Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game from the early 2000s?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game from the early 2000s?
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Either smt 3 or wizardry 8. Really hard choice.
Morning everyone!
Bought my 3rd onahole yesterday. Been waiting for this one to get released for like 4 months now. Damn thing won't get here until I'm back to work though sadly.
What is wrong with 1 and 2?
Do they wear out easily or what?
Ritsu is gay
Technically Trails in the Sky FC came out in 2004, so I'll go with that.
Work. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Cheeseburger. That was all that happened today.
Melee and Half-Life 2.
Captcha: Cukfan. Wew lad.
What are the later wizardry games like anyway?
Nothing too wrong with either of them. Just nice to have something new. Each hole feels entirely different. Though my first hole is getting looser as time goes on. Having a rotation going will make them all last longer.
How goes user?
Just buy new games or figures or something.
Finished burger palace today fucking goro I hope he dies
Fuck work I just wanna play video games, also yakuza 0 came in today, might grab more games during the golden week sale too
Diablo 2
What kind of cheeseburger?
Until you buy your first onahole, you will never understand.
Fuck work so god damn much. I'm going crazy from it.
sup dudes. bye dudes
One that had bacon and cheese in the burger. And then I put extra bacon and cheese on top just because.
8 to 7 is like morrowind to daggerfall. 7 is tilr based, while 8 is free form. Honestly, the combat changes so much from 7 to 8 its hard to call it the same series. I very much enjoy 8 more than the restn but 1-7 has their own merits.
Do different hole really feel that different?
I was having a good night until this one fight came at me in TitS The 3rd.
Now I'm saltier than George Weissman.
undertale 2 for the original xbox
Was fourty-seven years ago and for the same exact time you're gonna
Later famalam
Shiiiiiiiet sounds amazing. What sort of cheese though?
Is 8 like top down or what?
And yeeee, they all have different shit going on inside. Twists, turns, bits and bobs. The internals are all kinds of crazy. Plus different materials depending on the maker and the particular toy.
I don't understand anything you just said
Finished playing .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth today. Azure Flame God is a pretty cool final boss, though I think his prior form was tougher. Was really creepy watching his joints shatter and burst into flame. Looking forward to starting Reminisce in a day or two.
That one side dungeon with Kuhn and Pi was hilarious though.
This series.
As of now, probably either Shadow Hearts or Wild Arms 3
Next year people born in 2000 will be 18.
What a ride.
Medium cheddar.
I'd probably get cabin fever if I didn't have one but the perpetual shitshow that is my workplace is just leaving me drained. Maybe it's time for something new.
Prince of Persia Sands of Time comes to mind.
wew Soritsu.
I guess having 3 to rotate wouldn't be bad.
ah now you're ahead of me and probably will be for the forseeable future
that one looks pretty crazy
Making me really hungry user
I never had cabin fever while NEET. Its comfy as all fuck. I miss sleeping whenever. I miss playing shit whenever. I miss not having a schedule.
I hurt my wrist a couple of months ago and had to leave my job a month ago. Maybe 50 applications submitted in a month's time, with a professionally produced resume and many jobs with cover letters. I only got a handful of interviews and was turned down for every job I've interviewed so far. I just recently accepted a job that's a 45 minute commute and is with a company that is notorious for having a seriously revolving door issue. A lot of people quit, but a good number of them get injured on the job and are promptly fired. I suspect this job won't last me very long, and it will be more unemployment for me. My savings is running out and I can't do this much longer. I'm old enough and have enough work experience where I should be able to get at least a low tier job, but I can't seem to manage it. I think society left me behind.
8 is still first person, but you can move freely, no tiles to be stuck to. It makes battles more interesting as monsters arent completely tied to groups, so 2 groups of 1 rat cant block a group of 5 or 6 from attacking you. Now they all just gang up on you. And you can arrange your team's position freely. I would reccomend checking out the whole series as they are all good, and most of them are very different. 1-5 are wayyy different than 6+7, and 8 is even more different.
I feel you. Hopefully things get bettet with trump in office.
Question: You said something about having played G.U. before if memory serves. Any idea what the name of the song on the OST is that's used for the opening to Volume 2?
Yeah plus its toysheart's newest material so its probably going to be really great. I wanted a toy that would let me like do fancy moves and I figure I can drill this one on my dick for something different
Where do you live? What kinds of jobs you aiming for?
Is 8 very actiony? Doesn't sound very actiony
Butter toasted the bun. Made my own french fries too. Shit was good.
Its as actiony as the rest of the wizardry games not very. I would describe it as a combat focused VN. But the later fights get crazy good. Lots of tactics and strategies you can pull in it.
That reminds me estival versus is on sale. Might have to buy it again
I can last a week going full neet. Then I need to do something, anything out of the house
plus it feels nice being able to buy my weebshit likes big boy
I hate leaving the house. It feels way too awkward being outside.
God damn. Nothing better than your own made french fries. Haven't had taters to do that with forever. What we talkin? Slim cut? Chips? Round cut?
Ehhhh no time for that kinda game these days sadly
Having money is really nice. Though I could quit right now and have enough money to last me for the rest of the year. No bills, and being surprisingly good at budgets is nice.
no idea. I only played all of the first one, and about half of the second one. I don't know jack about the OSTs though.
ah, i wish I could bring myself to buy onaholes again. I can't bring myself to risk it living with my family still though.
do explain
I understand. Its a long games as is.
At least toydemon has really plain packaging. Get a PO box monica if you are that worried. Been considering getting one myself.
Hows your day going anyway user?
I have a crinkle cutter, so I made just standard crinkle cut fries.
I beat the hidden super boss in persona 5. And thats about it. Im still waiting to see how the government fucks me over again with my meds. I might have an infected pimple too. Sick is the only word to describe my life.
It's fried potatoes. Don't matter to me what shape they're in.
Of course. Crinkle cut fries are shit tier.
Of course it does. Crinkle cut ones tend to not get as crisp and have soggy tater in the middle
I have it on vita. And right now it's on sale on the ps4
I used to get that. Eventually I figured out other people care about me as much as I care about them which is not at all
I only have a somewhat modest phone bill to pay, but I've got a lot of hobbies to support. Still, it makes me get out of the house which is the best part for me.
gas the weebs
gas yourself
What kinda hobbies?
And I just tend to only let myself buy something nice once a month or so when NEET and monied
Pimple on my cheek is purple. Doesnt look good. Might need to get antibiotics.
Too soggy isnt good, but too crispy isnt either. A good thick steak fry is the best fry.
Just pop it and throw some alcohol on there shit
Is that a cardboard cutout woman? What the hell is Phill doing with it?
Hurts too much and isnt ready to pop. I honestly think it might be a cyst.
Wew be careful if it a cyst. Don't want a big ugly scar on your face
not a terrible idea…
aren't PO boxes a bit expensive though?
And doesn't ToyDemon have hellaciously-over-priced shipping?
ah i gotcha. Yeah, the PS4 version is pretty damn nice.
I bought it for both too tbh. Of course, I got the Vita version, and then after getting a PS4 I snagged a PS4 copy.
this is why I hate crinkle-cut. I always go for steak fries or waffle fries, whenever I do get fries. Shoe string are acceptable.
A scar might make my face interesting.
its from embed related, from when he tells the story of albert before the duke suite (behind the lines, duchess, guide vocal, turn it on again, duke's travels, duke's end)
Apparently it only costs 36$ for 6 months, but thats just a very quick search I did for po box prices.
And naaah toydemon has like a dozen shipping options. I payed 7$ to ship this toy, cheapest one.
mah fuggin nigger. Love that shit so god damn much. Need to get some chikfila sometime.
Only cool scars are cuts. A big hole in your face, not so much.
Gunpla, vidya, nendoroids, various tabletop games and chain smoking
Pretty much the same story for me. Though some friends are picking it up too so I'll have people to fight if I bother to get plus
Midwest. Warehouse, customer service, security, manufacturing, retail, banking, construction.
Switch over to snus monica, been barely smoking lately because of it.
What nendoroids you got?
Ever thought about moving? Lots of jobs in the east.
das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite
Also shit
I tried that once. I went south where there was apparently a job boom. I missed the boom. I only have a couple thousand dollars to play with, so moving would be a poor idea right now. Especially since I have no connections to anybody eastward.
Night anons.
Ahhhh shit sucks. Good luck finding something in time user. You got parents or anything you can leech off of if shit goes bad?
Cya next time
Huh, that's pretty reasonable.
yee monica. With copious amounts of chik-fil-a sauce.
that's one way of looking at it. I don't have any friends to play it with though. So i just play for the story and the lewd stuff
what's that? Do tell, Soritsu. I wasn't really considering one from the post office anyway though.
No father in my life, and my mother doesn't make any money to leech off of. So, unfortunately, no. I wish I could catch a break just once in my life.
I'm not a Swede though
And I've got a lot.
And I'll be ordering any phantom thieves that may eventually come Japan has good taste for once so best girl may be getting one
I'll play with you
I fucking love that sauce so much. Dipping nuggies in it is like heaven. Every once in a while I'll buy a tray of 100 nuggies and they give you a big ass bucket of the sauce with it.
And not entirely sure. Think theres like other po boxes you can get besides ones with the government from companies.
I meant more like be able to move back in with them.
I lucked out and found a shit tier poointheloo gas station near me that carries general at least.
And damn thats a lot. I still need to get a Ritsu nendo. Only nendo I have at the moment myself is Akari
i'm feeling better than last night, but i'm still fuming about all the bullshit i've had this semester. I'm probably spending the summer in Austin though, and that place is the state's leading center for SJW and cucked bullshit
Oh. I l have a roommate and my expenses are very low. I own a mobile home and my lot fee, which is essentially my rent is $300. Split with my roommate rent and utilities are about $250 a person.
The problem that I have is that I'm in my 30s now and I can't get a job, well, anywhere. Fast food places have told me that I'm overqualified and everywhere simply won't hire me. Everybody always says they'll call back and then they never do. Two weeks to two months later I'll get a vague email telling me I didn't get the job, but never give insight why. This last month of unemployment has been a nightmare.
Ew why you stuck in austin user?
sure. What's your psn?
I seriously hope you stretch that out over the span of a week or else you'll just be like Mark
guess I'll have to look around then.
there's a summer program i'm interested in at UT, but at least its only for a couple months. my other internships fell through so this is my back up
Naaah its split up between the fam. End up eating sets of 20 or so a couple times that day though.
Try applying with a shittier resume? You don't have to list everywhere you've really worked you know
Hope its worth it user
its like a summer program for studying Arabic, the interviewer said they don't see people as fluent as me except from the top programs in the country, so at least i have some indication that being a tryhard is paying off
Skim your resume a bit and reapply if you really need that job. Overqualifivation is a pretty bullshit excuse
Wait are you the mudslime study guy?
I've made it, boys. Livin' the life.
My age alone is a big issue for shit tier jobs. Just by age alone they know I'll have more experience than a teenager or somebody in their early 20s, and will likely assume I'll leave the minute I find a better job, which I definitely would. Anybody would.
You are going to turn fully sjw aren't you
Just lie on your resume and make it look like you've worked one place a really long time to negate that maybe
probably not
Too bad you aren't a leaf. My store is desperate for anyone to apply.
you make that sound like it's okay.
You're gonna be a bigger fat-ass than Mark if you keep this up, y'know.
Alright. I'll pick up a plus card asap then
You can get a P.O box at UPS, I don't think Fedex has them. You can have any mail delivered there. I'm thinking about getting one but I really value my privacy and it's better than having it shipped to my house but would like a drop off place that has no connection to me. I'm not ordering illegal shit, just value my privacy.
aight then. Just drop me a message whenever you want to play
yeah, i'll probably jsut bide my time and stick with having stuff sent to my house
kept you waiting huh?