Leave saving the Industry to me!
LookingGlass Studios is back!
Leave saving the Industry to me!
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We all know how this will play out.
And how exactly will it play out, fellow user?
Playtonic 2.0
Disappointment and corruption as whatever talent is still present from the old days is burnt out or smothered away while appeasing trannies on twitter overtakes making games and artistic integrity.
Btw why can't I find an update video about their Underworld game that is not a year old
They've been posting updates on their forum, maybe search there.
I'm glad we got New Vegas though, it was all worth it
btw do you think their rune system is violating the IP of Arx Fatalis?
the only way to save thi sindustry is with a flood of boobs.
So the cycle shall repeat until the sundering of time.
What could possibly go wrong?
Time for the same song and dance as usual. You can make a bingo card for this shit.
Not unless Arx Fatalis is violating the IP of Ultima Underworld.
I hope they dont go full retarded with
I will just wait for the games to release and see what happens
But THQ Nordic are the only guys saving the industry.
Mate, the difference this time that the people who defined genres and are Industry TITANS are going to create new games.
They said themselves that they want to be innovative and take risks.
This attitude is what made them great in the past.
I don't want to shill, but I have great respect for the people who created Thief, System Shock 2 and the Ultima Underworld series. These are widely
only thing we can do, mate
I am just glad that they at least said they want to innovate new game mechanics. All the corporate trash just produces the same shit every year with nothing new. Nothing that is really reinventing a genre.
they aren't as good as you remember and there are no visionaries in the western industry.
reddit needs to leave…
Weebfag please.
This guy reminds me of someone else…
name one two becuz plurals..
I can't think of any visonaries in this day and age, sure, but there used to be vionaries in the industry.
Peter Molyneux pre-Godus and them.
Bullfrog and Lionhead Studios created one of the best strategy games and sort of created their own little god-game genre.
Btw I was the one who also created the Black and White thread. This game is uber comfy.
name one. spector is a fraud, romero is a faggot who has done two things worth mentioning, who do you have? todd? lmao
I came here to tell you you're a faggot.
I've got two for you, the scientists who invented the very concept of video games were Western, and also how about Nolan Bushnell. Do you morons legit think the west has contributed nothing to gaming? Stop cursing your round eyes and open them for fuck's sake.
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they didn't innovate the industry, what are you, a fucking socalist that you're worried more about their grouping than their accomplishments?
Weebanon brought up plurals, but here's two:
1) Sumo Interactive Devs with Snake Pass. A platformer with a completely new gameplay style.
2) LEGO devs, with games like LEGO City Undercover, or the DC games.
A faggot, yes, but still did more for the industry than 300+ employees in a company do combined.
visionaries can only be my based jap devs like kojima or yoko taro.
Which rock have you been living under?
He hasn't made a good game since Deus Ex 1 and even in that his contributions were only terrible ideas
I can't name a dude, but I like what's coming out from Bare Mettle Entertainment and there's always shit like vid related in the periphery.
no, but they're self-identified communists. :^) surely there's no underlying reason you're defending garbage developers who "led" an industry yet produced almost nothing worthy of merit. Surely it can't have anything to do with you mentioning socialism as an attempt to deflect.
he's always been shit, even back in the origin/LGS days.
there are no western visionaries in the game industry.
>worked on epic mickey
Doesn't matter if he's useless now, he was still a major player back in the day.
he was an ideas guy for all of these, producer-tier.
Yet Carmack is the sole reason weebs are getting panty-sniffing simulators.
Funny about that.
"Worked on" in a pretty vague statement, what did Spector contribute to those games?
nope, and also his only directing role was in quake 3 which is about as derivative you could get at the time lmao
The past is the past. The last few years has shown that old developers coming back together to create a new project rarely works out. Something always seems to plague them, whether it's identity politics, incompetence or something else.
I guess it's a pessimistic way of looking at things, but I'm only ever cautiously optimistic for games anymore.
you made this thread because of the Arx Fatalis one, didn't you?
le SJW libtard kike cuck shill nigger faggot tranny Hitler did nothing wrong sieg heil right wing death squads day of the rope gas the kikes build the wall MAGA Mike "cure national socialism with even more autism" Pence etc.
Pedophiles like you disgust me.
Are you feeling ok?
No attempt to deflect. You're acting like a socialist, you're stating things from a very group focused perspective. They're the outsiders of the group, and you're taking away their individual achievements because they're outsiders of the group. Very socialist way of thinking comrade.
ideas guy. I can name a dozen Japanese visionaries who did more by their mid 20s than spector did 'til his 50s (I think he's 60 now?) There are no Western visionaries. No interesting directors, and spector is a fucking joke.
I don't know what you guys are smoking. That's the dictionary definition for the word.
You're a retard. He founded the first commercial VR company, injected a lot of his personal funds into it and was the chief programmer for it.
Are you mentally defective? He literally created the industry with Occulus.
Programming most of Q1, Q2 and Doom sure was "derivitive", wasn't it?
Yes, that's why it's been modified and played the world over for so long.
man a programmer, it's not like carmack hasn't gone on record time and time again saying all of his ideas were just repurposed existing ones. and look at all the technologies he used for games that we're using today
look at all those BSP engines. there's uh
fucking nothing
look at all those first person centric engines there's uh
well none of them are first person centric any more lmao
yeah you're a retard and drank the kool-aid hard kys, and visionaries are people like directors not faggot penny pinching PRODUCERS AND SPECIAL THANKS NAMES YOU FAGGOT
That is because the western game industry does not allow such people to exist. Most of the games are designed by committee and any "visionaries" are either hucksters or rapidly replaced.
The West is nothing but visionaries, if we're lacking anything it's good programmers.
Yee. Maybe once aussies and ruskies wake up they will not derail the thread to all hells once they notice the triggering words.
I feel like it was a set of unfortunate events that started off since atari went to shit and nintendo took over. every foray into western game development was a tiny amateur project that was supposed to be kept as low budget as possible. I think it's just a terrible situation the west found itself in and I'm sure there's many real visionaries in the western industry who wished they could do something but simply can't. a lot of what is done ends up being boring garbage because it is the most economical.
The west has the best programmers in the world. It's the fact they work on ridiculous schedules and under retarded project leads that they can't get anything amazing done anymore.
what the fuck are you talking about
west is filled with good programmers. who do you think coded star fox on the SNES and made the Fox engine?
You're the only one triggered here, cuck, if is anything to go by.
Gee, it's almost like everything is just built off something else.
I enjoy how the more you post, the less you use grammar, make more spelling mistakes and resort to using insults and acronyms.
Are you a literal nigger, chimping out over an internet argument?
No, it was inevitable. Someone saw that there's money to be made in games, and since they fund project they want to take less and less risks. Instead they try to ride on previous franchises, because those saw success in the past. Same thing happened to movies, it's either remakes or sequels to classics, or boring shit that's been done before.
Once games stopped being AA, it went to shit.
carmack did nothing important
wow, you really are a fucking retard, aren't you?
Well then, go ahead and explain to the class how that piece of code works, and how it was well documented and used at the time.
That's the very first use of that code, and even then, if you weren't a cockmongoling faggot who only wants to jerk off Nip devs, you'd know that Carmack didn't write that code, and that it was by Terje Mathisen when he was optimising the lighting engine.
nah I think you're not considering it close enough. Look at it like this, right? Atari dominated, they folded and a year later Nintendo comes on the scene. Lots of big deal games, Namco, sega, etc. doing insane things in the arcade scene like the system 16 board and it was a thrill for audiences everywhere. In the West games were still being made especially on the PC market and the occasional licensed console game, but imagine you're an investor at the time, right?
game becomes massively scaled down, and this is the unfortunate foundation of the post-crash western industry. maybe things would have been different, but even then there was never any real directors and visionaries that stood out from the western industry unlike the japanese one
it was used in SGI's indigo software from the early 90s lmao you fucking dunce you don't know shit
One guy who made Thief actually came here once. I wonder if he's still around.
Poor 4dc3eb, endlessly cursing his round eyes and white skin, wishing he could go to glorious nippon and marry a japanese waifu and become a true samurai.
Wasn't there a guy who worked on SS2 here too? He was probably scared away by now though.
stating the reality of the situation the western industry faces is legitimate criticism and it is important if we ever want to see the western industry grow. If you'd rather jerk off to (((p r o d u c e r s))) who have done literally nothing of merit, by all means but you're ultimately holding the western industry back
Are you a literal retard? As in, medically diagnosed with a live-in carer?
Anyways, the Indigo was used for something completely different.
I told you that using fast inverse square roots for lighting was first done in Q3, then you read a wikipedia article and said "but it was used to 3d render objects a few years before that!!!"
Back to the topic, that's what a visionary does. Uses things around them to make something better.
Name a good Japanese dev. As in a programmer, not some jerk off like Kojima, Kamiya or Taro.
user, go suck Hideo Kojima's dick already. You're just ignoring everything the western industry has done over the past several decades and it's frankly absurd.
did you change those fucking keybinds yet
Everybody that was there has that screenshot, take a new one
You're just retarded user if that's all you get from reading his posts
I actually lost it, thanks user!
At least try, nigger. Couldn't you just quickly whip out a game you installed recently and change some names around to pretend it's your own game?
Btw Ultima noob here who never played a single Ultimate game, except maybe in the forgotten area of his memory when he was a little kid.
Does Ultima have a similar Rune system to Arx Fatalis? Like this user implied?
Nah, fuck you user, you're a retard and it shows in your terrible fucking posting style.
yukio futatsugi, yu suzuki, koji sugimoto, are all more important than dime-a-dozen toilet nigger tier programmers who use code from the 70s and put it in their 3d game engines and are considered so important
how do you make a game with a prototype engine that is mostly a mock up since it never went into proper production since LGS was shut down nearly 17 years ago and the engine was last updated a day before they went out of business?
no, but arx fatalis is a spiritual successor, if you liked the approach to level design expect a similar soup
Ultima Underworld does, and I didn't imply it, I stated it. Not sure about other Ultimas though as I never played them.
Wrong. And again you show you know nothing.
Only known for Panzer Dragoon. Nothing revolutionary that blew everyone the fuck out back in the back.
Everything he's attributed to is as producer, director or designer, save for Virtua Racer, where he is a programmer.
I thought you said Carmack was useless for only being a director for Q3?
3 games, 2 of which were FFX and FFX-2.
Great achievements there.
Try again, faggot.
directing is far more important tbh, spector also never built an engine, programmers are dime a dozen and they don't really matter since they're so easily replaced
also they have almost nothing to do with the actual game design plan, that's what directors are for
Is it just me, or vidya isnt that great and we are more fucked while time pass?
japs are p. good and there's a lot of old things worth playing
its the western industry that needs to be unfucked
Maybe you can show us a demo or something.
Also what's your steam
Hey faggot, if all you're gonna do is bitch about western developers and suck japanese dick can you go make your own thread about it? You've massively derailed this thread about a western game just to bitch about western games. I'm shocked you haven't been banned yet.
I don't have a grudge against Nip devs, but you're saying the people who created video games in their entirety are useless and should be ignored for their contributions.
This is some serious cognitive dissonance.
Actually see a medical professional. There is clearly something not functioning correctly in your head for you to make all these jumps in logic.
Will 4dc3eb beat the high score of (616)?
all those great old western games like quake, doom, duke3d, I'll get back to you if I think of any more
i wish, im going in the shower now cuz im going to play some puyo puyo tetris at a friends place
He saged for doubleposting.
Thread is dead and mods aren't banning/deleting his derailment, so I'm saging so this thread dies.
Yeah, back in the day
actually shit, just move the window to the left. that should prove you're the real deal.
it's too early to tell, after he breaks (300) we can talk about beating any records
I'm a hotpocket
I wanna see if he's actually the looking glass guy
-Kojima, 2017.
well he's not wrong when he says the Western industry needs to be unfucked. like other than Serious Sam and a few indie developers, there's a huge problem with western game dev
>You'll never be upset about being a worthless ideaguy "director" being forced to use the engine of programmers you're eternally salty about for the recognition they've had, pretending to be making a game then fleeing the thread when called out to prove it
It's been a while since I've seen something this genuinely, authentically pathetic.
I am sure your debate is really interesting, anons. I am going to go about reading it any second.
If they get close to what they want to deliver Exanima and Sui Generis are going to be the tits.
it would be hilariously easy to photoshop, need more proof
wanna do an AMA with Holla Forums?
I just want my AA licensed games to come back.
That's why I keep shilling THQ Nordic, as they have all the guys who worked on said games
Doesn't really matter.
He's still a salty faggot who hates the people that made that engine while jerking off nip devs.
Also, for someone trying to "save the industry", you'd think he'd actually try to update the engine, instead of just using the base engine as-is from 2000.
user you are fucking dense
Were you that fag the BTFO that user once?
I know, but still. I've been wanting to see if he wants to do an Ask Anything with Holla Forums for a while now. Mainly since PR is a bitch to deal with since they never return my emails.
Nope. I just jumped the gun there. my bad.
uhh, I don't even know
This again…
Its more fake than a traps dick.
Here i have this engine too.
also you wanna do an AMA on Holla Forums?
But traps are biologically male
rip deep cover
no lol
Trap dicks are real tho. Unless you mean reverse.
It just keeps getting better
its almost like there was no legitimacy to it :^)
going now tho, thanks for keeping track of me mommy
Be sure to impale the back of your throat on Taro's dick.
Wouldn't want your faggotry to be spread in the gene pool.
The fuck you say about Yoko?
Simply stating he enjoys sucking Taro's dick. Taro is a perfectly good dev, though.
smh tbh fam
reported for racism
Go play your meme tetris game with your supposed friend.
Stop defending yourself, that ship sailed long ago.
Is he trying to be clever?
For retards: Looking Glass used to be a company called "Blue Sky Productions."
t. Pajeet working for US firm Stein & Berg Co.
ты даже не представляешь как ты прав, cunt
Отлично представляю, няша. Я вас уже столько лет терплю, что обычных, что экспатов.
I was going to ask if someone saved this
user got told as FUCK
It's not that they don't exist, it's just they get completely drowned in shit for the same reason why real artists get overshadowed by "modern artists". The game market and media was degenerated on purpose, not just for political and other propaganda as you know from gamergate, but also for quicker bucks. So the real visionaries we need are not mainly game developers, but people who have legit marketing skills, are able to generate enough money to keep a company alive and create a media that can compete with the kiked media.
To be honest, we just need someone who can pull non-shit developers, marketing guys, and media under their wing to create their own network of success. If done right, you could curbstomp every current shitshow company.
That's a funny way of spelling Cлавяне
Impressive. One thing you can't deny is they are a very resilient people.
Amazingly shit taste. People like you are why garbage like MGS get "BEST STEALTH GAME OF ALL TIME" when it's literally just pacman shit with the minimap in comparison to Thief which actually has depth to it's gameplay. You fags just want friend simulators not games.
No point talking to a yellow fever faggot like you though. Just the new flavor of fanboy. It's always the same shit, you get blown the fuck out then have to devolve to smug anime posting or just deflection.
It's ok user, tell me where the animu touched you.
Peter Molyneux had a hell of a reputation for being a hype engine that over-promises and under-delivers though. He still worked on a bunch of cool games, mind, but the dude's status as a visionary was usually well divorced from the reality of what he was delivering.
I'm glad there are people like you around. I would not make as much money otherwise. When companies throw away a million dollars and two years of time on absolute garbage, it is easy to negotiate a couple hundred thousand for a complete, working product that can be produced in a couple months.