Are there any good ones you know of? Doesn't matter if they're used as cutscenes or as part of the game, I really miss this kind of thing from games of yesteryear.
Games with FMVs
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Funny you make this thread, I was just hunting through this list.
Nice, thanks for the timely delivery!
Warcraft 3 had gorgeous fmv cinematics. Unless you meant live action?
Live-action, OP wants cheesy.
Best one by far
Burn:Cycle is a pretty decent cyberpunk adventure game
Modern systems may experience a problem with it running too fast in the ship escape segments
CDi, PC and Mac
Resident Evil: Director's Cut
I remember something about the Jill's actor being underage and the working conditions were pretty bad.
Daily reminder, EA killed FMVs and Her Story raped it.
I thought what killed FMVs was improving graphics and cheaper/easier to produce CGI that no longer required live actors to portray living characters
that said, I almost want to see what a decent RPG with cheesy live action FMVs would be like
Not an FMV but it pulls off the same effect and more.
so bad it's fantastic. Almost like watching the story in a porno.
needs more orcs and elves to really feel like shadowrun though. And that cyberdeck's not nearly clunky enough
Shoot the tubes Dogmeat!
That was amazing.
Privateer 2 was amazing.
I want to play this game, mainly for the story since I heard it was fantastic, but Privateer 1 being so much fun and I heard Privateer 2 being the inferior game in a lot of ways (I heard you have to hire lancemates to ship cargo) so I kept away. Wing Commander 3 and 4 are great though.
Double Switch stars the late, great Corey Haim and has a pretty good conversion for Sega Saturn.
Road Blaster is also on Sega Saturn, 3DO, PS1, and a bunch of other systems, including a wonderful version on Pioneer's LaserActive system.
I wonder if the Sega CD inspired David Cage.
I want the 90s back
Except that video is clearly inspired by the 80s, dipshit millenial fuck. Probably shot in 1989.
The entire Tex Murphy series
We will ever see another good c&c game? Is it possible?
The title of the video explicitly says "1990"
It's obviously a product of 80's cyberpunk culture but there was plenty of that to go around in the early 90's too
Would you rather I had said "I miss the 80's/90's"?
You want them to rape the franchise further?
Even by passing through Petroglyph, they haven't made anything significant nor entretaining in the past 15 years. Both in gameplay and cutscene departments.
Regardless of that, modders may have our asses covered in the gameplay department with expansions and standalone projects like Mental Omega, Twisted Insurrection and Rise of the Reds.
Too bad they can't design levels for shit nor can they make any FMVs that isn't computer-generated models. But goddamn at least they're trying something that isn't LOL8BIT memeshit.
Yes. Everything is possible. Everything becomes more likely the more time passes, even. However it is statistically highly improbable.
You're kidding around, but the Red Alert series up to Yuri's revenge is redpilled as fuck.