Hey, anyone know if Richhi (Jap) rules Mah Jong is out there on Table Top Simulator? Anyone a Mah Jong player here?
Hey, anyone know if Richhi (Jap) rules Mah Jong is out there on Table Top Simulator? Anyone a Mah Jong player here?
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What is this funny chinese clock?
I think theres at least one game with riichi, try pretty girls mahjong.
Do you want to talk abouy mahjong, op? Got anyway to reach ya, Ive always wanted a mahjong buddy, ever read Akagi?
Is that the one where you build a wall?
Ayy baba wan some of ma jong?
Just use tenhou like everyone else.
Guess either OP abandoned ship or no one really wants to play around or at least talk Mahjong
Can we talk about Taipei instead?
Reminder that Akagi is finally over
Tenhou is 2fast4me.
I just play against bots at www.gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html so I can take my time to think about how to make a decent hand. Trying to read other people's hands is beyond me.
Actually over forever over, or "that one match with the old faggot is finally over" over?
My best time now is 4:59 but I'm working my way down. Average on successful 6-7 minutes.
that's not mahjong you fag
jesus christ man it's not fucking chess
If you really want a safe way to practice, google Saikyo no Mahjong 3D.
I preferred Janryumon back then because Tenhou was too slow. I'm not one who would spend 40 minutes on a match.
oh I forgot to mention
my favorite mode is 3p this triggers the purists
What is it then? The name is "KMahjongg" and description is "Mahjongg Solitaire".
It's just some shitty matching game that uses mahjong tiles.
I tried to play Mahjong in Yakuza 0. Goddamn that's not easy to understand.
Feelio when I have 100% forgotten how to play Mahjong. It's a damn fun game though. Wish I had some bros to play it with in real life.
Speaking of Table Top Sim, any good games or card games in the workshop?
Want something to play with the lads.