If you could watch one videogame be created, which one would it be?
If you could watch one videogame be created, which one would it be?
I grantee at least half of the development was people telling them to raise player health.
I never thought about this so I can't choose one.
There was a story told by the guy who would later go on to develop Deus Ex. He went into the office where they were developing Thief and when he played the game he got frustrated because he couldn't fight his way through all the enemies, so he told the developers that they should raise player health. They told him very firmly that no, they were not going to raise player health.
I'm being hyperbolic when I say that half of the development is this, but it's pretty clear they had to set their foot down more than once to get the game they created.
Skyrim and Fallout 4
It'd be pretty depressing though.
Thats why I want to learn about it so much. It just went against the grain so hard for the time. It also did so many things right that, even today in some areas, it hasn't been matched in yet. Not to mention the studio had shit like, flex hours, so you could just walk in whenever you wanted to work, which led to shit like people doing all nighters just because of pure autism.
if only to be able to use these as direct references for the basis of any AI in a game. (replicant movement, callouts, and flanking, covenant ranks reacting to break in rank and other group based situations, basic fucking patrol/searching in system shock 2)
No mans sky. Id imagine its mostly just them drinking teas, eating noms, and patting themselves on the back.
This one, or the original Pokemans.
So they didn't buckle? That's odd because I've always thought the game was a little too forgiving health-wise.
Like over the shoulder throughout the whole develop process? Guild Wars.
The studio that made the Pro Skater series looked like they had a lot of fun making the games in their dev videos.
Mostly out of morbid curiosity to see exactly where it went wrong.
Rollercoaster Tycoon, I think that was the game written entirely in assembly.
Holy shit
Definitely Undertale :p
I want to get inside this guy head. Especially because he is damn good game designer.
I need to know.
I mean aside from the weird romance between Sonic and Elise, It's not that hard to figure out.
The game started as an ambitious project, but the original Executive Producer of the game Yuji Naka resigned from Sega, and then they were pressured to make the game in under a year to coincide with Sonic's 15th anniversary and the holiday season, and it was for a new generation of consoles that no one had experience with yet.
Too much to do, too little time.
You watch this? Fairly interesting.
I want to know how suda took capcom on this ruse cruise.
You still get the second one. They just cut the literally 50% of the game that was in between the fake ending and the real ending.
Something tells me the God battle would've been a little bit more exciting had they some extra time. As of right now it's pretty much an anti-climax.
That's almost certainly true.
Though to be fair, a big part of that stems from the fact than an AI version of (You) or whatever other fucker last beat the game is pretty much guaranteed to job like a bitch the way the games mechanics are set up. Human enemies just aren't a huge threat in DD.
Either Duke Nukem Forever, Mario 64 (to see how shit was done in those days, especially in largely uncharted territory), or Panzer Dragoon Saga (massive crunch time during development with two people dying during the course of the making)
If watching this shitshow of a game from a consumers standpoint has been this comical, imagine what it would be like sitting next to the guys causing the shitshow
You can look up presentations and articles from the guys behind F.E.A.R.'s AI. Have these to start with: alumni.media.mit.edu
Technically if you wanted to watch the game being made you'd have to go back and hang out with Itsuno when he was in high school, he says that's when he started mentally working on the game.
Yeah but it was hardly a bossfight, given the other fights in the game I'd imagine they had something far crazier planned. I do like that the Seneschal and his pawn is actually another player's Arisen and pawn (or one of your old ones), however the fight is completely trivial.
The name actually comes from the pawn system being inspired by bulletin boards. Their plan for pawns was originally a lot more interesting too with shit to make it more like Pokemon than what it is now. Crapcom execs should be shot for dropping funding for this in favor of DmC, its amazing that it sold as well as it did despite being completely unfinished, horribly marketed, its gigantic problems on the consoles (framerate and no content until DA), and being 5 years late on PC.
Oh fuck no. Please tell me this is not a thing which actually happened.
My nigger, i saw this thread and immediately thought the same thing
Postal 2, I bet it was a blast, imagine all the shit that wasn't put in the game
Hell yeah, autism urges lead to the strangest and best work
How I feel. I want to watch disasters like DSII in the making
I would love to watch some type of round table talk with the Developrs of the first 6 Dragon Quest, and the first 6 Final Fantasy. That and or Zelda II/Theif/System Shock.
Here is something to watch if you are bored.
Morrowind would be interesting, even if just to see how much truth there was to the rumors of Kirkbride's drug abuse.
If anything was made for this game, I would like to see it. Hell, I would like to know why this got cancelled in favor of ASSault WHOREizon?
Shenmue has a documentary already.
Alternatively, I'd kill to see a Ultima IX making of, just to see EA drive Garriot mad and shit all over the Ultima franchise while reaping the benefits from UO.