How to spot normalfags

How do you spot normalfags when playing games so you can avoid them?

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Have you learned nothing?

Shit thread so far OP.

Check if they are on any Steam group like "Holla Forums" or "Holla Forums Holla Forums" and make sure that they don't have profile pictures featuring underage anime girls.

That's some thick retardation you're piling on user.

So if they have no profile picture at all and a name like taylor95 then they are not normalfags right?
Everyone with anime images is a normalfag, got it.

It's called singleplayer mode

Glad to help.


Just play with screeching little cunts then. No way to tell if they're normalfags or autists get/buy friends.

With the way you wrote that I can't make out whether you mean

Jesus fucking Christ, how could you have make such a short post so fucking confusing?

Jap grannies might be less hideous than other grannies but they're still grannies, user.

What do you expect on a console? From the looks of it, this guy believes a jacked up sensitivity on an analog stick is even a remotely good idea.

Don't kid yourself, you're flicking nobody on a console.


It'd be like looking for a chink in Beijing. Are you literally retarded, OP? Your question says so much about the cosmic mental disability you have. You've passed the point of being autistic to straight up being born with 52 chromosomes. You make me want to call 911, because I'm being actually brutally raped by your stupidity.

I fucking hate you and I hope you literally drown in your own piss. Please, please die. You're making me physically tired just by you existing. Kill yourself already.


Observe how i never said on console. Your own retardartion led you to believe i was asking only about consoles based on the title of the provided webm.
The inability to think makes you a normalfag, congrats.

I think I just spotted one.


Any use of emojis is a dead giveaway.
Talking at all is a red flag, really.

Look for the people not spouting memes nonstop "ironically".

Is that supposed to be worse than spouting memes unironically?


They're both equally terrible. The former make the latter feel welcome, thinking they're in good company.

install gentoo.

Play 10 year old WW2 RTS games.

"gymer" Think she's trying to tell us something.

Which game is that so i can go play it

It's small victories like these, that make life worth living.

They play video games.

anyone with a non-default profile picture is a faggot
if it's offensive, then it's slightly better, but still haram

Mute everyone. Normalfaggotry solved.

If they can't handle it than it's normalfag

If its multiplayer, you have normalfags. To avoid them, play offline.

A good litmus test for anyone is to see if they like kemono or furry. If they don't, it is a good indicator that they are a normalfag.

OK, do you like related or are you a normalfag?

This. I've never met a weeb who wasn't a massive normalfag that circle-jerks with other weeb faggots and has 800 friends.

They are by far the most insufferable faggots on the planet. Avoid weeb avatars like the fucking plague.

Shoo, shoo goon!

Since I'm not a normalfag, what do you think?

They also hate furries with a passion, which should be a big sign


Stop playing reddit tier games, hell, just play LAN games or games with the only people you know.
Or play Civ on marathon

I'm a human you fuck.
What I wouldn't give to be a robot, though.


when you become a robot, will you be my friend?

let me remind everyone ITT normalfag isn't someone you don't like

No, everyone I don't like is cancer.

I made the mistake of adding a fellow from here. Worst move I ever made.
Guy made me realize, internet friends are trash. Cleaned out my friendslist of anyone I don't know IRL



Look, I love me some robots, some ayys, and all that shit. But I want to do them as a man. I don't want to pussyfoot it around. I want to walk up to the hive queen, I want to thrust my fingers into her freaky bug cloaca, and whisper in her ear as a son of man. Not some mechanical ghost, devoid of humanity. Not some genetically engineered abomination. I want to seduce the strange beings of the stars using the same form my ancestors did. I want to go where they could not reach. I want to make love to the things they've dreamed of, but never could grasp in their lifetime.

Sure, why not.

Oh, they are. But I am picky about my friends, so they're only slightly trash.
Much less trash than the few folk around here I've had dealings with. 'Least as far as friendslists are concerned.
For some reason Holla Forums groups are usually okay, minus a few people. For instance, the Planetside 2 group, or SS13 folk, or the brief Halo Online lot. Admittedly, the main guy what hosted the stuff was a bit of an asshound, but the rest of folk were fine enough and we had fun. Anyway, when you get folk from Holla Forums individually, or perhaps just the types what are willing to friendslist folk, you get trash.

The normalfag thing is multiplayer, you retard. Why do you think it has been crammed into every fucking game out there?


Go, and stay go.

So you haven't seen it before. You go.

I just think robots are cool, user,
There's also the whole "not bound by human mortality" thing.


It isn't so much the sexual bit as it is the whole abandonment of humanity.
Mortality is good. It allows us to continue forward. Imagine how life would be if we still had ancient souls, still thinking in the old ways, unwilling to change, outnumbering the new. We'd never advance. We'd never move forward.

I spot normalfags by the games they play, you normalfag.

Is this LISA soundtrack?

Sauce? Google always says "cartoon network" when trying to find black and white manga shit.

Does this count?

that's because he doesn't actually say fuck, he's says fight iirc. so it's censored to sound like he said fuck

Picture of an anime girl puking.jpeg


weeb avatar users are usually underage faggots
anime girl avatar users are usually attention whores of the worst kind
avoid these type of faggots at all cost.

Normalfags use emoji like and shit like picrelated
They also adore discord

polite fuck you, it's shit thread and OP sucks cocks

If they put any effort into their steam profile page at all, they're probably a normalfag.

I decorated mine with hardmode achievements from la mulana

Or i say "Sup faggots"
If they get mad i fuck with them.
If they say anything in response thats a positive reaction then i ask them do you like dank memes and they say yes then i leave. If they make fun of me then i stay.


I'm talking more about the profiles with descriptions that read like a fucking resume.

Identifying Normalfags depends on the game. If the game has chat and they use XD, they are either a female or a homosexual and definitely originate from reddit. If they engage in 'honor practices' then it's clear as daylight, or that they're some fedora-tier numale. Playing multiplayer games and communicating is also a clear sign.

you sound like a Holla Forums faggot or a normalfag but I've added a gay cuckchan Holla Forumsack and it was an awkward affair. Not cringy, but I think he was incredibly lonely so just offering to play games with him was like a marriage proposal or something.


Does anyone have those videos of M+KB players wrecking gamepad players?

You do know you can do that as a human, right? It's called being an asshole.

if you have to ask, you are one yourself.

No Dog No Life.

Mortality, not morality.

They post on imageboards.


Resume-like description is autism, not normalfagness. Normalfags would post stupid memes in the description.




People that say "normalfag"

you just proved his point retard

Don't play normalfag games? It works for me.

You need to pay more attention if you're missing all the normalfaggy trash with anime avatars in comment sections and the like all over the internet. Then again maybe don't because it's kind of infuriating.

People who say "normalfag" more instead of normalfag are the true normalfags as they can't say the word "fag".
same with the word "fuckboi", that is somehow less offesnsive than "Faggot" even though it has "fuck" in it

stay assblasted fuckboi

I think he's talking about sodomizing your third eye to live forever

Normalfags are extremely easy to spot since there are millions of them. If you use Steam look at their profile, they will usually have over 100 games that they have never played but have thousands of hours in either TF2, CSGO, DOTA2 or Garry's Mod. Speak about their knowledge of said games on a mechanic level and they won't know shit, call you a "nerd XD" or the same tired ass excuse of every person who aren't really a fan of video games, "I play for fun, bro".

Speak to them and they will ramble about the most mundane drone-like subject without actually saying anything substantial, informative or challenging your viewpoints.

They never get aggressive because they've been brought up in a non-challenging household where competitive and aggressiveness was needed. Raise your voice just a few decibels and they will instantly call you "toxic".

Say some politically incorrect opinion that is out of the norm and they'll coil back, leave the room, block you and in a rare case call you out for having an opinion outside the norm. Usually these freaks watch and get their opinions from T.V talking heads, Facebook or their circlejerk friends. If a man calls you out for being "offensive" immediately leave that lobby for that is not a man.

I'm not a normalfag user, I'm just retarded.

Do they act like niggers? Do they like rap music? Do they like Obama? Do they support Israel? Do they support Black Lives Matter? Are they liberal? Are they SJWs?

If yes to any of those questions, throw them in the oven. Sieg Heil!

There are white rappers like Aesop Rock (Not A$AP Rocky) who are actually pretty decent. Kendrick Lamar has made several albums that have low-key dis tracks making fun of blacks who act as if their future and what they do is on god not them; but blacks are too stupid to realize it. Even "good" Jews and niggers were in the SS for how they upheld themselves and actions made for the Reich. Saying this as someone who listens to a lot of different genres of music. Otherwise what this user said.

Play simulators and never deal with normalfags again.

Humans are biological machines. Unless you're a fucking retard and believe in spiritual or religious shit, there's zero reason to believe that humans are anything but machines. Inherently, all your actions are based on chains of logical thought, which all could be produced by a philosophical zombie. Your sense of self is invisible to anyone else, and since it is - there's no objective way for you to prove that you're not just a soulless husk.

Consciousness is subjective. Nobody can find it because in reality the only person to whom consciousness exists is you. Nothing would change if you were in a robot body.


Did you take your pills OP? Are you feeling ok?

D-did the OP seriously just make 90 samefag replies to himself?
Is he not at all self-aware?
Is this real life?

Depends on the game and server. Toaster games tend to have a lot of children.
Later I discovered a server with a group of regulars that used voice and listened to a conversation about bringing fleshlights through an airport.

wait, the filter is back? n_ormie n(U+200B was here)ormie normalfag

this please

Better play single player games.

Fuckboi and faggot dont have the same meaning. A fuckboi is a weak, pathetic man. A faggot is a homosexual.

what the fuck is going on here

Yeah, no. Sims are just as pozzed as everything else.

I f you insist on avoiding normalfags just dfon't play on any of any of the multiplayer games on the front page of Twitch.TV

Are you well, OP? Do you need any help?

No there was a bug earlier and it made everyone have the same ID if they posted before it was fixed.

If they have an avatar like this then they are probably cool

Thank god I'm not the only one seeing this shit, that is some dedicated samefaggotry if it were true

i just assume everyone's a normalfag until proven otherwise

Yeah. This faggot also samefagged a whole GG thread.

If you can spot them, they are normalfags.

Lol faggot.


You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

Everyone who responded to this thread and didn't notice, he spotted us. We were the normalfags all along.

99% of people are normalfags, and the other 1% are redditors spewing imageboard memes so still normalfags.

This is how you spot reddit.

I-is this a bannable offense?

Building an entire thread single-handedly?

Yes, it's the Work Harder not Smarter track.

including you


If you have to ask then you're a normalfag.

If you're going to samefag take it to a different board and talk to yourself somewhere else

I think that's just shitty camera exposure.
She can't possibly have arms that thin, my arm bones are thicker.


It's a bug you fucking retards.

weebs do it all the time to promote their games



Reminder he got divorced recently and lost children.


Did he find them?

Good thing i avoided that trainwrech of a thread, thats some high level autism.


Ask them about systemd.


that's how you spot Holla Forums every fucking time

every one of those faggots i've talked to is a smug, elitest, condescending faggot that would be right home here and probably does post here

If they act like an insufferable faggot, ignore or harass them. Why do you need instructions on that?