What does Holla Forums think about this game?
Republic Commando
It's well liked due to having a neato plot, with a cool gameplay mechanic that was done pretty fucking and then never copied except very poorly, and then never got the obviously intended sequel. It didn't age super well but everyone loves it despite that from a combination of nostalgia and genuine good points.
Never forget.
I liked it mostly for how well the Squad Commands were at the time (they still are far more superior to some modern games). I just wish it was given a sequel.
God damnit, you just had to remind me
Great game.
They could have fooled me, because those fuckers carried the entire game. The AI and their mechanics were great, I just couldn't believe how well everything flew together.
And that was just chucked in as an afterthought?
A shame the game was so short.
It's pretty good but it's short. The XBOX version also looks great for the time.
I remember thinking it was the shit when I rented it on Xbox back on release. Replayed it a few years ago on PC and wasn't that impressed
One of the few Star Wars games that made Super Battle Droids feel like an actual threat. One of the few games in general that handles squad commands in a tolerable (if clunky) fashion. One of the best examples of games that need a sequel but not by modern devs who know nothing of "the little things," nor with Disney at the helm.
George Lucas was also the one who suggested to give them different colour patterns for their armor. I'm surprised that it took George to come up with that idea considering a lot of promo material and videos showed the commandos as just wearing pale white armor.
The game would have been worse off and forgettable if it didn't have these little touches to give it life.
Short as fuck but gud.
Was the the ai really that good? Or just had a lot of nice context sensitive stuff it could do.
I was never able to get a copy of this game to run correctly. From what I hear on Holla Forums though it was a fun game.
it was alright, but way too scripted
i'm not asking for butterlord-tier sandbox, i'm saying that the game felt like a linear corridor shooter
It's a good solid Star Wars FPS. Not the best Star Wars FPS but it's a good attempt at making a streamlined crowd pleaser game. The multiplayer was also pretty good.
Not a lot of people are even aware that Republic Commando had a map editor, it ran on the Unreal 2 engine. Probably because very few maps overall were made for it.
Is this a widespread belief? I'm surprised two people had the same stupid kneejerk reaction.
at least give me more than one option when looking at the map
i could just go watch the movies and pretend i'm shooting, it's the only real imput i have
He suggested changes to the armor but I don't think he suggested personalities. It's in one of the dev videos that comes with the game.
And then a couple of years later, he went back and made The Clone Wars CGI, really good foresight on old Georgie Boy.
And it should be, Karen Traviss and EA/DICE making that shit for the CURRENT YEAR, fuck that.
It's pretty good but the sections where you're alone don't work well because they made the enemies bulletspongey to encourage using your squad correctly and relying on them for plot reasons.
Lucas was always good at shit like that and his world building was consistently amazing. Plot writing and particularly dialogue were his greatest flaws.
I wonder if the source code was revealed to see the mechanics of that stuff, probably rudimentary things nudevs don't do anymore.
Its shit
I see Lucas as the wild, crazy ideas guy who always has a suggestion but needs a good editor to pair down the stupid shit.
That's not any sillier than half of the shit that was in the original trilogy which itself was just a bunch of fantasy clichés packed up with spaceships and lasers. Also from that basic concept a bunch of better EU content appeared including explanations of how Anakin was born etc. The prequels were shitty as stories but great at giving interesting worlds to set better stories in (i.e. world building).
Yeah okay. Examples?
Otherwise, >>>Holla Forums
Nice strawman faggot, the claim I made was that the prequels were good from a world-building perspective. They are unarguably inferior as actual films (bad plots, poor characters, shitty dialogue, obnoxious CGI, bad acting etc etc) but they provided a fairly consistent universe which was a solid launch-point for further content. In fact they were probably better for that than the original films since the original films introduce elements of the world only for plot convenience and the EU had to come up with entire novels of shit to explain how they fit together after the fact.
How the fuck do multiple creatures survive in a total vaccum on an asteroid? Even if they don't need to breathe what do they eat? They can't have evolved to survive on starships. Completely illogical and exists only for a cool scene.
The Force itself was your standard mystical asian bullshit, unexplained it is just as silly. Midi-chlorians are not any worse than mere handwaving from a world-building perspective (I'll agree they are worse from a plot perspective but that is in line with my original claim). Again it just exists for plot convenience.
There's more, I'll try to list them in a bit.
Funny story. When I first played it, I somehow came to the conclusion that Geonosis was the whole game. It was only until I replayed it, years later, that I discovered the rest of the game. To this day, I have no idea how I missed the last two thirds of the game.
I miss HK-47. Like other anons have said, Republic Commando is a fun game if not short or clunky at times. It's worth a play.
i thoroughly believe this. you look at the original trilogy and you can tell that there were either financial limitations or a decent editor who kept the retardedness to a minimum. when he was given a blank check and absolute freedom to create whatever his heart desired he created shit