back in the day.
I will find that sonavabitch
What are some popular games where the source code got leaked to the public?
For the imaginary internet points.
why is reddit even a thing?
Because sheep need a corral.
Not possible. Just leak it once and it'll get taken down, but by the time it does it would have been downloaded by thousands already. Nintendo took down AMR2 but that didn't stop it from being available on the internet even now.
I'm a Stallmanite and even I think this thread's getting excessive, are you really gonna ruin someone's life over a game? Now if it was Total Annihilation…
No it's not. Rare hardware is way more precious than a digital copy of a game literally anyone can try to reverse engineer, if they can do it for Morrowind or TTD they can do it for this. Also Starcraft is just one game, XBOX has many many more.
Besides, even if the person had released the code, its legal status will ensure nothing wants to touch it. It can't be on most source code hosts, or used in other projects, and nobody will package the engine for their Linuxes or phones or whatever.
Because link aggregates are literally free money
And you can make even more money by making OTHER people do it.
Half life 2, for one. Before it was released, even.
Yes because it's not like this person was anyone intelligent or noble, see .
Nobody's saying its worse, but this is really fucking bad.
StarCraft 1 is an important piece, and this is a BLIZZARD GAME
imagine the damage it could do, along with the amount of fun it could provide for us.
you fucking nigger, where do you think you are?
Remember that time in the late 90's someone leaked everything there was to know about the N64 including a devkit, the SDK, a working emulator and the complete blueprints and we've had perfect N64 emulation ever since?
Yeah me neither.
Emulation doesn't work that way and there's other XDKs in the wild including ones that have been in the hand of people working on emulators, didn't stop the XBOX emulation scene from being in a complete standstill
>Educate yourself shitlord user
You can make a sourceport without source access, the fact that none exist despite the popularity of the game should already tell you most people don't feel constrained by what's already possible
Outside of the linux port which barely matter because DOSbox it's things you can already do
I only old you XBOX emulation wouldn't have benefited from having access to that unit, not anywhere close to how much people imply it would have at the very least especially considering they already had access to a similar unit in the past.
I'm not even debating the guy did something completely retarded and deserve to be lynched for gloating about it like the faggot he is but seriously no need to overstate the implications of what he did to try to justify your reaction.
Ill kill you too if i have to.
The game is free and works on modern OSes, what do we need the source code for?
Read the thread.
That's more or less the same thing, stamping out creativity means nobody can out do you and bringing down the competition means only your product is available.
So we can look into it and find cool shit within the data.
read , fag.
I really wish something similar would happen to Bethesda; but knowing reddit, a redditor is more likely to confess to a murder that Todd Howard committed.
So basically they gave him nothing, really.
Hey do you have the pic explained that normalfags are really NPCs? I forgot to saved pic.
leddit Destroys SourceCode of X game, again…
They gave him a bunch of shit, read the link
This is what just blows my mind. The dumb mother fucker gives them something that could be worth a massive amount of money to the right people, and they just give him pennies in return.
To study the program, to figure out how it works under the hood, to modify it to make it work better.
Nothing good will ever happen again
Those mods were made by reverse engineering the game, not working with its source code. You could do so much more if people weren't in the dark about a lot of stuff.
Are you all going to keep bitching, are you guys actually going to help me to continue expose this faggot?
Seriously, just google khemist49 , also know as polygondaily.
Its a better use of aiming our anger towards something productive, and hey, it can be fun!
You know, the fun we could of had if he didnt give away the source code!
With Jews, you lose. That's why it's everyone's duty to release to the public far and wide anything and everything they want to keep private.
How many times have redditors destroyed priceless development hardware or software discs?
Honestly I've lost count.
Source code is a trade secret. Once it's out, it's out, and protection ends.
Hardware with shitty overwatch branding is still hardware
Thanks for proving that once again that you're fucking cancer, Reddit. Hope you fuckers are happy.
Thief/System Shock 2
Falcon 4.0
Half Life 2 (pre-release)
Donkey Kong
Art of Fighting
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Rolling Thunder
Turrican III
Jurassic Park: Trespasser (popular? noteworthy I guess)
Tony Hawk's Underground
So, quite a few titles.
The truth is you don't fucking know yourself; anyone with a head knows having the source code when altering a game is mountains upon mountains more helpful than working blindly, and it merely existing could create motivation for further modding and things of the like
The other user was right, you're not worth responding to
It has copyright regardless; you'd be right if Blizzard was worried about some game mechanic they should have patented.
Where the fuck are the tony hawk fangames
Fucking retarded cuck, Blizzdrones e-stroking his tiny dick, fuck it.
You know what must be done.
All the dumbfuck had to do was leak it anonymously.
Barely anyone cares. Guitar Hero has more mod support than the Tony Hawk games do.
Well, user, to get a fan game, the base game has to be good.
This is precisely the reason why no one is allowed to have nice things.
I am convinced that these absolute fuckheads are actively looking for shit like this just so that they can deny others the chance of having it.
It's sick and I hope the guy who did this chokes on the next thing he eats. Fuck.
Tons of people thought the tony hawk games were good once
Nigga, that shit was the bridge between XBOX and PC.
We wouldn't have gotten perfect emulation because you can't get perfect emulation without using the actual hardware/software combo, but it would result in a working XBOX emulator.
You know, like the working N64 emulator we have thanks to that guy in the late 90s who leaked everything there was to know about the N64.
And what was actually done with all that?
Morality is truly the most complicated question. I can not even begin to conceive of this action to be "the right thing" and yet these people are so sure of it. If the "right thing" is to crush the hopes of thousands in exchange for petty trinkets and a short recognition from your superiors then what is the "wrong thing"?
Yes, the first two were great. Back when they came out on ps1.
So this is what it's like to be Ringo
The worst part is that they aren't even saying that sincerely. It's nothing but straight-up whoring themselves for fake internet points.
The wrong thing is obviously to share it with others or to make copies for posterity.
Theif/System Shock 2 got mods that make the game run significantly better on modern systems, with modern controls and even new lighting engines.
What the fuck do apples have to do with it?
Just give up, goyim, there's no way you can win!
Outside of THUG PRO there isn't a whole lot.
What a fucking slap in the face
Right is wrong and wrong is right, welcome to the individualist hellhole that is post-modern society.
Then why aren't people using leaked Windows sources, or idtech4 ones before it went GPL? Because you're wrong.
It's a notable game but it's still a game. Temper your bloodlust for something more important.
Every last dipshit shill like you will become bankrupt and receive a bullet to the head for failing to pay reprimands.
Yeah, I read that back in the original threads about that, still doesn't make me feel less disgusted.
Can I pay in (you)?
Sounds like an excuse for not being creative enough to find a way around it :^)
You'll pay in trips user.
You know what? Its been quite a while since we fucked with reddit. They deserve a good fucking.
Take the capslock off you angry reddit beaner
Thank goodness they labeled the monitor.
tell me genocide is wrong, tell me it's wrong when stuff like this happens
There are some recent cases in patent law that have made it significantly more difficult to patent game mechanics.
it's not
What they mean is the legalistic thing. The right thing is to do with the disc what you want; if they really wanted it they'd have kept it. The Spanish Galleon gold ethics; something like this is reminiscent of hidden/forgotten treasure.
Wait, you can patent game mechanics?
Fuck leddit even fucking harder now!
The only thing wrong with genocide is it doesn't happen soon and fast enough.
You could. You can't really do it any more.
And the prize of the biggest cuck of the year 2017 goes to…
The biggest faggot of the year.
At least with the xbox dev kit they derided him.
I'm mostly disappointed, but also slightly impressed by how consistently cancerous redditors are.
You know, I'm not going to do it myself, I want to make that clear to any agencies viewing this thread right now.
But I wouldn't lose sleep over this guy getting doxxed.
Because the source was fucking shit?
Because it went GPL anyway?
You seem retarded.
I know this is upsetting and all but there are real world ramifications in play here.
Having most of the internet love you for a week isn't going to pay your legal fees. You guys all realise this, yes?
I am just absolutely beside myself. What a fucking moron. God, I am so mad.
This is like finding a million dollars with no strings attached, and turning it into the police who are just going to embezzle it to themselves.
"you did the right thing son"
Yeah, enjoy that pat on the back you absolute shit head.
Why not release it completely in the dark?
Rectangular Snip
anthrax bomb terrorist pentagon
How does a person get like this? What leads a person to be in this state?
Doxing and sharing the dox isn't illegal, dipshit. If the guy is dumb enough to have his dox on the internet, it's considered publicly accessible. What one does with the dox may or may not be illegal though.
It amazes me that praise from people you've never met could ever be something people crave so desperately.
Because this guy obviously wasn't of the technical know-how to do that. The moment he posted on Reddit, he forfeited the chance to do this.
Even then, in the current world of data tracking, there's no guarantee that this will save you if Activision really tries hard enough.
Imagine if Wikileaks released the source for a video game. It'd be more fun than pizza-gate.
When can Reddit finally destroy itself? It already has ruined the gaming community for the xbox and now this.
Even centuries ago you could've released a book anonymously, and you make it seem like you can't fucking post online anonymously nowadays. Jesus.
why you do this
This is what marxism does to the brain. It is permanent, and irreversible.
Wew lad
And everyone lived happily ever after.
"This guy right here is irrefutable proof that humans beings are not treated like cattle, human beings ARE cattle, this guy is a fucking cow, hook him up to a milk machine, put a metal rod in his nose and kill him. He is a fucking cow, so maybe all the shit that is going on, just maybe we deserve it."
- Sam "Better Run And" Hyde
so hard mang, but then he talked to blizzard
No words describe how much I hate plebbitors.
I didn't know about the xbov dev kit. Fucking Reddit.
Never Allahu when you should Akbar user
Activision isn't dark magic, they can't figure out who posted it even if they have the entire NSA behind it if someone posts it on tor.
Besides, if you don't have the technical know how, you can acquire it with a couple of single google searches.
Nigger I fucking love StarCraft 1, its arguably my favorite game though its next to impossible for me to decide on any one vidya for a favorite game, but that one is definitely a STRONG contender
Go choke on some Blizzard-themed Dragon dildoes
All of you are vastly overestimating your ability to remain hidden.
You should rethink your master plan.
nigger please
Thank you user the comfy dithering you posted has slightly calmed the rage that burns within me.
It's always fucking Reddit
I think swallowing all those memes about the PC mustard race might have something to do with it.
you use chrome don't you
Why can't reddit do anything right?
Age of empires, and age of mythology were top tier.
The Windows source code would be incredibly valuable to Wine or ReactOS. But if the devs dared to use it it'd be a death sentence for them. It falls under copyright law. Also my mistake I could've sworn Doom 3 had its source leaked but it was just the game, and some of the editing tools.
then go to anonfiles, mediafire, mega, unless the cia wants starcraft for some reason they wont find you using someone elses ip
He posted on Reddit, that sealed his fate. Talking about how Activision can't into Tor is irrelevant.
You're assuming he wanted to do that. Obviously not.
literal cuckoldry and lack of testosterone most likely; that's why it comes of like a woman questioning why you'd be upset to see a type 99 Arisaka with an intact chrysanthemum be drilled out for a bubba scope job. I don't believe it was a type 99 but, I am still enraged by that one.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Age of Mythology has the best OST of any RTS, possibly any game
Haha, you have no idea how Tor and similar services work, do you?
It's been so long since I played it honestly, does it have a GoG version?
Wait, some retard gutted a dev kit?
I'd say the guy was mentally retarded, but actual retards would be mad that I'd compared them to such a dumb piece of shit.
post it
Exit nodes don't mean shit unless they also tap all the other nodes you connected through to get there.
You're vastly overestimating forensics.
I know how networks work. They're not rocket science. If you're careful enough it's very easy to do.
Even user's example of going to startbucks and post it with a throwaway gmail, or on an imageboard, would've sufficed if his browser wasn't compromised.
Stop it user, you are making me want to play videogames but I need to do responsible shit like study.
You don't suck cock for pleasure or for money. You do it because it defines your entire being.
Basically a redditard destroyed an extremely rare piece of hardware and wiped what could have possibly been very interesting data so he could use the devkit's mangled corpse as a case for his new computer. He posted pics of the original parts strewn across his carpet. I think only 50 of the devkits were ever made.
I'd rather have AIDS and Cancer.
Enlighten me on how they would be able to do anything at all about some random dick posting the ripped code on here, even without taking any measures to try and hide oneself.
Why the fuck would you even return it? It's not even like the source was missing.
Using TOR (not with windows) in any smart way make it too costly for feds to try and van someone for something as mundane as leaking source code..
I was saying it was possible before he posted it on reddit.
I'm not assuming shit. I'm saying it was possible to post it anonymously if he had wanted to do it.
I want this person to die. Holy crap.
Nope. There's an "extended edition" on Steam with multiplayer support. You can just pirate it if you only want the singleplayer.
Good goy points you can spend on the blizzard store and reddit cummies.
Fucking Christ, what is it about Reddit that churns out a bunch of Holier-Than-Thou douchebags?
That would be the smart thing to do, but he's a fucking Redditor. He didn't do the smart thing.
As long as you're not trying to make money off it or tie it to your real identity they can't do shit. Good look suing a team that you can't identify and that just releases shit onto filesharing sites or torrents.
Christ no wonder everyone talks shit about reddit.
That faggot is the true definition of a consumer whore
That and good luck trying to sue a Russian or a chink under US law.
Sure it was. Piracy doesn't create a copy, it's literally theft B)
If he has that little care for consoles, why did he even want a PC case made out of one?
I hate Starcraft, and even I am mad as fuck. Throwing away game data is a crime.
What's wrong with that? It's not like it'll get damaged from shock
Seeing a Pentium II and Geforce 3 lying on a carpet. I hate life?
Totally different flavours of retardation user, this is a consumerist retard, one who has 100% brand loyalty. This retardation is highly lucrative though if you know how to scam them, so I'd rather have these tards than the Marxist ones. For example:
Don't have it savedtoo painful but, it was fucking enraging. Someone brought back a captured rifle with the Emperor's symbol and this troglodyte drills a hole right through the fucking Chrysanthemum to mount a shitty fudd-scope.
Nah, that was one of his dicksuckers. The guy who did it was all "WELL, MY DAD TRIED TO SELL IT TWO YEARS AGO AND DIDN'T GET ANY TAKERS, SO NA-NA-NA-BOO-BOO!"
Because it's kitschy.
Not defending this disgusting drone, but I wonder how many here came to shit on him while owning a certain denuvo game.
Because the redditfag wanted to feel his 15 minutes of fame while "doing the right thing". Basically he wanted free blowjobs on the internet.
It was just some young kid trying to look cool on reddit for some upvotes, and not realizing the serious gravity of what he had. Ultiamtly once the kikes at Blizzard smelt blood they sent their legal team at him. All the shit they gave him was extra, the real gift is them deciding to not sue him into oblivion.
Oooooooooooh wow. I'm not even a weeb I just like me some history, and even I felt my guts squirm at the thought of that happening.
Free blowjobs on the internet, and free shit that he can't really transfer ownership to. That's like the ultimate "I'm a self-centered douchebag" maneuver.
He said he had the drive. 30-60gb or whatever. Thing is he plugged it into his other PC instead of booting the dev box. They use different filesystems. So 'nothing' was found.
The he proceeded to reformat it and use it for the i3 and gtx 6XX shit he threw into the box.
All of the science, technology, and art in the world never matters when Jews and their pet gentiles are in charge.
user, he's not a Kid. He's over 30 years old
I hope this is just bait and no one is really this retarded.
Now I wonder who the idiot was who sold it on ebay for probably pennies.
Imagine how mad the Koreans are right now
He didn't even need to tell anyone about it
Why do people need to make every detail about their lives public?
If he had stored it in a box nothing would've happened
Just shows that you either use the internet as an user, or get fucked.
I wonder if he tried to hold out for more.
From the shit decisions he made he could've fooled me. Anyone looking for attention on the internet past the age of 15 is a sad fuck in my book.
I can see it happening and it's making me angry.
Anyone with a head would have realized that after all these years of working blindly in the engine most of what you would want to know how to do is documented
Having access to this source code might have led to a working sourceport in a couple years, but in practice most of what this source port would have allowed can already be done albeit in a harder and less efficient way, most of the really coool stuff would have taken extensive modifications and that mgith have taken years after that to even become a thing,
Like I told you if people wanted it it would have already been done considering the size and general competence level of the modder/dev userbase of Starcraft.
Why you gotta chimp out like a nigger user?
And like I told you people in the XBOX emulation scene already had or have access to an XDK, and it's still shit because nobody actively worked on it, I can even tell you what emulator came out of it, it's called DXBX,
Do you remember DXBX?
Remember how the guy got the XDK samples up and running in the emulator along with booting a handful of games and how he went on a 6 year hiatus right after?
The XQEMU people never got access to an XDK and worked off the Chihiro arcade board docs and they got way further than that, pretty much every game boots and works mostly fine but the SW renderer + interpreter combo means it's running at sub 10fps, should tell you plenty about how useful an XDK is to emulating the XBOX, shame those guys dropped XQEMU to work on other things especially when both the devs said it only needed somewhat competent people willing to finish their work to actually become usable.
I certainly remember the legacy of UltraHLE, 15 years of "meh the other thing is good enough why bother making an emulator that isn't fundamentally bad because of all the legacy shit in it".
I also happen to remember that the main reason why UltraHLE got made is that the main dev managed to reverse engineer the already working emulator included in the leak and he never actually made full use of the rest.
This thread isn't good for my heart, Jesus Christ.
Yeah Xbox used something else. FATX or something like that. If he just BOOTED IT! Life is pain.
thread theme
Probably some faggot's baby boomer parents that found a box full of computer CDs and decided that
Just missing an "Allahu Akbar".
If he wasn't an attention whoring idiot then he could have anonymously shared the data in a million places and stirred up the game development scene a bit. But no, he had to be a fucking idiot.
I'll bet he gave them his details so he couldn't have threatened with leaking it anyway.
So he traded it all for some reddit ass pats.
Unbelievable. UnFuckingbelievable.
No you nigger, that's the custom made parts of an Xbox Dev Kit. Not the dev kit they gave to people who wanted to make a game for the Xbox, but the dev kit that made the Xbox OS and, had it had any source code on it, would of improved our chances of an Xbox emulator by a thousand times.
Oh, and there's less than 20 in existence, and one of them is on display like a trophy as MS HQ.
Someone should translate it and post it on the Korean forums/chat rooms and set them loose.
No, he didn't hold out, he sent it to them blindly then they just so happened to be nice and give him shit.
Redditors should be reminded releasing trade secrets is legal as they're not copyrighted in any capacity.
The thing that gets me is that the game is fucking free now. There would have been literally no harm in the source being out in the wild.
What did user mean by this?
Actually thats a Slot1 CPU you DUMBASS. Its a Pentium II or either a first gen Xeon. And i know its a GF3 because the xbox gpu is based on the Geforce 3 chip.
mods sticky this shit
Or better yet Mark raise the bump limit back to 700 so important threads get proper attention
Here's a video of DXBX running the XDK samples, basically examples of how to implement specific functionality in your game, only way to get those is dump them off an XDK.
and herein lies the fatal flaw of leddit
it's lack of anonymity
fucking faggots
A lifetime of media propaganda combined with social engineering through social networks.
It is the final & terminal form of the blue pill. All that's left is to give up your significant other, all your possessions, to disarm yourself, to unlock all entrances to your home allowing anyone to visit theft, rape & murder upon you. The pinnacle of cuckoldry.
The mustard race meme was a mistake.
They're not even cool story important NPCs, these are nameless Joe and Jane who spout shit to you when you walk by them in a village.
Who gives a fuck about Tony Hawk.
TTLG ask Squeenix for editing permission when Dreamcast-build Dark Engine source is found. SE says "no" to noone's surprise. So after a few cryptic messages when word came down on high the NewDark engine appears on a French message board with modern updates, including limit-free mission editing.
Source code leaked so unofficial patches of this hyperaccurate flight sim continue for years. One project line was uploaded to GitHub to some controversy.
Nothing much.
Not much you can do with the game itself but it did get ported to six trillion platforms.
Not much, but some old code fogies jerked off around it as part of a board discussion.
OG Neo-Geo code recently found within the last 2/3 years. Nothing much yet though, hope you like translating 68000 code to x86.
Found this year, but unfortunately by a lawyer who didn't want to step on NightDive's toes. So he sold it again and is in hands unknown.
IIRC there's already interpreters for old Infocom games out there, but the code's on Internet Archive if you want to go the extra step.
PSX code found, nothing much done with it yet though possibly due to lack of interest.
Amiga code which some people have tinkered around with.
Nothing to my knowledge due to lack of interest.
Surprisingly this DOES have a lot of interest and has been well supported by a community of fans over the years.
See previous comments.
Very robust community support.
All and all, x86-based games tend to have a lot of projects crop up around them real fast. 68k and other architectures, not really. And this is just leaked source code stuff, and only a partial list at that. Officially posted source (see: Doom, Quake, the older Elite/Frontier games, 2hu and so on) has resulted in a lot of new content.
Reminder that ISIS did destroy Bablyonian / Akkadian statues when they invaded some areas a few years ago
4D Trump chess
I don't give a shit about you trying to look clever by recognising the CPU in the picture, but that's not an off-the-shelf Pentium 3 and GeForce 3.
They are custom made for the Xbox, and I'm fairly sure that GPU came out before the GeForce 3. It's a kind of early version of one.
Oh yeah, because they were "blasphemous" or some shit.
God what a waste of fucking oxygen. Here's his reddit thread in case anyone wants to le downboat him: reddit.com
Never underestimate the sheer normalfaggotry of redditors. Every last one is a mindless husk in search of approval from fellow husks. See
I don't even like Starcraft or the RTS genre and it makes me depressed.
except for the fact that Valve scrapped the entire game and reprogrammed and rewrote it to be absolute shit.
you okay user?
The "fatal flaw" of Reddit is that it specifically selected for gullible retard users because the founders faked a community until people actually showed up. I use scare quotes because that's not actually a flaw in the eyes of the owners, it makes Reddit a perfect place to advertise, spread propaganda, etc. Redditors are either people too dumb to identify astroturfing or people who came to hang out with those people.
Game from 1998, considered one of the best fully-featured flight sims available. Had a full game released by a new company based on the work of the mod community, as well as 3 other full-scale mods which have added tons of improvements. Still being updated.
Nice accepting you were wrong. :^)
is there some sort of baphomet-type thread for this guy? Is he doxxed yet? Allah must be appeased with blood.
Reddit is a fucking disease.
Okay now I think we have finally memed too far.
yeah it's un-fucking-believable, not just him, but the people cheering him on and saying he did the right thing, fuck it makes me so mad
Can you point me towards proof that hardware is unique. How do you know? One of the best things about Xbox hardware is that its just an intel and nvidia inside. Making it easy to use. So my guess is the Devkit had a Slot1 Cpu and GF3? Why is that so hard to get?
If it helps, sorting by new shows a lot of people bullying him.
Just make accounts (takes like 30 seconds with no email) and shitpost him telling how to kill himself.
To clarify; I think it may have been a Type 38. I don't remember which /k/ it got posted on all the time but it is not the worst one.
Some guy's uncle was a 'Nam vet and managed to smuggle his full giggle switch M14 stateside. The uncle hid the gun in his attic for years; until cancer got him and he willed all his guns, in the attic, to his user-nephew. user-nephew couldn't make it to pick up the funs before his aunt went through the attic. By the time he got there his aunt, who by the way just so happened to be rabidly anti-fun, had thrown the unregistered full auto capable M14 into a tub of salt water with the rest of the funs. It sat for so long that everything was ruined and rusted beyond saving and all /k/ felt was rage.
The very existence of Reddit gold is one of those things that blows my mind
I'm honestly more mad that this is an actual feature that people use than anything else. Jesus Christ.
If you believe in Kek, the only acceptable answer is to keep going and make things even wilder
The GPU is custom, the CPU isn't, you can fully replace it with any similarly socketed processor, even celerons and it will still worrk provided it's still clocked at 733Mhz, if it isn't then it breaks some games in various ways but not always
To be fair I didn't think the first Half Life was particularly good either (scripted sequences were already nothing new under the sun so hype was unwarranted, gunplay was unsatisfying, boring levels in comparison to Doom/Quake/Unreal, nonsense story), so I really didn't and/or would not have noticed any quality changes in the first place.
First sentence of each paragraph.
Nope, it's custom. Just because it can be modified similarly doesn't mean it's not custom.
NO Dude i mean the FUCKING PC Devkit. FUCK.
Might as well be one of these.
NO! The price is too high.
These kinds of stories hurt my damn soul, man. How can people be so uncaring towards the wishes of their own deceased partner? Christ, love must really be a meme or something.
Shit like this makes me glad I've started collecting excellent-condition WWII shit. Just so people like that wouldn't disrespect history because of their personal butthurt.
Kek is the embodiment of chaos. We memed it into existence and his patron number is 77.
Dumber than the mexican we're talking about
Don't even bother, posting on reddit is a wasted effort unless you somehow get the spic intercepted by ICE agents as soon as he steps on an airplane.
It's like buying an Holla Forums pass for someone else because they shitposted to the extreme, except you're buying a reddit pass which perpetuates the eternal cancer.
Reddit gold is proof that normalfags have to be destroyed.
>seriously, look at this, it's trash: reddit.com
The "people" who fell for this are as much the problem as the kikes who created it.
Would you believe I was merely pretending, and not a retard who can't read?
Oh yeah you're right it has half the L2 cache deactivate, hardly custom compared to the GPU but it's not exactly an off the shelf part either.
Its okay.
sorta fuck you though
If it makes anyone feel a little better I should tell you that Reddit admins are going to strip CSS out of the site soon to make it mobile friendly and thus destroy most of the functionality of the site.
I'm honestly surprised that their sheer incompetence hasn't made the site go completely under by now.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, user
I only use it for r/drugs and even then I feel guilty about using it, but god I hate that site and especially the management
This thread is so depressing.
This is why having an identity is cancer.
Mobile sites are fucking cancer. In 99% of cases they're less usable than the normal desktop site even on fucking mobile. Forget Marx or Rousseau or Mohammed, if I go back in time to go on a killing spree I'm killing everyone involved in the creation of the smartphone.
Why hasn't anyone nuked Reddit HQ yet?
I bet this is some Pizzagate shit right here.
Always go for Marx.
Speaking of which
erry time
I think I'm fucking done now, this shit can't possibly get any worse.
When i was a kid i often asked myself what kind of person you would have to be, to start a genocide. Now i understand.
Aids. Actually aids.
Here I gave him my own gold star
Wait a minute user, that was a post war order from the new japanese government so do not dishonor the emperor. loads more rifles survived with the chrysanthenmum as soldiers realized its value of having an intact one and shipped them by the containerload back to the United states.
The worst part is there are fucking idiots who don't know that all those "exclusive features" are shit that the internet has been doing without charging some gullible fucks for years.
Mobile site =/= mobile friendly site.
IIRC, the aunt was the deceased's sister; whether by blood or marriage, I don't think was mentioned. I believe that story was posted on OperatorChan's /k/
Most of those "features" were clearly just created by kneecapping the normal experience and making people pay for them.
A lot of tech companies are headquartered in the Bay Area. As someone interested in computer science, it severely depresses me that my boss is almost inevitably going to be a libtard.
Oh and
I keep finding out how easy it is to take people's money
user there are plenty of comp sci jobs everywhere, you don't need to move to commieville to get work these days
>This is trivial, and I wouldn't pay $80, why should they?
I dont like it
When is that fucking earthquake going to get here?
Just speaking of reddit, am I the only one that finds the site to be an absolute eyesore?
reading replies to post in that tumblr downward line thing is annoying. Most sub-reddits
also have awful themes as well which is even more of an eye-sore.
i like starcraft and all but if this happened to something like the vannila wow source code i would kill him no joke
You're telling me.
Soon. I need to update my earthquake preparedness kit, can't lose out to the spics.
the interface is really outdated, and the devs have stated that they have no intention of fixing it. Also, the site wide search bar is broken, which the devs have additionally committed to not fixing.
Please stay safe user.
The 'mum was intact but then, Bubba decided to mount a scope and so he drilled it for the mount. One of the drill holes went right through the 'mum, leaving about 50-60 percent intact with a fucking hole through the rest. Some user bought it and posted the gore/rageb8. An intact 'mum isn't crazy rare but, destroying a 'mum to bubba a rifle in a cartridge the cretin probably wouldn't even use for deer is sickening.
No, the worst part is there are people who know that and pay anyway just for the satisfaction of "supporting" Reddit, a website owned by a large media corporation.
/monster/ seems to get the short straw every time
Learn to write off bubba'd firearms immediately.
Patience user, patience.
I should just become a furry artist at this rate
Or rather, draw again.
It's not as bad as it could be since not much text on it….
Why? why let something be broken? just because they can?
Probably answering myself there…
so are we internet-lynching this guy, or just calling him mean things on reddit? Is this thread over?
This is just a rage thread.
Go away FBI.
Which would you do:
1.) Go and and get some shill's money so you and them can shill shit on reddit
2.) Spend time fixing shit that doesn't effect how much money you make
Jesus fucking Christ, Patreon.
See, I keep thinking that shit, myself, but never actually get around to it. I mean, I've seen the shit that people get paid to make, I'm sure I can do better if I tried.
Me personally? I'd spend time fixing it. I'd rather give people something that works. Maybe that's because I have integrity though?
But you didn't try :^)
both are great user
Imagine you owned a car but all you could do is change the paint, rims, and interior decoration.
Whoever drew this needs to be hit in the teeth with a meat tenderizer.
He also got a free copy of overwatch
If it makes you feel any better, the artist also draws a lot of hyper scat
That doesn't make me feel any better at all.
Man this thread really went places.
It should. Now you can feel more justified in your conviction
Tor was cracked a while ago user.
With all the blizz cock he sucks I bet he already had multiple copies.
So he gets a free game he can spend his monopoly money in? Blizzard are the biggest jews.
The blizzard who know exactly who "leaked" it and assemble their army of lawyers and rape the retard.
I'm glad we adopted/kidnapped Gilda.
If this shit happens with The original custom Silent Hill Engine or the modified etrian engine atlus uses? I'm murdering the niggermickchinkspicjewcracker who decides to hand it over and posting it on every chan in existance before the cops kick down my door.
she's not our daughter, she's our cum dump
Why does he even breathe the same air that we do?
Why? Why would someone destroy perfect American history like that? Also if this stupid beaner is watching this is for you.
Don't worry, little chance of that ever happening.
It's already been erased to protect Konami against "industrial spying"
What a fucking pussy.
i.reddit.com is still leagues better than there 'properly designed mobile site'….
I'll be honest. If I still had hope for the industry, I wouldn't have released the source codes online. Hope is an illusion. The 2nd crash is the only salvation.
He should have given it to the Norks, bet they'd pay millions for it.
Jesus! Had he came here or even cuck-chan Blizzard wouldn't have found out.
What about the faggot that sold it on eBay? How do we know that it is real?
Mohammed is also a pretty good choice.
If so, plx kill…
Doesn't exist. You can't own an idea.
Why is it always the completely ignorant that find the cool shit?
Because wandering cattle are much more likely to randomly come across stuff than actual people who have things to do.
My anger is fading and just turning to sadness over what could've been.
I don't get it.
I hope someone doxes and deports this fuck, but truth be told, Blizzard and leddit are the bigger ones at fault here.
Look at this fucking human toilet
Because when you look at a box of blizzard shit one assumes it's shit, and the ignorant assumes it's neat stuff. Who in the right mind would buy blizzard shit?
Are we sure he's 30?
n-never mind
There are mod(s) out for Starcraft
What if more of these began to appear on the internet. Would bliz give out $250 for each one?
If more appear hopefully cooler heads prevail and it gets uploaded somewhere.
I'm not, gilda a shit
They'd probably be willing to give a lot more if a person with an actual head on their shoulders was willing to bully them around for it though he'd have to be careful to not get fucked himself
This faggot is even worse
You can fix that with an .exe patch. Just change the unit size data to 1 px instead of 32x or whatever its at.
Thanks user.
I don't even like RTS that much but jesus fuck we've sunk so low as a consumer base, to the point where we would rather have a pat on the back by an ethically corrupt corporation than release content that can be shared and built off of for generations to come. I'm with that other user. If this faggot got doxxed or something I'de rest happy that at least some form of justice was served.
Well, we found his faceberg, and his (((friends))) list is open to the public it seems.
If nothing else, we could find out if his friends know if A: he's illegal, or B: if they're illegal and we can get some ICE shit going and scare the shit out of him, and help the country at the same time.
He "did the right thing", so every asspat and criticism just further cements his opinion to be more wrong
wait wait, so he gave them the gold source code disc, and they gave him one back?
Someone PAYED for him to have reddit gold
Mods sticky/cycle this thread yet?
Everyone on his friend's list who shares his name
They may or may not be family of his; I dunno if spics usually have families this large so I wouldn't know. Do with this information what you will.
Example of how easy it is to find shit about these people linked as well
Guess not. Report the OP for mods to do so.
no in his actual post he said "blizzard told me to watch in the mail. look what came two days later!" and the picture is the source code disc.
Pic in the post is from an article, separate from the reddit post.
They do, they really do.
What is Reddit gold? It is like rep in Bodybuilding?
Catholicism's a bitch.
Virtual sticker showing how big your e-penis is.
Please tell me that you get it with up votes and not by paying like a good goym
I'm not into starcraft and yet i got fucking mad. Holy shit, reddit just needs to be gassed.
Found the wife.
somehow I'm not surprised.
You have to pay for it user, no other way to get it.
you pay for it or someone else can pay for you, and it requires monthly/yearly payment
Well, it's not like any of you faggots can code, so why get mad?
go back
Someone pays for it and then gives it to who they want
There's a reason beaners are replacing honkeys in the US and that's because Mexicans breed like roaches.
They also tend to live packed in tight and share expenses since nobody can afford to survive on their own working shit jobs. Or at least that's all true here in Commiefornia.
I can almost sympathize with not wanting to get sued into oblivion if he were caught leaking it all, but bragging about being a good goy on Reddit is fucking disgusting.
Sure, but that doesn't make what I said any less true. Also, consider the fact that if you were to give the code to a programmer, an instant community around it would spring up, made almost entirely of boot-licking sycophants who would suck a dead donkey's cock for mere crumbs from the developer's table, such as screenshots, videos, and possibly even a closed alpha. The devs' heads will swell to an enormous degree from the constant ass-kissing, and you'll be lucky to get anything within five years of the leak.
Even worse, he didn't even know what he had, and just blindly posted on Reddit going "I got free shit from Blizzard for giving them this, did I do good?"
what's the doggo party?
That's you just release it to the public to let anybody tweak with it.
Nuclear annihilation doesn't sound too bad now
I don't even like starcraft and I'm pissed!
He gave it back FOR FREE. He got lucky that blizzcucks gave him shit back for it.
"Anybody" can't "tweak with it" because "anybody" aren't programmers. Not everyone can do it, in fact, the overwhelming majority of people can't do it. So eventually, its going to go to a dev group, and then see again.
Hell, it doesn't even need to be for the purpose of someone using it. Personally, I like poking around in the source code of projects, it's always interesting to see how people do things.
Not what I meant but I guess so, yeah.
I thought Bernie was a bird?
what are you talking about, there have been starcraft mods for decades
t. Blizzard Employee
Do you get gold stars for posting here?
No, but if even I did (gold stars? what are you, nine?), would that make what I said any less valid?
That being said, the guy's decision to give it back to a mega-rich company like Blizzard for nothing was kind of like pic-related.
am i wrong? pretty sure im not
You don't know a damn thing about modding and engine restrictions.
Source codes can do more than help develop mods, read the thread
go back to reddit fag
no i dont, but to say we dont have mods for it is a load of bull shit. even diablo 2 has tons of mods
guy is not even mexican, is from Guatemala, which makes it a worse target
i would if any percentage of the thread were on topic. but its 500 posts of autism
You're a retard. Here's your last (you).
Which are incredibly limited by lack of source code. You can't add areas to diablo 2, only change existing ones. You're stuck with breakpointed being attached to framerate. You can't add skill trees. There are a limited number of states for spell effects and you can't add more. Fucking read why source ports are important to modding dumbfuck.
at that point you might as well make your own game
Are you retarded nigger? NO. Saying you should just code an entire game from the ground up is ten times the work rather than just changing anything in the source to your needs.
How much of a double nigger are you? It is way easier to develop stuf if you have a source code, that's the whole point, having the code prevents having to make everything from the ground up
youre saying that modern games are more complicated? starcraft is nearly 20 years old, in that case it should be childs play.
yeah thats true.
i wonder how modern blizzard would react to games being made with their source code considering how they didnt allow mods for diablo 3.
Stop replying to him already
Nigger go read Pacman source code. Its fucking assembly and small compared to modern (20 years hurrr, you're an autist)
Until you can even grasp Pacman code stfu
im just saying, if people werent so lazy nobody would care about starcrafts source code. its hardly a lost holy grail.
Keeps the thread going.
Besides also:
a. beating up on shills/retards is fun
b. beating up on moralfags is fun
c. maybe its the redditard himself, in which case we eventually make him hang himself
You have no idea what you are talking about.
shut ur mouth
nah it sounds like the whole modern arts thing, where people want to make it seem like they understand something more complicated than it really is.
at the very least, someone whos also relatively clueless could come in to the thread and read our conversation. though its not like youve said anything of insight.
Good point.
Keep up the good fight user.
Though I dunno how long you can keep this up as his posts get more and more inane
Fucking nigger brained cocksuckers are a diamond dozen these days. If we lived in a doggy dog world, these stupid fucks would be dogged in a pawsentration camp with zyklon bark.
you said it was just as much work to build a game from scratch without mentioning sprite design, game engine, database/file calls, etc
You clearly have no level of exp or knowledge in programming or even basic comp sci
Tell me why 255 points is the maximum points you can score on NCAA football between 2002-2010? come one this is an easy one.
so you did go to college for this, i really hit the nail on the head. no wonder youre so emotionally invested
I love how the cucks always use "int property" as their copout
Its a 20 year old game. They already made money off that shit fuck em. And in the same breath some wannabe troll like will use its 20 years old to make it sound like it easy to reproduce.
I'm talking about NCAA football video games retard.
ps. your trolling is shit tier
theres no excuse for a playstation 3 game to only be able to count to 255
ps3 game cover is just a random example. My specific question covers 2002-2010 (it may be 2001 thru 2006, I may be off)
My point is this:
Why can the game "only be able to count to 255" as you so eloquently put it?
It's people like you who make gulags necessary.
starcraft is dogshit
All these (1)
Its like got butthurt and went into overdrive on shitposting
DoW 3 is where it is at, my man.
I bet some very wealthy south korean company would pay in gold for it.
because it was made in java. this has nothing to do with modding a game.
Most of the posters in this thread, even the self-admitted StarCraft/RTS haters/apathetics can understand why this is both important and disgusting as shit.
confirmed for not knowing shit
Its because the scoring systems is 8 bit you fucking clown.
The variable they called was only 8 bit (values 0-255, 256 total possible values in 8 bit int)
And why not? Who ever scores 256 points in a football game, besides me.
it changes nothing. there was no miracle waiting to happen if the source code for starcraft were to be released to the public or sold to the highest bidder.
the only thing disgusting about it is how they hardly compensated him
Don't waste too much breath.
They are either some troll samefagging, or the retard himself is ITT on the defensive
retard himself ITT CONFIRMED
You're lucky you even got that scrub. They should have gave you a 30% off coupon for Diablo 3
maybe you could teach me something if you werent so angry. instead you want to go off on a tangent about kill screens for god knows what reason.
does your starcraft mod youve been dying to make require you to be able to upgrade your marines damage 256 times?
waaaaa cry moar bitch, you shouldn't have turned that shit in
We're sending pizzas/korans your way for being a moralfag whiteknight sucker
How's about you go jump off the nearest building user? All you've been doing is claiming to be an authority whilst arguing with hand-wringing and the belief of yourself being some kind of infallible oracle.
fug meant for
i guess i can see how you think claiming the source code is important. i doubt they let you get away with abusing synonyms
shut up retard
And if you're a bot (cuz you sound like a bot) go tell your handlers to bring back Tay
its like you all expected anything else
well, how many of these golden disks are there? if someone were to sell it, they probably wouldnt go bragging about it on reddit
Make all the excuses you want. Post in the thread all you want, and enjoy the small consensus you've created yourself. It's painfully clear, you and the userbase of Reddit are just corporate tools.
I'm not angry, just disappointed.
I'm gonna leak this anonymously right away. Can't wait for it to get ported to all the different cpu architectures.
I'm gonna return it to my corporate overlords and tell everyone on reddit that I did. Can't wait for my reddit gold.
More like, Guatepeor.
what the fug
I can't discern anybody prior to
Jesus fuck mods sticky this thread already.
Boy that late night maintenance sure cleaned up a lot of bugs this site was having.
Cuckmonkey deleted all saved IP addresses and replaced them with a template address.
At least that's a good thing in the long run.
Amazing. For a second I thought that the bait posting user went full fucking autist and spammed the fuck out of the thread or something.
He does have a point tough, he had 4 options:
A) Give it back to Blizzard and expect some kind of reward from them.
B) Try to sell or dump it to get money or fame and get in a ton of legal trouble.
C) Dump it anonymously.
D) Keep it for himself.
B is a suicide move, Blizzard lawyers could potentially screw his life, C gives him nothing except people thanking him over internet (it feels good but lets face it, this a materialist world, getting thanked doesnt get you anything tangible) also it could get you into trouble if you are not careful enough and D gets him nothing either.
A looks like the less risky option.
Id like to think i would pick C but being honest with myself, maybe the fear of being caught and getting fucked by a bunch of jewish sharks could overpower me.
I don't get it.
Nevermind, I fucking got it.
I just found out about the xbox rig too.
If he wasn't being a faggot on reddit, this wouldn't have happened. All option A did was give him Blizzard fun-bucks. Option D allows for a lot more possibilities: blackmail, controlled leaks, punishment, change of mind, etc. I could release parts of the information to modders or to people reverse engineering the engine. For option B, I could just sell it offline to a third party. I could do option C anytime I want as long as I don't be a fag.
fall down the stairs grandpa
this is the world we live in, people don't know what to do so they ask anonymous plebeian normalfags for advice
He didn't even know what a source code was.
So once again reddit is this kid.
i hope these people all die
He probably tried to read the disk but it wasn't readable.
Apparently he tried it in a livestream, and there was real source code on there.
need source on that
It says right on the CD itself: "gold master source code".
As I said above, people are incapable of doing a simple google/startpage search of what stuff is.
he doesn't even know what "source code" means, I doubt he tried doing anything with the CD
get out
They all are.
you can use this link to message him directly btw
I hope everyone he cares about gets cancer.
vidya related rage threads should come back. have you niggers lost all the fight in you?
Either that or he's a pathetic liar hoping to get a pity-party or an apology.
I don't care which, this fuck threw away a vidya national treasure, in effect, to suck up to
is the site broken again
Who would have guessed?
Let this be a lesson, if you want to brag about cool shit you found do it anonymously.
Lets say I find something that I think is interesting but have no idea what it really is, I post anonymously and if it turns out a lot of people want it I upload it being careful to cover my ass.
Now I get the "wow that's cool" headpats I apparently want for some reason while retaining the ability to share it without getting raped in court.
Mark's policies have lowered the quality of this place too much.
We've lost over a thousand people, and no, not newfags; good-quality posters. There just aren't enough people to support these threads, and when you don't see any good ones on the top of the catalog because they've all fallen, its nothing but discouraging towards making any threads, rage or otherwise.
Look at how many anons don't know about the OG devkit xbox being gutted, and even this thread is falling further down the board
We need the 700 post limit brought back
Finally people get what they deserve
tell him
how should i respond to him. i was just going to say infinitely so.
Maybe do a pretend apology, find out which cancer it is and a bit more about him, then mock him right afterwards, preferably with a jab with the information gained
Yes, this is how a non-idiotic person should handle the situation. But this is a Reddit user we're talking about.
UID is not person, it means IP range, so we've lost close to 2 million people (including lurkers).
That's what happens when your board is owned by a kike, but then that's Holla Forums for you.
would be fine.
he probably going to block me but we'll see what he says
It is time to do something. We have become soft.
What do we do now then?
Do like what
is doing, or at least something along those lines
Actually, that is a good question.
Finding out where he lives? Works? Family?
Then probably figure out something from there.
not good at this dug through his reddit comments no real info i could find
That dev group doesn't limit the access to the source code though. It's not "going to go" anywhere if it can just be copied.
Hotwheels needs to come back and smack some sense into these fucks.
We know he lives in Queens, New York apparently
Anons more autistic than I could probably use his wife's faceberg page (posted earlier in screencaps) to get more information, if they care that much.
release source illegally = you are good
give it back to the company that owns it = fuck you
*chan goes apeshit*
strange world we live in
Should have left it at that, the reply got too long and the cuck probably isn't going to read it.
He will; the dollar signs and large sums make sure of that
hi reddit
Yeah, he probably blocked user for being mean
Waste of hitler dubs
A New Yorker. Go figure. I am cruising through a shit ton of reddit posts to see if I can pinpoint something. No luck. Apparently he did an interview with a "major sports organization."
That is pretty much it.
The website owner has pro-Trump/US military ties (which in turn implies ties with the merchants) and owns Hotwheel's ass. I don't think you can un-jew 8ch this easily.
What the fuck is this post?
I've stopped listening to Holla Forums theories on anything concerning Holla Forums as a site ever since the embarrassing HOTWHEELS GOT FED TO JIM'S PIGS conspiratard theories were accepted, and later disproven.
It actually does come to think about it.
I thought Holla Forums was the most pro-Jim board here. Considering how ban happy their BO was it's hard to imagine otherwise.
Holla Forums and everyone else fucking hates Jim
They also hate their mods and consider the BO cucked beyond belief
Well Jim did remove pedos/hebephiles and said "racists are fine" when commies tried some fear mongering like "BUT WHAT IF YOU'RE NEXT" or some yid tier "when they went for the pedophiles I did not speak out".
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand the jim watkins IDF is here
Day of the rope is coming
No, we couldn't because due to the proprietary nature of the code no one would be allowed to do anything with it. The real crime is that the code is proprietary in the first place.
Legally the source code being leaked would be considered public domain at that instant, since it's been disseminated. The only hoped Blizzard would have at that point is that the source code didn't spread before it was taken down.
No? He's shit, but you're trying to shove blackpills that don't exist.
i was talking about reddi
the fbi have already controlled tor nodes after silkroad was taken down.
it's not theft, He bought it legally or found it. he didn't steal it. he had the right to charge blizzard however much money he liked or sell it to anyone else, he had no obligation to return it but he decided what was more important was $250 in blizzard's shitty overcuck and a bunch of cheap crappy peripherals. blizzard made up the part about it being stolen, that was something their lawyers told them to say.
I hate blizzard and all their piece of shit games from world of cuckcraft to starshit
blizzard singlehanded ruined an entire genre of games with also their shitty rts that sucks ass.
You kikes are so cute when you tryhard ~
Low effort tbh
you're cute too user
Watch me, goy.
blizzard is alright faggot, but blizzard ceased to exist in 2012-2013 when activision bought them over
blizzard (the actual company) brought us
activision brought us
I told you people to not trust kek, it is light yes, but it is darkness and only cares for its own amusement.
he doesn't have cancer you idiots. why would go so far as to care for legal trouble if he was going to die of cancer?
he just said it to make the idiot go away, because going on randommessageapp and telling him he's a faggot will do anything
There's case-law regarding stolen art that Blizzard's kikes would have used to fuck him if he tried to sell it in the open.
He could have easily gotten enough money to buy a house outright if he was just smart enough to sell it privately.
Look at this faggot's reddit history. He's married, unemployed, he has money problems and this literal golden ticket falls into his lap. What does he do? He trades it for plastic crap, internet asspats and good goy points on the Blizzard Funbux store.
Does his wife know what he did? He pissed away a windfall that could have bought them a fucking house. A man's eldest duty is to provide for his wife and children. Instead of doing the right thing and extracting as much money from this as possible, he does the legal thing and sucks corporate cock. She needs to divorce that cuck.
Fuck Holla Forums They have spies in every board
Hi Badplayer
I don't think that's how it works, but it would be awesome if it did.
Starcraft 1 Initial release date: November 30, 1998
The Current Year is 2017
Intellectual property lasts 20 years, in 2019 it would have been public domain.
so its just another case of people wanting a reason to be upset
no, he could have kept the disk and released it in 2019 without repercussions, but now blizzard locked it in their vault, and they may never give it its source code out.
for the last post of the thread we have to say last word like in the old days of bnet :DDD
Apparently he bought a blizzard collection off of ebay or something, and it was in there.
last word XD
It seems all non-whites are money grubbing KIKES on the inside
hey what gives!
Your newfag is showing
didnt it used to auto lock at 700?
The problem with that statement is that there is no such legal thing as "intellectual property".
so you're just another case of faggotry
You're thinking of a patent, dumbfuck. And that's not what the source code is, it's a trade secret, which is no longer protected since the source code disc was public at least prior to reddit handing it back. And public domain refers to copyright protection regulations, and even then shit doesn't become "public domain" until 70 years after the authors death.
after handing the internet to king nigger we need a final solution to the redditer problem.
computer software is not like a patent, after 20 years no one fucking cares about it anymore, except for some cases like anti-virus or something.
These dubs killed a man.
Well, can't you just reverse engineer the game? I mean, it's been 20 years: the technology ought to be at your fingertips for free, yeah?
it doesnt work like that, there are things missing in the final build that are critical in explaining how this iteration of the engine interprets everything. Its like trying to reverse engineer and reproduce a jet engine with half the parts missing.
Here's a song that fits reddit
Fuck yourself, reddit.
It does make for another example of comedic characterization
The bumbling retard that nobody really likes other than his peers, but sheer example of "he who dares, win"
This complete waste of life did find a holy grail by being a cheap SOB, something not even all the greedy scumbag collectors (which are extremely plentyful these days) could do roaming eBay 24/7
It's a shame his own half-wit nature made him, for starters, brag and question his finding on the internet in a very public way because Hey! that's the american way to do things, partner, no photo or social network involved, no kudos with a 15-minute lifetime buddy
Thanks Exile
Why does ID:298bea have 600 posts to his name?
Is he that prolific a shitposter?
IDs fucked up.
Unless he really is a professional shitposter
This makes me think of Angel Beats. Are we already dead? Are we just in purgatory surrounded by NPCs dealing with regrets of a past life we can't remember?
This is like that reddit thread about the idiot who wrecked an X-Box development machine. Just when you think Reddit couldn't possibly be any more retarded a redditor comes along to prove you wrong.
Please die.
Go shill your shit elsewhere, numbnuts.