Fuck this fucking faggot. With its fucking debilitations and frenetic, pain-in-the-ass movements and attacks. And fuck especially that one area in the Everfall where you have to fight two of these cunts at the same time.
Fuck this fucking faggot. With its fucking debilitations and frenetic, pain-in-the-ass movements and attacks...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
I'd fuck it
fulmination my nigga
Don't you want this BBC turning your pawn's pussy to stone?
These things are likely more responsible for pawn gear than anything else in the game.
nice meme, fag. maybe you'll have an original thought next time.
fuck off nigger
It's fun to fight but only if you don't bring friends since pawns get petrified really easily. Just hit the upper chest when it puffs up to spray is gas shit everywhere and it'll get staggered and fall to the ground.
Fuck this fucking faggot. With its fucking debilitations and frenetic, pain-in-the-ass movements and attacks. And fuck especially that one area in the Re:CoM where you have to fight this cunt and he pulls Dark Rush out of his ass in the middle of your combos.
Go back and stay back.
Oh is it really summer in America?
Oh please, git gud
I used to have a problem with Hydras too but honestly they are not so bad once you figure out a few important things.
1)Melee vocations.
Don't waste time climbing the necks, just stand in front of the hydra patiently until she either lashes out with one of her heads or charges you. If she headbutts: either parry or use an invincibility frame move and then jump and cling to the head and mash light attack until the head gets cut off.
If it charges you, then parry or invincibility frame abuse and then relocate until you stand in front of it again.
2)Magic vocations
Just stand as far fucking away as you can and spam Bollide/magic cannon/rivet shot while your pawns distract it.
It's a bit of a slow process but it's a safe one. You should also keep in mind that if one of your pawns gets caught by a lash attack with one of the heads, you can safely run toward it and jump and cling it as the hydra won't charge until it successfully swallows the pawn.
If you are forced to climb it, then never climb from the front as the hydra will bash it's head against the ground and knock you off. Climb the armored scaled backside of the head instead.
Now these faggots are trickier. Poison/blindness/petrify resistances are a good thing to have as are curatives, but you can avoid most of it's bullshit by just standing behind or directly underneath it most of the time. When it's chest is destroyed, it will enter a frenzy mode where it will rampage for a bit, so look out for that and keep your distance. If you feel confident, you can also try parrying it in this state if you are a melee vocation user or get some hits in with invincibility moves.
While it's in the air, charging a breath attack, a sufficiently powerful stagger attack to the head can knock it out from the sky, similarly to a lesser dragon kin. Usually a single volley of blast arrows can do the trick or a ricochet shot.
Fulmination is good to have as well, just use it's alt fire mode to supercharge your pawns while they fuck around the boss.
If interrupting it's petrification attack is not an option, then run directly behind the Cockatrice and mash the Come! command. It will make it miss all of it's shots completely.
Use electric enhancements and if you have ranged attacks aim for the throat when he inflates it.
Now Living armor on the other hand those are bullshit enemies.
Just hire pawns that can deal with it or stock loads of items.
Never had a problem with thse.Just set them onfire andtheyflop around like faggots.
I think the only time thinks got hairy was when 3 Garms were suddenly spawning while fighting one in BBI.
Back to 4cuck
Let's talk about actual fuckers.
I never understood why Dragons Dogma is so popular. I mean the monster fights are cool and all, but everything that's not a monster fight sucks ass. The story is uninteresting, the lore is bland, the open world feels completely lifeless and the monster design is generic.
Ricochet Hunter, the answer for (almost) every problem is Ricochet Hunter
That is because you a tasteless nigger.
Nice arguments you got there m8.
It was a insult, not a argument, lad.
Then explain to me, why do you like Dragons Dogma?
Daily reminder that there won't be a sequel.
You all will suffer like I do.
Shame, Dragons Dogma is a game that really could have profited from the "the same but better"-formula.
Why are you posting a Lizalfos? These are really easy to kill, especially with spears.
We'll never go to the moon.
It's because of faggots like c0518f
yeah, you for playing a massive piece of shit and helping kill whatever possibility there was of a second game. Playing a horrible MMO just because of the branding, and providing any incentive capcom has to milk whales for money while leaving the franchise to rot in MMO hell.
There aren't many games willing to throw the D&D Monster Manual at you the way Dragon's Dogma did - in JRPGs you end up fighting robots/magitek/gods and in WRPGs you mostly just fight shitty bandits and warriors. Having all these old monsters brought to life convincingly makes Dragon's Dogma stand out from the pack because there aren't other games that use them (or at least that use them as more than just names for stat-block enemies).
The monster design might be traditional but it's not generic, at least as far as videogames are concerned.
I've played both, they're nothing alike.
In nearly every aspect other than the "open world fantasy RPG" setting, they're different games.
The combat system is different.
The magic system is different.
The movement system is different.
The inventory system is different.
The quest system is different.
The potion system is different.
The food system is different.
The companion system is different.
The dialogue system is different.
The map system is different.
The health system is different.
The fast travel system is different.
The store system is different.
Fucking everything gameplay wise is different.
quality game. The only "challenge" is status effects so you should just carry a load of potions and then have no trouble.
weebs still defend this shit game, if it was made by the west there would be riots
Bethesda makes those kinds of games all the time and there's never any riots.
>not besting final for Damion at
I'm thinking about starting a new game in hard and in BBI to level up fast.
It'a probably because you're a contrarian faggot, who likes the idea of appearing to have unique taste rather than playing fun video games
I recommend going ranger
Deathly arrow spam mostly. Get headshots
I was thinking going into the mystic knight route and spam cannonballs.
Now, now there user. There is being challenging and then there is being ridiculous.
If you want a good challenge then solo level 1 BBI start as assassin is all you need. You have all the dodging options you could need as well as enough power to damage through armor ratings of all enemies. The only issue are the highest tier ghosts enemies which you can run past with no consequences and the single living armor encounter which can be cheesed through fall damage abuse.
Yeah very little save scumming in doing something like that. Wonder how many hours of skill based chest grinding you did?
Nu/v/ in a nutshell. Why did you leave your Overwatch containment thread?
This game has enemies? I thought it was all about playing dressup with your double waifus.
who the hell dies to a chicken?
They both have shitty written linear stories with awful voice acting and reliance upon gameplay. They both are boring and generic gray-yellowish turd in terms of design. Even hero is related to dragons, in one case its dragonborn, in the other is a guy chosen by a dragon.
Dragon's Dogma was inspired a lot by Skyrim and its success. It was essentially crapcom's answer to skyrim, in a way to get sales from open world rpgs like they did with monster hunter. Project failed and didn't sold much, so its doomed forever.
Memes. Sorcerer > Mage. More damage. If you need heals outside of whatever kind of small animal you can catch you suck at the game.
How in the world is that not enough to like a monster fighting game?
some people have a low tolerance for trudging through bullshit to get to the parts they like
Lol you vest be baiting are retarded.
Budget is why the game is so linear and narrow focused. They wanted too much of everything bigger games had so they cut back on the world and made themselves taller rather than fatter.
Also there's now an mmo in Japan which is the original idea, so it's not doomed forever sweetie ;)
People grind to play this game?
Holy fuck this game is piss easy if you have more than 2 brain cells.
I love Loli Friend: The Game
It's too bad I can't afford it.
Go play your unfinished shit and half assed mmo built on top of it then. Even dragon age inquisition is million times better than this shit.
It was dead the minute Capcom decided to make it a shitty F2P nip only online game.
Also its regioned block you being 1/100 foreign players does not matter a fuck to capcom.
DDO was incredibly shitty, I can not understand how anyone enjoys it when their is nothing mechanically similar at all to DD.
Also holy fuck is the skill tree boring
Also to underline the stupidity of the faggots who played it.
Who can blame them?
Seeing as most nips are even worse then american players.
Weebs don't know because weebs don't go.
It's a fun game and I enjoy it
Fuck living armors tbh
Burgers are intolerably annoying. Player skill isn't the main factor in not wanting them around.
as far as slant eyes go, I prefer Chinese over any other
Magic Archer is the way to go for pure EZ-mode in this game. Once you get the best gear in the game and can spam things like Explosive Volley, Ricochet and Ninefold Bolt backed up with 4x demon's periapts, the game becomes a bit of a joke.
Strider 4 lief
I modded the game for greater thickness (and slower XP) when I replayed it some time ago.
But the ingame screenshot function refuses to work for me.
The silk lingerie probably added an easy 200+ hours for me, my dick has never been as raw as back then.
You will never rescue megaman
Bravo Capcom.
I love spamming ricochet into the sewers on BBI and hear the screams of my enemies in the distance as they get torn to pieces.
Playing with anyone other than US/UK is a cancer. The rest of Europe and the Americas is a hell-hole for games, as is Australia. Africa doesn't play games, but they'd probably be intolerable too. Asians refuse to talk in fucking English even in English games and are a nuisance, but they at least segregate themselves.
I will enjoy doing so honey pie :)
Gonna make a new game with a new character, any recommendations?
I went Fighter -> Assassin the first time, occasionally playing Warrior, and didn't really dip into any of the Magic classes.
Any recommendations between Magic Archer, Mystic Knight and Sorcerer?
Every place has their own brand of cancer, but you can't tell me burgers are never annoying
The game has been on sale for under 10 bux several times after it came out.
MA is basically a more versatile basic mage that casts with his bow and massive autoaim. MK is pretty close to Fighter but with magic parries and some other cool magic, THE class to play if you like perfect blocks but might be too close to your previous experience. Sorcerer if you like spending 10+ seconds charging up fuckhuge overkill magic, class can do other things and it's often more efficient but you know you're playing it for the massive meteor showers and hurricanes and shit.
What kind of virus?
Both the Magick Archer and the Mystic Knight are good, personally I prefer the Archer due to being more flexible and i'm not good at perfect blocking, if you deicide Mystic Knight you have to be good at getting perfect blocks consistently otherwise you may as well just play as a Warrior.
More versatile meaning roughly, MA has a functional melee, good basic ranged attacks and some really fun toys in addition to the good magic. His magic bow skills are element locked which sometimes makes them stupidly good and sometimes underwhelming. Also becomes extremely good in Bitterblack.
This mod collection. I just started replaying the game too after not touching it in a while and realized it actually had mods.
Sorcerer is fun once you get the stronger spells and don't mind long casting times for devastating effects. I find Mystic Knight to be a bit boring, I don't really like blocking and the shield skills and dull. Magic cannon is kinda fun at first until you realize how braindead it is.
Magic Archer is super fun but if you're playing without that mod, it has shit stat growth and it is strongly recommended you go sorcerer at lvl 10 and rank it up to max, maybe even keep it a bit longer for that sweet mag damage on levelup.
Magic Archer is fun because it has cool spells with big aoe and tons of homing stuff while being able to do all this on the go. Once you get your bow skills they really start to outshine your daggers so it's really a ranged build to the core.
Having finished the game with one however, I'm in no rush to replay a MA. You end up just spamming the same stuff without needing to think at all and it gets boring after a while.
Because allowing them to milk the franchise with shitty cash grabs is a fate worse than death.
You have provided absolutely 0 incentive for them to make another game, and are actually hurting the chance of them making one. They made a shitty cash grab MMO with horrible systems and you're buying it up because of the branding.
You are the cancer killing video games, you're blindly loyal to a shit product and don't care how bad it is as long as you get the brand name slapped on random garbage.
Except that DD is a steaming pile of shit, and vanilla skyrim is only a room-temperature pile of shit.
You burgers really have no idea how much the rest of the world despises your kind, do you?
And you can't tell me that non-Burgers aren't annoying. I don't want to deal with them any more than they want to deal with us. They all need to gone and stay gone.
Thanks for the mod recommendation along with the info.
From what I'm reading I'll probably install the mod so that hybrid vocations have the same stat growth, and go Mage -> MK / MA, and then turn off the stat growth part of the mod at level ~70.
It was some Russian ransomware, I was trying to find a reserve book for an essay and all copies were missing from the uni library, so I got desperate and downloaded some stupid shit. Only my HDD was affected, SSD was safe, so I just deleted everything that was affected.
I said every place has its own brand of cancer, user
Don't even bother with periapts. Just use the dagger skill that does the same thing, and you'll never have to worry about running out.
Does anyone have the pics showing the ideas that were cut from the game,( the moon)?
I need to correct myself, it's not the same thing. Magick Rebalancer lasts 90 seconds instead of 60, and boosts magic defense as well, so it's better in every way than periapts.
holy fuck nigga you're dumb
I miss the sale everytime.
No save scumming friend. Fury hatchet. Barbed nails.
Skeletons, bats, and hell hounds are the bane of your existence.
Your greatest ally is recovery canceling swings by doing a short hop into a swing, and knowing stagger values.
You underestimate my autism. Soon I'll be doing Nier:Automata with bare fists on Very hard. I'm considering doing a Nioh playthrough only using the bizen tachi you pick up at the beginning of the game and never leveling up.
Are you aware of the gravity-defying power of the light air attack down arc?
So funny salt generating boss thread?
Death is really predictable.
As long as you've got 100% sleep resistance, you can nail him with a few attacks or a Gicel or whatever while he waves the purple lantern around and then run away to dodge the scythe. Repeat until he vanishes, then go get your pawns back.
MA is ultimate casual babbymode.
Tempted to start up a third playthrough with a different class. Found warrior to be awesome, but too weak compared to other classes. MA was too damn good and I actually felt like I was cheating in BBI with it.
Easily the worst thing about him.